a -y The Journal Rates of Advertising. Upace. lto I'to imp 3m tint Jyr I IStLKIl ICVKUY WniXK"sI)AY, M. K. TURNER & CO., Proprietors and Publishers. leoFmii $12.00 ) 20 $25 33 JG0 $100 K I 8.00 121 151 20 1 S5I C0 tf " I (5.00 9 12 15 20? J i nolle- 5.25 T..'0 11 f "ll 15 I 4.5H J K.T5 J 10 j" 12 J 15 20 1 l..02.2r. 4f 5 1 3! "10 IJusines and professional cards ten linos or less .space, per annum, ten dol- :e: "-. i.rx.-u ntivcni-i'iucni at statute (SjTOiiloo, temporarily, in ibc Boekur building, Tfalrteentk-sUColumluis.Nob. 'Tehms rcr year, 52. Six nienths, $1. Pbrec menth, 5c. Single copies, So.. raio. "j-.iutonal local notices'' fifteen cents a line each insertion. "Local noiier ( live cents a line each inser tion. A ilv i'i-l i.i.i.nr .!... ;T...i ,.c ito.. VOL. X.-NO. 28. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1879. WHOLE NO. 496. cial notice.," live ronts :i line first inWI lion, mrec cents a line each .subsequent insertion. 0 tiiinnbus 5 PfIjte 6 m p si w- r ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. BECKER, BUSINESS CARDS H. UlKAI.KK IX' GROCERIES, Grain, Pro&tico, 3Eto. .3. IIL'Ii.SO.'V, not a nr p ublic. lith S(rtt, 2 !oors west oT ilamiaond lltiuv, Colttmhvs, Xeh. 401. y fierier in ItEAL ESTATE. CONVEYANCER, COLLECTOR, i issrsis:3 Air::?, CKXOA. XAXCK CO.. ... XKtl. K' K00 19 snri Jftir Mm UUUXUU JJUIUUI 111 b NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. Qk&ds delivered Fret " ("kfrjie, itngtrficrc in the rity. Corner of 13th and Madison St. North of Foundry- 3" HARK & SAHJS flmiiiel IFasEw MutiMfavtiirt i .tii. I li-kl.'i' in HaiMK, M&h Brfe, a?i Mkh Kep .-..iistMHth mi huiid all kinds of wbtf,' Sddlor Hardware, Curry t.tmb ,. ItrMshcs." KrMIe Bits. Spurs. OhviIs. Harness hisuV to nrdt-r tte- ptriMg dotu- oh lori NMti WISER ASKA AVON UK. Columbua. XI. I. coLmius unui .stow:. A.W.DOLAND, i MTC -OI: TO lull. ll v.MM II I Dims, Print Hiiitiie, Wall Paper, Tail4! Arlrriw. PAINTS AND OILS, CIMPSON & LIXLEY. A TTOh'XnYS A T LA W. Will practice in all the court of the State. l'riHt attention sjiven to all business entrusted to liia, cafe. OJfce:- On 11th street, opposite Lin deH Hotel. 479-Om I S. MUHOOCIC&SOX, Carpenters and Contractors. Hacijul an extended experience, mid wilt guarantee satisfaction in u.irk. All Kind' of repairing done uii short Mtic. Our motto i. Good wort: and fair prices. Call and jiive us mi oppor tunist to estimate for von. XSTShop :it the Bis Windmill, Coliimhus Nehr. 4VJ-V Kill .Mil. MIl.f.RTT. 1S 1MX SIlLLI-m. .lHttr.' of the l'l-nce himI J ouiry riiiine. A rrOltXKY-i AT LAW, roluui'.-i. V NelirasKa. N.15. lliey uilliv. eloe attHtiiii t .ill Iiumiii-ss- 1'iilrnlfil OjTtccon Tldrtecnth Street. Opposite Engine House, Columbus, Neb. JTr sprich t Dcutsch . 4s9-x ELLEY & SLATTERY, IToxtsts ?trovlnu and houve building done to order, and in a workman-like manner. Please pve u a cull. SSTSliop on corner of Olive St. and racitie Aenu('. 4R5 tf F. SCHECK, fanuficturer and Dealer in CI0AES AND TOBACCO. AU, KINDS OI" SMOKING ARTICLES. Storron Olive St., near the ohU'ost ojlice Columbus Nebraska. 4 IT-ly mks ylc6ssey7 Dress and Shirt Maker, :i hours Wei of Stillnun's Urns Store. Drcse. and shirts cut and made to order and s:i! if:u-li. in 'iinr.nit.'i.il Will al-o do pluin or fane o ing of an do ci iptiou. !3fIKICES VE1SY UKASOXAltl.K. Oive me a call and trv nn wink. 425-1 " !LAW, SEAL ESTATE" AND CiKNKIlAI. 1 COLLECTION OFFICE ISA to them. 2 S3. t WHKW 'AMP, AHoTHt'vs and (V.t;asii!iy:ji L.nv, AftD MEAL ESTA T AGENTS. ill v i . prompt attention !oh!1 lni-i-iir- elitruo-ti-.l ! Ili.-iti iiithiand ad. i.HOiHir .iiniii i . Jt-.-t iu- iii.ki.-. OAv Utit -tr. . :. oittio-iK M.-intN ilrm . fi.n . ('iiihIisi-. 'l.. plellt M.itlvil. 1'jil.. Pi .iici.iv. JI W.S. GEER For the Journal. TOBACCO. 1IY X. Y. Z. "What makes me when I'm called to speak, Fly quick, for fear my mouth will leak The .spit-box or the door to seek Tobbacco." What makes my teeth so filthy look. And down each side my chin a brook, From what -uch filthy color took? Tobacco. And what make.-, inn "cni :u n li.-ir" To wife, and at my children swear? Oh, it'.s because llind nowhere, Tobacco. What makes me co through snow or rain Or quit my work, though hay or t;rnin. To iro to town so soon again? Tobacco. My clothe, all ra?s, mid I in debt. And wife need better clothes, but yet, My last dollar I'd yive to get Tobacco. 1 know it on my health does feed, Takes money that my children need: Makes a sloven of me, this weed. Tobacco. I've tried to quit, time and again, Hlltall too stronc is lml. it liiin And so mut ever o'er me reign Tobacco. Oh. young men, from this poison shrink! It is twin b; other to .strong drink. Smoke not, chew not, nor even think Tobacco. THE SCHOOLMASTER'S CONQUEST. !ONi:V TO I.OAX in small lots .,n I ill farm nronrriv. time .me in ilnoo J. 2. Zi.ll?. ear. Farm with 'some impro ements iMniu.n. -uni -inn. upice ior me present the Jollier Dmi-e, folnmbiis, Svh. 47:i- gT- CARRIAG iVsX K3r 02A1KKI0. cla: t'ir- c:. c. ks;s:... Pliyjc;an imd Surgeon. -o- gatiii Building. tSfOlhrt: tqK'Ii Hi all Mill GE0KGE N. DEREY, S7ri- CARRIAUS. 'lllltlMOr T1?5 -.--hi ' -' - " S3.i...t Mfii.fri... KALSOMINIKG, Etc." i lir U work warranted. Miop on ' Olie str.-i't. opposite tin "Tatter-all" j Maid: s aprli'.y HEHRY GASS, tt'& i.u- i .. i.i. Best Of Qdi Aai h Prices, TH. SMI 111 will sti.M W fwmil at the ,1JL old stnd. ami will nnke pte-crip-thM a sptciult, a luretofre. AO't'ECis:: IF YOL' Jihvo anv real esiii.- or -.ije, if yoi wish Jo buy either in or out f thHtv. if yen w"i-h t ti sd. cit prqierty for l.ind. or lands for eit projM'rty. jrive Us a call. Wadswoutii .t .Jossi:i vs. :p :b ick! lIi:Mi:HA; ?T0L i: keep constant ly 11, oh Stand and turui-h in the wall, the lieM oMtriek. Older- solicited. Ad ress. i aitiive. tm !.i. Coliunl'i:. 4T-S. P - T mZ$ TXI)EI!TAKK1J, IvKElS OX HAND U read-made and Metallic Collins, Walnut F.eiurc Frames. Mends Cjuie Seat Chair-. Keep- en hand F.Iack Wal nut l.umbei. i..V..4.. , ......... r .. jr-...c - Jr - b 'E":iCili-. Dr. A. HEINTZ, di:ai.i:k in BHUGS. MEBICIfiES. C1I Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc., Anil all articles Usually kept on Imnd by Dru-gists. J'iiysicittws I'retievijrtions Carefully Compounded. One door E2t f nI!i'' invozt(li Strevt. on COLUJIUUS. XEUlfASKA Wm. SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES! A eomiUlnis-oitm. ill ..r ljst!." aiul ( Iiil lrt nMioes k,t uii IkikI. All Work Warranted!! PJCTURES! PICTURES! OW IS Till: TIME lo-ecure a life iN like picture ot onrelf ami chil dren at the New Art" lioum-. .a-t Mth street, south side rmlro.sd traek.Coluin bu. Nebraska. ITH-if Mrs. S. A. 1iski.i.X. KELLY & SLATTERY, eeiTHAETSi m carfehteh. HO.' D HIMSELF P 1JE APINESS for aii woik in his line. T.efore kiting our contracts for buildings of an deseription call on or address him m Columbu-, .b. jX"First-e!ass ap paratus for reiiioin buildin-.:-. E0E SALS OR TRADE ! MARES COLTS, - Teams of Horses or Oxen, SASE2.r: I'O.M KS, wild or broke, at the i orral of i2!t (;eei:aki.v zeioleh. Columbus Meat Market! WEBER & KKOBEL, Proii's. KEEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh meats. :,nd smoked poll; and beef; lo fre-h fish. Make sausage a spec ialty. Ji:enieinber the place. Elev enth St., one door wet of 1). llyitn's hotel. 417-tf i:2" a. in. !l:W:i. m. 2:1" p. m. i:'M a. m. 2:00 p. in. 4:27 p. in. :00 p.m. 1 :30 a. m. Our blotto-(!oo, sld. Hrfc mh4 fir prices. ev ce I lent Bapeoial Atteuliou paid toKetwitkg :r. tlii e stint E-Jsli ts. COLUMBUS BUM YARD, vOn- Wile Hist o! ColUlllbUs. I THOMAS TI.YNN A .-ON, 1'ropiS. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK Always oil Jlaml li QUAXT1T1ES lo Miil ITUniA'SKKS s:t-tf BECKER & WELCH, PROPRIETORS OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. Chicago Barber Shop. CiyrtJ "EiMSKt Hjkj." COLUMBUS, NEC. I.T A lit Cl'TTJNO done in the latest Il tles. with or without machine. None but tirt-e!as workmen enipbned. Indies mid ehlldien's hir ciittiutr a special!. 1'csj ltiauds of cisar eon stHtl on hand II EMtV WOODS. 172 i Proprietor. sta rtos'a'fi:. JOHN HUliEU. the mail-call ler be ttv.inn ('..lmnhii -i tut Albion, will leave Columbus everyday except Sun day at 6 iVlock. sharp, passing through T.C...., .-..., M'.it .1.1 111.. 911.1 A 1 .atU, tn , ..rutin, it nt. . ...v .. ".- Ion The hHck will call at eitbor of the Hotels Ir passengers if orders are leti at the posi-omce. lisie able. $2 to Albion. t'. S. 'a'iisn Jiustieafd Jioitn.l. Esiigrant, No.iJ, lean s .u Pa-sseim'r. 4. " Freight. " . Freight. ' 10, Westivaiil Hound. Freight. No. 'i, le.ie at Passeiiu'r, " .", Freight. " f, " " Emigrant, ' 7. " Every day evcept Saturday the three lines leading to Chicago connect with I" P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays there will be but one train a day, as show n by the follow ing schedule: CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. A. 's. Padihxk. V. S. Senator, lteatrice. Ai.vix S.UXii:ns, I. S. Senator, Omaha. T. .1. Mviiom, Hep.. Peru. E. K. V u.i:snxt:, Eep., We-t Point. STATE DIEECTOltY.: At.Bixus Xanck, Oovcrnor, Lincoln. -. .1. Alexander, Secretary of State. I W. Liedtke, Auditor, Lincoln. G. M. P.artlctt, Treisiirer, Lincoln. CI. Dilworth, Attorney-Oencral. S. It 'l'lionni-on. Sunt. Public Insruc. II. C. Dawson. Warden of Penitentiary. Dr. .1. G. Davis. Prison Physician. II. P. Mathewson, Supt. Insane Asylum. .IFDICIAP.Y: . Maxwell. Chief Justice, ::rfr,!i:,kc'l Associate judges. loritTti judicial iusTisicr. O. W. Post, J it dire. York. M. R. P.eesc, District Attorney, Wahoo. LAXD OFFICEItS: M. It. Iloxie, lleglster. Grand Island. Win. Ativan. I.eeciver, Grand Island. COUNTY DIKECTOP.Y- J. . Higgiiis. Count Judsre. John Stautl'er, County Clerk. V. Kuinmer, Treasurer. 1'en.i. Spielmaii, SheritV. It. L. Iossiter. Surveyor. Win. IMociloru l John Walker, f- Count Commissioner. John Ais0. ) Dr. A. lleiut. Coroner. S. L. Harrett, Supt. of Schools. Charles Wake, Constable. C CITY DIItECTOltY- A. fcpeice. Mayor, ii v noii lirnnETTE. Hronson Aleolt, of fioslou, once told Josojih Too!;, and Joseph Cook told everybody lietnel, that lie made it a rejjiilatioii in his school, that if j n pupil violated a rule, the muster j should siil)siiuie lii own volmilai y sacrilicial clialiseniciit for llmt pu- pn r. uii!isimiiuiii,:iii( u,& retilalion almost Cliristianiycil his school. "One day," Mr. Aleot said. "I called up before mo a pupil who violnleii an iuiporliiit n,!c. All the school was luokiiiir on, and knew the rule and nenaltv. I nm tin. ruler inlo the oflender's hand ; I ex tended my own hand: I (old him lo sti ike. Inslatiily I saw a struggle begin in his face. A new light sprung up in his eoiinlcnaiice. A new set of shuttles -eomed to be weaving a new nature within him. I kept my hand extended, and the school was in (ear?. The boy struck once, and burst into tears. lie seemed to be in a bath of lire, which was giving" him a new nature. He seemed transformed by the idea that I should . sutler chastisement in place of his punishment, and ever after was the most docile pupil in the school, though ho had at first been the rudest." Now this is very nilecting, and reasonable, and striking. No one can read the incident and very read ily forget it, and it contains a Iessoti that every school-lcacher can cer tainly read with profit. The inci dent came to the knowledge of Willis K. Stoddard, who, for some years past, has been teaching a dis trict school in Flint River township, in Iowa. He read this extract from one of Joseph Cook's lectures, and never forgot the great moral it con vejed. And, indeed, he privately informed a clergyman who called upon him during a critical period in his career, and with whom he was very intimate, that he didn't Ihink hc ever would forget it. Young Mr. Stoddard had some few pretty hard boys in school. Uicy were big and noisy, and rough and turbulent. He had reasoned with them, he had expostulated, he had begged and wept. He had whipped them until his arms ached. and the directors had threatened to dismiss him for unnecessary severity and absolute cruelty, and the boys grew worse and worse every day. But when he was at his wits' end, and was seriously thinking of run ning away and losing all bio back salary rather than stay at school an other day, he read this incident, and it gavo his troubled mind new lihl promptly, and without further cere mony or formality, give "Tecumseh" Johnson a benefit to-wit, a most awful and dreadful "lickinV And this, being a pleasant change from the monotonous routine of study and recitation, was always hailed with demonstrations of great joy by the pupils. Mr. Stoddard called Samuel John son up to his desk, and, more calmly than was his custom under such cir cumstances, told him to go out and bring in a switch. The pupils notic ed thore was something unusually gentle in the teacher's manner, and it struck Samuel Johnson very for cibly that it was certainly very much out of the ordinary method of pro cedure for the culprit to be accorded the privilege of cutting his own switch. Rut he was not the boy who would fail to appreciate and make the best use of his privileges and opportunities. So he did not idly waste his time, but presently returned with a very peaceful-looking switch indeed a switch appar ently far gone in the last stages of consumption the sickest switch ! "Xow," said Mr. Stoddard, with a gentle companionate intonation, "strike me!" Samuel Johnson, who had already begun to unbutton his own jacket, opened his mouth wide, and the Whole school stared in speechless amazement. Mr. Stoddard calmly repealed his older. He thought he could see the "new .set of hlnillles'' beginning lo work. "Some one," he said and a woman could not have spoken more tenderly "some one must sutler tor the infraction of the inles. I do not punish any of vou for any pleasure it srives inn to see you sutler. I do it because justice demands it. Some one must be pun ished, and I will suffer chastisement in your stead." The teacher saw "new light spring up" iu Samuel Johnson's countenance. The boy looked at his teacher, and I hen at his switch. The teacher could "see a struggle begin in the face.'' Pres ently Hie tears sprung to Samuel Johnson's eyes, and he said, iu a voice suffused with anxiety, "Hadn't I better go out and get a bi'er switch ?" The teacher softly told him ho might if he wished, and Samuel Johnson went out aud was gone ten minutes ten long, anxious, quiet, wondering minutes. When he re turned, the school smiled. He car ried in his hand a switch that looked like a Russian Peace Commissioner. He had cut it out of an Osage hed"e. and, when he held it where the sun light could fall upon it, it looked wickeder than John Morrisscy's faro parlors. It was about seven Icet long, an inch and threc-qnartcrs thick at the butt, and was limber and twisted, and had knots and knobs clear down to the point. The bov's face shone with a bright glow of conscientious satisfaction as he bal anced this switch and drew it thro' his hard, muscular hands. Mr. Stoddard stood up and folded bis arms. Then he said, with a sad, sweet look at the culprit, "Now strike me." The school just sat still and held its breath. Samuel Johnson did not act in greedy and unseemly haste, as tho' he were meanly and wickedly glad to have this opportunity of hitting his dear teacher. He conducted himself like a boy who has a painful duty to perform, but is compelled bv conscientious motives to perform it thoroughly. He p.ulled off his jack et; he rolled up his sleeves; bespat on his hands, and took a two-handed grasp on the switch. Twice he changed the position of his feet to get a belter brace. Then he drew a long, deep breath, raised his arms, pircd that the board was privately agreed, after all the facts had been laid before it, that he was too much of a "nat'ral born fool" to suit a practical locality. Mr. Stoddard is not teaching anywhere this summer, lie told his landlady that he needed rest, and that good-hearted old in vestigating committee was amazed to discover that Mr. Stoddard rested, and even went to bed, by leaning up face" foremost against the mantel piece in his room. Terrible Scene In a .llcnaKprlc. j Tho lnrsnit of Slapplncss. There is an interesting hermit named Austin Sheldon in the wilds of Pike county, Pa. lie is 73 years old, totally deaf, and lives iu a cave which he has rudely titled up for a habitation. His only companion is a tame rat. His personal appcar auce is startling. He is about five feet iu height, and his hair and beard are as while as snow. His clothe? are worn and patched, and he wears a waistband made of hick- ory wiilic to support Ins garments. For his defense against wild beasts he carries a long knife, as sharp as a razor, whieh he manufactured hy grinding down an old tile. Uo vjyS that his parents xviuc Connecticut farmers. In early manhood he fell in love with an accomplished girl and they were engaged to be mar ried. Her parents broke off the match by .secret ly sending her away to boarding school. This so nreved upon Austin's mind that he gave up business and slarted out to find her. He traveled from Slate to Slate, but in vain, and finally, when his money was nearly spent, he re-i.lved lo settle down iu Pennsylvania. He fell into the hands of land specula tors, who soon got what cash he had, and deeded him the barren tract of land upon which he now lives. His astonishment when he saw the "farm" that had been deed ed him may be imagined. He found nothing but a forest, and as a storm came up he was obliged to take ref uge in a cave iu a ledge of rocks. This cave he has inleihiled nwi- since. For nearly twenty years he subsisted upon wild fruit and nuts, and iu the winter he (rapped game and fished. For three years the her mit never saw a human being. Previous to beginning life as a her mit he was proud of his personal appearance, but he grew negligent, and a thick, shaggy beard covered his face, and his hair grew long, far down below his shoulders. From the time he began bis hermit life be has never drawn a razor across his lace. Rut he has grown tired of that kind of life, and latclv told a correspondent of a Philadelphia pa per that he intended to return to civililation to die. Jllmira Telegram. A thrilling incident recently oc curred in a (raveliug menagerie at Towanda. Pa., which is thus related by a local paper: The animals in one cage, two lions and a tiger, wero ted at that time, being separated by swinging doors, which were fastened during (he feeding, and afterward lilted, throwing theaiiimals together as a happy family. These doors were lifted after it was supposed the animals had linishcd their meal, but a large piece of meat had been left bv the lioness. This the tiger saw, and was about to spring upon it, when the lion covered it with his paw. Prof. McDonald, the trainer, spoke to the l:on, but he refused to move, and he then tried lo force the meat from the animal's paws with the feeding fork, but without purpose, as the lion held on and growled iu defi ance. To the horror of (hose (.land ing around, the Professor opened the door of the cage and oprang al most upon the beast, which iu turn sprang upon tho man. Mri!:ing him a powerful blow on his chest, that staggered him and lacerated the llesb. xn attendant, thinking to as.jst the now powerless trainer, caught him by the foot and pulled him near the door. The lion again struck him, tearing the llesh iu his thigh. The situation at this time was one ot terrible suspru.se to those Who wcio involuntary witnesses of it. Ladies fainted, children .i-pcmh. cd; but the trainer, who seemed lo suddenly recover his senses, was on hi-icet in a moment. He looked the big beast squarely in the eyes, and met him half way, maintaining the steady gaze. He c;iid iu a firm yet affectionate manner, "Xcd, what aie you doing? Do joti want lo kill me, jour bc.st friend?" The Tow anda paper sa it really seemed that the "king of the forest" understood every word that was being said to him, for dropping hiseychc went lo the piece of meat and shoved it to his keeper. He then approached his trainer and looked very penitent for what he had done, lving calmly down at his feet. C'lioo-inp: a. Wile. He treasured it up and thought it adthe switch just shrieked through reason- '-22.lv GOOD CHEAP BHICK ! s bridge. A T MY HESIDENCE. on Shell Creek, r. three iiules east of Matthl 1 hav 70.000 jrooa. larl-Iurnt uriclt for sale. which will be sold ill lots to suit pur chaser. Jt"-tf l.EOKGE HENGGI.ER. DOCTOR BONESTEEL, COLCMBCS : NEBRASKA. OFFICE HOl'ItS. 10 to 12 a. in., -J to 4 p. in., and 7 to 9 p. in. Office on Nebraska Atenuc. three doors north of E. J. Uaker's grain oflice. Residence, corner Wyoming and Walnut streets, north Columbus, Nebr. 43-tf John Werinuth, Clerk. Charles Wake. Marshal. C. A. Newman. Trcwner. . S. McAllister. Police Judiro. J. G. i:out-on, EtiL'iiiecr. COfXciL5!i:x: st Hi?-J. E. North, G. A. Scluoeder. ; l'ardK. C. Kavauaugh. It. II. Henry. V MW-E. .1. Baker, Win. Burgess. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. Iietric!fs'' Hficat .TJarlcel. Wskhtnitou Ae., urarly opjtosttr Court Home. "VWING TO THE fiLO.sr TIM PS KJ meat will be sold at this market low. low uown for cash. Best steak, per lb., lOe. Rib roast, " Sc. BoL " ... .. Gc. Two cents a pound more than the above prices win oe cuargeu on time, aim that OFFICE, COL UMli US, NEB 1 good responsible parties only .'oluniti:s. is.s ;::.. Open on Suuna .- livin 11 a. ji, i - M and rrom ,':30 to c i m. Business hours except Sunday G a. m. to .s p. m. E itern mails close at'll a. m. Western mails close at 4:1."i.m. Mail leaves Columbus for Madison and Norfolk, daily, except Sunday, at 10 a. M. Arrives at -t:.';o p. m. For Monroe, Genoa. Water ille and Al bion, daily except Sunday C a. m. Ar rive, same,G p.m. For Osceola and York,Tuesdavs,Thurs days and Saturdays, 7 a.m. Arrives Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. G v. m. " " ' Fr Wrlf, Farral and Battle Creek, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 0 a.m. Arrives Tiiosilavs. 'rim.iv. and Saturdays, at ti p. ji. For Shell Creek, Creston and Stanton, on Mondays and Fridays at C a. m. Arrives Tuesdays and Saturdays, at G p. M. For Alexis, Patron and David City, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 P. m Arrives at 12 m. For St. Anthony. Prairie Hill and St. Bernard, Saturdays. 7 a. m. Arrive "Fridays, 3 p.m. would belt) him. He had treasured it up probably half a day when, one bright June afternoon, Samuel Johnson, the big gest and strongest and worst of all tho big, bad boys, violated all the rules of the school, one after another, as fast as he could think of them, and wound up by tearing seven leaves out of his geography. These he crammed into his month, and, when he had chewed them into a pulp, he took the "wad" inlo his hand and propelled the whole mass with great violence into the ear of Ellis Haskell, who, although hi? and bad a little bad was not possessed of sufficient presence of mind to look calm and unconscious under this avalanche, merely because the eye of the teacher was upon him, aud he accordingly signified his very nat ural dismay and astonishment by u universal howl. And all the school howled in res ponsive chorus, not only because the scholars were delighted to sec Ellis Haskell with his larboard ear full of papier-mache, as though he were going to take a cast of it for the r..;oii6j biusc, uui uisu uecause i the air like a wild, mad, living thine-, Old Mr. Hargis, the senior director, who lives only a mile and a half away from the school house, says he was out iu his field plowing, and when Mr. Stoddard let off his first yell the old man's first impres sion was that the school-house had been struck by lightning. The clear sky, however, disproved the theory ; and the next time the teacher shout ed the director was convinced that a steamboat had gone a9tray and was whistling for a landing somewhere up the creek. While he wa9 trying lo hold his terrified horses, another volley of sound came sweeping over the land like a vocal cyclone, and old Mr. Nosengalc, who had been deaf twenty-three years, came running over, saying he believed they were fighting down at the quarries. By this time they were joined by the rest of the neighbors, and the excited populace went thronging on toward the school house. In accepting Mr. Stoddard's resig nation the directors considerately allowed him pay for the full term, and, in a series of complimentary resolutions, spoke of his efficiency in The Itisrht .Sort or 31 en. You will fiind, as a rule, that the men who arc favorites with men arc the best and truest in their relations to women. Yes, the men who like sometimes to turn their backs on all women, and go off "with the other fellows,'" and have a good, boyish time on the water, or the mountain, or in some other man's "den." "Wo men never need be afraid to trust their happiness to those whom other good men esteem good fellows ; but if a man is avoided by men, however much women admire him, shun him. It is he who has flirtations that come to nothing, and has "not been very nice' to the girls that have broken their engagements with him ; who, when he marries, wrings his wife's heart, if she has one, and spoils her temper if she is naturally an angel. Manly men are the best lovers, the best companions for women, ju9t as womenly women are the best sweet hearts and wives. What do wn think of women who shun their own sex, however charming men may find them? It is seldom, if ever, that your men's favorite ill-uses his wife. Perhaps it may bo explained this way friendship of a sublimat ed sort is what love becomes after a year or so of marriage, and he who is friendly to the very depts of his soul enters into this stale happi ly, and is ready for all the delights that follow. But a man who is ca pable or nothing but that fleeting affection which ever pursues a new object, and cares for no woman, when sho i9 won, hates the domestic ties and becomes detestable in con sequence. It is the man who would die for his friend, and for whom his friend would die, who makes a mir aculously happy wife of the woman to whom he scared Tinew how to make love when he courted her. Dr. Fletcher says : --A man's first necessity is to find a woman physi cally able to support the cares and duties which attend the position. Solomon, who from a long experi ence with wives, ought to know what constitutes a good one, de scribes his favorite wife as one who spun wool and flax and took care of the house, etc., iu short, he means lo say (hat she shall possess a large share of physical potency. It is the power to do, without which no wo man deserves the name of wife. Within the past decade some young men in choosing wives have disre garded this advice of Solomon's, and have since repented. But young men arc fast becoming more careful and wise iu the matter. They arc learning that a pretty face and form, though doubtless desirable accom paniments, are not the whole requis ites of a good wife. It is true that there are some thoughtless excep tions among the young men, but they arc simpletons. But above them are thoughtful men, who do not and will not fall in love blindly, but who are looking for the wife which Solomon commends, and who will not be satisfied without such a one. I do not wish to reveal any one's secrete, but I have had men say to me when talking upon the subject of this discourse, 'Girls, nowaday?, are too frail to marry.' Does any one think the young man to blame who says thi3 and then stands aloof from tho marriage altar? Surely not. And docs the vounf Liilvtrlm is too weak to sweep her own room, or to make her own toilet, think such a young man will hasten to propose? If so, she is mistaken ; young men of to-day arc last becoming wise thro the experience of their unfortunate frieuds. All pursuits are pursuits of hnp piness. The young men who are standing in presoncc of a group of professions try to .select one which will j ield them not onlv a support, but also the most happiness, 'o man will, of hie own accord, select an avocation to which his heart re coils. So universally docs man seek personal happiness, and so widely does society in its organized forms seek its destination, that many phil osophers have declared happiness to be the final motive of all conduct; that all other motives arc but shapes of this one all-prevailing influence. It i indeed true that no act of life can be found iu which this reward of beig may not be seen as a possi ble motive, oraUleast an expectation but that all acts are douc from a consideration of the final welfare of the doer umv well be denied, for without very clear proof we should not make man a creature of only sell-interest. It is evident that a'l good conduct and ail good character inevitably joined with that result called Imppinc-s, .uid (his m, perhaps as far as the common mind cm see in I hi direction iu the spuitoai world. While philo-ophcr are ardentlv and, almost vainly attempting' to learn whether all actions and all virtue are to be explained bv the in fluence of this one pursuit, this truth remains for ihe common public, nan ely, thai i he pursuit of happiness, enjoyment, pleasure, is one of the most immense chases in which the human multitude ever join. There are" some who do not seek lichcs. perhaps, because they were born into an old wealth which in genera tions has not increased or diminish ed, or perhaps, because they were born so poor that the thought of riches is a hopeless dream aud there arc persons who do not seek a home or a name, or culture, but persons who do not seek pleasure, on cm with difficulty discover. This cru sade is one in which all join aud march lo this music iu front of the mighty procession. Xot every single individual of the human family has marched lo this music, but no o.ic shape of motive has so near making a unit iu one particular of the races and epochs of man. The history of the exceptions. could we find them and read them, would reveal to us only too clearly the fact, that the Creator designed that all his creatures should seek to a greater or less degree, persoinl pleasure. At least those who have attempted to shun tho smiles and laughter and joys of earth, have fouud their method to be not a form of development, but a blight. Odd Home of a Irairie Io;j. they knew tho teacher would ' the highest terms, although it trans Lord Cockburn was seated one day on the hillside of Bonally with a Scotch shepherd, aud observing the sheep reposing in the coldest situation, he observed to him." John if I were a stfeep I woultTlic ou the other side of the hill." The shep herd answered." Ay, my Lord, but if yc had been a sheep, ye wad havo had mair senso." Recently the head of Frank Tollcs, the leader of a baud of highwaymen, was borne into Cheyenne, Wyom ing Territory, and exhibited to a jubilant crowd. When the people had taken a good look at it, it wa3 buried in a prairie in the outskirts of the town. In passing over the prai rie a few evenings ago, U. P. Clark- saw a 6kull dancing along aud hob bling up and down among the cac tus bushes. His hair stood ou end. Cold chills struck him. 'When he reached Cheyenne he was as while as a sheet. Everybody scoffed at his 6tory; but a few men were induced to go out aud take a look. The next morning a whole crowd went out to investigate. There azain wan the. moving skull. The boldest in the party approached. All at once a little prairie dog bounded from the skull and shot away into its hole near by. It had appropriated the highwayman's head for a resting-place. Correct Sneaking1. We advise all young people to ac quire in early life the habit of using good language, both in speaking and writing, and also abandon the use of slang words aud phrases. Th5 longer they live the more difficult the acquisition of good language will be; and if the golden age of youth, the proper time for the ac quisition of good language, be pass ed in its abuse, the unfortunate vic tim of neglected education is prob ably doomed to talk slang for life. Money is not necessary to procure this education. Every man has it in his power. He has merely to U3e the language which he reads, instead of the slang he hears; to form his tastC3 from the best speakers aud poets of the country; to treasure up choice phrases in his memory, and habituate himself to their use, avoid ing, at the same time that pedantic precision and bombast which show rather the weakness of vain ambi tion thau the polish of an educated mind. ItaixiBg' Colt". There is a crude notion prevailing that hardships make youug stock hardy. A colt that is weaned ia the fall, as is commonly the case, should not be allowed to become poor in thelir3t wiuter. It i3 true that it will often improve so rapidly in the spring that its wretched con dition in the winter will seem really to have been an advantage to it, but this is a grave mistake. If the same condition were imposed during the whole period of growth the effect would be very perceptible. Al though the summer may in some de gree remove tho effect of tho winter no animals so treated over become what they might have been in sire, Bymerous treatment. There is profit in breeding nice carriage and draft horses. As a general rulo it costs no more to raise a good colt than a poor one, while the former will bring two or three times as much as the latter. A dark stable U a poor place to keep a colt. It does not tako a school-boy long to evince a Iovo for division, pro vided another boy owns the apple.