The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 15, 1879, Image 2

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WEDXESD-VY, OCT. 13, 1870. '
Genekal Key nnd Shurz went ;
back last week to their official desks.
S. B. Pounp was renominated by '
acclamation ou tbc Stli, for judge in ,
the second judicial district. J
The "City or Berlin" brought
?G00,000, and the Gullia $125,000 in ,
gold coin to New York, last week.
Aisout two hundred nnd fifty ,
ministers arc in attendance upon the j
yi. E. annual Ccnfercnce ut Lincoln, f
OxtheOth insU, .i large balloon
passed over Albion, Mich., going
southwest, and traveling with great j
speed. ;
Tue Gormania, from Liverpool,
brought to New York ?2S0,000 in
gold,and the Moscl, from Breman,
Tnr. large cotton mill at Tcndres,
Prance, running 21,000 spindles,
burned on tbc morning of the Din.
Damage, 40,000.
Roscoe Conklinc has taken Uic
stump, and spoke to an immense
audience at Brooklyn, X. Y., on the
night of the 9th.
DcniNG a six day's storm ou the
coast of Tabasco, Mexico, twelve
vessels were wrecked, nnd two sea
men drownded.
Joseph P. Hyde, ex-mayor of
Harrisonburg, Ya., was shot twice
on the night of the Stli, by cx-Ghiei
of Police Jos. U. lvcllcy.
Gex. Robekts meets the Afghans
in deadly conflict and routs them
badly, with a loss of seventy! men
and officers killed and wounded.
Twelve hundred cigar makers at
Chicago last week struck for an ad
vance of 2 per 1,000; employers
came to terms and work was resinn
ed. Coi.okado goes Republican by
three to five thousand majority.
The Republican ticket in Denver
and the County carried by eleven
A kepokt from Alma, Colorado,
brings the news that Indians were
quite active in the vicinity of lirock
enridgp last week, and bad burned
that town.
A rEAirruL railroad smash-up oc
curred last week on the Michigan
rnMl n onr Jackson, killinjr fifteen
passengers and badly wounding
thirty-one others. J
Something New. The Democrats
of Louisiana declare for a free baK
lot. If they permit a free and hon
est ballot in Louisiana. Democracy
will bo badly boalcn.
Two hundred cases of small pox
recently occurred in Hull. All the
city schools are closed. The news
comes direct from Ottawa, and is
believed to be reliable.
The treasury department at "Wash
ington City has arranged with ex
press companies to transport all
fractional currency to parties order-,
iug it at government rates.
Articles of impeachment have
been presented to the Mexican con
gress against Governor To ran. or
Vera Cruz, for the part he look in
summary executions last autumn.
Gex. Guaxt was banqueted by
Senator Sharon, Wednesday even
ing of last week, .at his Belmont
Villa, California. Two thousand
five hundred guests were present.
Dumxu last week tho thermometer
in central aud southeastern Nebras
ka ranged from seventy-five to
eighty-five degrees a very unusual
occurrence iu the month of October.
TnE residence of Mrs. Htiuche, of
Kinsley, Kansas, was kroken into on
the night of the 10th and she and
her daughter chloroformed and rob
bed of ?215. The thief made his es
cape. Judge Savage, has grauted the
second application for injunction
against establishing the Holly Wa
ter Works in the city of Omaha.
This decision sustains the second
veto of Mayor Chase.
Jon, Can x ox was arrested the
nthpr dnv in a baukinsr house in
Philadelphia, while attempting to
negotiate a bond stolen from the
Manhattan Bank, and failing to give
bond in $20,000 was committed.
Ralph Meekeii, son of the late
Indian agent at White river agency,
goes forward under the appointment
of the department of the interior to
recover the bodv of his rather, N. C.
Meeker, and to gather up the papers
of the agency.
The governor of Georgia has been
asked for a military force fo sup
press tbc "Georgia ligcrs, a des
perate organization who kill and
murder mostly negroes and burn
their houses. They operate not far
from Atlantic City.
Tun Union Pacific Grand Island,
Hastings & Republican Valley rail
roads are, we learn, about to submit
a proposition for ?50,000 in bonds to
Grand Island pwciuct for the eror
tiou of machine, shops at Grand Is
land, costing $100,000.
Rev. H. W. IIayukx was put on
Itrial last week at Madison, Conn.,
charged with murdering Mary Stau-
Inard, his mistress. Later new an-
jmrcP6 the fact that the indictment
was quashed on account of some
informality, and the Rev. went
bequit for the present.
Cait. Miwsox, or Newton's Fork,
lltlack Hills, was bitten the other
Iday by a skunk on the leg. The
Ibittcu'limb swelled rapidly, soon
involving the whole body, and re-
iiiltinz in a confirmed case of hy-
Elronhobia, wheu death, after a. few
.... ...i-.. i ..-..
nonrs oi luicne suiivriu. unnuiu
Gex.Beattv, a prominent Demo
crat of Ohio, says : "The principles
fomrht for ou the iicld of cattle,
lurainst the mouth of the cauuoti, 1
im readv to contend for and defend
it the noils asrainst intimidation and
tissue ballots. Put me down for
roster, sound currency, and national
John Mkii:shah'ek? living near
rcwark. N. J on his farm, was
phot aud killed on tho 10th by a
I urea manuamca i-rauK .i:uuiiiuiii,
:ho is doubtless a tramp, having
jeen hired only a few days. After
Killing the husbaud he made im
proper proposals to the wire, aud
Lnrc&ienea to Kiu ncrusuu lciusi-u.
Ic was prowplly arrested.
News from Payne's command up
to the Slh inst. reports from Snake
river a severe fight with .7 Indians
killed. Two companies or the Third
cavalrv under Captain Henry, six
companies of the Seventh infantry
under Col. Gilbert, three companies
of the Fifth and three or the Third
cavalry, with two of the Fourth in
fantry have left Rawlins for tbc Ute
Conn y Cterlt.
The County Republican Central
Committee, in pursuance to call pub
lished in the Joukxal, met in this
city Saturday last, and by unani
mous vote placed in nomination for
County Clerk, James Pearsall of this
place. Mr. Pearsall was born in
Prince Edwards county, Ontario,
Canada, May 27th, 1S12, aud is con
sequently in his thirty-eighth year.
He came to Nebraska, settling in
Columbus, Oct. 7, 1S73. For two
years preceding, he tilled the office
of baililTto the County Court, at his
old home, an office similar in its
duties to our sheriff. In the dis
charge of this office he gave very
general satisfaction. Since he came
to Nebraska, Mr. Peai sail has been
engaged in his occupation as car
penter, and for integrity, industry,
aud good habits generally ranks
with the best men among us. He is
a good scholaraud an excellent pen
man, and if elected to the office will
be a credit to himself and tho county,
not only in the method of keeping
his record", but also in his gentle
manly bearing towaids those who
may have business to transact with
him. There is no reason why he
should not receive the entire and
very cordial support of the Re
publican party of old Platfe, for
Pearsall is a staunch Republican,
true to his principles, and unwav
ering. COJ Tliuir lilKlSlillg-.
Some of the Democratic candi
dates arc boasting that the contest
with them is not for election, but is
a question of majorities, that is, they
want the greatest majority they
ever had. This boasting sounds
vciy harshly on Republican ears,
especially when it is remembered
that these majorities have been
mainly the result of Republican
vote. Importunity in electioneer
ing (a quality that Platte county,
Democratic candidates generally
have in superabundance ought not
to induce Republicans to abandon
their own ticket to defeat, and, we
feci assured that it will not this tiino.
These candidates will tell you now
that "politics"' shouldn't enter into
the consideration of county office,
but after election, they always crow
over the result as a Democratic yic
torv. all the panic, and so it has
always been. Wo can point out
several prominent Republicans who
have. Eiipported Democrats for office,
but where is there a prominent
Democrat who has voted for a Re
publican? That is against their
principles. Of course they couldn't
think of that. Slop voting fur then',
and they will stop erowiug over
Democratic victories aud Republican
defeats in Platte county. Slop vot
ing for them, and you will have the
atiractiou of seeing Platte county
fall into line with the stalwart Re
publieaniMit of the Stale and the
nation. Slop voting for them, and
your conscience will not accuse you
of leaving the standard bearers of
your parly in the lurch and going
over lo the enemy, simply because
that enemy asks you lo do'so. Stop
voting forihem, now aud henceforth,
aud our county may take her proper
place in the Republican councils of
the Slate.
Pulilic Support.
Columbus, Oct. 13, "79.
En. Joukxal:--Tbc atleuiion of
the County Commissioners is called
in the Era of Oct. llth, to the law
aud duty incumbent on them, in the
control and management of the
county's property and funds, as re
gards persons that come within the
meaning of tho law as paupers, the
Era claiming that there are persons
receiving support who are not lit
subjects to receive support as pau
pers, and refers to one sick woman
whose husband has property, men
tal aud physical ability to abund
antly care for and support her.
Now as I am one of the actors in
this matter whose attention is called,
1 wish to say, right here, that the
Commissioners meetings are, by
law, held with open doors; that all
dissatisfied or interested persons,
who have the welfare of the county
at heart, are cordially invited by me
to attend aud investigate questions
and measures brought before the
Board for their action and decision.
Their opinions aud advice will be
entertained and acted on, if ihey are
considered feasible and proper.
People are apt to give opinions on
matters of which they have only a
superficial view or understanding,
which is wrong and does an injus
tice to the persons interested. I
commend Ilensley, however, for his
interest and seeming good-will to
ward the Commissioners, since I
have occupied a scat in that body,
two things which I am free to admit
I did not expect, but Ilensley, you
know, is often hasty in forming his
opinions, and therefore frequently
wrong. If he will read the Statute,
page oil, sectiou 3, rhapter ,"i. he
nill .see that the Co. Commissioners
have Ihc legal right to care for ihi
woman of whom be speaks.
Jonx Ytr.
Ikioltlaiut rov.".
Dear JornxAi. : Would wiite
otiener if news items were not so
scare, but we have had one worth
mention and that is I he marriage of
Win. Stevcus' daughter Ida to Ho
ratio, only sou of T. 11. Sanders,"all
the partie of Richland and well
known in Columbus. I am not good
iu describing ladies' dress, but will
say the bride was dressed in good
tiistc and her sister Hell and Miss
IJrooks (of Columbus) were the
bridesmaids and looked very nice in
white. Rev. Flehartj officiated, aud
mauy friends present (among which
was "your correspondent) wirJicd the
happy couple much joy, and after
wards at down to a lira! -class
supper. The time passed pleasantly
with music, clc, and all left, reeling
plcat-ed with ihe event of the even
ing and the hospitality of liic-nd
Rv the way, the sale or goods on
Ihc bid Rcll rarmlTlh last month,
conducted by our jolly friend, John
Huber, was a success, as indeed all
his sales are. John has such a hap
py way aud f uch a lund of humor
that he almost forces people to buy,
and he kept up a perpetual stream
or fun during the whole or the sale.
Friend Huber reminds oiie or
Shakespeare's character "FallstafT"
in his proportions aud jolly visage.
Prices obtained were good, particu
larly on hogs, one stock hog pur
chased by Chas. Kohler briugiug
23.25 ; cows averaged over $30, and
horses fair prices; yearling calves
brought good priccsalso.
Most of our people arc taking
good precautions agaiust prairie
fires this year; Ave don't want a
repetition of last years disasters;
the damage done then was very
great and will long be remembered.
Wheat has not turned out very
well as a rule here, the yield being
generally light, although of good
quality; but the corn crop is im
mense, iu fact a-maize-'mg. I never
saw so much corn beef-ovo here.
Wm. Draper's daughter ( Mrs.
Jason Smith) lately presented her
husband with a little girl, just as
pretty as a picture.
TiiEnon Exyat.
October llth, 187fl.
For the Joukxal.
Iu this world there arc many
strange things. Among these is the
many attitudes assumed by the dem
ocratic party. While every demo
cratic platform declares that their
principles are unalterably fixed, and
that they believe iu the old laud
marks of the fathers, it is reserved
to the Nebraska Democrats to place
a platform before the people of such
nature that it is called 4,The Plat
form." The 4th resolution of what
the Era publishes as the platform,
says :
"That the right of the free ballot
is the great right or the American
people, the right preservative or all
other rights the only means or re
dressing grievances aud reforming
abuses. The presence of the mili
tary at the polls, and of.a host of
hii cling officials claiming the power
to arrest aud imprison voters with
out warrant or hearing, destroys all
freedom of election and overturns
the very foundation of self-government.
We call upon all good citi
zens to aid us in preserving our
institutions from destruction by
these imperious methods of super
vising the right of suffrage and
coercing the popular will, and in
keeping the way lo the ballot-box
open and free as it wa? to our
Now, if you will put this aside of
the platform aud action or the Dem
ocratic party ol Yazoo, Mis"., you
can readily perceive why the Sra
calls the above ''the platform' The
Era nor no other democratic paper,
would dare call anything iu which
such a resolution as this we quote as
part of a Democratic platform, as it
lias not sufficient stretch to it. It
such a thing would do for a demo
cratic platform in the quiet State of
Nebraska, it would not suit the
shot-gun bulldozers of Mississippi.
How convenient this, "tho plat
form." Nobody but a' party which
has always lo be on the alert for
ways and means to delude the peo
ple, could or would have thought of
"the platform," as the means to
accomplish their ends, by bringing
iu the glittering generalities) embod
ied in what they call "the platform'
How truthful, too, they state the
case. The presence ol " the lawful
officers at the polls, with the right to
arrest and imprison voters has a
tendency lo destroy the freedom of
electiou, as democrats look at elec
tion:. Did it ever occur to a demo
crat that when Napoleon, the third,
issued his order culled the plebiscite,
to the people of France, by which
the people were lo vote for presi
dent and thai they could vote for
whom ihey pleased, but that Ihc
Emperor expected that their health
and finances would largely depend
on their voting for Napoleon, had
auything lo remind Ihem of the
plain purposes or aims of the pres
ent democratic party? The leaders
or the democrats arc not at all de
luded. It is only the effort or these
men to delude the people that they
make platforms, which they dare not
call democratic but dub "the'' so that
it may fit in Nebraska and be chang
ed to the South or East. The right
of free ballot is of course the right
of every American citizen, who has
attempted to prevent this right?
Did Republicans anywhere, or sit
any time resort lo red shirts and
shot guns to contravene this right?
Have Republicans ever been accused
or preventing the people, from vot
ing for whom and lor what Ihey
pleased? Democrats have never
been foolhardy enough to charge
this lo the Republican, part-. On
Ihc other hand the Democrats have
murdered men, slaughtered women,
killed children, burned negroes, des
troyed churches, and reviled religion
to prevent men from voting, and
from all theso crime.-, with the gore
of many murders, reeking with tho
blood of wive, children and men,
With dissimulation sehoolrd to grace
A dcuT. purpose with au angel's lace,
cry out we want to "Keep tho way
to the ballot box open and free, as it
was to onr fathers."
"When Hit tUil was sick
I lie devil a
monk would 1m:.
When tho deil va- well. d
I :i monk
was he.
Such is Democracy, as it lonk lo
a man who is not a candidate.
Gex. Meimnit is reported as safe
ly reaching Hie command of Capt.
Payne, and jziving relief to his be
eeiged soldiers. The command lost
during the seine 12 killed and -13
wounded. Major Thoruburgh's
body had not been recovered. All
animals of the command were kill
ed, except 12 mules and three hoives
out ot" the rour companies of cavalry.
Over three hundred dead animajs
are lying outside of the breast
works. Capt. Payne and Lieut.
Paddoi-k who are wounded, arc both
The M. E. Conference in session
at Lincoln last week elected II. T.
Davis and T. R. Lemon delegates to
the general conference, which meets
iu Cinciniuali, Ohio, in May, 1880.
with Ihe election of A. G. White
and S. II. Henderson as alternates.
The lay membership elected T. M.
Griffey and C.C. While delegates to
the same body, J. W. Small and
Levi Suell attentates. Rev J. P.
Roc has been transferred from the
Wisconsin Conference to Nebraska
Cheat excitement prevails in Ire
land over the agitation or the anti
rent question. Several monstrous
anti-rent meetings were recently
held'. Onu at Cork, one at Marl
borough, one at Dunmore and one at
uaiiinroue. nicso meetings were
severally attended by from 11,000 to
20,000 people. There were occas
ionally outbursts at all these meet
ings or "shoot the landlords." "give
them an ounce or lead'
The Chicago & Alton train was
robbed on the night of the 8th of
$50,000 of its express money, at
Glendale, near Kansas City,by twen
ty masked men, who kept up a cou
tinual fire while the messenger's
Bafc was robbed. The messenger
was knocked down but not seriously
hurt. The agent at. Glendale is
Commissioner's Proceedings.
Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, 1870.
Election Proclamation, according
to Election Act passed at the ses
sion ol S79.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday, the 4th day of November
next, at the Court House in Colum
bus Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
7 in Butler Precinct;
At the school house of District
No. 2 in Bismarck Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
4G in Sherman Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
43 in Creston Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
4 in Shell Creek Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
21 in Stearns Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
19 in Humphrey Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
11 in Lost Creek Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
14 in Burrows Precinct ;
At the sebool house ol" District No.
r2 in Granville Precinct :
At the school house or District No.
C in Monroe Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
31 in Looking Glass Precinct;
At the residence or Cornelius
Koch in Woodville Precinct;
At the house or Bennett Olson in
Walker Precinct ;
At the house of Henry Gilsdorf in
the village or St. Bernard in Pleas
ant Valley Precinct,
An Election will be held for one
Judge or the Supreme Court,
two itcgents oi the unY,itv,
One Judge or the Distsiet. Po'urt
the 4th Judicial District,
One Count v Jud'jr?,.
One Sheriff,
One County Crerk,
One Couufy Treasurer,
One Coroner,
Ono. County Superintendent or Pub
lic Instruction,
One County Surveyor,
One County Ctuniuissioner of Dis
trict No. ,
One Assessor for each Trec'incl,
lino i:n!i! s
upervisor lor each road
Two Justices of the
Peace for each
Two Constables for each Precinct,
Three Judges of Election for each
Two Clerks' ,,f Election for each
Which Election will be open at 8
o'clock in the morning and will
continue open until 0 o'clock in the
afternoon of the sanipday.
On motion the Clerk was instruct
ed to prepare notices of said Election
and deliver the same to the Sheriff
according to law.
The Board adjourned till Tuesday
October 7th 1S7U alio o'clock A.M.
Also the voters votinsr at said election
will signify their choice upon the fol
lowing question:
Shall tho County of Platto pay boun
ties for the ile-itriiction of wild animals
within the county iu accordance with
the provisions of an Act of the Legisla
ture entitled ''An Act to provide for the
payment of bounties for the destruction
of "wild animals in the State of Nebras
ka." approved Feb'y i", 17!.
The ballots oat iu favor of the pay
luentof said bounties will have written
or printed thereon the words For
bounties' and the ballots east against
the payment of said bounties will have
written or printed thereon the words
"Against Bounties."'
Uv order of County Commissioners,
John Staitkkk,
County Clerk.
Dater October 7, 1S7!.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb..)
October 13th, 187!). f
"VTOT1CK is hereby given that the
JL following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proof iu support of his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no-tii-c.
Gottlibb Senip, guardian of Charles
NiJlineger. minor heir of .Jacob Xilline
ger, deceased. Homestead No.fitiS, for the
X. E. yA. .. i, X. AV. X, S. E. '4, Sec
tion '', Township 17 north, Kangc! west,
and names the following as his witness
es, viz: Fred. Semp, of l'lntte Co., Xeb.,
and Christian Boss, of Platte Co., Xeb.
MIT, 31. It. HOXIE, l.egister.
aiAi.. PKOOI
Land Oniec at Grand Island, Xeb.,)
October 13th, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing, named settler has liled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in support of hi claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Francis L. Sisson, Homestead Xo. ."30i,
for the S. AV. , Section 0, Township ID
north, Itmijre 4 west, and names the fol
lowing as In witnesses, viz: Hazzard 1.
Sisson, of Platte Co.. Xeb., and James
O'Donncll, or Platte Co., Xeb.
40--r 31. U. HOXIE, Register.
FirvAi. iKoor.
Land Office at. Grand Island, Xeb.,)
October 13th, 17!). f
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
J3l followiug-naiaed settler has filed
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in support of his claim, aud ecure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days iVom the date of this no
ticc. iz:
"William SeNor, Homestead Xo. 4302,
for the S. W. ,. Section 2, Township 20
north, l.ane 1 west, aud names the fol
lowing as his witnesses, viz: .lohn Kub
insou, of I'lattc Co., Xeb., and 1'errv
Liishbauu'Ii. ot Platte Co., Xeb.
40-J-i 31. 15. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,)
October 13th, 1S7H. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
lYUowiiig-naiiicd settler has itted
notice of his intention to make liual
proof in support of his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days- from the date of this no.
ticc. viz: "
Uilev X. Leach, Homestead Xo. 419!),
for the X. E. H, Section 1, Township 20
north, llangc 2 west, aud names the fol
lowing as his witnesses, viz: Joseph
Gross, of Platte Co., Xeh.and Urooks E.
Itogers. of Platte Co., Xeb.
41)2-.-. 31. IL HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb., t
October llth. 187!). J
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol
JA lowing-named settler has liled
notice of bis intention to make linal proof
iu support of his claim, and secure linal
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice, viz:
"William II, Hicfeluian, Homestead Xo.
4i:2, for the Y. X, S. E. X Section 14.
Township 10 north, Range 1 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: Heinrieh Hellbusch, of Tlatte Co.,
Xeb., and Frederick 3Iuhlack, of Platte
Co., Xeb.
4l2-,r 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xcb.,1
October 4th, 1879. )
COJIPIrAIXT. having been entered at
this office Ole J. Solbcrg against
Frederick Selljegvest for abandoning
his Homestead Entry Xo. 7317, dated
February 14, 1878, upon the southwest
f. Section 18, Township 20 north,Range
4 west, in Platte county, Xcbraska,wlth
a view to me eauceiiaiiua in saiu c-uii j ;
the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on the 15th day of
November. 1879, at 10 o'clock a. m., to
respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged abandonment. II. J.
Hudson appointed commissioner to take
depositions in the case at his office in
Columbus, Platte Co.. Neb., on the 4th
day'of Nov., 1879, at 10 a. m., and con
tinue from dav to day until completed.
31. 1$. HOXIE, Register.
491.4 AVm. AXYAX, Receiver.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb..)
October 13th, 1879. )
rOTICE is hereby given that the
J( following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make tinal
proof in support of his claim, and secure
linal entry .thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of thi no
tice, viz:
Rodger Brehenv, Homestead Xo. 5."90,
for the Y. K S. Ay". yt. Section 34, Town
ship 20 njtrth, Rangu 2 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: 3lar
tin Reagan, of Platte Co., Xeb.. and Nels
retcrson, or J'latte Co., ;sei,
31. K. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,
September Kith, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of hisintcution to make final
proof in .support of his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty da'ys from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Daniel Urooks, Homestead Xo. 4123,
for the N. V. , Section 20, Township
20 north, Range 1 west, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: Lovinus
R. Leach, of Platte Co., Neb., and Wal
ter 31 cad, of Platte Co., Xeb.
489-r. 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 17th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-Named settler has filed
notice oi his intention to make liual
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz: "
AVilliam 31. Arnold, Homestead Xo.
G093, for the E. . X. V. M, Section 31,
Township 19 north. Range 3 west, and
name tho following as 'his witness,
viz: David Davis, of Platte Co., Xcl,
and Anthonv Cady, of Platte Co., Neb.
4S9-5 " 31. R. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,
September 17th, 1879.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
L following-named settler has liled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of liN claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice,"viz: 3Iathias Schneider, Homestead Xo.
r.370, for the E. . X. E. K. Section 22,
Township 19 north, Range 2 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: Peter W. Schmitz. of Columbus,
Xeb.,' and .Alphonsc Heintz, of Co
lumbus. Xeb.
4S9-r. 31. I'.. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Ncb.,l
September 10th, 179. )
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his "intention to make final
proof in support of hi claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, Viz:
Jacob ltodmer. Homestead Xo. 3720,
for the X. K, X. W. . Section 14, Town
ship 19. north. Range 1 we.-t, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
Charles KolilriM. of Platte Co , Xeb.,
and Jacob 3Iuurer, of Platte Co., Xeb.
4W .'. 31. II. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Xeb.,
September 17th, 1879. f
"VJOTICE is hereby jjiven that the
i following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and .secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the d.itc of thi no
tice, viz:"
Patrick O'Rrlen, Homestead Xo. T.337,
for the X'. M, X. E. i, Section 4, Town
ship 18 north, Range ! west, and names
the followingas his witnesses, viz: John
Shanahan, of Platte Co., Xeb., and Pat
rick Carv, of Platte Co.. Xeb.
4sfl.r " 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,
September 19th, 1ST9.
TOTICE is hereby jjiven that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, Viz:
Xel O. IScrlin. Homestead Xo. 4."ill,
for the W. J4. S. 3 K. Section 24, Town
ship 19 north, Range 4 west, and names
the followingas his witnesses, viz: Pe
ter Welin, of Platte Co., Xeb., and Nels
X. Berlin of Platte Co., Xeb.
4N.1-.-. 31. R. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
September 17th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of hi intention to make final
proof in support of hi cliim,and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, Viz: "
Peter Riip, Homestead Xo. 4788, for
the S. s, X. W. - Section 2fi. Town
ship 19 north, Range 2 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: P.
AV. Sehmitz, of Platte Co., Xeb., and
3Iathias Schneider of Platte Co., Xeb.
4S9-T) 31. H. HOXIE. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Xeb.,
October 4th, 1879. 1
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol
JA lowing-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty day from tho date of this notice,
iz: "
Joseph Kring. Home.-tcad Xo. 4387,
for the N. h, 5. E. J.,, Section 22, Town
ship 19 north, Range 2 west, and names
the following as hi witnesses, viz:
Charles Schrrcder, of Platte Co., Neb.,
and Benjamin Spielman, of Platte Co..
491-T. 31. B. IIOXTE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb..
September 30th, IV,9. f.
-VTOTICE i hereby given that the
l following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, Viz:
Hazzard P. Sisson, Homestead No.
.'.390. for the E. i, S. E. , E. U, X. E. ,
Section C, Township 19 north, Range 4
west, and names the following a his
witnesses, viz: F. L. Sisson, of Platte
Co.,Xeb., and James O'Donnell.of Boone
Co., Neb.
490-3 31. II. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,
September 16th, 1S79.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has fild
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of j
thirty days irom the date or this no
tice viz:
AValtcr 3Iead, noraestead No. 310J, for
the N. E. X. Section 8, Township
20 north, Range 1 west, and names
the following as bis witnesses, viz:
Lovinus B. Leach, of Platte Co., Neb.,
and Daniel Brooks of Platte Co., Neb.
4S9-5 31. B. HOXIE. Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 19th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice viz:
Peter AVelin, Homestead No. 3S93, for
the S. K ' "N". X Section 0, Township
18, Range 3 west, and names the follow
ing as his witnesses, viz: Nels O. Berlin,
of Platte Co., Neb., and Nels X. Rerliu,
of Platte Co., Neb.
489-3 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Laud Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
Sept. ICth. 1879
NOTICE i hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof
iu support of his claim, and secure final
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice, viz:
Nicholas Gentleman, Homestead Xo.
3282, for tho AVest , northeast J, Sec
tion 20, Township 1!) north, Range 1
vest, and names the following as his
witnesses, viz: Robert Gentleman, Bf
Platte Co., Neb., and AVilliam Gentle
man, of Platte Co., Neb.
499-3. 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.
Sept. l(Jtb,.1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and secure final
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice, viz:
Charles Kohlrust, Homestead Xo.
4187, for the south , southwest i, Sec
tion 2, Township 10 north, Range 1 west,
and names the following as his wit
nesses, viz: John Rickley, of Platte
Co., Xeb., and Jacob 3Iaurer, of Platte
Co., Neb.
489-3. 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Laud Office at Grand Island. Neb.,
Sept. 17th. 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and secure final
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice, viz:
Patrick Ducey, Homestead No. 3572,
for the north J4, northeast ,i, southeast
i, northeast , northeast Ji, southeast
H, Section 32, 20, 3 west, and names the
followingas his witnepses, viz: Thomas
Thomaison, of Platte Co., Ncb.? and
Terrence Rradv, of Platte Co., Neb.
4S9-3. 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,
Sept. 19th, 1879. )
NOTICE i hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
tinal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Frederics August Henry, Hoinetead
No. .YUM, for the southeast J.J, Section
4, Township 19 north. Range 4 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: Thurston Nelson, of Platte Co.,
Xeb., and Peter 3Iatsou, of Platte Co.,
4S9-3 31. 15. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Sept. 19th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of bis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, aud secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration ol
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Autoue Swaiison, guardian Anna Pit
tenson, Homestead No. 3331, for the
northeast ., Section 12, Township 19
north, Range 4 west, and names the fol
lowing a his witnesses, viz: Hans
Christenscn, of Platte Co., Neb., and
Charles stone, or Platte Co., Xeb.
439-3 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Olice at Grand Island, Neb.
sept. Sird, 167!).
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has tiled no
tice of his intention to make tinal proof
in support of his claim, aud secure liual
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice: viz:
Harry Whitehead, Homestead No.
IW", for the northeast , Section 32.
Township 20 north, Range I west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: 1'eter Plant, Sen., of Platte Co.,
Xeb.. and Peter Plant. .lr of Platte
Co., Neb.
4?0-ft M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Oiliee at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 10th, 1S7!.
"VfOTICE is hereby given that the
1 following-nametf settler has filed
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in support of his claim, aud secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Pauline Hcnoeleid, Homestead No.
56S5, for the N. i, S. E. U, Section 2-1,
Township 18, Rangu 1 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: Ger
hard Krumland, of Platte Co., Neb., and
John Loseke, of Platte Co.. Neb.
4KJ-T. 31. B. HOXIP:, Register. PROOF.
Land Office at Grand island. Neb..)
September ltb, 1870, )
-VTOTICE is hereby given that the
XS following-named settler has filed
notice of hN intention to make linal
proof iu support of his claim, and secure
tinal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
George Henry Beyer, Homestead No.
!22!, for the E. 14, S. E. 'A, Section 21,
lownsnip 2t), uange 1 west, aud names
the following as his witnee, viz:
.lohn A. Fulton, of Platte Co., Neb., and
Souke 1. Sounedren of Platte Co., Neb.
47S-.1 M. B. HOXIE, Rpgister.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,
September 19th, 1879.
VfOTICE is hereby given that the
i following-named settler has filert
notice of his intention to make
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the, expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, "viz: "
Wilhelm Labenz, Homestead No. .1131,
for the W. 4, N. L i, Section a;. Town
ship 19 north, Range 2 west, and names
the following as hi witnesses, viz:
Peter Ripp, of Platte Co., Xeb., and
Jacob Labenz, of Platte Co., Neb.
4?0-o 31. 11. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
iinlpmhpr lftrh. lfc.Cl
VfOTICE is hereby given that the i
11 tollowing-named settler has bled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of hi claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration orT
thirty days from the date of this no
tire, Viz:
Henry A. Saunders, Homestead Xo.
4710, for the a. . S. Y. ?, W. )'., S. E.J. J
section e, lowusuip iu -.. luuige I vei,
and names the following as his witness
es viz: 11. K. Baird, of Platte Co., Xeb..
and Joseph Apgar, of Platte Co.. Neh.
4r9-5 31. II. 3IOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 16th, 1S79.
"VfOTICE is hereby given that the
1 following-named settler has liled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proof in support of his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this 'no
tice, viz:
John Steiner, Homestead No. 4277, for
the K. , X. E. K. Section IK, Township
19 north, Ranee 1 east, and names the
following as bis witnesses, viz: Henry
J. Xeisius, of Platte Co., Neb., and
ignatz fctelncr, orjflalte Co., en.
31. D. HOXIE, Register.
new yoke: life
One of the Oldest, Strongest and Best Life Companies
on this Continent.
A8setts, 837,000,000
Cask Paid Policy Holders, $48,000,000
1VM. nUXXIMlArv, President.
JOHN STAUFFER, Vice-President. ADOLPH JEGGI, Secretary.
ABNER TURNER, Treasurer. S.A. BONESTEEL, Medical Exam'r.
.lohn "Wiggins, Hardware 3Icrchant. ..
Henry Schwarz. Farmer
.lohn Stauffcr, Countv Clerk
Abner Turner, Banker
Chas. Schncder, Proprietor Foundry and 3Iaehinc Shop
I). Schupbaek, Lumber 3Ierchant
K. Gerber, Furniture Dealer
(J. A. Schru-der, Hardware 3Icrehant
3Vm. Hunneman, Lumber 3Ierchant
Chas. T. Henderson, Express Agents
A. J.xggi, Lumber 3Iercbant
J. B. Delsinan, 3Icrchant
Oeorge Ricder, Grocer
I. C. 3Iorrissey, Grain 3Ierchunt
Henry itagatz. liroeer
F. II. Ruche, Harnessniaker
J. F. Flynn, Crick 31anufacturer
Thos. Farrall, Farmer aud Hotel 1'ropriotor
Geo. X. Lamb, Farmer
S. A. Bonesteel, Physician and Surgeon.
IjVERY prudent man should have his life inurud in some geod oempunr.
Li The Xkw Yokk Likk offers inducements in the Tontine Investment Phut
that cannot be given by any other company. All persons wanting in.uranu
trom $1,000 and upwards will please call on some member ot the Local Beard, as
each member of this Board is authorized to procure the insurance desired, and
Adolth J.KGGI, the Secretary, is authorized to write the applications, and will
keep on baud a full supply of books and circulars for distribution.
C. T. TAYLOR, General Agent,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Is now ready for the Fall and "Winter Campaign with an immense
stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
h . r i
I urry txMOcis,
I At prices that were never heard
of before in
sB Dry Goods have taken a big tumble in the Eastern Markets lately
nnJ no T Vmw witt rrnrwla oti-tntlw fnv noab T mill rrirrn inw cnafnniBni tb ban.
efit of it, and supply them with anything in my line at much lower prices
than they were ever known to be heretofore.
All 1 ask for is, give me a friendly call and con
vince yourself of flie facts.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu
Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-class Drujr Store. Dimlers
in surrounding country will find it to their interest to purchase from him, as ho
can and will give BED-ROCK PRICES.
Prescriptions Carefullv Comuoiindecl.
jgrCall and et price-list. LOWEST RATES ever known Ih C-titralN'.ras-to
i. TO SAVE MONEY i the easiest way to 31 AK E MONEY.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,i
September 30th, 1879. )
TOTICE is hereby given that the
Jl following-named settler has Hied
notice of his intention to make final
proof iu support of hi claim. and ceure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of tin's no
tice, viz: "
Gerd J. Kuper. Homestead No. .IHC,
for the N. J,, S. E. Section 1 1, Town
ship 20. north, Range 1 we?t, and names
the followingas his witnesses iz: Hen
ry Lubker, of Platte o.. Xeb., and
Gottfred Krause, of Platte Co., Neb.
190-5 31. II. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office ut Grand Island, Xeb..'
September 30tb, 1871". f
VrOTlCE Is hereby given that the
LN following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
nrnnf In .nntinrr nf lii. rlnim and ueeiirc
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty nays irom me date oi nil- no
tice, viz: "
Anthonv ( ady. Homestead No. 4.V,
for the S". AV. .;, Section SI, Township
19 north, Range ;; wct. and names the
followingas his witnes-, Iz: William
Arnold, of Platte Co.. Neb., and Willim
Ilecklem, of Platte Co., Xeb.
490-5 M . B. H OX I E, Regi-ter.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
September COth, J879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the.
following-named pettier has tiled
notice of his intention to ninke final
proof in support of bis claim, and secure
tinal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz: "
Paxqua L. Baker, Homestead No. 7535,
for the X. X, S. E. X, Section SO, Town
ship 20 north. Range 2 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: Da
vid E. Jones, of Platte Co., Neb., and
9. E. 3Iorgan, of Platte Co., Xeb.
490-3 ?I.B. HOXIE, Register.
. .noo.
. 3,000.00
. 3100.00
. X.000.00
. .T,0.00
. 3,000.60
. .1,000.Crt
9 - .
Hats, i'aps,
Ete., Etc.
t. ai, l:ck,
of the Revolution Dry Goods Store
ri.wi. PROOF.
Land Oilier at Grand Island. Neb..i
October ftl. I7. f
"VfOTICE is hereby Kheii that itf
1.1 following-named settb-r has HUal
notice of his intention U uinkt itttul
proof in support of bis claim, aiwl sKr
final entry therenf at the 4lrtitlnn f
thirty days from the dot of thM no
tice viz:
.lo'hn Welch. HAinest.m.1 Xa.Slil, frr
the W. H. S. V. ? !sectiii 2. TvHkl'
19 iw-rth," Ran-e :. wet. .iHd iiii- Jir
followinfj as his witnest-. la: IIMry
Mei'abe, of Platte Co.. Neb.. iMtl TtHHft.
,s MePbillip-. of PIatt Co.. Neb.
4f.l-.. 31. B. HOXIE, RegiMar.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb..
September ith, 10.
NOTICE 1- hereby given that iii
followinsr-named settler has flled
not iee of his intention to make finsl
roof iu support of his claim, and 3Hnr
linal entry thereof at the expiration r.i
thirty davs from the date of this na
tiee. .:'
Nils P. Larson, lloiaeiletid Xe. lW,
for the S. j, S. E. ;, Sertiii . TWn
ship H, Range t west, and name) tbft
following as bis wltnei-se, iz: ThuiH
Lynch, of Platte Co.. Xeb., and James
W. Lynch, of Platte Co.. Xeb.
490-5 31. B. HOXIE, Re-Mt-r.
Luiid Office at Grand Island. Xeb..i
September Stb. Is79. f
VTOTICE is berebv given that Ihe
IN following-named" settler bus filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof his claim. and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration ot
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Andrew lverson. Homestead Xo.374H,
for the N. Vi, S. W. f. Section 20, Town
ship 20 north, Range 1 east, and names
the followlnsr as his witnesses, viz:
Theodore K. Matzen, or Platte Co., Xeb.,
and Samuel J. Wheeler, of Platte Co..
4W-5 31. R. HOXIE, Register.