The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 08, 1879, Image 2

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    mtii Trri i
Seven millions of European gold
is due at New York this week.
Deadwood's Sisters of Charity
Fair netted over $1,000 for the fire
Blaine's meetings in Ohio draw
large audiences. Three to one over
Last week an Italian living at
Frankfort, N. Y., cut his wife's
throat last week.
It is Etated that Gen. Grant will
not reach Chicago earlier than the
13th of November.
The Dutch Arctic expedition has
returned, after penetratiog as far as
Francis Joseph's Land.
TiiEsteamer Maine," which land
ed at N. Y., on the 3d, brought
over $1,000,000 in gold.
"Wm.B.Riddle. of Norwich.Conn.,
has been arrested on suspicion of
having poisoned his wife.
Toe steamship France, from Ha
vana, brought on the 2d inst., to New
York, $90,000 in gold coin.
The barns belonging to the Farm
er's Hotel, at Fremont, were both
destroyed by fire last week.
Ox the 2d fever footprints at Mem
phis were rapidly disappearing, but
one death reported that day.
Peter Johksok, formerly of Oma
ha, late a resident near Lodge Pole,
Buicided on the 3d with n shot-gun.
Gek. Grant has intimated his
intention to accept the hospitalities
of the citizens of Omaha, on his re
turn cast.
Senator Coxkling, was very sick
last week, and it is believed will be
unable to take part in the political
John D. Eider, of Chicago, was
phot and killed at a dance one night
laBt week. His assassin was not
Ex-Senator Vickerp, of Main
land, was lying at the point of death
the other day, from an attack ot
heart disease.
"Vm SrAULDixo, time-keeper at
the Chicago Custom House, recent
ly disappeared, and is $16,000 short
in his accounts.
All the Fall Klver mills are run
ning on part or full time, except the
Border City, which has stopped for
want of cotton.
Jonx E. Green, of Boston, recov
ered the other day from the Old Col
ony Railroad Co. for the loss of a leg
the sum of $15,633.
Todd, "Williams & Co., public
stock exchangers of Philadelphia,
suspended payment last week.
Liabilities, $25,000.
The United States mint at Phila
delphia have coined the past month
$1.80S,050 in silver dollars, and $14,
737 in minor coins.
The Supreme Court of New York
bas ordered the police board to ap
point one Tammany inspector in
each election district.
Frank F. Boynton, of Boston,
receiving teller of the North bauk,
is a defaulter for $24,000, caused by
speculations in stocks.
It is claimed that the exports
over imports in the United States
for the pa6t year ending iu August
amounted to $2S6,709,341.
A vast audience crowded the
tabernacle on the night of the 4th at
Decatur, 111., being the last session
of the Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union's seventh annual conven
tion. The Astley belt, recently won by
Rowell, ha6 been attached" by "Wes
ton's creditors. It is said that How
ell will institute legal proceedings
for its recovery.
Judge "Wm. Gaslin Jr., of the
Fifth district and Judge J. B. Barnes
in the Sixth judicial district have
both been nominated by accla
mation for re-election.
Gen. Grant and party on the 2d
inst. were making their way to the
Yosemito valley, and after viewing
uncqualcd scenes of that locality wiH
return by tho " big trees."
T. O. "Woodruff, ot "West Orange,
N. J., was shot on the 1st by his son-in-law
Andrew Krunich, who then
killed himself. "Woodruff had re
fused to give Krunich $50.
F. M. Fletcher, of St. Paul, com
mitted suicide by shooting on the
1st. He was a young man, and re
cently married. Business troubles
is supposed to be tho cause.
John Fredwill, of Indianapolis.,
killed his divorced wife last week,
by stabbing her fifteen or twenty
times with a tanner's knife. He
afterwards shot and killed himself.
"Wads Hansen, arrested for mur
der and confined in the jail at Yank
ton, D. T., captured the keys from
the guards, while they were sleep
ing the other night, and made his
Just think of it! that only 49
years ago the 15th of September
1830, the first passecnger railroad in
England, the Liverpool and Man
chester railway was opened with
great ceremony.
TnE grand stand erected at Adrian,
Michigan, fair grounds from which
to witness tho races, gave way with
a crash, precipitating the mass of
people among the ruius, killing sev
eral persons and wounding many
The latest theory about "Wise and
his companion is that their balloon
descended in the night in the piue
ries in the north of Michigan, where
they are now either dead or maimed,
wandering in search of an openiug
to lead them out of the wild forests.
Tux Secretary of the Interior has
given tho polygamous wife system
of Mormondora another rap, by de
ciding that such wives will not be
permitted to make homestead en
tries of tho public lands, as such
entries are aot made in good faith
for her exclusive use and benefit.
Psor. "Wise and George Bnrr his
companion, who left St. Louis in a
balloon on the 23th, have not been
heard from, and fears are entertain
ed that they firo lost, and that they
May have met the same fate as Don
aldson and Grimwood, who ascend
ei IrMi Chicago eomo imo ago.
"No state under Republican rule
has ever repudiated its debt. J. S.
The posl-oflicc iu Red Cloud was
broken into the other night and
robbed of five hundred dollars in
cash, besides a number of registered
It is true that Tilden has said
hosts of papers in the South now
assailing him, have applied to him
for money and been refused. He
intends, before long, to print a list
of such.
Explosion of a Powder Mill.
Cincinnati, October 3. King's
powder mill, near South Lebanon,
O., exploded this afternoon ; Henry
Simmouds, Charles Meyers and
Joseph Pastors were instantly kill
ed. The explosion was the result
of carelessness of employes.
The very latest indications from
the Ute Iudians arc that a general
outbreak among all the tribes is
expected. Ouray, one of their
influential chiefs, has notified the
whites at Drake City to protect
themselves, that he is powerless,
and can afford them no protection.
No less than thirty-three Demo
cratic newspapers of Mississippi
approve the Yazoo plan in politics,
and iu substance indorse the murder
of a man who dined to indulge in
dependent aspirations to the office of
sheriff. Now who will be the next
to say that this was the crime of an
individual and that the people of the
south disown and abhor political
murders? Grand Island Times.
Postmaster Nix, of Blackvillc,
South Carolina, was attacked the
other day by a small party of Dem
ocrats in a store. These persons
with knives drawn cursed and
threatened him, and called him a
nigger, saying you got thcpostoflice,
and we arc not going to stand it.
By the assistance of the proprietor
of the store, Nix succeeded in get
ting away without being injured.
The State Republican central com
mittee for the present year is com
posed of the following gentlemen :
Jas. "W. Dawes, of Saline Co., chair
man ; T. C. Cunningham, J. L. Car
sou, J. L. Mitchell, O. TcfTt, C. E.
Yost, C. Banks, T. P. Jones, "W. C.
"Walton, S. B. Colson, J. McMillen,
G. P. Hall, C. L. Lamb, J. C. Santce,
N. R. Pcrsingcr, A. 3!. Post, A. F.
Coon, M. B. Reese, J. R. Clark, C.
W. Pierce, J. E. LaMasters, N.
Blakely, J. Donuelh-, T. "Wolfe, E.
J. Hamcr, L. B. Dinsmore, J. Laird,
G. L. Laws and G. II. Jcwctt.
Ma.ior Thornburg and his com
mand of three companies of cavalry,
were attacked by several hundred
Utcs on Milk river on the 29th, aud
were routed with fearful loss. Maj.
Thornburg and ten men were killed
aud Licuts. Paddock and Payne, Dr.
Grimes, wngon master McKinstry,
and twenty men and teamsters were
wounded. Most of their animals
were killed. Payne, their command
ing officer, rallied on Monday night,
aud hoped to hold out until the ar
rival of reinforcements. All availa
ble troops have been ordered.
The Republican State Convention
which convened at Omaha on the
1st inst. had a full representation
from the State, and was organized
by the appointment of Hon. M. S.
Hay ward, of Otoe county, chairman,
and D. II. "Wheeler, of Cass county,
and A. E. Pinkncy, of Harlan coun
ty, secretaries. The convention then
proceeded to nominate a Slate tick
et, which resulted in the nomination
of Hon. Amasa Cobb for Judge of
the Supreme Court; John L. Carson
for Regent of the University for the
second district and J. W. Gannette
for the third district.
The Globe-Democrat correspond
ent at Bunker Hill, 111, thirty-two
miles northeaFt of here, writes that
he saw "Wise's balloon piss there
about 6 :30 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
From this point the balloon took a
course almost directly north, and
was seen later in the evening about
10 miics away, between Bunker
Hill and Carlenville. There is a
very wild and rugged region 15 to
20 miles in extent, known a3 the
McConppu creek bottom, heavily
timbered and almost uninhabited.
There appears to be the bare pos
sibility that the balloon descended
in this dense wildernes8, and that
the aeronauts may have been so ser
iously injured they have not been
able to get out of it. An expedition
to explore this wild section of coun
try may be organized.
Tally One lor flic FIKhorn
Valloy IE. R. Co.
The spirit of progress is surely
abroad in the land. The evidence
of it is not far to seek on every hand.
Capital is seeking investment in all
the old chauueis of business, and
commerce is reviving everywhere.
Such an impetus has been given in
Nebraska that the next ten years
will probably be startling in the
rapidity of the development of
our uatural resources aud the set
tling up of the country. There is
nothing that we just now think of
as more gratifying to Ncbraskans
than the increase this season iu her
number of miles of railroad, bring
ing communities closer together, in
creasing their prosperity, and mak
ing their interests inseparable. The
following note is the last sounded to
the north of us, and shows enter
prise. "We congratulate Oakdale
upon her good fortune:
Oakdale, Oct. 3d, '79.
E. V. R. R. bonds earned in Oak
dale precinct. 143 for and 13 against.
Eleven to oue. Glory enough for
one dav. H. 8. Lovktov.
Onr Ticket.
"Who received the unanimous vote
of the convention will be elected his
own successor. No extended notice
of him is needed he is already a
member of the supreme court, and
has given general satisfaction. He
is able, honest, and atteuds faithfully
to the duties of his office.
the former of Nemaha, the latter of
Douglas county, are well qualified
for the position. "Mr. Carson,"
says the Omaha Bee, "is ono of tho
ablest and most successful business
men in southern Nebraska, and Mr.
Ganuett's position asauditor-in-chicf
of tho Union Pacific railway system,
is within itself a guaranty of his
superior business qualifications."
"Who received such a strong en
dorsement from the Judicial Con
vention is, personally, an almost
universal favorite throughout his
district. The Democratic party will
try hard euough to take votes away
from him, but they will find the
tables turned, and their candidate
hopelessly defeated. Mr. Post will
be his own successor.
Our candidate for County Judge,
was born at St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 11th
1849, and is consequently thirty
years old. He is the youngest son
of Jamc3 McAllister, an old citizen,
and a well-known and much res
pected man. Young McAllister
came with his parents to Nebraska
in 1S5S, into Platte county iu 1SG0.
In 1871 he began the study of law at
the Iowa Law School, Iowa City,
and was admitted to practice in the
courts of Nebraska, at Columbus, in
the year 1S73. He has held the
position of Police Judge in this city
for four years, and Justice of the
Peace upwards of three years, and
in the exercise of the functions of
those offices has given general, and,
so far as wc know, universal satis
faction, showing ability, faithfulness
and promptness. No man will
doubt his ability to discharge the
duties of the office with honor to
himself and satisfaction to those who
may have transactions with him. He
is a mau who can thoroughly be re
lied on, of good habits, steady,
careful, pains-taking, prompt and
withal obliging aud courteous. If
elected to the office (which his polit
ical friends confidently expect) wc
predict that the people will be so
well pleased with him that he will
remain in it as long as he may desire
to do so.
the caudidate for Sheriff, is a farmer
iu the western part of the county, an
ardent Republican, a man of strength
and courage, and will make a good
Sheriff. Harry was born at Lowell,
Mass., Oct. 22d 1S46; in 1S55 went
with his parents to Minnesota. It
will be seen from this that he is a
thoroughly western man. Being
such when the war of the Rebellion
broke out he enlisted for the defence
of the government, in the second
Company of Minnesota sharpshoot
ers, went immediately into the field,
his company being attached to Col.
Bcrdau's regiment. He was iu 23
engagements. Was with Porter's
corps at Hanover Court House; all
through the Peninsula campaign
under McClcllan at Fair Oaks,
Harrison's Landing, Sec. "Was with
Hancock's famous corps, at Division
headquarters as a sharp-shooter, and
was slightly wounded three times.
"Was in the 6econd Bull Run fight, at
Gettysburg and South Mountain,
and all the engagements of the army
of the Potomac from its organization
to its discharge, anil was never In
hospital but one week though
wounded three times. On the 25th
of August '64, when Hancock lost
his corps on the "Weldou R. R., Har
ry was captured by the Rebels,
taken to Petersburg, then to Libby
and to that deatlrs-pcn, Saulsbury,
where he languished six mouths,
and during which time, out of S,000
prisoners, 5,498 died of starvation.
He was exchanged the last of Janu
ary, G5, and came home but only to
raise a company to start back south
again, when Lee's surreirlcr was
reported. Mr. Magoon came to Ne
braska in 1872, and for the last six
years has been Justice of the Peace
iu his precinct. "We give Harry's
history somewhat at length because
voters wish to know, and because
a special onslaught is to be made
against him. His career allows
Harry an ardent Republican, coura
geous, determined and active just
the kind of man for Sheriff; being,
likewise, a man of very generous
impulses, he will do all he may,
legally, to mitigate the severity of
1 the law against criminals and others.
the candidate for Coroner is in every
way competent to fill the place for
which ho is nominated, being an ac
complished surgeon of many years
experience iu the army and
elsewhere, and an able physician. Iu
case of the death or disabil ity of the
Sheriff, he would admirably perform
the duties of that office.
the caudidate for Treasurer, was
born in Columbiana count-, Ohio,
in 1814; passed his early youth as
Buckeye boys usually do ; when 17
he enlisted in the service against the
Rebels, joining the 19th Ohio; was
atShiloh, Franklin, Stone River, and
other engagements. After his time
was out he re-culistcd in the 104th
regiment, serving 2 years, and was
afterward in the government em
ploy until 1805. In '67 he camo to
Nebraska, Platte county, and engag
ed in farming for seveu years, serv
ing his county as commissioner.
Sinco the Fall of 1873 he has been in
the County Treasurer's office, either
as Assistant or Deputy under Mr.
Kummcr, that old war Democrat
who has held the position of County
Treasurer for twenty years. Mr.
Early has been trusted by Mr. Kum
mcr with the business of the office,
and is thoroughly versed with its
duties in every particular. John is
a very obliging, affable gentlcmau,
and of course will be elected. There
are yet several weeks of the cam
paign, and we will have something
more to say of this office, and our
for surveyor, is known to most of
our Platte county readers as one of
the best of men, and an excellent
for County Commissioner, is a farm
er, a man of good judgment who has
the interests of the people at heart,
and who would carefully guard the
affairs of the county in that import
ant office.
candidate for Superintendent of
Schools, is a young man, son of
Charlc3 Brindley, one of Platte
county's oldest and most respected
citizens. lie has had about six
years experience as teacher, and is
very well qualified for the office.
He is a man of steady habits, whose
conduct will shame none of his
friends; affable, agreeable, upright
in his transactions, aud will honor
himself and the county in the office
to which his friends will call him.
Commissioner's Proceedings.
Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, 1S79.
Election Proclamation, according
to Election Act pawed at the ses
sion o1879.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday, the 4th dny of November
next, at the Court House in Colum
bus Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
7 in Butler Precinct;
At the school house of District
No. 2 in Bismarck Precinct ;
At the school house of DistrictNo.
4G in Sherman Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
43 in Crcston Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
4 in Shell Creek Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
21 in Stearns Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
19 in Humphrey Precinct ;
At tho school house of DistrictNo.
11 in Lost Creek Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
14 in Burrows Precinct ;
At the school house of DistrictNo.
52 in Granville Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
G in Monroe Precinct ;
At the school house of DistrictNo.
31 in Looking Glass Precinct;
At the residence of Cornelius
Koch in "Woodvillo Precinct ;
At the house of Bennett Olson in
"Walker Precinct ;
At the house of Henry Gilsdorf in
the village of St. Bernard in Pleas
ant Valley Precinct,
An Election will be held for one
Judge of the Supreme Court,
Two Regents of the University,
One Judge of the District Court of
the 4th Judicial District,
One County Judge,
One Sheriif,
One County Clerk,
One County Treasurer,
One Coroner,
One County Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction,
One County Surveyor,
One County Commissioner of Dis
trict No. 2,
One Assessor for caeh Precinct,
One Itoad Supervisor for each road
Two Justices of the Peace for each
Two Constables for each Precinct,
Three Judges of Election for each
Two Clerks of Election for each
Which Election will be open at 8
o'clock in the morning and will
continue open until G o'clock in the
afternoon of the same day.
On motion the Clerk was instruct
ed to prepare notices of said Election
and deliver the same to the Sheriff
according to law.
The Board adjourned till Tuesday
October 7th 1S79 at 10 o'clock A. M
John Stauftkk,
County Clerk.
The Ute War.
Rawlins, W. T., October 3. No
tidings yet from Captain Payne's
command. The mail from the
south arrived this afternoon, but it
only came from Dixon ; it contain
ed nothing of importance.
Two conpanies of cavalry arrived
from the east during the night and
left for the front this morning.
Six companies of Seventh infant
ry from the department of Dakota
will arrive here sometime to-morrow
morning and proceed to the
Lieutenant Bourke, of General
Crook's staff, arrived at 12 o'clock
last night and at 2 o'clock this
morning left by private conveyance
for the front. It is said that he was
the bearer of important orders to
General Merritt.
General Crook will arrive here
to-morrow and will go forward and
assume command of the expedition
and will personally direct the move
ment, of troops.
The awful silence at the front in
dicates that the worst may be expec
ted, and grave fears arc now enter
tained for the safety of Capt. Payne
and his command.
Troops and supplies are being
sent to the front with remarkable
dispatch, Capt. Gillis, quartermaster,
giving the matter his personal
attention. Omaha Republican.
Forest Fires in JJfetr fork.
New York, October 3. Forest
fires are raging fearfully, destroy
ing farm houses, barns aud farm
property. Some of tho roads are im
passable on account of tires. The
loss cannot be estimated, nor can it
be known how much damage will
be done, as the wind has been blow
ing fearfully from the west for the
lost twenty-four hours.
A Mangled Conductor.
Indianapolis, October 3. The
mangled body of lames Hefl'erman,
conductor on the Indianapolis and
St. Couis railroad, was found early
this morning at Ma&rwil station,
west of Terre Haute, on the Iudian
apolis and St. Louis railroad. It is
supposed he fell betweeu the cars of
his train. Ho died while being
brought to Mattoon.
Cincinnati,' October 3, Henry
Dumhoff, a carpenter working on
the sixth story of a building in pro
cess of erection on Vine street, be
low Fourth, missed his footing to
day and was precipitated to the
pavement. Doath was instantaneous.
12th Street, 2 doors west of Hammond House,
Columbus, Xeb.
Hm Qshm i B
(Successors to HENRY & BKO.)
All customers of the old firm are cor
dially invited to continue their pat
ronage, the same as heretofore; to
gether with as many new custo
mer as wisli to purchase
G-ood Goods
For the Least Money.
Land Office at Grand Iland, Xeb., I
October Mi, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof In support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this notice,
Joseph Krings. Homestead No. 4387,
for the X. y, S. E. y, Section 22, Town
ship 10 north, Range 2 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
Charles Scbreeder, or Platte Co., Neb.,
and Benjamin Suleiman, of IMatte Co..
491-5 31. 15. IIOXTE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
October 3d, 1879. )
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:"
John Welch. Homestead No. 3441, for
the W. y.S. W. y, Section 2, Township
19 nrrth," Range 3 west, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: Henry
McCabe, of Platte Co., Neb., and Thom
as Mcl'hillips, of Platte Co., Neb.
491-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,1
September 30th, 1871). J
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the (late of this no
tice, viz:"
Hazzard P. SNson, Homestead No.
5390, for the E. y, S. E. y, E. y, X. E. y.
Section C, Township 19 nortli, Range 4
west, and names the following as his
witnesses, viz: I L. Sisson, of Platte
Co.,Neb., and James O'Donnell.of Boone
Co., Neb.
490-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,)
September 30th, lb7fl. )
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
filial entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, "viz:
Gcrd J. Kuper. Iloine-tcad Xo. 5140,
for the X. y, S. E. y. Section 14, Town
ship 20, north, Range 1 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: Hen
ry Lubker, of Platte Co., Neb., and
Gottfred Kraiise, of Platte Co., Xeb.
490-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Laud Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,1
September 30th, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Anthony Cady, Homotead Xo. 454,
for the S. W. y, Sectfon 31, Township
19 north, Range 3 west, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: "William
Arnold, of Platte Co.. Xeb.. and William
Becklem, of Platte Co.. Xeb.
490-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Fi.vtr. PZSOOF.
Land Office at Grand Island. Xeb.,1
September 30th, 1879. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz: "
Pasqua L. Baker, Home-lead No. 7535,
for the X. y, S. E. y. Section 30, Town
ship 20 north, Range 2 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: Da
vid E. Jones, of Platte Co., Xeb., and
S. E. 3Iorgan, of Platte Co., Xeb.
400-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,)
September 30th, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settlor has filed
notice of his "intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:"
Xils P. Larson, Homestead Xo. 4933,
for the S. y, S. E. y, Section C, Town
ship IS, Range 1 west, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: Thomas
Lynch, of Platte Co., Neb., and James
W. Lvnch, of Platte Co.. Xeb.
49W 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,)
September 30th, 1879. )
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
IN following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof his claim, aud secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty dayn from the date of this no
ticc viz
Andrew Iverson, Homestead Xo.3748,
for the X. y, S. W. y. Section 20, Town
ship 20 north, Range 1 east, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
Theodore K. 3Iatzen, of Platte Co., Xeb.,
and Samuel J. AVheeler, of Platte Co.,
490-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
September lGth, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Walter 3iead, Homestead No. 3401, for
tho N. E. y, Section 8, Township
20 north, Range 1 west, and names
tho following as his witnesses, viz:
Lovinus B. Leach, of Platte Co., Neb.,
and Daniel Brooks of Platte Co., Neb.
4t9-5 31. B. IIOXIE. Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 19th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to m-tke final
proof in supportof his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice viz:
Peter Wclin, Homestead No. 3893, for
the S. y, N "" K. Section 6, Township
18, Range 3 west, and names the follow
ing as his witnesses, viz: XelsO. Berlin,
of Platte Co., Neb., and Nels N. Berlin,
of Platte Co., Neb.
489-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
Sept. 16th. 1879
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed no
tice of his intention to mako final proof
in support of his claim, and secure hnal
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice, viz:
Nicholas Gentleman, Homestead No.
3282, for the West y, northt-ast y, Sec
tion 20, Township 19 north. Range 1
west, and names the following as bis
witnesses, viz: Robert Gentleman, of
I'latte Co., .Neh., and William Uentie-
man, of Platte Co., Xeb.
499-5. M.B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.
Sent, ltitb. 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol-lmtrinrr-nnmnrl
cnttlnr hiB fitofl no.
ticc of his Intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and secure hnul
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days" from the date of this notice, viz:
Charles Kohlrust, Homestead No.
4187, for the south y, southwest y, Sec
tion 2. Township 19 north. Range 1 west,
and names the following as his wit
nesses, viz: John Rickley, of Platte
Co., Neb., and Jacob 3Iaufer, of Platte
Co., Neb.
489-5. 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Ofliee at Grand Island. Xeb.,
Sept. 17th. 1879.
"VTOTICE is hcrebv given that the fol
IN lowing-named settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and secure hnal
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice, viz:
Patrick Duccy, Homestead Xo. 3572,
for the north y, northeast y, southeast
y, northeast y, northeast y, southeast
y. Section 32, 20, 3 west, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: Thomas
Thomaison, of Tlatte Co., Xeb., and
IVrrence Bradv, of Platte Co., Xeb.
4S9-5. 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Ofliee at Grand Island, Xeb.,
Sept. 19th, 1S79. )
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date or this no
tice, viz:
Frederick August Henry, Homestead
Xo.550t5, for the southeast y, Section
4, Township 19 north, Range 4 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: Thurston Nelson, of Platte Co.,
Neb., and Peter 31atson, of Platte Co.,
489-5 3L B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,)
Sept. 19th, 1879. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler bas filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, "viz:
Antone Swanson, guardian Anna Pit
tenson, Homestead Xo. 5551, for the
northeast y, Section 12, Township 19
north, Range 4 west, and names the fol
lowing at his witnesses, viz: Hans
Christensen, of Platte Co., Xeb., aud
Charles Stone, of Platte Co., Xeb.
489-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.
Sept. 23rd, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed no
tice of his intention to mako final proof
in support of his claim, and secure final
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice: viz:
Harry Whitehead, Homestead Xo.
4517, for the northeast y, Section 32,
Township 20 north, Range 4 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: Peter Plaut, Sen., of Platte Co.,
Xeb., and Peter Plaut. Jr., of Platte
Co., Xeb.
4s9-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,
September 19th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named" settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Paulino Honieleid, Homestead Xo.
5G85, for the X. 14. X. E. V., Section 21.
Township IS, Range 1 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: Ger
hard Krumland. of Platte Co., Xeb., and
John Loseke, of Platte Co., Neb.
489-5 31 . B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,1
September lCth, 1879. j"
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler ias filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty da$'s from the date of this no
tice, viz:
George Henry Bever. Homestead Xo.
4229, for the E. y, S. E. y, Section 21,
Town-hip 20, Range 1 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
John A. Fulton, of Platte Co., Neb., aud
Souke I. Sounedreii of Platte Co., Xeb.
478-5 31. P.. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,
September 19th, 1879.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
IN following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, 'viz: "
Wilhelm Labenz, Homestead No. 5131,
for the W. y, N. E. y, Section 25, Town
ship 19 north, Range 2 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
Peter Ripp, of Platte Co., Neb., and
Jacob Labenz. of Platte Co., Neb.
489-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,
September 19th, 1S79.
NOTICE is herebv given that the
following-named settler ba.s filed
notice of his intention to mnke final
proof in supportof his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, "viz:"
Henry A. Saunders, Homestead Xo.
4710, for the s.y.s. W. y, v. y, S.E.y,
Section G, Township 18 N., Range 4 west,
aud names the following as his witness
es viz: B. F. Baird, of Platte Co., Xeb.,
and Joseph Apgar, of Platte Co., Xeb.
489-5 31. B. 3IOXIE, Register.
Laud Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,
September 16th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:"
John Steincr, Homestead No. 4277, for
the E. y, X. E. y, Section 18, Township
19 north, Range 1 east, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: Henry
J. Xeisius, of Platte Co., Xeb and
Ignatz Steiner, of Platte Co., Xeb.
489-5 3f. B. HOXIE, Register, . ,
JdETCall and get price-list. LOWEST RATES ever known In CentralXebras
ka. TO SAVE MONEY is the easiest way to 31AKE 3IONEY.
Wholesale snd Retail Dealer in
Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Dealers
in surrounding country will find it to their iatcrest to purchase from him. as ho
can and will give BED-ROCK PRICES.
Prescriptions Carefullv Compounded.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Is now ready for the Fall and Winter Campaign with an immense
stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods,
Hats, Caps,
Etc., Etc.
At prices that were never heard
of before in Columbus.
3 Dry Goods have takes a big tamble in the Eastern Markets lately
and as I buy my goods strictly for cash, I wiU give my customers the he n
efit of it, and supply them with anything in my line at much lower prices
than they were ever known to be heretofore.
All I ask for is, give me a friendly call and con
vince yourself of the facts.
137, Proprietor of the Revolution Dry Goods Store
Land Office at Grand Island, Ncb.,1
September 9th, 1879. f
-yrOTICE is hereby given that the
IN following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof his claim, aud secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
William Becklem, Homestead No.G307,
for the E. y. S. W y, and W. y. S. E.
y, Section i, Township 18 north, Ranj;e
3 west, and names the fallowing as his
witnesses, viz: 3IiIo W. Bunker, of
Platte Co., Neb., and Joseph Watts, of
Platte Co., Neb.
487-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Ofliee at Grand Island. Xeb.,)
September 9th, 1379. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
.lohn Ulrich Rickly, Homestead No.
SfiTiI, for the N. y. N. E. y, Section 10,
Township 19 north, Range 1 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: Jacob 3Iaurer, of Platte Co., Neb.,
and Jacob Bodmer, of Platte Co., Neb.
187-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Laud Office at Grand Island. Xeb.,
September 19th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim,and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tici vizi
Xels O. Berlin, Homestead Xo. 4511,
for the W. y, S. W. y. Section 21, Town
ship 19 north, Range 4 west, and names
the following as bis witnesses, viz: Pe
ter Welin, of Platte Co., Xeb., and Xels
X. Berlin of Platt Co.. Xeb.
489-5 3L B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Xeb.,1
September 17tb, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice viz
Peter Ripp, Hometead Xo. 4788, for
the S. y,2i. W.y, Section i. Town
ship 19 north, Range '2 west, and names
the following as his witnesses viz: P.
37. Schmitz, of Platte Co., Xeb., and
31athlas Schneider of Platte Co., Xeb.
489-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,
September 17th, 1879.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
i.1 following-named settler bas filed
notice f his intention to make final
proof in supportof his cla.m, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
3Iathias Schneider, Homestead No.
5376, for the E. y, N. E. y, Section 22.
Township 19 north, Range 2 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: Peter 3V". Scbmitz. of Columbus,
Neb., and Alphonc Heintz, of Co
lumbus, Neb,
489-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Ncb.,1
September 17th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler bas filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof bis claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no-
ticc vizj
Patrick O'Brien. Homestead No. 5337,
for the N. K N. E. y. Section 4. Town
ship IS north, Range 2 west, and names
the followingas bis witnesses, viz: John
Shanabaa, of Platte Co., Neb., and Pat
rick Cary, of Platte Co.. Neb.
4?-o 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,
October 4tb, 1879. f
0O3IPLAINT having been entered at
this office Ole J. Solberg against,
Frederick Selljesvcst for abandoning
his Homestead Entry Xo. 7317. dated
February 14, 1ST1, upon the southwest
y, Section 18, Township 20 north, Range
4 west, in Platte county, Ncbraska,witb
a view to the cancellation of said entry:
the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on the 15th day of
November. 1879, at 10 o'clock a. m., to
respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged abandonment. II. J.
Hudson appointed commissioner to take
depositions iu the case at his office in
Columbus, Platte Co.. Xeb., on the 4th,
day of Xov, 1S79, at 10 a. m and con
tinue from day to dav until completed.
3L B. HOXIE, Register.
491.4 Wm. AXYAN, Receiver.
Land Office at Grand Island. Xofe.,'
September 9th, 1879.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
LN following-named settler has Sled
notice of his intention to make tinat
proof in support of bis claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration ef
thirty days from the date of thi no
tice, viz:
Jacob 3Iaurer. Homestead Xo. 585-.'.
for the S. y. N. E. y, Section 10. Town
ship 19 north, Range 1 west, and nomes
the followingas his witnesses, viz: John
U. Rickly, of Platte Co.. Neb., and Jaceb
Bodmer, "ol Platte Co.. Xeb.
487-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Xeb.,1
September 9th, 1S79. f
"VTOTICE i hereby given that the fel
JLM lowing-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make Heal
proof in support of bis claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration ef
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Franz Wendt. Homestead Xo. 5093, fer
the S.y,X.V.y, Section 4, Township
19, Range 1 west, and names the follow
ing as big witnesses, viz: Henry Ilogert,
of Platte Co., Xeb., and Cbas. Brandt,
of Platte Co., Xeb.
437-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,)
September 16tb, 1879. f
VTOTICE is hereby given that the
J3I following-named settler has filed
notice of bis intention to make final
proof in supportof bis claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty uays rrom the date or this no
tice, viz:
Jacob Bodmer. Homestead No. 372ti,
for the N. y. N. W. y, Section 14. Town
ship 19. north, Range 1 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
Charles Kohlrust. of Platte Co , Xeb.,
and Jacob 3Iaurer, of Platte Co.. Neb.
4S8 5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
"""Land Office at Grand Island, Ncb.r
September 17th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the-following-Mamed
settler bat filed
notice oi bis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of Ibis no
tice, viz:
William 31. Arnold, Homestead No.
5093, for the E. y, N. W. y. Section 3J,
Township 19 north. Range 3 west, and
names the following a bis witness;,
viz: David Davis, of Platte Co., Neb.,
and Anthony Cady, or Platte Co., Neb.
489-0 3f. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,
September lCth, 1879.
NOTICE id hereby given that the
following-named settler hu filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof bl claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Daniel Brooks "Homestead No. 4123.
for the N. W.y, Section 20, Township
20 north, Range 1 west, and names the
following as bis-wjtnesses, viz: Lovinus
B. Leacb, of Platte Co., Neb., and Wal
ter Mead, of Platte Co., Neb.
-483-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.