M Rates of Advertising. Space, lie 2tg Imp 3m Cm tyr IcoPuin 1 $12.00 $20 ($23 ,$35 Wi'$lOO K8.00 12 1 13J1lb35 60 Ihe journal i . IS ISSUKD EVKKY WEDNESDAY, 3 K I 0.00 1 9 I 12 15 'JO 35 m. e: 'Sr t k 4 Inches 3 " j" g.2.' IJ.00 11 14 15 i 27 4.f0 G.75 J 10112 '. "l5 j 2I Proprietors and Publishers 1 " 1.30 1 2.25 1 4 5 8 J 10 Business and professional cards ten lines or less space, per annum, ten dol lars. Legal advertisements at statute rates. "Kditorial local notices'Mlftcen cents a line each Insertion. "Local notices " five cents a line each inser tion. Advcrtinments classified as "Spe cial notices" Ave cents a line tirst inser tion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. .22510flicc,lcuiporarily,iu tucjlcckcx, building. Thirtccnth-WColutubus, Neb. TttSs-'Aven?yj Sixntl.Xl. fWL.--NXD. 21C tffiynonthsftoc.f $f lUfleoyicB. j f v , t I KmJ GOLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1879. WHOLE NO. 489. it i0npl W 1 I ; ADYEETISEMENTS. - -- WM. BE.CKEK, )nEAJ.En!iK( ' , .Grain, Prod-ace, ;Etc. id I AUi i J.iU 4:NEyiSTORE,NEV-GppDS. Goods delivered Free of Charge,, anytrhcrc in the city. i Corner of 13th and Madison Sto. North of Foundry. "!7 Daniel Faucctfc, Manufactmcr and Dealer in iHarn&ssoSaddles, Bridles,- ani-Colb. keep- con-tantly on hand nllJands of' whip-. Saddlery Hardware, Curry cHinbs, Brushes Itridle Hits?, Spurs., Curds. Haruct-s made to order. Rc lairing done on short notice. NEBRASKA AVENUE. Columbus, j 3.4. " t r. irt 1 G-ALBRAITHBROS (Successors to'Gust-Lockncr)- ' Dealki: in .alx. kinds'of i; 1 Agricultural'Implements X AGENTS FOR Tlir Imiirorril V.lnanl HarrfMrr. Wood Ilinilcr, 3Jorr.. KtajH-rx. anU SelflUkiK. AUotlic laneiu- Minnrot CIiicrTliri'-lif r.lliiclsos" lloiilrr. anil nimliip Uro-.' rrlt-lira-m tcil VaurloK Wlml Hill Tump-, etc., llzesy Topi, ot all htjli-s ju-t ncrlred. Farmers, loolc to "your ln tcrcsts and prlvo una call. GAL.BRAITII TIROS Dr. A. HEINTZ, DKAI.EU IX WIaIW, I..IQUORS, Fine Soaps. Brushes, PERFUKERY, Etc., Etc., ind all articles usually kept onTiand by Druggist. Physicians 2'rcscrij)tions Carefully Compounded. One door Iut of Galley's, on Eleventh Sfrecf. 'GOLUMBUS. NEBRASKA Win. SOHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer In BOOK AND SHOES! A roninUt asMirtuirnt r I jidif' an J Chil - tlrrnNSIiom krpt on hand. All Work Warranted'! ! Onr blotto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairirg Ccir. Olive and I2ili S. GOLUMBUS BRICK YARD (One mile west of Columbus.) TIIOMAS FLYNN SON, ProprV. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK Alvcays on Uond In QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASERS r,:i-tf BECKER & WELCH, PROPRIETORS OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & "WHOLE SALE DEALERS IK FLOUR ATCtD ME Ali. ., iru n i' OFFICE, COL UMB US. NJSB groceries; BUSINESS CARDS -tr-i: .jJL : : U- 4.-UXL. uu t Simpson, j i 'Si TTOHXJZY A T LA W. IWiMnractiyeiji alltlictco'uris of the StAte Prompt ''attention' given- to all bu-incss cntru-ted to his care. Omce: rp--tair-. one door east of! Toukxal ottiee, Columbus. 47!'-Cm JS. MURDOCK & SON, JIac had an extended experience, and will guarantee sati-fuetion in work. All Untie of repairing done on short notice Our motto is. Good work and LjiJ ltriee. 'aU JikiliVfi-US-JileOPPOr-?unit to c-liniate lor you. XSTi-hop at jlit-.UJ.yV.iiKlmill. Coliuubu-. Ncbr. V,i i j j p NKI-sOX MILLETT. BYKON MII.LETT,! .notice of the lVaceTnirt J Li. . .MIILKTT W SKV,V- . A TTORXEYS AT LAW. Columbus, ,AA Vliraskii. X. 1J- Thev will srive c!oso attention to nil business entru-ted to them. 2JS. 9t CARKW 5c CAMP, Atfonioxs and Counselors at Law, AND HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. W'll s:i- projiijit attention toallbui iifv. eituted to them in tlii-and ad- mtuins fjniiutii. coiiecuoiiv inane V Hive on inn rner, oppo-iie Jieiniz s trii-r fctore. t'olumbu-. Neb. prieht Delltrl. Paile Fr.tiii'ia. Physician and Snrgoon. iSTOlllce open at nil hours ank Uli j. T A xotici:: TFjyPJinvtvin re.nl-o,-.Jate Tor -ale, -if yoirwi-li trt'buy either in or out of tbe'eity. if J'ou w"i-h to tiade eity propel ty for hind-, or lands for city property, jrhe a eall. Wadswokth Sc Jo?sni.Y.v. "' brick:! RlEMEll Si STOI.CU keep constantly on hand and lurni-h In the wall. tlic bc-t ol brick. Older- -olicited. Ad-,re-. H! boe, ImixH". poluinbii- i -ls. .PICTURES!. PICTURES! N TOW IS THE TIME to ecure a life- like picture ot our-e!f and chil dren at the New Ar Roinn-, east 11th -treet. -oulh side railroad track. Coluiu-bu-. Ncbrni-k i. 4;.S-tf Mr. S. A. Jo&si.lyn. KELLY & SLATTERY, HOLDS 1II.MSK1.F IN RKADI.VES5 for an work in his line. Before letting your contract for building- of xnv de-cription call on or addie.-s him at "t olumbii-, N-'". 35Fir-t-c;.s ap-par.ilii- tor iino in building-. FOR SALE OR TRADE ! MARES COLTS, Team- of Jrlorses or Oxen, CABSI.i: B'OilKS. wild or broke. O at the C'orro ral of 4 (i:ki:akd & zr.ic.LEK. Chicago Bai'ber Shop. COLUMBUS, NEB. AIK CVTT1NG done, in the late-t ttyle.-, with or without machine. H None but lir-t-c!a- workmen employed. Ladie-' and childreiiN hair cutting a -pccialty. He-t brand- of cigars con -tnntlr on hand HKNllV WOODS, J72 Cm Proprietor. STACK BtOIi'TK. JOHN HUI1ER. the mail-carrier be tween C'nlumbu and Albion, will leave Columbus everyday except Sunr daj at G o'clock, sharp, p ising throutrh Monroe. Genoa, AaUrville, and to Al l ion The hack will call at cither of the Hotels-for passengers if orders are left at the po-t-oflicc. Uate rea-on-able.?2 10 Albion.. 222.1y GOOD CHEAP BRICK ! A TMY IlESIDENCCon Shell Creek. 1 three milcMia-t of Matthis's bridge, I have 70,000 ol. liiirl-Imriit brick lor salt, which will be -old in lot- to -uit pur- 4l-tf ' OEOItGE HENGGLE1I. Columbus Meat Market! WEBER & KNOBEL, Prop's. K' 7 EEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh meat-, and smoked pork and beef; aIo fresh li.-h. 3Iake sausage a spec ialty, tarltcmcinbcr the place, hlcv entii St one door we.t of D. Ityan's hotel. 41T-tf DOCTOR BONESTEEL, V. S. UXA.lEKK13fC: SLKGKOA, COLUMUDS, : NEBKASKA. OFFICE HOL'HS, 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Ollicc on Nebraska Avenue, three door- north of E. J. RakerS grain oflice. Residence, corner Wyoming and Walnut streets, north Columbus Nebr. -i&J-tf DIctrlcks loat ItXarkct. lrukinton Atc nearly opposite Conrt Honsc. OWING "TO'THE CL6sE TIMES, meat will be sold at this market low. low down for cash. Rett steak, per Hi., 40c Ribroat, " - f. Sc. Roll. " 6c. Two cents a pound more than the above prices will he charged on time, and tint to good -esponsible parties only. 2C7. FARMERS! BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the Jew prices of your -products dis course, you. but rather limit your ex penses to your resource!). Vpu can do so by stopping at the.nev homc.of.your fellow farmer, where you can tind good accommodation)! cheap. For hay, for team fcr one night and. day, 25 cts.f A room .furnished with a 'cook stove'and bunkn. in connection .with the stable free. Those wishing can be accommo dated at tho house of the. undersigned' at the" following rates.: Meals 25 cents; bed8-10 cents. J. B.SENECAL, vj mile east of Oerrard'.s Corral. F. SOHECK, Manufacturer and Dealer in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive St., near the old Post-office Columbus Nebraska. -i 17-ly MRS. W. L. COSSET, Dress ''and Shirt Maker, S Doors nest orMillinan s Iiru blore. Drcssc and shirts eut and made to order and satisfjctiomuarantecd. Will also do plain or fancy shewing of any de scription. EiT PRICES VERY REASON A1JLE. Give me a call and trv rav work. L5-ly " LAW, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL COLLECTION OFFICE V.S.GEER M' ONEY TO LOAN in -mall lot on f.nin propel i j. time one to three year-. Farm- with .-ome improvements bought -ind sold. Office lor the pre-int at the- Clother llou-o, Columbu.-, Neb. 17.1-x GEORGE MT. DERRY, CARRIAGE, House k Siau Pnintiii?, ?P 02iii:r.:3, ola:utj. " liir 3aiisST. KALSOMINING, Etc. KIT All work warranted. Shop on Olive street, opposite the " Tatter-all '' Stable. aprltiy HENRY GASS, UNDERTAKER, KEEPS ON HAND readv-made and Metallic Coflius, Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cane Scat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal nut Lumber. Ti:Majtca Ato. opposite Court H:z:c, Colsatts, Use A GOOD FARM FOR SALE lirllISL acres under cultivation, a v-i 5i-SS- good house one and a half story high, a good stock range, plenty ol water, and good hay land. Two miles eat of Columbus. Inquire at the Pioneer Bakerv. 47-1-Cin. , I). I. Tinin Table. Eastward Bound. Emigrant, No. C. leave- at Pas-cng'r, " A. " " Freight, " 8. " freight, " 10, " " U'estictfd Bound. Freight. No. ."i. leave at Pa eng'r, " ::. " ' Freight. " i. " Emigrant. 7. 4- caax-VMi . ji.Ajjy U:2- a. in. 11:00 a. m. 2:1." p. in. A :i0 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:27 p.m. 0:00 p.m. l:."0a. in. Evcrvday except Saturday the three line- leading to Chicago connect with lT P. train at Omaha. On Saturday there will be but one train a day. as shown by the following schedule: CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. A. S. Paddock. U. S. Senator, Beatrice. ALvix SAUXDK1W, U. . Senator, Omaha. T. .1. Ma.iokk, Rep- 1''r E. K. Valknti.n Rep., Wv-t Point. STATE DIRECTORY: Ai.mxus Nasck, (ioeruor, Miieoln. J.. I. Alexander, Secretary of State. F. W. Liedtke, Auditor. Lincoln. G. M. Bartlctt, Treasurer, Lincoln. CI. DHworth, Altorney-General. 5. II. Thompson, Supt. Public Insruc. H. C. Daw-on, Warden of Penitentiary. nirn V,ibiCy' r I'rnn Inspector-. C. 11. Gould, f ' Dr. .1. G. Davis, Prison Physician. II. P. Mathew-on, Supt. Insane Asylum. JUDICIARY: S. Maxwell. Chief Ju-tiec. George R.Lakr.l A0(.iatl. ,iude.-. Ainasa Cobb. 1 Founrn judicial DisrnicT. (i. W. Po-t, .Iudi.te. York. M. B. Reese, District Attorney. Wahoo. LAND OFFICERS: M. B. Ilovie, Register, Grind Island. Win. Anyan. Receiver, Grand l-land. COUNTY DIRECTORY: f. G. Iliggins. County Judirc. John Stauiler. County Clerk. V. Kummer. Treasurer. Ilenj. Spielman, SlieriiT. R. L. Ros.sjtpr, Surveyor. Wm. Bloedorn j John Walker, CountvCommi--ioiicr.-. John Wise. J Dr. A. Hcintz. Coroner. S. L. B irrett. Supt. of Schools. S.- S. McAllister,) TntirCsoniipPe-iee Ryron Millctt, f ,urtlLCSl ,11PI e'1' -Charles Wake, Constable. CITY DIRECTORY A. Sneice, Maj or. C. John Wermuth, Clerk. Charlc Wake. Marshal. C. A. Newman, Treasurer. S. S. McAllister, Police Judge. J. G. Routson, Engineer. couxcilmkx: 1st Ward J. E. North. G. A. Schroeder. 2(f WaraT.. R. C. Kavanaugh. II. Henry. 8rf JPflrtf-E. J. Baker, "Wm. Burgess Columbus Post Ofllcn. )pcn on Sundays t re mil a.m. to I2:u. and from 4:C0 to 0 r. si. Business hours except Sunday (! a. m f r. m. Eistern mails close nt 11 a. m. Western mails close at 4:15p.m. Mail leavds Columbus for Madison and Norfolk, daily, except Sunday, at 10 A.M. Arrives at 4:30 p.m. For Monroe- Genoa. AYatervillc and Al bion, daily except Sunday 0 a. m. Ar rive, sainerCj.,M. . For OfcceMa arid TorkVruf silays,Thur. 'day. ait(lSaturday,'7 a. M. Arrives Mondays, Wcdnedavo and Fridavs, Gp. M. For "Welf. Farral and Battle Creek, Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays, 6 a.m." Arrives Tucs'days, Thursdavs tind Saturdays, at (J p. M. For Shell Creek, Creston and Stanton, on Mondays and Fridays at G a. m. Arrives Tuesdays and Saturdavs, at G p. ir. For Alexix, Tatron and David Cit-, Tuesdays, Thuradavs and Saturdays, 1 P. ir Arrives at 12 M. For St.,Anthony, Prairie Hill and St. Bernard. Saturdays, 7 a.m. Arrives Fridavfc, 8 p. M. Our Faces. Not always do our faces bear A faithful record of the wear Of time upon the inner life. The ceasele-s and the dreary strife Of passion that JvJUUln. us roll ; The secret struggle of the soulj- 3Iay frequently impart Their history to the human face, , . But oh! how oft they leave no trfjee? How oft there cometh to all men The hour of gloom and sorrow, when The placid brow does not express Tlie sense of utter loneliness ' That rests upon the heartlj When cherished visions fade away, Of those who loved us once betray. Or when the earth is laid above The still, cold form of one we love. Our facesTor a while reveal The-bitfer woe we inly fear; But Jater on the seal Of pridfe-ls set upon our grief, That may not thenceforth find relief In outward secminsr, but must dwell Within the heart's nio-t secret cell, That careles eyes may not behord The depth of misery untold N . " Aud ngony wo feel. 4 Is it becaufc we idly fear The heartless cynic's covert sneer That thus we veil our better part In the still chambers of the heart? Or is it that w e hold our woe Too sacred for the world to know. And only for the eye Of Him who read all heart to see? I know not yet it seems to me The world were better could it know That verdure bloomed beneath the Could It but rend the icy veil, -now; And see that though the surface fail, The fountain is not dry! IHATTIK'S SACRIFICE. I5Y AUNT lTGOIE. '"Yes, I will marry him, and end the stiuggic! Life is not lony, any way. In a little while we will nil be as though wc never had been, and if I am faithful to the end, I shall have n joy not known on earth. What is Ihe time here compared to 'i eternity? Why should wc fret and grieve when we are denied what wc wish for? It is wrong; so I will try to think no more of Fraueis, but marry Mr. Grant, and end this wretched struggle to keep up ap pearances on nothing. Beside, I'll have no peace unless I do. Father and mother are so anxious to have me accept him they wili be down right angry with me if I reluse." Thus soliloquized Ilattie Mayhain one cold evening in December, as she sat by the open wood lire in her room, tr iug to look on the bright bide ol the question trying to con sole hersell torthe sacrifice she was conU'iinlating. "Oh, if I had only .been bi ought up to support myself, how much bet ter it would be for us all !" exclaim ed shr-. "Mother does not need me since Katie and Bell have grown up, and I should have been leaching all thee long years since I left school, instead of being dependent on father and wailing for Francis to come back and marry me. Ugh ! I feel ashamed of myself when I think ol the useless, aimless life I have led sinre I left school. Yet. really, I am not to blame. I have begged more than once to he allowed to earn my living like Carrie White and Mabel Vauirhan ; (hey seem so happy and independent, earning their four hun dred dollars a juar and doing as they please with it. But then, as Bell says, Tliey are common people ; no real gentleman would permit his daughter to work for wages!' What a ridiculous idea for poor people to get into their heads. "But it is no use talking,'' contin ued she, drawing a long breath. "I may as well go to bed. Father and mother have that prejudice (irmly fixed in their minds, and no reason ing of mine will root it out, so I'll just end it all by telling papa in the morning that I'll marry Mr. Grant. He has a nice home to take me to and plenty of money, and 1 can help my (amily so much; but I might have been lightening the burden all these four years, if father would only let me. "Ah, me! nearly eleven o'clock. I must retire. It is the last evening I shall be Francis Whitlier's betroth ed wife. To-morrow Mr. Grant will be here, and then O, Heavenly Father I help me to be brave and do what is my duty!" And wilh this prayer, Hatlie arose yery 6lowly and prepared for bed. Poor Ilattie! it was hard for her to give up the one bright dream of her life, and marry a man old enough to be her father. But what could 6hc do? They were poor; her father owned no property, being only a hij-.lc kteper in a large mercantile house in Cincinnati, but received a I fair salary enough to live verv com fortably had he been satisfied with that, but, like too many others, he aspired higher and tried to Jive like a millionaire. His three daughters were fashion ably educated; they dressed ele gantly, aud, one not knowing (heir circumstances would have supposed him worth his thousands. Of course all this dressing and keeping up ap pearances on such small capital must require considerable managing, and the girls were early educated in the mysteries of dress making and the faculty of making much out of little. ,4. They were, therefore, quite indus trious, and not nearly as worthless as Hatlie would have us suppose, although all their work went to keep up appearances. Their fashionable frieiids would have held up their hands in horror coulll they have seen the amount of turning and making oyer old dresses, the shifting, brush ing and rctrimming necessary to keep these four ladies looking like "other folks." Ilattie had often rebelled at ho much striving and straining to make a genteel appearance, and had beg ged to be allowed to do something for herself. Her education was more thorough than that of most fashion able young ladies, aud she could have taught very acceptably. But, her father would hot consent to it; he would not have one of his daugh ters toiling in a school room, and being criticised by all the foolish, indulgent parents whoso displeasure she might incur, for the pitiful sum she would receive, forgetting that her salary as a teacher during the year was more than all three of the girls had to spend in that time. Her mother was more against it, if possi ble, than her father; wondered where Ilattie got such notions and thought she might as well get rid of them, for she was not going to let her ruin her prospects for marrying by becoming a school-teacher, be sides, everyone knew school-teachers never married. - It was Mr. and ,Mrs. Mayham's one hope to see their daughters well married ; they had toiled and stinted and strained evcrv nerve to bring them up to appear as well as thcirj associates, who were daughters of merchants, bankers, aud men. of wealth aud distinction. And when the burden seemed too heavy, they would console themselves with the thought that by-and-by their daugh ters would marry men of wealth and lionor, ami tliey would then be amply repaid lor all the sacrifice they had made (or them. But alas for human planning aud expectation! Although thejr daugh ter had plenty of beaux, yet there were no offers of marriage except Francis Whiltier, who had proposed to Ilattie and been accepted, about four years previous to the opening of our story. He was a very enter prising young man, with many estimable traits of character, but very little of this world's goods. The announcement of II attic's en gagement caused quite a commotion in the family. They admitted his worth, but he was poor; and Mrs. Mayhain said she had always hoped and pracd that her girls would never have to struggle as she had done. Katie and Bell declared if they could not better themselves thuy would remain as they were; while papa, who had remained silent until all had expressed their opin ions, said very decidedly that, until Francis Whiltier had a home and income sufficient to support Hatlie as she had been in the habit of liv ing, he could not have her; and as he was only a young lawyer with a small practice, he guessed it would be a long time before he would be ready to claim her. lie was sorry that Ilattie had been so foolish as to fall in love with a poor man. The result of this conversation, which occurred four years ago, was a consultation between Ilattie and her lover, ending in a decision on bis part to go west, and try to carve out more rapidly a fortune sufficient to enable him to support Ilattie as her father wished. During the time he had been gone, although he had applied himseir strictly to business, studying early and late, yet lie did not seem much nearer the acme of their desires than when he left her. But a young lawyer cannot spring into a practice with one bound; lie must work his way into it; and al though Francis, at the end of four years, did not see much further ahead than when he started, yet he was really further along on the road to success ; for he had gained by his strict attention to business the es teem of some of the best men in town, who had marked his applica tion and, at the beginning of the fifth year, consulted and employed him iii several important cases, two of which he gained, thus bringing him into the notice of other prominent men. With many bright anticipations of future happiness and joy he wrote to Ilattie of his fcucccsc, and begged her to be patient, hoping that ere long he would be able to claim her aud end (he. weary wailing. But this letter never reached Ilattie, if it had, no amount of persuasion could have induced her to cast him off for a wealthier man. About three months previous Mr. Grant, a rich old gentleman, had met Ilattie at an entertainment given by one of her fashionable friends, and had .fallen so deeply in love with her pretty face that bo resolved then and there, to win her if wealth and per severance could do it, and imme diately commenced paying his ad dresses to her. At first Ilattie treated him as she would any other old gentleman that came to the house, singing aud playing for his entertainment. But when she saw he was coming wilh serious inten tions, she used her utmost endeavors to keep out of his way. This, however,offended her father, so she was compelled to accept his attentions or incur her parent's seri ous displeasure; for Mr. Mayhain was almost sure that Mr. Grant meant to make Ilattie his wife, and although he was so much older than she, he hoped that his daughter would accept him. Therefore when, one. evening, Mr. Grant drove up to his office and asked the pleasure of driving him home, his heart beat high with ex pectation; and his anticipations were realized, for before they had been together many minutes Mr. Grant asked Mr. Uayliatu for his daughter Ilattie, promising to settle a large amount on ln the day she became his wife. To say that Mr. Mayham was elat ed would be putting it very mildly; he (elt that at last his toil would be rewarded ; he would have one rich son-in-law, and Ilattie would be settled. One daughter less to strive for, and he know that Ilattie was generous enough to divide her in come with her sisters. In the exu berance of his joy he forgot all about his daughter's early attachment, and when on telling her of Mr. Grant's proposal upon arriving home, she reminded him that she was no Ion" er free, he was struck dumb. He had forgotten about Francis Whit tier, and his disappointment was so intense that he reeled, and Ilattie thought he was going to fall. She pitiediiim and said she was sorry to disappoint him, but she (elt that it was impossible for her now to give up her first love. 'Tshawr replied Mr. Mayham, recovering his speech and losing his temper, "I do hope you are not going to let that foolish attachment stand between you and the best chance you will ever have. Just think ! you have been waiting four years for that fellow, and you are liable to wait four more. Now, a good and wealthy man offers you a home and fortune, and I do think it is your duty to accept his offer. It would be such a relief to me to see one of my girls settled. There are three of you, and heaven knows I have tried to do all my duty toward you. If I should die, what would become of you? Have you ever thought of that, Haltie? Have you ever reflected that I might be called away?' he continued, in a softer tone. '-See, there arc gray hairs on my head : I am no longer a young man, and should sickness come upon me our present income would be cut off. We have saved nothing; have lived to the full extent of our in come for your sake; and now you have a chance of repaying me by accepting the proposal of a worthy man, well-calculated to take care of you. It is cruel of you to refuse, ilattie." All this, and much more, he said, before he dismissed her with the hope that she would think well of what she had heard, and not let a foolish fancy ruin the best prospect she ever had. It was just after this conversation that we find Ilattie sitting so dis mally by the little fire, talking to herself. She fully realized that her father's words were true; but why should they be true? It wa3 cruel to bring her up in a style that they .could not afford, and then expect her to give up all her bright hope9 and her great love, to marry a man old enough to be her father. Now, although our heroine loved Francis "Whiltier with all the strength of her warm young heart, yet, after due deliberation, she con cluded to acquiesce in her parents' wishes. She studied it well that evening; (ought a hard battle be tween love and duty and duty won. The next morning she wrote a long letter to her discarded lover, telling him how matters stood and begging him to think as well of her as possible; that she had beeu true to him during his absence, and wo'd have contiuued to wait for him could she have supported herself. But she was not permitted to do that, and it seemed impossible for her to depend on her father any longer. She was doing what she believed to be her duty, and hoped to gain the reward promised to all who sacri fice self for others. It was hard to give him up, but lifo was not long; sooner or later they would meet where there was neither parting nor marriage. Tho letter was finished, and her next- act was to gather all the little mementoes he had giveu her sou venirs of that happy time now gone forever and look upon them for the last time before putting them out of sight. Ah, reader, there's no greater sacrifice than giving up a heart's: love! Mr. and Mrs. Mayham wore not aware of the great suffering their daughter was enduring j they were not cruel, only worldly. No pen can describe the delight and relief of the family when Ilattie was securely married and off. Not one of them ever gave a thought to the sacrifice she had made ;. never once noticed the pale cheek and list less air of the bride. All they tak cd of was tho luxurious home and handsome carriage she would bave 6n her return, well knowing that' Hattie's home would bp their's whenever they chose to make it so, and that much of her large income would be enjoyed by them also. Mr. and Mrs. Mayhem appropriated a large share of credit for their train ing of their daughter, and thought this more than repaid them for the saviug of so many ycar. After due time Mr. and Mrs. Grant returned from their bridal tour, and took up their residence in their elegant mansion. Katie and Bell spent much time with their sister, and poor Ilattie tried to make her husband happy. Francis Whitlier received Hattie's letter of renunciation with a heavy heart, and it took all the joy from his life. But he was :i true Chris tian, and his faith in his Heavenly Father alone saved him from des pair. He ti ever, however, was the bright, cheery fellow that he was before he lost his only love. In a little while he had a fair iucome, and could not help regretting that Ilattie had not been permitted to wait for him. Fourteen years have passed since Hattie's marriage. She has a little daughter twelve years old, and her husband is very feeble. Francis Whitlier has not married. Poor Katie married a man of reputed wealth, who left her destitute a year after marriage; she now keeps house for Hatlie. Belle is still on the look out for a chance to better herself; she stoutly affirms that she will never marry until she can marry rich. Humor in tho Family., Good humor is rightly reckoned a most valuable aid to happy home life. An equally good and useful faculty is a sence of humor or tho capacity to have a little fun along with Ihe humdrum cares and work of life. "We all know how it bright ens up things generally to have a lively, witty companion who sees the ridiculous points of things and who can turn an annoyance into an occasion of laughter. It doec a grest deal better to laugh over some domestic mishaps than to cry or scold over them. Many homes and lives arc dull because they are al lowed to become too deeply im pressed wilh a sense of the cares and responsibilities of life to rec ognize its bright, and especially its mirthful side. Into such a house hold, good but dull, the advent of a witty, humorotiR friend is like sun shine on a cloudy day. "While it is always oppressive to hear persons constantly striving to say witty or funny things, it is com fortable, seeing what a brighlener a little fun is, to make an effort to have some at home. It is well to turn off an impatient question sometimes, and to regard it from a humorous point of view instead of becoming irritated about it. "Wife, what 13 the reason I can never find a clean shirt?" exclaimed a good hut rather impatient hus band after rumagiug sometime all through the wrong drawer. His wife looked at him steadily for a moment, half inclined to be provoked, then with a comical look, she said : "I never could guess conundrums ; I give it up." Then he laughed, and they both laughed, and she went and got his shirt, and he felt ashamed of him self and kissed her, and then she felt happy ; and so what might have been an occasion for hard words and unkind feelings became just the contrary all through the little vein of humor that cropped out to the surface. Some children have a pecnliar faculty for giving a humorous turn to things when they are reproved. It does just as well oftentimes to laugh things off as to scold them off. Laughter is better than tears. Let us have a little moro of it at home. There are two ways of getting through this world. One way is to make the best of it, and the other is to make the worst of it. Those who take the latter course work bard for poor pay. A "Happy Family." Tho other evening at nine o'clock a policcmau found a family of fivo persons and two old trunks under a shed near the foot of Second street, waiiiug to go up me river on a wood-barge which wouldn't leave until the next forenoon. The man had both hands pressed to his face, the womau was wiping her eyes on a handkerchief, and all the children were squalling. "What seems to be tho matter?" inquired the officer, a ho halted among them. ,rtOhj nothing much;" au-jwered the man. "I've got the jumpln' tooth ache, but it alius slacks up on me about miduight." "What ails your wile?" ''Oh, she's kinder tired out and nervous, but as soon as she gets u good rest for her back asiii tl.u wood-pile she'll go lo sleep-and for ger, all about it. SheV nil right, she ie." "But the children are crjing,'' continued the officer. " Yua, kinder crying," repli ed the man, " but that's noth ing. That boy, Augustus Ciesar, he wants . a stick ot gum, lint he'll soon chaw himself to sleep on a sliver. The next one, Charles Henry, he's howlin' 'cause I won't buy him a rockin'-horse, but soon's I get time to spunk him he'll curl down and go to dreainin' of angels. That gal, Minerva, has got her mouth ulade up for fried-eakt and milk, but I'll give her a bit o pork and bread from the trunk and she'll never know the difference. We are kinder sprawled out here, and we seem to bo kinder afflicted, but wc arc a icg'lar happy family." Detroit Free Press. A little story in Harper j reminds us of a habit which parents have, which is the cause of many a bitter pang to the hearts of their little ones. A little five year old asked her manlma to let her run across tho way to visit a playmate. As she saw a refusal in her mamma's face, she put her little rosebud lips up for a kiss, and said' ''Please don't say no ; think a minute firsL" Ob, the wisdom contained in those simple words! Ho v common it id, when a little one asks a favor which to us seems but a trifle, but to their vision is a matter of great moment, to thoughtlessly, hastily, snap out a 'No!'' Nor could we, did we pause to inquire of ourselves why we refu sed, give a satisfactory reason. It has become a habit, perhaps, to deny their wishes, until it must seem to them that we take delight in thwart ing their innocent requests. The little girl desires to go and see a playmate, the boy wants to go into the woods for a holiday. There is no possible objection to cither, but the hasty"No !' rises to the lips ; the child, hurt, and smarting under a sense of injustice, "teases," or else goes away in sullen silence. Tho parent feels that he or she has been too hasty, but believes it beneath their dignity lo retract now. Be sides, "What right has a child to persist, when they arc told no?" is the question that comes uppermost. So the child is robbed of a pleasure, the parent is wounded at its lack of dutifHl feeling, all of which might be avoided, if parents would only heed the little mentor's counsel ''Please think a rainuto first !'- West ern Bural. The .Silent Stranger. A stranger sat in the corner of a car going to New York, in ea3y at titude, bis feet upon a large black trunk. The gentleman conductor going his rounds, at the first station politely informed the stranger that the trunk must be put in the bag gage car. To which the stranger nothing re plied. At tho second station the dis pleased conductor, more decidedly told tho strangor that ho must pnt the trunk in the baggage car. To which the stranger nothing replied. At the third station the vexed conductor more imperatively told the stranger that ho must put the trunk in the baggage car, or it would be put off the traiu. To which the stranger nothing replied. At the fourth station the irate conductor had the trunk put off and left. To which the stranger nothing replied. At the fifth station the mollified conductor, addressing the atranger begged him to remember that he had bat done what his duty requir ed, that he had done it only after repeated warnings, and that It was solely the stranger's fault. , To which the strauger laconically replied : "Don't care ; 'taint my trunk."