Ill J I 1 n i' t fj Written for the Journal. MIDSUMMER'S GOLD AND GREEN. BY MRS. MARY B. F1NC1I. Tbc harvest glow and summer sheen On hill and valley now are hern And shining groves that lie between Arc gems in amber setting. Faint rosy rays like rubies wait Aurora's step at opal gate, And sunbeams come in royal state To deck the earth with jewels. The fleecy clouds go sailing by Like downy billows in the sky, Around our path their shadows lie, But change with sunlight's flitting. The cheery hum of earth and air. The purple mist with floating hair, "With summer life a dream so fair It dwells in our hearts forever. A mingled tone in twilight breeze And folded wings in waving trees, Oh! were our lives as free as these "We'd keep our hearts a-chiming. The dreamy days that come and go, The evening winds that softly blow, The moon-beams shifting to and fro Through vinc-lcavcs restlcs motion, And streaming in at open door "With shadows dancing on the floor Are pictures hanging evermore In Mcm'ry's golden tower. Oh! perfect days we love so well, "What vrcalth of wonders can you tell "When Mcm'ry sounds her silver bell And 6cts the chimes a-ringing! So many beauties round us shine! So many blessings round us twine! That life and joy are half divine, And earth is seeming heaven. Patron, Xclr. nore About tlic illTuIr of that "Muddy Co flee" and those "Soggy BUcuit." Editor Journal : Last summer I was much pleased to see in the columns of your paper a letter from a woman who was desirous of re ceiving aud imparting knowledge on the all-important subject of "Do mestic Economy" as regards cn lightonnicnt aud improvement in cookery; but some other woman in reply plead "not guilty" to the charge of muddy coffee and the rest ofit. I was sorry to see this, as we all know, or should, that we can still make progress on to the end of the chaptcr,and I,for onc,expected to derive a great many useful lessons from the correspondence, which seemed about to be opened to the interests of the household depart ment. Let us ignore the "hog and hominy" method of living, aud try to substitute something better. I am sure ull will agree with me when I suggest that several of us on look ing down the dim vista of the buried past, (or the unburied present), can remember the multitudinous con glomerations we have partaken of, that were honored by the appella tions of bread, cake, pics or pud dings, as the case might be, and fondly believed to be such. Hut oh! the dyspepsias, (if I may be allowed to add a plural), that have been their inheritance whose troub led ghosts yet rise up and will not be quieted. These Gurgons of dys pepsia have crowned us witli head aches, armed us with rheumatisms, sandaled our feet with gouts and broken our hearts over imaginary sorrows. They have consumed us with undiscovered fevers, and throt tled us with the purplest apoplexies. They have turned our blood into vinegar, and eventually put the greenest persimmons into our an gelic dispositions. They have pranc ed into our dreams with the most excruciating nightmares, and filled our waking hours with murderous suspicions. The multifarious causes of dyspepsia, as I have before hiut cd, may be laid at the door of the glorious past; also at the windows of the much -humiliated present. All because of Isaac Xewton, I think it was, not knowing whether he had eaten or not, on seeing a plate of bones before him ; it was ever after ward considered a mark of intel lectual greatness to be able to cou eumc all manner of disagrccble thiugs while appearing to be en tirely oblivious of the fact. Every thing one took on his plate must be eaten in order to be saved, even to the mouldy cheese; and if there were plenty of skippers, all the better; and the burnt crusts, the pork rinds and the potato skins. I believe they didn't try to cat the chicken boues and 'tis a wonder. I have heard my mother tell of one man who invariably took the ham mer to the table with him, and . broke them and ate the contents in doggish triumph. He must have belonged to the race the geologists speak of, who lived in the same age with the cave bears aud cave hyenas. In our graud parents' time If one scraped his plate till the glazing was in peril he was certain to be come rich and powerful, and if he could eat a meal in ten minutes the fortune was almost within his grap. and he was a great philosopher to boot The pernicious teachings of the Dr. Franklin school have had their weight in invertiug the natural order of health and happiness, espe cially with young people whose rights are not clearly defined or specified. "When I was a child I thought the Dr. must he a very near relative of mine, he seemed to Ukc such a lively interest in my welfare. He was always on hand to tell them just what to do ucxt. ''He who would thrive," &c, was the morn ing greeting; but what on earth they wanted me to thrive for was more than I could imagine. I would much rather have slept. "Early to ued,"&c, was more of it, but "al ways leave the table hungry," was the last feather that broke the back of ray childish imagination, aud I parted company then ana mere wim my hard-hearted relative without the least compunctions of conscience,- and I must aver now, that with the platitudes of Franklin aud the quot ings of Solomon I thiuk the poor children have had a pretty hard time of it. All of this noneeuso was closely allied to the self-torture im posed on people by the old dough heads of the superannuated past, that classical time that students wax 60 grandiloquent about. I wish the man who invented this style of deg radation might have been perpetu ated to posterity, and we would have him impeached yet for high crimes and misdemeanors. I sin ccrclj hope all the matrons of Ne braska who can be induced to lay aside the making and trimming of their abomination (Oh! 1 beg par don combination) dresses, will do so, aud if the editor of the Journal will grant us space we will discuss the domestic problem at length ; but let us hope it may be done in an amiable manner, as it is disgusting in the extreme to pull hair aud throw vitriol through the the news paper columns, the medium that should be used only to enhance civ ilization, instead of barbaric war fare. "Polyanthus." For the Journal. A ."VI an with an I. Take a man who is married, for instance, who is in the habit of always trying to make himself seem important by always using the word I, when we, or my wife and I, would sound a great deal better sometimes than always I. Let him take his wife to the theater, for instance, or to a dance and back agaiu. Then let him speak to his neighbor after wards, and sec if he don't say, I was at the dance last night ; I enjoyed myself well, I just had a splendid time, when it would have sounded much better to have said "my wife and I were at the dance; we had a nice time," &c. "We have also heard him say my house or my home, whfii our house or our home would have sounded much better, since there arc two to share it, aud his wife claims it just as much as he does. Take a man with his import ant word, I, always in his mouth aud you will have a man who will have but very little to say (o his wife, aud will think himself more important than she, in place of treating her as his better half, lie would rather go to his neighbors and talk, than sit down and hold a conversation with his wife. Such a man will hardly ever notice his wife at all, and if she tries to reason with him on any subject he will say, "what do you know about it?" or, "you don't know as much as Mrs. A.," or, "there is no business in you like there is in Mrs. B?" or, " you don't work as hard as Mrs. C.,v when he in reality never notices her enough to find out how much she does know or do, and he may live with her a century and then die without ever finding out her real value. Let him put her to the test, notice her, aud make himself more agreeable with her, and perhaps he will find out that she has just as good ideas as he has, if not better, that her judgment in matters of business is worthy of respect, at least. I venture to say no family like this can live a happy life together, for where love should grow, it will die out. 31. a. o. On the Way. IIarristown, III., Aug. i!G, '79. Dkar Journal: I will now ful fil my promise to let you hear from me. It was my intention to come by the way of Chicago, but I found out at Council Bluffs that I could not get a through ticket that way, so we came by way of Kansas City and St. Louis. I cannot give you many particulars in the brief space of this letter, but will say that there is the finest prospect for corn in Iowa and Missouri ; one thing that was very noticeable in parts of Mis souii was the growing tobacco. 1 saw hundreds of acres, all looking fine aud healthy ; I did not notice a single potato patch in crossing the whole state, which leaves one to infer that the inhabitants of that wooden country go considerable on tobacco aud corn juice for a living. We made a very quick trip, leaving the Bluffs at about 5 o'clock Monday evening, reaching Decatur at 10:50, Tuesday evening, distance about eight hundred miles. And now, Mr. Editor, let mc say to you and all my friends in Nebras ka that my feelings were indescrib ably sad, as the train pulled out of Columbus. Yon all know why 1 should thus feel, aud I shall say nothing of the cause here. But I will say, God pity any human being that has to lose a happy home, and to them that have said unkind things about mc, because I hold it sinful to despond, and will not let the bitterness of life blind me with burning tears but look beyond its bitterness and its strife, to them I say, "May God forgive as I do." As to the crops here, and a good many other things I will have to wait until another time. Truly youis, John Iu England, neither Indian corn, potatoes, squashes, carrots, cabbages, nor turnips, were known until after the beginning of the sixteenth cen tury, and Queen Catharine was obliged to send to Holland for salad to suply her table. Thepcasants sub sisted ou bread, chiefly made of bar lev ground in the hand mill. Mail All Over. It is related that General Scott's famous letter to Zachary Taylor, an nouncing the withdrawal of most of the regular troops from Taylor's command to be placed under his own iu a projected movement from Vera Cruz toward the capital of Mexico, was received while Taylor was at supper with his staff near Monterey. The General asked Colonel Bliss to read it to him. lie had just replen ished his coffee-cup, and was engag ed in cooling it with a spoon while the reading went on. This appeared to make no further impression upon him than that indicated by a con temptuous "sniff," but as the real import of the letter began to appear his whole manner changed, and he abstractedly dipped the spoon into a bowl of mustard, which sat upon the table, and stirred it in the coffee. This he repeated until by the time the reading of the letter was finish ed, the contents of the mustard bowl were exhausted. Without saying a word, and to Bliss' astonishment and horror, he raised the cup to his lips and gulped down the whole abomi nable compound. He then broke into an excited and profane haran gue, consigning to everlasting dam nation every one concerned in the proposed depletion of his forces, and only ceasiuir when his speech was overtaken with a paroxysm of stnt ering, which, with him, usually fol lowed a violent outbreak of temper. The Colonel felt sure that from the amount of mustard he had swallow ed, combined with the intelligence he had received, it would infallibly sicken li'm, but nothing uncommon came of it. "Eatsbane at that mo ment," said Bliss, "would, lam con vinced, have had no more effect upon him than upon the stomach of Mith ridatcs." General Pleasanton, who commanded the General's escort in Mexico, says that when once thor oughly aroused he was the maddest man he ever saw mad from the crown of his hat to the soles of his bonis. New York Tribune. The Hoy that in IScspected. "Who is it? It is the boy who conducts himself well, who is hon est, diligent, and obedient in all things. It is the boy who is making an effort continually to respect his father, and obey him in whatever he may direct to be done. It is the boy who is kind to other boys, who respects age, and who never gels into difficulties and quarrels with his companions. It is the boy who leaves no effort untried to improve himself in knowledge and wisdom every day who is busy and atten tive in endeavoring to do good acts towards others. Show me a boy who obeys his parents, who is dili gent, who has rc&pcct for age, who always has a friendly disposition, and who applies himself diligently to get wisdom, and to do good to wards others and if he is not re spected and beloved by everybody, then there is no such thing as truth in this world. Remember this, boys, and you will be respected by others and will grow up aud become use ful men. Va inter hi It's Eau shier. Arbitrary as the Czar, he was wont to govern iu his private affairs with a rod of iron. The husband of one of the daughters of the Commo dore being unfortunate iu business, many years ago, she went to her father for assistance, which was re fused in a manner more forcible than elegant. She abruptly with drew to fight for complete indepen dence. Next morning the Mew York of those days was highly sur prised to read the following adver tisement, specially displayed : -XfltS.! DESIRES TO STATE tl THAT SHE HAS KXUKLLEXT Table Board and accommodation- for families or single gentlemen. Kefer to her father, C. V.imlerhilt. That advertisement appeared ex actly one timo, for the Commodore realized the situation and advanced backward promptly, aud there was no more dissension in that branch of the family forever more. An eastern man, accustomed to the luxuries to be had at Delmoui co's, dropped into a restaurant in a Acvada mining town for dinner. The head-waiter, who was also the junior partner of the establishment, accosted him with: "Weil, Col., what'll you have ?" " Beefsteak and mushroons,' answered the "colonel" as "pert" a possible. " Guess not," said the waiter, who felt that he was being "guyed.'' ' Guess not ? Why not? Bring me a beefsteak with mushroons right away!'' "Look here, stranger," said the waiter, "I don't want to make no trouble, yer know, but I don't allow no man to quarrel with his vittlcs iu this ranche." With that, he took a six shooter from his hip-pocket, cocked it, and holding it in a suggestive way added : ' Hash is what you are go ing to eat." The colonel had hash. John, did you go round and ask how old Mrs. Jones is this morning, as I told you last night?" "Yes, sir." "Well what's the result?" "She said that seeing as how you'd had the im pudence to send to ask how old she was, she'd no objection to telling vou she's twcntv-fQiir." The 'unknown man, whose body was found between Omaha and Pa pilion recently in a'bidly decom posed stale, proves to be one Frauk McMullcn, a fugitive from justice, who ran away with $100 belonging to F. C. Watts & Co., of Lawrence villc, 111. Aphorisms. Practice economy and industrj, and success is yours. Believe not ill of a brother till it is proved beyond doubt. Following many Tortious has ru ined the life of many a man. There is but one thing that is sure here on earth, aud that is death. All sorrows and joys here are but temporary, so aim higher than them. Have one settled purpose in life and if it be honorable it will bring you reward. Do you uot delight in the mis fortune of others, for you know not at what moment you may fall. There is that in some men, which, if not chilled by adversity, would give to the world grand thoughts. Laziness prevents a man from getting off his horse to put ou the first rail that gets knocked off the fence, aud through this lazy neglect a whole field of corn is seriously damaged. Laziness keeps a man from driving one nail when one would do, and finally costs a car penter bill for extensive repairs. Laziness allows a gate off the hin ges to lie in the mud, or stand prop ped by rails or a stable or a bam to leak and damage hundreds of dollars worth of provender. Lazi ness, in short, is the right and proper name for nine-tenths of ex cuses given for bad farming. But far the most prolific of the many wastes that are due to laziness is the waste of ignorance. Victor Hugo, talking about age uot long ago, confessed that the most disagreeable advance to him was that from thirtv-niue to forty. "But" said a friend,' "I should think it a great deal better to be forty than fifty." "Not at all," replied Hugo ;" forty years is the old age of youth, while fifty is the youth of old aje." THE HOWE. Sewing Machine, Challenges Comparison, Distauecs ompctition, Surpasses Ex pectation, Gives Univer sal Satisfaction. UNRIVALLED IN CONSTRUCTION, UNEQUALLED IN DURABILITY, UNSURPASSED IN APPEAR ANCE, UNEXCELLED IN ADJUSTMENT, UNAP- rUOACHEl) IN FINISH, UNPRECEDENTED IN OPERATION, TNQUESTIONED IN EXCEL- I.ENCE, UNDOUBTED IN SUPERIORITY, Undersold by None! UNDENIABLY THE BEST SEWING MACHINE EVER INVENTED. J. E. TASKER & BRO., Agents, JSTOflice with A. HENRY, OLIVE ST., : COLUMBUS, NEB. -ini-tf TO fGCOO A YEAR, or $." to ?20 a day in your own locality. No risk. Women do" as well as men. Many made more than the amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You ean make frbm 30 ets. to $2 an hour by devotinpr your evenings and spare time to the business. It eosts nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for the money making ever offered before. Business "pleasant and strictly honora ble. Reader, if you want to'knnw all about the bct paying business before the public, send us your address and we will send you full particulars and pri vate terms free; samples worth $j also free; vou ean then make up vour mind for voiirrlf. Address GEORGE STIN SON & CO., Poiiand, Maine. 4Sl-y HAMMOND HOUSE Formerly Pacific nouse. This popular house hns been newly " Refitted and Fnrnished. Meal-. Day Board per week, Board and Lodging, 3.1 ets. $4.00. 5 and ?6. Good Livery and IVed Stable in eon ucction. SA TJSFA CTIOX G UAIiANTEED. JOHN HAMMOND, Proprietor. COIffiBUS BRICK YAED (One mile west of Columbus.) THOMAS FLYNN .fc SON, Propr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK Always on Hand In. QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASERS 371-tf LAND FOE SALE. Llii? Eighty acres", in Sec. 12. T. 17, It. 1 E.ami. northeast of Columbus; 70 acres un- dpr the plow; G acres f, yr. old trees walnut and cottonwood of good size. Dwelling-house. 12x23 feet, 1J stories high; good well; two granaries; sta bling, hog-yards, &c. Small fruits such as currants, blackberries, &c. Conven ient to school house and good outlet to roads. Price, $1,350 "Will sell farm ma chinery if desired. Address at Colum bus,Platte Co., Nebr. MARTIK HOLtKRIN. I W JiM $1500 mzs HAIESS & SADDLES Daniel Faucette, Manufacturer and Dealer in Earaess, Saddles, Bridles, and Collars, keeps constantly on hand all kinds of whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry combs, Brushes, Bridle Bits, Spurs, Cards. Harness made to order. He pairing done on short notice. NEBRASKA AVENUE, Columbus. 53.4. sJes ait ?rs3 giCd 5 jsNSi-s5 Dr. A. HEINTZ, DEALER IN . MEDICINES, m WirVES, LIQUORS, Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand bv Druggists. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. One door I;is of Galley's, on Eleventh Street, COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA BECKER & WELCH, PROPRIETORS OP SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COL UJIli US, NEB Q-ALBRAITHBROS (Successors to Gus. Lockner) Dkalei: IX ALL KIXPS OF Agricultural Implements AGENTS FOR Tho IroproTcd Elirard Hanesler. Wood Hinder, Moners, Iteaptr. and Seintakes. Also the fjiiiouJIInnfsotiiCliIefTlirfshcr.IIodgrt.' Header, and Uinlilp liros.' celebra ted Vanele Wind 3II1I Pnnipi, etc., liuccy Tops of all Ujlts Just received. Farmers, loolc to your torests and ytf veils n cnll. ln- gajloraitii rmos. Wm. SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES! A coaiplete assortiuent of Ladies and Chil dren's Shoes kept ou hand. All Work Warranted!! Our Motto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing Cor. Olive and 12th St. NEBRASKA HOUSE, S. J. MARMOY, Prop'r. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, cosi;:his8;, skb. A new house, newly furnished. Good Accommodations. Board by day or week at reasonable rates. ISrSetH a First. Clas Tabic. Meals,. .. .2T Cents. I Lodgings. . .2.. Cts r.p.'jtf $3001 urn MONTH guaranteed. 2 a day at home made bv the industrious. Capital not required; we will Ptart you. Men, women, boys and girls make money faster at work for u than at any thing cle. The work if light and pleas ant, and such as anyone can go right at. Those who are wise who see this notice will send u their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now Is the time. Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TRUE & CO.. Augusta. Maine. 4fl-y y. JTgvBajajaiaaaaaaaaaaB q r H S 3 n j . . g r ' b F- GO YOU BET." A. W. LAWRENCE, AGENT FOR THE 3 sSSK cjr-s?- WIND MILL, Will hereafter be found THREE DOORS SOUTH of the Tost Office, where he keeps a full line of every style PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, And the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. As he keeps a Pump Hoii3e exclusi velv, he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Pumps for any depth well. Pumps driven or repaired, and Rods cut. GIVE III3I X mi AXD SAVE MOSEY. 350 MEDICAL I SIWAL INSTITUTE. ggaPiiS 7. S. UI7CEZLL, X'. D. d. t. iu::ir:T, h. d S. S. MZ2CZ2, U. 0. t J. C. BSKICS, II. 3., c.'Ciia. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons. For the treatment of all classes of Sur gery and deformities; acute and chronic diseases, diseases of the eye and ear, etc., etc., Columbus, Neb. SPEICE & NORTH, General Agents for the Sale of Real Estate. Union P.ieilic, and Midland Pacific R. K. Lands for sale at from?3.00to$10.00 per acre for cash, or on live or ten years time, in annual payments to suit" pur chasers. AVe have also a large aud choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable term. Also business and residence lots in the city. We" keep a complete abstract of title to nil real es tate in IMatte County. G33 COffjlLlSiSUS. iEB. J. O. ELLIOTT, ACS EXT I'OK THE STOVER WIND MILL 5-20 OSCILLATING FEED MILL, And All Kinds of Pump AXD PUMP MATERIALS! -AIJsO Chnllenyc Wind and Feed Afills, Combined Shelter and Grinder, Malt Mills, Horse 1'oicerx, Corn Shelters and Fannin y Mills. Pumps Repaired on Short Notice, Farmers come and examine our mill. You will Undone erected on the premises of the Hammond Hou-e. in good running order. GU3.A. SCHROEDER, IX HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, PUMPS, PAINT, WIND MILLS AND WAGONS. AXD A FULL LIXE OK Agricultural Implements. Goods sold cheap for cash. SIGN OP BIG AX, 11th STREET, COLUMBUS, XEDRASKA. CITY MEAT MARKET, -os- O&MVK ST., OPPOSITE 11.131. jio;i HOUSE. Will keep on hand all kinds ot Fresh and Salt Meat?, al30 Sausage, Poultry, Freh Fish, etc., all in their season. Cash paid for Hides, Lard and Ba. con. AV'ILL.T. RICKLY. GENTBAL MAT MET o:v lltli STKELT. Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meats. &c. Towd Lots, Wood. Hides, &c. J. RICKLY, Agent. Cnlnmbuo, .Tnnp 1, 1JT7. a ft3 M AM k i i iU-ia V -- JaSSfS- ggj--ug':' Ptec SUMS JOHN WIGGINS. WHOLESALE AND H A Ft DWAR m lilHaHHiBHMH ST0YES, IB0X TIiWAEE, Nails, Rope, Wagon Material, Glass, Paint, Etc., CORZN'EIt EL.i:VE.TlI COLUMBUS, MM,wmm i The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Co's (Late IHcboItl & Kicnzlc,) Fire and Burglar Proof! HAVE THE BEST RECORD OP ALL. All hiding Railrod I Espress Companies and Bankers in tMortet be iksni. Not One Lost in the Two Great Fires in Chicnffo; aho preserved the centeKfc in every instance, at Independence, Iowa: at Central City, Cel.; at Oshkoab, Wis., and at all placos have stood the test, wltheut failure. All Sizes for Sale and Made to Order. C0U1U3- itml Ilnnic lYork n. Cloud lVorlc D. S. COVENT, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 234 1870. 1879. THE ohut(bns anrnnl I conducted a a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inter ests of its readers and its publish ers. Published at ColuinbiN.Plattc county, the centre of the agricul tural portion of Nebraska, it is read by hundreds of people east who are looking towards Nebraska a their fnture home. Its subscribers iu Nebraska are the staunch, oliI portion of the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the Journal hat never contained a "dun'' against them, and by the other fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings its reward. Business is business, and those who wish to reach the srlid people of Central Nebraska will lind the columns of the Jolkx.u. a splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly always want ed in a hurry, aud, knowing this fact, we have so provided for it that we can furnish envelopes, let ter heads, bill heads, circulars, posters, etc., etc., on very short notice, and promptly on time a we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. I copy per annum . . . . " Six months .. " Three months, $2 00 . 100 f.O Single copy sent to any address in the United States for .' ots. M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. ' NEW STORE AND- New Stock, A full, fresh supply of groceries STAPLE AND FANCY, Just opened, and for sale at low-don n prices. 157" Olive Street, opposite the "Tatter:!!!." james McAllister. WANTED AG-ENTS For the fastest selling booic of the age: FThe HOUSEHOLD and I ARMERS CYCLOPEDlA A household neccfity one that every familv needs a Library of itself. AGEKTN are meeting with great suc cess, for every family who s-es the book wants It. Secure territory at once. Address ; Anchor Pablfchlns: Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Chicago, 111.; Ashland, O.: Philadelphia, Pa.; and Atlanta, Oa. 2apr 4 in RETAIL DEALER IN AI OLIVE StRHFXS NEBRASKA. Old Safes taken in Exchange. Specialty. IVIce a low a cu lie .llalt. CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN The Great Tronic Lino from tho West to Chicago and tho East. It Is the oldest, shortest, most direct, coavf Bkt, comfortable and in every retpect the best Ha you can take. It Is the greatest and grandest ItoNway organization la tto United States. It oih er controls 2100 WILES OF RAILWAY PULLMAN HOTEI. CAKS aro run aloao by It through between COUNCIL BLTJITS & CHICAGO! No other roatl rnns Pullman Hotel Cars, or sb other form of Hotel Cars, through, between the lllisouri lUver and Chicago. PASSEKGKRS GOINQ EAST ihonld bear fa mind that this la the BEST ROUTE5e:cHICACO AND ALL POINTS EAST. PjweDs;cr b7 th's ronte hate choice of riYE rHFl'KUKNT ROUTKS and tho adrantapo of Klht Dally Lines l'alaco bleeping Cur a from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND MEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN POINTS. Insist that tho Ticket Agent fells yoa tickets hr the North-Western Road. Examine your Tlctet. and refuse tobny If theydo notreadorertbfsKoad. All Agents fell them ud Chcclc usual Baggage Free by this Line. Thronsh Tickets xix this Ronte to all Rafters Point oil be procured at the Central Pacific 1UM road Ticket Offlce, foot of Market Street, ami at i .ew .uomoiner all onron Ticket ( erv Street. San FranrLco, ami at t OfSccn of Central Pacific. Cafes Pacific and all Western RaKroad. New York Offlce, No. 415 Broadway. Boten Ofilce. No. 5 State Street. Omaha Office, 212 Para ham Strct. San Francisco Offi-c,2 Jew Mat gomery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : C2 Clat street, under Sherman Honfc : 75 Canal, cnr .Mudlon S rect ; Kinzle Street Depot, corner Weat Kimlo and Cinal Street ; Wells Street Depot, eoner Wells and Kinzle Streets. For rates or information not attainable frotn yzr tome ticket agents, apply to Maktiv lit nniTT, W. H. Stkihett. Gen'IMirz'r.CBlcsco. Cea'iru.AK't.C!Ma- COL 3J 32 ES II S Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SIIEEHAX, Proprietor. Wholesale and nFtail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGAHS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. H3Kentv.cfoj Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their seasen, BY THE CASE, CAN OR DISIly 11th Street. South of Depot twn, Yeu a trial e bast opportunity ever offered for thoc will ing to work. You should try nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the buincss"we offer. JJ room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare t me to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. "Women make aa much as men. Send for special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. $3 OulGt free. Don't complain of bard times while you have such a chance. Address n. HALLETT & CO Portland, Maine. 481-y gmmWExKttkLvJxrSiyYJL rfj ( A WEEK in your own Nsrrand no capital risked. IJJ V can give the buIne wuqoui expense, in - r. I & . v -,w &