THE DEPARTED. HY MRS. MARY n. FIXCII. Sadly and solemn we speak of the dead, Htithediseach whis.por,lightly we tread; Fondly we smooth the narrow"preen bed, Place marble and evergreen over their head. "Where wind come and go, "With wild sob or low, And stilled is the flow Of life's broad'ning and dark -roaring river. Oh! lend ns the eyes of sages and seers; Visions exalted to ucc thro' onr tears, Through gathering ages and fleet-footed years, And mourn not our loved when the pale guest appears, Hut lay them to sleep, "Where" falling dews weep And wild roses keep Their fragranee above them forever. The awakening shall be on a shadowless thorc, "Where storms enter not, nor grief troub le more, "Where angels of love their healing balms pour. And golden beams flood the wide-standing door. Through the rift in the wall Comes the lijrht on the pall, God's welcome for all. T the joy son that summer land's morn ing. Butler Co. Press. WESTWARD KOU.. Jonrne j by Wagon from Coltuabns, Nebraska, to Washington Territory -Jottlnga by the Way. Soda Springs, Idaho Territory.) July 5th, 1879. Editor Journal: This is one of ' the principal points on Bear river valley. I have never seen anything i in the way of a spring which equals , it in the amount of water, and I have heard several who had trav eled extensively say the same. It gives forth three times as much water as the Hot Spriims of the i Middle Park, Colorado, hut this wa ter cold although it is marked Hot i Springs on 6onie of the map3. There are several people here from Utah and other places to get cured of their infirmities; it is said to be excellent for the cure of rheuma tism. Most of the train folks use no other water lor drink since they first came here. It is al&o used for bathing purposes; and for mixing up the dough with tiiis wa ter, no soda or baking powder is needed in making bread ; the cooks have all been trying it and after holding a sort of judiciary council on the water have decided that it is a little deficient in some points. It tastes very strong of soda and a little of iron. This spring is about one and a half miles from the town of Soda Springs, but right at the town is another 6oda spring, but not near so good as this one. The water bubbles up in the springs and foams continually like soda water in a glass. The water of both springs is tree to every one to driuk all they want, but at the spring in town is a bathing house attached where the charge is 50 cents, but at this spring there is a tent fixed just below the spring where all can have a free bath, a sort of rival affair, vou sec. The uights continue cool ; it froze ice thicker than window glass last night, the days are quite warm : but the beauty of it is that the farmer as ho wipes the perspiration off his face on the hot days can look up and see the snow on the mountain tops. Farmers told us that they get from 20 to 40 bu. of wheat to the acre; we bought potatoes at 25 ct6. per bu. and flour at $2.50 per 100. After making a stay of two days at Soda Spring, recruiting up our teams and waiting for others that aro behind watching the invalids drinking soda water. Those who are weak and poor, drinking that they may become fat, and one old gentleman who would weigh prob ably 300 pounds was drinking more than any one else that he might be come poor. As 1 said, after waiting two days at Soda Springs, we again bear westward, and after going about six miles we6t of Soda, there arc three roads here and our train gets divid ed up, some going northerly by way of Fort Hall and Taylors bridge; our party going west 35 miles to Oneida, a station on the Utah North ern, 127 miles from Ogden, and SO miles from the present terminus which is at Eagle Rock. Difference of opinion as to the advantages and disadvantages of the different routes was the cause of the parties divid ing. Heretofore it has, to some ex tern, becu the same. Men whom we parted company with at Chey enne traveled the Sweetwater route, others went by way of Evanston, in route to Ogden and Helton (a route which we at first iuteuded to take), and we all met again at Soda Springs. The Sweetwater route connected with ours away back on the Muddy, and those who started to go by way of Ogden and Kelton .left that road at Evauston on account of scarcity of grass, and traveled down Bear river to Soda Springs, where we all met again. None of the country from Soda to Oneida is iit for farming purposes, yet the monntaius are smoother and the general appearance of the country is better. Oneida is a small place, two stores and one hotel : this road is operated in connection with the U. I R. It. and is said to belong to that com pany. James Scully. The Ohio Democracy has met with an almost irreparablo loss in the death of their old wheel-horse, "William Allen, whoes varied expe rience as representative in CongroES as United Senator, and as executive of his State, give bim deserved pre eminence in the councils of his party. Omaha Bee. Diamond Unearthed. Pity lives on the next floor below love. There are battles which are fought better without allies. There are many sorts of crooked lines, but there is only one which is straight. The very exertions by which we seek to hide mental pre-occupation generally reveal it. Men, being egotists, suffer a wo man's love for themselves to hide a multitude of 6ins. There are states of mind not fa vorable to any but the most private devotions. With most people there is a more secret self, kept secret from them selves. Emotions and resolutions that are at high tide in the evening often ebb before morning. When you have nothing to Bay, say nothing. A week defence strengthens your opponent, and si lence is less injurous than a bad reply. How little docs one know of the real nature of the struggle between God and the devil, in the heart of another. Make but few explanations; char acter that can not otherwise defeud itself is not worth vindicating. Never accept of favors or hospi talities without rendering an ex change of civilities when opportuni ty offers. We love onr friends all the time when we arc so abrorbed in work ing for them that we seldom think of them, as well as when telling them of our regards. How beautiful is youth ! A little moonshine, a few musical water drops, the strain of a ong, and the young heart experiences poetry as it never could be intrusted to paper. To Make Alum Crystal. From a basket or vase of bonnet wire, any fanciful shape. Wrap the wire neatly but not closely with white yarn, otherwise no crystals will adhere to the wire. Suspend the wire basket in a wood vessel suffi ciently large not to touch the article of the crystalyzed anywhere at all. Dissolve alum to every quart of rain water, one pound. Have sufficient quantity to cover the basket entire ly. Make it scalding hot in a brass kettle, and then pour it over the wire basket suspended in wooden vessel. Be careful not to shake or move il,aud let it stand over night. Examine it in the morning and you will find a beautiful cryslalizcd bas ket. Cold frosty weather is the best time to crysdalize. You cau crys talize grasses in the 6ame way by adding a little Anilyuc dye of any shade it will color the crystals; so, by using dilFeretii colors, you can have a boquet of any colors. Ladies Floral Cabinet. While Xcbraska is not a mother of Presidents, she is the mother of some shrewd and enterprising girls. They live over on the South Platte. They have banded themselves to gether under the name of " The Cooking Club," and ouce in two weeks they meet ut some stated place, and each brings with her some dish compounded and prepar by her own delicate hands, and for which nature has only furnished the raw material and heat. Tlicu in the evening a number of eligible young gentlemen are invited to partake of" the viands, and on the long estab lished principle that a man's heart is best won by the way of the stom ach, there are doubtless many happy matches likely to result. All other things being equal, the best cook of the club ought to secure the best man in the lot. A hint to Sidney girl s.Sidn cy Pla in dealer. ISailroadx in AcSirnska. Trc are about, therefore, to see the begiuninjj of a railroad devel opment. There will be uo further partition of the Slates anion? rival corporations, no more cauiious ex plorations, and half-hearted enter prise?, that feel their way fearfully and slowly along from point to point. It is the birth of a now era of pro.cperty and conGdence, that sweeps away all doubts, and the combinations arc sudden aud deci sive that will determine in each case how much of the improved ter ritory shall be appropriated by the several great corporations that arc contending for the field. The rail roads mean business this year. Lincoln Journal. At home words that we would pass by unnoticed when abroad wound us to the quick. There we assume no airs or affectation; our hearts are bare,and every little spark burns us. Can bare very little, and if we would have our homes a true one, we must carefully guard our words and actions, be kind and cour teous in our address, polite and gen tle in our manners, honest and true in every thought, thus giving no op portunity for wounded feeling, of offence. Years ago HoraceGreeloy predicted that beef fattened on the plains of Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming would be packed in barrels right in the center of the continent there by Garing the freight on millions of tons of hides, hoofs and horns. Will this prophecy be fulfilled dur ing the present century. Apiece of paper, cut round and applied to the plaster, will stop bleeding at the nose in 45 seconds. The remedy is simple and sure. What I admire in Columbus is not his having discovered a world, but his having gone to search for it ou the failb of an opinion. 2irefot. GQ&TjaEBTJS STATE BANK, &:ec8::rt to Cin.-rl i 2:ei iri Terser & Baltt. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, $50,000 DIRECTORS: Leander Gerrard, Pres'i. Geo. W. IIulst, Vice Frcs't. Julius A Reed. Edward A. Gerrard. AiiNEii Turner, Cashier. Hank or leposit, Discount and Kxclmnge. Collection Promptly HI arte on nil Polntw. Pny Intercut on Time Depos it. 274. p - O x-,i r . H r- 6 J d a S CO 5 H t75 5 l- 33 s -A : - i- sis' o9 ill 5 1 -. Kg ? CZ "J ' t-HH - sO.S K 5 s Bf G3 C5 Z3 2 OD Lj 5. . cp O L ' o CO GUS.A. SCHROEDER, DEALER IN HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, PUMPS, PAINT, WIND MILLS AND VAGONS, AND A TULt, LINK OF Agricultural Implements. Goods sold cheap for cash. SIGN OF BIG AX, 11th STREET, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 454-x. R. T. BULLARD, NORTH-JMUHIY. DEALERS IN J X J-IJJ1J J FHUIT, l'KOVISIOXS, &e. ez:t or cocd: at lov-it : o All Farm Products Bought and Sold o Highest Cash Price Paid, on Goods Exchanged for Produce. IGTGoods delivered anywhere In the city free of charge. XKW BUILDING ON llTII ST., Two Doors East of Journal Office 4:a J. C. ELLIOTT. AGENT FOR THE STOVER WIND MILL $20 OSCILLATING FEED MILL, An d All Kinds of Pump AND PUMP MATERIALS! ALSO Challenge Wind and Feed Mills, Combined Shelter and Grinder, Malt Mills. Horse Powers, Corn Shelters and Fanning Mills. Pnmps Repaired on Short Notice, Farmers, come and examine our mill. You will tind one ereeted on the premises of the Hammond House, in good running order. WANTED AGENTS For the fastest selling uook of the age: FThe HOUSEHOLD and 1 ARMERS CYCLOPEDlA A household neeessity one that every family needs a Library of itself. AGENTS are meeting vith great suc cess, lor every lamily who s es the book wants it. Secure "territory at once. Address; Anchor PalilKhlnp: Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Chicago, 111.; Ashland, O.: Philadelphia, la.; and Atlanta, Ga. 2apr 4m m nBa 3) CO A iWiWiWiWiWiWiWma3 n j ass 7V el? --m 5- i S A 3 f-v H . w Eun ENGLISH & BKA3STDT, Are the only authorized Agents for PLATTE, UUTLKR, POLK aud MADISON" Counties lor the sale of the celebrated premium Eclipse Wind Mills and Pumps, Adams & French Harvesting Machines, ynijlllnni BEATRICE SELF BAND-CUTTER for Threshing Machines, LaCROSSE GREAT WESTERN FANNING MILL, Sandwich. Cora-Shellers, and other Articles. FELLOW- FARMERS AND GRANGER FRIENDS. GIVE US A CALL BE FORE YOU MUY. WE "WARRANT EVERY ARTI CLE WE SELL, AND SELL "G-OOD GOODS CHEAP" INSURE INSURANCE MEW WME ONE OF THE OLDEST, STRONGEST AND BEST LIFE COMPA PAN1ES ON THIS CONTINENT. Assets Cash paid Policy Holders, COLUMBUS LOCAL BOARD. WM. HUNNEMAN, President, JOHN STADFPER, Vice President, ABNER TURNER, Treasurer, ADOLPH J-S3GGI, Secretary, S. A. BONESTEEL, Medical Examiner. MEMBERS: John Wifrijins, Hardware Merchant, $3,000.00 Aiiolph Heiutz. Druggist, 5,000.00 Hubert llhlig. Hardware Merchant, .",00U)0 Henry Sch warz, Farmer, .ri,000.00 John StaulVer, County Clerk, : f,0. 0.00 Abner Turner. JJnnk'cr, 5,000.00 Chas. enru'der, Prop'r Foundry and Machine Shop, 3.000.00 D. Schuphach, Lumber Merchant 3.000.(0 Wm. Scuilz, Hoot mid Shoe Merchant, 3,0)0.00 F. Gerber, Furniture Dealer, 3,000.00 J. H. Kcrfrenbrock, Brewer, 3,000.00 J. Heiiffjler, " 3,00.00 G. A. Schra'dcr, Hardware Merchant, 3,000.00 Wm. Hunnenian, Lumber " 3,000.00 Chas.T. Henderson, Express A pent, 3 000.00 J. C. Tiflain, Liver)' anu Feed stables 3,000.00 A. Jxjrgi, Lumber Merchant, 3,000.00 L. Cockburn, Grocer, 3,000.00 J. 15. Delsnian, Merchant, 2,500.00 George Bicder, Grocer, 2,500.00 S. A. Boneitecl, Physician and Surgeon, 2,500.00 Every prudent man should have his life insured in some good company. The NEW VOBK LIFE oilers inducements in the Tontine Inestment 1'lan that cannot be given by any other company. All persons wanting insurance from $1,000 and upwards will please eall on some member of the Local Board, as each member of this' Board is authorized to procure the insurance desired, :n,tl Adoi.I'U Jj:goi. the Secretary, is authorized to write the applications', and will keep on hand a full supply of "books aud circulars for distribution. C. T. 477-tf MEDICAL a HAL INSTITUTE. . 1122013. II. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons, For the treatment of all classes ofSur gery and deformities ; acute and chronic diseases, diseases of the eye and ear, etc., etc., Columbus, Neb. G-ALBRAITHBROS (Successors to Gus. Lockner) Dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implements AGENTS FOR The ImproTfd Klnard Hnrrrstrr. Wood ninilor, Monrrs. Kpapeni. ml Soiritakos. Also the rammisMlnnrsota ClilofThrislu'r.Ilodijr Hesdrr. and Winvldp Ilro.' rclflira- ted Vanclrss Wind Mill Pump, etc., Laupy Tops ofall stjlc ju receired. ITarincrs, loolc to your In terests and. give usa eall. GALBRAITH BROS. LAND FOR SHE. - "Riirhtf nprp in Rfin 1 P IT 1 1 L' -. .: .,...!...,. -25-21 of Coltimhus; 70 aerf s mi ner me piow; o aeres . yr. old trees walnut and cottomvood" of pood size. Dvellinp-houe. 12x2S feet, 1 stories hijrh; pood well; two pranarieo; sta blinp, hop-yards, &c Small fruits ueh as currants, blackberries, &c. Conven ient to Hchool houe and pood outlet to roads. Price, $1,350 Will sell farm ma chinery ifdesired. Address at Colum bus, Platte Co., Nebr. Martin Hoi.leiun. COLUMBUS Bffl YARD, (One mile west of Columbus.) THOMAS FLYXN & SON, Propr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK .A.l-vays on Hand In QUANTITIES tO SUit I'DRCHASERS 371-tf J r. HKCHELL, M. D. D. T. MA2T7iT, If. Jk. l)P"lTB PlTsMis ai Smgeans. X iSM D. 4J.C.rSHI5Sfa.D.,ef0a3a. iLkB 1k Hers Mrtlra 430-4 w in the COMPANY. 837,000,000. 46,000,100. TAYLOR, General Agent, OMAHA, NEB. T HE HOWE! Sewing Macliine, Challenges Comparison, Distances ompetition, Surpasses Ex pectation, Gives Univer sal Satisfaction. UXHIVAI.L.ED IN' CONSTRUCTION, UNEQUALLED IN DURABILITY, UNSURPASSED IN APPEAR ANCE, UNEXCELLED IN ADJUSTMENT, UNAP- PKOACIIKD IN FINISH, UNPRECEDENTED IN OPERATION, UNQUESTIONED IN EXCEL- LENCE, UNDOUBTED IN SUPERIORITY, Undersold by None! UNDENIABLY THE I1EST SEWING MACHINE KVKR INVENTED. J. E. TASKER &. BRO., Agents, ISTOflice with A. HENRY, OLIVE ST., : COLUMJiUS, NEB jr.i-tf GOLD.! Great chance to make money. II you can't get frold you can gc jjreenhacks. We need a person in every town to take sub scriptions for the larjrest. cheapest and best Illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a suc cessful aircnt. The mot cleirant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One aent reports making over $1.V) in a week. A lady agent re ports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who encage make monev fas't. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your aaaress ai once, si cosi noiinn'r to try iKn ItncinncD Ti r n Vt r nMrwKvn f. !t to make grVat par: AddreVsrhePeo pie's Journal," Portland, Maine. 382- 1870. 1879. ! THE' ffiolunttus journal Is conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best inter ests of its renders and U publish ers. Published at Cbliinibu. Platte county, the centre of the agricul tural portion of Nebraska, it i read by hundreds of people ea?t who are looking towards Nebraska a their future home. Its subscriber in Nebraska are the staunch, holiil portion of the community, as i evidenced by the fact that the JouitNAl. has never contained a "dun" against them, and by the other fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always bring, its reward. 15usinebS is business, and those who wish to reach the solid people of Central Nebraska will find the columns of the Jouknai. a splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This spccii'S of printing i.s nearly always want ed in a hurrj, and, knowing thi fact, we h.ive so pro idcil fni n that we ci" furnish cnvrlui t-s, 1. 1. ter heads, bin heads, ir.iilar. posters, etc., pie., on vi-r lnn iiotiec. and prumpti) n timi as we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum . " Six month. " Three months, ?2 0t I iit) Single copy sent io any addr in the United Stat s for 5 nts. M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus Nebraska. JOHN WI6GIN fSSi WHOLESALE AND HJEt LOW A. STOVES, IRON, TLWAEE, SZ5SS Nails, Rope, Wagon Material, Glass, Paint, Etc., ESZ&2S CORNER KI.i:VEXII COLUMBUS, wnzrjF.L3WPJU ' jai ggq n m 'imw wiiwb iiiiimi iiui'MtwaBngBi mbubw" i ik u t r w'li'an'v - - The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Co's (I.nte IchoId & Siienzle,) Fire and Burglar Proof! HAVE THE BEST RECORD OF ALL. All lea ding Eailrod I Express Companies and Bankers in tbSfortel bje them. Not One Lost in the Two Great Eire- in Chicago; also preserved the content in everv intance, at Independence, Iowa; at Central City. Col.; at Oslikbsli. Wis., and at all places ha e stood the test, without failure. All Sizes for Sale and Made to Order. Old Safes taken in Exchange. County and Ilanlf Worlc a. Good Worlc D. S. CO VENT, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 234 HAMS & SADDLES Daniel Faucette, ilanufacturer and Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, and Collars, keeps eonstanllv on hand all kinds of whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry combs, Hruhcs, Bridle Hits, Spurs, Cards. Harness made to order. Re pairing done on short notice. NEBHASKA AV3 r3.4. TJB, Columbus. SWEET CIDER -AN'D- V . T AM constantly receiving the choicest X. or Jlicnian cider and apples Call and taste for yourself. MP -v? ' wzv skk O Wm. BECKER, j CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN The Great Trnnlc I.Ino from tho 'West to Chicago and the East. It Is the oldest, shortest, most direct, convenient, comfortable and In erery respect the best lino roq can take. It la the greatest and grandest RaHwaj organization In the United Sates. It owns or controls 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY PUIXMAX HOTEI. CARS are run alons by it through between COrJKCII, BLTJiTS & CHICAGO!, No other road rnns Pullman Ilotel Cars, or anr other form of Ilotel Can, throngb, between the Missouri River and Chicago. PASSENGERS GOING KAST should bear in mind that this Is the BEST ROUTE52ICHICACO AND ALL TOINT3 EAST. Passengers by this route have choice of FIVE DIFFEKENT ROUTES and the advantage or Elzht Dally Lines l'alsce Sleeping Cars from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN POINTS. Insist that the Ticket Agent sellsyon tickets by the North-Western Road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read orer this Road. All Agents fell them and Check, usual Baggage Free by this Line. Through Tickets via this Route to all Eastern Points can be procured at the Central Pacific Rail road Ticket Office, foot of Market Street, and at t New Montgomery Mreet, San Franrisco, and at all oupon Ticket Offices of Central Pacific, Union Pacific, and all Western Railroads. New York Office, No. 4 15 Broadway. Boston Office, No. 5 State Street. Omaha Office, 2t5 Forn ham Street. San Francisco Office, 2 New Mont gomery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : 62 Clark Street, under Sherman Bouse ; 75 Canal, corner Madison S.reet ; Kinzie Street Depot, corner West Einzie and dnsl Streets ; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Einzie Streets. For rates or Information not attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to I Martix IIconrrT. W. n. Stetxxtt, Gen'l Rui. Ac't, tclc&gor 1 . Gen'lJIaag'r.Calcaeo. , KETAIL DEALER IN sszEFzFSpzyrrfx?! BBBBBBBS MkS wittdEY VlfB JJBT" ff ' UH I HE3SSZSJ n&rzzS3 EKSS KS3a A."W OLIVE si'fcr.iri'x. ?X IV" HA Fif'' NEBRASKA. Specially. can be .TI:i Prlue a.s loir iim ule. SPEICE & NORTH, Genera Agents for the Sale of Real Estate. Union Tacific, and Midland Pacific R. It. Lands for -ale at from $3.00to$10.00 ,ier acre for eah, or on live or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur haer. We have alo a large anl choice lot of other lands, improved and uni'i'proved. for -alc at low price and on reasonable term-. Also business and residence lot in the city. A"e keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte County. COI.r.lIKI'S. AEIl. HAMMOND HOUSE Formerly Pacific House. This popular house has been newly Refitted and .Furnished. Meals Day Hoard per week,. Board and Lodging, . 3. ct. $100. .1 and G. Good Livery and Feed Stable in eon nection. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. JOHN IIAM3IOXD. Proprietor. conj.nitus Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SIIEE1IAX, rroprietor. Wholesald and Iletail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGAKS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. ST Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their mumi. HY TI1E CA.SE. CAS OK MSI1, 11th Street, Soath of Depot city'meatmaeket, OS OI.IVE NT., OPPOSITE IIA.1I .1IOAI ISOII.SK. Will keep on hand all kinds ot Freeh and Salt .Meats also faiae. 1'oultrT, I- resh Fish, ete., all in their season. " Cash p.tid for Hide. Lard an.l Ila. con. W1LL.T.UICKLY. GITML MAT MAIET OA lltli JSYKEEX. Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meats. Ac. Town Lots, Wood. Hide, Ae. Columbus, .June 1. 177. 'YOU BET." A. W. L AGKNT FOB TIIK 1' WIND MILL, Will hereafter be found TIItlh'B DOOKS SUl'TII or the Ton OlU, where he kceju a full line nf every s tvle f - - PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, And the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. As he keeps a Pump Houe oxcJiMiTrl t. he is able to sell CHEAPER TIIAV THE CHEAPEST. Pump- far anr depth well. Pumps driven or repaired, and Kods cut. GIFE IIDI A CJLL A.VD SATE M(KEY. BECKER & WELCH, PH0PRIET0ES 0? SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS &. WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COLU Mil US, XKIi Dr. A. HEINTZ, DEALER IN n ivi.aks, i,iqi;o2:.s Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMEEY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand ! Druggists. Physicians Prescrijttions Carefully Compounded. Omc door I'stvit of Galley, oa Eleventh Titrcrt, COLUJIBUS. NEBRASKA m.OBB.lSI NEW STOKE AXD- New Stock. A full, freh supply of groceries, STAPLE AND FANCY, Just opened, and for sale at low-down prices. tSTOIive Street, opposite the 'l'atlcrjill." JAMES ATcALLISTEIf. Wm. SOHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES! X Mmplftea.i4rtntnt of LsdhVand Chil dren's Sbfcs kept on hand. All Work Warranted!! Our Jlotto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Eepairirg Cor. Olive and 13th St. ill Aw k V