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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1879)
k c c r $ Kit 5 THE JOURNAL. OFFICIAL PAPER OF PLATTE COUNTY. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1879. Communication!!, to Insure insertion In the next isue. i-hould be In hand on Mondavfi; if lenpthy, on "Thursdays precedlnr Issue-day. Advertisements, of whatever class, should be In hand by noon, Tuesdays. Advertisements under this head 15 cts. a line fim insertion, 10 eta. aline I f ach subsequent insertion. Show to-day. "Good behavior is the best" Maple syrup at Geo. Rieder's. Two tramps taken up Mouday. Upholstered lounges cheap at Gcrber's. Lawrence's genuine Nebraska breaker. Lawrence's genuino Nebraska breaker. A northeastern railroad still talked of. J lies aud jars at Ilasraussen & Schraiu's. "Wanted A good cook at the Ne braska I10U6C. Dwelling houses for rent. Call on Bccher & Price. Alden Dried Apples juetreceiv- cd at Li co. Kicucr s. Fruit jar6 and jelly tumblers at Rasmusson & Sch ram's. Ottic Baker rctnembers the printers these hot days. Rcimer & Stolcc have fired their first kiln of S5.000 brick. Improved oil 6loves, the best in the market at "Wiggins's. For lounges of the latest styles nnd prices, go to Gerber'e. Two good dwelling houses for pale. Apply to Bechcr & Price. Last Sabbath was the longest day of the present calendar year. Fine lot of new hooks at E. D. Filzpatrick's, opposite post office. Prepared mustard by the quart or gallon, very cheap, at Geo. Rieder's. John Wiggins on 11th street sells the Adams & "Wcstlake improv ed oil 6toves. A Stover wind-mill, new, for ?50. Call on J. C. Elliott, Ham mond House. Jacob Gutcr says that tho best wheat he has seen this year was on low, sandy soil. The Schuyler firemen arc making arrangements to celebrate the 103d annivcrsarj", &c. Thcro will be servico in ihe Episcopal church next Sunday, June 29th, at eleven A. M. The bct of Wisconsin, hard finish, white lime for sale at Hun nciuan and Tolman's. David City i making prepara tions to celebrate the Fourth, and extends a general invitation. Monday night until 10 o'clock was very sultry, the warmest even ing we have had this season. Watch your treasures; the offi cers say that there are some suspi cious looking characters around. Found. A pair of boots. Prove property and pay for this notice, and you can have the boots at this office. Mr. Galey tells the Lincoln Journal that tho cars will be run ning to Seward on the new road by Oct. 1st. Children's servico at tho Con gregational Church next Sabbath morning. Let all the children at attend. Fire, fire, fire crackers, torpe does, flags, pistols, guns cannons, drums, etc., at E. D. Filzpatrick's opposite post office. Auy one wishing to board in a private family may apply to Mrs. E. L. Sherman, two blocks north of tho Hammoud House. 2 We are told that Jerome Cleve land has skipped tho country dig ging out last Saturday. Some of his creditors were after him Monday. Johu Kclley of this city has pur chased .of Loveland&EIIis the appa ratus for moving buildings, and is prepared to attend to all calls in that line. The yursery for July is at hand. Subscribe for it, for your children ; it is one of the indfcpensablcs in house-keeping. Jno. L. Shorey, Boston, Mass., publisher. The ladies of the Episcopal church will hold their next sociable at the residence of Mrs. George Ilulst, Wednesday evening, July 2d. All are cordially Invited. Mr. Brainard has been making considerable addition to bis room at tho red -front drug -store. Of course this means that his bueinees is increasing, and he must provido for it. Gala day at Jackson the Fourth of July. John Strasser will provide for the crowds that are to be there. Speeches, fire-works, and dancing from 1 o'clock of tho Fourth, till daylight next morning. "We learn that the boss crop of corn and oats is now growing on tho old Pennsylvania farm, six miles east of town, known as the old Anderson farm ; the corn, 30 acres, is nearly three feet high. An adjourned meeting to organ ize a military company will be held at the Engine House, this city, next Friday evening. Turn out. The or ganization must be completed and officers elected at that time. A car-load of the celebrated Dewey Harvesters just received at A. TV. Lawrence'6. Remember this is the boss harvester, and the one that sold so readily and gave such universal satisfaction last year. If you want to keep out flies and bugs, go to Iluuneinan's and order a screeu door. Improved oil 6tove awarded silver medal at Paris Exposition of 187S. Buy one of Wiggins. A. TV. Lawrence has just receiv ed a car load of new wagons. They are for sale. Cull and get one. TVm. Becker, at bis machine depot, has received a car-load of Buckeye reapers aud harvesters. Don't buy a wagon until you see the Fish. Becker sells them as cheap as a good wagon can be sold T No such tea ever brought to Columbus as that just re ceived at Geo. Rieder's. T Ladies of Columbus should see tho 6hclf paper, only 1 cent a sheet, at Doland's Columbus Drug Store. First arrival on tho A. & N. A. J. Arnold has just received a large invoice of the Rockford quick train It. R. watches. Freights down. Burcaus.lounges, rocking-chairs pictures, safes, and everything in the furniture line at F. Gerbcr's on 11th St., one door cast of Heintz's drug store. The Adams & Wcstlake improv ed oil stove is the only one hidorecd by the Insurance and Fire Depart ments of Chicago. John TViggins 6clls them. Mclntyre has samples of ex cellent roofing material. If we didn't consider the matter of ex traordinary public interest, we shouldn't mention it in this way. Farmers, if you want good, heavy young teams of mules, call on Dan. Condon at D. Ryan's stables. Will sell or trade for cattle cheap, and part on time with good security. G. Hellborn, opposite Clother's hotel, says A. & N. bonds carried the entire line, freights down, and he can sell suits of clothing very cheap aud material way down for cash. TVebcr & Knoble's shop in this city was broken into last Thursday night, the lock on the drawer bro ken, and all the pennies taken out. No money except pennies is left in the till over night. Mr. L. M. Saley of this city has been feasting on new potatoes occa sionally this month, raised on his own lot. Ho showed us Friday a uico specimen of tho new article, of the Early Rose variety, as largo as a goose egg. We want to secure regular cor respondence from every precinct in the county. TVc get sonic excellent letters on local matters, but arc de sirous of more. We will he pleased to hear from any one who wishes to engage in the matter. Whenever, for any reason, a newspaper is not taken out of the post-office by the person to whom it is addressed, the postmaster is re quired by law to notify the publisher of the fact, together with the cause, "removed," "refused," &c. Wc learn from a reliable source that the people of Madison held a public meeting Inst Thursday, at which they voted almost unani mously to ssk the Union Pacific railroad company to submit a prop osition to the precints to vote bonds. I. Gluck purchased last week of Spcice & North, the corner lot on North and 11th streets for $1,000. Mr. Gluck intends erecting thereon a largo two-story business building. Speice & North will remove diagon ally across the street opposite to Greiseu's. An important meeting of the Knights of Honor will be held Fri day evening, Juuc 27th. Work in 3d degree. Election of officers and other important business. A full attendance is desired. C. T. Hen derson, Reporter, attest, Albert A. Smith, Dictator. On Friday a game of baseball was played hero between two con glomerate clubs, David City and Columbus, mixed. TVhat might be called tho David City club beat what might be called the Columbus club by a score of 2G to 10 ten of a majority, so to speak. The county seat of Nance coun ty is on Fuller's site, west of Cedar river, aud is to be called Fullcrton. B. D. Slaughter has bought a half interest in the town site, and pur poses makiug Fullerton his future home. TVe always gave "Gad" credit for good judgment. Capt. John Hammond deserves considerable credit for always being for the "under dog in the fight." "When a man can find no one else to befriend him or do him a kindly deed, let him go to John with a cer tain prospect .of finding one soul with a spark of generous fire. The big fish sent us was excel lent, but from whom forwarded all agents disclaim any knowledge and it remains a mystery. The sack in which it was sent bears the name of P. H. Kelley, but it may be sup posed that some one borrowed Pat rick Henry's sack to deceive us. The owner can obtain the sack at the Journal office. Rosa Mills has been afflicted for two years past with a cancer on one of her fingers. At first it ap peared as a reddish-purple spot, having somewhat tho appearance of a blood-blister; afterwards it be came callous, but latterly has de veloped Into a rose cancer. Her cousin, Lee D. Mills, has had tho cancer under treatment now for several days, and the little enemy Eeems to be losing bis grip. Jasper Pixley, whoso homo is near Osakis, Douglas Co., Minn., and who has traveled more than a thousand miles in Nebraska and Kansas, started for his home last Tuesday. He says, it he was a young man, ho would like to come to Nebraska, and believes the best laud he has seeu is in the new couuty of Nauce. Wc wish him a pleasant and safe return to his home. Tho first number of tho 2Tatio?i al Magazine and Instructor, a monthly publication by E. H. Mor timer & Co., of Omaha, Neb., is bctore us. Subscription price $2.00 per year, payable half yearly in advance. The aim of the author of this magazine is the improvement of the moral, mental and physical welfare of mankind. The csssy on Truth, inserted in the first number, is alone richly worth the subscrip tion price. It is a homo publica tion, and, judging from the contents of the first number, it will be en tirely worthy of home patronage. It has been suggested to us to call the attention of the proper au thorities to ihe fact that thcro arc quite a number of dogs in tho city, all owned by ono gentleman, and upon which, so far as known, ho has never paid any tax never, in fact, returned them for taxation. Their number is variously estimated at from four hundred to a thousand. It would certainly increase the rev euue of the city if the animals could be put upon the tax-list. It might be well enough for the city fathers to appoint a committee of one to wait upon tho owner and ask him to show cause why, under Ihe law, he should not pay tax on prairio dogs. Tho Surgical and Medical In stitute has had some changes made upon it that will add to the conven ience of patients. A case of surgery took place at the Institute lately that deserves mention. Florence naugnter ot John A. Green, of Boone couuty, had suffered for three years with a fevor sore in tho thigh boiie, and had had several opera tions peformed, without permanent relief. She came to the Institute one day aud went home the next, and has been doing well ever since. A section of the thigh bone about two inches in length, that had sepa rated from the sound part, was ex tracted, the operation taking about five minutes time, the patient being placed under the influence of chlo roform. On last Friday evening, about dusk, John McGwinn, who lives on Elm creek, lost his dwelling-house and all its contents by fire. The family were not left even a bite of victuals from the burning, but everything was taken, flour, clothes, furniture, beds, &c, &c, and it was a mercy that the little ones, too, were not burned. Wc are not per sonally advised of Mr. McGwinn's needs, but doubtless some substan tial aid in his lime of trouble will not be out of place. His house, wo learn, was insured, but whether he will be able to make satisfactory settlement with the insurance com pany remains to be seen. It would not be out of place for some of Mr. McGwinn's friends to help him in the matter. David Anderson says that after the completion of the A. & N. road, Columbus will be Ihe most import ant hog and cattle mart in the Stale ; he believes fat cattle for Chicago and St. Louis will bo driven from tho Upper Loup, Niobrara, and the Elkhorn, to this point for shipment, having here the advantage of two routes to the two best markets in the west, and that hogs from other stations of the two roads will be shipped aud re-shippod from Co lumbus. It seems that Mr. Ander son has studied the transportation aud railroad question pretty thor oughly, and informed Sup't Clark at the beginning of tho late bond contest tint our people were thor oughly aroused to the importance of a competing road, and that the bonds would undoubtedly carry by a large majority, when the people had a chance by ballot to express themselves. Mr. Anderson speaks, though, in high terms of the good management of the U. P. R. R., and the gentlemanly and courteous treat ment shippers receive from the officials and employees of the U. P. road. L. M. Cook, of this city, was ar rested last Thursday on complaint of Ella Cook, his own daughter, charging him with tho attempt to have sexual intercourse with her. A hearing of the case was had be fore Judge McAllister, who bound him over to answer to the charge before the District Court iu the sum of $3,000. Mr. Cook failed to give the required bond, and is now con fined in the couuty jail. A child 60 young and artless would not invent a story of this kind, and it would be sad indeed to be compelled to believe that we have had among us a man who would be guilty of such a hein ous crime. Iu such cases, however, it is altogether best for individuals and communities, as far as it is pos sible, to suspend judgment until a full, fair and Impartial legal trial is bad, so that even-handed justice may be done. Because of the enormity and the loathsomeness of the crime, if for no feeling of sym pathy for the accused, should the judgment be suspended until proof fastens him to his just punishment, or clears him from the reproach of the accusation. Personal. Mrs. Ira Mullen is improving in health. E. G. Squires of Newman's Grovo called on us Saturday. Hon. E. W. Arnold of Grand Is land was in the city Monday. Mrs. C. D. Rukestraw of Genoa is visiting relatives of this city. Elder G. TV. Galley goes to Madi son county this week to attend con ference. Byron Millett.Esq., left for Colfax count)' Monday morniug, on a col lecting tour. Geo. Rieder was stricken down suddenly with billious fever Tues day of last week. Carl, John and Louis Staab have left for Stanton to work on tho Elk horn Valley R. R. Manton Marble, Tilden's bower, passed east to-day from San Fran cisco in a special car. TV. F. Harris of Boone county was in the city Friday, and called at Journal headquarters. Mr. TV. C. Sutton of Boone county was in the city last Saturday. lie reports crop prospects good. TVm. Thomas, who lies very ill at his home, south, is being visited by his mother and sister of Soward. ' ' Rev. Phelps from Alleghany, Pa., delivered two interesting sermons at the M. E. Church, last Sunday. Clias. Magoon, of the State Uni versity, who has friends residing in this county, was in the city one day last week. W. B. Coffin of this county, went last week to Santee Agency to visit his wife who is principal in the school at that place. J. R. Kinnan of Polk county call ed iu Monday. He says that Osce ola shows considerable more busi ness activity since the completion of tne r; e; Shipp the railroad. TV. Brown of Boone county pped nearly 2700 lbs. of wool from this place Salurday last. Geo. reports the crops in his section as looking "spleudid." Messrs. Towne and Nettleton of the A. N. R. R. Co. were in the city a lew minutes Monday morn ing, coming over from David City to take the east-bound train. Martin Burke, nephew of M. Hoagland, was kicked by a horse last Saturday, and is not expected to live. Tho accident took place near Thos. Flynn's on Shell creek. Miss Serena Olson, of this city, and Miss M. B. Litle, of Boone Co., step daughter of Mr. Sutton, return ed to this city last Saturday evening from the Stale Normal School,whcro the former graduated with many honors. S. L. Holman, Esq., of Laporje, Ind., was in tho city Thursday. He is making arrangements to become a citizen of Nebraska, again, and will this lime locate at Norfolk. Ho ha landed interests in this city and vicinity. TV. B. Dale returned from Madi son county ycslcrday morning. He reports considerable excitement on railroad matters and prospects there. He passed through a storm yester day morning this side of Madison, tho worst storm he was ever in. James Murrin, representing the Campbell printing presses, was in town Saturduy and Sunday. The Era and Journal have been doing business in Columbus long enough to be able to buy good power press es, but their prices haven't been high enough to lay that much ahead. Osceola. Rising Star Lodge No. 75. 1.O.O.F. was instituted last Thursday night at Osceola, by Grand Master D. 11. Wheeler and Deputy G. M., C. A. Speice. There were four initiates, and the lodge numbers some of Osceola's best citizens. The fol lowing are the officers selected : N. G., Alexander Jay; V. G., F. F. Vogle; Secretary, F. M.'McCarty; Permanent Secretary, TV. F. Kira mel ; Treasurer, G. TV. Gregg. A delegation of ten from TVildey Lodge of this place was present ou the occasion, and speak well of their brethren there, as well as of the general interests of the town, which is full of life and increasing vigor. The recent advent of the O. & RA V. R. R. has given an impetus to the growth of young Osceola which will long be felt. The depot is located a short distance and in a westerly direction from the Louger House, which, by tho way, was some time since enlarged, and is a credit to Osceola one of the noticeable pub lic buildings of the place. An other recent improvement is the Metho dist Church, which would be an ornament to many a larger town. The business portion of tho city is concentrated around the public "square," and there seems to be no reason why 6he shall not continue to go forward on the highway of prosperity into which she has en tered. Police Court. Frank Queen and Chas. "Watson, arrested on charge of burglary. Bonds fixed at $1200. Sent to prison. L. M. Cook, arrested on a charge of incest; bond fixed at ?3,000. Sent to prison. C. I. Bennett, for drunkenness, fined $2 and costs. Just Itcceired. At Galbraith Bros., a car load of Walter A. "Wood's machinery, harvesters, binders, reapers and mowers. The liurclars. Thursday night John TViggins's hardware store on 11th street was ontered by burglars at a rear win dow, one of the lights being taken out so that they could get at the window fastener. They took three revolvers, a screw-driver aud about 30 to 50 cents that was in the money drawer. Nothing else was fouud missing. The same night they got into TVeber & Knobel's meat shop, aud took perhaps 50 cents. The same night some one reached into John Hempleman's bed-room, got his pants and vest, and searched them, evidently, but left them. The watchman kuew nothing of theso performances the night being dark, and a heavy rain falling all the time, so that ordinary noises could not be heard. But John Mc Mahou saw two men get on tho train at 4:30 iu tho morning aud, hearing of tho burglaries, he tele graphed to know where the men had been put oflf, and was answered " at Schuyler." Taking the train at 11 o'clock, he fouud his men at Schuyler, aud succeeded, with the aid of Henry Hashberger, City Mar shal of Schuyler, in arresting them after some show of resistance. TViggins's pistols and seventy cents iu money were found on their per sons, besides a good gold watch and a pair of burglar's nippers. Colum bus may be a good place to break into, but it is a bad placo to break out of. McMahon has worked out several cases lately and deserves credit for being aclive, vigilant and persevering and having a certain other good quality iu a policeman which may be named bull-dogism. The Great Way of Hot ami SCccrealiou. Both tho brains and bodies of hard-working men cry daily lor rest, until complaining nature finally breaks beneath the burden of tho't and toil, and the unheeded voice of warning is stilled forever in the premature grave. Rest aud recrea tion arc the very handmaidens of intelligent, successful and profitable labor, and he who dismisses them as idle, worthless companions, closes the door against those recuperative agencies, without which the ma chinery of botli mind and body runs with dull, heavy, constantly increas ing iriclion, and finally suddenly goes all to pieces, like the deacon's celebrated one-horse cbai-c. Time is valuable in fact, invaluable but not for the slavish pursuit of gain alone. At the needed and proper lime it is. invaluable for rational relaxation and amusement, and he who teaches his children this, as taught in Ihe Scriptures themselves, will make of them wiser, and bellcr, and healthier, and more useful, and more noble men and women. The task-master should not be the sole companion of the old, to make them a burden unto themselves; nor of tho young, to make them prema turely old. lie should, at the proper season and within proper bounds, be locked up in the office, tho work shop, the barn and the school-house, while the world's children, of all ages, go in for a regular, out and out, unrestrained, mirthful holiday. Take, our advice, then, and leave the hard-hearted, iron-fisted, wrink led, grimy old curmudgeon there, when Anderson & Co.'s Great World's Menagerie and Interna tional Circus exhibits at Columbus, onWednesday, June 25th, and if you don't go back to your homes with lighter hearts, clearer heads, strong er hands and sunnier minds, the price of admission will be refunded and all expenses paid. Inciter flilKt. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining In the post-office, In Columbus, for the week ending June 21, 1879: lieale Harry II .Jewell L II. Currcn Sarah E Connelly Samuel Graves Ilenry llariues Ira Robbison T DeWitt Schan'uer John Tarble Mrs John Webb John Persons ealling for these letters will say "advertised." E. A. Gerrard, 1. 31. Wanted. One thousand dozen Eggs at Geo. Rieder's for which he will pay the highest market price. MARRIAGES. KILEY DOLE On the 19th of June, by Judge J. G. Higgins, 31 r. Thomas Itiley and 3Iiss Jane S. Dole, all of Platte county. SPOOXEIt 3IAR3IOY On the 19th of June, by Judvo J. G. Hiirgins, Geo. T. Spooner and 31iss 3Iary E. 3Iarmoy, all of this city. FIDDLY WEAR On the 9th day of June, by Rev. R. Chrlstison, John S. Findly and 31iss Sarah E. Wear, all of this city. 3ICALLISTER 3IILLETT In Co lumbus, June 18th, l& the residence of the bride's father, N. 3Iilictt, Esq., Judge S. S. 3IcAIIiHter to 3Iiss Emma Jlillctt, Rev. Thos. Bayno officiating. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents a line each insertion. Pure apple jelly at Bullard's. New Soda fountain at Hudson's. For Parasols and Fans go to Kramer's. Ladies' slippers 25 cts. a pair at Galley Bros. Baking powder for 20 cts. per pound at Bullard's. Cool soda water a most refresh ing drink at Hudson's. A complete suit of clothes for $3.00 at I. Gluck's Store. TVhite Rose B. powder only 25c per lb. can at M. Smith's. Ladies' Misses' and Children's fine shoes, at Greisen Bros. Good table linen at 25 cts. a yard can be found at Kramer's. Just received at Kramer's, gen uine Torchou laces very cheap. Men's Kip two-buckle TIow Shoes at Bonesteel Bros., for $1.00 per pair. R. T. Bullard is giving away piles of tea. Call and get somo while they are going. Just received a fullt supply of oranges and lemons for picnics and celebrations at Hudson's two doore west of Hammond House, Ice cream every day at Hud son's. Pure apple jelly at R. T. Bul lard's. Mackerel, very fine, at Marshall Smith's. 2t Men's caps 10 cts. apiece at Gal ley Bros. Ladies' Lineu Suits for $1.00 at I. Gluck's. Green Uhlig's. wire cloth at Robert Ot Calico TVrappers at GO cents at I. Gluck's. See advertisement of choice res dence lots. Oatmeal cakes for dyspeptics at Hudson's. Parasols and faus, very cheap, at Drake & Smith's. 2t Syrup for less than cost al the North Star grocery. Good Comforter Calico for 4 cents at I. Gluck's. First rate dried beef at TVeber & Knobel's meat market. Men's Plow Shoes at Bonesteel Bros, at G5 cts. per pair. Ladies' Slippers at Bonesteel Bros, at 25 cts. per pair. Tho finest lino of Dres3 Goods iu the city at Galley Bros. Galley Bros, have the best line of 10 ct. Dress goods in town. Procure ono of thoso fine feather dusters, at Galley Bros. Teas a specialty at M. II. O'Brien's grocery on 11th street. White Fish by the bbl. or kit cheap, at Marshall Smith's. 2t Dress goods at basement figures in Central Block, by Drake & Smith. California canned fruits, dried pears and pitted plums at Hudson's. Buy sash weights at the Colum bus Foundry, only 2. cts. perjb. John Mullcr is permanently lo cated in Arnold's Jewelry Store. If you wish to buy goods at one uniform low price, call en Galley Bros. Ruches, Linen collars, Lace lies, and Ladies' hose, at 5 cts. at Galley Bros. I. Gluck's store is plumb full of new goods: don't lail to go and sec !W . them. Be sure to call al Robert Uhlig's Hardware House for stoves, and get prices. 4t All kinds of Pumps, pipes and fittings cheap at the Columbus Foundry. Galley Bros, are determined to meet all competition aud'scll goods on the square. Men's calf boots only if 1.50 a pair at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Greisen Bros, arc selling the Reed & Weaver Fine Shoes, the best in the market. Just received a choice supply of jumbles, ginger-snaps and cookies at Hudson's. Good caps only 5 cts.; Straw hats only 10 cts., ut Kramer's N. Y. Cheap Cash Store. Lace bunting and all late and stylish dress goods at Kramer's N. Y. Cheap Cash Store. Just received, n car load of Smith wagons. Call aud sec them at A. TV. Lawrence's. For the choicest of family groceries, at the lowest living rates, call on M. II. O'Brien. You can find the cheapest and best Goods iu Columbus for the money at Bonesteel Bros. Take your watch to John Mul- ler and have it made a perfect time keeper, or money refunded. Tin milk-pans and milk-strainers at greatly reduced prices at Robert Uhlig's hardware store. 5 Trunks, Trunks, Trunks; with all the latest improvements aud at the lowest figures, at Galley Bros. For Sale. A good young mare very cheap for cash or on time. Thos. Faukell. Don't fail to see Bonesteel Broo. cheap Fine Boots; they aro the best in Columbus for the money. ff TVill buy a good iron V0U.UU Pump with 14 feet of pipo and point at the Foundry. Boy's Summer coats only 25 cts., Men's Summer coats 50 cts., at' Kramer's N. Y. Cheap Cash Store. Just received, one of the finest stocks of boots and shoes that ever came to Coluuibu3, at Greisen Bros. A fall line of ladies' misses' and children's linen suits always on hand at Kramer's N. Y. Cheap Cash Store. Full line of Men's, Ladies', Mis ses aud children's Boots and Shoes, from Ihe cheapest to best grades,Gal lcy Bros. The largest, best and cheapest stock of clothing in town can be found at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. A good cabinet maker, a single man, can find steady employment at Henry Gasa's coffin store, by apply ing immediately. Tasker Bros, offer ono elegant new Howe Sewing Machiuo with folding top for $30 cash, or on time with good security. Go to S. T. Hill's to get your watches, clocks and Jewelry repair ed. Store with C. L. Hill's book store on Olive street. Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-Iabor, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for ealo at the Journal office. Oue new Howe Sewing Machine with drop leaf and three drawers for $27.50 cash, or on time with good security, J. E. Tasker & Bro. Tasker Bros, don't take sewing machines into the country, but they do sell them enough cheaper to pay the purchaser for taking them home. Remember the-Economist Oil Stove, for all purposes of cooking, baking, broiling, is the best, mo3t perfect and safest of all, at Robert Uhlig's. 6t John Tannahill, ono half mile south east of the Court house, will furnish you good cabbage, tomato and sweet-potatoe plants on ap plication, 472-3t. Fireworks, candies, uutn, and a great variety of notions for the 4th of July at low down prices como and see at Hudson's. Mail orders for goods or sam ples will hnvo my most prompt and careful attention. L. Kramer, N. Y. Cheap Cas-h Store. 1 buy my sheetings and muslins by the bale aud can and do sell them cheaper than any other house in Central Nebraska. L. Kramer's N. Y. Cheap Cash Store. The A. & N. U. R. question i settled. Columbus has grown three feet. If you want somo money to pay the bonds, buy your groceries at the North Star grocery. "Tobe economicalyou must trade at Kramer's Cheap New York Store" you will find the largest and best assortment there and invariably get the lowest prices. It will pay all persons in need of goods, living at a distance, to order them from Kramer's N. Y. Cheap Cash Store. Tho lowest pri ces and perfect satisfaction invaria bly guaranteed, or money reluuded. Good news to people of Platte and adjoining counties. Great re duction in Lumber prices at the yard of Jaeggi & Schupbach. Prices down to bed rock terms strictly cash. Give them a call. Ladies' calico wrappers only 50 els., ladies' grass cloth suits only 75 ct3., ladies' linen dusters only $1.25, at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Hosiery cheaper than ever at Kramer's N. Y. Cheap Cash Store 2 pair men's Socks for 5 cts. Children's fancy Hose per pair 5 ladies' white " " . . 5 ladies' striped " " .. 5 Do your own painting, and buy tho genuine Chicago Enamel Paint, ready-mixed for use, fully warrant ed to give the best satisfaction. It is composed of the, strictly pure White Lead and Linseed Oil, and docs not blister, pee', fade, crack or chalk ofl"; can he got now at Ihe astonishing low price of $1.G0 a gallon. Barn paints at $1.00 a gal lon, at Robert Uhlig's Hardware House. 471-St DSoutu to Stent To a man that won't run away and cheat mo out of tho runt. 476-3 N. G. Bonesteel. Wiiii trd. A pony, or young cattle, in ex change lor first-class sewing ma chine?. J. E. Tasker & Bro. NliepJicril X'uppics For sale at $2 apiece by R. C. Car penter of Butler Co. Address at Columbus post-office. St. Found. A carpenter's level. It can be had by the owner's proving proper ty and paying 25 cts. and the cost of this notice. Sta!I-fcd beef always on hand at TV. II. Randall's meat-market. Dou't mistake tho place Olive St., four doors north of Hammoud House. B2orsc For Sale. A spau of good, young work hor ses, with a set of harness, cheap fur cash. Inquire of John Cramer, nine miles north of Columbus. Also a good self-rake reaper. Ntruy EXor.Hc. Monday night, June lGth, from Tattersall stable, Columbus, a dark bay horse, 1G hands high, white strip on face 7 years old A suitable reward will "be given for the return of the hoi30 or information leading to his recovery. Morse & Caix. ESuu.sclioId Fnrniturc tor S:ile. Those wishing to purchase house hold furniture, consisting of beds and bedding, tables, chairs, stoves, dishes, etc., including a complete parlor spt, will do well to call at the store of 47G-3 Bonesteel Bros. ISrick lbs- Mnle. About 70.000 good hard burnt Brick aud 7000 pressed Brick in quantities to suit purchasers. Ap ply to Henry Carew, Alt'y nt Law, 11th St., Columbus, oue door cast of T. C. Ryau's. lOOO .15 en Wanted uud iiSO Teams. To carry oft groceries, flour, &c, can be had for cash butter, eggs, bacon, bams, corn, oats, old potatoes, &c. J. Hoinpleman, 11th Street be tween Rickly'8 meat market and Ryan's Hotel. 475-2 UricU-ivorlf. Thomas Flynn, Rushcl& Co. have entered iuto partnership in brick laying. All kinds of brickwork done, and prices low down. Satis faction guaranteed. Orders left to our address, Columbus post-office, will receive prompt attention. Cloxiup: Out! Cloning Out!! N. G. Bonesteel at the old stand of Ronesteel Bros.' will now close out tho entire Btock of Dry Goods, Soots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Those wishing to buy good goods cheap will find it to their intcsest to call on us at once. 55-x Bonesteel Bros. In man Line. T. C. Ryan is the agent for tho popular steamship line, aud is pre pared to sell tickets to and from Co lumbus to all points in Great Brit ain aud Ireland. All persons desir ing to send for their Iriends in the old country will find this the cheap est aud most reliable route. Chcclccred Hum. This new barn, kept by Pogtle Bros. & Ben Spielman, is now open on 11th st. opposito the Foundry. Call on them if you want to put your horse up for an hour or a month, or if you want to buy, sell or trade horses. Satisfaction guaran teed. Iflore Bonds to be Voted, For the U.' P. Photograph Car is now on the side-track near the depot, and will remain for 10 days only. Mr. Silvis wants every man, woman and child in Columbus, and vicinity to vote 3 dollars for a dozen first-class photographs. All work warranted or no pay. Also for sale the photo graphs of the Olive gang, and the hanging aud burning of Mitchell and Ketchum. Call and &eo them. For Male. Your choice of two improved farms, best of soil, situated in the Loupe Valley, 12 miles northwest of Columbus, aud S miles from Genoa, iu a good neighborhood convenient to School and Post-office, (daily mail), and would be a tirst-class location for a store. Also the fol lowing stock, if desired : Two, No. 1 young, work teams; one span of ponies; three colls; about thirty head of shoals; wagons, harrows, aud a full set ot farming imple ments, in fact cverythingnrcessary to run a first-class farm. Change of busiuess object in selling; must bo sold before April 1st, 1871). Call on or address Geo. Lehman, Monroe P. O., Platte Co.. 456-tf Nebraska IVebraMlm M ardcrer. The State Journal Co. has issued a pamphlet of Tl pages, giving tho life and confession of S. D. Rich nrds, the murderer executed at Miuden. April 2Gth79, with a brief sketch of Olive and his gaug, Dr. St. Louis, McElvoy, Casler and Schlciickcr. Retail price 25 rents, usual discount to tho trade. To bo had ouly of State toHr;m Company, Lincoln, Neb. Choice Ile.shlcHce I.ot.s for Male Choico residence lots for sale iu the southeastern part ot Columbus. From one to forty acres rich, dry soil and no alkali. Aero lots for sale at prices from $20 to $65 per acre. Inquire of Speice & North The above property comprises Uig gins and Spielinan's addition to Columbus. Millinery! .lllllluery! Wc have just received a largo lino of Ladies'. Mines' aud Children's trimmed Hats, Shades, &c, which will be sold at the lowest prices. Galley Bros. SPECIAL N0TICES. Advertisement- under tliN bead live cents a Hue, tlrtt Insertion, three centu a line cm-li subsequent insertion. Worlc Oxen. A number-one yoke of work ox en ter side at Dan. llyan'. ICcuhir Mtoelc Jeler. All kinds of horned stock bought and .sold; :iho fat and .stock hot's. 379-y I. ANDERSON. Valuable Iroprty for Male. House aud lot situated on Olivo .street north of Hammond Hotel, in tbe best business part of tho city. Call upon or address proprietor for price, etc. I'.Uluacii. w3uo3i I,oolc a, Little Oat Urerybody.. I have for sale, 40 yearling steers, 20 yearling heifer. 5) jcood calves, high-rade, yearling bulls, 2 jjood two-year-old bulls, 2 ponies and 20 llerk sliire pigs. ITG-tf I). AXD-R3QX.. Notice. All persons aro warned against trading for two promissory note mail by the undersigned p-iynble to one Kd ward Kimey, one for $100.00, dated about 1st of March last nnd due January Nt, 1N4), the other. It 1.0O, dated tho same date and due about February 1st. lNt), the same being secured by iha'tel mortgage. All of which were obtained by fraud aud misrepresentation. -J71-3t ElKiKNK I5ACON. FA MI PI.OPEUTV FOR SALE. The N". M "- W M, Sec. I, T. IT, It. 1 E., l M.. containing acres. S-ixty acres tinder cultivation, uud the remain der Js good hay land. The improvements are a story and a half frame house with live room", lathed and plastered throughout; a wood hed; new frame stable and granary; corn crib, cattlo shed, hog yards, corral, etc, There I en the place a good well of water. Five acres of grow ing timber consistingof cot ton wood, ash, soft maple, elm,. to. AHo a young fruit orchard consisting of ap ples peaches, cherries, wild plum, currants and goose berry bushes, grape vines, .tc., all in very excellent condi tion. Four miles northeast of Colum bus, it is convenient to market, and is a desirable firm. l'rice$1.1"0. two-thirds cash, remainder iu three equal annual payments. Inquire at the Journal ofifce, for further particulars, or of the undersigned, on the premi-es. 4.-. A.H.GIISSON. I.AW, REAL ESTATE ANI GENERAL COLLECTION OFFICE "W. S. GEEE. M' OXEY TO LOAN In small lots on farm property, time one to three years. Farms with some improvements nought and sold. O'Jice for the- present at the Clother House, Columbus, Neb. 47S-X EAGLE MILLS, tiftt -ON- SHELL CREEK, Near )Iait!:is's Bridge. JOSEPH BUCHER, - Proprietor ESTThe mill Is complete In every par titular for making the best of llcur. A Hiiinre. fair Im.tine.W is the motto. -to."!-!. C0LU3IBCS DRUG STOKE. A.W.DOLAND, (SUCCKSSOK TO DO LAND A SJ1ITU,) Mm, phut minus, AVall Paper, Toilet Articles, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Bsst Of Goods And Low Prices.! ITR. SMITH will still be found at thel li old stand, and will make preicrip tions a specialty, a heretofore. 101-x COLUMBUS Bffl YAED (One mile west of Columbu3.) TIIOJIAS FLYXX & SON, Tropr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICI Always on Hand in QUANTITIES loMiit PURCHASERS .i-H