The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 15, 1879, Image 3

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YfEDNl,SDAY, OCT. IS, 1870.
Communications, to lnurc insertion
(n the next issue, should lie in hand on
Mondays; if lengthy, on Thursdays
nroitcuiiu issue-dav. Advertisements,
of whatever clas, should he in hand hy
neon, Tuesdays.
Atlvorfispincnts under thii head
on. a line firit insertion, 10 et. a lino
aok sub-cuuent insertion.
"Our Hoys,' by the riunkeU's,
Inst night
cents a pair
lUack Cashmere al
Kramer's Xcw York
St on.
Thft hct slock of hoots and
t-hoes in town at J. M. Ilonahau?,
The JPlunlccU.s.
"Wo had the pleasure Monday
Balmoral hoo at i i
at L. Kramers.
10 cents at L.
Cheap Cash
i nn Olivn strrnt.
Warm weather.
Iluggy tops at cost, at Keeker.
A bath room at lia'llibun S
M"ens boots at .1.F0 a pair at L.
lYosbytcrian Synod at Omaha
Go to Becker., if you want a
good plow.
"Woolen socks fi cents a pair at
L. Kramer's.
"When you want good Tea, call
nd sec Lamb.
The toma-hawk wire-band cut
tar at Coolidgc's.
Judge Riley of Albion wns in
the city Monday.
O. II. Archer returned from
Seward yesterday.
Miss Jennie Robarru of Hastings
ih visiting friends in the city.
School books at Ed. Fitzpat
rick's, opposite the post-oflicc.
Good undershirts and drawers
for 25 cts. each at L. Kramer's.
Charles "Wcntworth and wife of
tJe Democrat went cast yesterday.
At Lamb's new store you will
ftwi goods at bottom prices for cash.
For a first-class and neat-filling
Uot or shoe, go to J. M. Honnhan's.
"W. A. Cormnny of Fort Scott
wns in the city several, days lat
The largest stock of choice new
groceries in Columbus at T. C.
Mower? and plows at cost, on
next year's terms -it A. "W. Law
Wan'trd. A girl
work. Good wages
lo do house
paid at C. B.
Lamb pays cash for all Ihc good
I butter and eggs that come along,
j Second door north of post-oflicc.
If you want a good barb-wire
fence call on Coolidgo and get the
Kelly, etcel barb-wire, the best in
do to Kramer's X. Y. Cheap
Cash Store for new fall goods just
received, at prices defying competi
tion. Dan. Kavanaugh and A. McGill
were in Omaha last week. They
look in the town, had a "big limit'
and ''what dy'e soy?"
Mail orders for goods or sam
ples will have mv most careful and
prompt attention. L. Kramer, at the
Xcw York Cheap Cash Store.
The original mixed paint is the
Averill aiTtl it is the best. It costs
no more to paint with it than with
poor paint. For sale at Doland's
Columbus Drug store at ?l.i)0 per
A lot of summer goods, con
sisting of hats, hose, fans parasols,
handkerchiefs, cambrics and sum
mer drees goods at cost at Smith &
Drake's to make room for winter
Wagon springs, three sizes for
2500 to 4')00 pound loads, for sale at
Becker's. They save a wagon, there
is !c.s liability to breakage in rough
places, and there is more comfort
idiug on the load.
Mike Welch now has the con
tract for carrying the inuil from
Columbus to St. Bernard. As mail
curriei he has heretofore been very
prompt and accommodating to the
public, and we know no reason why
lie should not be on this line Thurs
dnvs and Saturduvs ol each week.
evening of listening to the Plunkctt
Constellation in the rendering of
Asmodeus and Love's Stratagem,
and arc thankful to them for a de
lightful entertainment. A great
many good-minded people, so it
seems to us, have a wrong impres
sion of the stage and its lessons. If
life is so real and earnest and solemn
a thing as wc would have it, cer
tainly the mimic life of "the play"
should be one of the best opportuni
ties for the display of an author's
genius and an actor's talents. The
appreciation of these by an audience
is an event in their lives, a lesson
more or less enduring and valuable,
according to the power of the play
and the genius of the actors. The
drama of Asmodeus, for instance,
shows how easy it is for a nimble
wit, pretending supernatural pow
ers, to accomplish its purposes, and
gain favor with peasantry and roy
alty. In the character of Carlo,
Mrs. Carrie Plunkelt, as she always
docs, entered fully into the spirit of
the play, personifying the author's
idea to perfection, giving it life and
vigor. .1. i. Uverton, "inc (tear
tutor' is a special favorite with Co
lumbus audiences, and fur that sort
of acting which requires a quiet
humor, and a peculiarly laughable
drollery, Overton is irresistable.
Wc could listen to him every night
in the year. C. Theadore, who took
a leading part in both plays Monday
evening, was certainly a most ex
cellent Peter Spyke, holding the
glass to nature's very self. The re
mainder of Ihc troupe deserve com
mendation for the manner in which
they sustained their respective parts,
all of them evidently having good
ability, but laboring under the very
great ili:iu vantage ot being acces
sories. The troupe are advertised
for three nights only, but we sug
gest that they stay the entire week,
as, with each performance, the in
terest will increase.
ISrniunrd's Musical World.
Bbain'ard's Musical "World for
October comes to us full of musical
news and items of interest to musi
cal people. Besides the large
amount of reading matter, the pres
ent number contains twouew songs,
"Keep one Little Thought for Me,"
and "Fairies of Dreamland." Also
a piano duet by Baumbach, and a
new polka by Klien. The Musical
World can be had of any nows
dealer, or a specimen copy will he
sent on receipt of fifteen cents, by
the publishers. Subscription price
$1.50 per. annum, or $1.60 with val
uable premium. S. BRAINARD'S
SOXS, 15S State Street, Chicago,
Weekly Weather' Keport.
During the week ending 8p. m.,
Oct. 12th, the mean temperature of
the air was 70.
Fresh, southerly winds prevailed.
During Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nesday, there was a "very strolls'
south wind and the temperature of
the air at noon of these three days
varied from S0S toS0.
The rainfall of Wednesday night
and Thursday amounted to .15 of
an inch at Columbus.
B. F. Uoyt, Observer.
inciter SAhI.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-oflice, in
Cohinilius, for the week rndinu; Oct.
11th, 1870:
lSimninj,' Johaun I. add Merrill
Clerg Peter Ware James
King Sadie Zoll Fred
Kinsey .1 A
If not called for in 30 days will be sent
to the dead-letter office, Washington, 1).
C. When called for please say "adver
tised," as these letters are keptseparate.
E. A. Gkukaiu), 1. 31.
Politeness and a clean towel for
everybody at Ilathbtin & Hunt's
Imiber shop.
Mr. Eugene Sacked and Miss
Carrie Sfoinbcck of Boone eo. were
married Sept. liHh.
You can buy your grooerio
cheaper at Lamb's than at any other
pittce in Columbus.
Go to "Win. Iiucher's, where you
will always find, every day, good j town on Giles creek
nnp tor tree juncu.
John Martin, Joseph Eastman
Ntid V. V. Sanborn were to start for
Dead wood. Monday.
On Thursday last we made the
acquaintance of A. W. Ladd. the
new editor at Albion. He had iust
finished loading his material on a
wagon for transportation to Albion.
The new paper is to be called the
Boone Co. JVckvc ; will be seven
column, patent inside, and issued in
about two weeks. Mr. Ladd is from
Oneida, 111.
John Barry tells us that the firs!
train ol cars to I'attle Creel:. Madi
son Co.. on the Klkhnrn Valley U.H..
went in on Sunday evening last;
that grading is completed to within
ix miles of Oakdnle, and that he
Irani- tin; calculation of the author
ities is to get to the county line of
Madison this fall, establishing a
Byron Milled write home that
the weather at- Deadwood is cold
enough for an overcoat.
"Carry the news to Mary, we'll
hit circle round'' to Kathhuu .v.
Hunt's to get barbered.
The Jorn.VAL goes to press
Tuesday evenings to reach the early
until "Wednesday morning.
Ottie Baker, while out on a hunt
lt week bought a very fine chicken
lor 50 cents. "Brethren, sing."
Lamb will pay the highest mar
ket price in cash for butter and eggs.
Socond door north oC post-oflice.
J.C.EUiolt is selling the Stover
wind-mill, all complete for $75.00.
Call and get a good mill at Hammond
Don't you forget that Lynch &
Hays, at their new store on Olive
street, have a large assortment of
choice teas.
"W. "W. Burgess is our authorized
soliciting agcut and collector. He
also intends doing a general collect
ing business.
The "Widow of Palermo & Catty
O'Sheal will be presented by the
Plunked constellation this (Wed-
nosilay) evening.
Corsets at 25 cents, and the cele
brated cork corset can be found
only at L. Kramer's Xev York
Cheap Cash Store.
I buy Croquett sells cheaper
and sell them cheaper than any
other man in Columbus. At Do
land's Columbus Drug Store.
Hon. Lorau Clark, Internal
Bevonue Agent, Philadelphia, Pa.,
who has been at home in Albion a
few days, started on his return last
week, accompanied by his wife.
Mr. E. V. Price took a business
trip to Boone, Madison and Ante
lope counties last week. St. Ed
wards, in Boone, is building up very
rapidly. Madison is jubilating over
her thirty miles of railroad this year.
Mr. Davis, of Sherman precinct,
this county, a gentleman 79 years of
age, was brought to the city Mon
day, suffering much pain from a dis
location of the shoulder caused by
coming in collision with an unruly
row. Dr. Siggins attended him.
A barn belonging to S. B. "Wil
oox at Newman's Grove, burned
down Sunday week; three stage
horses owned by James Stephenson,
were destroyed in the flames. In
surance application was made on
the 3d. the lire taking place on the
J. I). Bell, of Butler Co., Xcb.,
upon whose land the A. & X., has
located their depot grounds near
Patrou and on the S. E. V Sec. 19,
proposes lo lay out a towu forth
with. Mr. Bell has not yet given
his town a name, but doubtless will
tu due time.
E. C. Kavanaugh is out iu a cir
cular replying to a charge made
against him in the last J-ya. The
substance of it is that he asked noth
ing for his individual services iu the
cause of the A. & X. bonds. He
wants to know of Heusley where
$S0 paid by him came from.
As a counterpart of a paragraph
recently appearing in one of the
somewhat numerous Democratic
papers of Columbus, we may Bay
that Harry C. Magoon, the Republi
can candidate for sheriff, is not op
posed by the ladies, those dear
creatures, and his neighbors know
he is not crazy.
A political friend ot the Platte
! Valley J)ehioci'(it and a candidate
j must be closely pressed by public
, sentiment on some subject, perhaps
, of public iutoiv-t to the tity and
, county, or that paper would not in
, dulge in the low personal inuendoes
which were intended to he applied
to a political opponent and candi
date, as are cnutalnod in its lac! issue.
The American Ayrtctilturbt for
October is at hand. A summary of
the contents would alone occupy a
half column in the Jornx.w.. To
enable von lo appreciate its worth
send 15 cts. to Orange Judd t Co.,
215, Broadway, X. Y., for a specimen
copy, or $1.50 for a year's subscrip
tion. Same price for German edi
tion. It is the best agricultural
monthly published.
Of course the mot bitter fight
of Ihc Democrats i being m:de
against Early and Magoon, Repub
lican candidates for treasurer and
shcrifV, but it will not avail. "Wc
learn that three defeated candidates
are at work against Magoon, and
with nothing to say against him
cither. Honorably and fairly the
nomination was his, and they ought
to have more self-respect than to
"bolt". Shame ought to cover them
with a mantle.
Rev. It -ebvistison delivered
his farewell sermon lo a crowded
house last Sabbath evening, at Rev.
C. G. A. Hullhorsf's German Re
form church, from these words1 We
have this treasure in earthen vessels,
that the excellency of the power
may be of God, and not of us'
The sermon wab nicely and connect
edly arranged, abounding iu chris
tian doctrines with a true delineation
of the weakness and frailty of the
earthen vessels.
There are rumors of great losses
by prairie fires in Taylor valley.An
telope county. We have not learned
the extent of losses or whether they
include more than stacks of hay anil
grain. There have also been de
structive fires iti Holt countv. The
Journal insisted long ago that fire
guards ought to be prepared, be
cause the season promised to be
unusually dry. Too much care can
not be taken in this regard, for a
few minutes may sweep away the
hard earnings of year.
AYork on the U. P. extension iu
this county is being energetically
pushed. Grading is about complet
ed to Gould City, and it is expected
that by next Saturday week the cars
will b running to that point. This
certainly looks like business on the
part of "the U. P. Co. Those who
are contemplating settlement in
Platte count-., and the purchase of
lands, will probably never haye a
better opportunity 'for investment
than the presput titn. The com
pletion of the 1. P. extension and
tne j. x. -., until ot which events
are near at hand, will certainly in
crease the price of lands, and tend
greatly to the rapid tilling-np of the
vacant quarters of old Platte.
We are informed that the U. P.
R. R. employes along the new line
of road in the western portion of
Platte county have received in
structions to vote for the Democrat
ic ticket, hut more particularly that
portion of it which so strenuously
supported the II. P., and opposed
the A. & X. bond proposition. This
contest ought not to have been com
plicated with any such question, but
if the frieuds of the U. P. arc de
termined lo force such an issue the
probability is that it will be met
with overwhelming odds, " sly as
you keep it." Republicans in the
precincts through which that road
runs should see to it that none but
those cutilled to volo exercise the
Capt. Yr'arreu's Grove iu Butler
county was the place at which the
old soldiers who repelled the blow
aimed at the nation's exiJenco met
locf ti'nnl t r rnrl Tt flin rn.nin.- lik'
UOK l -ll ' i u IT U (111 Ctl IHJ1 uu w
which they passed, and talk over
the hardships they endured to put
down armed rebellion against the
American government. Everything
iu the camp-life of the soldier was
repeated in miniature, from the
field-drill, sham-battles, to the sto
ries toid round the. camp-fires.
Among the several otlicers on
Paul Van Dervoort's stall' as Commander-in-chief,
under the orders
ol John S. Wood, Adjutant General,
we notice the names of Miles War
ren, (J. II. Bush, W. II. Webster,
J. Hammond, S. B. Jones, D. D.
Wads worth. J. B. White. S. J. Al-
evauder, J W. Rogers. 15. p. Cook,
W. T. Hartley, W. A. Olmstead,
M. Risdon, A. Terpening, G. W.
Pearson, A. P. Bowers, 1 E. Brown,
R. O. Phillips, G. K. Amory, A. K.
Mar.h. W. P. Haycn. John Barsby
and G. L. Pike
Xew and patriotic impul-e-i were
drawn from this re-union of old
soldiers and those present decided
In hold the nevl re-union at Central
City, Neb.
During the cuiiliiiiiftnee ol the re
union addresses were made by Paul
Van Devoort, Senator Saunders and
Cant. Hammond.
-C. T. Taylor, Esq., of Omaha,
Agent for the X. Y. Life Ins. Co.
was in the city Saturday, and gave
the Joi'rnal a business call. lie
has been in the southwestern part
ol the State, and gives the most
glowing accounts of the rapid settle
ment and improvement of that por
tion of the country through which
the new railroads are being built.
Mr. Taj lor says that Nebraska is
now getting about all the tide of
immigration. Kansas people and
railroad companies, heretofore, have
been able to secure the lion's share,
but people are beginning, at lat, to
realize that " sound and fury" don't
signify everything, and that Ne
braska, if not the very best, is one
of the best states in the Union for
agriculture and stock raisinir the
Ircs for Snle.
Having purchased a cylinder
press, we will sell the hand press
heretofore iu use in printing the
Journal. It is in excellent order
good as new, for work size of the
bed, 27xJl.
Addres:, Journal Office,
Columbus, Neb.
-- - -.o
To Taxpayer V Voter.
I announce myself as a candidate
for Co. Treasurer, at the ensuing
election, and solict the support of
the voters of Platte Co.
Gkijhard Sciiuttk.
A car-load of green apples at J.
B. Delsman's.
A lot of Boots and Shoes, at
cost, at M. Smith's.
Fresh Oysters, by the can or
dish, at Hudson's. """
The largest line of Boots and
Shoes at Galley Bros.
Bakers' ptfre Coco and Choco
late at George Rieder's.
California dried pears. 10 cents
a pound at Hudson's.
--Grapes, apples and other fruits
at Marshall Smith's.
Everybody rushes to I Glucks
Revolution Store for Bargains.
Ladies' Slippers at Bonesteel
Bros, at 25 cts. per pair.
Ladies, call and see the new
styles at Smith & Drake's.
It pays to trade at Kramer's
New York Cheap Cash Store.
Ladies' Misses' aud Children's
fine shoes, at Greisen Bros.
Have you seen the Wonderful ?
Come and try it, at Hudson's.
Golden Machine Oil at 40 cents
per gallon at Marshall Smith's.
Teas a specialty at M. II.
O'Brien's grocerj- on 11th street.
Y'ou can get a good felt shirt
for oOets at the Revolution Store.
Best extra lard oil 70 cts. a gal
lon at the Red Front Drug- Slore.
There is no place to get canned
fruits any cheaper than at Hudson's.
Gents' undershirts at 25 cents at
Smith & FricdhofFs in Central Block.
California canned fruits, dried
pears and pitted plums at Hudson's.
All colors, shades and qualities
of Cashmeres and Merinoes at Kra
mer's. All-woolen colored Yarn for
50cts. at the Revolution Dry goods
5000 Bush. New Ear
cred at Columbus.
Corn deliv
J. Bakf.ii.
SAUNDEUS-ToMrs.T. H.Saunders,
of Richland, Colfax Co., Neb., Saturday,
October 11th, 1S70, a daughter, weischt
nine pound-!.
tober l'Jih, hy Rev. Father Smith, R. W.
Perkiuson and Miss Alary Doody.
Fridav, Get. 'M, hy ( Bureh. Ilurcb,
Esq., Robert .McClcland and Miss Re
becca Dearwe-ter, all of Duller county.
Ai:t)LU-AI rtr-ind Island, 3 a.m.,
October llth, or drr.psv, H"n. Hdward
W. Arnold.
The deceased wat. a brother to A.. I.
Arnold of this iil.'iee, aud wa well and
erj tavorahli known to must of our
citizens Some one of hN many inti
mate friciuh should prepare for the
press an appreciative keteh of hU life.
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line each insertion.
fanner's business.
The Republican ticket for Boone
county is Lewis Leslie, commission
er; John Peters, clerk; S. P. Boll
man, treasurer; XV. B. Daniels,
sherilT, J. D. Yandorcn, judge; C.
P. Bollman, surveyor; B. K. Smith,
sup't schools, P. J. Files, coroner.
Of treasurer and clerk the Arints
says; '-The convention then nomi
nated, hi acclamation, Mr. John
Peters as their nominee for countv
clerk, and Elder S. P. Bollman for
treasurer. There was not a single
dissenting voice lo the nomination
of either of these gentlemen and
wniMi uiuy rose 10 maiiK tne con
vention for this marked evidence of
their trust and friendship, they both
were considerably affected. " Both
nominations were heartily applauded."
Fresh fruit at Hill & Lubker's.
Men's boots $1 50 a pair at Kra
Hurrah for
goods store.
Lard oil
at Bullard's.
at Hudson's.
the Revolution Drv
for 75 cents per gallon
cakes for dyspeptics
Leave orders for boring wells at
the Foundry.
& Lubker's for
(Jo to Hill
Latest styles
Smith & Drake's.
of millinery at
Croquet Setts and Shelf Paper,
cheaper than any other place in
town, al Doland's Columbus
If you want a good suit of
clothes cheaper than you can make
them yourself call on Morrissej &
Remember, you can send your
children to Galley Bros, and get
your goods at the same uniform
low prices.
Don't forget that Gustave Hell
born keeps the best of goods, at the
fairest prices, and will make you a
neat-fitting suit.
There is no ovcusc for anybody
freezing this winter when the Rev
olution Store Is selling hpavy win
ter coats lor $1.75.
Choice Michigan Apples are
now being received, and will be
sold by the peck or barrel at the
lowest prices, at Hudson's.
Library. Bronze, Bracket, and in
fact all kinds ot Lamps at Doland's
Columbus Drug Store.
v iair uiuier sniri ai i. uuick fi
for 25 cts. ; a good Under shirt at I.
Gluck'sfor35 cts.; a daisy Under
shirt at I. Gl tick's- lor 50 cts.
Why don't yea give your house a
new coat of Vane Calvert Si Co's
paint? It can be bought of Cool
idge. Best Lnrd Oil 75 cts. a gallon,
cash. Machine Oil, 50 cts. a gallou,
cash, at Doland's Columbus Drujj
I. Gluck of the Revolution
Store is the poor man's, friend and
the old staud-by of the farmer,
so don't fail to see him before von
Be Gttjhomical and buy your
goods of KraTrier.'
Get your spoCmv? and forks re
plated at Arnold's.
T. C. Ryan pays 15 cents pr ,
for gilt edge butter.
Green Apples by the barrel or
peck at George Rieder's.
-'-All-wool socks for 20ols. at I.
Gluck's Revolution Store.
Will T. Ricklev pavs cash for
Butter and Eggs and vegetables.
Pure Vermont Maple Syrup
at Geo. Rieder's.
A ffood Chinchilla overcoat for
.1.75 at I. Gluck's Revolution Store.
Corned Beef Hash, a nice article
for luncheon or supper at Hudson's.
Cloaks, Circulars and Dolman9.
the newest styles vcrj- cheap at Kra
mer's. Go and look at those new goods
just opened out at Smith & Fried-
hofl s iu the Central Block.
Men's Kip two-buckle Plow
Shoes at Bonesteel Bros., for .f 1.00
per pair.
A large, new line of Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions at Galley
Fresh Oysters of the best brands
kept constantly ou baud at Hud
son's. --lamps and lamp-fittings at Hed
Front Drug Store, at prices that will
astonish you.
All kinds of Sewing machine
needles, oil and attachments at Hill
fc Lubker s.
The cheapest line of .Men's and
Bovs' Clothing in town, is at Gal-
your house with Vane
Co's. paint. Coolidge
ISoom to tScnt.
To single parties or verv small
farailj-. Inquiro of F. Fields, or on
the premises. 4fl3..v.
IIr i Where Von set Your
For sale cheap or trade for cattle,
fifteen good Texas ponies.
D. Axncnsox.
Ioney to I.onn.
On Platte County farms af low
est rates and most favorable terms.
Parties desiring lo negoliatc loans
please address for terms and infor-
B. Lo.MiiAi:n, Jit.,
Lincoln, Xcb.
Lnt iollce.
All persons owing mo are- re
quested to call and pay within
TEN DAYS from the date of this
notice. Any one ncglectiug to do
this will have himself to blame for
October 15th, 1S79.
ok mu
Take oiicc.
All persons owing me will please
call and settle by Sept. 1st, and sayc
costs. AH accounts not settled by
that time will be placed iu my at
torney's hands for collection.
M. II. O'Brikx.
If you want to gel one of the
latest improved sewing machines
with all the extras, cheap, go to Hill
& Lubker's.
Go lo S. T. Hill's to get your
watches, clocks and Jewelry repair
ed. Store with C. I.
store on Olive street.
Hill's book-
rght ou election da
In pursuance of call, a meeting
was held Saturday at 3 p. m., at the
Court House, to discuss the subject
of royalty on drive-wells. II. P.
Coolidge was elected chairman and
noneri uiwig appointed secretary.
ftl'a -?1 It -
iier cousiuerauie discussion of the
subject, it seemed to be the general
opinion that uothiug more be done
until suit in c0!ne shape is brought
bv those who clairs, royaltj-, against
some citizens of Philte countj', iu
which case, the following commit
tee is to be communicated with. W.
H. Wintcrbotham, J. P. Becker and
Nelson Milled. The universal sen
timent of the meeting was, ?o trib
ute except through compulsion of
law; and co-operation against suits
that maj- be brought against any
siugie iudividual.
Geo. W. Sweet, who was lined
lasl week, for an ussault on Mrs.
MuIIerat my Lake, which gr w out
of a difficulty and misunderstanding
about the keys to the boats, which
Mr.Sweet had previously engaged
of "ine, but in my absenceMra.
Mullet- obtaiued them, and refused
to deliver them to Mr. Sweet when
demanded. My daughter had been
directed to deliver the keys to Mr.
Sweet. This public statement is
due to Mr. Sweet.
G. W. Stcvf.x.s.
rVoticc lo (he Public.
- I hold the patent right for the
drivo wells in the following des
cribed Co's Platln, Nance Butler aud
Polk. Whatever royally is to be
paid I shall insist ou their being
paid io me.
AIakv E. Beoher.
Fresh sweet cider constantly on
hand at Hudson's.
Iine Black Cashmere on -JO cts
a yard at Kramer's.
llellhorn's is the place to go for
good work, good fit and good goods.
Morrissey & Klock are selling
millinery cheaper than any other
house in town.
Come and try the White Sew
ing Machine at Doland's Columbus
Drug Store.
The cheapest tailoring ever done
in the citj-, at McKcan's, and a good
fit warranted.
New figured Dress goods 12K
cents a yard at Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
Try J. B. Delsman & Co's Lily
Baking Powder aud Roasted coffee
their own brands.
3S0. Acres of choice wheat land
to rent. Enquire at my office.
(Jeorge G. Bowman.
Waterproof, yz yards wide, at
50 cents per yard at Smith & Fricd
hotFs in Central Block.
You can find the cheapest and
best Goods in Columbus for the
money at Bonesleel Bros.
-Don't fail to call at McKean's
new tailor shop on Olive street, and
see what he can do for you.
Highest mark-t price paid for
hides, pelts, ImIhw, poultry and
!.; al Petersen & Robinson'.
Needles for all Sewing Machines
and hewing Maclunes repaired at
Doland's Columbus Drug Store.
Ladies, if you want the latest
styles in trimmed and untrimmed
hate, call on Morrissey & Klock.
1 am closing out my Croquet
Setts, four-ball, at S5 cents per sett.
Dolnud's Columbus Drug Store.
Don't miss the opportunity of
getting one of those heavy woolen
winter Suit3 for $3.50 at the Revolu
tion Slore, before they are all gone.
Don't fail to see Bonesteel Bros,
cheap Fine Boots ; they are the best
in Columbus for the monej.
Now is your time to buy a beau
tiful bird-cage at greatly reduced
prices; must sell them out this seas
on at Robert Uhlig's.
Morrissey & Klock keep the
better and nicer styles in ready
made clothing than any other house
in town, and make the lowest prices.
We have added to our stock this
season a large line of Ladies' Cloaks
aud Mantles, which will bo sold at
the lowest prices, at Galley Bros.
The best quulitj-, the largest
slock and the lowest prices for all
goods can always be had at Kra
mer's New York Cheap Cash Store.
The most practicable and sensi
ble wire band cutter iu the market,
we noticed at Robert Uhlig's hard
ware house; if you need a band cut
ler we advise you to go there and
L. Kramer has branch stores at
Crete and North Platte, does the
largest business in these places as
well as here buys, his goods of first
hands in large quantities and takes
the lowest living profit on all goods
that he sells.
I have bought and roceived a
car load of the finest cooking stoves,
which I will sell at great bargains.
Be sure and examine stoves and get
prices ; you never will buy cheaper
than now, at Robert Uhlig's Stove
Wc have now received our fall
stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots
and Shoes, Furnishing Goods and
Notions, and respectfully invite an
inspection of our goods and prices
before buying. Galley Bros.
I. Gluck, of the Revolution
Store, asks nobody to buy of him,
unless he can satisfy them that he
does better with them than any
other dry goods house, without any
We keep a large and well se
lected stock of Dry Goods, Gents
lurnisuing goods, and notions, and
will sell as low as the lowest. Call
and be convinced at Smith & Fried
hofTs Central Block.
Just as rapidly as they push the
buildiug on the A. & N. R. R., just
as rapidly I must push the sales of
cooking sloves, in order to make
room for a great many more coming.
Remember this rare chance. Come
early and get great bargains, at
Robert Uhlig's slove house.
Don't be allured by other dry
goods houses who offer you several
small articles at less, than cost, and
then charge you for another article
twice or three times its real value,
but go to I. Gluck, who will sell you
good honest goods at cheaper prices
than anybody else In towu.
ley Bros.
"-- Paint
Calvert &
sells it.
A new large-size hard coal stove
for sale at a bargain. Inquire of II.
J. Hudson.
Greisen Bros, are selling the
Reed & Weaver Fine Shoes, the best
in the market.
Come and examine sewing ma
chines at Hill & Lubker's, before
buying elsewhere.
Ileavj-Sheeting, a full yard wide
at CO cents per yard, at Smith &
FriedhofFs in Central Block.
Best Condition Powder iu the
market for sale at JO cts. per lb. at
Doland's Columbus Drug Store.
Coal Tar for preserving fence
posts, &c, for sale at Doland's Co
lumbus Drug Store.
Call at Morse & Cain's aud in
spect a car-load of wagons and
buggies, just received.
Hay knives, grain scoops, aud
goggles for threshers at reduced
prices at Robert Uhlig's.
Just received, one of the finest
stocks of boots aud shoes that ever
came to Columbus, at Greisen'Bros.
The best stock of Clothiii2 at
prices defying competition at Kra
mer's New York ('heap Cash Store.
Buy your pump points and pipe
at the Foundrj-, cheaper than any
other place in town.
For the choicest of family
groceries, at the lowest living rates,
call on M. II. O'Brien.
Best stock of Lamps, Burners,
Shades, Chimneys,&c, ever brought
to Columbus, at Doland's Columbus
Drug Store.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-aud-labor. neatlv
bound in books of 50 and 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
Neighbor, where did you buy
that paiut ? I boujrht it of Coolidirc.
and it is the best I ever saw. Try
it and you will use no other.
Day laborers, farmers and me
chanics, doctors, lawyers and ban
kers, would-be county clerks, treas
urers and sheriffs, they all go to the
Revolution Store for their clothing.
Lanterns, all kinds and sizes.
Come and see them at Doland's Co
lumbus Drug Store.
Ladies' trimmed hats newest
styles at lower prices than you can
find them elsewhere can be had at
Kramer's N. Y. Cheap Cash Store.
Don't forget that Galley Bros,
are still in the field with one of the
largest line of goods they ever had,
and intend to sell them at low-down
rates for cash.
Timber IVotcx.
Those who gave mc their notes
for timber last fall will take notice
that I retain possession of the same,
and will receive the pay, when due.
I prefer that settlement should be
made at my residence.
tt. IIexkv Leus-che.
Thomas Flynn, Bushel & Co. have
entered into partnership iu brick
laying. All kinds of brickwork
done, and prices low down. Satis
faction guaranteed.' Orders left to
our address, Columbus post-oflice,
will receive prompt attention.
cio,iur Out: ciuisinr Out::
N. G. Bone3tcel at the old stand
of Bonesteel Bros.' will now close
out the. entire stock of Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Those wishing to buy good goods
cheap will find it to their intcscst to
call on us at once.
Bonesteel linos.
Choice ICc.suIciicc9.ots fbrSuIr.
Choice residence lots for sale iu
the southeastern part of Columbus.
From one to forty acres rich, dry
soil aud no alkali. Acre lots for
sale at prices from $20 to :G5 per
acre. Inquire of Speicc & North.
The above property comprises Hig
gins and Spiclman's addition to
Stop a lAttlc.
If you are troubled with dandruff,
aud your hair is falling out, go and
see"Fatty"Woodp,at the well-known
Chicago Barber Shop, and get some
of his Athenian Hair Tonic, a most
perfect hair dressingnnd'restorative.
A few applications of it will remove
dandruff, the uncleanly disorder of
the scalp, and will also prevent tho
hair falling out. It coutains no
lead, sulphur or any other poison
ous ingredients as is so often used
in other preparations. It is elegant
ly perfumed, and renders the hair
soft, pliant, and glossj. Manufac
tured and sold by Henry Woods,
proprietor of the Chicago Barber
Shop, Colnmbus, Nebraska.
Boots & Shoes,
Advertisements under this head live
cents a line, Cnt insertion, three cuut.t
a line each subsequent insertion.
Cucumber Pickles.
John Tannahill is prepared to put
up crout at 10 cents per gallon, at
Regulnr .Stuck Deajur.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; aNo fat and stock hogs.
379-y D. ANDEKdON.
IN 171 IS
Notice Xo Teclicrs.
1 will be in my office at the Court
House on the tirst and last Saturdays or
each month for the purpose of examin
ing applicants for teacher's certificates,
and for the transaction of any other
business pertaining to schools.
S. L. Barrktt,
County Supt.
Queky. Why is I. Gluck of Rev
olutionary fame the savior of all
mankind ? Because he saves every
man and woman who trades with
him, from 10 to 15 per cent, ou an
Will sell tho well-known sum
mer oil stove 'Economist," at cost
now, in order to close out for this
season. This is a rare chance, only
a few left. Full warranteo given or
no sale, at Bobt. Uhlig's stove house.
Good news to people of Platte
aud adjoining counties. Great re
duction in Lumber prices at the
yard of Jaeggi & Schupbach.
Prices dowu to bed rock terms
strictly cash. Give them a call.
Ladies, drop into the Revolution
store, aud take a look at that 50 cts
water-proof, which is going off like
hot cakes ; secure a few jard3 of it,
and bo happy.
sillier'. .Mercantile College.
Arransements are made with tho
editor of this paper by which students
can enter Miller's Great Mercantile Col
lege, Keokuk, la., at about half price.
This collcpe is bringing a practical edu
cation within the reach of thousands of
youn men who cannot aQ'ord to attend
the high-priced colleges. . Tuition iu
English branches is only $10 a year.
Styles of Goods
Herman Oehlrich & Bro. have a
large stock of dried peaches on hand,
which they are selling cheap.
A large amount and complete as
sortment of choice teas will be found
at Lynch & Hays's new store.
For .Sale.
House and lot In Columbus for
sale cheap. Inquire at the Journal
office, or of George Derry.
Canned Goods.
The beet and cheapest place to buy
all varieties of canned -goods Is at
Geo. Rieder's.
A Carpenter wishes to exchange
work for a good milch cow; for
further particulars call at Journal
Notice ofUemoral.
John Hetnpleman has moved into
his own building opposite the Liu
dell House on llth street, where he
will sell groceries cheaper than ever.
Go and see him.
Our quotations of the markets arc ob
tained Tuesday afternoon, and arc correct
and reliable at the time.
GUAI.V, if.
Wheat No. 1, test &0 lbs.... SO
" " 1, " GG 78
" ' 3, 51 " (Jo
" Kcjccted 63
Old Corn, 75
Oats, 19
Barley 2o840
Rye 27
Flour,, J225273
Graham, l C0C4W)
Meal, 1 001 ij
Butter, 2030
Egga, l.i17
Potatoes, 12U
Onions J1 bu SQ76
FatHogs, :of(g2W)
Fat Cattle 2 503 00
Yearlings,' 12 0015 00
Calvca A 00KG 00
Sheep 300
Good veal, per hundred, ... 4 00
Hides, green salted 4 1 50
Hams,. . c10
Shoulders, . 47
Sides, ... . . . rH
Corned Beef c7
Steak ."(Sl'-iM
Hmh Qsslsich s Em.
(Successors to HEN'EY L BRO.)
All customers of the old aria are cor
dially invited to continue their pat
ronage, the same as heretofore; to
gether with as many new custo
mers ns wish to purchase
For the lent Mwtey.
Old Low Prices
Prices of Some Goods.
"Small Profits and Quick Sales"
Has always been my Motto, and
hall continue to lire up to it
Call and "be Convinced !
lltli Street,