The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 05, 1879, Image 1

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    - - , " " " ,.'1""' ii i
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Rates T6?kdisin
The Journal
Proprietors and Publishers.
Space. lior Zw'Jybiq 3m 0i lyi
lcoPnin 1 112.041 1 $2U I $25 $25 f$Ct 1 ?10
H " I 8.0rt tSt:J3-l-urr 3.V1 Cd
' 1 y.oj B..isiiitai
4inehes 5.25 j 7.fA) 11 U j-jSt
" I l-U I S.2.1 I 4, . L s; 10
Busine- and professional, Vard ten
lines or less space, per anniimvtcn tlol
lars. advertisements at statute
rates. "Editorial local notice-." Jirtrrn
cent a line each Insertion. '"local
J2T0Ili!e, temporarily, in the Hooker
building, Thirtcenth-st.,Cluinbus, Nob.
Terms Per year, ?2- Six months, ?1.
Throe months,. -0c. Single copies, 5c.
nonces hve cents a line c.ich.3nsjT
tloii. Advertiments classified as- "Spe
cial nnflrtw tivr. . .. i;.. .-. .
VOL. X.-NO. 27.
WHOLE NO. 495.
uon, three cents a line each .u''sc jtient
'm mm rnrn Hm ma mm w m fmiae cmvmrmM mWM rsarsM m sun.'& ga cttvss zwsVnWnw m m :
- -- - --- - II - - -...-.- .1 .
Giain, Produce, Etc.
Geods deliocretl Free of Charge,
anywhere in (he city.
Corner of 13th and IVIadicon Sts.
Korth of Foundry. 37
Daniel Fauccttc,
Manufacturer ami Dealer in
fas, Saddles, Sridks, and hilars,
keep C8ii-lanllv on hand all kinds of
whip-, Saddlorv Hardware, Curry
eowfcs. Brushes" Bridle Bit-. Spur-,
Curd-. Harness made to order. Ite
jmirinp done on short notice.
a. I.
roLnmrs win store.
(Mi-reoi: to doi.vxd & -.Mini, t
TiFinriTnr v.
' inn
Wall Paper, fnild Arfirlrs,
inc. 1:1c, Kit1.
Best Of God s And Low Prices,
MB. SMITH will -tUl he fuiuu! at the
old stand, and will maki prescrip
tions a specialty, a- heretofore.
S, MUCUS. CHEMICALS, ibi;osjs.
Fine Soaps, Brushes,
PERFUHERY, Etc., Etc.,
Aud all articles usually kept on hand br
J'hysicians J'rcscrijrtions Carefully
One door I2sit of Galley, on
ISIcvciitli Sterol,
Manufacturer and Dealer in
A complete assortment or I-atlles nml dill-
ren" Shoes kept en hand.
All Work Warranted ! !
Our JSotto Good stock, excellent
werk and fair prices.
Especial Attention paid to Repairing
Cor. Olive mid XSflt !..
(One mile west of Columbus.)
Always on Uaiid in
12th Street, 2 doors nest of Hammond House,
Columbus, Neb. -SOI-y
Scaler in HEAL ESTATE,
f a;i i;ouiA:.i,-Aiii.,
Will practice in all the courts of the
State. Prompt attention jjiven to all
business entrusted to his care.
OJice: Up-stairs, one door east of
lour.NALoJlice, Columbus. 479-Cm
Carpenters and Contractors.
Have had an extended experience, and
will guarantee atUf.tction in work.
All kinds of rcairinr done on short
notice. Our motto if, Good work and
fair prices. Call and pive u an oppor
tunity to estimate for you. iSTShop al
the Itig Windmill, Columbus, Xebr.
ni:i.on Mii.i.jrrT. kvkon millctt.
.lustice of the IN-aee and
Notary Public.
Vplirnsksi. XV H Tl...- xvJll .rivi.
--- . ...-. ... t- ..... p....
close attention to all businessfntrusted J
to them. 2tS.
H. C. Ci2i7T. .". 3. UA'S.
Ailornoys and Counselors at Law,
Will jrivc rompt attention to all busi
ness entrusted to them in this and ad
joining counties. Collections made
Otlice on lltli tr et. opposite IIeiutz.s
luifr- store. Columbus. Neb. s,pricht
Dent sch Parle Frjiiieias.
Er. i:. B.. SSE.S,
Pliysician and Sui'gon.
ISTOllice open
at all hours
1 H M? .
snh1 an n ncr.
IF YOl have any real estate .r sale,
if you wish to"buy either in or out
of the'eity. if jou wish to trade city
pioperty for lands, or lands -fur city
property, she u .1 call.
A'aisvoi:tii &
EIKMKi: & STOLCK keep constantly
, on hand aud furnish in the Wall,
the best of brick. Order solicited. Ad
res, a- aboc, box !". Columbus. X.
70V IS THE TIM Ii to secure a life
i like picture ol yourself and chil
dren at the New Art Kootiis. east Mth
street, south side . lilroad track, Colum
bus, Nebraska.
-JTS-tf Mr, s. A.
vn nniiTi
Ii for auv work in his line. P.efore
letting your contracts for buildings of
anv description call on or address him
at Columbus. Neb. jrKiist-class ap
paratus for removing buildings.
Teams of
Horses or Oxen,
SABan.K Eo:EE-:s. wild or broke,
at the Corral of
Columbus Meat Market!
KEEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh
meats, and smoked pork and beef;
also fre-h fish. Make sausage a spec
ialty. jSTRemember the place. Elev
enth St., one door west of D. Ryan's
hotel. -HT-tf
Chicago Barber Shop.
HAIR tl'TTING done in the latest
styles, with or without machine.
Nunc hut thst-elass workmen employed.
Ladies' and children's hair cutting a
specialty. Rest brands of cigars con
statitlv on hand.
72 im Proprietor.
stak uosite:.
JOHN Hl'lJER. the mail-carrier be
tween Columbus and Albion, will
leave Columbus everyday except Sun
day at G .'clock. sharp, p.issinr through
Monroe, Genoa, WaUrille, and to Al
bion The hack will call at eithet of
the Hotel for passenger., if orders are
left at the po-t-ortiee. Rates reason
able, $2 to Albion. 'J'
1 T31Y RESIDENCE.on Shell Creek,
JTjL three miles cat of Matthis.- bridge,
1 have
TO. OOO gooil. li:irl-bnritt ln-ick
lor Mile.
which will be sold in lots to suit pur-
OFFICE HOl'RS. 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to
-1 p.m., and 7 to 5) p.m. Otlice on
Nebraska Avenue, three doors north- of
E. J. Baker's graiu otlice. Residence,
corner Wyoming and Walnut treets.
north Columbus, Nebr. -iXl-tf
IMetricliV Meat Harlict.
WakhlBRton Ate., nearly opposite Court Hocte.
meat w!ll be sold at this market
low, low down for cash.
Best steak, per lb., 10c.
Rib roast, " . . . . Sc.
Boil. " Cc.
Two cents a pound more than the above
prices will be charged on time, and that
good responsible parties only. 'if
TnvK. R. .5. REILI.Y,
JOrticcon Thirteenth Street,
Opposite Engine House, Columbus, Neb.
Er sprich t Dcutsch . -litf.x
House 3Iovlng:
and house building done to order, aud
in a workman-like manner. Please jrive
u a call. J2J"Shop on corner of Olive
St. and 1'acilie Avenue. JSTi tf
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Store on Olive St., near the old l'ost-office
Columbus Nebraska. 417-ly
Dress and Shirt Maker,
8 Poors West orstillman' Iru? Store.
Dresses and shirts cut and made to
orderand satisfaction guaranteed. Will
nlo do plain or fancy sew ing of any de
Give me a call and trv my w ork.
iaw, reaiTestate
TONEY TO LOAN in small lots on
11 farm property, time one to three
years. Farms withsoine improvements
bought and sold. Office for the present
at the Clot her House, Columbus, Neb.
House & Sign Painting,
... ii-isi5 -..,,,,. ..
V'A? u-iiiu.itf. vuAimt,
s- "V f Jg - SB.-...,. FKnntritlfr.
v ir -n worK warrauieu. c 1 ""
Olive street, opposite the "Tattersall"
Stable. aprlrty
readv-made and Metallic Collins,
Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cane
Scat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal
nut Lumber.
TadiiaEt:s Ats. 8jjc:i'.e C:srt Eetie. Cclss-:, '.tJb
IJ. S. 'E'i' 'S'alili-
Eastward Hound.
Emigrant, No. i. leaes at
Passcng'r, 4, '
Freight. " -S
Freight. " 1, "
Westward Bound.
Freight. No. S, leaves at
Pas-en-'r. '' :t. "
Freight. " 0,
Emigrant, 7. '
i::2.'i a. 111.
11:00 a. m.
2:15 p.m.
4:"0 a. in.
2:00 p. 111.
4:27 p. 111.
!:00 p.m.
1:30 a.m.
Everv dav except Saturday the three
lines leading to Chicago connect with
l P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays
there will be but one train a day, a
shown bv the following schedule:
A. ?. Pauikkmc. lT. S. Senator, Beatrice. SAUNDKKS.r.S. Senator, Omaha.
T. .1. Ma-ioku Rep.. Peru.
E. K. Vai.kntink, Rep., West Point.
Ai.mxus Nanck, Governor, Lincoln.
..!. Alexander, Secretary of State.
F. AY. Liedtke, Auditor, Lincoln.
G. M. Bartlett, Treisurer, Lincoln.
C. .1. Dilworth, Attorney-General.
S. R.TIioinjisoii. Supt. Public Ins.rnc.
H. C. Dawson, Warden of Penitentiary.
Y1Y'Kht:' Prison Inspectors.
C. H. Gould, '
Dr. J. G. Davis, Prison Physician.
II. P. Mathewson, Supt. Insane Asylum.
S. Maxwell. Chief Justice,
r.eorge B. Lake.) AgM,ciate jmigPS.
Aniasa Cobb. 1
(. W. Post, Judtre, York.
M. B. Reese, District Attorney, Wahoo.
M. B. Hoxie, Register, Grand Island.
Win. Ativan, Receiver, Grand island.
J. G. Higciiis, County .fudire.
John Staufler, County Clerk.
V. Kummer. Treasurer.
Benj. Siiielman, Shcrilr.
It. L. Rosssitcr, Surveyor.
win. Blocdorn )
John Walker, V Ct
John Wise. j
Dr. A. Hcintz. Coroner.
S. L. Barrett. Supt. of Schools.
ByrMillelt!"'! .TucticesofthePeace.
Charles Wake, Constable.
C. A. Spcice, Mayor.
John Wi-rmuth. Clerk.
Charles Wake. Marshal.
C. A. Newman, Treasurer.
S. S. McAllister. Police Jmlge.
J. G. IJoiiton, Engineer.
lAf U'tinZ J. K. North,
G. A. Sehroeder.
'2d Ward E. C. Kavanaugh.
R. H. Henry.
3d Ward-F.. J. Baker,
Arm. Burgess.
i'olnmtias Eos; SC-.
Open on Simdajs trm II a. .m. to 12 M.
and from -!::fo to (5 i. m. Business
hours except Sunday (J a. m. to S i m.
K'isrerii mails close at 11 a. m.
Western mails close at 4:15 P.M.
Mail leaves Columbus for Madison and
Norfolk, daily, except Sunday, at 10
A.M. Arrives at 4:30 p. m.
For Monroe, Genoa. "Watervillc and Al
bion, daily except Sunday C A. M. Ar
rive, same, G P.M.
For Osceola and York,Tuesdays,Thurs
days and Saturdays, 7 a.m." Arrives
Mondavs, Wednesdays and Fridays,
C p. M.
For We If. Farral and Battle Crceli,
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,
G a.m." Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays, at G p. M.
For Shell Creek, Creston and Stanton,
on Mondays and Fridays at 6 a.m.
Arrives Tuesdays and Saturdays, at
C r. M.
For Alexin. Patron and David City,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
IP. m "Arrives at 12 m.
For St. Anthony. Prairie I2ill and St.
Bernard, Saturdays, 7 ,. M. Arrives J
jnusys, p..m.
I .im an old miner. Xot one of
the nowadays Washoe and Nevada
stripe, but an old forty-nine Califor
nia miner. I have been engaged in
all descriptions of mining transac
tions, except the new-fangled one of
mining stock in companies "feet,"
I believe they call it. Among my
varied undertakings was one opera
tion in a tunnel, in which J and my
partner engaged in the summer of
One afternoon in that year as I
was carrying up a bucket of water
from the river to our tent at the top
of the bank, my foot caught under a
large stone, and my perpendicular
was at once changed to a horizontal
posture, while the water from the
overturned bucket spread itself in
various directions. "With a few ex
pletives of rather a forcible charac
ter, quite customary and common in
that region and period, I raised 1113
self to my feet again, and picking
up the bucket was about to retrace
my steps to the river, when my at
tention was attracted by a folded
paper which had been placed under
the stone which caused my fall.
"When my foot tripped, the stone was
overturned, and the paper folded in
letter form lay exposed to view.
Bending over, I picked it up and
proceeded to examine it. It was
written in pencil, in characters very
irregular and stiflly formed, as if
made by a person with a wounded
hand. The content.: were as follows :
"If this letter should fall 'into the
hands of any person I wish to in
form him that I have been attacked
and mortally wounded by my two
partners, who wished to obtain my
money. Failing to discover it after
wounding me they have lied, leaving
me here to die. Whoever gets this
letter will find buried in a ravine at
the foot of the "blazed" (roe, twenty
live paces uje north ol this, a bag
containing $5,000 in gold dust. That
it may prove more fortunate prop
erty to him than it has to me is the
wish of AxnitF.w Fourst.''
I stood for some moments after
reading the letter like one awakened
from a dream. I could not convince
injself thai the letter in my hand
was genuine, and read it over and
over again, thinking I might get
some clue from the handwriting to
the real author. It might be a trick
got up by my partners to raise a
laugh at my expense. No ;the place
where it was found, and the purely
accidental discovery rendered such
a surmise very improbable. I sat
down on a log and turned the mat
ter over and over in my mind Ion
some time. At last I got up and
pacing oil" the required distance in
the direction mentioned in the letter
I came to a large tree. Carefully
examining it I discovered a. sear,
clearly indicating that the tree had
been "blazed"' at some 1 emote period.
This was confirmation as strong as
Holy Writ, and I immediately went
lo work to discover the locality of
the ravine. Here I was at fault.
Nothing of the kind was lo be seen.
To all appearance a stream of water
never had passed in the neighbor
hood of the tree. This was not en
couraging, and I sat down on the
ground and read the letter again to
see if I had not mistaken some of its
contents. No; I was in the light
place, but where wasthe ravine?
A tap on the shoulder aroused me
from my meditations and looking
up, I saw my two partners, who
loudly abused me for having neg
lected the prepaiation for their sup
per. As an excuse I showed them
the letter and detailed the manner of
my finding it. To my surprise they
were as much excited by its perusal
as 1 had been and we all looked
around pcrseveringly for the ravine,
but without effect for some time. At
last Jack Nesbitt, who had been a
miner since '48, said:
"I think there has been a ravine
here, but it has been filled up by the
On close examination we decided
that his supposition was correct, and
after some consultation we deter
mined to commence digging early
the following morning.
Morning came, and we repaired lo
the spot with pick and shovel. Jack
proposed that we should follow the
course of the ravine, which appeared
to run into the body of the hill,
rather than to dig down ; for, as we
said, we would he more likely to
find the bag in the bed of the ravine
by following it up than by digging
down in any one place. The result,
was that in a few days we had form
ed quite a cave in the side of the hill.
Yc worked at this tunnel for four
days without finding the bag. On
the fourth day Jack proposed that
he and my other partner, Bill Jen
nings, should carry the dirt we had
excavated down to the river, and
wash it, leaving me to dig the tun
nel. In that way they thought they
might "make grub'' while searching
for the hidden money. I thought
the idea foolish, but as they entered
so eagerly into myviews regarding
the bu ried bag of dust, I made no
objections to the plan, and dug
away with redoubled energy. In
fact, I had thought so much about
the object of the search that I had
become utterly regardless of almost
everything else. I had dreamed of
it when sleeping, mused on it when
waking, and it had obtained com
plete control of my mind. Day after
day we worked, I digging, aud my
companions washing; yet strange to
say, I did not become discouraged.
They said nothing about the bag of
gold dust, and I asked them nothing
about the result of their washing the
excavated soil.
We had worked aboat three weeks
aud formed a tunnel extending about
fifteen feet into the hill, when, com
completely tired out, I sat down to
rest in the cave. I had only intend
ed to sit a little while, but five min
utes had not elapsed before I was
sound asleep. I was awakened by
a crash, aud found my feet and legs
completely covered by a mass of
dirt and stones. The front part of
the tunnel had fallen, aud in a man
ner buried me alive. About ten feet
of the tunnel remained firm, and
from my observation of its structure
prior to the accident, I was convinc
ed that I had no reason to apprehend
any danger in that quarter. Aly
partners had carried dirt enough to
the river to keep them busy there
for the rest of the day; so I had
nothing to hope from their assist
ance. The question that first pre
sented itself to my mind was, how
long can life be sustained in this
confined state? I had read a dozen
times statistics in relation lo the
amount of ir consumed hourly by
human being' lungs, but like al
most every body else, had merely
wondered at the time, and then for
gotten the figures.
How much I would have given
then to be able to recall them 1 The
next thought was, how can I pro
ceed to extract myself? This ques
tion was difficult of solution. If I
went to work with shovel and pick
to clear away the dirt that had fallen
it was very likely that all I should
he able to remove would be im me
diately replaced by that which
would'fall in from above. This was
pleasant. I racked my poor brain
to devise some means of liberatiii"
myself, but without effect.
Leaning against the wall in utter
despondency, I was about to throw
myself down on the ground and
await my fate, when I observed that
quite a current of water on a small
scale, was making its way down on
the side of the cave- At first I was
alarmed, as I thought it might
loosen the earth above and bring
another mass down on my head.
The next moment the thought struck
me that it might bo turned to my
advantage. Why could not I direct
it so that it would wash away suffi
cient earth in its progress to the
outlet of the cave, to make an open
ing large enough to allow me io
crawl through ? Even if I only suc
ceeded in making an air hole it
would enable me at least to exist
until my partners could come to my
Carefully examining the course of
the water, I succeeded in finding the
spot where it entered the cave, and
to my great joy ascertained that I
could easily direct it by cutting a
channel out of the sides of my prison
to the mass of earth that blocked up
the entrance to the tunnel.
The air at this lime was quite hot
and stifling, and I became aware
that whatever was done must be
done quickly, or I ehould perish for
want of oxygen.
After cutting a channel for the
water to flow toward the entrance,
I enlarged the opening by which the
stream entered the cave, and rejoic
ed to observe that it flowed with
redoubled force. Taking my shovel
I pushed it through the moistened
earth as far as I was able, and then
awaited the further action of the
water. In a few minutes I could
push it farther, till it last it was out
of my reach. Then placing the
pick-handle against it, I pushed both
as far as I could. With what eager
ness did I watch to see the first
opening made by the water, but I
was soon gratified by observing that
it flowed a steady stream iu the di
rection in which I pushed the pick
and shovel.
In a few minutes I discovered a
faint glimmering in the distance
which might be an opening or the
effect of an over-excited imagination.
I scarcely knew which. But the
doubt soon resolved itself into a cer
tainty, and an opening some five
inches in diameter speedily dis
closed itself.
Larger and larger the opening
grew, lump after lump of earth was
washed away by the stream, till the
channel -became large enough to
place my head in and call lustily
for assistance.
Just as I was drawing my head
back. I caught sight of a buckskin
bag. Hastily seizing it, I found it
was the one we were in search of,
and which, but for the accident, I
never would have found! Wishing
to surprise my companions, I con
cealed it and redoubled my cries. In
a few minutes they came running up
the hill aud soon liberated me from
my unpleasant position.
"Well, Ned," said Jack, as he shook
my hand; "I'm glad to see you safe,
old fellow. The more so as Bill and
I have been deceiving you a littte.
You know Bill and I have been Dy
ing all the summer to gel you into a
tunneling operation, but you have
only laughed at us."
"Yes," I said.
"Well, when you got that letter
we made up our minds that we wo'd
go into the job with you, not in the
hope of finding any bag, but because
we knew you would work twice as
hard with such an inducement, in
tending, meanwhile, to wah the
excavated dirt. This we have done ;
and, my boy, we have not made less
than three hundred dollars any day
since we begun."
"Then you think the bag a hum
bug, do you ?'' I asked.
"Of course," said he.
"Well, I don't, and intend going
on looking for it," said I.
"Now what's the use of being
foolish?" quoth IJill Jennings. "We
have got as much dirt as we can
wash lor some time, and it pays. I
can't see the use of continuing such
a wild gooc oha3e as the hunt for
that bag."
"Be that as it may, I iutend lo fol
low it up," I said.
"Well Ned, I may as well tell you
first as last. I wrote that letter in
order to get you to go into tun
neling." "And the blazed tree," said I;
"how about that ? The blaz is cer
tainly two years old.'
"Why, you see," said he, we found
that tree, aud wrote the letter to
suit it."
"Then what do you think of this,"
I asked, showing him the bag I had
found iu the cave.
Jack was uon-plusscd. On open
ing the bag we found uboul three
thousand dollars worth of gold.
Jack would never confess, but
always insisted that the variance be
tween the statement in the letter and
the amount in the bag was proof
enough thai there wa no connec
tion between the two. I don't think
so, however, and I believe that
Jack's assertion anything about Mr.
Forest, so we divided the money
amon" us.
The G'ooil 3auslanI.
"Nothing," said a sweet, smiling,
joyful woman in a domestic circle,
"adds so much to my happiness as a
kind word, a kind look, or a kind
act from my husband. Oh, how
charming, after hard day's toil at the
wash tub, or in cooking over a hot
fire for the harvest hands, or in the
discharge of any other domestic
duly, or after a sleepless nigut with
a sick babe, i3 a kind word, or a
smile even, from the husband and
Husbands, if you sec defects, or
things which you wish were not so,
in your wives, try kindness and see
if that don't do them more good
than all the unkind words and cross
looks you ever gave them.
"I often think," continued this
happy wife, "I have the best hus
band in the world. He is good and
kind to me in sickness and in health,
in joy aud iu sorrow. We are hap
pier .than when we were imvrricd,
nearly twenty, years ago. He never
scolds me, nor brings .1 long cata
logue of complaints against me, but
comes in from his daily labor in a
good humor, with a smile on his lips,
and says, 'Now, Susanna, you have
done enough to-day; put up your
work.' Then he seizes little Nancy ;
and we sit down side by side, and
chat in the cool evening breeze."
What woman in the world would
not make such a husband a good
A man having fallen jnto a slough,
his friend called loudly to another
man for assistance. The latter, who
was busily engaged in cutting a bog,
and wishing to procrastinate, in
quired. "How deep is the gentle
man in?" "Up to his ankles," was
theauswer. "Then there is plenty
of time," rejoined the other. "No
there's not," rejoined the first, "for
he's in head first."
It is the confession of a widower
who has been, thrice married, that
the first wife cures a man's romance,
the second teaches him humility,
and the third makes him a philos
opher. Every day is worse than the form
er. One's gain is another los3. Noth
ing is agreeable that wants variety.
Publius Syrus.
'JTIic Old and IV ew Democracy.
r.v i:f.v. a. ii. kim.mokk.
My health failing, and being about
to depart and my prospect for the
eternal future being bright as sun
beams, I feel it my duty to ay a few
words in relation to the welfare of
my country.
Difference between the Democra
cy of Andrew Jackson and the De
mocracy of John C Calhoun.
Most of the modern politicians
have forgotten some of the events of
the past. I saw John C. Calhoun in the
United States Senate several years
after he should have been executed
for treason. The nullifiers of South
Carolina had assumed a state of uu-
tagonism against the government of
the country, and determined to se
cede from the Union, and establish
an independent government. Cal
houn had resigned h'n office of Vice
President, and had entered the Uni
ted States Senate iu order to suc
cessfully accomplish this work.
General Jackson, as President of the
United States, amid great excite
ment, iisucd a sharp and spicy mes
sage, and summed up his objections
to nullification iu unambiguous
terms. lie says:
"I consider, then, the power to
annul a law of the United States,
assumed by one State, incompatible
icilh the existence of the Union, con
tradicted expressly by the letter of
the constitution, unauthorized by US
spirit, inconsistent with every prin
ciple on which it was founded, and
destructive of the yrcot object for
which it was formed.'' Sec Presi
dents' messages, Vol. 1, page -117.
He also says, "Our constitution does
not contain the absurdity of giving
power to make laws, and another
power to resist them." See Presi
dents' Messages, page -US. And
again, "But ihc dictates of a high
duty oblige me solemnly to an
nounce that you cannot succeed.
The laws of Ihc United States must
be executed. I have no discretion
ary power on the subject. My duty
is emphatically pronounced in the
Constitution. Those who told you
that you might peaceably prevent
their execution, deceived you they
could not have been deceived them
selves. They know that a forcible
opposition could alone prevent the
execution of Ihc laws, and they
know that such opposition must be
be repelled. Their object is disun
ion: but be not deceived by names:
disunion by armed force is treason."
See Presidents' messages, page -150.
If disunion were treason then, what
is it now ? Also he says, "The loss
of liberty, of all good government,
of peace, plenty and happiness, must
inevitably follow a dissolution of
the Union." See Presidents' mes
sages, page 178.
Aud when we sec the old General
on his death bed and hear him say
the great failure of his life was iu
his neglect to hang Calhoun for
treason, we then see the difference
between Jackson Democracy and
Calhoun Democracy; and had Jeff.
Davis lived iu tho3C days, he would
not have commanded a rebel army,
but would have been hung for trea
son before he started; and when
that rebel Congressman annouueed
himself a Jackson Democrat, if the
old hero could have been permitted
to rise from the dead how soon
would he have hissed the traitor
into nonentity. Let us see what
would be the final results of the
triumph of Calhoun Democracy.
Sec some eleven weak states, each
in the form of an aristocracy, too
feeble for self defense, and too jeal
ous and contentious to help each
other, with their new Post Office
laws and their new revenue laws ;
see them with gangs of slaves hand
cuffed, and with slave markets, aud
blood hound to mangle the flesh of
the fleeing colored man ; see their
sorry little flags upheld by mobs,
proudly asserting their mighty inde
pendence over the rest of mankind ;
sec the Hag of our own country
once honored on every sea, and ad
mired and cheered in every port;
it was greeted by every nation as au
emblem of strength, and purity, and
peace; but see that dear old flag
under which our fathers and broth-
crs fought and bled and died. It is
the same flag under which my ven
erable ancestors fought to gain our
independence and then to sustain it,
aud the thought of its being dis
graced strikes dismay and sorrow to
the bottom of my heart. But see it
with its ouce beautiful stars and
stripes trailing in the -dust, its "ad
versaries prosper, its enemies tri
umph, its beauty is departed. Now
when one of our countrymen-is in
terrogated in Europe as to his na
tionality, he loudly answers, "From
the United States of America!"
Then when the question is asked,
see him hang his head and blush,
aud answer," I came from where
the United States wore. We are
not united now, but divided and
distracted by the wind3 and wavos
of contending factions." Then will
the princes of Europe rrjoico and
say, e told you so. Wo knew
that men were not capable of self-
government, and that the statement
of Jefferson, 'All men were created
equal, was a mere fable. Aud then
will the Papacy rejoice and boast
that the league that was formed in
Vicuna iu 1S23 lo destroy the liber
tics of the United State?, has suc
ceeded. And what wonld briti"
about all this desolation aud wreck
of human liberty? It is the wretch
ed Calhoun Democracy, all under
the false pretence of helping the
poor man. Let us inquire what
they have already done towards
bringing about llii- final national
wreck, this revolution, anarchy and
ruin. It is obviwnslv bringing us
back toward feudal despotism; aud
should a Calhoun democrat be elect
ed iu lSSOnmlo.'ie hundred thous
and federal offices be filled by rebtN
aud their adhcrents,it would inaugu
rate our certain national ruin. How
then can the present democracy bo
otherwise than Cnihouu democracy,
because it needs the help of the se
cessionists with their terror, fraud
aud violence, with their shot gun:
and tissue paper so as to render it a
solid South. Also they must bo
Calhoun democrats iu order to help
the communists and mob3 of the
Northern cities; and also in order
to receive the votes of the Romanists
who are seeking- to undermine tho
government aud to reduce it to a
Roman province. They will also
need and receive tho votes of the
liquor party, and of the Mollic Ma
guires of the mines aud the hood
lums of the sand lots. How can
honest men vote a democratic ticket
w hen they know that many officers
in the United States government
violated their solemn oaths of oflico
by going into the great American
rebellion against ihc American flag
which they had solemnly sworn to
protect, and after they failed they
meekly "accept the situation'' and
desired office again under the United
Stale3 government ; and when elect
ed by their sham elections they
abused their privilege, (hough paid.
out of the National Treasury, and
again turned against the government
and made a deadly effort, by with
holding supplies, to put the timu
honored power of United States
protection out of tho hands of tho
President which provides for an
honest ejection into the hands of
State sovereignties under the pro
tection of Southern secessionists and
Northern mobs. This was done by
Democratic caucuses in secret con
clavc.and controlled by the most vio
lent conspirators of the solid South,
they having a majority, and being
backed by a majority in both houses
of Congress", would bring this great
Republic of some fifty millioug down.
to the feet of the Rebel Brigadier?-
And how can men look without:
alarm upon the doings of the Ia3t
Congress, composed of a majority of
Calhoun Denocrats with twenty
rebel soldiers in the Senate and &ix-
ty-fivc iu the House of Representa
tives, inaugurating two among tho
most wretched and wasteful sessions
that ever disgraced the American
nation? How many times must men
falsify their oaths before they be
come unfitted to hold civil office in
the estimation of the South? Before
men cast their ballots they should
inquire which party Republican or
Democratic alarmed the poor col
ored people, driving them into exile,
and who burned their school houses
and churches, and whom do thej
consider their persecutors and ene
mies and whom their friends. Who
is responsible for the long list of
white and colored murdered at
midnight in cold blood, and subject
ed to all forms of outrage short of
death all for political purposes?!
Aud which party killed or maimed
oue teacher and twenty ministers of
the gospel of one denomination I
which ministers' uames arc already
published aud who wa3 ever pun
ished for it? Which party strncl
down a United States senator nearly
unto death, in the senate chamber,
and which party protected the assas
sin; and which parly it wa3 that
murdered a President, oue of the
noblest that ever graced the Ameri
can continent. AH these great facts
should be faithfully considered, and
men as patriots aud not partisans!
should deposit their ballots where
they would best secure the safety of
the nation, and permit the good oldl
stars and stripes to ware in triumpkl
over a united and happy people, till
time shall bo no longer.
A lazy fellow standing by his
brother's beuch, while the latter waa
sharpening his chisel, said, "John
why do you work for a living? A
fellow with your talents should not
degrade himself with manual labor.
I mean to get my living by my wits.
"Well, Frank, you can work with,
duller tools than I can.77