REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Forjudge of the Supreme Court, A3IASA CUBB. For Rejrcrt of the University, 2d DM., JOHN L. CARSON. For Regent of the University, 3d Dit., J. W. GANNETT. For District Jtidsrc, 4th DMrlct, GEORGE W. POST. Comity. For Countv Judjrc, S. S. MCALLISTER, For Sheriff, II. C. AlAGOON. For Clerk. JA3IES PEAKS ALL. For Treasurer, JOHN W. EARLY. For Coroner, Dn.T. E.MITCHELL. Superintendent Public Instruction, CHARLES A. HKINDLEY. For Survevor, JOHN G. ROUTSON. For Commissioner, District" No. 2, G. W. SHAFFER. ' gar imHfMM mim man's rights do not include the right to all the comforts of a home with out any of the work, or worrj-, or sacrifice, or thoughtfulness aud well doing incident to its creation and maintenance. A good many mcu think they hare done their full duty if they pay the bills, more or less grudgingly. But one might s well try to warm a room with a lire-place and a pair of aiircr-plated and-iron, and no fuel or tire, as. to make a homo wiJh money. The money simply makes a place for the home; to complete it the man must put in himself, and the best part of himself at that. Golden Jiulc. -rr, jtSJT Commissioner's Proceedings. Mch's Part In IIome-.Tlalfinp:. Most of the preachments we have seen from the texts of happy homes have been aimed at the women. This is natural enough, for they arc the home-makers of the world ; and in a future number we shall "join in the chorus," and also bay something to the young folks about their part iu a work from which no responsible member of the Tamil' can be excus ed. But just now wc desire to nndgo the heads of the households and ask them how they are perform ing their responsible part in the realm of home. Their forte lies in breathing and enjoying the atmos phere after somebody else has made it and not a few can't get along and make kuowu their authority without "raising a breeze" in it. Men arc too bus', loo impatient and thoughtless, and it must be said of some of them too selfish to do their fair share of that pre-eminently millennial work, the creating of a happy home, wherein love reigns supreme, and amiability, affection, cheerfulness, joy and peace, are the natural conditions of family life. Now in certain things man ha3 been a constitutional shirk from the I time of Adam if the scientific gen- tlcmcn have left us any Adam down to this day. Men will light for their homes, and make slaves of themselves to their business to main tain them; but like the proverbial man who would die for a womau, but would never bring up a scuttle of coal, they can't tell what their children are studying at school, who tbeir mates are, what they are learn ing of good or evil, nor hardly any thing else that a father ought to know concerning his offspring. It is so sad a fact as to 6poil the satire, when it is said that many a father iinds his Sundays and holidays too few to enable him to " become ac quainted with his boys." But wc maintain that a man who hasn't time to be a father to his children, with all that includes, has no right to have any. He wrongs them, robs himself, puts an unjust responsibil ity upon tho mother, and neglects his highest duties, human and di vine. There arc so many ways iu which a father may contribute to happy ...Uv.-,.ii; mai ii aueius girauge tiie number of houses should so exceed the homes. It takes so little to make children happy at home, that it is a wondrous pity so many little ones arc miserable, or uneasy, or discon tented. If for au hour after the evening meal the father should give himself to his children, would the mother wear out so fast, or the chil dren be so lawless, troublcsomc.and uncomfortable? "What a ministry or good to both parties is a papa's frolic with the babies! Whai an interest is added to the books, the drawings, the games, or even the studies if the lather enters into them! Asido from the children, and in homes where haply there arc none, men still have a more direct part than most of them arc ready to bear, iu making the daily life pleasant. We hardly need say that a man 6hould set the example for the fam ily in patience, cheerfulness, courte sy, forbearance, and all the amiable moods and graces that arc the soul of home happiness. The sort of men who display all their suavity and politeness on tho street or at their business places, and save the storms, aud sulks, and sourness, and all the evil brood of devilish dispo sitions that they characterize by the convenient euphemism of "moods" well, we have our opinion of them, and if they will come within range, wc don't mind expressing it private ly; but we are afraid it wonld not look well in priut! The whole tribe of home tyrants men who make the entire household revolve around them as the center; whose tongues are chronically "furred" in tho morning, and nerves 60 upset in tbc evening that the family must keep 6ilcncc while they read and smoke; who "can't bear the noise of innocent and natural niirthfulness; who havo to be toad ied and tended and humored ; they ought all of them to be doomed to pass their days in a shabby-genteel boarding house, without sight of wife or children; with hash for breakfast, warmed -.over pancakes for lunch, and lean mackerel aud centennial hens for supper, with the lodger overhead always learning the trombone and servant girl a that steal the hairroil. They don't de servo a home, aud no man doe9 who frill do nothing io make it. For Educate Vour GiirlM. Give your girls a thorough cduca cation; teach them how to prepare a nourishing diet; teach them how to wash ; to iron, to darn stockings, to sew on buttons, to make their own dresses. Teach them to bake bread, aud that a good kitchen les sens the apothecary's account. Teach them that a dollar is a hundred cents that one only lays up money whose expenses arc less than his income. Teach them that a calico Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, 1S70. Election Proclamation, according to Election Act imsscd at the sets- sion 01S79. Notice is hereby given that .on Tuesday, the 4th day of November n cxt, at the Court House in Colum bus Precinct; At the school house of District No. Tin Butler Precinct; At the school house of District No. 2 in Bismarck Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 46 in Sherman Precinct; At the school house of District No. 43 in Creston Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 4 in Shell Creek Precinct ; At tiie school house of District No. 21 in Stearns Precinct; At the school house of District No. 19 in Humphrey Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 11 in Lost Creek Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 14 in Burrows Precinct ; At the school house of District No. 52 in Granville Precinct ; At the school house of District No. G in Monroe Precinct ; At the school house of District No. SI in Looking Glass Precinct; At the residence of Cornelius Koch in "Woodvillc Precinct; At the house of Bennett Olson in Walker Precinct ; At the house of Henry Gilsdorf in the village of St. Bernard in Pleas ant Valley Precinct, An Election will be held for one Judge of the Supreme Court, Two icegenu ol the University, Great Battles of tho World. Already our war of tho Kcbellion is recognized as having passed into military history. The proot thereof is that a general order has been is sued from the army department of England, stating that the following will be the subjects of examination in military history and geography at the examination for admission to the Staff College, to be held in June, 1880, viz.: 1. Shermau's campaign in 1SG4 from Chattanooga to Savan nah, with battles around Atlanta in detail; also the campaign in Kussia in 1812, with baillo of Borodino in detail. Candidates wU be expected to have a general knowledge of the geography of the country. 3. The general principles of war. Text books Jomini,"L'Art dc la Guerre;" Hamley "Operations of War." WAEfGIS! AMIES! WA60IS END SPRINGS, PLATFORM SPRINGS, WHITNEY A BREWSTER SIDE springs! dress paid for fits better than a silk- wo egenLs ox tnc u mvereny, , ., , , .. .. . One Judge of the District Court of dress unpaid for. Teach them that a full, healthy face displays a great er lustre than fifty consumptive beauties; teach them to wear strong shoes. Teach them to purchase, aud to sec that the account, corresponds with the purchase. Teach them that they ruin God's imayc by wearing tight bodies. Teach them good com mon sense, self trust, self help and industry; leach them that an honest mechanic in working dress is better than a dozen haughty, finely dressed idlers. Teach them gardening aud the pleasure of nature. Teach them, if you can afford it, music, painting, aud till other arts, but consider them secondary objects only. Teach them that a walk is more salutary than a ride in a carriage, and that wild flowers are worthy objects of admir ation. Teach them to reject with disdain all appearances, and to say only Yes or No iu good earnest. Teach them that the happiness of matrimony depends neither on ex ternal appearances nor on wealth. Have you instructed your daughters in these principles, and havchcy comprehended those principles? Fearlessly allow them to marry. They will make their way through the world. Trees and Health. Everybody knows that trees take the carbonic acid thrown out in the breath of men and animals, separate it int. its component parts carbon and oxygeu give back the latter to bo ucd over again, and work up the former into wood and fruits. It is also coming to be generally understood that forest trees do im portant service in promoting rain falls, and in helping to retain the surface-water for springs, streams and general use. It is also known that certain spe cies, planted in malarial localities, help to render the latter healthy by somehow using up the deadly mi asma. It would now appear that trees grouing near drains carry off the sewage water. A gentleman, whose cess -drain was constructed just like his neigh bors' and in the same kind of soil, had found it unnecessary to clean it out, while the others had to be cleaned out frequently. An examination showed that three large trees, whose roots had pene trated into the vicinity of his second, or waste, cess-pool, were clearly the channels through which the waste all escaped. Whether it was changed into plant-food, as is likely, or was ex haled through the leaves, iu cither case it was disposed of with equal safety. the 4th Judicial District, One County Judge, One Sheritr, One County Clerk, One County Treasurer, One Coroner, One County Superintendent of Pub- ' lie Instruction, One County Surveyor, One County Commissioner of Dis trict No. 2, One Assessor for each Precinct, One Road Supervisor for each road district, Two Justices of the Peace for each Precinct, Two Constables for each Precinct, Three Judges of Election for each Precinct, Two Clerks of Election for each Precinct. Which Election will be open at S o'clock in the morning and will continue open until (5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. . On motion the Clerk was instruct ed to prepare notices of said Election and deliver the same to the Sheriff according to law. The Board adjourned till Tuesday October 7th 1S79 at 10 o'clock A. M. The S:icHcc of Life. IIow few of ns acquire this sci ence until wc are old enough for life to have lost half its charms! The science of life consists iu knowing how to take caro of your health, how to make use of people, how to make the most of yourself, and how to push your way in the world. These are the things which every body ought to know and which very few people know. IIow never to get sick, how to develop your health aud strength to the utmost, how to make every man you meet your friend all these and many other things are to be included m the science of living, and the pity is that wc only appreciate it at its true value when the bloom of life is gone. Herald of Health. Light Pleasure and Business Wag ons of all Descriptions. We are pleased to invite the attention of the public to the fact that we have just received a car load of "Wagons and Bugjries of all descriptions, and that wc arc the sole agents for the counties ol Platte, Butler, Coonc.Madlaon, Merrick, Polk and York, for the celebrated CORTLAND WAGON COMP'Y, of Cortland, New York, and that we are offering these wapons cheaper than any other wagon built of same material, tyle and finish can be sold for in this county. 2TSend for Catalogue and Price-list. MOUSE & CAIX, 484-tf Columbus, Nebraska. "YOU BET." A. W. LAWRENCE, AGENT FOR TUB JOHN WIGGINS, WHOLESALE ASD KETAIL DEALER IS THIS SPAOE IS EESERVED WINDMILL, lie will hereafter be found on 13th street two doors west of Marshall Smith's where Jie keeps a full line of every style of PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, Also the voters voting at said election will signify their choice upon the fol lowing quotion: Shall the County of Platte pay boun ties for the destruction of wild animals within the county in accordance with tbc provisions of an Act of the I.ejrisla ture entitled "An Act to provide for the payment of bounties for the destruction of "wild animals in the State of Nebras ka," approved Feb'y ", 1870. The ballots eat in favor of the pay ment of said bounties will have written or printed thereon the words For Hoiinties," and the ballots cast against the payment of said bounties wilfbave written or printed thereon the words "Against Bounties." l$y order of Countv Commissioners, Attest, John Staltkek, Countv Clerk. Dater October 7, lS7f. 1 1 3. tan H -i , -i s a x lTj iH -y 2? n r -Fon- H. P. COOLIDGE, HARDWARE DEALER, NEBRASKA AVENUE, COI.ILIIHIJN, : .-VKKKASKA. And the Celebrated 1 X L FEED MILL. As he keeps a Pump House cxclusirely, he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN TIIE CHEAPEST. Pumps for any depth well. Pumps driven or repaired, aud Kods cut. GIVE IIL1I A CALL A.D SAVE 3I0.VEY. MEDICAL I HCAL INSTITUTE. HARDWARE STOVES, ffiOJf, TLWAEE. NaUs, Rope, Wagon Material, Glass, Paint, Etc., CORNER ELETE.HTU AXI OL.IVK STREETS, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Q SISifiB'SSKg 3. S 5 fin P L j - r- SSfeseaf&w Wd w LUERS&SCHEEIBER -.&Bii3! I i 1T 3 T. E. aiTCESLL, M. B, 0. T.lTASTTlT.a.D SAFES I The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Co's (Iale DIchoItl Sc Kicnzie,) Fire and Burglar Proof! HAVE TIIE BEST RECORD OF ALL. All leading Railrod & Espress Companies and Bankers in the Noriliwesi ha?e them. Not One Lost in tbc Two Great Fires in Chicago; also preserved the content in every instance, at Independence, Iowa; at Central City, Col.; at 0hko ib, Wis., and at all places have stood the tet, without failure. a-t or? co " S3 XIic ICoal to Poverty. "13c a clover fellow. It is the uicest thing iu the world. "While your money lasts all the dead beats will laugh with you, and as soon as it is gone they will laugh at you, which you will find makes quite a iliflcrcncc. If you do not like this plan or have not money enough to follow it successfully, you can ob taiu the same end by loatiug around waiting for something to turn up. This will lake some time longer, but then you can allbrd to wait for star vation. If yon waut to hurry up matters you can waste a good deal of money on tobacco and cigars, aud to some extent injure your health. But the great specific that rarely fails to bring uot only poverty, also crime, disease and shame is to drink intoxicating liquor. Undoes not matter how you begin, consult your taste as to that. "Wine, cider, beer, whisky, it is all one, no matter where you begin you will end with whisky and the gutter. This plan has many and peculiar advantages. As soon as you are known to be in the habit of taking iutoxicating liquors, no matter how small the quantity, men will begin to tuspect you aud in a short time will cease to trust you and then if you havo uot already accumulated properly you cannot. So as you will have more timo you can drink more, go down faster and faster and in a few years die a pauper." A. .TSotherN Iullncucc. It is hard for a young mother, who has not yet overcome the wayward tendencies of her own youthful na ture, to realize, the influence she ex erts over her little ones. She is constantly nurrounded by critical imitators who copy her moials and manners. As the mother i?, so are her sons and daughters. If a family of children arc blessed with an intel ligent mother, who is dainty and refined in her manners, and does not cousider it necessary to be one wo man in the drawing-room and au entirely different person in her evcry-day life, but who is a true mother, and always a tender, charm ing womau, you will invariably sec her habits of speech and perfect manners repeated in her children. Great, rough men, and noisy, busy boys, will always tone down their voices and step quietly, and try to be more niauncrly when she stops to give them a kind word or a pleas ant smile for a true mother will never fail to say or do all the kind, pleasant things she can, that will iu any way help to lift up and cheer those whose lives are shaded with care and toil. The mother of to-day rules the world of to-morrow. Think of it, dear sisters, and guard well your home treasures. "1 o o "C Zm ' i; s n mm 2 9 , s m u Si 73 H : 2 im - tj pa O hi CZ2 S1500 A milkman was very mad because some one bought a quart of milk and then toMJiim to "chalk It down." Probably more horses arc lost by colic than all other diseases combin ed, and one chief trouble in treating the disease is that many of the so called remedies are cither absurd or the ingredients arc not available. A few weeks since wc had a horse ta ken violently with flatulent colic, aud I started for a "horse doctor" a mile distant. On my way I recol lected having read iu the Michigan Farmer, I think it was, of applying blankets wruug out of hot water, and wished I had tried it before starting. My wife, it seems, had read the same article, and after I had gone went to work iu good "wo man" earnest and applied the hot blankets, and when I returned in about half an hour she came to the door laughing, saying: "Your horse is all right now, and sure enough he was walking around the yard en tirely relieved. Cor. Cincinnati Times. EJIVIOK PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, TTEN'DS TO ALL BUSINESS pcr J. taininiiiR to a general ltenl Estate Agency and Notary Public. Have in struction' and blanks furnished by United States Land Office for making linal proof on Homesteads, thereby sav ins a trip to (irnnd Island. Have a'lare number ot farum, citv lots and all lands beloiuringto U P. li. U. in Platte and adjoinin;? counties for sale very cheap. Attend to eonte.-ting claims before U. S. Land office. OUcc one Door Went of Hammoml Ilonnr, COLUMBUS, NEB. E. C. HocKnxnEKGKit, Clerk, Speaks German TO 5CC0O A YEAR, or $3 to $20 a day in your own locality. No risk. omen do as well as men. Many made more than the amount st-ited above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work., You can make from ."jO cts. to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try tbc business. Nothing like it for the money making ever offered before. Business pleaant and strictly honora ble. Iteader, if you want to know all about the best paying busim-ss before the public, send us your addre-s and we will send you full particulars and pri vate terms" free: samples worth $" also free; vou can then make up your mind for voiin-cir. Address GEOUGK STIN SOX & "0.. Porland, Maine. 4Sl-y LAND FOE SALE. Eixlitv acres, in Sec. 12, T. 17,11.1 E.nmi. northeast of Columbus; 70 acrts un der tbc plow; 6 acres 3 yr. old trees walnut and cottonwood of good size. Dwelling-house, 12x25 feet, 1 stories high; good well; two granaries; sta bling, bog-yards, Ac Small fruits such as currants, blackberries, &c. Conven ient to school houc and good outlet to roads. Price, $1,350 Will sell farm ma eliinerv if de.-irod. Address at Colum bus, Platte Co., Nebr. Martin IIollkiux. FARMERS! 1)E OF GOOD CnEEH. Let not the ) low priees of your products dis courage you, but rather limit your ex penses to your resources. You can do so !)V stopping at the new home of your fellow farmer, where you can find good accommodations cheap. For hay for team for one night and day, 23 cts. A room furnished with a cook stove and bunks, in connection with tho stable free. Those wishing can be accommo dated at tho house of the undersigned at the followin? rates: Meals 23 cents; beds 10 cents. " J. B. SENECAL, i mile east of Gcrrard's Corral. Bhcbith: and Wagon Makerr. ALLKIXDS OF Repairing Done on Short Notice. BcgelMi Wass, St;., liiij t: Crier. ALIi WORK WARRANTED. pi Surgeons S. S. ME2CE2, U. 0. J. C. IEHISI, y. 3., :f Csaia. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons, For the treatment of all classes of Sar Eery and deformities; acute and chronic diseases, discaes of the eye and ear, etc., etc., Columbus, Neb. They also keep on hand Furst & Bradley Plows, SULKY PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, &C. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tattcr sall. COLUMBUS, NEB. EAGLE MILLS, SPEICE & NORTH, General Aents for the" Sale of Real Estate. All Sizes for Sale and Made to Order. Old Safes taken in Exchange. Comity and Itnnlc lVorlc at Specially. Irl:ix Good Work can b Undo. ax loiv a 234 D. S. CO VENT, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 1870. ox- SHELL CREEK, Near Matthis's Bridge. JOSEPH BUCHER, - Proprietor tSTThc mill is complete iu every par ticular for making the of flour. "A tqaarci full liusinns'" is the motto. 4-w-x COLUMBUS DRUG STORE. A.W.DOLAND, (SUCCKSSOU TO DOLANI SMITH,) MIS, PATENT HHIQIB, Wall rapor, Toilet Articles, PAINTS AND OILS, KTC, ETC., K1C. Best Of Goo s And Low Prices. Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific R. R. Lands forfcale atfrom$3.00to$10.00 per acre for cash, or on live or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. "We have alio n large and choice lot of otticr lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable term. Also business and residence lots in the city. "Ve keep a complete abtract of title to all real es tate in I'latte County. TIIK $sohm(bns onnuil 633 :oL.rMiiius, ,m:d. TR. SMITH will "till be found at the 1VJL old stand, and will make prescrip tion a specialty, as heretofore. 101-x A wcll-kuowii Bostouiau was try ing a horse one day, in company with the owner, a professional jockey." Having driven him a mile or two, the gentleman, had noticed that he pulled pretty hard aud showed a good deal of spirit, requiring constant watching and a steady veiu, said: "Do you think that 9 just tho horse for a woman to drive?" ''well, pir," answered the jockey, "I must say that I shouldn't want to marry the woman that could drive that horse." A lady says that the difference be tween a eilk drese and a calico gown ie material; bnt that's all stuff. . COL U 31 11 U & Restaurant and Saloon! E. I. SIIEKHAX, Proprietor. ISTWhoIe&ale nnd Retail Dealer in For eign Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Dub lin Stout, Scotch and English Ales. J3T Kentucky IVhiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS in their season, by the case can or dish. 11th Street, South of Depot A GOOD FARM FOR SALE 15C acres of good land, 80 acres under cultivation, a ffnjnjjjffgg. good house one and a half story high, a good stock range, plenty of water, and good hay land. Two miles east of Columbus. Inquire at the Pioneer Bakery. 473-8m. NEBRASKA HOUSE, S. J. MARMOY, Prop'r. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, COI'ILIIISIJK, yiKW. A new house, newly furnished. Good accommodations. Board by day or week at reasonable rates. 23gT.S'1s n Firt-Clas Tabic. J. O. ELLIOTT, AflKNT KOK TIIK STOVER WIND MILL $20 OSCILLATING TEED MILL, And All Kinds of Pump, ASD PUMP MATERIALS! ALSO Challenge Wind and Feed Jfills, Combined Shelter and Grinder, Malt Jfills, Horse Poicers, Corn Shelters and Fannimj Jfills. Pumps Repaired on Short Notice, Farmer, come and examine our mill. You will lind one erected on thepreniiaes of the Hammond IIou?e, in good running order. GUS..A. SCHROEDER, 1'KAI.Klt IN Meals, 2Ti Cents. I Lodgings. 38-2tf .25 Cts CALIFORNIA WINES! Book-keepers, Operators, Sexintori, Teachers, OssatKercantfleOoHeseXeolnikJoie &b ToTTwarflfc. Eel tal TTMt), ,$1.25gS1.75 A GALLON -AT- SAML. OASS'S, KlfTf nth StrfeU HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, PUMPS, PAINT, AVIND MILLS AND WAGONS. AND A FULL LINK OK Agricultural Implements. Goods old cheap for cah. SIGN OF BIG AX, 11th STREET, COLUMBUS, NEIJHASKA. 434- JT. In conducted as a r FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inter ests of its readers and its publish ers. Published at Columbus. I'latte county, the centre of the agricul tural portion of Nebraska, it is read by hundreds of people east who arc looking towards Nebraska as their fnture home. Its subscribers in Nebraska arc the staunch. olid portion of the community, a- i evidenced by the fact that the JOURNAL has never contained a "dun' against them, and by the otbjr fact that ADVERTISING Iu its column-. :il way-, brings Wt reward. Itiiiiirb i bu-inrss and thoe who wish to reach the -olid people of Central Nebraska will tind the columns of the Jocknal a spleudid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly aud quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly always want ed in a hurry, and, knowing thN fact, we have so provided for it that we can furnish envelopes, let ter heads, bill heads, circulars, posters, etc., etc., on very short notice, ami promptly on time as we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum ... $2 00 " Six months 1 00 ' Three months, . . 50 Single copy sent to any address in the United States for 0 ots. M. K. TUENEE & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. 1879- CHICAGO 8 NORTH-WESTERN Tho Great Trnnk ZJne from the IVest to Chicago and the East. It Is the oldest, hortr t, most direct, convenient, comforUbla and in every respect the best line ytm can take. It la tba greatest and znnd&it Ruin-ay organization In tho United States. It owns or controls 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY PCIXHAX HOTEI. CARS are run alone by It through between COUNCIL BLUETS & CHICAGO! No other road rnns Pnllmnn Hotel Cars, or any other form of Hotel Cars, through, between tho Missouri liiver and Chhaso. IESBcHiSSSraUfllKljxHsuj me . 31 mmmmmmmmfjmmaKUnlM&8mmimMm PASSENGERS GOIKQ EAST hoaW bear in mind that this is the BEST ROUTEWCHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. Pafi-encerx by this ronte hare choice of FIVE DlFFKKtiT ROUTES and the adranU-9 of Klilit Dally IJnea Palace bleeping Cara from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN POINTS. In-J-t that the Ticket Agent rella yon tickets by the North-Western Road. Examine yonr Tickets, and refase to bay If they do not read orcrthN Head. All Agents tell them kni Check usual Baggage Free by th-a Line. Throash Ticket y!s this Ronte to all Eastern Points can be procured at the Central Pacific itcll road Ticket OC!c. foot or Market Street, and at ! New ilonftmcry htreet. Ban Pram lsro, and at ell i onpon Ticket Oficcn or i entral PaciSc, L'ulou l"acI5c, ami all Western Eai'road. evr York OQce, No. 4 IS Broadway. Boston OQIce. No. 5 State Street Oma OUce, 2to Karn hun Stret-t. fcaa Francisco O.TIcc,! hew Mont gomery ttreet. Chicago Ticket Offices : C3 Clark Mrcct. ender Sherman Hosrc : 75 Canal, corner .M.iili.on S reet ; Einzle Street Depot, corner Vet KH;Iu and Cmal htrects : Wells Street Depot, corner Wclla and Einzle Street. For rates or information not attainable from jor home ticket agent , apply to JLrvih Hrnnrrr, V.'. II. Stlnnett, Ucq'IM laz'r.Olcaco. Cen'I Vut. Ac't, (.hicaiQr a nnt rnnnlr ilONTII euaranteed. at home maris hy utrloui. Capital not required: we will start you. 3Ien, women, boys and jrirls make money faster at work for or than at any thing else. The work if light and plean. ant, and soch as anyone can go right at. Those who are wise wbo c this notice will neon us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Coatly Outfit and terms free. Now Is the time. Those already at work are laying up larre sums of money. Addresa TRUE & 00 Augusta, Haliw. 481-y CITY MEAT MARKET, ON OI.IVE MX., OPPO.SITK HAITI. MOail) HOIJNK. Will keep on band all kinds ot Fresh aud Salt Meats, also Sausage, Poultry. Fresh Fish, etc., all in their season. Cash paid for Hides, Lard and Ba con. WILL.T. RICKLY. CIK 1AT IABKET OX llk STREET. Dealers In Fresh and Salted Mouts. &c Town Lots, Wood. Hides, &c. J. RICKLY, Aeont. Oolurabrjg, June L 1877. STATE BAOT, Zz::tr.::t t: Gtrzxl i Ztti. xri rrsir & Zzlz:. COLTJMBUS, NEBRASKA. CA Sff CA PITA L, - $ 50.000 DIRECTORS: Leandeu Geihh.ui), PreiV. Gko. W. Hulst, Vice Pres'l. Jolihs A I'eed. Eowakd A. Gekkakd. Aunek Tukner, Cashier. .BB.1ST NEW STOKE ANI- fiank ol UepoMif, OImcoubi and Exchnaee. CoIlectloBflPremptly 71a dees all Point. Pay laf ereMt on Time Dcpox ItK. 271 New Stock. A full, freh supply of groceries STAPLE AND FANCY. Just opened, and for -sale at Iuw-d' :i prices. J5J"OHtc Street, opposite Hie "TMttcrssilI. JAMES 3IcALLISTKK. fnl)A WEEK in vour own twn, 2wrr and no capital rikcd. You QJJ can jfive the buIne a trial without expense. The het xncnti opportunitv ever offered for tboe will-. In?: to work. Yon hhouln try nothing ele until you see for yourself w hat you can do at thebuinr tve offer. N room to explain bre. Yon can. devote alt yonr time or onlr your spare t me to the tmsincs. and mak'e jrrcat pay for every hour that you work. Women make- a ' much as men. Send for special private tiTDis and particulars, wnlcn wc rnall free. $ Outfit free. Don't complain or bard times while you hnve xticli a chance. Address O. HALLETT & CO, Porliwd, asJae. -l-M j - 1