Bates of Advertising. Space. Uo -'tc lwo 3t Bw lyr leol'nin i $r..oo $-JU $i- ?S5 ?0 1 HOP MHNUtl 16 ISSUKD EVERY 'WEDNESDAY, K I 8.0O 12 I 15 I 20 I 33 60 M. K. TURNER & CO., Proprietors and Publishers. X 1 t.0U Q 12 1 15 1 20 1 35 4 inches 5.25 7.50 11 1 14 15 27 3 " 1 4.50 6.73 10 12 15 j 20 1 " 1.50 1 2.25 1 4 5 S 10 Business and professional cards ten lines or less space, per annum, ten dol lars. LcL'al advertisements at statute rates. ''Editorial local notices" fifteen cents a line each insertion. "Local notices" five cents a line each Inser tion. Advertlsmcnts classified as "Spe cial notices" five cents a line first Inser tion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. VOL. X.-3STO. 2. COLUMBTJS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAT 14, 1879. WHOLE NO. 470. THE JOURNAL. &m u 1 t- I " J J E3-Officc In the JOURN'AL building, Elevcnth-tt., Columbus, Neb. Terms rcr year, f 2. Six months, $1. Three months, 60c. Sinjle copies, 5c. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. A. S. Paddock, U. S. Senator, Beatrice. ALvin Saundeus, U. S. Senator, Omaha. T. J. Majoru Hep.. Peru. E. Iv. Valkxtine, Itep., "West Point. STATE DIRECTORY: Alrixus Xanck, Covcrnor, Lincoln. S.J. Alexander, Secretary of State. F. W. Liedtko, Auditor, Lincoln. O. M. Hartlctt, Treasurer, Lincoln. C.J. Pilworth, Attorney-General. S. U. Thompson, Suit. Public Instruc. n. C. Dawson, Warden of Penitentiary. ?;i?r fir' 1,rison InsPccto"- Dr. J. (5. Davis, Prison Physician. II. P. ilathcwsoti, Supt. Insane Asylum. JUDICIARY: S. Maxwell, Chler Justice, Oeoryc H. Lakc.l A chelate Jud"CB AmasaCobb. f Associate .nmCB. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. G. W. Post, Judge, York. M. II. Reese, District Attorney, "Wahoo. LAND OFFICERS: K. 11. rioxic, Ite;;Itcr, Grand Island. Vm. Anyan, Receiver, Grand Inland. COUNTY DIRECTORY: J. G. lupins. County Judsr. Jehu StHufl'cr. County Clerk. V. Kiimmer, Treasurer. Renj. Spii'linaii, Sheriff. It. L. Kosukitrr, Surveyor. Win. Illoedorn.) John Walker, CouiityCoinniishioi John Wise. icr. Dr. A. Heiiitz, Coroner. S. L. Ilarrctt. Supt. of Schools. liV Milieu,10""' J,lcticcs of tbcPcaeo. Charles Wnke, Constable. CITY DIRECTORY: C. A. Spolcc, Mayor. John Srhram, Clerk. John J. Rickly, Marehal. J. W. Earlv, Trctmiror. S. S. McAllister. Police Judge. J. G. RouUon, Ensinecr. corxciLMKX: 1st li'ard .1. E. North, E. Pohl. 2cl Ward E. C. KavanaiiRh. C. K. Morne. d Ward E. J. Raker, Win. lturess. CoIamhiiK Poil Ofllcc. Open on Sundays trm II a.m. to 12m. mid from 4:0 to 0 v. m. Hiimucsi hourh except Sunday ( a. m. to 3 i M. ni mails clone t 11:20 a. m. Wuntern mails cloxc at 4:20 r.M. Mail IcaYe Columbus for Maduon and Norfolk, on Tuedayh, Thursday and Saturdays, T a. M. "Arrives Mn'nday, Wi'diirMtayy, and Fridays, 3 i m. For Jlonror." Genoa. Waterville and Al bion, dail exerpt Sunday U A.M. Ar rive. amc, C r.M. Fr Summit, riybc.s and Crete. Mon day and Thursdays, 7 A. M. Arrives WVdn. m'v. and Saturday-, 7 r. M. Fr R-llviIle, Osceol and York, Tuei day, Tlturday s and Saturdays, 1 V. . Arriros t 12 X!. Fr Wc-ir. Farral and Rattle Creek, l hiU s and WedneMlaj s, 0 A. M. Ar rives TuckIrvs and Fridays at G r. M. For Shell Clerk, Nebo, Creston and Stinton, on Mondays at 7 A. M. Ar nrcH Tuesday 6 iM. Fr David City, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday's, 1 r. w Arrive?, at 12 XI. WANTED AG-ENTS For the fastest selling book of the a;e: r The HOUSEHOLD and I Farmers cyclopedia A household ncceMty one that every fnittilv need a Library of itself. AiK.VS arc iiiciliii;r with great suc cors, for every ramily who fc -es the book wants it. Secure "territory at once. Address; Anchor Iullifliinc; Co., M. Louis Mo.; Chicago, III.; Ashland, O.: Philadelphia. Pa.; and Atlanta, Ga. 2apr 4m U. I. 'rime Xufolc Easttcard Bound. Exiicraut, No.ti, leaves at Passons'r, ' 4, " ". Freight", " S, " 1 relghu " 10. " " . irs(uixr Bound. Freight, No. ."i, leaves at Pasengr, " 3, " " Freight, " 9, " " . Kmicrant. " 7. " " . 0:25 a. m. 11:06 a. in. 2:15 p. m. 4:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:27 p. m. (5:00 p.m. l:S0a. in. Every day except Saturday the three lines leading to Chicago connect with U P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays there will be but one train a day, a shown bv the following schedule: IC..VN. W. Sept . . . -k'., H. & Q. (C, R. I. ,t P. 7th and 25th. 14th 2Ht Mb and 2Gth. 12th tilth 2d and 23d. !th and 30th. 10th (C, H. .V l. . . . h, R. I. .V P. C. ,v N. W. Oct (('., R. I. & P.) . . . JN. W. (C, H. & Q. i Xoc (C, ll.&tj. 1 7th h, R. I..t P.J- 14th (C. & N. W. ) 21st 7th and 23th. FAUMKRS: BE OF GOOD CHEEK. Let not the low prices of your products dis courage you, but rather limit your ex posses to your resource. You can do S8 by stopping at the new home of your fello'w farmer where you can lind good accommodations cheap. For hay for tcun for one night and day, 25 cts. A rwm furnished with a cook stove and biiHks, iu connection with the stable frtn-. Thoe wishing can be accommo lulril at the house of the undersigned at the following rate: Meals 25 cents; iWds 10 cents. J. H. SENECAL, Ji mile east of Gcrrard's Corral. rSjWWis not easily earned in these S times, but" it can be made Vi 6 I I in three months by any one of either sex. in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish". $CG per week in your own town. You need not be away from 'ome over niht. You can sivc your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We hare agents "who arc making over ?20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made o easily and rapidly at any other busi ness. It costs nothing to try the busi ness. Tcrinsand$5 Outfit fre'e. Address at once. H. IIalltt & Co., Portland, Main 375-y. Uean make money faster at work for us than atauythmgelse. Capital not required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the indus trious. " Men. women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outfit aud terms free Address Truk ife Co., Augusta, Maine $66 week in vour own town. $5 Ufit free. No risk. Reader you want a business at which ncrsons of either sex can make great pay all the time they work, write for particulars to n. Hal LEttA Co Portland, Maine. BUSINESS CAEDS KKLSJOX MILLETT. BYRON MILLKTT, Justice of the Peace and Notary Tublic. I. ItIIIl.TBTT As SOI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Nebraska. N. B. They will give close attention to all business entrusted to them. 248. "DTJ,Qrr1,U!,',lci,t! vou cau cno:lf?e JD JliO X in. $5 to ?J0 per day made by any worker of either hex, right in their own localities. Paticulars and samples worth $5 free. Improve your Miare time at this business. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. FOR SALE OR TRADE ! MARES 1 COLTS, Teams of Horses or Oxen, SAIIK,E: PONIES, wild or broke, at the Corral of 42U GERHARD & ZE1GLER. STAGE ItOUTE. JOIIN HUHER, the mail-carrier be tween Columbus and Albion, will leave Columbus everyday except Sun day at C o'clock, sharp, passing through Monroe, Genoa, Waterville, and to Al bion The hack will call at either of the Hotels for passengers if orders arc left nt the post-office. Rates reason able, ?2 to Albion. 222.1y GOOD CHEAP BRICK ! AT MY RESIDENCE. on Shell Creek, three miles east of Matthis's bridge, 1 have 70,000 fjood. h:rI-Iurnt bride lor Mile, which will be sold in lots to suit pur chasers 41S-tf GEORGE HENGGLER. Columbus Meat Market! "WEBER : JCNOBEL, Prop's. KEEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh meats, and smoked pork and beef; also fresh lish. Make sausage a spec ialty. jSTRemember the place. Elev enth St one door wcs.t of D. Ryan's hotel. 417-tf F. SOHECK, Manufacturer and Dealer iu CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive St., near the old Post-office Columbus Nebraska. 447-ly DOCTOR B0NESTEEL, u. s. exajzi:i;vg sb;i:i:, COLUMHL'S, : NEnitASKA. o FFICE IIOFRS, 10 to 12 a. m.. 2 to Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of E. J. Raker's grain ollice. Residence, corner Wyominr and Walnut trcets, north Columbus, Nebr. -i-tf DictrickM' HEea.t HEnrlcet. Washington Ate., nctrly opposite Court Houtc. OWING TO THE CLOSE TIMES, meat will be sold at this market low, low down for cash. Hcst steak, per lb., 10c. Rib roaM, " Sc. Roil, " Gc Two cents a pound more than the above prices will be charged on time, and that to good responsible parties only. 207. tte.-vky g. cake w, Attorney .ind Counselor at Law, COLUMUCS, NEBRASKA. Formerly a member of the English, bar; will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him in this and adjoining counties. Collections made. Office one door east of Schilz' shoe store, corner of olive and 12th Streets. Spricht Deutch. Pailc Francais. 41S-tf MRS. W. L. COSSEY, Dress and Shirt Maker, .1 Doom West orStillmauN Drn; Store. Dresses and shirts cut and made to order and satisfaction guaranteed. Will also do plain or fancy sewing of any de scription. 333" PRICES VERY REASONAHLE. Give me a call and trv mv work. 425-ly COLUMBUS BRICK YARD, (One mile west of Columbus.) THOMAS FLYNN & SON, Propr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK Always on Hand In QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASERS 371-tf HENBY GASS, UNDERTAKER, KEEPS OXHA2&) ready-made and Metallic Coffins, Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Caue Seat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal nut Lumber. V! ,..,!, cu TT.i. r' .V- M.V ffvw ) i i NEBRASKA HOUSE, S. J. MARMOY, Prop'r. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, COLU-UKUS, XEU. A new house, newly furnished. Good accommodations. Board by day or week at reasonable rates. t3TScti a. First-Cliiss Table. Meals,... .2o Cents. Lodgings.... 25 Cts I Ir. E. Ii. SIC5GI.VS Pliysician and Surgeon. JSTOfliec open at all hours M Building T J. BYRNE, " ' DENTIST, COLUMBUS, NEB. tSFOJfice: Eleventh St., one door east of Jouknal building, up-stairs. CALIFORNIA WINES! Eoijsl White, 31.25SS1.75 A GALLON -AT- SAML. GASS'S, Elrrrntli Street. EL.AJDSTE OIL AT- Wm. BECKER'S. RECOMMENDED as far superior to any other lamp oil in use in the State, "it Kives a very bright, clear litrht and is perfectly safe. 55-4 ItBAEtY Af.UKIGill'r, Merchant Tailoress, 13th Street, 0Fp:s!tc P::t-c2re. Men's and boys' suits made in the latest style, and good lits guaranteed, at very low prices. Men's suits $0.00 to ?!UX), according to the goods and work. Hoys' suits $3.00 to $4.00, according to size. ESTCLEANIXG ANI RKI'AIUIXG DOXK.JjgJ Rring on your soiled clothing. A whole suit renovated and made to ap pear as good as new for $1.25 424-y LUERS&SCHREIBEH Elacbmitbi and WaOQ Maker:. ALL KINDS OK Repairing Done on Short Notice. B:?lcs Wac:r:, '.:., i.'ai: t: Crier. ALL "WORK WARRANTED. They also keep on hand Furst& Bradley Plows, SULKY PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, &C. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter sall. COLU31RUS, NEB. J. O, ELLIOTT, AGKNT FOR THK STOVER WIND MILL ?20 OSCILLATING FEED 3IILL, And All Kinds of Pumps AND PUMP MATERIALS! ALSO Challenge Wind and Feed Mills, Combined Shelter and Grinder, Malt Mills, Ilorsc Powers, Corn bhcllers and Fanning Mills. Pumps Repaired on Short Notice, Farmers, come and examine our mill. You will lind one erected on the premises of the Hammond House, in good running order. WM, BECKER, )DKALKlt IN( GROCERIES, Grain, Produce, Etc. 2. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. Goods delivered Free of Charge, anyichcre in the city. Corner of 13th and Madison Sts. North of Foundry. 397 A3ERIC.AJSr MEDICAL imm INSTITUTE. 7. Z. KHCEILL, u. s. r. t.i:ast7it,i:.i) Physicians ait Snrieois. S. 2. L'lSCES, JT. S., & J. C. IZiTISS, L'. D., ef Ciii, Consulting Physicians a&d Surgeons. For the treatment of all classes of Sur gery and deformities; acute and chronic diseases, diseases of the eye and ear, etc., etc., Columbus, Neb, WGMMFrt ELEANOR'S EXPERIENCE. "Let me see, where was I? Cup and a half of sugar, whites of five egjjs, beateu Teddy, will you keep your fingers out of that sugar crock? There, I will give you one more lump and that must be the last, now remember!" "Eleanor, you need not beat those eggs. I declare it is a shame to in vite you here and then put you in to the kiicheu to work." Here pretty Mrs. Gray slopped to Like breath, and look after her youngest hopeful, who, havinjr fin ished his sugar, was evidently puz zling his curly head to think of more mischief. Eleanor looked up at her friend and laughed a low, hearty laugh that was in itself irresistable, and continued to beat the foaming white mass on the platter she held in her hand. If you had heard Eleanor Vane laugh without seeing her face, you would havo immed iately been possessed with a desire to behold it; that accomplished, you would never rest until you had known the owner. Don't understand me to mean that it was a beautiful face it was simp ly bright and cheery. Her voice when she spoke, match ed the laugh in its low, sweet tones. "You arc the same chatter-box as of old, Fannie. I cannot sec that a husband aud two boys have changed you in the least. I am sorry, for your sake, that your girl has left you so suddenly ; but you need not wor ry on my account. I am never so happy as when I am interested in some piece of housework, especially cooking. You must remember that I have had a very practical educa cation. At home, we four girls al ways managed the housework, tak ing our turn in each department." "Ah ! that is the reason you arc so handy about everything. Eleanor, what a mistake some mothers make in bringing up their daughters. I was brought up in such ignorance of hoschuold matters. You would be quite shocked, I know, if I should tell you of some of the blunders I have made since I went to house keeping. If I have a good cook she soon learns that I nm an ignoramus, aud fakes advantage of it, and a poor one must ever remain so, for I can not leach her better. I dare say I have no management or good sense, or I coulii soon learn better; but I am forever in a muddle of some kind." There was such honest distress iu her face that Eleanor could not laugh, she only helped her with the cake, and diverted her mind from unpleasant topics. Tea-time came, Mr. Gray came from the store, aud seven-year-old Robbie from school. Eleanor had made some biscuit that were so light and delicate that they almost melted in one's mouth, and the white cake was pronounced simply UCIICIUUS). "I dou't sec but what we get along well enough without a girl," said Mr. Gray, helping himself to a third biscuit. "That is because Eleanor is here. Never mind, she is going to teacli me all she knows; I shall surprise you some day," said the little wife, hopefully. Ho laughed, and was about to leave the room, when he drew a letter from his pocket and tossed it upon the table. "Here is a letter from Auut Jauo, Puss, I had almost forgotten it." Mrs. Gray opened the tinted envelope and read the dainty note inside in silence ;but the expression on her face was elo quent with disappoiutment, mingled with despair. "What is the matter, Fan," said Eleanor, almost frightened. "Is anyone sick or dead? I never saw you look eo perfectly hopeless." "Aunt Jane and Cousin Belle arc coming here." "Is that all?" "Why, Eleanor. You have no idea what a dreadful woman Aunt Jane is. I suppose because Charlie has no mother she thinks she is called upon to be ray mother-in-law. She and Belle come here every year, and stay sometimes six weeks. They are a perfect torment to me. Aunt Jane is a model housekeeper, aud never excuses a failure. She Likes it upon herself to snook around into all my closets aud cup boardsandwell you know they are always more or less stirred up; I put things straight once in a while, then I look for something in a hur ry, and things arc thrown right and left." "I don't profess to be a model housekeeper," said the poor little woman, the tears flowing down her rosy checks, "but it is so aggravat ing to have her snub and scold me. She is a miserable old sneak, so there, and Belle is just like her." Having thus freed her mind, Fan nie dried her tears and finished her supper. Then they talked the mat ter over seriously. "In tho first place, we must get a girl to-morrow at any price," said Fannie. "If they are coming to-morrow evening it would be better to put the house in order first. Have your washer-woman come and scrub and scour everything in the kitchen and pantries; you and I can see to the rest of the house, aud bake some nice things to tickle Aunt Jane's palate." Fannio's eyes brightened. "You are such a dear girl. In spite of Aunt Jane's neatness, she can not begin to cook as you do. I should like to have her see some of the dainty dishes you can make; but I must not let you work while they are here." "You will be obliged to do so," said Eleanor, composedly ; "you have tried two weeks to get a girl it is not likely you will find one to morrow. How long will they stay ? There was apostscrpit there you did not read." Fannie took up tho letter and read: "Am sorry, but we can 6tay but a few days, owing to our expecting some friends from the East. "Isn't that glorious? I believe I could find a girl who would come for a 6hort time." "Please mum, could I suit," said Eleanor, dropping a courtesy. "Dou't joke now, there's a dear, I'm iu such trouble." "I never was more in earnest in my life." Fannie's blue eyes opened to their widest extent, while her friend pro ceeded to explain herself. "I never met Charlie's aunt and cousin, and I do not care to know them. I Bhould enjoy the fun of watching the old lady without tho bother of an introduction. Pray let mo do it Fannie; you can have all your time to visit with them, and I will rack my brain to get up nice dinners, and keep the closets iu or der," she added, mischievously. "What if some of my other friends should come?" "Luckily it has rained so since 1 came that no one in town is any the wiser for my being here. I have been playing the fiue lady at Uncle Morton's for six months, Fan, and a little masquerading as Biddy would be refreshing." "It will be only a few days" said Fannie, thoughtfully, and Eleanor knew that she had won the day. "How did you enjoy your visit at your uncle's?" inquired Fannie, as they cleared the table and washed the dishes. "Oh! it was grand, of course; their home is elegant,aud they enter tain a great deal of company. Aunt Lucy insisted on furnishing all my parly dresses, and I dare say I pass ed for a lady who had been raised in tho Jap of luxury, and knew noth ing of the common duties of life. There is tho danger of judging by outside appearances." "A very dear friend of ours was in fhc city last wiulcr attending lectures; I wonder if you met him Dr. King." Eleanor's face flushed crimson. "Yes, he came to the house quite often. He is a relative of some friends of Aunt Lucy's. I didn't know he lived here." "He is not here now; and I am very glad he is not on one account. Aunt Jane has selected him for Belle, and I have some pity for the poor fellow. It scem3 to me if she has made up her mind to do it he will be bound to yield. I have no doubt that this is the object of her visit. How provoked they will be not to find him." The next day was a very busy onimold me you wished I would fall in At night it was safe to say that Mrs. Gray's house was never in such a state of perfect order and neatness before. Not a nook or corner but had been regulated, while the pan try shelves groaned under their weight of good things to surprise Aunt Jane. If Fannie had any doubts of her friend's capacities be fore, she had dismissed them from her mind at once and forever. She worked with 6iich swiftness, and at tained such marvelous results, that the little woman was dumb with as tonishment. The company arrived late in the evening. The next morning Aunt Jane came down with her patron izing air, prepared to show the young housekeeper "how I do so and so." Belle was a languid, sharp-nosed girl of 30, who was called pretty, and probably was at 18 ; but seemed now a littlo faded, although she af fected girlish ways. Mr. Gray welcomed them and they proceeded at once to the'brcak-fast-table, upon which Aunt Jane looked with wondering eyes. It was Fannie's china and silver; but there was something new in the arrangement that sfruck her eye at once. Then as her hostess poured out the amber coflce'aud added tho cream that made it fit for a king, Aunt Jane really looked injured. If there was anything that she prided herself on, it was knowing how to make good coffee. Faunic always gol a lecture on the subject. This morning it trembled on her tongue; but came no farther. She swallowed it down with the de licious coffee which she was forced to acknowledge iu her own heart, was better than her own. She turned her attention to her steak. It lav upon her plate, smok ing hot, a delicate piece of undercut broiled close over the coals. She ate it, and. asked for more. Then the muffins and fried potato; could anything be nicer? Of one thing, however, she felt ccrtaiu, it was not Fannie's doing. "Have you a good girl ?" asked Bell. "Oh ! passable," answered Fannie with a twinkle iu her eye, as Eleanor entered just then with a plate of hot muffins. Aunt Jane put up her eye-glass, aud scanned her from head to foot. "A very nice-looking girl," thought she, "and the best cook Fan nie ever had." After breakfast came the tour of inspection, aud Fannie laughed to herself to see how disappointed her aunt looked as they returned to the sitting-room with no subject for a Iectnre. She would have laughed still more if she had kuown the re solvo in that lady's mind. It was this: "I shall offer that girl higher wages to come and live with me." "I am sorry Dr. King is not in town," said Fannie, expecting to 6ee her guests look crest-fallen; but imagine her surprise when Belle an swered briskly : "Oh ! but he is, that is the reason we I mean he came on the same train that we did." "Quite a coincidence," said Fan nie inwardly raging to herself. ''Therel I know it would end in a muddle. I wanted Dr. King to fall iu love with Eleanor, if he has not already, and hero is that odious Belle under his nose, and Eleanor iu the kitchen. What shall I do ?" She went out to Eleanor as soon as possible, and tried to persuade her to abandon her plan. She was not successful. "I do not see any danger iu it. lie will not sec me. Let Miss Belle have full chance. I shall enjoy hearing you report proceed ings." "Oh, Eleanor, he is so nice, I had thought and hoped " "Yes, I know ; but, take my ad vice, Fannie, don't try match-making ; it is not in your line." Fannie was' in despair; but still resolved to take matters into her own liands. Dr. King came and called. Came again and 6pcntXhe evening. A week passed ; but the guests 6aid nothing about leaving. "We are in for a six weeks' siege," groaned Fannie in secret. Soon af ter this the Doctor called one after noon and found Fannie alone. She began to question him about his winter in the city, and she being a very old friend, he talked quite freely. "I had a very dear friend there, Eleanor Vane. Did you meet her?" questioned the little lady, looking at him with innocent eyes. The young man changed color, first red, then very pale. "Yes, I saw her very often." "You liked her you could not help it," said she eagerly. "I remember now that vou once love with this friend of yours," said he with a smile. "And so you did," thought Mrs. Fannie, exultantly. "She is very charming," he con tiuued,"very lovable ; but she would not bo the right kind of a wife for me. lam a poor man, a physician, aad whcn'I marry, it must be a girl who has had practical education. I would not ask a lady like Miss Vane to share my life. She has been ten derly reared by wealthy relatives, and is a fine lady in every respect. If you could see her as I did spark ling with diamonds, aud arrayed in costumes whoso cost would be a year's incorao to me, you would not wonder that I fought back the love I felt for her. 5uch a marriage would only bring uuhappincss. Just here, to Fannio's relief, her guests returned, and she excused herself and ran up-stairs to Eleanor's room, where bIic laughed herself in to a fit of hysterics; but refused to explain the cause of her merriment. Tho Doctor had a very pressing invitation to dine at the Gray'e, the next day, and the dinner was a mar vel of culinary art. It had been planued that the washerwoman's lit tlo girl was to wait ou the first courses, and Eleanor was to bring in the desert. Fannie felt a little nervous as she tapped the bell, and noticed that Eleanor hesitated a moment as she opened the door and saw the trap (hat had been laid for her; but it was only a moment. She then came forward with 6lightly heightened color, and performed hor duties with trembling hands. Dr. King and Aunt Jano wcro having a very interesting discussion, and it was possible that he would not havo noticed the girl, if she had not called his attention to her. "This is the girl whose cooking we have all been praising," she said, patting Eleanor's arm in her patron izing way. Sho had resolved to en tice Fannie's cook away, and almost felt that she was her own property at this minute. It was quite natural for this woman to praise anything that belonged to herself. " Dr. King looked up with a picas ant 6mile at the blushing girl ; when he uttered an exclamation of sur prise and half rose from his chair, looking with dilated eyes. Eleanor felt that it was time for her to leave, and did so as quickly and quietly as possible. "What is the matter, Doctor? You look as if you had seen a ghost," said Bell, sharply. He murmured some inarticulate reply, and looked to his hostess for help ; but that naughty little woman seemed as much surprised as the rest. "Don't you think did you not notice the resemblance?" "Between whom?" "Your girl and Mis9 Vane." "Now that you speak of it, I do. There's something about Nellie's eyes that makes me think of my friend." Mr. Grey and Robbie both looked as if they were going to speak ; but by shaking her head at one, and stepping on the other's toes Mrs. Grey silenced them both. Dr. King played with his dessert, and looked so distressedly uncomfortable.that it wa3 all she could do to keep a so ber face. Tho gentleman started away soon after dinner; but not until Fannie had whispered to him, "Aunt Jane aud Bell will be away to-morrow afternoon, and if you will call, I think I can explain that resem blance." He looked more mystified than ever, but said he would come. It took considerable strategy to make Eleanor attire herself in her most becoming dress, aud go to the door when the bell rang. She rath er suspected that Fanny meant mis chief, and when Dr. King stepped into the hall and took both her hands in his, saying, "Can it be possible that it was you I saw yes terday, or have you just arrived? Pray explain this mystery," sho felt sure it was all a plot, aud was una ble to say a word. Fannie appeared on the scene then, and told the 6tory in such a way that Dr. King saw at once how blind and foolish he had been. The words he could not utter two months ago to this elegant Miss Vane, now trembled on his lips, and Fannie, observing this, discreet ly walked away. Aunt Jane and Bell returned to be introduced to the future Mrs. King, and words would fail me did I try to describe their wrath. Tho next train carried them out of town, Fannie secretly hoping they would never enter it again. As they believe her to be the chief offender in this plot to circumvent their plans, it is not likely they ever will. Elcauor has proved a capital doc tor's wrfe, and baa never for a moment regretted her week's expe rience iu Fannio's kitchen. Dem oresVs Monthly. locomotives Without Fire. Machines on tho above named principle, says Galignani'a Messen ger, are. now at work on tramway from Rcuell to Marly, near Paris, and with very satisfactory results. The system in use is one introduced by M. Francy, an engineer, and is based on the fact that water boils at a lower temperature proportionate ly to the production of tho atmos pheric pressure. Most of our read ers are aware that water requires a heat of 212 degrees Fahrenheit to boil at the level of the sea, a much lower temperature will produce the same effect at the top of a mountain. We will now explain how that physiological fact is practically em ployed. Into a reservoir of thin steel we cannot call it a boiler, for it has neither fireplace nor fire is introduced 1,800 litres of water at a temperature of 200 degrees Fahren heit, then covered hermetically. The steam it gives off at once fills up the superincumbent space and produces a pressure of fifteen at mospheres. As long as auy of the vapor is turned on for moving tho machine tho pressure is reduced, and the water then begins to boil, producing a fresh supply of ateam. Of course, the process is of but lim ited extent, as, at tho commence ment, the liquid only contained a certain amount of heat, which la gradually diminished a3 the repro duction of steam takes place at lower temperature by tho exhaus tion of superincumbent pressure. So far a machine of this description would bo obviously totally inade quate to any very prolonged jour ney. But for short transit it has been found extremely serviceable. As the amount of pressure required to work the engine is only ilvo atmosphere?, a scries of valves aro bo arranged as to prevent a greater amount of force issuing from tho reservoir thau is necessary, and thus retaining as far as possible, the heat originally contained in tho water. The driving part of tho machinery is nearly identical with that of or dinary locomotive?, with a few modifications for the purpose of guarding against useless wasto of the heat originally Introduced into the reservoir. Executive Ability. Very few men are blessed witb the talent of doing moro than one thing well. In tho economy of na ture our gifts, as a rule, are few. One may be able to plan but can not execute, while his neighbor's executive ability is his strong point. This man is good at the wheel, but lacks financial ability; another ouo can design china aud carthen-waro of superior style, but falls short of success as a business manager. Sim ilar experiences arc met with in every trade. Men may succeed in the routine of designing, and in other departments of potting, but when their success in any ono of these encourages them to essay man ufacturing, they are all at sea, sim ply because the latter position calla for the exercise of entirely different qualifications. 2Hovf and again wo find notable execptious to this rnlo. We meet occasionally with men who possess a combination of different and varied excellences, snperior wherever they are placed; but, on the whole, 6uch instances aro rare 30 rare, iu fact, that the exception only proves the rule. Such men aro successful. They must be, for they possess overy requisite in the whole range of mechanical and executivo ability. Other men, who know nothing, practically, about the de tails or construction and qualities of materials, sometimes succeed, bnt they have an executive power well developed, aud, supported by a clear judgment traiucd by experience, they master all difficulties. One class of men may not know how to draw the simplest pattern, but, on the other hand, they may possess good taste, which will ena ble them to decide whether a design is good or bad, and their discern ment foretells its reception with tho trade. Give them a basis and a plan, and they will completo tho structure. On the other hand, those who have tho practical routine thoroughly by heart, but lack tho executivo power, generally fail in their attempt to do business. What wo wish to impress is tho import ance of executive talent. It is tho all-powerful lever. It is not always a gift. In nearly every man thero is n germ, which, with proper culti vation, will develop this trait to a certain degree. Young men learn ing the business should stndy it in all its bearings, and afford it every opportunity for growth. With it success is possible, even if mechan ical genius and practical apprentice ship arc wanting, but without it tho best workman is unfitted for inde pendent business operations. Wo do not urge this point to the exclu sion of others, but we know its possession 13 imperative. Too much knowledge concerning tho details of a business can not be had, and what ever else you lack, do not fail to cultivate the executive faculty. Pottery Gazette. The man that is so cowardly as to condemn in others what ho excuses in himself, is far below tho average of what his creator intended him to be. Good thoughts come from the truo fountain of holiness. Evil thoughts find their being in the cesspools of filth and miserj Guide your walk in life with so much precision, that God himself will smile as you pass along. Over one-third of the buyers and holders of United States bonds aro women. "Set solid," as the printer said when the chair he sat down on wasn't there, and he landed on the floor.