The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 24, 1879, Image 2

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Call for Republican Judicial District
Convention, 4th District.
The Republican electors of the Fourth
Judicial District of Nebraska arc here
by called to send delegates from the sev
eral counties composing said district,
to meet in District Convention, at Co
lumbus, on "Wednesday, September 24,
1879, for the purpose of placing in nom
ination one candidate lor the ollice of
Judge or the Fourth Judicial District,
and to transact such other business as
may properly oome before the conven
tion. The several counties in said district
are entitled to representation in said
convention as follows, based upon the
vote cast for E. C Cams, Lieutenant
Governor, for 1878, giving one delegate
to each 130 votes, and one for each frac
tion of 73 votes; also one delegate at
large for each county:
Oonntjr. Vote. 'o. Pel.
Butler 491 4
Colfax 431) 4
Dodge 945 7
Hall 733 C
Hamilton 430 4
Howard 202 3
3Icrriek 315 3
riatte "30 5
Polk -3A1 4
Saunders 821 G
Seward SIS
York 007 3
Total 30
By order of the Fourth Judicial Dis
trict Republican Central Committee.
H. S. Nokval, Sec'y.
Seward, Sept. 1, 1S79.
. a
'. i
'. 1
. 1
Republican ConvuutieH.
The Republican electors of Platte
county, Neb., arc hereby called to
pcud delegates from the several pre
cincts to meet iu Couuty Convention
at the Court House iu Columbus, on
Satckday, Sept. 27, 1879.
at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
placing in nomination a full ticket
for county offices: for selecting
delegates to the Republican State
convention, and for the transaction
of any other business that may prop
erly come before the Convention.
The several precincts am entitled
to the following number of delegates,
the apportionment being based upon
the last Republican vole lor congressman.
Monroe. ...
Shell Creek
Lost Creek
Looking Ula..
Granville ....
Pleasant Valley 2
Bisuiark 2
The following resolution was
adopted by the Committee:
Itcsolved, That it is the sense of
this committee that it is not wise
nor judicious for delegates selected,
to pledge themselves for any can
didates. By order of Committee.
D. C. LovELAXi), Ch'n.
2d". K. Tuuneu, SecV.
This is the year to vote down the
shotgun policy.
The Republicans of Massachusetts
have nominated Long for governor.
The statue of Gen. Thomas will be
unveiled at "Washington ou the 20th
of November.
The Republicans have nominated
C. A. Baldwin, Esq., for District
Judge of the 3d district.
The first pig iron sent to America
for years, left West Sartlepool Eng
land, last week, being a full cargo.
Last week Leadville had a de
structive fire in-the heart of the city,
opposite the Clarendon Hotel.
Loss $30,000.
The furnaces in Pennsylvania can
not supply the demand for pig iron.
Ten thousand tons have recently
been purchased in England.
II. D. Adams, a well-known and
old printer of Chicago, died on the
17th. lie had been for many years
foreman of the Evening Journal.
A figut is reported between the
United States soldiers and Indians
at "Wood Mountain. Nine Indians
were killed including two chiefs,
and two soldiers.
"We learn from Chicago that Jay
Gould has recently obtained control
of the Hannibal aud St. Joe, Denver
and Rio Grande and Chicago and
Rock Island railroads.
A committee on grain iu New
York has created a new grade to be
known aB No. 3, Kausas red or am
ber winter wheat, to be made up of
wheat similar to that raised iu
The Catholic Total Abstinence
Union of America opened its ninth
annual convention at Detroit on the
i7th. About fifty delegates were
present, representing over live hun
dred societies.
Axn again wc tako pleasure, in
these degenerate times of political
estrangement, in announcing the fact
that Ben. Butler has received the
third nomination for jrovernor at the
hands of the Independents of Mas
sachusetts. The Caribou fires in Colorado,
rendered homeless about sixty fam
ilies. The loss will not be less than
73,000. Fires are burning all
through the mountains. It is stated
that the Utc Indians have started
most of the fire?.
John Laxsixc., of Louisville, the
other day, took a singular way to
terminate his life. lie locked him
self up in his room, then poured coal
oil over his clothes aurt set them on
fire burning to a crisp. He had been
sick the past year.
The statue of Benjamin Frauklin.
which occupied a niche over the
doorway of the old Philadelphia
Library Building, after the exposure
of eighty-two years to the winds,
sunshine aud frosts, the other day
tumbled down from its resting place.
A veuv serious disturbance and
riot occurred tho other day at Lu
gati, Ireland, arising out of the
stabbing of a Catholic in a partisan
affray. The police were called out
and a conflict with the mob lasted
some hours. Several arrests were
Last week we announced the
nomination of Benjamin F- Butler,
.by the Greenback party of Mass.,
as their candidate for governor, and
this week we announce the fact that
"the Democrats of the same state
. have also nominated him as their
candidate for governor. Benjamin
is getting popular again with his
home people.
Miss Lizzie McPAnDExyis--a
candidate for the office of County
Superintendent in Adams county,
this State.
Rev. Rolling II. Xeale, D. D.
the oldest Baptist minister in Xew
England, died at Boston on the lSlh
aged 72 years.
Doc Middleton was sentenced
on the 19th, at Cheyenne to five
years imprisonment in the Ne
braska penitentiary for horse
The University located at Osceola
commenced-its term last week with
sixteen students enrolled, and we
learn quite a number more are get
ting ready to attend.
Hox. Alex. H. Stephen's met
with a hearty welcome at Louisville
last week where he is attending the
exposition. Made a speech of some
length on the subject of the country's
Ax immense and enthusiastic
crowd of people extended a hearty
welcome to Gen. Grant on his arri
val at San Francisco on the 20th.
The general and parly were all in
good health.
Sexatok Paddock gets cordial
praise from the pres? of Nebraska
generally for his admirable watch
fulness over the interests of his
State In Washington. He deserves
it all. K. Y. Tribune.
Lieut. Gen. Sheridan has been
ordered to arrest the insubordinate
Utc Indian chiefs on white river,
and enforce obedience to the agent's
requirments;and to hold the ring
leaders as prisoners.
James Ilkr reports that iron rails
arc being laid on the grade of the
Lincoln & Northwestern, iu the
vicinity of Pleasant Dale at the rate
of a mile a day, and a force of seventy-five
men is employed. Sew
ard Reporter.
CoMTTiiOLLEiJ Goldsmith and as
sistant treasurer Murphy, of the
state of Georgia, sent their resigna
tions to tho governor the other day,
which he wisely refused to accept.
Public officers who attempt to play
sharp games on the public treasury
should not escape that way.
The Afghan war proves to be
more troublesome to England than
she at first apprehended. Her troops
arc continually sick and her trans
port service almost destroyed, while
the Russian press in strong terms
advance the opinion that now is the
time to strike England a strong
Two printers at Omaha last week
vindicated their honor according to
the code of honor, with the excep
tion that their revolvers were loaded
with blank cartridges by their sec
onds, but they had the courage to
fire at each other, nor knowing that
they were usin; blank cartridges.
Bravery and honor both indicated.
Hastixgs, Sept. 17, 12:30 a.m.
Great fire here yesterday after
noon. Nearly one entire block
burned, and part of another, includ
ing Allison's, Lyman's, and Davis'
drug stores, the Exchange Bank,
Camerson's, Ballard's, Cox's, and
Wolbach's stores, the Hastings
Journal office, Weingart's elevator,
and several others. The goods
were mostly saved in a damaged
condition. Loss $100,000; partly
The Corbin hotel, occupied by
Henry Corbin, at Wcstervillc, Ohio,
was blown up the other night by
placing gunpowder iu the building.
There were a number of people in
the building; no one but Corbin was
injured and he not fatally. Four
years ago a building he occupied as
a saloon was demolished by gun
powder and Corbin left the town,
only returning a short time ago. No
one has been arrested for the crime.
The Utc Indians are refractory
and one of the chiefs, Ogallala, has
taken his band to the head of Snake
river, a country which he says be
longs to him. Here they have been
buruiiHr the forests and terrifying
the settlers. It is feared that this
will be a repetition of the Utc mas
sacre of two years ago in the Snowy
range aud in the Great Parks, in
which the lives of at least a hundred
miners were sacrificed.
A three-stoky tenement house,
12S Gold street, Boston, occupied by
many tenants, took fire the other
night in the rear part of the lower
story, while the tenants were sleep
ing, and before they could make
their escape many of them were
burned to death and others badly
injured. Oue man jumped from the
roof of tho building and was killed.
Others jumped from the windows
and were cither killed or injured
for life.
Gex. Sheumax was invited the
other day lo attend the reunion of
the survivors of the confederate and
federal armies of Salsbury, North
Carolina, next month, and answered :
"Your meeting would be, in fact, a
confederate reunion where I certain
ly would be out of place. It would
be a strange sight for Gen. Sherman
to cheer the victories of his enemies.
I would gladly go to celebrate some
revolutionary eyent or inaugurate
some modern enterprise.-'
Jonx Ward shot and killed James
Daily last Saturday near Bellcvuc,
Neb. Another man by the name of
James "Winters was in company
with them, and it is believed they
induced Daily to come to the state
with them for the purpose of killing
him and obtaining his team aud
money. Daily's home was at Albia, j
Iowa, nniLhe died from the effects
of the shot on last Sunday morning
at 7 o'clock, The murderer bad
not been captured at last, accounts.
Officers followed to the Missouri
river and found the team, but the
men had disappeared.
-County Politics.
"William Blcedorugotjustone vote
for Co. Commissioner at the Demo
cratic convention Saturday. Not
much of an endorsement or vindi
cation as county commissioner, and
there has not been a whisper that we
have heard against his official integ
rity. Henry G. Carew thinks there
is a "ring" in the Democratic party
in Platte county. No doubt there
arc two, if not three rings, and tho
wonder will be if there arc not half
a dozen "wrings" on election day.
Now let the Republican delegates
come up next Saturday from every
precinct in the county, and, after
taking counsel together, place in
nomination the ticket to be elected
in November,
vou will it.
It can be done, if
Kcpulilicnn Convention.
A special convention of Republi
can delegates, met at the Court
House in Columbus, Saturday Sept.
20th, under a call of the Central
Committee, for the purpose of elect
ing five delegates to the 4th Judicial
Convention, to be held at Columbus,
"Wednesday Sept. 24th, 1S79. The
meeting was called to order, when
G. "W. Clother was elected chairman,
aud H. J. Hudson, secretary of the
convention. Iu consequence of the
court room being occupied by the
Democratic County Convention, it
was moved that we adjourn to the
City Hall, when a recess was taken.
The meeting was again called to
order by the chairman, who briefly
stated the object of the Convention,
and requested delegates to answer to
the call of precincts, when the fol
lowing reported: Nineteen dele
gates present: Columbus precinct,
M. Whitmoyer, II. J. Hudson, J. B.
"Wells. B. Millet, J. Tiffany, Geo. "W.
Clother, A. J. Arnold, Phil. Cain ;
Lost Creek, Ed. Hoar; Monroe, II.
r. it TV n. 1 II
j. juagoon, o. i. i rucmau, i. i.
Hall ; Walker, Neils Olson ; "Wood
villc, Joseph Reed; Crestou, S. J.
"Wheeler; Butler, W. D. Davies, G.
B. Darr; Bistnark, II. G. Luschcn,
II. "Wilkin. Motion of M. "Whit-
moyer, we proceed to elect five del
egates to represent Platte county in
the 4th Judicial Convention. Motion
of II. C. Magoon that we nominate
by acclamation and vote lor dele
gates by ballot. The following nom
inations were made : G. "W. Clother,
M. K. Turner, Phil. Cain, J. J. True
man, G. B. Darr, "W. E. "Walton. G.
Barnhardt, A. J. Arnold, J. B. "Well",
resulting as follows: Clother 10,
"Wells 15, Cain 13, Turner 10, True
man 10, Barnhardt 9, "Walton S, Ar
nold G, Darr 4, Tiffany 1, Magoon 1,
Millet 1. The five delegates receiv
ing the highest number of voles
were declared duly elected and the
Secretary ordered to issue creden
tials. The business of the Conven
tion being ended, it adjourned to
meet at the Court House Saturday,
the 27th, at 2 o'clock, when it is re
quested that all the delegates from
the several precincts bring their
For the Journal.
What Observer Observed on
Ills Journey.
Mn. Editoi: : Your list of visitors
to the State Fair was incomplete.
There was quite a host of Platte Co.
and Columbus men there and also a
few ladies. Nothing, however, as
far as we could learn, of produce,
stock or mechanical contrivances
from Platte county was exhibited,
and your townsman painter Al
brecht bitterly, and perhaps justly,
complained of wrong done him. It
was a pity that no arrangements had
been made to exhibit some of our
Platte county men, since we had
nothing else, for we arc sure some
of them would have obtained prizes.
But since no prize has come here we
are glad to know that at least some
premium stock has been transferred
to Platte county, Mr. A. Henrich
having bought a premium Berkshire
boar and sow, and County Com
missioner Bloedorn also bought a
sow. So Platte county will besides
its own produce, have something to
exhibit at our next county fair, after
its resurrection from the dead.
At Lincoln there was quite a great
amount of choice slock, stallions,
mares, colts, jacks and jennies ; quite
a good number of short-horns, some
Jerseys, Devous, Alderneys, and
Galloways, and some splendid Here
fords ; sheep, hogs, aud poultry in
abundance. Agricultural imple
ments and machinery, steam motors,
threshers and who knows what all.
Wc also noticed a very fine display
of native fruit and other produce.
It was altogether a creditable affair,
and there were indications that our
young state is going ahead of some
older one. The writer was told by
oue man that his stallion brought
him a first prize iu Illinois, but only
a second one iu Lincoln.
Observer and his friends tried to
buy this and that in Lincoln, aud in
Omaha, but finding the prices high
er than at Columbus, they desisted,
and concluded to spend their money
at home, because our Columbus mer
chants deserve to be patronized.
IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed pro
posals will be received at the office
of the County Clerk of Platto county,
Neb., until Tucsdav, October 7th, 1879,
st 11 o'clock a. in., for the construction
of four bridges at the following points:
One bridge across Loseke Creek at
Jacob Hcld's.
One bridge across Shell Creek at Pat
rick Burk's.
One bridge across Shell Creek at rat
rick Gleasons.
One bridge at Martin 3Iahcr's in Look
ing Glass precinct.
l'lans and specifications for each bridge
to be seen at the County Clerk's ofllce.
Bidders are requested to bid for each
bridge separate. Bids for the four
bridges together will be considered.
Bond to guarantee the fulfillment of
contract will be required in double the
amount of contract price from the suc
cessful bidder. County Commissioners
reserve the right to reject any or all
bids. Payments to be in warrants on
special bridge fund.
By order of the County Commission,
ers," Columbus, Nebraska", August 19th,
483-5 County Clerk.
Land Ofllce at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 17th, 1870. f
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
J following-named settler has filed
notice or bis intention to make nnai
proof in support ot his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:"
Patrick O'Brien, Homestead No. 5337,
for the N. y, X. E. y, Section 4, Town
ship IS north, Range 2 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: John
Shanahan, of Platte Co., Neb., and Pat
rick Cary, of Platte Co., Neb.
4S9-3 31. 15. IIOXIE, Register.
Suiiit F.tlwnrtls.
Ed. JounxAi.: For the last three
weeks busy times has prevented
your correspondent from gathering
up that usual batch of weekly items,
but wc have "got 'em" this time.
The mili dam of Price, Hunneman
& Co., washed out a short time ago,
but the company now have a large
force of men aud teams to work, and
expect to have everything in run
ning order in two weeks from date.
Dr. "Whitney has moved into one
of the lower business rooms of the
Hardy Hotel, one side of which he
lias filled up with a fine assortment
of drugs, and the other with a large
stock of boot's and shoe-?.
The arrival of a daughter renders
the house of our friend Lukeubauuh
unusually happy. "Weight well,
we don't know anything about that.
Under the new arrangements,
hereafter, Mr. R. R. Price assumes
full control of the grist mill iu town.
Mrs. John Huber of Columbus
was visiting friends in this neigh
borhood last week.
Since Lee's steam thresher com
menced operations it seems to be tho
correct thing hereabouts to ask, "Is
your time with the whistle?"
Mr. S. S. Case has just finished a
new granary adjoining hie barn on
the banks of the Beaver.
By a fall down stairs, Mrs. M. J".
Thompson met with a severe acci
dent resulting in a sprained arm aud
several deep cuts and bruises ou her
face, but wc arc happy to state that
she is now rapidly recovering.
Au elevator and lumber yard are
among the things to be in this little
burg, iu the near future. Nothing
like being ready for business when
the railroad puts in an appearance.
The Saint Edwards Cornet Band
expect to give a public exhibition
60011, and are practicing with an
energy that must result in proficien
cy as musicians.
Two souls were made happy by
Rev. A. S. Fonda on Monday last,
Mr. Roscoc Brooks and Miss Alice
McFayden were the parties most
Our local land agent, M.J. Thomp
son, reports several -transfer of real
estate within the last few weeks.
And if this .kind of weather con
tinues much longer we will have
what is usually called "a dry spell."
Mr. A. T. Brakebill of Defiance,
Ohio, i9 visiting the family of his
brother-in-law S. L. Case. Mr. B.
returns home by way of Lincoln to
day, with the intention of returning
to make this his permanent home fof
the future. Videttk.
Our Crestou Correspondence.
A mysterious fire occurred on the
9th at Mr. John Anson's; they had
bc,eu threshing his flux, which was
stacked at some distance from the
house; the men went to dinner at
noon ; alter an absence of ten min
utes one of them looking northward
said, "some one is having a lively
prairie fire." Mr. Anson, Sr., felt
convinced tint the stacks were on
lire, and went alone to sec if such
was the case. Finding that it was,
he returned for help, and all hasten
ed to the scene, but too late to save
much property, for when they reach
ed it the straw-pile, the unlhreshed
grain and the threshing machine
were a mass of flames ; over 100 bu.
of the seed was stacked iu sacks
ready for removal ; they succeeded
in removing 25 bu., although the
sacks were blazing. Mr. Anson
looses about 150 bu. of flax, his oth
er grain having been put into the
granary sonic days before. He has
the sympathy of the community,
more especially as all his grain was
burned iu stack about a year ago,
while he was away from home. The
origin of the fire is supposed to
have been from over-hot boxes on
the machine, which belonged to
Miller & Cole of Colfax Co., and is
a complete loss. x. x.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 17th, 1879. 1
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler lias filed
notice of liis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days, from the date of this no
tice, "viz: "
Peter Rip, Homestead No. -17&5, for
the S. y, N. W. y, Section 26, Town
ship 1!) north, Range 2 west, aud names
the following as his witnesses, viz: P.
W. Sehmitz, of Platte Co.. Neb., and
3Iathias Schneider of Platte Co., Neb.
jy- 31. H. HOX1E, Register.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 17th, 1870.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his dam, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Mathias Schneider, Homestead No.
5370, for the E. y, N. E. y, Section 22,
Township 1!) north, Range 2 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: Peter W. Sehmitz, of Columbus-,
Neb., and Alphonse Heint.. of Co
lumbus, Neb,
4S9-5 31. B. IIOXIE, ReL'ister.
west, and names the following as his
witnesses, viz: Robert Gentleman, of
Platte Co., Neb., and William Gentle
man, of Platte Co., Neb.
499-5. M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.
Sept. 16th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol-.
lowing-named settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and secure final
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
Mays" from the date of this notice, viz:
Charles Kohlrust, Homestead No.
4187, for the south y, southwest y, Sec
tion 2, Township 19 north, Range 1 west,
and names the following as bis wit
nesses, viz: John Rickley, of Platte
Co., Neb., and Jacob 31aurer, of Platte
Co., Xeb.
489-5. 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island. Xeb.,
Sept. 17th. 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof
iu support of his claim, and secure final
entry thereof at the exiiiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice, viz:
Patrick Ducoy, Homestead Xo. 3572,
for the north y, northeast y, southeast
y, northeast , northeast y, southeast
y. Section 32, 20, 3 west, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: Thomas
Thomaison, of Platte Co., Xeb., and
Trrcncc Bradv, of Platte Co., Neb.
4S9-3. 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Sept. 19th, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Frederick August Henry, Homestead
No. 5506, for the southeast y, Section
4, Township 19 north, Range 4 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: Thurston Nelson, of Platte Co.,
Xeb., and Peter 31aton, of Platte Co.,
43-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
i-Jvl fi'WnJ.-VV LOWEST RATES ever known In CentralNfbras
ka. TO SAl E 310N . is the easiest way to 31AKE 3IONEY.
"Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-clas Drug Store. Dealer
in surrounding country will find it to their interest to purchase from him, as he
can and will give BED-ROCK PRICES.
Prescriptions Carefallv Compounded.
Commissioner's Proceeilinirs.
Tri:si)AY, Sept. 2nd, 1879.
Election Proclamation, according
to Election Act passed at the ses
sion 01S7U.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday, the 4th day of November
next, at the Court House in Colum
bus Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
7 in Hutler Precinct ;
At the school house of District
No. '2 in IJismarck Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
40 in .Sherman Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
4o in Creston Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
4 in Shell Creek Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
21 in Stearns Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
19 in Humphrey Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
11 in Lost Creek Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
14 in Durrows Precinct;
At tne sciiool House ot District rso.
52 in Granville Precinct ;
At the school house of District No.
G in Monroe Precinct;
At the school house of District No.
31 in Looking Glass Precinct;
At the residence of Cornelius
Koch in Woodville Precinct ;
At the house of Bennett Olson in'
Walker Precinct;
At the house of Henry Gilsdorf in
the village of St. Bernard in Pleas
ant Valley Precinct,
An Election will be held for one
Judge of the Supreme Court,
Two Begents of the University,
One Judge of the District Co'urt of
the ith Judicial District,
One County Judge,
One Sherili;
One County Clerk,
One County Treasurer,
One Coroner,
One County Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction,
One County Surveyor,
One County Commissioner of Dis
trict No. 2,
One Assessor for each Precinct,
One Boad Supervisor for each road
Two Justices of the Peace for each
Two Constables for each Precinct,
Three Judges of Election for each
Two Clerks of Election for each
AVhich Election will be open at 8
o'clock in the morning and will
continue open until G o'clock in the
afternoon of the same day.
On motion the Clerk was instruct
ed to prepare notices of said Election
and deliver the same to the Sheriff
according to law.
The Board adjourned till Tuesday
October 7th 1879 at 10 o'clock A. M.
John Stauffer,
County Clerk.
Land Ofllce at Grand Island. Neb.,
September 10th, 1ST!).
NOTICE is hereby given that the
folio wiriir-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirtv days from the date of this no
tice, vi.:
Daniel Brooks, Homestead No. 4123,
for the N. W. yt, Section 20, Township
20 north, Range 1 west, aud names the
following as his witnesses, viz: Loviuus
B. Leach, of Platte Co., Neb., and Wal
ter 31ead, of Platte Co., Neb.
480-5 31.B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Ollice at Grand L-land, Neb.,
September ittli, ls.!.
OTIUE is herebv given that the
following-Named settler has filed
notice oi bis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the tlato ot this no
tice, viz:
William 31. Arnold, Homestead No.
TMZ, for the E. M, N. W. i, Section 31,
Township 10 north. Range 3 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: David Davis, of Platte Co., Neb.,
and Anthonv Cadv, of Platte Co., Neb.
4S0-') 31. B". IIOXIE, Register.
Land Ofiiee at Grand Island, Neb.,
September loth, lb.0.
OTICE is herebv given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
liual entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty d.js from the date of this no
tice, viz:"
Walter 3Iead, Homestead No. 310" I, for
the N. E. , Section t, Township
20 north, Range t west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
Lovinus B. Leach, of Platte Co., Neb.,
and Daniel Brooks of Platte Co., Neb.
4S3-;i 31. B. IIOXIE. Register.
Laud Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 10th, 187S).
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days troni the date if tfiis- no
tice, viz:
John Steiner, Homestead No. 4277, for
the E. J4, X. E. J4, Section 18, Township
10 north, Range 1 east, aud names the
following as his witnesses, viz: Henry
J. Neisius, of Platte Co., Neb., and
ignatz Stciner, of Platte Co., Neb.
4S0-.- 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Ofiiee at Grand Island. Neb.,
September 10th, 1S70.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof iu support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of thi no
tice, "viz: "
Wilhclm I.abenz, Homestead No. 0131,
for the W. J. N. E. '4, Section 20, Town
ship 10 north, Range 2 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
Peter Ripp, of Platte Co., Neb., and
Jacob Labenz. of Platte Co., Neb.
ISO-'! 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Ofllce at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 10th, 1S70.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, aud secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirtv davs from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Henrv A. Saunder.-, Homestead No.
4710, for the S. 34. S. W. yt, W.Js', S. E ,yt,
Section (J, Township IS N., Range 4 west,
and names the following as his witness
cs, viz: B. F. Baird, of Platte Co., Neb.,
and Joseph Apgar, of Platte Co., Neb.
4SO-J5 31. 1'.. 31QXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Ofllce at Grand Island. Neb.,
September 10th, 1879.
NOTICE is herebv given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to nrike final
nroof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice viz:
Peter Welin, Homestead No. 3493, for
the S. K, N. W. i. Section , Township
18, Range 3 west, and names the follow
ing as his witnesses, viz: NelsO. Berlin,
of Platte Co., Neb., and Ncls N. Berlin,
of Platte Co., Neb.
48!)-r 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
fwal pitoor.
Land Ofliceat Grand Island. Neb.J
Sept. 19th, 1ST0.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
JJ following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration ot
thirty days from the date or this no
tice, viz:
Antonc Swanson, guardian Anna Pit
tcnon, Homestead No. 5551, for the
northeast i, Section 12, Township 19
north. Range 4 west, and names the fol
lowing as his witnesses, viz: Hans
Christensen, or Platte Co., Neb., and
Charles Stone, of Platte Co., Neb.
4S9-5 31. B. HOXIE, Bcgistcr.
Final Proof.
Land Ofllce at Grand Island, Neb.
Sept. 23rd, 1879.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol
i lowing named settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and secure final
entry thereor at the expiration of thirty
days from the date or this notice: viz:
Harry Whitehead, Homestead No.
4547, Tor the northeast , Section 32,
Township 20 north, Range 4 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: Peter Plaut, Sen., of Platte Co.,
.eu., ami reier riant, jr., or riatte
Co., Neb.
4.-0-r 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Ofiiee at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 19th, 1879.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support or his claim, and secure
final entry thereor at the expiration or
thirty days rrom the date of this no
tice, viz:
Pauline tfienselcM, Homestead No.
5GS5, for the N. J, N. E. yt, Section 24,
Township 18, Range 1 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: Ger
hard Krumland, of Platte Co., Neb., and
John Lo3eke, of Platte Co., Neb.
4S0-5 31 . it. HOXI E, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.,
September 19th. 1870.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-nanied settler has filed
notice or his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereor at the expiration or
thirty days frum the date of this no
tice, viz:
Nels O. Berlin, Homestead No. 4511,
for the W. y2, S. W. y. Section 24, Town
ship 19 north, Range 4 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: Pe
ter Welin, of Platte Co., Neb., and Nels
N. Berlin of Platte Co., Neb.
189-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Is now ready for the Fall and Winter Campaign with an immense
stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods,
Hats, Caps,
Etc., Etc.
At prices that were never heard
of before in Columbus.
3- Dry Goods have takes a big tumble in the Eastern Markets lately
and as I buy my goods strictly for cash, I -win give my customers the be n
efit of it, and supply them with anything in my line at much lower prices
than they were ever known to be heretofore.
All I ask for is, give me a friendly call and con
vince yourself of the facts.
Proprietor of the Revolution Dry Goods Store
Land Ofllce at Grand Island, Neb.,
Sept. ICth. 1870
NOTICE is hereby iven that the following-named
settler has filed no
tice or his intention to make final proor
in support or his claim, and secure final
entry thereor at the expiration or thirty
days rrom the date or this notice, viz:
Nicholas Gentleman, Homestead No.
32S2, Tor the "West , northeast , Sec
tion 20, Township 19 north, Range' 1
Land Ollice at Grand Island. Neb.,1
September 0th, 1870. 1
NOTICE is hereby given that the
followiim-named settler has filed
notice or his intention to make final
proor in support or his claim, and secure
unul entry thereor at the expiration or
thirty days from the date or this no
tice, viz:
John Ulrich Kiekly, Homestead No.
."V1, for the N. 14, N. E. y, Section 10,
Township 10 north, Kane 1 west, and
names the following a his witnesses,
viz: Jacob JIaurer, of Platte Co., Neb.,
and Jacob IJodmer, of Platte Co., Neb.
487.5 M. 11. HOXIE, Renter.
Land Ofiiee at Grand Island, Neb.,)
September 0th, 1S70. J
-tTOTICE is hereby given that the
!( following-named settler has filed
notice or his intention to make final
proof in support of ids claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
William Uecklem, Homestead No.(hJ07,
for the E. . S. Y. y, and V. y. S. E.
y. Section ', Township IS north, Range
wext. and names the following as his
witnesses, viz: Milo W. Bunker, of
Platte Co., Neb., and Joseph Watts, or
Platte Co., Neb.
437-.. 31. H. IIOXIE, Register.
I'I.AI. ft'KOOF.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.,i
September 10th, 1870. f
-yrOTICE is hereby given that the
JA following-named settler has filed
notice or his intention to make final
proor in support or his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date or this no
tice, viz: "
Jacob Rodmer, Homestead No. 3726,
Tor the N. y. N. W. y, Section 1 1, Town
ship 10, north. Range 1 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
Charles Kohlrust, or Platte Co , Neb.,
and Jacob JIaurer, or PJatte Co., Neb.
488 o 31. R. HOXIE, Register.
Land Ofllce at Grand Island. Neb.,)
September 0th, 1870. f
"VTOTICE is herebv given that the fol-
Jl lowing-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Franz Wendt. Homestead No..r003, for
the S.y. N. W.y, Section 4, Township
10, Range 1 west, and names the follow
ing as his witnesses, viz: Henry Hagert,
of Platte Co., Neb., and Cbas. Ilraudt,
of Platte Co., Neb.
4S7-.ri JI. O. IIO-ME, Ueglster.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
September 0th, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of bis claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Jacob JJaurer. Homestead No. 5052,
for the S. y. N. E. y, Section 10. Town
ship 19 north, Range 1 west, and names
the following as bis witnesses, viz: John
U. RIckly, of Platte Co.. Neb., and Jacob
Bodmer, ol Platte Co., Neb.
487-5 I.,B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
August 10th, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-nanied settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proor in support or his claim, and secure
final entry thereor at the expiration or
thirty days from the date or this no
tice, viz:
Simon Finton, Homestead No. 5124,
for the N. E. y, Section 8, Township 12,
Range 3 west, and names the following
as his witnesses, viz: Martin Bohen, or
Platte Co,, Neb., and John Sulivan, or
Platte Co., Neb.
4S-(-.- 31. R. HOXIE, Register.
Land Ofiiee at Grand Island, Neb., )
August 2Gth. 1870. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the Tol-lowing-named
settler has filed
notice of bis intention to make final
proof iu support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this notice,
viz :
Omar Rose, Homestead No. 3420, for
the N. E. y, Section 24, Township 19,
Range 1 east, and names the following
as his witnesses, vie: Calvin Babcock.
of Colfax Co., Neb., and E.3I. Norton.
ofCoirax Co.. Neb.
4S6-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
August 2Cth, 1879. )
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support or his claim, and secure
final entry thereor at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Jacob Weber, Homestead No. u0f2, for
the E. y, N. VT.y, Section 14. Township
20. north of Range 1 west, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: Edsrar
Leach, or Platte Co.. Neb., and F. W.
Fromholz, or Platte Co.. Neb.
485-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Notice to Resident and Non-Resident
Real Estate Owners.
ALL PERSONS interested are hereby
notified that the County Commis
sioners or Platte county. Nebraska, have
determined to purchase all lands not
sold Tor want or bidders, at the next
annual delinquent land tax sale, in No-J
vemoer, IS.!), as provided by law.
By order or Board or County Commis
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 19. 1379.
4K. County Clerk.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,)
Ausust 2Cth. 1879. f
OTICE is hereby given that the
fallowing named settler has filed
notice or his intention to make final
proor in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration ef
thirty days from the date or this no.
tice, viz:
Charles "Walker, Homestead No. 5C87,
ror the S. y. S. E. y. Section 28, Town
ship 18, Range 3 west, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: John N.
Lawson. or Platte Co., Neb., and George
Willard, or Genoa, Neb.
48tf-- 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb..)
August 2Jth, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of bis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Andrew Henrich, Homestead No. SO 13,
for the N. y, N. K. y. Section 2K. Town
ship 19, Range 3 west, and names tho
following as his witnesses, viz: David
Thomas, or Platto Co.. Neb., and Robert
Lewis, or Platte Co.. Neb.
483-3 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., I
AUZUt lOttl. IS7l.
OTICE is hereby given that the
followinir-uamed rttler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and seeure
final entry thereor at the expiration or
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Andrew O. Donnell. Homestead No
34.J0, for the S. y, S. W. y, Section 20,
Township 20, Range 2 west, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: Da
Jones, or Platte Co., Neb., and Wilbert
Fortune, of Platte Co.. Neb.
483-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
September 2d, 1!79. f
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
li folIowing-nam.ed settler has filed
notice or his intention to make final
proor in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereor at the expiration or
thirty days from the date or this no-
tice, viz:
Leopold Pfoifer, Homestead No. 4240,
for the W. J.of N. W. y, or Section 30,
Township 20, north, Range 1 west, and
names the following as his witnesses,
viz: August welser, or Platte Co.,
Neb., and John Ptiefer, of Platte Co.,
31. H. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,)
August 2Cth, 1879. (
'VTOTICE Is hereby given that the
ll following-named settler has filed
notice of bis intention to make final
proor in mipportof his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date or this no
tice, viz:
Hcinrich Schulz. Homestead No. 4.115.
for the W y. N. E. y. Section C. Town
ship 19 north. Range 1 east, and nunics
the following as his witnesses, viz:
Herman Ludtke, or Platte Co.. Neb.,
and August Kraust?. or Platte Co.. Neb.
485-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
August 2Gtb, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof his claim, and secure
final entry thereor at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Thomas O'Niel. Homestead No. 53C9,
for the S. y, N. E. y. Section 4. Town
ship 19, Range 1 west, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: A. O.
8ulnn, of Platte Co., Neb., and Frank
wens, of Platte Co., Neb.
486-5 M. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., t
August 2Cth. 1879. f
"VTOTICE Is hereby given that the fol
JLi lowing-Damed settler has filet!
notice or bis intention to make final proor
in support or his claim, and secure final
entry thereor at the expiration of thirty
uavs irom me uaie oi mi umice, viz:
Evan R. Bison. Homestead No. 4286,
for the N. W. y, .Section C, Township 18,
Range 1 east, and name the following
as his witnesses, viz: John J. Schra
der, of Platte Co., Neb., and Diedrich
Brunker, or Platte Co.. Neb.
4864i 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
House Moving
and house building done to order, and
im a workman-like manner. Please give
us a call. J3Shop on corner of Olive
St. and Pacific Avenue. 4S5-tf
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,1
September ICth, IS79. )
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
JN following-named settler has filed
notice or his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from tbe date or this no
tice, viz:
George Henry Beyer. Homestead No.
4229, for the E. y, S. E. y. Section 24.
Township 20, Range 1 west, and names
tbe following as his witnesses, viz:
John A. Fulton, of Platte Co., Neb., and
Souke I. Souncdren of Platte Co Neb.
478-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
"jrvK. R. J. KEILLY,
Office on Thirteenth Street,
Opposite Engine House,Columbus,Neb.
Er fprtcht Deutsch. 485-x