The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 16, 1879, Image 2

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Six hundred MormoiiB arrived at
2Tcw York la6t week.
Nebraska's representative aud
rcuators returned home last week.
It was reported last week that a
revolution had broken out in Ilayti.
One cae of pronounced yellow
fever occurred in Memphis last week.
.Acco-nniNG to the present census
Nebraska will he entitled to four
congressmen in 1SS0.
Last week Louis Cook's carriage
factory at Cincinnati was destroyed
Lyfirc. Loss $10,000.
A Chicago firm shipped from
Baltimore the other day to Liver
pool twelve hundred live sheep.
The Omaha base ball aeociation
has disbanded and the stock of the
association is at a heavy discount.
It is feared that the colored exodus
iuto Missouri and Kansas will carry
the yellow fever into those states.
Gen- Ghant, it is announced, will
remain abroad another year. What
will the president-makers do now ?
About one hundred Americans
held an independence banquet at
"Westminster Palace Hotel, Eugland.
Light persons were killed, and
forty wounded by the explosion of
tho "powder house at Bodie, Califor
nia. The yellow fever excitement had
on the" 11th, considerably abated,
and no new cases had been develo
ped. It is slated as a matter of news,
that tho groenbackers of Iowa will
not, this year, fuse with the demo
crats. -
It is reported that cholera is pre
vailing to an alarming extent
among the British troops at Thay-
The mayor of Vicksburg has is
sued a proclamation ordering 6trict
quarantine against Memphis by land
aud rcaler.
Jay Gould, with his son George,
and Mr. S. II. H.Clark, of Omaha,
sailed from New York last week for
The National View, the greenback
paper published at Washington,
pays "no fusion, but confusion to
old party leaders."
T. T. Beebe was arrested the other
day at Crow Creek in tho Indian
country, charged with the murder
of George Lamphcr.
It has been officially announced
that the cost to Russia, of the Kueso
Turkish war, was in money, JC150,
000,000, aud 200,000 men.
Last week there wore not cars
enough to convey the people fleeing
from Memphis on account of the
breaking out of the j ellow lever.
Rev. Alex. Clakk, D. D , of
Pittsburg, Penn., Editor of the
Methodist Recorder, died very sud
denly at Atlanta,Georgia, last week.
Liberalists in the English parlia
ment, arc anxious to bring about the
total abolition of corporal punich
ment, in the British armj' and navy.
President Hayes and family and
other parties spent the 4lh in a sail
round to Fortress Monroe and the
Capes, returniug on the 5th to Wash
ington city.
Tub city council of Omaha have
passed a resolution instructing tho
police to kill all untagged dogs in
the city after the 15th. This is cruel
and uncaniuc.
Nebraska contributes to the rev
enue from the post office receipts the
sum or$l,S50,000. This appears to
be a very large sum for Neb., to
raise In this ono department.
From Montreal we learn that in
some portions of the province, a very
severe frost occurred on the night of
the 6th, the beans and potatoes in
bloom, were cut to tho ground.
TnE National camp meeting is in
full progress, east of Lincoln about
sixteen miles, on the Nebraska rail
road. A nice shad)' location, and
every way adapted to aid in out
door, devotional, gwM-ciscs.
Five ,F i'rcidc yeow fever
occurred jp a scmphis on the 10th.
The people AYc fleeing the city and
great excitement prcvailn on account
of the hot weather and the tear that
the disease will spread, as it did
last year.
It is announced that Gen. Grant
and party will continue journeying
to Australia and possibly a voyage
along the west coast of So'uth Amer
ica, to the isthmus and Mexico,
which will be accomplished by the
early part of June next.
Fearful and destructive rain and
wind 6lorm8 visited portions of
Michigau and Pennsylvania, blow
ing down churchcs,houscs and trees ;
a great amount of property has been
destroyed; several persons in each
locality lost their lives.
The comptroller of the treasury at
Washington says that no funds can
be used for marshals and that they
must get along the best way they
can, as congress failed to make an
appropriation for that department,
which the President would approve.
The primary election system of
making party nominations is under
discussion in Butler count', by the
editor of the llepxtbUcan and corresj
pondcuts. We never could see a
valid objection against the method
and hope to see it come into gen
eral uec
The State Journal says that Gov.
Naucc has appointed Hon. Guy C.
Barton, and lion. L. M. Haywood,
as representative from this State on
the Citizausand National Committee
to assist in the project of holding a
World's Fair, at New York, A. D.,
The State Journal says the A. &
N. are rushing in the iron and ties
for the extension of the Liucoln &
Northwestern railroad. The mate
rial to be nsed in this new road will
be first-class in every respect. Noth
ing but 48 pound iron and cedar
ties will be used.
The first iron on the Lincoln &
Northwestern Railroad was laid
ve6tcrday, July 7th. Almost one
mile of the road is completed, and
tho cars of the A. & N. standing on
the track. It commences from the
main line of the A. & N. and ex
tends in the direction of Boyer's
daughter shop. Lincoln Journal. -
Claudius Jones and Mr. Norval
of Seward, the two prominent op
posers of the L.&N.W. R.R. bonds,
arrived at home on the -lib from
Salt Lake, too late to witness them
selves burned iu effigy. Lincoln
Mort Lee, a negro who insulted
and outraged a white lady in Fayette
Co. W. V., was arrested at Parkers
burg last week and while in the pos
session of the officers, was, by a
mob of two thousand men, taken
from them aud hanged.
A fire at Cleveland, Ohio, last
week broke out in the upper story
of Dcnham's planing mill, destroy
ing the Variety iron works, the At
lantic & Great Western freight
depot, the two story building occu
pied by Rust, King & Clint, lumber
dealers. The aggregate losses will
reach 100,000.
Decidedly more savage than
the savage 1 Kate Webster, of Eng
and, has been found guilty of the
murder of her mistress Mrs. Thoma9
of Richmond, and sentenced to
death. It was ascertained that Mrs.
Thomas's body was boiled and
thrown into the Thames and her
head destroyed by burning.
Wji. Flater, a jealous lover, shot
Miss Effie Bowden on the street in
North Bend on the 11th, the pistol
shot striking her in the back and
coming out in front, near the right
breast. He was engaged to be mar
ried to her, and could not bear to see
any one else pay attention to her.
He was arrested and taken to the
Fremont jail.
A very severe storm struck tho
northern and central portion of
Ohio on the evening of tho 11th.
Considerable damage was done to
property by blowing down houses,
taking off roofs, &c. Some persons
lost their lives. One man lost his
life at West Salem by a barn door
striking him. Throughout the state
the day had been intensely hot.
John Bright, of England, gives
his opinion that bad harvests are the
cause of present pressure. Beyond
this, is the question, what influence
American crop importations will
have upon Englaud and Europe. If
we believe what wo hear from the
United States, we are approaching
great change, which will affect not
only our agricultural condition, but
our political institutions.
State rights arc well enough and
perfectly harmless until rebellious
brigadiers attempt to extend them
beyond the limits of the constitution
of the United States and in such
cases experience teaches us that the
most direful consequences follow.
The events of 'Gl '5 arc yet too viv
id iu memory, to erect the doctrine
of States rights agaiust national sov
ereignty. The funeral of the Prince imper
ial took place July 12th, at 11 A. M
The ex-Empress did not visit the
coffin until three in the morning,
and remained until 7 o'clock, and
was then removed to her chamber.
The pall bearers were all princes
and dressed in uniform. Queen
Victoria contributed an immense
wreath which was carried on- the
coffin. Prince Jerome Bonaparte
and sons followed next after the
coffiin. Nilsson was in the choir at
the church of St. Mary's, where the
religious services took place.
The State Journal pays the $10,000
appropriated by theState Legislature
to prosecute desperate criminals was
insufficient to pay all the expenses
of the Olive trial. Tho bills in
many instances were 60 exorbitant
ly high that they have been sent
back by the governor for correction.
The bills should be no higher than
in other ordinary cases, but 6ome
persons do like to plunder the pub
lic treasury. The Journal never says
anything of that sort in reference to
the capitol building steal.
nox. William Allen died sud
denly at his home near Cliillicotlio,
Ohio, on the morning of July 11th.
Ex-Governor Alleu wa9 a firm and
consistent Democrat, and his friends
always kuew where to find him. on
anv political subject. In honor of
his memory Gov. Bishop has issued
a proclamation eulogistic of Ex
Gov. Allen, reciting his public ser
vices, directing that flags of the
capital be displayed at half mat,
and closiug state offices on the day
of his funeral. Peace to his memory.
Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, has
giveu utterance to sentiments from
the Democratic side that will im
press every Republican with the
importance and gravity of the ques
tion his utterances present. Mr.
Stevens has very plainly stated that
the finances, the tariff", and every
other matter of local interest would
have to give way to the issue of the
power of the Federal Government
over the States. Our Republican
friends should not let this question
rest, but in the coming contests
fully discuss it before the
people; if our constitution does not
give the people a Federal Govern
ment over the States, as has always
been uuderstood by our Democratic
and Republican forefathers,- and not
a confederation nf States, as now
claimed by the leaders of the Demo
cratic party north and south, the
sooner we know it the better for us.
Mrs. Sarah A. Dorsey, of New
Orleans, recently died leaving a
will in which she bequeathed to Jeff
Davis her whole estate consisting of
many thousand dollars.
By a recent law of congress the
biennial examination of invalid pen
sioners by the examining surgeons,
which would have taken place in
September next, has been repeaftd,
aud a circular to this effect has becjfj
issued from the department at
Washington signed by Commission
er Bentley and U. S. Pension Agent
B. F. Gue.
Bismap.k is using his influence
to have adopted in the German Em
pire a tariff of custom duties.
Heretofore the German ports and
the German Empire have been free,
and open to all the products of the
civilized world. He is not only
using his influence in this direction
in favor of his own country, but for
the whole of Europe as it is claimed
the whole country must protect
itself against Amercian trade aud
E'ierce Count.
We are informed that the Union
Pacific proposition voted on in
Pierce county last Saturday was de
feated by a heavy vote. The law
requires a two-thirds majority to
carry such a proposition; the vote
stood fourteen more against than for
the bonds. The Madison county
proposition was contingent upon
success in Pierce. It remains to be
seen what the U. P. will now do for
Madison and Norfolk.
The Cloud of Injunction
JSuihe-fl ly the IJ. B. !iaw
JuVcn UiohoSrcd.
Mr. Galey and Mr. Whitmoyer
went to Denver fully prepared by
documentary evidence to meet every
point on which the U. P. relied to
sustain their petition for a perman
ent iujunction against the issuing of
Platte county bonds to the Lincoln
& Northwestern road, and their
allowing of the case was so complete
that the injunction was dissolved.
In the case of Seward aud Butler
counties, the injunction was held
good as to the bonds voted by the
respective counties but dissolved as
to the precincts iu those counties,
the constitutional limit being ten
per cent. Our information is that
this will not in the least affect the
building of the road, which is now
being rapidly pushed to completion.
The bonds of Seward and Butler
counties were issued sometime a o,
and have doubtless been disposed of
before this. We believe that no
more obstructions will be laid in the
way, and that in a few mouths, the
people of this section of the State
will begiu to realize the immense
benefits to ho derived frotA a com
peting line of railway.
Railroad Tor Boone.
There has been a report in circu
lation that the Omaha, Niobrara &
Black Hills R. R. Co. has submitted
a proposition to the commissioners
of Boone county, conditioned that if
the citizens will vote bonds to the
amount of $ 33,000, the Company will
construct a road from Jackson, in
this county, to Albion, under a for
feiture of $20,000, and this report
has found its way into some of the
Omaha papers. The proposition ac
tually submitted by the commission
ers of Boone count' to the citizens is
for .$33,000 in bonds to construct a
railroad to Albion, conditioned that
said company shall construct, main
tain and operate a first-class rail
road, of even gauge with the Union
Pacific railroad, into said county of
Boone, by way of the towns of St.
Edwards and Albion, and maintain
at said towns passenger and freight
The commissioners haye called a
special election to be held on the
27th of August, prox.
The citizens of Iiooue county are
an intelligent, enterprising people,
and comprehend their wants aud
facilities for marketing their large
products and obtaining in return
cheap lumber and fuel, better than
any outsider, and will promptly de
cide the question iu favor of their
own interests.
The Beaver valley is by nature
beautiful and well adapted for the
construction of a railroad; a train
or two of cars passing up and down
it every day wculd not only greatly
add to its beauty but largely in
crease the comfort and convenience
of the farmers by establishing two
or more home markets for their pro
ducts. Soon or later a road will
run up this valley, and Boone county
men are fully competeut to decide
how soon.
Cottonwood Valley.
J.C.Elliott has erected a wind
mill for J. W. Irvin.
Mr. Munson is building an addi
tion to his dwelling-house.
Farmers are harvesting their rye.
Wheat looks splendid considering
the dry weather iu the early part of
the season.
Corn looks tip-top, and farmers
anticipate the largest yield ever
raised in Nebraska.
That lively gale yesterday unroof
ed a house.
We all went over to St. Edwards,
to see the Fourth, but were sorely
July oth, 1S79. d. w. j.
St. KdtTJird.
Ed. Journal: Harvesting fairly
begun, and everybody jubilant over
prospects of big crops.
A vast amount of breaking has
been doue in this county the present
We have just been informed that
two different rail road companies
have submitted propositions to our
officials to build roads through this
feuinty if a certain amount of bonds
t& voted. We second that motiou,
mit will wait until we hear some
thing more definite before we let
our " spirits boil over."
By the Journal I see that the
treasurer of Platte county counts on
the B. & M taxes as something col
lectible. I admire his courage, but
where are your financiers? Can't
your county officers trade your B. &
M. taxes off aud get a graded road,
and all necessary bridges, and then
let the other felloio charge 25 cents
toll each way over the most import
ant of those bridges? Of course it
would be a little rough on the other
tax-payers, but perhaps they would
get used to it after a time, aud then
again perhaps aud and and .
Twelve dozen chairs have been
received here by those having charge
of the erection of the new Baptist
church. We learn tiiat they are to
be used iu seating the second stoiy
of that structure.
Never 6ince the first settlement of
this county has the corn crop ap
peared so promising at this season
of the year, as it does at present.
Everything was created for some
wise purpose. We don't deny that,
but brushing flies off our nose while
we vainly try to catch an other nap
these fine mornings puts our faith
to a fearful test.
Wo are reliably informed that a
barbershop will soon be opened in
our town. ' There are millions in
Journal, do you ever dance? If
so, what is strict etiquette, and what
is a gentleman supposed to do when
it conies his turn to promenade be
hind a lady wearing a train? Is it
his duty to stoop down and pick it
up out of his way and hang on to it,
or should he step on it like a man?
We have been there lately, and felt
something like appealing to the law
for the prevention of cruelty to
Parlies from the east arc running
a brick yard near Boone post-office.
A straggling party of U. P. R. R.
surveyors have wandered away from
Platte county and are now survey
ing a route up the Beiver vallev.
Look out for the depot when the
engine whittles.
"E:igle," your St. Bernard cor
respondent, reports a bachelor friend
with 120 acres of crops to feed a
wife prospective. Doos if take that
amount the first year? If so, we
cave. We can't deliver he goods
this season. Vidette.
mn ii in i iiii wn mi wPiiiiiiiim
IVetviisuu GroTc.
Fourth was duly celebrated
We had a regular old-fash
ioned country celebration, consist
ing of reading Declaration by Geo.
Larke, and oration by Judge Searles
in Gunder" Ilamre's grove, and a
pic-nic dinner in the emigrant house.
Dr. Sanderson was president of the
day. There wns a dance in the
afternoon and evening in the build
ing of Knudson Bios'. and fire
Harvest approaches apace ; barley
and rye is all ready, and some have
commenced. The prospect for a
good crop seems fair. It also seems
fair for a hot harvest.
Knudson Bros, have built an ad
dition to their shop.
Larkce & Co. are doing a good
Mr. Larson has bought a small
building from Gunder,wand moved
it on to a lot which he bought of Mr.
Meniece, which he U9CS for a dwell
ing and shoe shop.
Dr. Snyder has erected a picture
The general health is much im
proved. Emigration is still lively; some
stopping here, and some passing on
farther west.
I'ronj Jlelz A BBoi-nc Sorrowed
Without i.rave.
Mr. Kamminski, who left here
about two years since, has returned
and bought land in our neighbor
hood. County Commissioner Blarloru
has all hands full, a wagon-maker,
a machinist, a blacksmith aud a
farm-hand are all kept busy.
A little ways above us they are
beginning to do some queer things.
On the evening of the glorious 4th,
Dr. Armstrong's horse wa3 taken
from the pastuie aud, to all appear
ance, rode to the vicinity of tin
brickyard, wheicMr. Flynn kindly
took care of the animal until Mr.
Chas. Armstrong called for him.
The horse showed signs of hard
usage. The supposed rider is well
known and it would be well tor him
to confess to Charley aud shake out
a lot of greenbacks before the old
Dr. returns, lor he knows how to
find and punish the perpetrators of
such deeds. The best course for
him would be to skedaddle, for the
sturdy and honest yeomanry of that
neighborhood don't understand any
tun in such matters, nor would they
be advised to be lenient even by a
In Justice Court for Platte county, Ne
braska, before Byron Millett, J. 1,
of Columbus precinct.
Edward 31. Newman, PIt'ff., ) In
against attach-
SvivcstcrJ. Cleveland, DePt.) ment.
ON the 23d day of June, A. D., 1879,
said Justice issued an order of
attachment in the above action for the
sum dollars and sixty-five
cents ($01.03).
Edward 31. Newman,
477-3 Pfaintiff.
FIIVAIj iceoof.
Land Office at Grand Inland, Neb.,)
Julv 10th, 1879. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of bis intention to make tinul
proof in support of his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
John Wie, Homestead No. S40L for
the S. E. H, Section 34, Township 19, N.
Rane 1 east, and ikiuips the following
as his witnesses. iz: Bird Ellis-, of
Platte Co., Neb., and C. A. Newman, of
Platte Co., Neb.
479-5 II. R. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
July 8th, 1879. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler hua filed
notice of his intention to make linal
prool in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Henry. Hossel, Homestead No. 4348,
for the E. K. S. E. i, Section 2, Town
ship 19. Kange 1 east, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: Herman
Picpcr, of Platte Co., Neb., and John II.
Woideman, of Platte Co., Neb.
479-o 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.. I
July 8th, 1879. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the
follow ing-iiamed settler has tiled
u nee of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at thu expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Partick Brennan, Homestead No. 3103,
for the V. i, N. V. i. Section 22,
Towns-hip 19, Range 1 east, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz:
John WiVe, of Platte Co., Neb., and C.
A . New man, of Platte Co., Neb.
479-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
July 8th, 1879. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry therei f at the expiration of
thirty days from tho date of this no
tice, viz:
John Burk, Homestead No. 3160, for
the S. W. X. X. W. J4, and N. W. K
S. W. H, Section '.'4, Township IS, Range
1 west, aud names the following as his
witnesses, viz: 3I:dilnn Clother, of
Platte Co., Neb., and Charles Carrlg,
of Platte Co., Neb.
479-3 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
June -J.")tli, 1879. f
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
LN following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, aud secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
Jacob II. Ellis, Homestead No. 3529,
for the northeast Ji, section 34, town
ship 1!) north, range 1 cast, and names
the following as his witnesses, viz: C.
A. Newman, of Platte Co., Neb., and
Bird W. Ellis, of Platte Co., Neb.
478-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
June '27th, 1879, J
"VTOTICE is hereby given Hint the
Xi following-niuied settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and se
cure final entry thereof at the expira
tion of thirtv d"iys from the date of this
notice, viz:
Biid W. Ellis, Homestead No. 3319,
for the E. , s. V. i, Section 31, Town
ship 19 north, Range 1 east, and names
the following as his witne-.-e, viz: C.
A. Newman, of Platte Co., Neb., mid
Jacob H. E11N, of Platte Co.. Neb.
478 5 31. II. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
June 30th, 1879. j
NOTICE is hereby given Unit the
Ibllowing-n.ime settler has filed
notice of his intention to ninke final
proof in support of his claim, and se
cure final entry thereof at the expira
tion of thirty days irom the date ot this
notice, viz:
Frank Pfeifer. Homestead No. 3217,
for the E. i, S. E. , Section 20, Town
ship 2 north, Range 1 Wist, and u.uuiss
the following as his witnes-e-, viz:
Leopold Pfeifer, of Platte Co., Neb., and
Richard Olmer, of Platte Co.. Neb.
478-3 31. II. llOXlrJ, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
June 3Jth, 1879. J
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the
JLi following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and se
cure final entry thereof at the expira
tion of thirty days from the date of this
notice, viz:
Robert Nicholson, Homestead No. 3112,
for the N. X,S. W.'A, Section 29, Town
ship 18, Range 2 west, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: John
W. Early, of PI itte Co., Neb., and John
G. Routson, of Platte Co.. Neb.
478-3 31. II. HUXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, 3ieb.,l
June 30th, 1879. )
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and se
cure linal entry thereof at the expira.
tion of thirty days from the date of this
notice, viz:
Abraham Rowc, Homestead No. 5329,
for the W N. E. , Section 22.Town
ship 20, Range 2 vvi-st, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz: William
Selsor, of Platte Co., Neb., and John G
Routson, of Platte Co.. Neb.
4.N-5 35. II. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Ofiice at Grand Inland. Neb.,)
June 23:1, 1S79. f
"VTOTICE is hereto given that the fol
li lowing-named settler ha tiled
notice of her intention to make Ileal
proof iu support of her claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of tiiis no
tice, viz:
Ann Rossiter, widow of Frank Rossit
er, deceased, Homestead No. 3100, for
the N. H, X. E. i, Section 14, Township
17 north, Range 2 west, and names the
following as her witnesses, viz: Richard
L. Rossiter, of Columbus, Neb., and
John Rossiter. of Columbus. Neb.
477-3 31. II. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
June 10th, 1879. J
"VTOTICE Is hereby given that the
Xi following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make fi'-al
proof In support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this no
tice, viz:
John Boss, Homestead No. 3015, for
the E. i, N. W. yx. Section 21. Town
ship 17 n rth, Range 3 west, and names
the following as witnesses, viz: Christ
ian Boss, of Platte county, Neb., and
John Jaisli, of Platte countv, Neb.
470-5 31. II. HOXIE", Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., )
June 9, 1879. 1
NOTICE Is hereby given that the fol
lowing.named settler has filed
notice of her intention to make final proof
in support of her claim, and secure final
entry thereof at the expiration of thirty
days from the date of this notice, viz:
Lois Sisson, widow of Erastus Sisson
Homestead No. 5391, for the west i
southeast i and west J north east i
Section 0 Township 19 north of Range 4
west and names the following as her
witnesses, viz: .Limes O'Donnell of
Boone Co., Neb., and Phebe 31. O'Donnell
of lloone Co., Neb.
475-5 31. B. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., )
June 9, 1879. j
is herebv given that the fol
lowing-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, anu secure
final entrv thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this notice,
iz i
3IichaeI Finnan, Homestead No. 3779
for the north 6 north west i Section 34
Township 19 north Range 1 west, and
names the following as hi witnesses,
viz: David Carrig. jr., of Platte Co.,
Neb., and Robert Butler of Platte Co.,
475-5 31. II. nOXIE, Register.
Dry Goods,
Boots & Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
5? ?2 2
t 8 jf
Don'tbuy a dollar's worth
of goods until you have
seen my stock and
The Best Goods
Lowest Prices!
11 til Street,
Begier-s Machine Depot!
Cor, IStli and Madison Streets,
The first sin-cf-fiil tiiiclilne vv!th two driving wheels; the first and only machine
to fild the finder h.u-jrroi the frame, while driving on the road; the Grit ma
riiiiie with a -rfei t wrni.-uM-irun tinker and steel-lined concave entthifr surface,
iiihi-invr a h-f-rbn j.rnin;r (iiiird; the lirt two-wheeled machine with a successful
re-ipi'is; -itt-ii'tiint'iit; the enly michlne that combines a perfect 3Iower aud a per
fect Reaper In m'.e.
3I:ule by the sam Company is larking in nothing heretofore considered essentia!
to a firt-rl:. H.irveler,"and will be found superior to all its competitor, in
(pialitv of materia and Workmanship, easv of draft, convenience of hunJIinir, and
sivini; of jrr.uii. Tin- BFCKKYK HARVESTER also his a sucees..ful BINDING
ATTACHMENT, which hou!d be examined by parties who are ihinkin? of
buyiiiir i selr-Mmlt-r for thecoininir harvest. For simplicity, durability and rata
of nianaeiin-nt it is second to none in the market.
TJjBfi iEtrgj. triz. fj'CE3iBv?rTQKBM7'' &
Made "by the Moline Plow Company,
I the only entirely wrought-iron adjustable frame made, can be used with niif
sized plow, and is adjustable to all kinds of ground, bavin:: a lever on elthrr Mdc;
you can level It on any side-hill, cut a clear furrow and throw it up Die hill: au
be used for either two, three or four hoes abreast. For 'p'Jlity of material and
style of workmanship it ii second to none, and in case of draft aud convenience of
ha'ndling. it standi without a peer.
Always a full stock of FIRST CLAS 3IACHINES OF ALL KINDS on hand
Anything wanted that i not on hand will be ent for at once for you. A full
stock of 3IoIine Breaking anil Stirrimr plow. Moline Western. Champion, and
Wicr Cultivators, the Illinois Combined Riding and Walkinv Cultivator, totrttther
with the celebrated La Harpe Cultivator, both riding and Walking, the RitHalo
Pitts I hreher. the best put up. easiest running and best cleaning machine mnda.
Parties wishing anything in our line will do well to call on u before buying, a
we buy all our small goods from manufacturers, and our facilities for handling;
goods are
j3TCalI and ect price-list. LOWEST RATES ever known in CentralNtlras
ia. TO SAVE 310NEY is the easiest way to 31AKE -MONEY.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-rlasi Drug Store Dealer
In surrounding country will find it to their interest to purchae from him, a ho
c-n and will give BED-ROCK PRICES.
Prescriptions Carefullv Compounded.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Is now ready for the FaH and Winter Campaign with an immense
stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
llry Goods,
Hats, Caps,
Etc., Etc.
At prices that were never heard
of before in Columbus.
SSr Dry Goods have taken a big tumble in the Eastern Markets lately
and as I buy my goods strictly for cash, I will give my customers the be n
efit of it, and supply them with anything in my line at much lower prices
than they were ever known to be heretofore.
All I ask for is, give me a friendly call and con
vince yourself of the facts.
437, Proprietor of the Revolution Dry Goods Store
i i