i -ot i i ra -rjn WKSTWAKD IOUIS. Jonrarj by Wncfln from Colnmlms, Xrbracla, to WafthlitctonTrrritoi- -Jottings by tlif Way. Editor Journal: In my last, in speaking of Kearney Junction, I omitted to mention that the govern ment laud is all taken up by actual Ecttlers for four or five miles cabt and wct, and that the II. K. laud is all taken up by speculators. It will bo remembered that Fort Kearney of the past does not occupy the same ground ns Kearney Junction, the latter being on the north Pidc of the river and four or five miles west of the old Fort. Westward from Kearney Junc tion, we pass in succession the fol lowing stations: Stevenson, Elm Creek, Overton and Josselyn there is no town at any of the stations, but usually one store and n section house, and a good Inrgc school house, there being a line of farm settlers north of the II. R. and along the foot of the bluffs from whence come the scholars. Next we reach Plum Creek, 31 miles from Kent ney Junction. This is quite a good sized town with five or six stores, church, school house and hotel, but oh I slranjre to say, not a liquor saloon in town. Cozad, 15 miles from Plum Creek, is quite a neat town, we asked a citizen " what keeps up this town?" "Oh I" he said, "there is a good larm settlement six miles of here, and several fine farms under cultiva tion," and began pointing out hi the distance some of the houses. Willow Island, Warren, Brady Island, McPherson and Gannett are the next in succession. Along here at this season of the year would be called the stockman's paradise, as thousands of head may be 6cen quietly feeding along Ihec broad valleys usually from bluff to bluff about 20 miles wide, and no farm ing lands to interfere with the range. The scener' along here is pictur esque, the high bluffs on the south side presenting such a rough-gunged and dark blue and smoky appear ance like a range of mountaius at a long distance. North Platte Is situated between tho forks of the North and South Platte, and is reached by ciossing the U. P. It. It. bridge over the North Platte, which is planked solid and the planks pretty well worn by the tires of the numerous wagons that cross it c'cry season, bound for the different territories of the far west. At each end of the bridge is a notice in subslace as follows: All trains must come to a full stop be fore crossing this bridge, and cross at a rate not exceeding 4. miles per hour. In crossing the bridge we drive one horse in the centre be tween the two rails and tho other on the oiitjide. The telegraph wires arc fastened on each side of the bridge, and no toll is charged, and this, no doubt, will seem strange, when it is considered that toll could as well be collected as not, as there is no way to get around, and like wise that trains sometimes arc de layed while wagons are on the bridge. This was the tact in our case; eight out of twelve wagons had crossed and were about a half mile in advauce, and while my team and ouc before and two behind me were on tho bridge, a freight train came thundering down from North Platte meeting us, and there was no chance to turn one side and leave the iron horse his own road. Tho man in Iront of me became pretty badly seared ; ho was from Missou ri, the state where on election days the candidate who can provido the most whiskey will command the most votes, and not being used to railroads and these " pesky sort of things," he naturally enough saw danger in the iron monster now approaching, and raised in his wag on, and while he was telling his wife and family that they would all be killed, he laid on the whip, mak ing things lively, when lo, and behold, the iron horse stood still I James Scully. Feeding: for 31! He. A writer iu the Southern Farmer Bays that his cow gives all the milk that is wanted iu a family of eight, and that from it, after taking all that is required for other purposes, 2G0 pounds of butter were made last year. This is, in part, his treatment of the cow : If you desire to get a large yield of rich milk, give your cow every day, water slightly warm and slightly salted, in which brau has been stirred at the rate of one quart to two gallons of water. You will find, if you have not tried this daily, practice, that your cow will give twenty-five per cent more milk under the effects of it, and she will become so attached to the diet as to refuse to drink clear water unless very thirsty. But this mess she will drink almost any time aud ask for more. The amount of this drink necessary is an ordinary water-pailful at a time, morning, noon and night. The proprietor of a building site in Wisconsiu advertises his land for sale in this wise: "The town of Pog-gis anil surrounding- country is the most beautiful nature ever made. The scenery is celestial; also two wagons and one yoke of steers." A man who was iu an unenviable frame of mind probaly had bis mind framed in guilt. A ragged-looking pedestrian came to the back door of the Dunshudder man-ion, and the hired girl shout ed " We've nothiir for tiamps." " Fair lady, pause," said the visitor; " I'm not a tramp nor beggar." " What are ye, then ?"' " Madam, I'm a solicitor-general."' Utica Observer. During the investigation at Har rwburgh, Pa., into alleged bribery in connection with the Pittsburg Riot bill, several legislators testified that they had been offered a thous and dollars to vote for the bill and refused the money. When we humans arc asked for a dollar to help bury a poor fellow, we shell out immediately ; but there arc those among us who would not give the dollar to the poor fel low before lie died. The too earl' passenger catches not only the train, but a severe cold while waiting. A tried friend the man you bor row ten dollars from. You try him very much. If you want to get the best piece of ice in the rclrigcrator, take a nice pick. Nothing is so short-lived a? child's grief except a nvin's joy. a The penalty of lying in Siam is to have the mouth sewed up. QQXiTsm&xrm STATE BANK, Cz::cs:n t: Gcrr.ri EcjJ i:i Tcrccr Hslst. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, $50,000 KKKCTOh: Leandeo Gehraki), Prcsri. Geo. W. Hulst, Vice 1'cs' Julius A Heed. EmvAitn A. Gekkaku. Aiixcit TuitKEit, Cashier. ISnnlc of !oposJt, Discount and Exchange. Collections I'roiupily Made on all 1'olnis. fay Intercut on Time Hcpos it. 274. R. T. BULLASD, NORTH-CbROHIY. FRUIT, PROVISIONS, &c. best or mm at uibt muni o All Farm Products Bought and Sold Eighest Cash Price Paid, o it Goods Exchanged for Produce. ESTGoods delivered anywhere in the cit free of charge. SKW BUILDING OX llTH ST., Two Doors East of Journal Office 135 GUS. A. SCHROEDER, DEALKK IX HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, PUMPS, PAINT, WIND MILLS AND WAGONS, AND A FULL LINK OK Agricultural Implements. Goods sold cheap for cash. SIGN OP BIG AX, llili STREET, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 151-x. J. C, ELLIOTT, AGENT FOn THE STOVER WIND MILL $20 OSCILLATING FEED MILL, And All Kinds of Pump AND PUMP MATERIALS! ALSO ChaUctifje Wind and Teed Mills, Combined Shcllerand Grinder, Jlall Jfills, Horse Powers. Corn Shcllers and Tanning Jfills. Fnnips Repaired on Short Notice, armor's, come and examine our mill l u tv ill Undone erected on thcpremie ortlie Hammond House, in nmi nn,;.' Ilammond Uousc, in good runui ordcr, THE BOSS Tl I Ml MISHIT! ITiFli Coming with One Thousand Living Wild Beasts, Birds, Great Performers, Beautiful Horses, Diminutive Ponies, Men, Women, Children, Horses and Ponies, at Columbus, Wed., June 25, 79. ANDERSON & CO.'S MONSTER EUROPEAN, ASIATIC, AFRICAN". AMERICAN ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC WORLD'S MENAGERIE, AND GREAT CHAMPION CHALLENGE CIRCUS! The Mighticot Confederation of Living Lessons and Moral and Mirthful Amuse ment E.irth hns over known. Under Separate Mupendous Menagerie, Museum and Amphitheater Touts. The Largest and Rarest W ILI) BEAST CONCENTRATION since the Deluge. 508 Ravening Hcyal Slonsters and Magnifi cent Esolic Beasts and Birds. Every Oriental Heast by Adam named. A Complete Zoological Exhibit of all the Zones. A Colossal Caravan or Eastern Mammoths. A $.0,0.10 Herd or Asiatic and African Elephants-. An Arabian Army of CanieN and Dromedaries. A Host of Special Quadrupedal Features necr before Exhibited. The Only Antipodal Audubon Aviary. The Only Arctic Aqua rium. The Only Annex of Prodigious Human Contradictions. Without extra charge, in the Largest, Coolest, licet Seated, and Most Brilliantly Illumined and Suporblj Decorated Separate Canvas Coliseum ever Designed, A SIS CONTINENT Q-RAND GEtCUS CIRCLE! THE LOVELIEST EQUESTRIENNES. AND MOST ILLUSTRIOUS HAKE HACK RIDERS, ATHLETES, ACR015ATS, CLOWNS, AND SPE CIAL AND GENERAL PERFORMERS OF EVERY NATION. Presenting an Inlinitely Varied Programme, a Cla-sic, Chaste and Pure as Incomparably Pre-eminent. An Amazing Separate Arena of Animal Actors ! Including Ponderous Performing Elephants, Superb Trick IIorc, Midget Ponies, Equestrian Dogs, Ape Actors, Gymnastic Go its and Motley Monkeys, constituting a most ludicrous MIRTHFUL MINIATURE CIRCUS FOR THE UTILE FOLKS! fcvTK ?S3&-1 rsss2L -JzrV&ffii3 VC THE ALABII1 STKEET ENTRY OF THE CHEAT FAMILY FIELD SHOW OF AMERICA WJLL BE MADE AT FROM TO 10 O'CLOCK ON THE MOltNIXtJ OF EXHIBITION. ALL OTHER PAGEANTS, POVERTY BCSIDE THIS Massive Moving Miracle of G-olcLeii G-lory ! Come early, BRING THE VIIOLE FAMILY, and he snre to scenre good plaee to r.tze in admiration and gleeful wonder upon the Illimitable and Inde scribable Stream of AM M ai Anic airs i i PuWic Streets ! A Grand Menagerie gratuitously manifest, a Crosar's Caravan of Captive Mam moths on the highway shown, IIuc Jungle Monart.hs loose on Dazzling Dens, Music's Gold-encru&ted Mountain, Apollo's Stupendous Steam Chariot Piano, "Whose Melodious Music may be heard for miles. A VERITABLE LIVING AVALANCHE! An Allegoric Army, Squadrons of Stately Steeds, a Princely Retinue of Pano plied Retainers, a'Triuinphal Procession of Croesus Chariots, 'serving as a littiuir kkee millionaire introduction of THE MAJESTIC M0ITABCH OF THE E0AD AND RAIL ! The Grandest, Purest and Most Vaiied Embodiment of Natural Object Twli ing and Moral Amusement either Hemisphere has ever Known. Monopolizing More New and Imported Noeltie, More Curious and Costly Living "Wonders, and Inlinitely More Tent Talent than were ecr before presented iu any Travel ing Enterprise. two iMD mmm Menagerie aud Museum Doors Open Grand Separate Arena 1 hour later. Admission, . Children under 9 years, EST" One Ticket admits to Menagerie, Museum and Circus. .A. G-rancl ITree A.scensioii ! "Will take place on the Show Ground immediately after the Street Parade. A daring Ascensiouist upon a the largest tent. fragile cord THE I SECOW will also exhibit at Dawd city, Monday, June 2Cd. Osceola, Tuesday, 24th. Schm lcr, Thursday, 20th, and don't forget HCoiumbus, Wednesday, June 25. IS COMING-! 500 m at 1 1 MIL?. Presentations iu the 50 Cents. 25 " walking from the ground to the top of and 7 r. m. THE HOWE! Sewing Machine, Challenges Comparison, Distances omnctition, Surpasses Ex pectation, Gives Univer sal Satisfaction. UNRIVALLED IN CONSTRUCTION, UNEQUALLED IN DURABILITY, UN.sURPASSED IN APPEAR- ANCE, UNEXCELLED IX ADJUSTMENT, UNAP- rnoACHKD in rixi&ii. UNPRECEDENTED IN OPERATION, UNQUESTIONED IN EXCEL- LENCE, UNDOUBTED IN SUPERIORITY, Undersold by None! UNDENIABLY TIIK 1IKST SEWING MACHX3T3H KVKK INVKNTKI). J. E. TASKER & BRO., Agents, JSTOfflcc with A. HENRY, OLIVE ST., : COLVMBUS,NEB. 451-tf r, -i c: o i i ri C5 a -s !- c'a? 2, CO 5 H x S.? s "t S co O co s :Z s Ui iyw - ij .5a ST r 1 rr ? fcc. " A ? S e L ZZ. sr. r-fej D -li. S-y. g- -s d jiri) m 5K 3 a 33 H -rj i i V 5r --i 1? S3 en O tJ S CO 2-Ph o co o CD - O -s H- g- SPEICE & K0RTH, Genera Agents for the Sale of Real Estate. Union Paeilic, and Midland Pacific It. It. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash, or on five or ten years time, iu annual payments to suit pur chasers. "We have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, tor sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lots in the city. "We keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte Countv. 033 coBJMnus, wen. RAMBSS k SADDLES -Daniel Faucctte, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hamsss, Wk, Eridk:, and Cellars, keeps constantly on hand all kinds of whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry combs, Erushes, Bridle Bits, Spur's, Cards. Harness made to order. Re pairing done on short notice. NEBRASKA AVENUE, Columbus. o3.1. GrALBRAITHBROS (Successors to Gus. Lockner) Dealkk ix All kinds op Agricultural Implements AGENTS TOR Tho Improicil Klrran! Harrostcr, Wood Dinilrr, Jlowrrs, Koapcr. and SplflUlm- AMo the famous Jlinnoota Chief Tliroslier.llnilgcs' He.iiirr. and insliln Jin).' celebra ted tnncless Hind JIIH Pomps etc., ItBirr Tops or nil stjhs Just recelred. ITarmcrfe. loolc to your in lex'Ctets and. livens n oall. aAJLTHZAJLTZL BROS. LAND FOE SALE. Eighty acres, in Sec. 12, T 1- 1 1 IS -..Lz .1 . ifeJ. of Columbus: 70 acres un- uer tiic piow; i acres . yr. old trees walnut and cottonwood of Rood size. Dwelling-house, 12x2S feet, V stories hiph; good well; two granaries; sta bling, hog-yards, c Small fruits such as currants, blackberries, &c Conven ient to school hou-e and good outlet to roads. Price, $1,350 Wi II sell farm ma chinery if desired. Address at Colum bus, Platte Co., Nebr. Martin Hoixkrix. Book-keepera, Reporters, Operators, Teachers, OrcatlfforcantileCollego.KeokukJowa I H S H Co" 3 s l-J - ' mmJ 1879, THE ohwhts gjomnnl Is conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the host mutual inter ests of its readers and its publish ers. Published at Columbus. Platte county, the centre of the agricul tural portion of Nebraska, it is read by hundreds of people east who are looking towards Nebraska as their future home. Its subscribers in Nebraska aro the staunch, solid portion of the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the Jol'knal has never contained a "dun" against them, and by the other fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings its reward. Itusiuess is business, and those who wish to reach the solid people of Central Nebraska will lintl the columns of the JoLUNALa splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly alwas want ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, we have so proidcd for it that we can furnish envelopes, let ter head, bill heads, circulars, peters, etc., etc., on very short notice, and promptly on time a we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum $2 00 " Six montliK ion " Three months, 00 Single copy sent to any address in the United States for 5 ots. M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. JOHN WHOLESALE AND S&i KSr-iU fiL.il !,SSM -erj tS.xrjp-' 1870. "fr1 M& "l mJ2te ST0YES, IRON, TINARE, ESSI li2Z.3g Nails, Rope, Wagon Material, Slass, Paint, Etc., COLUMBUS, :ssa a "R otwi-waw. b(' S t i O rwiir nrf mSamSccitaSltsJiassisi cSasincsg w AVholcsale and Ect.iil Dealer in MUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, window ar,A.ss, PEEFUMEUY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Ml II Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-cla Drug Store. Dealers in surrounding country will find it to their interest to purchase from him, as he can and will give ltBD-ROCK PKIOES. Prescriptions Carefallv Compounded. JSTA GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPEIi ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. 353 i ML, mT M& SP I The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Co's (ff.alc SiuiioI(l & rticnzlc,) Fire and Buroriar Proof! HAVE THE BEST All leading Eailroi I Espress Companies Not One Lost in the Two Great Fires in Chicago; also preserved the contonts in every instance, at Independent"?, Iowa; at Central City, Col.; at O&hkosh, Wis., and at all placet have stood the test, without failure. All Sizes for Sale and Made (o Order. Old Safes taken in Exchange. County and. JSnnlc lYorlc siKpecinlfy. 1'riccs u.s low as Good Worlc can 1 KZndc. D. S. C0VENT, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 234 HAMMOND HOUSE Formerly Pacific House. This popular house has been newly Hefitted and Furnished. Meals, 3ct. Day Board per week, ?4.00. Board and Lodging, 5 and ?0. Good Livery and Feed Stable in con nection. SATIS FA TION GUARANTEED. JOHN HAMMOND, Proprietor. CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN 3Et AIIiTP-AY, ( . Tho Groat Trunk Line from tho "West to Chicago nml tho East. It Is tho oldest, shortest, mo.t direct, convenient, comfortable and In every respect the best lincyoq can take. It Is the greatest nnd grandest Itaihvaj organization in the United States. It owns or controls 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY FUIXMAN HOTEI. CABS are run alon by It through between COUNCIL BLTJITS & CHICAGO I No other road rnns Pullman Hotel Cars, or any other form of Hotel Cars, through, between the Missouri River and Chicago. PASSENOKRS GOING EAST should bear In mind that this Is tho BEST ROUTEWCHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passengers by this route havo choice of FIVE DIFKKKENT KOOTES and the advantage of Eight Daily TJuos Palace SleepIngCars from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN POINTS. Inelst that tho Ticket A:nt sellsyoa tickets by the North-Westcrn Road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read over this Road. All Agents fell them and Check usual Baggage Freo by this Line. Through Tickets via thl3 Route to all Eastern Tointa can be procured at the Central Pacific Rail road Ticket Office, foot of Market Street, and at I New Slontcomcry Street, San Francisco, and at all Coupon Ticket Offices of Central Paciflc, Union Pacific, and all Western Railroads. New York Office, No. 415 Broadway. Boston Office, No. 5 State Street. Omaha Office, 215 Parn hani Street. San Francisco Office, 3 New Mont gomery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : C2 Clark Street, under Sherman House ; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street ; KJnzie Street Depot, corner West KInzio and Canal Streets ; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Klnzie Streets. For rates or Information aot attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to MAnvra HroniTT, W. H. Stexxctt, Gcn'I M&ug'r. Chicago. Oen'l rasa. Ag't. Chicago- RETAIL DEALEU I! :, &7?UF J&. ywjy wj WIWW fflk 6E IP lals??J 1 r&a51 !SI2Si55feSI2S?MKa k3rk-i'?V!zsx&TZESS?Z GSGa&Ezsitixwsez NEBRASKA. TSVS.V1 ill JL?JL &, RECORD OF ALL. and Bankers in Mortet k?s fcm, SWEET CIDER -AND- 'JF& fj MT 1. IA3I constantly receiving the choicost of Michigan cidor and applos. Call and taste for yourself. 53-i. Wm. IJE( kei: M C O C O 5, BJ .11 K 11 S Restaurant and Saloon! E. I). SHEEHAX, Proprietor. AVhoIcsald and Retail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AXD CIGAKS, DOUBLIM STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. ZJTKeMHcbf Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTEES, In their seaten, BY THE CASE. CAN OH DISH, 11th Stroot, Sonth of Dopot CITY MEAT MARKET, OS ;iio;i koejsj:. AVill keep on hiuul all kimls ol Kreh anil S ilt .Mint's al-o :tuitKt', l'ultrv. Frith Fish, etr., all iu their seavui. Cath paid for Hides. Lard and l!a-:o- AVILL.T. UICKLY. CEHTEAL 1AT 1IET OTi IlJli STKKiri'. Dealers in Kreth and Halted Moat. Sc. Town Lot-i, AVMd. llitli, &. .1. KIUKLV, Agent. CeluinbtiH, Jiiho I, 1HIT. "YOU BET?1 A. W. LAWRENCE, A(5KXT V()i TIIK 1 WIND MILL, "U'ill hereafter he fonnd THRHB DOORS SOUTH of the leU Office, where he keeps a full Iii)e of every style PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, And the Celebrated J X L FEED MILL. As lie keens a Pump Honor rxi.'liiirrlr, He is able to sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Pump for any depth well. Pump1 driven or repalreiL and Rod-i cut. GIVE m A 3S CALL .D SAVE JIOXEY. BECKER & WELCH, PE0PEIBT0ES 0? SHELL CEEEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & "WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OF F re E, COL UJfJi US, NEB Dr. A. HEINTZ, DKAI.KK IN u. medicines, mm. Fine Soaps, Brushes, PESFUHERY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand b Druggists. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. One door TAit of Galley', ob rile veil th Street, COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA iT NEW STORE -AND- New Stock. A full, frch supply of groceries, STAPLE AND FANCY, Just openod, and for sale at low-down prices. ST" Olive Street, opposite She ''I'uttcrxall." james McAllister. Wm. SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES! A romplrleattortmrat Of laiHm'anii Chll drm'sMicx kept on haml. All Work Warranted!! Our Motto Good stock, excellent work and (air prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing Cor. Olive and Sis. 12tu ) P 4 mmf