! THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 187!). JJanl. O'Leaky cleared $10,000 iu his recent contest with Cros9land. The Unitarian church at Scituate, Ulass., was burned on tliG 4th by liro crackers. Ox tho 2Sth of June the farmers of California were iu the midst of grain harvest, J. J. Gosper, Sec'y of Arizona Ty., formerly of this State, has been granted a divorce. A hakvest hand on the farm of J. 31. lligghip, of III., died from sun stroke on the 3d iust. Congkess adjourned on the 1st at 5 p. in., members separating appar ently with the best of feeling. At latest accounts Gen. Grant and party were at Yokohama3Japan, on the 4th, bound for Sau Francisco. The citizens of Kearney have pre sented the State a deed for 320 acres of land for the location of a reform school. Samuel J. is supposed to bo mov ing towards the nomination to the presidency by way of tho governor ship of New York. Mary E. Saxfokd of Xew York was Ehot and fatally wounded by her husband, John San ford, on the evening of the 4th. Miss Jessie Dunhar, of Paugh kecpsie, X. Y., was burned to death on tho 4tb, boys having set fire to clothing with fire crackers. A terriijle explosion occurred on the 3d in the High Blautyre Colliery pit, Scotland, burying four persons alive aud killing twenty three others. As a caution to the public it is an nounced Irom Washington City that counterfeiters are preparing to put into circulation a large batch of fives and tens. The Omaha 2fcws is authority for saying that the Irish Immigrant Aid Society arc about to purchase 50.000 acres of land in north western Ne braska, for colonization. IIevorts frow St. Paul say that the farmers' losses from the recent storm will aggregate three thousand acres of grain totally destroyed and this is only a small part of the en tire loss. The senate confirmed J. A. Hun ter, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Utah, Lieut. Col. J. New ton to lie Colonel, and Mnj. Geo. A. Mcndcll, Lieutenant Colonel of Engineers. Eight thousand people joined iu celebrating Independence day at Browuville, Neb. The citizens of the county and town united, aud ex-Gov. Furnas delivered the ad dress of welcome. The President on lhe 1st nomi nated Morris, of Baltimore, and Hunter, of St. Louis, for United States Judges. We did not learn iu what court Morris is to preside, but Hunter goes to Utah. J. W. Dawes, chairman of the Republican State Central Commit tee, is called upon by tho Lincoln Journal to get his committee to gether and discuss the advisability of holding the convention duriugthe State Fair. Kelly, the colored criminal of tho Olive gang, made his escape from the Plum Creek jail on tho 3d, overpow ering the jailor and locked him in the cells. Jle stole a horse belong ing to J. L. Sawyer and struck northward. Chestine Cox, the negro who murdered Mrs. Dr. Hull, at New York, is likely to meet with speedy justice, having already been indicted for murder iu the first degree, and his trial set down for the second Monday of this month. Ninety swarms of grasshoppers were reported from Chicago last week from di lie rent parts of Dakota, southwestern Minnesota aud north western Iowa. Great damage to wheat is already done, and in many places seven-eights of the small grain is destroyed. Our exchanges give a fearful ac couut of the crops iu southern Rus sia as being about totally ruined by drought in some sections and exces sive rains iu others, while frightful swarms of grasshoppers and com beetles made their appearance, des troying whatever remained. Forty-five colored people arriv ed at Lincoln the evening of the 1st, on the A. & N. R. R., from New Orleans and Baton Rouge. The colored people of Lincoln met them at the depot and will mskc tempo rary provision for them, as they arc destitute of everything except scan ty bedding. Mrs. Lavaxche Nanbeber last week shot herself through the heart because her husband would not buy her a pair of shoes on the day she wanted them. The deceased was IS years old, and had been married less than a year. This item is taken Irom tho Albany (Mo.) Ledger, and doubtless is correct. From Sioux City wo learn that a similar tornado to tho one that struck St. Paul, swept over the country aloug the poutheastern part of Elkhorn, D. T., doiug similar damage to the property of citizens by blowing down barns, houses, trees, fence s and crops, besides kill ing several persons. The Daily State Journal of the 2d announces the fact that work commenced on tho Lincoln and Northwestern, what is known here ac the A. & N. railroad, on last Weduesday. We learn from the same source that Mr. Fitzgerald has sub-let to different contractors ten or twelve miles of the road, and the work will be pushed fonvard rapidly- The House at Washington before adjournment passed a resolution giviug all annual employees of the House an extra month's pay, or thirteen months for six month's work, aud six month's vacation. This is a sample of democratic ccou omv. The Senate refused to pass a rimilar resolution for its employees. Several democrats in the Senate de nounced the measure as au outrage. The most severe rain aud wind storm that ever visited Minnesota, struck St. Paul on the night of the 2d, flooding the town and country by a rainfall of five inches. In its courf e, houses, barns, and trees were blown down. In the course of its track great damage was done to fencing and the crops. A great number of persons reported killed by lightning during the storm. The new bounty law provides that upon the petition of fifty free holders of auy county, the commis sioners of that county shall submit the question to a vote of the people at the next succeeding election, when the ballots shall be printed "For bounties," or "Against bounties." If the election is in favor of bounties, two dollars a scalp shall be paid for wolves, wild cats, or coyotes. rtr mrmmrLmm It Is now rumored that the insati ate Jay Gould has added the Hanni bal & St. Joe to his grand railroad system. The St. Joseph Herald says there is good authority for the report that this road has passed into tho hands of a receiver, aud would shortly be turned over to the Gould party. It further states that L. D. TuthilJ, General Manager of the St. Joe & Denver road, is in New York, and will probubly be made Superin tendent of the Hannibal line. Lincoln Journal. Xlie Price or Success. In noticing the railroad injunction case the Schuyler Sun makes the following sensible remarks : To one fact the people must sooner or later resign themselves. That to contend with railroads, even to the extent of keeping them within reasonable bounds, eternal vigilance is tho price of success. Iu the case now on hand, the present difficulty will no sooner be disposed of than another, through the mediumship of the Union Pacific or its retainers will present itself, and so on until it is clearly demonstrated that tho peo ple are determined and will not be discouraged by trifles." Citizens of the south-western part of the county celebrated the 4th at Jackson. The buildings of our patriotic friend John Strasser, where tho citizens congrogated, were decor ated with American flags, the bright, waving emblems of our free dom and liberties. About half past 1 o'clock the sweet strains of music were heard iu the large dining room of tho Strasser House, where Mr. Kuchne and his lady partner led iu the merry duuee. The regular ball was to come off iu tho evening, when the young folks would obtain their full share of cujoyment. PiTTsnuRG, Pa., is perhaps the blackest town in the United States, and a very singular and ingenious plan has been suggested to clean and wash it up. The washing is to be done by passing the 6moke from the manufactories through the spray caused by paddle-wheels revolving in a tank of water, holding soda ash in solution. The tank aud wheels arc placed in the flue, between the furnace aud tho chimney, and, the wheels being made to revolve in tho direction of the chimney, the draught is increased. It is claimed that the smoke, after being thus treated, will not soil a white haudkerchicf. I:iil and llnvoc. The Omaha Jlcrald of Sunday contains the following paragraph, which we learn from other sources is substantially true. We havo not ascertained the extent of the storm or of the damage: Railway mou report that near Clark's station on the U. P. yester day they saw the track of a hail storm which passed over the section on Friday afternoon. It 6wept a belt of country from three to four miles wide, causing terrible havoc. The crops were literally beaten into the ground, and the farmers have not even a sufficient remnant of a hay crop to pay for attempting to cut it. It is not known that any persons were injured. The storm approached the line of tho railway from the northwest, nud then turned, taking a southeastly direction. The new Democratic paper calls President Hayes a "hog." Webster defines this word, as applied to men, to signify: "a brutal fellow; one who is mean aud filthy." So far as the President is concerned he cer tainly is anything but a "brutal fel low," and as for being "mean and filthy," no one who knows anything of him, or cares for his own reputa tion for truth-speaking would make 6uch an assertion. While Mr. Hayes may possibly not be the most gen erous man in the world (the Demo crat man may exceed him) he is cer tainly not "mean," and, placed along side of tho President, even the Democrat man might be forced to confess a point or two in fayor of Mr. Hayes ou tho score of less or more "fiitb."t But theu, this is a fair specimen of that Bourbon democ racy, which learns nothing and for gets nothing. Saint tlivurd8. Ed. Journal: July 4th, that day dear to all true lovers of those free institutions euarantcea to us oy me t declaration of Independence, was duly observed by a giand celebra tion in this community. Promptly at the appointed time those who had formed a procession in town moved off with colors flying, to tho grove one mile above; arriving there, a large crowd who had come in' from other directions, were already eu joying themselves with swings, cro quet and other amusements under the shade of the tall spreadiug elms, box elders, and cottonwoods. Soon that vast assemblage rallied around tho speaker's stand when the exer cises of the day were opened with instrumental music by Miss Kate McFaydeu on the organ, assisted by Messrs. Davis and Durham on vio lins followed with prayer by Elder Wright ; and after the reading of the Declaration of Independence and an other piece of music, the large audience listened with wrapt attention to a masterly and eloquent oration by A. 11. Simpson of Co lumbus, followed by a telling speech by his partner J. P. Morrison. This brought dinner, and for the next hour tho contents of well-filled bas kets occupied the time and attention of that happy throng, as they betook themselves by families and iu groups under the friendly shade. Then an entire change from the general order of things took place : A motley band of Ku Klux or some other kind of klux, mounted and on foot, filed into the grove from the south. Wo will not attempt to des cribe them. They closely resembled a colony of immigrants that might have been forcibly ejected from tho infernal regions, but they seemed to be "perfectably" happy and in their movements closely resembled the antics of a herd of mules in a hor net's nest. A song and a speech from his Satanic Majesty, their cap tain, and a high-toned quadrille on tho speaker's stand wound them up and they dispersed and returned whence they came. About 4 p. in. tho crowd moved back to town to witness a game of baso ball, aud horse and foot-racing, but a shower coming on about that time, put an end to that. Not so the dance at the new Hardy House; as to that event one and all agreed that it was the grandest affair of tho season. The supper gotten up under the supervision of Mrs. J. Rittel and Mrs. J. O'Donuell, was the very best, and as the stage is in sight, I will close by adding that the success of the day'6 celebration was to a grcnt extent due to the able manage ment of our marshal of the day, II. O. Smith. D. An Kxplnnutiou Which Ioew not Altogether 12xplulii. Pierce, Neb., July 4, '70. M. K. Turner, Respected Friend : After leaving Columbus not long hince in company with the Hon. W. S. Gccr, a few hours ride brought us to Madison, and wo found the heretofore quiet townsmen some what excited over their R. R. bond defeat. We partook of some re freshments and passed along to the bright and thriving town of Norfolk. Almost every man we met appeared to be on the war path, especially when a Columbus man put in an ap pearance. As good luck was bound to come to me, an old friend put iu an appearance and quieted their ex cited feelings by informing them that I was en route for the San tee Agency to pay a short visit, and that he thought I hud not used any in fluence to defeat their purpose, therefore thoeffusion of wrath was arrested. Thence to Niobrara, the northern Nebraska R. R. centre in the near future. Over night at the latter place, to the Agency the uext day, where we met with" a cordial reception, which stale of things con tinued until on our return. We were beyond the range of the musi cal strains of our parting serenade by the enthusiastic maidens of the Dacotahs. From the Agency to Pierce without much delay, one sav oring a little of civilization was met with suspicious feelings which re sulted in my arrest as a tresspasser. The residents here in the main arc a good feeliug people, but a certain lawless, cowardly, bull-dozing ele ment is in considerable force, which will require but a short time to ex tinguish. I plead guilty, but refused to pay the fiue, which event brings me up to the present time. Yours respectfully, Wh. B. COFi'lN. Humphrey Item.. Last Wednesday night this vicin ity was visited by a slight shower of rain which was accompanied with a tremendous wind ; it moved Mr. Wanzer's frame barn about three feet eastward, badly racked the sta ble which was ou the east side of it, and laid the most of his barn-yard fence flat on the ground. It racked tho dwelling house of the Humphrey post-master, Mr. Mead, badly fright ening the inmates, but injuring the house only slightly. It overturned or unroofed several corn cribs and other out-houses in the neighbor hood. We celebrated the "glorious 4th," by having a neighborhood pic-nic iu Charles Roscoe's grove of timber. Several pieces that were appropriate for the occasion were rehearsed and read, and we were also favored with good singing; and if ever a table groaned under tho weight of pro visions, that one did, and a stranger might havo thought by the quality of tho victuals, that luxuries were to be had here in Nebraska, by " the asking;" iu fact, tho dinner was "fit for a king." In the afternoon the 6ound of the violin was heard, and those who wished so to do, joined in tho merry dance. All seemed pleased with tho enlertaiumeuts of the day. Tho harvest of winter wheat will begin to-morrow, if the weather permits. July 4th, 1S79. The Jinny Time. Mr. Editor : The busy time has come ; our farmers are at work har vesting rye; other small grains are ripening fast. The Bloomingdale stock farm makes a very fiue appearance right now. Prof. Heurich is not only a good doctor and preacher, but makes a good farmer also; surely, he is what city fathers used to call a round man. Long may he live to do good. Davis, Williams, Thomas and Lewis are at work, and as far as we can see, their prospect is fair. Hugh Edwards has broke 30 acres on his farm since he bought it of nugh Hughes, in the spring. Mr. E. will make a fine show after a while, if he keeps on as he has begun. The Elliots are also up and a-doing. May prosperity crowu their efforts. Wo are pleased to see our friends doing well. Elder Thomas is in his field work ing and doing all the good helcnows how. Black leg takes away a calf every now and then. So the world .goes. Yours, t. St. licriinrd. Wo aro having plenty of raiu the past tow weeks and plenty of warm weather, which makes the corn "git up and git," one can almost sec it growing. There has been some barley har vested, and wheat and oats are col oring nicely, and if nothing happens it, it will be of good quality. Our worthy friend (and bachelor by the way), Jas. M. Adams, has in 10 acres of crops this year; he wants to be able to feed his other half this winter, should ho find her. Our school, in No. 50, taught by Miss Bell Lisco, came to a close the 30th of June, and all were well sat isfied that she had done her work faithfully. A goodly number of our people are going down to Madison to help celebrate the glorious old Fourth. Our neighbor, S. E. Morgan, lost a fine horse last Sunday did not hear what was the matter. Everybody is enjoying new pota toes, peas, and all kinds of gardcu stuff. Eagle. jSrsiut 1'rairie. Editor Journal : The celebration in Mr. Wasscrburgcr's grove on the 4th was more than we expected. It was quite a success, the largest crowd by hundreds that has ever met at this place. Mr. Wasserburger carried oft" the purse ou the wheelbarrow race. There was a grand dinner in the grove, good enough for a king to sit to, and tho music was No. 1. Rev. Mr. Roberts delivered the oration, which was good. Dancing commenced iu the hall, at 4 p. m., and was kept up till 5 a. in. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves "well. The music was the best ever played at this place, aud it was impossible) for people to sit still; they were waltzing in ev ery corner, up stairs, down stairs, iu the kitchen, in the office and all over, in short, we just had tho best time we ever had at this place. Now and Then. JSatfison. From the Chronicle. The improvements made by Mr. A. C. Tyrrel on his block by tree planting are well worthy of imita tion. His collection of fruit and forest trees consists of apple, pear, peach, cherry, box elder, black wal nut, and honey locust. Besides these ho has a number of grape vines and some shrubbery. The trees, now in their dark green foliage, arc beauti ful to look upon. A few more with the energy and taste of Mr. T., and Madison would soon become a city of groves and shady avenues. The Bat Smashers and Shell Creek boys played a game of ball at this place last Saturday, and the Smash ers got badly scooped. They were no match for a picked nine taken from different parts of Platte coun ty, and an umpire whose sympathy for the club from his own place was so great that he decided everything in their favor. They played nine innings and tho score stood 2 to 47. We learn that both clubs are reg ularly organized, and that the A. & N's. of this county, instead of being a picked nine, have been playing together for two years. To make the thing altogether satisfactory Platte county suggests that a game be played by the same nines, to be umpired by any recognized fair minded man in Fremont, Omaha, or any other place outside of Platte aud Madison couutics, for love, fun, money, chalk or marbles. Now, Mr. Chronicle, let the Smashers come to time right away, quick, aud "may we all be there to see." Some Columbus chaps,wlio haven't sense enough to miud their own bus iness, aro dodging around in the west part of this precinct working in au underhanded manner to defeat the precinct proposition. We ad viso tho citizens in the west part of the precinct to appoint one of their number as fool-thresher and lot him dust the jackets of these Colnmbus bummers. Let our people consider whether the object of these men is to benefit us or to enhance their own interests to our everlasting detri ment. Are they actuated by mo tives of pure philanthropy, or by hogish selfishness? Does the "milk of human kindness" course so freely through the veins of theso meddlers that they can afford to leave their own business and mix themselves up iu the business of our citizens? The people of this precinct arc old enough, and wise enough, to con duct their own affairs, and of this fact the ColumbuRite8 -will please take particular notice. Tho Chronicle has been pleased to do itself and Columbus citizens a gross injustice. Columbus has no interest in defeating Madison rail road schemes, but on the contrary desires to see this whole region prosperous. For herself, Columbus is about to enter upon an other stage of her existence as a city and needs to be on the friendliest terms with all the thriving communities in the circle of her business acquaintance. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. The X. i X. W. tf.Sec. 4, T. 17, It. 1 E., P. 31., containing 80.11 acres. Sixty acres under cultivation, and the remain der is good hay land. The Improvements arc a story nnd a half frame bouse with live rooms, lathed and plastered throughout; a wood sbed; new frame stable and granary; corn crib, cattle sbed, hog yard, corral, etc, There i on the place a good well of water. Five acres of growing timber consisting of Cot tonwood, ash, soft maple, elm, &c. Also a young fruit orchard consisting of ap ples, peaches, cherries, wild plum, currants and goose berry bushes, grape vines, &c, all iu very excellent condi tion. Four miles northeast of Colum bus, it is convenient to market, and is a desirable farm. Price $1,130, two-thirds cash, remainder in three equal annual payments. Inquire at the Journal oflice, for further particulars, or of the undersigned, ou the premises. 4.rti-z A. JI. GIBSON. ATTACHMENT NOTICE. In Justice Court for Platte countv, Ne braska, before Byron 3Iillett,"j. P., of Columbus precinct. Edward 31. Newman, Plt'ff., ) In against . attach- Sylvester J. Cleveland, DePt.) ment. ON the 2.1d day of June, A. D 1870. said Justice issued an order of attachment in the above action for the sum sixtv-one dollars and sixty-five cents (?C1.6."). Edward 31. Newman, 477-3 Plaintiff. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of an order of the Dis trict Court of the Fourth Judicial District in and for Platte county, State of Nebraska, the undersigned, John It. Wells, administrator of the estate of Christianna It. "Wells, late of the county of Platte, deceased, will sell at public vendue, on the 2Gth day of July, A.I., 187I, at the Court Houss in the city of Colum bus, in said county of Platte, at 1 o'clock p. in., of that day, the following de scribed real estate, situate in the county of Platte, said State, to wit: The southwest quarter and lot thir teen (13), which is also known as lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, of Section thirty two (32), Township seventeen (17)? Range one east, containing one hundred and cighty-dx acres, located about one and a half miles from the city of Colum bus. There is considerable timber on the premises, and some very good hay land. Teksis: One-half cash on day of sale, the balance in one year at ten "per cent, interest JOHN H. WELLS, June 21, 1879. Administrator. 47G-ft NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.,) June 25th, 1S7J. J NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and secure tinal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: Jacob n. Ellis. Homestead No. 3520, for the northeast i, section 31, town ship 19 north, range 1 cast, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: C. A. Newman, of Platte Co., Neb., and Bird W. Ellis, of Platte Co., Neb. 478-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.,1 June 27th, 1870, j NOTICE Is hereby given that tho following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and se cure final entry thereof at the expira tion of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Bird Y. Ellis, Homestead No. 3510, for the E. . S. W. X, Section 34, Town ship 19 north, Ranjje 1 east, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: C. .v. Newman, or Platte Co., Neb., and Jacob H. Ellis, of Platte Co., Nob 478 0 31. B. HOXIE, Regis ster. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land Office at Grand Island, Ncb.,1 June 30th, 1879. J NOTICE is hereby giveu that the following-name settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hh claim, and se cure final entry thereof at tho expira tion of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Frank l'fciTcr, Homestead No. .1247, for the E. a, s. E. , Section 20, Town ship 2!) nortti, Uange I west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Leopold Pfeili-r, of Platte Co., Neb., and Richard Oliuer, of Platte Co.. Neb. 478-5 31. B. 110XIE, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Laud Office at Grand Island, Neb.,) June 30th, 1879. j "VTOTIC'E is hereby given that the JJ following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and se cure final entry thereof at tin: expira tion of thirty days from the date of this notice, i.: Robert Nicholson, Homestead No.3112, for the N. J4, N W. i, Section 20, Town ship IS, Range 2 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: John W. Early, of Platte Co., Neb., and John G. Routson, of Platte Co., Neb. 478-5 31. U. HOXIE, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1 June 30th, 1870. J NOTICE is hereby giveu that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and se cure final entry thereof at the expira tion of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Abraham Rowe. Homestead No-5329, for the W. , N. E. , Section 22,Town ship 20, Range 2 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: William Sclsor, of Platte Co., Neb., and John G. Routson, of Platte Co.. 'Neb. 478-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Laud Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.,1 June 23d, 1870. f NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and secure final eutry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the dare of this no tice, viz: Ann Rossiter, widow of Frank Rossit cr, deceased, Homestead No. 31G0, for the N. Yt, N. E. X, Section 1 1, Township 17 north, Hange 2 west, and names the following as her witnesses, viz: Kichard L. Rossiter, of Columbus, Neb., and John Rossiter. of Columbus. Neb. 477-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb..) June Kith, K7. f "VTOTICi: is hereby given th.it the li following-named pettier his tiled notice of his intention to make trial proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: John Boss, Homestead No. 3015, for the E. , X- W. . Section 21, Town ship 17 north, Range 3 west, and names the following as witnesses, viz: Christ ian Boss, of Platte county, Neb., and John Jaisli, of Platte county. Neb. 470-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., June 0, 1870. j NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing.namcd settler has filed notice of her intention to make fi ual proof in support of her claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Lois Sisson, widow of Erastus Sisson Homestead No. 5391, for the west K southeast Vf and west 6 north cast Section 0 Township 19 north of Range 4 west and names the following as her witnesses, viz: James O'Donncll of Boone Co., Neb., and Phebc 31. 0'Donnell of Boone Co., Neb. 475-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., ) June 0, 1870. "VTOTICE Is hereby given that the fol J. lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Michael Finnan, Homestead No. 3770 for the north north west i Section 34 Township 19 north Range 1 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: David Carrig. jr., or Platte Co., Neb., and Robert Butler of Platte Co., .eu. 475-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register. A GOOD FARM FOR SALE ISO acres of good land, 80 acres under cultivation, a good house one and a half story high, a good stock range, plenty of water, and good hay land. Two miles east of Columbus. Inquire at the Pioneer Bakery. 473-6m. BRICK! RIE3IER fc STOLCE keep constantly on hand and furnish in the wall, the best of brick. Orders solicited. Ad rces, as above, box 95, Columbue. 478. BbaxBsk -THE- N. Y. CHEAP GASH STORE. L. KRAMER, IS NOW OPENING THE FINEST AND BEST ASSORTED SPRING STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing &? Carpets, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hosiery, NOTIONS, :etc., THAT HAS EVElt BEEN SHOWN IX COLU3IBUS, AT LOWER PRICES THAN HAVE EVER PRE VAILED BEFORE. Don't buy a dollar's worth of goods until you have seen my stock and prices. I 3IY A 131 IS TO SELL The Best Goods AT THE- Lowest Prices! IN ORDER TO LARGELY INCREASE 31 BUSINESS IN THE FUTURE. L. KEAMEE, SIGN OF IE! YORK CHEAP CASH STORE, lltli Street, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Beceer's Machine Depot!' Cor. 1 3th and Madison Streets , THE C3LEBRATED BUCKEYE MO WEE vrrni table kake attachment. The first succo.ful machine with two driving wheels; the first and only machine in foli! the tinker liar ucroo the frame, while driving ou the road; the tirst ma chiiK with api-rfcit wroujjht-irou linger and steel-lined concave cuttintr surface, making h m If-.-limpeiiiii:: jrusrd; the lirst two-wheeled machine with a Micceiftil n-iiliiil'' attachment: the oulv ni.tcliiue that coinbinug a nerfoet Mnwvr anil 1 nt-r. fect Reaper iu one THE BUCKEYE HARVESTER, ilade by the amr Company is lacking in nothiu? heretofore considered esarntial to a tirst-ela. Harve-ter."and ivi!l lie found superior to nil Its competitor, lu qualitv of mnterial and workmanship, easv of draft, convenience of handling, and mvinj: of jrraiii. The Bl'CKKYE HARVESTER alo ha .1 Micccssful IHXDIXO ATTACJI3IEXT, which .hnuld be examined by parties who are ihinklnjr of buying n self-hind i-r fur the coming harvest. For simplicity, durability and ease of management it i second to none in the market. GO I (1 j MLJtm L J.4-TJ7 - fel i-JTr-r.4' "T. IA- LU fiLWLke- fell Made by the Moline Plow Company, I- the only entirely wroulit-iron adjustable frame made, can be ued with nnr sized plow, and i adjustable to all kinds of ground, having a lever on either idr"; you can level it on any Mde-Iii!I. cut a clear furrow antl throw it up the nil): can be iiaimI for either two, three or four horses abreast. For quality of material and style of workmanship it is second to none, and iu ease of draft and convenience of handling, it stand without a peer. Always a full stock of FIRl' CLASS 3IACIIIXE.S OF ALL KIXDS ou hanil Anything wanted that i not on hand will be sent for at once for you. A full stock of 3Iolinc Breaking and Stirring plow-. .MoliiK" Western, Champion, anil Wier Cultivators, the Illinois Combined Riding aud Walking Cultivator, togellirr with the celebrated La Ilarpe Cultivator, both ridinir and Walking, the Itutralo Pitt Thresher, the best put up, eaict running and best cleaning machine madt. Parties wishing anything in our line will do well to call on u before buving. a we buy all our small goods from manufacturers, and our facilities for handling goods are tirst-class, LUMBER GIVEN AWAY! AT THE YARD OP JAEGGI & SCHUPBACH, coLimitus, JSTCall and get price-list. LOWEST RATES ever known in CrntralNabra ka. TO SAVE 310NKY is the easiest way to 31AK.E 3IOXEY. I Mean Business! o Estarordinary Inducements Will be olTcred in CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, Hats, C'aps and Notions, As my stock must be converted into cash. Talk is clu'Siji, lisif prlcr toll, 1 lniTC t tlic good Jiml urn bound to II. W. H. HEIDELBEEGEE, 12th STREET, (2 doors west of Hammond House), 290 a W o eJ U2 cm O A H o ft u o o p o THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Is now ready for the Fall and Winter Campaign with an immense stock of Ready-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc. At prices that were never heard of before in Columbus. J5ST" Dry Goods have taken a big tumble in the Eastern Markets lately and as I bay my goods strictly for cash, I will give my customers the be n-' efit of it, and supply them with anything in my line at much lower prices than they were ever known to he heretofore. All I ask for is, give mc a friendly call and con vince yourself of the facts. Proprietor Ul, J r r-- tr1 si. 1 i;i:aska. O H) Ul P O W p a I. G-LTJOK, of the Revolution Dry Goods Storo. -.