Rates of Advertising. ipuce. Uo m-w Imo Inn Gm yr IS ISSUKI) EVERY WEDNESDAY, lcol'mn ?l--00 $20 $25 $3.', $G0 $100 'A 3.00 1 12 5 20 1 35 1 60 M. K. TURNER & CO., Proprietors and Publishers. Jtf I .'0 ! 12 15 0 35 '..2.. 7..M) 1 1 14 lo j 27 '4,.10U.".'i l6""l2 15 j 20 1..-.0 2.23 Tjr3" "S 10 4 inches I I Bushiest and professional cards ten lines or less space, per annum, ten dol lars. I.i'tral advertisements at statuta rates. "Editorial local notices" fifteen cents a line each insertion. "Local notices five cents a line each Inser tion. Advertismcnts classified as "Spe cial notices" live cents a line tlrit inser tion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. -:o: ESTOflVcc la the JOURNAL building, Eleventh-it., Colmtbus, Neb. Terms lcr year, $2. Six months, $L. Three months, 50c Single copies, 5c. VOL. X.--NO. 3. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1879. WHOLE NO. 471. THE JOURNAL. Sit f 3 PROPOSITION FOR RAIL ROAD BONDS AND TAX. BY VIUTUE of the authority In us vested bv au act of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, entitled, "An act to enable counties, cities and pre clncts to borrow money on their bonds to aid in the construction or completion of works of internal improvements in this Mate, and to legalize bonds already isMicd for such purposes," approved Fehriiarj'-irth, 1NK, and the acts of the Legislature of said State amendatory thereof. Wc, the County Comuiiisiou vn or Platte county, in the State of Nebraskaj for the purpo:c of aiding the construction of a rail road, commencing at a point on the line of the Atchison & Nebraska rail road, in the county of Lancaster, of said State or Nebraska, aud running thence in a westerly and northerly direction through the counties of Lancaster, Seward, (Sutler and Platte to the city of Columbus, thereby form lug a continuous line or rail road from the city of Atchison, in the State of Kansas, to the said city of Columbus, in tho State or Nebraska, do hereby submit to the legal voters or the said county or Platte, to be voted upon by ttiein at a f-pecial election which is hereby called to be held on the 14th day of.! tine, A. I)., is1?!), at the usual places of voting in the hoveral precincts of said county, the following proposition for bonds and tax that is to say: Shall the Count' Com missioners of Platte couutv, in the State of Nebraska, bo authorized and required to iue and give to the Lincoln .t Northwestern rail road company, or the Ulue Valley V. Northwestern rail road company, one hundred thou Mind dollars of the coupon bonds of htihl Platte county, to be dated the 1-t day of January, A. 1)., is-), bearing interest from date at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, the interest paya ble annually at the oflice or the County TreaMiror of the said county of Platte, and the priuclpnl to become due in twenty years from the date of said bonds ami payable to bearer at the ollieo of the County Treasurer, of the said county of Platte. Such bonds or any portion thereof in sums or not less than one thousand dollars shall be made re deemable at any time alter ten 3-cars from the date of the same at the option and upon the call of the proper ollicers of sitiii county, ami in addition to the usual taxes, shall the proper cfiieers of the paid county of Platte, be authorized and required to levy a special tax on all the taxable property within said count sullicicut to pay the" annual iutcrest on said bond ai the same shall become due, and after the expiration of ten years from the date of said bonds shall the proper ollicer be authorized and required to levy a tax in like manner upon all the taxable property within h.iid county in addition to all other taxes, sutlicieut in amount to create a sinkini: fund Tor the purpose of paying at maturity the principal of said bonds. The whole anion ut of said bonds to be issued and given to one of the aforesaid railroad companies upon tho following conditions aud none other to wit: That one or said rail road companies hball construct and eomplote a line of rail road of the standard gauge from some point on the line of the Atchison & Nebraska rail road, in the county of Lancaster, "mining thence west and north thtough the counties or Lancaster, Seward. Butler aud Platte, to the cltv of Columbia, and shall locate, establish and maintain in the said city or Colum bus a freight aud pa.scnger depot, .said line of rail road to be completed to the extent to have regular dail trains run ning thereon to the eity or Columbus, in the said couutv or Platte, bv the Istdav or July, A. I)-, IS). Sald'bonds shall be issued and delivered to cither or the aloresaid rail road companies, which shall construct and build the line or rail road aforesaid, when said road shall be completed and trains running thereon to the said eity of Columbus. At the time or the delivery or said bonds to the coiupau building said rail road, enough coupons shall be detached therefrom, so that such bonds shall draw interest only Irom the dafe such com pany is entitled to receive the same as hereinbefore pro ided. The vote to be had and taken on the foregoing propo sition shall be by ballot, aud the ballots cast at said election shall have written or printed thereon the following words: Hail road bonds and tax, yes," or rail road bonds and tax, ' no." ir two-thirds or more or the ballots cast at said election shall hac. written or printed thereon the words " Hail road bonds ami tax, yes,' then said County Commissioners shall be author ized aud required to issue said bonds as atoresaid. Thorofore it Is hereby ordered that n special election be held in said Platte county, Nebraska, Tor the purpose of -voting on the aforesaid proposition, on said 11th day of June, lfiTO, in the sever al precincts of said county at the usual places of holding elections', to wit: In Columbus precinet at the court house. lu Ilutler precinct at the school house of district No. 7. In Bismarck precinct at the school house of district No. 2. In Shorman precinct at the school house of district No. 40. In Croston precinct at tho school house of district No. 4.1 In Shell Creek precinct at the school house or district No. 4. lu Steams precinct at the school house or district No. 21. In Humphrey precinct at the house of "Walter 3Iead, in sectiou S, township 20, range 1 west. lu Lot Creek precinct at the school house of district No. 11. In. Burrows precinct at the school house of district No. 1-1. In Urauville precinct at the school house of District No. f2. In. Monroe preciuctat the school house of district No. i. In Looking Class precinct at the school house of district No. 31. In Pleasant Valley precinct at tho house or Patrick Delany, on section 22, township 20, range 3 west. In Woodville precinct at the residence or Cornelius Koch. In "Walker preciuct at the house or Bennett Olson. That the polls at said election shall be open at S o'clock in the forenoon and continue open until C o'clock in the afternoon or said day. Dated at Columbus, Nebraska, thcGth day or May, 1S79. By ordof of the Board or County Com luissioncrs. JOUN STAUFFER, -70-5 County Clerk. MAIL LETTXNGS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TOST OniCK DEPARTMENT, 1 Washington, D. C, -May 10, 1S70.J PROPOSALS will be received at the Coutract office of this Department until 3 r. m. of July 10. 1879, for carrying the mails of the United States, upon the routes, and according to the sebedulo of arrival and departure specified bv the Department, in the State of Nebraska from October 1. 1S79 to June 30, 1SS2. Lists of routes.with schedules of arrivals and departures, instructions to bidders, with forms for contract and bonds and all other necessary information will be furnished upon application to the Second Assistant Postmaster General. D. M. KEY. 410-4. f Postmaster General. BUSINESS CARDS lr. E. JL. SIGGEVS, Physician and Surgeon. "STOfiicc open at all hours Bant Building. T J. BYRNE, " " DENTIST, Columbus, neb. "3F" Office: Eleventh St., onn door east or Jouunai. building, up.stairs. NELSON MILLETT. BYHON MILLETT, Justice or the Peace and Notary Public. IV. MIEEETT Ac SOIV, ATTOHNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Nebraska. N. B. They will give cloo attention to all business entrusted to them. 213. J. H. KELLY, HOLDS HIMSELF IN READINESS Tor any work in his lino. Before letting vour" contracts for buildings of any description call on or, address him ut Columbux, Neb. John S. Christison, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Formerly of the New York City Hos pital, Blackwell's Island. Office on Olive St., two doors south of Cockbum's Store, Columbus. FOR SALE OR TRADE ! MARES a COLTS, Teams of Horses or Oxen, SAimr.H: X'OXIES, wild or broke, at the Corral of 429 UEKUAHD & ZEIGLEK. STAGE ROUTE. JOHN HUBEK, the mail-carrier be tween Columbus and Albion, will leave Columbus everyday except Sim ilar at C o'clock, sharp, passing through Monroe, Genoa, Watorville, and to Al bion The hack will call at either of the Hotels for passengers if orders are left at the post-office. Hates reason able, ?2 to Albion. 222.1y GOOD CHEAP BRICK ! AT MY RESIDENCE, on Shell Creek, three miles cat of Mattbis's bridge, 1 have ?O,00O f;ooI. liarsl-lmrnt lirick ibr Mile, which will be sold in lots to suit pur chasers. 41S-tr GEORGE HENGGLER. Columbus Meat Market! WSBES & KWOBEL, Prop's. KEEr ON HAND all kinds of fresh meats, and smoked pork and beef; also rresh lish. Make sausage a spec ialty. "STRemembcr the place. Elev enth St one door west or 1). Ryan's hotel. 417-tr DOCTOR B0NESTEEL, IT. fi. EXATUEVfirVG KIJIKGECKV, COI.UMI1US, NEUKASKA. OFFICE HOt'RS, 10 to 12 a. m., 3 to 4 p. in., and 7 to K p. in. Office on Nebraska Avenue, three doors north or E. J. Baker's grain office. Residence, corner Wyominz and "Walnut streets, north Columbus, Nebr. -ju-T-tf JLMelrichV .Heat Jlurkct. Washington Arr., nearly opposite Court House. OWING TO THE CLOSE TIMES, meat will be sold at this market low, low down for cash. Best steak, per lb., 10c. Rib roast, " Sc. Boil, " Ce. Two cents a pound more than the above prices will be charged on time, and that to good responsible parties only. 207. MRS. W L. COSSET, Dress and Shirt Maker, 3 Doors West ofSUUman's Drug Store. Dresses and shirts cut and made to order and satisfaction guarantoed. Will also do plain or fancy sewing of any de scription. 2ST PRICES VERY REASONABLE. Give mc a call and try mv work. 42-Vly FAKIfSEKSI BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the low prices of your products dis courage you. but rather limit your ex penses to your resources. You can do so by stopping at the ucw home of your fello'w fanner" where you can lind good accommodations cheap. For hay for team for one night and day, 2."i cts. A room furnished with a cook stove aud buuks, in connection with the stable free. Those wishing can be accommo dated at tho house or the undersigned at the following rates: Meals 25 cents; beds 10 cents. J. B. SENEGAL, 14 mile east of Gcrrard's Corral. HENRY GASS, UNDERTAKER, KEEPS ON HAND ready-made and Metallic Coffins, "Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cane Scat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black "Wal nut Lumber. SiJiiiSt:: Ats. c;;:rit Cnrt Erne. C:ktu, Kci NEBRASKA HOUSE, S. J. MARMOT, Prop'r. ,s Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, COEimiSUS, IVEIS. A new house, newly furnished. Good accommodations. Board by day or week at reasonable rates. IGrSct aFirt-Class Tabic. Meals,. .. .25 Couts. Lodgings. ..25 Ct3 3S-2tf HiKfiKiLSHflEilSBHHKHfllSiEZAwv U. I Time Tabic. Eastward Bound. Emigrant, No. (J, leaves at ... C:2."i a. m. Passeng'r, " 4, " " .... 11:00 a. ui. Freight, " , " ".... 2:15p.m. Freight, "10, " ".... 4:30 a.m. Westward Hound. . Freight, No. 5, leaves at 2:00 p. m. Passeng'r, " 3, " .... 4:27p.m. Freight, " D, " " .... G:00p.m. Emigrant. "7. " ".... 1:30 a.m. Every day except Saturday the three lines leading to Chicago connect with U P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays there will be but one train a day, a shown by the following schedule: DERRY & BILLINGS, CARRIAGE, wtsrsj nnsp .v , ni r.'iini ui? iWJCINCSP.-j 7. ......... "' Paper Il.-inging, KA.LSOMINING, Etc. EST All work warranted. Shop on Olive street, opposite the "Tattersall" Stables. aprlOy F. SCHEOK, Manufacturer and Dealer iu CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive St., near the old Post-office Columbus Nebraska. 447-ly S21TS7 CAEEW. JCCEPH CAU?. Itesry PctUc. CARE W & CAMP, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, AND REAL ESTA TE AGENTS. "Will give prompt attention to all bus! ness entrusted to them in tiiis and ad joining counties. Collections made Office on Uth street, soutli of Depot, one door east of T. C. Ryan's Grocery Store,Columbus,Neb. Sprieht D cutsch Parle Franeias. CALIFORNIA WINES! Eei a:J White, & ?4V k I WnOC '7. $liV-iQL IV A GALLON -.T- SAML. GASS'S. Klrronth Street. illARY AK-ItRKGUT, Merchant Tailoress, OHre Ctrrct, stria cf Hisses! E:s:e. Men's and boys' suits made in the latest tyle. and good lit guaranteed, at very low prices. Men's suits $0.00 to ?0.i"0, according to the goods and work. Roys' suits $3.00 to $LO0, according to size. XSTCLKAXING AXD KKI'AIUING PONK.JgJ Bring on your soiled clothing. A whole suit renovated and made to ap pear as good as new for $1.2." 424-y LUERS&SCHREIBElt BlactiEitts ui Wapi Makr, ALL KINDS OF Repairing Done on Short Notice. Bogies, "Kazt", Etc., llilc t: Crier. ALL WORK WARRANTED. They also keep on hand Furst & Bradley Plows, SULKY PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, &C. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter sall. COLIDIBUS, NEB. WE BECKER, )DKALKK IJC( GROCERIES, Grain, Produce, Etc. Gooi Goofls anfl Fair Dealing. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. Goods delivered Free of Charge, anywhere in the city. Corner of 13 th and Madison Sts. North of Foundry. 397 AjSCERIOAjST MEDICAL I SVR6IGAL INSTITUTE. t. r. miCHEtL, a. d. . t. itastiit, s. b Physicians ait Surgeons. S. B. K2CE2, V. B., ft 7. C.BZinsI, H. S., ef Osila, Consulting Wlm lm For the treatment of all classes ofSur gery and deformities; acute and chronic diseases, diseases of the eye aud car, etc., etc., Columbus, Neb. j5?aIek .Vv KV KVsvw t:i- ..: :v-r (l.v-nrri ji'"t' i rTir "r I" r at r-r i0-- THE LIGHTNING ROD DISPENS0R. A Farm Ballad. BY WILL CAKLETON. If the weary world is willing, I've a lit tle word to say Of a li'.'htuing-rod diipensor that drop ped down on mc one day, AVitn a poem in his motions, with a ser mon in his mien, With hands as white as lillics, and a face uncommon clean. No wrinkle had bis vestments, and Ins linen glistened white, And his new-constructed neck-tie was an interesting sight; Which I almost wish his razor had composed a hangman's knot, Ere he hrought lus slcek-trimmcd car cass for my women-folks to see, And his rip-saw tongue a huzzin' for to gouge a gash in me. But 1 couldn't help hut like him as I always think I must, The gold iu my own doctrines in a fellow-heap of dust; When I lired my own opinion at this person round hy round, They drew an answering volley ofa"Vcry similar sound; I touched him on religion, aud the hopes my heart had known; He "said he'd had experiences quito similar ol my own. I told him of the douhtiu's that made dark my early years; lie had laid awako till morning with that same old breed of fears. I told him of my rough path I hoped to heaven to go; He was on that very ladder, only just a round below. I told him of my visions of the sinful ness of gain; He had seen the self-same picters,though not quite so clear aud plain, Our polities was different, and at 'tirst ne ganeuanu winccu; But I arg'ed hi in o able, he was vcrv soon convinced. An 'twas gettin' toward the middle of a hungry Minuner day; There was dinner on the table, and I asKeu mm wouiti lie stay? And he sat him down amongst us, cver- lastin' trim and neat, And asked a short, .crisp blessing al most good enough to eat; Then he lired up on the mercies of our Great Eternal Friend, And gavo the Lord Almighty a good first-class recommend; And for full an hour wc listened to the sugar-coated scamp, Talking like a blessed angeP-cating like a blasted tramp. My wife she liked the stranger, smiling on him warm and sweet; (It always flatters a woman when her guests are on the cat.) And he hinted that 9omo ladies never lose their earlv charms, And lie kisod her latest baby and re ceived it in his arms. My sons and daughters liked him, for he had progressive views, And chewed the quid of fancy and gave down the latest news; And 1 couldn't help but like him as I I fear I always must The gold of my own doctrines, in a fellow-heap of dust. He was spreading desolation through a a piece of apple-pie, When he paused and looked upon us with a tear iu his fir-otfeye, And said,"0,happy family! your bless ings make me sad; You call to mind the dear ones that in happier days I had; A wife as sweet as this one; a babe as bright and fair; A little girl with ringlets, like that one over there. I worshipped them too blindly! my eyes with love were dim. God took them to His own heart, and now I worship Him. But had I not neglected the means with in my way, Then they might still be living and lov ing me to-day. "One night there came a tempest; the thunder peals were dire The clouds that tramped above us, were shooting bolts of lire; In my own house, I, lying, was think ing, to my blame, How little'l had guarded against those shafts of flame, When crash! through roof and ceiling the deadly lightning cleft, And killed my wife and children, and only I was left. Since that dread time, I've wandered, and nought for life have cared, Save to save others' loved ones, whose lives have yet been spared, Since then, it is my mission, where'er by sorrow tossed, To sell to virtuous people, good lightning-rodsat cot, With hure and strong protection, I'll clothe your buildings o'er, 'Twill cost you lifty dollars (perhaps a trifle more); What little elso it comes to, at lowest price I'll put. (You signing this agreement, to pay so inue.li per foot.)" X signed it. while my family all approv ing stood about; And dropped a tear upon it (but it didn't blot it out!) That very day with wagons came some men both great and small; They climbed upon my buildings as If they owned 'em all; They hacked 'cm, and they hewed 'cm, much against my loud desires; They trimmed 'em up with gewgaws, and they bound 'cm down with wires; They trimmed 'em and they wired 'em, and they trimmed and wired 'em still, And every precious minute kept a run ning up the bill. My soft-spoke guest a-secking, did I rave aud rush and run; He was supping with a neighbor, just a three-mile further on. "Do you think,''I fiercely shoutcd,"that I want a mile o' wire To savc,cacli separate hay-cock out o' heaven's consumin' fire? Do you think to keep my buildin's safe ironi some uncertain liarm, I'm goin' to deed vou over a all the bai lance of my farm? lie looked up quite astonished, with a face devoid of guile, And he pointed to the contract, with a reassuring smile; It was the first occasion that ho disa greed with me; But he held mc to that paper, with a firmness sad to see; And for that thunder-story, ere the ras cal finally went, I paid two" hundred dollars, if I paid a a single cent. And now if any lightnin'-rodder wants a dinner-dialogue With the restaurant department of an enterprising dog, Let him sethis mill a-runnin'just inside my outside gate. And I'll bet two hundred dollars that he won't have long to wait. Farmers' Review. A bright boy was walking along the street with his mother, and, ob serving a man with a peculiar hitch in his gait approaching, he drolly exclaimed: "Look there, Mamma! See how that poor man stutters with his feet!" meets PIBIIS STORY. BY SAM. There was never a kinder man than Uncle Phil. lie had a warm heart,a cheery voice and a full pui and he was very generous in exert ing their goodinllucnces. But there was a melancholy air about the good old man and a sad smile that ho us ually wore, which gave one who was as frequently with him as I an impression that he had received, at one time or othor, rather rough treatment at the hands of the world. So one winter evening, as wc all sat around a roaring fire, iu the best of spirits, exchanging jests and making miserable puns, L said to him: "Uncle Phil, tell us a story ?" "What about, ray boy?" "I wish that you would relate some incident of your own life. Did you ever have a love affair?" Instantly I regretted that I had asked the question. The kind ex pression on his face changed. He was not angry ; ho never was. But a look of pain crossed his features aud his melancholy mood, which he had for a time dispelled, returned. "I am very sorry Uncle Phil,'' said I, "if 1 have called up painful memories." "Yon didn't mean to, my boy," said he; "it wa3 a natural question, and I wonder now that you never put it to mo before. Odd as it may seem, it is true that your crusty old bachelor uncle has had a love affair, aud a serious one, too." lie paused, alnl wc all kept silent. After a moment ho proceeded : "My dears, I have never told the story to mau nor woman, and never thought to. But as you arc all just starting out in life, and as Henry there (pointing to me) seems to be much interested in the 'vision in white' whom ho 6aw at church on Sunday, I will relate to you a por tion of my history, which is sadder and darker than that of any man I know ; and however strangely any sentiment I may utter may fall upon your cars as coming from a man near sixty. I know that you will uot treat it lightly, for I will speak from my heart. Perhaps tho story may have a moral, which you may apply to your own conditions as you think fit.' It was about five and 'thirty years ago," said Uncle Phil, ''that I first met Helen Toli. She was a beauti ful girl, with a soul as pure as her bright blue eyes, aud from the first moment of our acquaintance I felt that I loved her with au ever strengthening affection. She was only twenty aud I was three years her senior. There was a sympathy between ur arising from a mutual love of the beautiful art and nature and a liking of the same authors so that after six months I ventured to tell Helen that I loved her, and you will guess the purport ol her answer when I say that I was the happiest man in the world when I retired to bed at a late hour that night. After a most blissful courtship of three months Mr. Toll, Helen's father proposed taking his family to Europe; and when I, with the pre sumption of an accepted lover offer ed 'to accompany the party Helen joyfully acquiesced, and her parents civilly approved. Wo arrived safely at Liverpool, and went from there to London. Oh, what a delightful time it was for us two traveling through the large city and hunting out the places of historical interest, with which out reading had made us familiar. Dur ing the first two weeks of our 6tay wc were perfectly happy, sight-seeing and love-making. Then wo be gan to get acquainted with some of the great people of London, and were rather annoyed than otherwise at the batch of invitations to dinners and balls which we received. But we entered into the society of tho metropolis with an eagerness which was somewhat whetted by curiosi ty. The friendship of the Ameri can minister opened all the doors to our entrance, and Helen at once be came a favorito with both ladies and gentlemen, and I had no reason to complain at my own reception." Uncle Phil leaned his head upon his hand as if he were collecting his thoughts. He heaved a sigh and pretended to blow his nose; but I plainly saw his handkerchief come iu contact with his eyes. "Well, children, at a grand ball, given by a nobleman, whose name escapes me, Helen met a scion of a great family the Honorable Charles Leigh who paid her much atten tion. She seemed pleased to receive his addresses but relaxed not a jot of kindness to mo. Ho took her to the opera, to the parks and to the "Zoo," and daticcd often with her at the entertainments to which I gen erally escorted her. By some means unknown to me perhaps from a careless remark from Helen he be came aware of our betrothal, and from that moment his sole aim seem ed to win my dear girl's heart from me. I suspected this. Perhaps my suspicion had a color of jealousy, but a coolness had sprung up be tween him and mc, who had former ly been good friends, and as I was tho lover and had tho hotter tem per, I could not reply to some sar castic hits he would give me except in a way that displayed my anger, and which was, therefore, devoid of wit. On one or two occasions I must havo made a great fool of my self, and Helen was troubled that I showed so much feeling over what she declared to be a harmless matter. But I told her harshly that I was ill pleased with the state of affairs, and that I wished her to tell Mr. Leigh that his attentions were offen sive. No girl of spirit would quiet ly permit such language, even from a lover and we then aud there hud our first quarrel, during which Mr. Leigh was announced. Ho entered tho parlor and was received with inoro warmth than usual, and by me with a coolness which I meant to be crushing, but which, I have not a doubt, pleased him great ly. He asked her to go to the Drury lauc theater with him that evening, and she gracefully declined on the plea of an engagement there with inc. But I told her in au undertone while he was looking at her albu m, that I absolved her from that en gagement, and added, half afraid to speak the cruel word.s, 'from any other engagement which is disa greeable to you.' Tho words had not left my mouth before I could have lorn tny very tongue out for having given tho ut terance. "Very well, sir," said she, in a voice trembling with grief and auger, "all engagements between us are disagreeable to mc. They are now cancelled. Mr. Leigh, she said, turning to him, I have recon sidered your invitation and I accept it." "Oh, thank you," said he, taking a scat at her side. "Why, Mr. Elton head," he asked rather cxullinglyas I arose, "not going, I hope?" But I made no reply aud slammed the door like a school boy that needed a whipping. I went to Drurylanc that even ing and never removed my eyes from Helen from the time the cur tain ro6e until it fell. Mr. Leig hwas more assiduous thau ever in his attcn tions to her; but I could easily sec that her thoughts were neither with him nor with tho play. Upon arriving at our hotel I wrote her a note. I was still angry,though more at myself than at her. I thought that if I had acted indiffer ently toward her she would ask a reconciliation, so I told her iu my letter that I was resolved to return to America at once ; that I had been shabbily treated; and that as she had probably purchased rank at the expense of an honest heart, I hoped that she would live long to enjoy it. I then started for Liverpool and em barked for New York. Just before sailing a letter was handed to inc. I found that Helen had returned my aruel uotc, with these words written in pencil : "Mr. Leigh this morning propos ed for my hand. I accepted him. H. T." Uncle Phil again made use of his handkerchief. So did wc oure. "My dears, I was determined not to make the first advances. I came to New York and three days after wards I received a letter from Helen. I have it yet." He took a packago which was carefully tied with a faded ribbon from his huge pocket book ; unwrap ping this he disclosed an envelope much worn aud discolored,, drew therefrom a torn and yellow sheet of paper. As his oyes recognized the loving hand tho dear old man burst into such an agony of tears as I have never seen equaled. His frame shook, and he groaned in bitterness of soul as if his heart was breaking. It seemed a long time before he mastered his emotion. Then he read the letter with a trembling aud broken voice : London, E. C, Oct. IS, 18: Dear Phil : .1 will forgivo you your cruel treatment if you will return and bo a good boy. Your own Helen. "I was still wicked, and I wrote a formal letter in reply, stating that business prevented a trip just now. I signed the letter with a cold 'Yours respectfully, Ph. Ellonhcad.' One month after mailing it, my dears, only one month, just when I began to grow sick for a sight of her, I received a copy of the Times uewspaper containing a marked notice of the marriage of my poor, deserted girl, to Charles Leigh. From that day to thi3 I have been but the grave of my wretched hopes. But away down in the deep chao3 of my soul, is enshrined the image of her whose heart I broke. For sho died in ono year from tho date of her marriage, aud the last words of my angel were of forgiveness of tho misery I had wrought. Aud now, my darling, said Uncle Phil, as lie wiped his eyes', "you have heard my secret. Beware, of jealous, for that h tho lesson. "And Henry," he said to mc, "if tho 'vision in white' encourages your suit, ascertain whether herlieart is right or not. If it is, do not seek to control her actions, but leave her to the guardianship of her own con science. For if vou meddle in af fairs of hers, which do not concern you, a future generation may find you in the midst of them a sad and lonely old man, rotating a history as mournful as that of your Undo Phil." .tlu.sie Stimulunt. -Airier? often before he wrote pre pared his mind by listening to music. " Almost all my tragedies were sketched in my mind either iu the act of hearing music or a few hours alter," a circumstance which has been recorded of many others. Lord Bacon often had music played in the room adjoining his study. Milton listened to the organ for his solemn inspirations and music was ever necessary to Wnrburton. The .symphonies that awoke iu the poet sublime emotions might have com posed the invcutive mind of the great critic iu the visions of his theoretical mysteries. A celebrated French preacher, Bonlolouc. of Masilion, was once found playing on the violin to screw his mind up to the pitch preparatory to his ser mon, which, within a short interval, ho was to preach before tho court. Currants favorite mode of niedita tionwjIgwJth Ma-Yiolin in his hand ; for hnura together 1 i c would forge t himself, running voluntaries over the strings, while his imagination. collecting its tones, was opening all his faculties for his coming emer gency at the bar. Jlnd JMtcrature. Interview with J. II. Smart, Illi nois State Superintendent of Edu cation : "What i3 tho chief agency in the degradation of our young people, so far as it occurs ?" "Well, I should say that bad lit erature is tho devil's most powerful weapon in this work." "Then an education means a good deal more than the mere acquisition of information?" "Yes, sir. Our best teachers un derstand very well that taking out a child's brains and stuffing the vac uum with a few books is not educa tion. As ha? been well said, if you train a man's body only you make a magnificent brute; if you train hi.s body and his mind you make a magnificent scouudrcl, and if you train his body, his mind and his heart you have a magnificent speci men of manhood. Itighl education will make manly men and womanly women. The school plays an im portant part in tlifs work, but there are other agencies of just as much importance and with whom the responsibility must certainly be di vided. At 1'lie Jtc'iiinlnx. Nothing is learned without a cer tain amount of drudgery, and boys who undertake to learn a trade must be prepared for work of all kinds. A boy from a wealthy family was re ceived into a large establishment, but found no royal road to business advancement. lie had to begin at the bottom of the ladder just as the poorest in the store did. He often wondered why his employers kept him two long years assorting shoes aud handling great sides of leather. Kut when he became a salesman all was plain, for he was able at a glance to tell almost the exact worth of a pair of shoes, or the quality of a side of leather. Thorough knowledge only comes by practice. Repetition makes the most difficult matters easy and seems almost to add a Bixth sense. The old tellers in banks can count oh" with the greatest ra pidity vast piles of coin, casting aside, as if hy intuition, all the light pieces. Their fingers have learned to weigh like the nicest balance. Hard and constant work is needful before perfection can be reached. In n suburban school, where an examination was conducted on the basis of general intelligence rather than book lessons, the question was asked for what was Princo Bismarck best known, when the unique small boy vehemently declared, "For keeping a big black dog!" A grave-digger buried a man nam ed Button, and brought in the fol lowing bill to his widow : "To mak ing one Button-hole, $5." Anna IicUln.von,H YIcitm or American Ilomu Life. We can sometimes work best alone, but in our hours of leisuro and recreation wo usually seek society. "We want companions lo our garner, harmony in our music, sympathy always. The first impulse upon every emotion of surprise, admiration, wonder or delight is to find some ono to share it. "I praise the Frenchman; hi remark was shrewd, How sweet, how passing sweet 13 soli tude l : But grant mc still a friend in my retroaC Whom I may whisper.Solitudcls sweet!" "My mind to mo a kingdom ia" sang an old-time poet, but tako a man of largo capacity and fino cul ture aud shut him up within four baro walla without booka or nouud of human voice, and ho will find hid kingdom a very barrou ono In deed. So true is that wo are created social beings dependent upon each other for aid, support, sympathy, companionship and all that makes life worth the living. Wo may imagine wc can stand independent and alone, but wc never do anything of the kind. The continued contact with other minds iu the home, on the street, in busiucss, in society, affords a power and stimulus which, being like the sunlight and the air, constantly about us, wo seldom estimate at its true valuo. Wo must have society ; let use sec that wo take from it and give to it tho best and highest within our reach. Let us be careful too that wc get from society and from our honrs of recreation that best suited to our needs. One whose days are neces sarily spent in petty cares and tire some, monotonous duties may find true recreation in study and mental improvement. While the tired nerves and muscles rest, tho braiu can work, and so the equilibrium bo restored and new ideas and subjects for thought gained which will lighten and brighten the morrow's toil. Another whose mind is kept constantly on tho strain during tho day needs pure relaxation, rippling conversation and merriment, music or some light reading ; while public entertainments with which a city abounds give an agreeable variety, and if moderately indulged iu only gives rest lo the quiet, happy even ings at home. The practical, hard working, utilitarian American is apt to forget that "all work aud no play makes Jack a dull boy," and to think that anything simply pleasurable is secured at a waste of time and money. "Women, the most frugul and selfish of the human firm, aro especially liable to err in this direc tion. They will often have ascriou3 tussle jvith their consciences before indulging in a concert or lecturo ticket or other treat, thinking, per haps, the money should be expend ed in something useful, aud the tired mother and house-keeper has a guilty feeling when the mending is un finished or she fears the uew cook will not havo dinner served in time. It should bo remembered that a healthy, happy, useful lifo requires rest and recreation quite as much as it requires food and sustenance. Aa for physical growth and develop ment tho body needs rest and change, and persistent, unremitting cilort is impossible, so, in tho physi cal life, mind aud heart and soul need rest, variety and recreation. Good wives and mothers, bo ad vised that you need a little play as much as your children do, that you may preserve your good looks, your good spirits and your good health. Do not let work and worry encroach on tho evening hours. Keep up your reading and your music. Go to an occasional lecture or concert, though you arc tired, and with tho passing years easy chairs and quiet grow more attractive. Interest yourself both in the sports and tho studies of your children, though you spend less on their wardrobes. Let them not sail away from you on the broad sea of liberal education and modern culture, and Icavo you stranded on the shore of old timo ideas and prejudices ; but trim your sails with theirs, that you remain through life their guides, compan ions and friends. So may young and old enjoy life together; the old giving of their riper thought and rich experience the young, of their more exuberant fancy, their fresh ness and their enthusiasm. A French physician says that to allay anguish there is great advan tage in crying, especially during an operation. And he is entirely right. Any intelligent boy will testify that during tho operation of applying" the maternal slipper, good vigorous crying will shorten the operation and diminish the pain by at least one-half. A little girl, on looking at a pic ture of a ship in a thunder-storm, remarked that "God wa3 striking crooked pins into the bad men."