yi ' mm I THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12, 1S79. Democratic Virginia Yotcs to re pudiate her stale debt. The republicans carried old Bucks county. Pa., what will bappcu next ? The eastern states are having1 pleuty of f now and winter wcathor. Mbs. SekatOu Davis was re ported as dying at T.cxon. Mass., on tbcSlh. Since last .Tan nary no less than 23,993 German emigrants have land ed at Castle Garden. Albeut Joiixsox, of Colorado, has been appointed Surveyor Gen eral of the United States, .for Col orado. Carlotta, widow of Emporor Maximilian, of Mexico, it is taM, is about to be completely restored to her reason. From Tail:, under date of the olh, j tvc have the statement that the Ucr in train was delayed sometime by a. snow blockade. Eight hundred and seventy-three thousand dollars in foreign gold rc esntly arrived at New York, by the Meamship Havre. Cuiep Ouray ttiys that the Utcs who butchered Meeker must be pun ished, but in the case of Thornburg that they had a great grievance. "Wm. Tinkler, Sr., of Saliaa. Ks., while going the polls to vole. was thrown from hia horse and iustantly killed by the breaking of his neck. Tkere was an unprecedented sale of postage stamps during the month of October, which amounted to $2S7,762 ; newspaper stamps, 30,209. Jesse James, the noted Missouri outlaw, is reported killed the other day by Geo. Shcpltard, a former member of thin desperate band ot robbers. Xo less than ten prisoners- were sentenced to the Nebraska peniten tiary on the 5lli, by Judge Savage, at Omaha. Their united terms foot up twenty-three years. Geo. Foster's grocery store at Clarksville was again burglarised one night last week. This time the thieves got away with about jj'ixty dollars worth of goods. A riRE ia Xnpoleon, Ohio, on the ulght of theOthinst, destroyed the business portion of the city. Among tlii! building burned was the court house. The lo will reach one hundred thousand Ykl- lars. 'Alt. over the country ?uch a thing a-democratic leader i-? much needed," s.iy the Chicago Time?, 'to manage a miscellaneous lot of ancient and much-worn set of poli ticians styb'd the democratic party." The late re-idence of Jjayurd Tay lor, at Philadelphia; was the scene of a heavy robbery on the eveuiug of Ihc Cth. Mr. Bailey, a very wealthy citizen was robbed of two hundred thousand dollars in bonds. Xo trace of Ihe burglar-i. A v;m remarkKble incident oc curred at Fredericksburg, Vn.. on election day, by the appearance ot a large body ft colnnil voters with a 11 fu and drum, find living the Yir jiui: tiag, marehxu to tho polls to Vole for the iJchtpnywc'i candidate. All soldiaic ut the. army of the t Cumberland hnv been invited lo meet the Society on tin- 19th aud 20th inst.. at the reunion to be held in Vahingtou City on whkh ueea rioti the monument of Uon. Thomas will be unveiled and pre-euled to the nation. A call ha?, been issued for a lueel iug of the. National Kcpublican 35x ucutivu Committee at Washington City on the ISth November. A liiairmau aud secretary arc to bo elected: the former in the place of the late Senator Chandler and the hitter in the place of Itichard Mc Cormick, resigucd. The ship Lady Oetavio. from Ureakwatcr to Xew York, collided with the Champion for Charleston, striking the fit earner nmidship aud ainkiujT her in live minutes. The I collision occurred 2."i mile? off the capes on the morning of the Sth. Thirty-two lives aro reported loM, and twenty-five persons saved. The New Huven JZegister gives the new method of capturing oys ters, which consists of monstrous dredges which are operated by steam consisting ot two rakes joined to gether that separate the oysters from their beds, iustad of the old way of Using a pair of tongs held in the -two hands aud lifting them from their ; beds. , contract for building "a wing to a eapitol building" at Liucoiu, ut G0,- 000. Bids run a5 high as $120,000, and if we don't miss our guess tho tax payers of the State wiit have to foot a bill of not Ics thau f200,000 or .1300,000 before Stout or bis sue- ecssorin jobbery gets through with this contract. At Leonardtown. Maryland, on tlieuight of the election a difllculty urose aud the demGcmts surrounded s republican riag-pele aud thretten- edtopull it down. Mr. A. A. Lawrcoce, who had been elected couuty commissouer ou lha ropub- iican ticket, went into the crowd and warned them to keep oi)'. A rush was made for Iho flag-pole and at the same moment a pistol shot was 'lircd which pierced Mr. Liwrcuce, -who slaggared and fell, perhaps aeror io recover. ; OrSICIAIi Of ilic Election Ketulrxe for Platte Comity, Xcbrnitis It'oreia- lcr lib, la?9. office and CAsmn.vrfc. 5 Supreme Judge Amasa Cobb, r... EleaziT AVakoly, A.. University Regents ,Tohu Carson, r Joseph V". GHnnctt, r Alexander Hear, d... A. Jiwyer, d I District Judge. 4th Dist. I George V. Post,r. ... "W. II. Jlungcr, u . County Judge S. S. McAllister, r . . . J. CHigsrins, d. County Sheriff II. C. 3Iasnon. r Michael Morrissey, d Henl. Spielmtm, i.. Ceunty Cleric Jauics l'carall. r John Staun'ei, d.. Countv Treasurer ,1. Early, r C. A. Spcice, d . . . - E. C. Kavanaugb, t. A Gerhard fcchutte, i County Coroner j)r. T. E. Mitchell, r A.IIciutz, d Countv Superintendent C.A. Rrindley. r . . S. L. Barrett, d .. . Joseph llrann, t. d . . Countv surveyor .1. G. "Rotttson, r. J. L. RossUer. A Countv Commissioner G.'W. Shaffer, r Jlicaael Malier, d . .. Jaraet Uurrowp, t. d . Jolm Strasser, i . Bountie For bounties Against bounties "R." indicates Republican; ''T. D." True (lorloiiH 3icwK. The Republicans carry New York by an overwhelming majority for governor. Cornell carried forty-six counties in the state and his vote will exceed Governor l'obinson'f by from 40,000 to AOOO. The legislat ure is strongly marked. The next senate will consist of twtyity-four republicans aud eight democrats. In Pennsylvauia, Butler, republi can, for state treasurer, leads Barr, democrat, in lifty-one counties, by a majority of -17.032. On the return of the official vote, tho indications are that Butler's majority will reach 53,030. In Minnesota, the returns indicate that Pillsbury, republican, for gov ernor, will have a majority of at least 11,000. Massachusetts returns were all in but eight towue, giving the follow ing result: Long, republican, 121, 710; Butler, 103,507; Adams, 9,733: Eddy, 1,173. Leaving little if any doubt of the election of Long over Butler by n large majority. From Jiiehmond, Va., we learn lhat'loadiug readjustee stale the re turn" so jar aro Yen favorable to their :auee. The debtpayers claim 25 out of -10 senators and 5S of the 100 delegates. The readju?ler will certainly have a majority in both houses as now claimed. Mississippi and Maryland have gone for the dcinocrato, but it i? said by reduced majorities. Tfifon-iu goes republican, Hhow lng large, gains by the return?. The republican slate ticket is elected, it is claimed, by at leait 25,003 majority, being the largest pvci given in tin; Stale. Jtcturns from the county and city or Chicago giva tolerable indi:i fiou of how tlit- local election? have beon disposed of in the State of Illi nois. In tho city and county John son, the republican candidate for treasurer, received 29,3js'G, Guerin, democrat, 21,273; Atpcter, .ouialist, I,0o9; Johnsou-V plurality. S,108: I majority LOW. Nebr.-tfcit last but not least. The returns so far a- received show a large vote on the -late ticket, prob ably minting up to G0,000. It is claimed that Cobb's majority for Jud'e of tho Supreme Court over AVakely, democrat, will at the leant be 12,000. There was considerable scratcning done in some place?, on the local tickets, and in many in- stauccs Gannett, one of the candi dates on the. state ticket for regent, was badly scratched, so much so, that many persons believe his elec tion is' in doubt. . Elections CXuac ut Hand. Merrick county goes republican by a large majority. Cobb's majority is -US. Butler county give8 a republican majority over 200. Polk county looms up a large re publican majority, rescuing nearly 700. Madison county elects ihe repub lican ticket by a handsome majority. Boone county republicans flic into l?tirt otir! tAtit (linii I inlrnl .Trtlm J 4... -U V-.UVW ...U.. ..vov., w... , urer, and DuiieN for sherilf, were , 0ieCfecl by almo-t a unanimous vote, tj,U5 jt 0ver Wjn be that srood men and good jUjb,i(. officcrg u.ni ha j cheerfully su-taiuetl by the electors, I 2fsuc0 count-, recently formed ' from the Pawnee reservation, ot j ;.,,, Laiiiv mx(.t ;n her eiectir.u , for COt,ntv officer and location 01 ; couuty seat. The vote below is re- ! porlcd. not ofllcial, electing tho j following oiTicers: Wm. Burgess, I county judge: "Y. A. Davis, sheriff ; ! M. Prttlersou, clerk; D. Parker, j sup?t. of schools; J. "Williamson, ! coroner: R."7aru, A. Thompson. T. JF. Miller, , commissioners: county j seal, Fnllertou 80, Genoa 93, East t Side 15. On the day of election D. ; A. "W.HIanHwas nrrestcd and put ; under bdnds (o appear at the Dia trict Court -charged with procuring illegal votes. Bobt. Crozier was italso arrested charged with illegal ABSTRACT c A g e t A -' 2 S .i. 9'j !- 525 SrJr ? p? rCf-fc-.-wariJ--- 229 45 3171 0 5S27M3G33 ijl6jS0 16 32 37 CO.", 320 Si G3 12 2 13 45 5U J6 7 'J 2 5C 47 31 20 7 271 237 45,3171 9 58 27 14 3G 33 O1C30 16 32 3S 702 211 45 3155 9 58 27 14 30 33 9 10 30 10 32 38 &Xi 312 87 03 13 02 15 15 59 16 7 09 23 56 48 31 19 981 79 335 S7 03 27 02 15 45 59 10 7 0? 28 5G 4S 31 19 977 311 219 45 29 70 9 55 20 13 37 33 9 16 30 10 34 32 071 329 87 05 13 02 15 45 59 40 7 69 2d 50 49 29 25 9$-. 311 237 40 20 51 0 4 22 13 31 29 10 10 2S 10 29 35 COO 313 92 07 25jt5 70 50 59 Jljll 00 2S .57 40 31 22 1050 43C 138 29 2 70 8 37 19 T 2 30 7 13 351133 25 -lm, 200 45 4 3 32 1 9 3 20 5 30 3 20 18 17 t 47 208 51 85 10 27 35 42 62 .-.) 5 32 24 23 32 13 25 735 207 134 25 j;2l .. 315 0 ,U C pjlu'll 19 17 299 412 107 S7 00 TO Tl 51 03 7j -jo 72 35 70 53 l 40 1S1D 1050 250 T3 8j3s! 9 il'27 13 17 33 13 31 18 82 24 040 259 99 33 8J 0 3 7 3 10 7 12 5 24 12 5 6 250 110 5 2ll 9'30 10 14 17 0 2 25 15 21 23!22 15 300 82 19 l'J!29i20 11 22 35ir2jll 8 10 9 11 4 12 387 230 42,27'71 9 59 25 11;33 34 910 3017 32 40 691 308 90 03;12,C1 15 I5i50 19 0 39 27 55 42 30 10 93C 215 232 ST 22 53;il 33 30J11 20.31 0 IT 21 10 20 35 COT 2itl 8 43 27(47 33 30;34 55 0 40 4 5731 30 10 814 207 50 C23 3.12 7 4i23 1;. 33 23 5 17 5 S 233 210 -14 32 7l 9 60 27;13 30i33 116 2817133 38 700 309 S8 6112.G2W I5'39J0 TWMWSgjJlJi 915 239 228 19 22G91 8,37 201132 33 0 15:10. TJ8 5S7 197 4815 9.19 1J2 4830 7 41 10;4lJ. 1219 595 S 114 l!2i 3;il35 4 13 11 ., 29 19: 2 01.17 10 393 S 03....! O.. 00 7 .. .. 411 .57 07 10.. . 1031 .. 9 50 307 ! 19 .. ..j Tj.. 13) 3 71 11 .. .. Ij;i7 . 41 2' 2tl 66 Democrat; "I.fJ Independent. voting and Dr. Barnes wag arrested for selling liquors without license. The contest over the location of the county seat promises to bo lively and interesting. Worthy of Attention. We advise all our readers, wheth er they own a. foot of laud or not, to supply themselves with that treas ure of useful, practical, reliable information, the American Agricul turist, so named because started 38 years ago as a rural journal, but now enlarged to embrace a great variety of most useful reading for the Household, Children concluded, for the Garden, as well as the Farm for all classes. Each volume gives some S00 original Engravings, with descriptions of labor-saviug and labor-helping contrivances, of plants, fruits, llowers, animals, etc., Iulcud ing many large and pleasing, as well a instructive,, pictures for young and old. The coustant, systematic exposure- of Humbugs and Swind ling Schemes by the Agriculturist are of great value to every one, aud will save to most persons mauy time's its cost. Altogether, it is one 01 the most valuable, as well as cheapest. Journal any where to bo found. The rst 1- only $1.50 a year, or -1 copies for $5. Single numbers 15 cents. Subscribe at once for 1SS0, and receive the rest of ibis year free, and send 3-ceut "tamp for polae on a specimen copy. Addres-. Orange Jndd Com pany, Publisher-;, 235 Broadway, New York. IVerkl) Wesiilici lEoport. During the week eudiug 8 p. in. Xov. 9th, the mean temperature of the air wus 37s". The lowest ob served lempuratuiv, 1G . wnR noted Monday at S a. m. On the average twu-tiiths of the sky's surface were covered with cloud?. A line solar halo occur red Saturday at 3 p. m. There was uo measurable rainfall at Colura bu?. MOSTllLY lUU'OUT. During October, 1870, the mean tetnporature of the air wa 55.2 s. Frosts were frequent. The lowest observed temperature, 15s, -h noted at S p. m. on ihe UUt. Southerly winds prevailed espec ially in the lirut half of U19 month. On the average less than two fifths of the sky's surface were cov ered with clouds. There were two days with fog and two days with thunder and lightning: There were lour days with rain, "and the rainfall amount ed .to .75 of an inch at Columbus. According to tho October Bullet in of tiic Iowa Weather Service, the the rainfall uloug the Missouri south of Sioux City was over two inches ; while at the Mississippi directly east of Shi station, about the same quantity of water felt as at Colum bus. B. F. Iloyf, Observer. Croton. Dcar Journal : The past weeks have uot been without intei est here. Mr. Isaac Allison, wife and nine children, with part of Mr. Yalen tine's family, left on Thursday for their new home in the Black Hill3. They carry with them the best wish es of their old neighbors; they will occupy several weeks in their jour ney. Mr, Clark and family have occu pied their farm. Our population U on the increase. Mrs. Frank Anson has added a youug farn-.er and Mrs. Belknap a dairy maid L.loug life and prosperity to parents aud children. The election passed quietly ; there i little opportunity for animated 1 political discussion nearly all are of the same opinion. Yours hastily, November S, 79. jc. n " Tub Ohio river is reported lower than it has been for 25 years. Nav igation is nearly suspended. . BIRTHS. VARNICK To Mrs. John Warnlck, on the 30th ultimo, a girl. McCRAY To .Mrs. Robert McCray,. en the Cth inst., a son, weigh 8 lbs. NORTON To 3Irs. Norton, of this city, a girl on the 31st ult. GREGORIUSTo Mrs. Jacob Grego rius, on the 3d inst., a daughter. McINTIRE On the 10th inst., to Mrs. Robert Mclntire, a daughter. The mother is doing well. DEATHS. GOODWIN Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thilip Goodwin, of this city, on the 7th inst., at 10 o'clock a.m., aged 1 years and 10 months. COLUMBUS MABKETS. Our quotations of the markets aro ob tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the time. graix, tc. Wheat No. 1, test 59 lbs ... . " " 1! ' f6 " ' " 5' 51 " '.'. ', " Rejected Corn,. .. .. Oata, Barley ., y t3- Flour, Graham, rnoDCCK. Butter, Potatoo, Onions y bu LIVK STOCK. Fat Hog.i, Fat Cattle, Yearlings,' 7 vm co ... Good veal, per hundred,... Hides, green salted MEATS. Shoulders, Corned Beef 82 SO 74 GS 18 20 3Q(g30 44 ..$3 00(63 75 . . lf0(S2r3 . 1 OO&t 20 13020 1720 2o3."i 73100 . 2 50S0C . 2 503 00 .12 0015 00 . 4 00(gG00 3 00 ;. 4 00 4 4 51 .. mux 47 7S9 G Steak 812Js' LUMBKU. Finishing $30 0040 00 Flooring 25 OOwaS W Siding 20 00&21 00 Drop biding Ship Lap Fruming10 to 20 ft) Sheeting Well Tubfng (per bunch) Lath (per M) Shingles (per M) Zi ;U(Q;U W 25 00 20 00 IS 00 1 50 4 50 3 00 1 00 1 05 1 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 4 cents. uoors 2.HXU-S, 1 IU1CK-. 2.exu.u, 1 4 2-6x6-0, 1 Windows t. u Felt (per lb.) Tarred Felt (per lb.) 3 ASSIGNEES NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Annie K. Pruyn. NOTICE is hereby given that on the twenty-first day of October, 1S79, Anna K. Fruyn, or Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska, by an indenture duly executed, appointed the undersigned assignee ot her estate, aud by said in denture conveyed to him all her estate in trust for its'creditors of her, the said Anna K. Pruyn, by virtue of the provis ions of an act approved February 10, 1877, entitled "An act relating to volun tary assignments for the benefit of cred itors, and to assignees therein named, and the settlement of their accounts." That the undersigned assignee has this dav filed in the olHcc of the clerk of the District Court of said l'latte county. Nebraska, the written appraisement and bond required by the provisions of suction two" and three of the above en titled act. All persons having claim against said Anna K. Pruyu, provable under the terms of the above entitled act, arc re quired to die the same with the under signed, aud make legal proof thereof within six months from this date, or nch claimants will be forever barred from Tinv interest or share In said estate. ' miLir CAIN, Assignee. Dated, Columbus Nebraska. Novem ber 10th, 1S7U. JOG. CHATTEL MORTGAGE. WHEREAS, C. E. Wheeler, did on the 13th dav of October, A. D. 1S7P. ex. ecute and deliver to K. T. Bullard his chattel mortgage of that date, which Avas duly tiled in the county clerk's oiliee of l'latte countv, Nebraska, s provided by law, on the l'lth of October. 1S70, at 3:10 o'clock p. m.. of Kiid day, on which there was due on tho loth dav of November, A. D. 1379, the sum of J 10, with interest from that date, and whereas tho condi tions of said mortgage have been broken, now, by virtue of a power of sale con tained therein, 1 will on Saturday, De cember Cth, lTO. at one o'clock p. m., iu front of Dan. Ryan's hotel, in Columbus, l'latte county, Nebra.-kat sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following property described iu.aid mortgage, to wit: Mnc scrapers, sec ond hand, marked "W,!' six of them Kocksland make; also one stirring plow, nearlv new. J90.3. ItT. JIULLAltl), Mortgagee. HOMESTEAD NOTICE. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb..i November 3, 1879. ) To John Benncr: You are hereby notified that Julius Krugcr has made" final proof and pay ment of the necessary fees on his home stead entry No. 5139, covering the East , Northwest , and West , Northeast l of Section 30, Township 20 north, of Range 1 AVcst, and as appears from the Records of tho United States Land Oftice at Grand Island, Neb., you the said John Jienncr on the 12th day of April 1873, filed your declaratory state ment for Northwest i. Section 30, Township 20, Range 1 West, covering part of said tract. You are hereby further notified that you will be allowed sixty days from and after the publica tion of this notice, to show cause if any vou have, why a patent .should not be issued to the said Julius Krugcr tor the laud above described. II. B. HOXIE, RegUter. 4iW-l. Wm. ANVAN. Receiver. HOMESTEAD NOTICE. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) October'20th, 1879.. f To Oiccn Mason: You are hereby notified that llary A. Hill, widow of George SIIIll, has made final proof and payment of the necessary fees on Homestead Entry No. 0167, covering the southwest quarter of Section 30, in Township 19, north of Range 4 west, and as it appears bv the records of said land office, you, the said Owen llason, or. the 17th day of Octo ber, 1875, filed your declaratory state ment for same tract, you aro'hcrcbv further notified that you will be allowed, sixty (60) days from and after the pub lication of this notico to Bhov cause, if any you have, why a patent should not be issued to the said JIarv A. Hill for the land above described II. B. HOXIE, Register. Wm. ANYAN, Receiver. 491-( FILIAL. PftOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb..l November 10, 1879. NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim,. tnd secure final entry thereof st the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: John Mullius, Homestead No. 4511, for the S. E. i. Section 31, Township ID north, Range 1 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Freder ick llilow of Platte Co., Neb., and nenrv a. Redenbough of Platte Co.. Neb. 496.3 II. R. HOXIE, Register. FIXAE. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,l November 1st, 1879.. j NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from tho dat of this no- ticc viz: August Oston, Homestead No. 5030, for the S. X, N. W. tf, Section 30, Town ship lt north, Rungo 1 east, and names the following as bis witnesses, viz: Henry Deike, of Platto Co., Nob., and Ephraim Pilling, of Platto Co., Neb. 495-5 11. B. HOXIE, Register. Final Proof. Land Offlco at Grand Island, Neb. Nov. Ist,l879v NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed na ticc of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice: viz: Frederlch Wilhclm Arndt, Homestead No. 4780, for the south K northwest yx. Section 24, Township 18, mrth Range 2 west, and name3 the following as his witnesses, viz: Edward Williams, of Platte Co., Neb., and John "W. Early, of Platto Co., Neb. 495-5. .11. B. HOXIE, Register. FINAL PE00F. Land Office at Grand Island. Nob.,i October 27th, 1879. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz:" Gchard I.oseke. Homestead So. 5C81, for the W. H. S. W. i, Section 2, Town ship IS north, Range 1 eat, aud names the following as his witnesses, viz: Beu jamln Spielman, of Platte Co., Neb., and Henry Muller, of Platte Co., Neb. 405.5 II. B. HOXIE, Register. Final Proof. Laud OAlce at Grand Island, Neb., October 27th. 1879. NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from tho date of this no- ticc viz t Octaba'r Plant, Homestead No. 6202, for the S. E. (, Section 10, Township 19 north, Range 4 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Nils Peterson, of Platte Co., Neb., and Ira Whitehead, of Platte Co.. Neb. 493-5 II. B. HOXIE, Register. FIKAL. PSEOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) November 3, 1879. 1 N OT1CE is hereby given that the roliowiug-nameu settler has niea 11 tlce or bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration ofj thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: llary HcCaffrcv Homestead No. 5363, for the S. , N. W. , Section 10, Town ship 19 north, Range 3 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Pat rick Ducev of Platte Co., Neb., and Thomas Lynch of Platte Co., Neb. 496-5 II. B. noXIE, Register. FIA'AL. PKOOF. " Land Office at Graud Island, Neb.,) November 8, 1879. J NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: William A. Sisson, Homestead No. 6590, for the S. W. K. Section 8. Town ship 19 north, Rauge 1 west, and names the following ns his witnesses, viz: William Wright or Platte Co., Neb., and Henrv Guiles of Platte Co., Neb. 496-5 " M. B. HOXIE, Register. fi:ai PISOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Nebi October 22d, 1879. f N!i JE Is hereby given that the following-namcd settler haB filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from tho date of this no tice, viz: Charles Bump, Homestead No. 13SS, for the E. K, S. E. , Section 2, Town ship 17 norm, Range 3 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: James J. Bump, ofNahce Co., Neb., and William llatson, of Platte Co., Neb. 19t-3 II. 11. HOXIE, Register. FIXAL. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Inland. Nh..i October 27th, 1879. f NOTICE Is' hereby given that the following.named settler has filed notion of his intention to inako final proof in support of his claim, aud secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty dav from the date of thU no tice, viz: i William A. Patterson, Homestead No. ' 1179, for the S W. , Section 20, Town-1 ship 19 north, Range 2 west, and names j the following a his witnesses, viz: 1 Major Christmas of Platte Co., Neb., and George Thonuzin. of Platt Co., . Neb. 191.5 II. B. HOXIE, Register. ri."VAL. PISOOF. Land Otfice at Grand Island, Neb.J October 13th, 1879. i NOTICK i!, hereby given that the following-uained settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of. thirty days from tlir date of this no tice, vIji: Gottlibb Semp, guardian of Charles t Nimnegcr, minor heir of Jacob Mfline- es, viz: Fred. Semp, of Platte Co., Neb., and Christian Boss, of Platle Co., Neb. 192.5 31. B. HOXIK, Register. FINAL PftOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., October 13th, 1&79. l "rOTICE is hereby given that the 1A following-namcd settler has filed notice of bis intention to maku final proof in support of his claim, aud secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty dAys from the date of tlilt- no tice vizz William Selsor, Homestead No. 1302, for the S. W. X, Section 20, Towuship 20 north, Range, 2 west, and names the fol lowing as his witnesse. Viz: Jobu Rob inson, of Platte Co.. Neb., and Perry Lushbaugh, ot Platte Co.. N'cb. 492-0 11. B. HOXIE, Register. FirVAL PKOOF. Laud Office at Grand Island, Ncb.,1 October 13th. 1879. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following named f-ettler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof iu 6upportof bis claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no. tlce, viz:' Riley N. Leach, Homestead No. 1190, for the N. E. K Section 1, Township 20 north, Range 2 west, and names the fol lowing as his witnesses, viz: Joseph Gross, of Platte Co., Neb.,'and Brooks E. Rogers, of Platto Co., Neb. 492-5 11. B. HOXIE, Reenter. Ker, deceased, llomcHtead o.0ti3,for the N. K. X, S. W. 4', N. W. X, S. E. Ht Sec tion 22, Township 17 north , Range 2 west, and names the following as his witness- Final Proof. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., October 20th, 1879. J NOTICE is hereby given that the following.named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration o'f thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: Anna Muller, Homestead No. 5128, for the E. H N. E. , Section 2S, Township 19 uorth, Range 1 east, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Henry Wllke, of Platte Co., Neb., and Johanu nenry Liltlemann, of Platte Co.. Neb. 493-5 T II. B. HOXIE, Register. Fiual Proof. Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,J- October 14th, 1879. f NOTICE la hereby given that the following.named settler hai filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: llalor Christmas. Homestoad No. 3707, for the S. E. J 8ectIon 20, Township 19 north, Rauge 2 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: William' A. Patterson, of Platte Co., Neb., and George Thoraazin, of Platte Co., Neb. 4OT-5 M. B. HOXIE. Register. IMPORTANT NOTICE. L. KRAMER, OF. THE 3STE-W" YORK CHEAP CASH STORE! IS NOW RECEIVING ITIE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS CLOTHING, Boots & Shoes, HATS and CAPS, CARPETS, ETC. THAT , HAS EVER BEEN EXHIBITED IN TDI3 SECT10N.0F COUNTRY. WHILE THE MARKET IN THE EAST HiJS SUVxNCKD OH J- FEW Styles of Goods 1 HAVE CONCLUDED TO BE SATISFIED WITH s STILL SMALLER PROFIT AND SHALL CONTINUE TO SELL AT TUB Old Low Prices EVEN REDUCING TJJE Prices of Some Goods. J "Small Profits and Quick Sales" Ifaalvyayg been vy Motto, aud I shall continue to Ilvtup to it. Call and be Convinced I L. KRAMER llth Street. NflXT D00H to JOURNAL OFFICE Y- COLD MB US, WEB. USTSUIIE INT THE NEWTOEK LIFE Insurance One of the Oldest, Strongest and Best Life Companies on this Continent. 00 Assetts, $37,000,000 Cash Paid Policy Holders, $46,000,000 COLUMBUS LOCAL BOARD: UMI. KU:;E.!IA:Y. President. JOHN STAUFFER, Vice-President. ADOLPH JvGGI, Secretary. ABNER TURNER, Treasurer. MEMBERS John Wigsin3, Hardware Merchant nenry Schwarz. Farmer John Stauflcr, County Clerk Abner Turner, Banker Chas. Schrceder, Proprietor Foundry and Hachine D. Schupback, Lumber Merchant K. Gerber, Furniture Dealer O. A. Schrceder. Hardware Merchant Wm.Hunneman. Lumber Merchant Chas. T. Henderson. Express Agent ..: A. Jffijrgi, Lumber Merchant , J. B. Delsman, Merchant George Riedcr, Grocer J C. Morri3sey, Grain Merchant Henry Rajratz. Grocer F. II. Ruche, Ilarnessmaker J. F. Flynn, Brick Manufacturer .'. Thos. Farrall, Farmer and Hotel Proprieter Geo. N. Lamb, Farmer S. A. Bonestcel, Physician and Surgeftn IjU'ERY prudent man should have his UTe injured In some good cemp'anv. J The New Youk Like offers Inducements in the Tontine Investment Plan that cannot be given by anyoiher company. All persons wanting In-uranco lrom ?l,0CO and upwards will please call on some member ot the Local Board, as each member of this Board is authorized to procure the insurance desired, and Adolph JiEGGt, the Secretary, is authorized to write the applications, and will keep on hand a full, supply of books and circulars for distribution. C. T. TAYLOR, General Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Is now ready for the Fall and Winter Campaign with an Imakue stock of Ready-made f 'lothing, iJry Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc. At prices that were never heard of before in Columbus. C2T Dry Goods have taken a big tumble in the Eastern Markets lately and as I buy my goods strictly for cash, I will give my customers the ben efit of it, and supply them with anything in my line at much lower prices than they were ever known to he heretofore. All I ask for is. give me a irieiidlv call and con vince yourself of the facts, I. GLUCZ, &. Proprietor C. B. STILLMAN, Wholesale aad Retail Dealer In DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, WESTDOAV GL-SS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. i Keeps oa hand all articles usually kept In n nrst-claai Drug Store. Dealer in surrounding country will tind it to their interest to purchase from lilm. as b cau and will gtvo" BED-ROCK PRICES. Presciiptions Carefallv ConrnoundecL in mi J3TA GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. 353 LUMBBE GIVEN AWAY! AT THE YARD OF JAEGCI & SCHUPBACH, COMMIIKJH, tSTCall and get price-list. LOWEST RATES ever known In CentralNebras Ua. TO SAVE 310NE Y ia the easiest way to J1AKE 3IO.VJE Y. FI.YA.I PROOF. ' Land Ollk-c at Grand Island, Neb., " October llth. 1319. ) "VT0TICE is hereby given that the fol iH lowing named settler hu tiler notice of hit intention to inaUc tinalproot in support of his claim, and secure final entry Jhereof at the expiration of thirt) davn'from the date ol this notice, viz: William II, Hoerelman.IInmoMeadNo. 4I.ri2, for ths V. . S. EVX Section H. Township 19 north. Range 1 went, and numc the folloivlnn as his witnees. viz: Ileinrlcli Hellbuch..of IMatt.' Co., Neb., and Frederick Muultick, of Platte 'Co.. Neb. 4U2-5 31. . HOXIE. Reciter. fs:val. piioof: Land Office at Grand Inland, Neb.J October 13th. 1S79. f NOTICE Is. hereby given that the followlng.nametl pettier has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof In support'of hU claim, and secure tinal entry thereof at the expirajion of thirty days from the. date oflbb no tice, viz: Rodger Brehenv, Homestead No. C5i0, fortbe W.K.S. "W. X, Section 34, Town ship 20 norm, Range:! west, and n Mines the following as his wltnc"e3, viz: .Mar tin Reagan, of Platte Co., Neb., and Nel Peterson, of Platte? Co., Neb. 192-fl 3I.IJ.il OX IE, Register. FirVAK. PISOOF. Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.J October 13tb, 1ST!?. ) NOTICE is bercbv given that the following-named settler has Hied notice of bis Intention to make Ural proof In support of bis claim, and secure tinal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: , Francis L. Sissou, Homestead No. &C&. for the S. W. X, Section 6, Township 19 north, Range 4 west, and name the fol lowing as his witnesses viz: Hazzard P. BIston, of Platte Co.. Neb., and Jam 0Donnell, of Platte Co., Neb. - 152-5 M.D. HOXIK. B6rIMr. Company. , S.A. BONESTEEL. Medical Exam'r. -co- $5,000.00 S.000.00 5,000.00 3.000.00 3,000.00 .. .. 3.000.CO . . . . 3,000.00 3,000.00 3.000.00 . .. . 3.C00.0O 3,000.00 . . . 2,moo ... 2,500.00 . . 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.PQ 2,500.00 . . .-2,500.00 .. .. 2 500.00 . ... 2,509.10 Shop. of the Revolution Dry doods Store ."VEHKAS2CJ.. FIX At. PICOOF. Land Otllce at Orand I-hind. Nb..J October Mth, 18TP. "" j" OTICE i hereby giveu that the iS ftillowing.named. settler ha. filed notice tf liu intention t make tiual proof in support of liN claim, and ecur tinal entry thereof nt the rxpirntlan of thirty day from the ddte of this no. iie, viz: Johann Henry Liltlemann. Homestead No. .1129. f..r the . E. K v- -K- N.W. VI, N. E. Jf, Section , Towi rbip l north, Ranxu 1 ent,nnd named the fol lowing a "his wilHene. Iz: Henry Wilke, of Platte Co, Neb., and Ado Mnllar, of Platte Co.. Nl. 103 3 31. B. HOXIE. Register.. Finiil Proof. Land OtUco at Grand Island. Neb., October 20tb, 1SW. NOTICE Is Lereby givon that the tollowing-named tettlcr hay Hied notice of bin Intention to makv tinal pruofln support of his claim, and secure Hnal entry thereof at the expiration at thirty darsr from the dar? of thte no- tiee, viz: NIN .Miller. Ilonieatend N.372S. lr the E.J. N. E. K, Section fl,Tewnihip 17 north, Range J west, and name- the following as hi wltnese. viz: Fred Peterion, of Platte Co,, Neb., and An-' tone Swanson, of Platte Co., Neb. JKW 31. P.. IIOX1E, Register. FIX A I. PROOF. Land Office at Gr.tnd Inland. Neb., October llth, 1S79. -vrOTICE Is hereby given that the jy following.named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make Unal proof in pupportof hi claim, and secure Unal entry thereof at the expiration ef thirty days from the date of tbi no tice, viz: Thomas Sullivan, nomestesd No.5300, for the S. - N. W. K, Section It. Town ship 1ft north. Range 1 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Jamea Carrlg of Platle Co.. Neb., and Patrick Uurk. of Platte Co., Neb. -t7-3 31. B. HOXIE, Regijrer. - -?' JF -r ;.-.. . . ssj&2g7