The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 05, 1879, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. .", 1S7. k
r rr-rr
Cererral hemorrage caused the
death of the Hon. Zachariak Chand
ler. Max v leading democrats arc Indig
nant over the schism iu their ranks
iu New York.
It is stated that scattering bating
of Indians were scouring the yfflu
rivcr country, "Wye, last wee.;.
It is claimed that the squ'aw wife
of Chief Johnson saved Due lives of
Mis. Meeker aud the oU'.cr captives.
A cuown of over four hundred
people hooted the "Lord Mayor In
the streets of Loudon on the 30th
Last week another sale was made
at Lcadville, being the third of the
Vulture, to Mackey, Tabor & Co.,
for $250,000.
Oxe hundred and eighty -three
thousand pounds of gold was with
drawn from London on the 27th ult.,
for New York.
It Is stated that the friends of
Secretary Everts admit that ho is
working earnestly to succeed Kcr
nau in the Senate.
It is slated by a Paris correspond
ent that two hundred iuhabitant3 of
Injuupoint, in Eastern Siberia, have
perished by famine.
The treasury at Washington City
lust week purchased 530.0U0 ounces
of silver for the Philadelphia and
San Francisco mints.
Ax unknown tramp, about forty
years old, while sleeping in a straw
stack near Columbus, Indiana, was
gored to death by a bull.
"Walter Goodrich, who recently
disappeared from Chicago, with sus
picious of foul play, 1ms turned up
in Indianapolis-, on a 'spree.'5
1 1 ox. A. L. Iluowx, of Ohio, aud
Republican Senator elect from lloss
aud Highland counties, died at
llillsboro on the night of the 2Gth
The captives Mrs. and Miss Mee
ker and Mrs. Price and two children
arrived in Denver on the night of
the 30th tilt. Mrs. Meeker was
quite ill.
Ox the 30th ult. the A. & N. rail
road entered Seward. The trog
was placed in the crossing of the 15.
& M. on the 29 ult., icady for cross
ing that track.
Two freight trains collided near
"Williamstown, on the Troy and
Boston railway, on the 2Slh ult.,
causing about $20,000 damage to cars
aud locomotives.
The severest storm ever known at
this season of the year occurred at
Mt. Washington, N. II.. on the 20th
ult., the wind attaining a velocity of
332 miles per hour.
Jas. Kelly, Thos. McGee, Thos.
McCarty cut their way out of Lud
low street jail in New York the
other day. They were under sen
tence for counterfeiting.
The daughter of a French General,
Commandant at Tours, eloped the
other day from Paris to Loudon for
the purpose of marrying a Turk, the
sou of the Ambassador to England.
IIerrert IJextox aud Frankic
"Woodward both committed suicice
by shooting themselves with the
same pistol, the man killing himself
first. No cause is assigned for the
Uusixess generally resumed in
Memphis on the 27th ult. That day,
through trains on all railroads ex
cepting the Littlo Hock route, arriv
ed and departed. No new cases of
fever reported, and no deaths.
The tug boat Daniel Irown ex
ploded her boiler on the 20th in the
East river, instantly killing the firc
mau and a deck hand, and seriously
injuring the engineer and cook. The
tug was blown iiitr fragments.
Axotiiki: little item from the elec
tion in Ohio shows how the people
felt on the senatorial question. The
Republican majority on the legislat
ive vole is 17,!U, au excess of GS5
over the majority for governor.
Mrs. JJetsey Ross of Philadelphia
was the lady who made the first
American Hag. cutting the stars
from white satin without ever mov
ing the -scissors from the material
until the star was finished. She
was a quaker lady aud a good poet
and siuger.
The fire in the Pinkerion tunnel
on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad
has burned out all the timbers of the
tunnel, aud it is believed has caught
iu a vein of coal in the mountains
above, as smoke has been seen issu
iug from them. A temporary track
will have to be built around the
Twenty thousand people con
vened lat Saturday to greet and
welcome Gen. Grant to the hospital
ities of the city of Omaha. The re
ception and banquet tendered Gen.
Grant was a splcudid affair worthy
the occasion aud the man, and every
thing passed oil pleasantly and sat
isfactorily. Secretary Sherman has given
notice that proposals will be receiv
ed at the office of the assistant treas
urer of the U. S. at New York uuiil
the 8th inst., for the sale to the gov
ernment of 110,000,000 of any of the
six per cent, interest bearing bonds
of the United States, at which time
bids will be opened and awards declared.
'fflKS OutlOOlf.
The political sky is bright with
Vamc. 1 w. gtatc elections so lnr
Fcld go (a show that the events of
Cl-o liav c not been forgotten, and
that thr, people of the north intend
that t,c surrender of the rebel forces
at Appomattox 'shall mean somc
ling, notwithstanding the bluster
ing threats of the JJngadicrs ana
their Fympathizers throughout the
country that the government must
be starved into submission to the
will of those who were defeated in
war, and foiled in their attempt to
dismember the best government on
earth. The Union, the constitution
and the enforcement of the laws is
to lie the basis of action hereafter,
and though there may be excep
tions, here and there, when local
opinion overawes national officers,
the people will finally sec to it that
the authority of the government is
respected and enforced wherever the
flag of the Union floats, and that un
der its ample folds the rights of the
humblest citizens will be fully se
cured; the nullification of national
law will be unknown; treason will
not only be odious, but be punished
as it deserves lobe, and the fad that
this is a Xatiox plowed so deeply
into the minds ami hearts of men
that no contrary thought or senti
ment can find lodgment.
The Republican party has' been
exerting every nerve to hold fast
what was attained through so much
expenditure of treasure and blood,
and by the help of a good Provi
dence and a miserably foolish and
mad Democratic congress, they have
succeeded admirably. The " solid
south'' will be confronted by a sol
idcr north; the embers of the seces
sion lire will be kept confined and
allowed to die in peace; business of
every kind will be so great that the
bitterness of the past will in irooil
measure be forgotten.
The people evidently mean that
there shall be no step backward.
Gex. Gk.yxt, since he arrived in
the United States, has met with con
tinued greetings at every considera
ble place he visits. He seldom in
dulges in making speeches, but in
reply to an address of Col. llobcrt
Taylor at the reception tendered
him at Arirginia City, by the mem
bers of the society of Pacific Coast
Pioneers, the General said :
Mr. President, ladies and gentle
men members of the society of
Pacific Coast Pioneers : Your pres
ident has already said what 1 feel in
appreciation of my reception here.
Nothing which I received abroad
was such a pleasure to me. I do
not mean by this to disparage my
greeting abroad. It was an honest
and hearty one and showed the high
esteem felt for our country by for
eign nation':. It would have been
quite different a quarter of a century
ago. Now we are regarded as the
most powerful nation on earth. Wo
have much which European nation;
have not that is we have a popula
tion which as yet doc not threaten
to crowd any inhabited district or
exhaust the productiveness of the
soil. AVc have extensive soil and
immense undeveloped resources to
exhaust before our population will
become so dc isc as to make the rais
ing" of suflicie it to live on a serious
problem. In this respect we have
great promise for the future. The
fact of the matter is we arc more
thought of abroad than we think of
ourselves. Yet at the same lime we
think considerable of ourselves, and
we in fact are a little conceited over
our advantages. Laughter. J The
newspapers and politicians, howev
er, think there are a good many bad
people in the world, and that things
arc on the verge of ruin. IJut'l
guess we arc all right. Laughter.
CnrniH IIowi: went down one
night last week to reply to ex-Senator
Tipton's speech delivered at
Sheridan, Neb., and it was rumored
before he left that he might receive
rough treatment in that quarter, if
he attempted to rcph, but he p:iid
no attention to the report, but went
forth and found five hundred people
ready to. hear him, to whom he
spoke two hour, answering Tip
ton's state-rijrhtj? ariruinenfs and
liking the crowd with. Some un
ruly democrats swore they would
whip him before he left and pro
vided themselves with stones, clubs
and eggs waiting to mob l.iin when
he started home. It wa. discovered
before l.c started that some ot ihc
crowd had removed the burrs from
the wheels of his buggy, insuring
him a .smash-up and probably a
broken neck had it not been discov
ered. A democrat bv the name of
Jim Laniard, proved to be the guil
ty man, and after a long investiga
tion he made confession, I'nmanl
plead for mercy, claiming he was
drunk when he did the act.
A terriiile conflagration visited
Parker, Pa., on the 30th ult., In
coming in contact with oil tanks, in
which many thousand gallons of
petroleum were stored, waiting
shipment ; as a matter of course the
reservoirs and tanks exploded scat
tering the burning fluid over the ad
jacent houses. More than seventy
buildings were consumed, aud the
fire was still burning. The hillsides
arc covered with homeless families.
Senator Zach Chaxdlf.i: was
found dead in his bed at the Grand
Pacific hotel, Chicago, on the morn
ing of the 1st. He had been speak
ing in "Wisconsin, and the night pre
vious had addressed a large audience
at McCorinick's Hall iu Chicago, and
spoke with his usual ability. His
sudden and unexpected death has
cast a gloom notrfcr the city of
Chicago alone but throughout the
entire count rv.
fuucral will take
The dispatches from the eastern
part of the province of Nova Scotia
represent the storm of last week as
most destructive to properly.
A gang of seven counterfeiters
were arrested last week in Andrew
County, Missouri. A large amount
of spurious dollars and half dollars
and a number of moulds and other
implements for manufacturing coun
terfeit money were also captured.
"Wm Porter, Jr., of "Wheeling, "W,
Va., while out on a Hollowc'cn lark,
was fired upon by a farmer whom
he had pelted with tomatoes, with a
doublcd-barrel shot-gun,, the shot
taking effect in his face leaving him
in a dangerous condition. Ho refus
es to tell who did the shooting.
David Hall was found on the
railroad track at Sidney, Neb., on
the morning of the 29lh, horribly
mutilated, his head, legs and arms
being cut oil". It is thought several
trains passed over him. He had
just conic in from the Hills. lie
had 30 on his person. It is stated
that he has an interest in land near
Elkhorn Valley station. It is sup
posed he had been intoxicated.
M.u. Gex. Joseph Hooker died at
Garden City, L. I., on the 31st ult.
He was in his usual good health
until late in the evening, when he
retired to his apartments, and short
ly after died suddenly. In the late
war of the rebellion Gen. Hooker
showed great skill and bravery in
several hard fought battles. Pence
to his remains. One by one the
heroes fall.
It has been proposed by the prop
er authorities that if the Indian Chief
Ouray is willing and will surrender
the guilty parties for proper punish
ment, that hostilities would cease.
It is staled that Chief Ouray favors
that course. The opinion is gaining
strength that the settlement of the
whole difficulty now appears highly
Patrick Galliger, living live
miles south of Utica, Neb., went
with a load of wheat ihc other day
to Exeter, and, after getting a good
deal of drink, started for home, and
has not been heard of since, and no
trace can be obtained of his team.
He is a bachelor, well oil and has no
relatives in this state.
Editor Journal: We move to
our new house at Rising City in a
day or two, and thought we would
once more write you a line or two
while iu the old home of years, of
pleasant memories. Unable to farm
it any longer on account of health,
we have rented it, which will give
me time to look more thoroughly to
my orchard, and my farm (if my
health will permit) fenced into fields
with live lencc, and also to plant
more tilnber. Our home at Rising
Cit is a plat of sixteen acres, pleas
antly located, and of our cellar 10x2-1
with a six foot brick wall, and suffi
ciently lighted to keep house-plants
in winter, we are indeed very proud.
0,000 brick from the yard of Hale &
Osborne, of David City, built our
walls and the chimney also, which is
commenced at the bottom of the
cellar, in order that we may place a
stove iu it, and have a lire, when it
is necessary for us to work therein.
flO for tiie brick for cellar and chim
ney, is, wo think, o'ir best invest
ment since we have been iu Nebras
ka, and we hope the gentlemen who
have solved the hay-burnt brick
question, will hae large profit with
their patent, for the brick they fur
nished me arc as-nredly good.
A short time since we asked thro'
the Journal for a harness maker,
stating that the location was a good
one. We secured the harness shop,
and the gentleman is well satisfied.
And we now state that we believe a
Jewelry establishment would do
well here. It is- now tu five miles
travel to buy a Hook or have a
watch repaired, &c. Will some one
willing to grow up with the village
and country look at our location.
Another good physician is needed
here, as the ride is'too much for one.
It certainly is a good location for
one who is competent iu his profes
sion. All branches of business here
: navjug a ueavy iraue and our
city a steady, healthy growth. We
will notice some improvements in
our next. "Why Not ?
Wraflu'i' Etcport.
Review of the weather at Genoa
for the month of October, 1S79:
Mean temperature of mo., ilea's
Mean do of same mo. last vear. .
Highest do on the otli (leg's
Lowest do on the .'list den's . .
Ordinarily clear day
" cry cloudy day "
HijrL wind days ."
Calm day . ..."
Hiiin fell during portions of dav
Inches of rain lull
48.2 1
Ain't qf rain same mo. in 0.i
roi oinne lain ami L'utli, slight.
Ice on thc3d, oUth and "1st, from K to
1 inch thick.
Kojis on 4tli. "th and 20th.
Hazy on the 4th.
Prevalent wind during the month
from is. to X. W. bv W.
Lunar Ilalos on i'2d, and 2Gth.
Lunar Coronas 22d 2Sth and oOth.
Thunder and lightning on the 1st.
On the 1st at 4 a. in. a very line meteor
pascd across the zenith from X. W. to
S. K.. also on the 12th and 13th.
Sudden change of wind from S. E. to
X. W. at midnight on the 22d, accom
panied by a very high wind.
It is worthy of remark that the same
amount of rain fell during the month
this year and last, though in 187S it was
in the shape oi snow ami uearlr two
inchei less than in 1877.
Gex. IIooker's
place Jo-day.
Our quotations of the markets are oh
taiaecl Tuesday afternoon,aiul arc correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat Xo. 1, test ."-D lbs
44 44 O 44, fjg " ....
" " 3, " til " ....
' '.ejected
l'llLLLi t a a a a
Onions "J" bu
Fat Hogs,
Fat Cattle
Good veal, per hundred,
Hides, green salted
Corned I'eef
..?2 7.3.0
. . . 1 )02 .V
.. 1 00l 20
. . ' 2.")(gr-
75 100
. . 2 nosnoc
. . 2 f0:i 00
.12 00l.i 00
.. 4 00(g(5 00
.'! 00
4 00
4-i re
. . S12
Drop Siding
Ship Lap
Framing ( 10 to 20 ft)
Well Tubing (per bunch)
Lath r per 31)
Shingles (per 3r)
Door 2-8x0-8, thick ..
2.0x0.0, Vt ' . .
" 2-0x0-0, 1 "
Felt (per lb.)
Tarred Felt (per lb.)
..$30 0040 00
. . 25 003T 0!)
. . 20 00fe24 IH)
. . 27 "i0i3( 00
2J 00
20 00
IS 00
1 ..()
4 .)()
. . :: on t oo
t H.i
1 .)0
1 00
. 1 00 2 00
.. 4 cents.
"1 ' 4'
Advertisements, under this head live
cents a line, firt"inertion, three cents
a line each subsequent insertion.
Ciseuiuber E.icl:le&!.
John Tannahill is prepared to ut
up crout at 10 cents per gallon, at
SEcK-il'ii- Sioelc SJe-iIcr.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat and stock hog.
51cr; " WIiitc You g;ci Your
JttoMilJlV.M !
For sale cheap or trade for cattle,
fifteen good Texas ponies.
D. Andrksox.
All iron square. The owner
get the amc at the Journal office, by
proving property and paying for this
For Sale.
A good Leicester Ruck, shears
from 11 to 14 1b. Apply to
Gi:o. S. Truman,
P. O. Genoa. Nance Co., Xeb.
IVcav itit-at "tinrlfvt.
AV. II. Randall has opened his new
meat-market in the .old Win. Kickly
tand on Olive street. He will pay the
highest price for tocK or tat hog and
cattle, and for hides, pelt and poultry
of all kinds. He invite. all his old cus
tomers to call and see him.
"Vuticc '' 'l'acli-rs.
1 will be in my ollice at the Court
House on the lirstand lat Saturdays of
each month for the puipo.c of examin
ing applicants for teacher's cerlilicates.
and for the traduction of any other
business pertaining to school. "
S. L. I'ARiiurr,
County Supt.
"flillcr'N nicrcaiitilc Coliojrc.
Arrangements arc made with the
editor of this paper by which students
can enter 31iller's Great 31ercantile Col
lege, Keokuk, la., at. about half price.
Thi college is bringing a practical edu
cation within the reaHi of thousands of
youiitr men who cannot afford to attend
the high-priced college. Tuition in
Englih branches i only $10 a jear.
'JTalce ""iol;e.
All persons owing me will please
call and settle by Sept. lt, and save
costs. All accounts not settled by
that time will be placed in my at
tornev's hands for collection.
M. II. O'Rrien.
Tiiiihcr Tiati's.
Those who gave mo their notes
for timber last fall will take notice
that I retain possession of tho same,
md will receive the pay, when due.
I prefer that .settlement should be
made at my residence.
"t. Henry LTcubcnn.
Drive "lYcU.s-.
Go to J. C. Elliott, one door north
of Hammond House, where he is
prepared to bore well and put in
pumps for less money than the roy
alty charged. Also agent tor ihe
Stover wind-niill, all complete lor
.$7.j.00. New pumps put down and
old ones repaired on short notice.
I'iioicu ZCcsifleiM'e "Lois for Sale.
Choice residence lots for sale in
the southeastern part of Columbus.
From one to forty acres rich, dry
soil and no alkali. Acre lots for
sale at prices from .20 to $(; per
acre, luquire ot Spcice & North.
The above property comprises Ilig
gins and Spielman's addition to
Stop a B.itlle.
If you are troubled with dandruff,
and your hair is falling out, go and
see "Fatty" Woods,at the well-known
Chicago Barber Shop, and get some
of his Athenian Hair Tonic, a most
perfect hair drcssiugaiid'restorutivc.
A few applications ot it will remove
dandrull" the uncleanly disorder ot
the scalp, and will also prevent the
hair falling out. It contains no
lead, sulphur or any other poison
ous ingredients as is so often used
in other preparations. It is elegant
ly perfumed, and renders the hair
sott, pliant, and glossy. Manufac
tured and sold by Henry Woods,
proprietor of the Chicago Harbor
Shop, Columbus, Nebraska.
Land Ofliec at Grand Island. Xeb
October 20th, 1S79.
To Oicen Mason:
You arc hereby notified that 3Iary
A. Hilt, widow ot George S. Hill, ha3
made linal proof and pavment of the
necessary fees on Homestead Entrv Xo.
0107, covering the southwest ijiurfer of
Section 30, iu Townhip 1!), north of
Kange 4 west, and as it appears by the
records of said land office, von, the said
Owen "Mason, on the 17th "day ot" Octo
ber, 1S7.", tiled your declaratory, state
ment for same tract, you are herebv
further notified that you fill be allowed
sixty .(DO) days from and after the pub
lication of this notice to show eaue, if
any you have, why a patent should not
be issued to the said 3Iarr A. II ill fur
the land above described.
31. B. IIOXIE, Itcgister.
491-4 Wm. AX VAX, Receiver.
Land Office at Grand Island. Xeb.J
Xovcmber 1st, 1879. f
""VrOTICE Is hereby given that the
JjS following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
filial entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no-
tice, viz:
August Osten, Homestead Xo. 3080, for
the S. i, X. W. i, Section oO, Town
ship 19 north, Hange 1 cast, and names
the following as Jiis witnesses, viz:
Henry Dcikc, of Platte Co., Xeb., and
Kpli raim Pilling, of Platte Co., Xeb.
40.V5 31. 15. HOX1E, I'cgistor.
Final Proof.
Land Oflice at Grand Island, Xeb.
Xov. 1st, 1879.
NOTICE thereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has tiled no
tice of his intention to make linal proof
in support of his claim, aud secure final
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice: viz:
Fredcrich Wilhelm Arndt, Homestead
No. 4780, for the south . northwest "4,
Section 24, Township 1 ntrth Range 2
west, and names the following as his
witnesses, viz: Edward Williams, of
Platte Co., Xeb., and John W. Early, of
Platte Co., 2i'l
31. P.. IIOXIE, Kegiter.
Land Ofllee at Grand Island. Xeb.,)
October 27th, 1879. f
-VTOTICE is hereby given that the
LM following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to mako linal
proof in support of hi claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty day from the date of thi- no
tice, "viz:
Gehard Loekc. Homestead Xo. ."0S1.
for the W. '.., S. AV. V4, Section 2, Town
ship IS north, U-.inge 1 east, and names
thefollowingashis vitnces, ' iz: Ilen
jamin Spicluian, of Platte Co., Xeb., and
Henrv 3Iuller, of Platte Co., Xeb.
4!-r 31. 15. 110. IE, IftgNter.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island", Xeb.,
October 27th. 1S79.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
IN following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof iu support of his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty daj from the date oT this no
tice, viz:
Octabar Plant, Homestead Xo. O':02,
for the S. E. i. Section 10, Township
19 north. Itange 4 west, and names the
following a his itnee, viz: XiU
Peterson, of Plitte Co.. Neb., and Ira
Whitehead, of Platte Co.. Xeb.
I9.V.) 31. 15. IIOXIE. Wegister.
FJ.V.3, "&9it:!-I".
Land Office at Grand I -land. Xebi
October 22(1, ts7!. f
NOTiCE is hereby gien that the
following-named, settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
prool in support of his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty d.iys from the date of this no
tice, vi:
Charle I'timp Homestead Xo. 4.'!"?,
for the E. ., S. E. , Section 2, Town
ship 17 north, Kange 3 wet, aud names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
James J. Ituiup, of Xauce Co., Xeb., and
William 3Iatson, of Platte Co., Neb.
J9W 31. IS. IIOXIE, KcgNter.
Land Office at Grand Isl md, Xeb.,)
October 27th, fs7. j
"VfOTICE is hereby given that the
L.1 following-named settler ha tiled
notice of his intention to make limit
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
William A. Patterson, IIomctc-3d Xo.
4179, for the S AV. ',, Section 20, Town
ship 1!) north, Kange 2 west, and names
the follow iiisr a Ills witni.-us, viz:
3I:ijoi- Chri-tma, of Platte Co., Xeb.,
and George Thoinazin, vt Platte Co..
49 1-.". 3LiL I IOXI i KegNter.
"''""'AI, 3rS"-402".
Land Office at Grand Nland, Xeb..)
October i:h, 1S7. f
ATOTICC i hereby given that the
X ftillowing-uanu'd settler has filed
notu-e of hi intention to make li-ial
proof in upiort of hi clai.o. and secure
linal entry thereof at the expirauii of
thirty day. from the date of thf no
tice, viz:
Gottlibb Semp, guardias) of Charles
Xifliiieger, minor heir of Jacob Xilline
::er,deccaed, IIometead Xo.OO.'Sjor the
X. E. K. S. W. i. X. W. ,. S. E. '4, See
ti. n 22, Tnwnhip 17 north. Kange 'j west,
and nanus the following a his Aitne
e. viz: Fred. Semp, of Platte Co., Xeb..
and Chritian I5os, of Platte Co., Xeb.
Wl ' 311I51lIOXIE1lJegiter.
fl'f.'t'ABj iimi?.
Land Office at Grand island. Xeb.,)
October i:;th, 1S7!. f
VTOTICE i hereby given that the
JL3rI following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days, from tho date of this no
tice, viz:
William Sel-or, Homestead Xo. 4."02,
for the S. AV. ,, Section 20, Township 2'i
norm, Hange "i wet, and name the fol
lowing a his uitnossc, iz: John Kub
inson, of Platte Co.. Xeb., and Perrv
Lushhaiigh. ot Plitte Co.. Xeb.
!02- 3J. IS. IIOXIE, KcgNter.
Land Office at ("rand lland, Xeb..)
Ocioiicr l.itii. I.s7!.
OTICE'is herebv gien that the
fdlowing named eitler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in support of hi claim, anil secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of thi no
tice, viz:
Riley X. Leach, Homestead Xo. 419!,
for the X. E. I,, Section I, Townhip 2
north, Range -J wut. and. name the fol
lowing as hi witnesses, viz: Joeph
Gro", of Platte Co., .rii., ami Krook. E.
Roger, of Platte Co., Xeb.
4!)2-"i 31. IS. IIOXIE, Register.
Pinal Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island. Xeb..
. October 20th, 1S7!. f
NOTICE i hereby given that the
follow Uig-nained settler has filet
notice of hi intention to make final
proof iu support of his claim, ami sonne
linal entry thereof at tin: exniration of
unity nays irom the date ol this no
tice, viz:
Anna Muller, Homestead No. .".in, for
the E. U, X. E. 4. Seetioii 2S, Township
19 north. Range I eif, and names the
following a hi witnese. iz: Henrv
like, ot PhUte Co., XeiM and Johann
Henry Littlem.inn, of Platte .. Xeb.
49:S-"i 31. IS. IHIXIE. Register.
Final IVooi.
Land office at Grand Island. Xeb..
October llth, 17!). i
"JYTOTICE i hereby g:eii that the
"s follow ing-n.imel settler hi filed
notice of his intention to make final
tiroof in itiinni-l. of lii. ..).;,., .! t .....,
I -.j-....W' 111-1 ll.WIII, tll.l till. entry thereof at the i xpiration of :
thirty days iVom the date of this no-'
tice, viz:
3Iajor Christmas. Homestead Xo.3707.
for tho s. E. ;,', Section 20. Townhip
19 no. Ih, Range 2 wet, and name the
foil'iwing a his itnee, viz: William
A. Patterson, of Platte Co., Xeb.. and
George Thoinazin. of Platte Co., Xeb.
4fl.'!- 31. IS. IIOXIE. Register.
S-'juai Pnxif.
Land Office at Grand Island. Xef
October 20tb, IS7!.
NOTICE is hereby given that tho
follow ing-named settter has filed
notice of bis intention to make tinal
proof in support of hi elariiuaml -ecure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Xils 3Iiller. HomesfMd Xn.::72x, for
the E. y.. X. E. IU Section 0, Township
17 north, Range ." west, and names the
following a hi witnesses, viz: Fred
Peterson, of Platte Co., Xeb.. and An
tone Sxvaiison, of Platte Co., Xeb.
I9-S-.". 31. 15. IIOXIE, Register.
"'13'AL IK()F.
Land Oflice at Grand Island, Xeb.,
October 11th, 1879.
"VfOTICE is hereby given that the.
JlN following-named settler has filed
notice oT hi intention to make final
proof in support of hi claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of thN no
tice, viz:
Thomas Sullivan, Nomc-tead Xo.."i.500, '
for the S. K. X. AV. K, Section tl. Town- J
snip i norm, Kange i west, and iianiox.
the following as his witnesses, vizr
James Carrig of Platte Co., Xeb., am! 1
raincK uurK, oi j-iauc lo., .
4TO-". 31. IS. IIOXIE, RegNtcr.
Boots & Shoes,
wn ilk Tin-:
HAS l) IXCKil OX A new
Styles of Goods
Willi A SIM.I.
AXI) SUA!.!.
Old Low Prices
i:vi:x irnon ixi; Tin:
Prices of Sonic Goods.
"Small Profits and Quick Sales"
Has always lieen my .Motto, and
shall ;nntintic to live tip t it.
Call and be Convinced!
llth Street.
nsrsxiKOE nsr ti-xe
Insurance Company.
One of the Oldest, Strongest and Best Life Companies
on this Continent.
Assetts 887,000,000
Cash. Paid Policy Holders, 346,000,000
UM2. nr.A:iS;UA:V, lrcit!r-t.
JOHN STAUFFER, Vice-President. ADOLPH JEGGI, Sooretory.
ABNER TURNER, Treasurer. S. A. BONESTEEL, Medfosl EamY.
M IC M B E :R S :
John Wiggins, Hardware 3IurlMMt
Honry Schwarz, Farmer
Jalin'Stantrer, Cennty Clerk
Abnor Turner, Ranker
Chns. Seh r (filer. Proprietor PsttiMtrr :ih1 .MnwMwiiSftgy.
1). Schnpbsiek, Lumber .Merchant
I. Gerber, Furnituru Dealer
(5. A. Schru-der, Hardware MerehMM.
Wm. llnnncman. Lumber Ierefct
Clias. t. Henderson, Express AgHi
A. Ja'ggi, Lumber Merchant
J. IS. l'elsinan, 3Ierehat
George Rieder, Groeer
J. U. Jlorrisscy. Grain MentlmHt
.Henry Ragatz, Grocer
F. II. Rnehe, Harnesswaker
J. F. Flynn, ISriek 3IanufntHrtr...T
Thos. FarruII, Farmer and IItl Prjrlfr
Geo. X. Lamb, Farmer
S. A. Ronesteel, Physician ami SMrg0K
IT VERY prudent man should have his )f twwrwl lw imi garni mwiyy.
Ill The Xi'.w Yoi:K LiKK offers imluremt.s in tfc Trntfito iHTretmot lfcm
that ?annt be given by any other eompanr. AH persons watttiNg ItMiraKo
from $1,000 and upward-, will plea rail oh om ittemher ol th Loral Nwa an
each member of tbis Hoard i9 authorized to procure the iw.-urniter wVireii, al
AnOLHii J.KGfii, the Secretary, is authorised to write Ike applieatioH. ami will
keep on hand a full upply of Imw.S; and eireiilar for IMrilutiM.
C. T. TAYLOR, General Agent,
Omaha, Xebraekji.
Dry (jogcIs and Clothing Store
Is now ready for the Fall and Winter Campaign with an immonse
stock of
cady-madc Clothing.
Bry Ciroods,
Etc., Etc.
At prices that were never heard
of before in Columbus.
BSf Dry Goods have taken a big tumble in the EssUra l&irkete fetofty
and as I buy my goods strictly for caah, I will give ay ewrtowers tfee ben
efit of it, and supply them with anything in my line at ntceh towr firkas
than they were ever known to be heretofore.
AH I ask for is, give an- a friemliv call and eon
viiHT vonrself of thv. facts.
T . G LL 0 1. ,
!.".T, Pioprietorof tho Revolution Dry Gods Stre
ikS B
Whu'til' ::nd !'! .il I). .It i in
Kerns on hitnd .ill .trtirl-- ii-n.-dly krpt in a frt--la Dmr strf. I0elrr-
in ftiirntiiiidinv i:tniitr will Hnd it to t-ir i itrri t mr-ia.-r trm him, he
ran :md will sjiv.- UKD-UOfK !')M'KS.
Prescriptions Oarefuliv GGiapoiiiicIed,
riTA cool) AsMiUTMKNT K
fOl.Z'.M ill'.S,
E3rall and tt iri-c.lit. LOWKST :ATKS -it Kikiwh in tVtrXr
ka. TO SAVE MiiXKY ii tht- .-t wv ( MAKE .MoNKY.
Land ODSve at Urand IIumiI. Nel.., i
()itler Uth. 1S7. f
"TVfOTICK I luTfl.y -ivi-H that the fl
X lituin.iaiH-d .'tti-r has MIt
notice oT his intention to make Mm.iI proof
in support of his claim, and sft-itrc NhI
i-ntry tliercof at th-evpiratioH f thirty
d:i from th diti- of this notit-e, vi:
William II. Iheff liiian. Homnstead Xo.
tl.12, for Hip W. Yz. S. K. ",, tit-tioH II.
Township Jl north. K;ik 1 wet, w
name.- th following his wltHts,
viz: Ilfiiirieli Hf lllmfli. of IMatte Co..
Nel..and Froderu-k Miihhu-k. f I'itte
'o.. Xel.
l!'2-r. M. It. HOXIK. lj?i-tfr.
Land Office at Grand Toland. Srb.j
Opto.r IStli. 18711. f
r"OTICE i herelir yiven that the
loiluwinir-namrd settler has ntrtl
notice of hi-, intent ion to make NimI
proof in support of his claim, an" !eettr
hum i entry mereoi at the rxprtwn or
thirty days from the dat- of this n. -
tice, viz:
i-uuri ii rnrn i 1 Wff" tFA'l .
for the W.K-S- W. 14, SeetioH 81. Town
ship an north, U.-ine a west, ami names
thefollowingashis witne-.sfs.vix: .Mar
tin Ieasan,of I'latteCo.. Xeh., ami Xels
Peterson, or J'latte Co., Xeb.
J02-.1 I. 15. II OX I K, Ueei-tr.
P'.jI... I.Lo.. ff- -.-.! V- -..
Land Office at Grand I-laml. Xeb.J
October 13th. IKT9. f
"VJOTICE i- hereby Ki en thnt the fol-
lowing-nametl settler hat. ftieo ;
notice of his intention to moke al
proof in snpiort of his claim, and -eenre i
linal entry thereof at the expiration of!
thirty days from the date of this ho-'
tice, viz:
Francis L.Sisson, HometeadXo.Sai.
for the S. AW , Section (!. Township i"
north, Umi;e 1 westrand names the M-
lowingas his vitnease.viz: Hazznrd 1
Sisson, of Platte Co.. Neb., and James
w iionncll, or J'latte (Jo.. cii.
iftW 31. P.. HOA'IK. Ke-i-ter. j
miiiaiwiia Ld
UmI ()Mc at (irand IoImmI. Xkl
(HrtohrrW. tS"4. I
"TOTK'K i hfrely jfien that tiW
follow iMx-iuHM-d tK?r mv HIm
Hotirr of his iHi-ikH U MM tfwaa
proof i'm swpHrt of KK ellm, ih4 rr
dual eHtrr thereof at the xphrMln f
thirty days frM the tUte wt M mw
JohH Weleh. Hone-HMi X. fM fbr
the W. '-2. :?. W. ,. seetioii 2, Twwoiilp
10 n rth. KaHsre .1 we.t. wk ummrt tlNr
follow ih as his witnesr, v'x: !'wry
Mr ab. of I'ltle ( o.. Xth., wA Thwni
as Mr Phillips, of IMatte "o.. Xl.
!-:. M. M. IIOXIE. nuitr.
I-iml ODkt! t rsrand Nlaini, Xd
Ortoherth. VH9. f
MOTICK is hereby given tht tN fbi.
Xi lowiHjr.nnMied settler
Motiee of his Intent ton to
proof ih support of hi-eaii,MMi 'i
Hm:iI -rv llM-reof .it tic- xniroti of
thirty tt.-tvs rroui the IM- of lkt sotir.
f .-k KriitK.'leail X. JBC,
for the X. J. . E. ,. -eethMl , 'fmmn.
hip l north, flange X we4. m4 imf-h-
follow loir m hi witoees.. vi.
Chorls Shrrdr. of tlatt- Co Xohv,
ami Keujontia spielwjo, of Ptotte C.
Ci-.-V ,M. tt. HOXIK, Meirixtcr.
I'LIMI. I25a'-
, , (M, ,4 Oroi I-Ind. Xrht
Oetober -JVtb. !". I
ATffTICE i herrfev Kien the
Jj followin-nontej --lt!rr has Itl.-tl
notice of his intention t make tin il
proof in uppo.t ofbis rlwn. and -. t
KhsI entrr there. f at th- expire! 0.11 t f
thirtr d- from thr nale .f this if.
tlee. vi:
.lkMH Henrv LUtionMnn. Hm. -I
Xo. r3H. tor the -V. K. (. N. VT , N.U
iv V K. W. Sretitm L Tow I slun I'J
north, K? 1 un-t.snd hm the f - Ij
iMw-lHir as tils wiMessn.s. mz: lit i;ri
Wllke, of Plntto Co, Xeb., and At.u
jiniier, oi dohh , .n.
m SI. U. IWXIK, llfnU-
r t iir a wr