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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1879)
1 i WKSTIVAKS JIOIJII. Joarnry by Wajon fron ColnuiliOK. liraV, to Wellington Territory Jottings by the IVaj. Ij CAilP, 3 MlLKS W'KST OF IvEARXF Y,l May 17th, ISr.l. f Eihtou Journal: The first part of the journey from Columbus to Grand It-land is nil dotted on each side of the U I. with farm houses :iud out btiihlinjr?, the majority or the dwellings beinir large and com fortable and many of them very co.stlj. Tlie crops look well. The tow us are all growing. Silver Creek has several new buildings in course of erection. Central City is quite a bigness town. We noticed tea ms on (lie street loaded with merchandise for St. Paul, on the Loup. Jlerc wc saw teams on the way to Lcadvillc from Iown, and an out lit for Deadwood, Ulack Hills, with over fifty cows to hlurt u dairy. Grand Island is larger than Co lumbus, and has some liner build ings. The public school in the south part of town is a splendid brick building, and bows date ISIS. Alda, 'Wood Kiver, Shelton and Gibbon are stations along the val ley ol Wood river, the rail road running parallel with the stream. This is one of the most fertile val leys of Nebraska, and is all settled tip. Here we taw tho best crops up to that time. The towns arc all growing cud appear to be doing a good busiucss. 'Kearney is only a small place, but Kearney Junction, 5 miles farther west and 19(1 miles west of Omaha, is tho boss town. It has more busi ucss houses than cither Columbus or Grand Island, with a population between 1500 and 2000. The bebt looking crops on the route are west of Kearney, fields of wheat over 100 acres as fine as could be found anywhere, and I believe all other crops grow as well as iu any other part or the State. There are in this camp now eleven wagous bound for Washington Ty., and bevcu for Montana. James Scully. Says a sententious writer, "No man is born wise." Just so. If he were-wisc, he wouldn't care to be bornprobably. Etiquette says a call should uot be less than fit teen minutes iu length Book agents have been known to remain longer. A conservative is a man who will not look at the new moon out of res pect for that ''ancient institution" the old one. THE BOSS IS COMING-! Til IMBII II The object of all ambition should be to be hnppy at home. If we arc uot happy there wc cannot be elsewhere. "Where can I get good, cheap, plain" board?" asked tho traveler. And the boy sent him to the plain-iug-mill. Grass gets its dew about the only Hfriig in this world that doc. GQTtXnOSXFB. STATE BANK, ZztctzztTZ to Dcrr.ri Z::i iii Tzricr dirt. C0LTTH3US, NEBRASKA. Coming with One Thousand Living Wild Beasts, Birds, Great Performers, Beautiful Horses, Diminutive Ponies, Men, Women, Children, Horses and Ponies, at Columbus, Wed., June 25, 79. ANDERSON & CO.'S MONSTKK Kl'KOPKAN, ASTATIC, AFRICAN, AMEI8ICAN AKCTIC-AND ANTARCTIC WOKLD'S MEN'AGKME, AND GUEAT CHAMPION CHALLENGE CIRCUS I THE HOWE! 61157 CAPITAL, $50,000 mukctous: Leandko (jEUiai:i, Prcs'i. Gr.o. W. IIulst, Vice Pes' Julius A Heed. Edward A. Gekrard. Ahxei: Tuknek, Cashier. The following is a compilation from tho session laws of 1879, in re gard to fines. Five dollars for not turning to the right with a team when nicctinjr another on the public road, il any damage ensue. Twenty dollars fine if any person keeps iu his employ a drunken dri ver on any carriage u&cd as a public covcyance. Five dollars for each time a team is lclt btanding on any public road without being securely late:icd. Twenty dollars for leaving the team of a stage coach containing passengers, iu the road unfastened. Ten dollars for running a team or horse on the public road. Five dollars for driving faster then a walk over a bridge. Sctcard lie porter. 1'lic limenioii of Clemen. The Itcv. J. U. L'eltzly, Lutheran, is out with a calculation of the size of heaven, based on the Ptatement iu the Revolution that the angels "measured with the reed 12,000 fur longs. The length, the breadth, aud the height of it are equal." Taking eight furlongs to equal a mile, he comes to the following conclusions: "The heavenly city will be 1,500 miles in each of its dimensions, which will accommodate all the pcoplo of all the worlds with sep arate apartments. There will be precisely 39,5il,lCG,GGG,GGG,CG3,GCG rooms of fair size, and there will remain over 240,000,000,000,000,000 of mansions unoccupied, to be oc cupied by the aagcls." A Queer Kind of Milk. There is a cow-tree in Venezuela, the milk of which is very much like cows' milk or cream. They go each morning to the forest, make some deep cuts iu the trees, and in less than two hours their vessels arc full They use it to drink and to mix with tapioca and maize. The treo is from forty-five foot to 6ixty iu height, aud has Iongalternatc leaves. The Government of Venezuela sent to the Paris Exposition several bot tles of this milk, which has been aualyzcd by prominent scicntilic men. It contains sugar, casciuc and other things found in cow's milk, but is richer aud much more nutri tious. Prof. Aughcy, of the Nebraska State University, says of this same Boil iu Nebraska: "It can never be exhausted until every hill aud valley which compose it is entirely worn away. Owing to its remarkably fine comminuted silica, of which the bulk of the deposit consists, it pos sesses uatural drainage iu the high est degree, absorbing water like a huge sponge, and, iu time of drought sending up moisture from its great est depths, by capillaiy attraction, for the uceds of vegetation. This is the reason why, over all the region where the deposits prevail, the nat ural vegetation and cultivated crops arc rarclv dried or drowned out. Era vJf mJkE&m 1870. 1879. TUK The Mijjhtiot Confederation of Living Lessons anil Moral and Mirthful Amuse- nicnt Earth has ever known. Under Scp.iratu Stupendous Menagerie, Museum and AinpliitlitiaterTYnts. The Largest and Rarest "WILD BEAST CONCENTRATION since the Deluge. ,500 Kavening Hcyal Monsters and Magnifi cent Sxotie Beasts and Birds. 500 llanlc of Iepoil, Discount and Indian Collections Promptly JIale on all Points. Pa' Interest on 'Time Depos its. 274. R. T. BULLARD, NOETH-CjIlinH. DKALEUS IN n j FRUIT, PROVISIONS. &c. J unuuimiflo Every Oriental Beast ly Adam named. A Complete Zoological Exhibit, of all the Zones. A Colossal C:uaan of Eastern Mammoths. A O.OOO Herd of Asiatic and African Elephants. An Arabian Army of Camels and Dromedaries. A Host of Special (Quadrupedal Features never before Exhibited. The Only Antipodal Audubon Aviary. The Only Arctic Aqua rium. The Only Annex of Prodigious Human Contradictions. Without extra charge, In the Largest, Coolest, Best Seated, and Most Brilliantly Illumined and Superbly Decorated Separate Canvas Coliseum ever Designed, A SIX CQHTffllNT GRAND CIRCUS CIRCL1 ! THE LOVELIEST EQUESTRIENNES. AND MOST ILLUSTRIOUS BARE BACK RIDERS, ATHLETES, ACROBATS, CLOWNS, AND SPE CIAL AND GENERAL PEKFOKMEltS OF EVERY NATION. Presenting an Infinitely Varied Programme, as Classic, Chaste and Pure as Incomparably Pre-eminent. An Amazing Separate Arena of Animal Actors ! Including Ponderous Performing Eleplmnts, Superb Trick Horses, Mid vet Ponies, Equestrian Dogs, Ape Actor-, Gymnastic Goats and Motley Monkeys, constituting a most ludicrous MIRTHFUL MINIATURE CIRCUS FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS! Sewing Machine, Challenges Comparison, Distances Competition, Surpasses Ex pectation, Gives Univer sal Satisfaction. UNRIVALLED IN CONSTRUCTION, UNEQUALLED IN DURABILITY, UNSURPASSED IN APPEAR ANCE, UNEXCELLED IN ADJUSTMENT, UNAP l'KOACIIKI) IN FINISH, UNPRECEDENTED IN OPERATION, UNQUESTIONED IN EXCEL LENCE, UNDOUBTED IN SUPERIORITY, Undersold by INTone! UNDENIABLY THE I1KST SEWING MACHINE KVKU 1NVKNTKD. J. E. TASKER & BRO., Agents, ISrOfiicc with A. HENRY, OLIVE ST., : COLUMBUS, NEB. i5i-tr All the teeth of a certain scolding lady loose, she asked a -physician the cause of it, who answered it proceeded from Ihe violcut shocks the gave them with her tougue. o All Farm Products Souglit and Sold Highest Cash Price Paid, on Goods Exchanged for Produce. ESTGoods delivered uuywhero in the city freo of charge. NEW ItUILMNG ON liTH ST., Ttro Doors East of Journal OfQco. GUS. A. SCHROEDER, DEALER IN HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, PUMPS, PAINT, WIND MILLS AND WAGONS, AND A FLLL LINE Olf Agricultural Implements. Goods sold cheap for cash. SIGN OF BIG AX, 11th STREET. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. J. C, ELLIOTT, AGENT KOn THK STOYER WIND MILL $20 OSCILLATING FEED MILL, And All Kinds of Pump AND PUMP MATERIALS! ALSO Challenge Wind and Peed JTills, Combined Shelter and Grinder, Jfalt Jlills, Horse Poiccrs, Corn Shcllcrs and Panning Jfills. Pniups Repaired on Short Notice, Farmers, come and examine our mill. You ill lind one erected on the premises ofthc Hammond House, in good running order. H ., S m ! r alini(bms oiirmil la conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inter cats of its readers and it publish, ers. Published at Columbus. Platte county, the centre of the agricul tural portion is read by hundreds of people east whoaro looking towards Nebraska as their future home. Its subscribers in 'Nebraska are the staunch, solid portion of the community, as is 'evidenced by the fact lhat the Jouknal has never contained a "dun" ag.iiii.sL them, and by the other fact that ADVERTISING Iu it columns always brings its reward. JSusiness is business, and those who wish to reach the solid people of Central Nebraska will lind the columns of the Jouknal a splendid medium. JOE "WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly always want ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, we have ,o provided for it that we can furnish envelopes, let ter heads, bill heuds, circulars, posters, etc., etc., on verysh'ort notice, and promptly on time as we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum ?2(M) " Six months i o " Three months, 30 Single copy sent to any address In the United States for 5 ets. M. K. TUENER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. Chicago & north-western Tho GroafTranlc IJne from tho "West to Chicago and the East. It Is tho oldest, ahorteet, most direct, convenient, comfortable and In every respect tho best line you can take. It Is the greatest and grandest Railway organization In the United States. It owns or controls 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY PDIXaiAN HOTEL CARS aro run alone by It through between COUNCIL BLTIETS & CHICAGO! No other road runs Pullman Hotel Cars, or any other form of Hotel Cars, through, between tho Missouri River and Chicago. PASSENGERS GOINQ EAST should bear In mind that this la tho BEST ROUTEIzolCHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passengers by this routo have choice of FIVE DIFFEKKNT KOUTES and the advantage of Eight Dally Linos lakco Sloeplnc Cars from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN POINTS. Insist that the Ticket Agent tcllsyoa tickets by the North-Western Road. Examlno your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read over this Road. All Agents fell them and Check usual Baggago Free by this Line. 6 Through Tickets Tla this Route to all Eastern Points can be procured at tho Central Pacific Rail road Ticket Office, foot of Market Street, and at t New Montgomery Street. San Francisco, and at all Coupon Ticket Offices of Central Pacific, Union Pacific, and all Western Railroads. New York Office, No. 415 Broadway. Boston Office, No. 5 State Street. Omaha Office, 245 Faro ham Street. San Francisco Office, a New Mont gomery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House ; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street ; Kinzic Street Depot, corner West Kinzio and Canal Streets ; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or Information not attainable frem your home ticket agents, apply to Mabvix ncanrrr, W. n. Stkxxbtt, Gen'i ilaDK'r, CWcaco. Oca'l 1'oag. AgX CMcgo COLU.1IKU.-S Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAX, Proprietor. "NVhoIesahl anil Itctuil Dealer In Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGAKS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALKS. IJuTJCentHchj Whislies a Sptyialty. OYSTEES, In their smon, BY THE CASS. CAX Ol; ItLSlI, 11th Stroot, South of Sopot CITY MEAT MARKET, ON OJLIVi: ST., 4llONlTK JIAJI- .no.-a house:. AVill kcrp on hiintl all kinds ot Froh anil Salt .Mi-ats, also Sausage, Pe ill try. Fresh Fish, etc., all in their suason. Cash paid lor Illdos, Lard and I5a. on. WILL.T. KICKLY. CITEAL MEAT MAM J ox iuu NXKKirr. Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meat. &c. Town Lots, Wood. Hides, Ac. ,. , , J.lCI('KL'tiCgent. Columbus, June 1, 1877. "YOU BET." A. W. LAWRENCE, ACKNT FOIlTIIi: JOHN WI6GIN ES2H33 ZSSZZZSSZXZ&i tx3 JUL a t-J , L) VJ 5 ' w s0 O-CD Zv -i - i i -. At ' ca v sh PSSl k. . THE ALADDIN STREET EMTBY OF THE GUEAT FAMILY FIELD SHOW OF AMERICA WILL HE MADE AT FKOM 9 TO 10 O'CLOCK OX THE MOKN1XG OF EXHIBITION. ALL OTIIEIl PAGEANTS, POVERTY BESIDE THIS Massive Moving Miracle of Gfoiden G-lory ! Come early, I51MXC. THE "WHOLE FAMILY, and be Miro to seuurc jroort places to raze in admiration and gleeful uoudcr upon the Illimitable aud Inde scribable Stream of MM, Art ill Arei Sjlilrs ill He File Streets ! A Grand Mcnaperie gratuitously nianifcst, a Caspar's Caravan of Captive Mam moths on the highway shown, Ilue Juugle Monarehs loose on Dazzling Denb, Music's Gold-eueruste'd Mountain, polio's Stupendous Steam Chariot Piano, "Whoso Melodious Music may be heard for miles. A VEEITABLE LIVING AVALANCHE! An Allegoric Army, Squadrons of Stately Steeds, n Princely Retinue of Pano plied Retainers a Triumphal Procession of Croesus Chariots, "serving as a lilting rnui: millionaire introduction of THE MAJESTIC KOUAItCH OF THE K0AD AND EAIL ! The Grandest, Purest and Most Varied Embodiment of Natural Object Teach ing and Moral Annulment either Hemisphere has ever known. Monopolizing More New and Imported Novelties, More Curious and Costly Living Wonders, nun iniimtciy jiore Tent Talent tuan were ever belore presented in auy Travel ing Enterprise. immm m mmmmi unr. Menagerie and Museum Doors Open at 1 and 7 r. M. Presentations in the Grand Separate Arena 1 hour later. Admission, ...... 50 Cents. Children undsr 9 years, . . . . 25 " 223" One Ticket admits to Menagerie, Museum and Circus. -A. Gh?ancL Free Ascension ! "Will take place o'n the Show Ground immediately after the Street Parade. A daring Asrrnsini:iat upon a fragile cord walking from the ground to the top of the lariat tent. -7- o s i M. 4 . k m tf IZ H P " G - S" -.5 --2 w TO t s 7S m o Z3 2 -S & 3 CO i 2 H r nj WIND MILL, "Will hereafter hi found THRII8 DOOKS SOUTH of tho Pest Oflicu, where he keop.s a full line of every atylo of PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALIIU IN Wtloaj iV3 Tf?' ''SETi? VtTjS'I yyTJix wV""V glJsiZJl STOVES, IRON, TINWARE, BBEBgyarl SPEICE &. K0RTH, Genera Agents for the Sale of Rea! Estate. Union Pacific,' and Midland Pacillc It. It. Land-, fertile at from $;5.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash, or on live or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. "V'c have also a large and choice lot of other lauds, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lot in the city. AVc keep a complete abotract of title to all real es tate iu Platte County. Nails, Eope, Wagon Material, Slass, Paint, Etc., lft;W.gir--frI3 Rggrarei ssss And the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. Ashe keep a Pump !Iuie pxrlntlvrlr, he Is able to eel! CIIKAPEU THAN THE CHEAPEST. Pump for anr depth well. Pumps driven or repairctl, and IkOds cut. GIVE JIM A CALL ASD SAVE 3I05ET. COIO'KR KI.HVErVTBI AXti OI.SVK STKEirrs, ffggTFWTB4-..JI.'.JtgjaFgWWWW.aailJ NEBRASKA. COLUMBUS, lEtt BECKER & WELCH, PE0PEIET0HS 0? SHELL CREEK MILLS. XvXwOi.X C33 COIU.llBJSW, WEBI. HABHB88 k SADDLES m Ms III K.lal.lS An cxehango contains the mar riage notice of a Mr. and Hies Carr. "We notice it merely as an instanco of Carr coupling by a clergyman, which is something uuubual. columbus m-m, (One mile west of Columbus.) e THOMAS FLYNN & SON, Propr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK QUANTITIESliiwt PURCHASERS j'sri-tr , , xqjiaj gg'sg'v jmmg?j -- &pifz wmFZ i.-.-T - - lA'.li.VA V -;- -'"- A 7 mmrmsr,Mit ryi W TfrTlfMf'lff iln Bl7MEMIraBPfTFiMiC3TrT:"BiJifci h irWi f aiTf I W -4 tl I .bcl fcfill -BMfeteJiMV jjffW j tH tfHFvJbrwJ'i jjfrliuBfJif'ijjM. hfe.u?SVHHMBEJBl XBIE IIRG SBSOW will also exhibit at David citv. Monday. June 23d. Osceola, Tuesday, 21th. Schuyler, Thursday, 2Cth, aud don't forget Columbus, Wednesday, June 25. Daniel Fancette, Manufacturer and Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Sridles, and Collars, keeps constantly on hand all kinds of whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry combs, Sru.hcs, Bridle Bits, Spurs, Cards. Harness made to order. Itc pairing done on short notice. NEBRASKA AVENUE, Columbus. 53.4. G-ALBRAITH BROS (Successors to Gus. Lockner) Dealer ix all kinds of Agricultural Implements AGENTS FOR Tho ImproTfil Klnanl Hanrrsfcr. Wood Hinder, Mowem, ItcaiMTK, and SoiriCakox. Alio the famous 31lllllMOtaChIprTll('(hcr.llnlIl;e!l, Header, and Mlnshlp llnx.' rrlrlira- led VsnelcsH Wind 31111 Pump. etc., liuesf Tops of all btylw Jnst rrceiTcd. Farmers, look to your In terests an tl give uh tioull. GALBRAITH BROS. C. B. STILL "Wholesale and Kctail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, "VVXNDO"W" GLSS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a lirxt-elas Drug Store. Dealers iu surrounding country will find it to their interest to purchase from him, as he can and will give BED'-IIOCK TlilCES. Prescriptions Carefullv Compounded. ' ' w ' JSTA GOOD ASSORTMENT OF "WALL PAl'KB ALWATS KEPT IN STOCK. 333 MANUFACTURERS & WHOLD S ALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. MM-WXm 1 Fire The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Co's (Late Wlebold Be. Zicnzle,) and Burglar Proof! IIAVE THE BEST RECORD OF ALL. All leading Sailrod I Express Companies and linkers in tssNorttet m tbm, Not One Lost in the Two Great Fires in Chicago; also preserved the contents In every instance, at Independence, Iowa: at Central City, Col.; at Oshkosh, Wis., and at all places have stood the test, without failure. All Sizes for Sale and 3Iade to Order. Old Safes taken in Exchange. OPPirjE,COL UJfJl US, NEB Dr. A. HEINTZ, ii&s, ins. mam. VYIXXS, l.lilliOllS, Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUHEEY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand hj Druggists. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. One door Iluxt or alley', Eleventh Street COLUilBUS. NEBRASKA B.0BB.1BST County UHd Ilanlc "Vorlc a Specialty. Irlce. as low on G'ootl Work can lc fiacle. LAND FOE SALE. Eighty acres, in Sec. 12, T. 17,11. 1 Eh" mi. northeast of Columbus: 70 acres un- uer iue piow; o acres . yr. old trees walnut and cottonwood of ood size. Dwelling-house, 12x23 feet, i stories hiph; good Avell; two granaries; sta lling, hog-yards, Ac Small fruits such as currants, blackberries, tc. Conven ient to school notice and good outlet to roads. Trice, $1,330 "Will sell farm ma chinery if denired. Address at Colum bus, Platte Co., Xebr. 3IAKTIX HOLLKRIN. Book-keepers, Reporters, Operators, Teachers, 2U D. 5. C0VENT, GEI?EEAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA HAMMOND HOUSE Formerly Pacific House. This popular house has been newly Refitted and Furnished. Meals S3cts. Day Board per week, $4.00. Hoard aud Lodging, 5 and $0. Good Livery and Feed Stable in con nection. SATISFA TION GUARANTEED. JOHN HAMMOND, Proprietor. SWEKT CIDEli -AND- NEW STOKE AND New Stock. A full, froh supply of grecerios, STAPLE AND FANCY, Just opened, and for sale at low-down prices. I57"OIIvr Street opposite iko "Tattd-wiII." james McAllister. SiPMMM, I AM constantly roioivingthechoirost of Michigan eider aud apples. Call m, SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES! A compIrtrsMortmrnt of IjdWnd Chil dren's .Shors kept on hand. All Work Warranted!! Our ."Motto Good stock, cxcollcnt work and fair pricos. and taste for yourself. Especial Attention paid to Eepairiag I - r GreatHcrcaiitile ColIcee.Keokuk Jowa Vm. UELKKi:. I Cor. Olive and Sts. ltk 33-4 .