The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 07, 1879, Image 1

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    Rates of Advertising.
jyj'ace. lio Sic lwio 3 wCml
lcoPmn t-'.Ql $ I $s I $30 I GOJ$i
X " I -W 22 I J'' ' -0 '
K I U.MH !,IJ-I wl
4 inches 5.iV ll" 1 1
"l 1
15 L
Proprietors and Publishers.
a 4.r9 j C.T.' j 10 12 I
1 "I IJU)12.-J" 4 1 ri
lUiilnesi and professional cards tc
lines or less space, per annum, ten do
lars. I.cral advertisements at statu1
rates. "Kditorial local notices" llftee
cents a line each insertion. "Loci
notices " Ave cents a line each Insc
tlon. Advertisnicnts classified a.iuSp notices" live cents a line first insc
tion, three cents a line each subsequet
lbP llllilp li
3T Office In the JOUBKAL building,
Eleventh-st., Columbus, Neb.
Teiuis Per year, ?2. Six months, ?1.
Three mouths, 50c. Single copies, 5c.
i . , ' -
VOL. X--NO. 1.
WHOLE NO. 469.
A. &. Paddock, U. S. Senator, Beatrice.
AlvixSausdeus, U.S. Senator, Omaha.
T. J. 3IAJOHL, Hep.. Peru.
E. K. Valentine, Rep., West Point.
Amsixus Kaxck, Governor, Lincoln.
S.J. Alexander, Sucretary of State.
F. W. Liedtke, Auditor, Lincoln.
G. M. Bartlctt, Treasurer, Lincoln.
C. .T. Dilworth, Attorney-General.
5. K. Thompson, Supt. Public Insrtic.
II. C. Dawson, Warden of Penitentiary.
cllTGd?'' 1 I"Pcctor..
Ir. J. O. Davis, Prison Physician.
II. P. Mathcwson, Supt. I nsane Asylum.
S. Maxwell, Chief Justice,
George P.. l.akcJ A0clatc Judges.
Amasa Cobb. J
' G. AY. Poi-t, J nil ce, York.
31. It. Rectc, District Attorney, VTahoo.
M. B. IToxIc, Kcglstcr, Grand Island.
Win. Ativan, Itccciver, Grand Island.
J. G. Iliggins County Judge.
John Stufler. County Clerk.
V. Kummer. Treasurer.
I5e 11 j. Spii'lman, Sin-riff.
It. I.. Uoskeitcr, Surveyor.
Win. Blovdorii )
John Walker, V CountyCoinmissinuers.
John Wir. )
Dr. A. Ilvints, Coroner.
S. I., llarrctt, Supt. of Schools.
S. S. McAllister,) jIlrti,.,.vorthcPence
IlrrtHi Jlillctt, f .lurtiu solinci cacc.
Charles Wake, Constable.
C A. Speiee, Mavor.
Jhn s-cliram. Clerk.
Jubn J. Riekly, Marchnl.
J. W. Earlv, Treasurer.
S. S. McAllitttM-. Police Judge.
J. G. Itoutsou, Euirlnccr.
1st H'flrd J. E. North,
E. Pohl.
2.1 IPirtf K. C. Kavanaugh.
C. E. Morse.
Sd Ward-K. J. Baker.
Win. Burgess.
;oIumtUK JPohI Office.
Open on Sundays from 11 A.M. to 12 M.
snd from 4:31) to (5 i ji. Business
hours except Sunday ( a. m. to 3 1. M.
atoru ni.iils cloc at 11:2) A. M.
Wi'tcrn malls close at 4:2i.m.
Mail leave Columbus for Madison and
Norfolk, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, T A. M. Arrives Moudays,
Werinrdayt. and Fridays, 3 i. m.
For Monroe," (tenon. Waterville and AI
biun, duily except Sunday C A. M. Ar
rive, same, f r.M.
For Summit, mid Crete. Mon
d.i and Thursdays, 7 A. m. Arrives
WedncsdaTS. and Saturdays, 7 i M.
For itrllevllfe. Osceola and York, Tues
davs.Thurdaysand Saturdays, 1 p.m.
Arrives .t 12 i.
For WeK. Farral and Battle Creek,
Mondavi, and V.rvdnesdays,fi a. M. Ar
riven Tuesdavs anil Fridy at (5 r. M.
For Shell Creek, Nebo, Crcston and
Stanton, on Mondays at 7 A. M. Ar
rives TucsiUvs (5 r. M.
For David CitV, Tuesdays, Thursdivs
suit Saturdays, 1 r. M. Arrives, at 12
For the fastest selling book of the
A household necessity one that every
famiU needs a Library of it.sclf.
A5l5VI are meeting w ith great mic
eess. fur evcrv lamily who wees the book
wants it. Secure "territory at once.
ddrcss; Anchor I'tiblNIiinsrCo.,
St. Louis, Mo.; Chicago, 111.; Ashjand,
O.: Philadelphia, Fa.; and Atlanta, Ga.
2apr 4m
II. P. Time T;ilIe.
Easticartl Bnuud.
KwiiKraiit, No. 0, leaves at ... G:25a. 111.
Paseiig'r, " -J, " "....
Freight, " . " "- 2:15 p.m.
rrr&ht, "W. " " :30a.m.
llfcjf ward Bound.
Frei-ht, No. 5, leaves at. . . . 2:00 p. in.
Paseiig'r, " 3, " "-.-. 4:27p.m.
Freight, " 0, 4 "- :H)p.m.
Kinicrsnt. 7. " "...- 1:30a.m.
Everv dav except Saturday the three
Hicb leading to Chicago connect with
IT P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays
there will be but one train a day, as
nimtrn liv the following schedule:
(C. & N. W. ) 7th
Sept ... 4c,B.&Q. V 14th
' (C, R. I. X- P. 21st
in ana'tn.
(C, It. .V IJ. 1 Mil
Oct -K, R. I. ii J'.V 12th
r..t.. W. l!)th
5th and 2Gth.
f C, It. I. & P.) 2d and 23d.
Xov . . . N. W. y i)th and 30th.
(C, B. .t Q. ) 10th
(C, 15. y. 1 7th
sec "c, n. 1. ,t v.y nth
(C. & N. W. J 21st
7th and 23th.
BE OF GOOD cnEER. Let not the
low prices of your products dis
courage you. but rather limit your ex
panse? to your ret-ourccs. You can do
so by stopping at the new home of your
fcllo'w farmer, where you can lind good
accommodations cheap. For hay for
team for one night and day, 25 cts. A
room furnished with a cook stove and
bunks, in connection with the stable
free. Thoe wishing can be accommo
dated at the house of the undersigned
at the following rates: Meals 25 cents;
beds 10 cents. J. B. SENECAL,
Ji mile cast of Gcrrard's Corral.
$3t Wis not easily earned in the.e
times, but" it can be made
I I in three months by any one
of either sex. in any partof
the country who is willing to work
steadily at the employment that we
furnbti. fGC per week In your own
town. You need not be away from
home over night. You can give your
whole time to the work, or only your
spare moments. Wc have agents who
arc making over ?20 per day. All who
engage at once can make money fast. At
the present time money cannot be made
so easily and rapidly at any other busi
ness. It costs nothing to try the busi
ness. Termsand$5 Outfit free. Address
at once, II. Hi.ltt fc Co., Portland,
Ma inn 375-y.
Ucan make monev faster at work for
us than atanyth'mselse. Capital not
required; wc will start you. $12 per
dav at home made by the indus
trious." Men. women, boys and girls
wanted everv where to work for us. Now
is the time. Costlv outfit and terms free
Address True & Co., Aujusta, Maine
$1 f a week in vour own town. $."
V r Outfit free. No risk. Reader
VVif you want a business at
which persons of either sex
can make great pay all the time they
work, write for particulars te H. Hal
vett& Co Portland, Maine.
Justice of the Peace aud
Notary Public.
w. ntniJLEnrr Ac so:,
Nebraska. N. B. They will give
close attention to all business entrusted
to them. 248.
"DTPCT1"1110 -vou can cnfe'aK
t 9 Iuk JL in. & to $20 per day matin
by any worker of either sex. right in
their own localities. Paticiilars nnd
samples worth ?5 free. Improve your
spare time at this business. Address
Stinson &. Co., Portland, Maine.
Teams of
Horses or Oxen,
SAUULI? Eo:IE.N wild or broke,
at the Corral of
JOHN IIUBER, the mail-carrier be
tween Columbus and Albion, will
leave Columbus everyday except Sun
day at 0 .'clock, sharp, passing through
Monroe, Genoa, Waterville, and to Al
bion The hack will call at either of
the Hotels for passengers if orders arc
left at the post-oflicc. Rates reason
able, $2 to Albion. 222.1y
AT MY RESIDENCE. on Shell Creek,
three miles ea-.t of Matthis's bridge,
I have
70,000 fjoocl. liaril-tiurut lricl
tor strlo,
which will be sold in lots to suit pur
chasers. 44S-tf GEORGE IIENGGLER.
Columbus Meat Market!
KEEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh
meats, and smoked pork and beef;
aUo fresh fish. Make sausage a spec
ialty. 537"Remenibcr the place. Elev
enth St., one door wet of D. Ryan's
hotel. 417-tf
Manufacturer and Dealer in
More oti Olive St.. near the old Post-ojficc
Columbus Nebraska. -117-ly
jc. s. EXAaifixarvG so; it ::',
OFFICE IIOl'RS, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to
4 p. in., and 7 to .1 p. m. Olliee n
Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of
E. J. Baker's grain olliee. Residence,
corner Wvomins and Walnut trects,
north Columbus, Ncbr. 433-tf
Zlctriclc' IHcnt Mnrkct.
Washington Atc, nearly opposite Court House.
meat will be sold at this market
low. low down for cah.
Best steak, per lb., 10c.
Rib roast, 4C - S-
Boil. " 6c.
Two cents n pound more than the above
prices will be charged on time, and thnt
to good responsible parties only. 207.
Attorney and Connselor at Law,
coLUitni's, nkbraska.
Formerly a member of the English
bar: will give prompt attention to all
business entrusted to him in this aud
adjoinia counties. Collections made.
Ouice one door cast of Schilz' hoe store,
comer of olive and 12th Structs. Spricht
Deutch. Parle Francais. 418-tf
Dress and Shirt Maker,
3 Doo n Wfst orStillman'K Drag Store.
Dresses and shirts cut and made to
order aud satisfaction guaranteed. Will
also do plain or fancysewing of any de
Give mc a call and trv mv work.
(One mile west of Columbus.)
Always on Hand in.
ready-made and Metallic Coffins,
Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cane
Seat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal
nut Lumber.
Tisiissta Ato. cjpcrlto Cwrt Uzzu, C:hVu, Hcfc
S. J. MARMOT, Prop'r.
Nebraska Ave., South of Depot,
A new house, newly furnished. Good
accommodations. Board by day or
week at reasonable rates.
tSTSctx xi First-Class TulIc.
Meals,. ...25 Cents. Lodgings... :25 Cts
Dr. E. 1. SIGGI.S,
Ph.ysician and Surgeon.
S301ficc open
at all hours
Bank Building.
tSTOiice: Eleventh St., one door cast
of Jouknai. building, up-stairs.
E:i ssd TMte,
Klrrrnth Street.
RECOMMENDED as far superior to
i any other lamp oil in use in the
State. It gives a very bright, clear light
and is perfectly safe. fw-4
Merchant Tailoress,
13th Strict, c;p::ite P::t-crc.
M'cn's and boys' suits made In the
latest style, and good tits guaranteed, ut
very low prices. Men's suits ?0.C0 to
$!.O0, according to the goodj and work.
Roys' suits $3.00 to $1.00, according to
Bring on your soiled clothing. A
whole suit renovated and made to ap.
pear as good as new for $1.2.1 424-y
Blacbmills and Wagon Maksrr.
Rqi.Tiriiig Done on Short Notice.
Bccsl:, Vactu, Zt:., Vile It Crier.
They also keep on hand
Furst & Bradley Plows,
Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter
And All Kinds of Puaips
Challenge Wind and Feed Mills,
Combined Shell er and Grinder,
Malt Jlilk, Horse Powers,
Corn Shelters and
Funning Mills.
Pumps Repaired on Short Notice,
Farmers, come and examine our mill.
You will lind one erected on the premises
of the Hammond iIouc, in good running
Grain, Produce, Etc.
Goods delivered Free of Charge,
anywhere in the city.
Corner of 13th and Madison Sts.
North of Foundry. 397
I. S. KITCESLL, H. . 5. ?. UA2T71T, 1. D
Ply siciais ii Snrgeons.
C S. StlECK. . D.t 4 J. C. USJflSZ, . ., ef Caii,
Mtiog Physicians ani Surgeoss.
For the treatment of all classes of Sur
gery and 'deformities; acute and
chronic diseases, diseases of the eye
and ear, etc., etc.,
Columbus, Neb.
"Wonders will never cease," said
Mrs. Noakes, as she opened a letter
she had found beside her plate at
breakfast. Here is Cousin Corner
coming home after all these years,
aud such a letter; just listen, my
"Dkau Cousin: I suppose you have
all made up your minds that I am dead;
but I'm alive, as you see, and coming
home. I'm tired of mere money-grubbing;
and those who have made fortunes
know that they need something else in
this world. 1 mean to end my days
among my relatives, and, between you
aud mc, 1 shall put them to the test. 1
want to lind out who arc really my
friends, and who court mc for other rca
son; and what I ask you to do Is to
make them all think me a very poor man,
quite out of poekct. IJIcss me, I'm
laughing out loud as I write! You
should hear mc. To make them think
that 1 am poor, and that it would be a
charity to ask mc to pay them visits,and
to invite mc now and then to dinner,
anu an man incre l go again, laujxli
ing until the room rings! Aud in this
way I can discover my true friends. I
shall come to your house first, dressed
In character. I know it is an old joke,
quite a thing outofthcplaysaud novels,
but I trust it will scucccd. Yours very
allcctionatcly, Ojiadiaii Coknkk.
P. S. Expect me Thursday. O. C."
'If that isn't the most amusing
thing," said Mrs. Goalees coming
home 60 rich that he is suspicious
of his relatives, and afraid of being
courted for money. Aud a bachelor,
too! Dear, dear! Poor Obadiah
Corner, who used to be the black
sheep of the family, and whom wc
believed would never come to any
good ! How everything docs change
about in this world! Life is a
checker-board, to be sure! Wilinni,
w hat a splendid thing it would be
for Arabella Muffit."
"What would be a splendid thinir
for Arabella ;a checker-board ?" ask
ed Mr. Xoakes.
"Oli, Mr. Noakcs!" cried his wife;
"don't pretend to be stupid, because
you're not, my dear, and you don't
do yourself justice. I mean Cousin
"Cousin Obadiah would be a good
thing for Arabella. Oil yes yes
y-c-c-s!" said Mr. Xoalccs, "you
mean a good match tor her. But
Arabella MufBt, though a most ex
cellent person, is no longer young,
and she's never been handsome, my
"That's so ridiculous !" said Mrs.
Noakcs. "Arabella is much younger
titan Obadiah, aud by no means so
plain as lie is. But that is the way
with men. The older and uglier
they get, the younger and prettier
they think their wives must be.
Boys of twenty sometimes fall in
love with women of 30, but men
of GO never think of any age beyond
1G when they fall in love."
"Very true, indeed," said Mr.
"And very ridiculous," said Mrs.
Xoakes. "At all events, I've an af
fection for Arabella, and I'll do all
I can to further her interest. And
don't forget that wc must keep Oba
dinh's secret from the rest of the
relatives. I thall give Arabella a
hint of the true state of the case, but
not another soul shall know a word
beyond what Obadiah has told mo
to tell them."
"Well, women must be match
makers, I suppose," said Mr.
Xoakes, as he swallowed his last
cup of coffee and glanced at the
clock; "but don't calculate too
much on success in this affair, my
Then he took his hat and coat and
departed for those regions collo
quially known aa "town," where
men of busiuess hide themselves the
best part of the day, and shortly af
ter Mrs. Noakcs, having arrayed
herself for the promenade, went out
also, her purpose being a confiden
tial interview with Arabella of
whom she had spokeu to her hus
band. Arabella Muffit, better known
among her .friends as little Miss
Muffit, was a very small, black-eyed
lady of 45 years, who lived in a liny
house principally furnished with
specimens of all the fancy work
that had been fashionable for the
last 25 years.
She had no near relatives and
could remember none but the grand
father who left her the small prop
erty on which she lived, but she had
connections who took tea with her,
occasionally, aud with whom she
dined at times; for the rest, church
going, needle-work and books occu
pied her time.
She opened the door for Mrs.
Noake3 herself, and, having kissed
her on both cheeks, escorted her to
the bedroom above, where she was
busy with a chair-cover.
"Now we can have a nice chat,"
said she; "and you'll stay to luuch,
won't you Martha?"
Martha promised to stay, and,
having taken off her cloak and hat,
dropped into a chair and produced
Obadiah's letter.
"There," she said, "read that Ara
bella." Arabella read it, changing color
as she did so.
"Dear mc," she said, "how roman
tic he must be. lie never used to
be romantic. I suppose he's changed
very much in these livc-and-twenty
years. He must be 57 now. And
to think of his having made a for
tune and wanting to prove his
friends sincere. Martha, do you
think you ought to betray him?"
"No, I do not," said Martha, "and
I shall tell no one but you. I had a
motive in telling you, and, as he
says in a postscript he'll be here on
Thursday, I want you to dine with
us on Thursday and meet him."
Poor Arabella looked in the glass
"He'll find me dreadfully chang
ed," said she ; "but I'll come, Mar
tha." "Bless you, we all change! Wc can't
help that," said Mrs. Noakes. "I
never worry about it ;" and she fell
to talking about Obadiah and what
he used to do and what he had been
doing, and found the subjcct:so in
teresting that they kept it up over
the cold chicken, sponge cake, otc,
that composed their lunch.
When Thursday evening arrived
it found little Miss Muffit in Mrs.
Noakes' parlor, sitting opposite a
burly-looking man, whose nose was
rather red and whose eyes were not
honest, candid eyes by any means,
lie was dressed very shabbily, to
say the very least, and had whisper
ed to Mrs. Noakes in the hall,
"Take notice of this coat ; it carries
out the character, doesn't it? I look
like a seedy old fellow who has had
ill-luck, don't I?" And he nudged
Mr. Noakes with one elbow and
Mrs. Noakcs with the other, while
they mentally agreed that lie certain
ly did look the character most thor
oughly. On the whole, it was rather a
pleasant evening, and Arabella and
Obadiah got on finely, lie prom
ised to take tea at her house in a
few days and saw her home at 10
The rest of the connections, not
having read Obadiah's letter, were
not delighted at his return. They
saw him shabbier than ever, and
they were very careful to keep him
at a distance.
Mrs. Noakcs often smiled to her
self to think what a difference that
letter would have made in their con
duct had they known of it ; but. she
wisely held her tongue and left a
fair field to Arabella. In a little
while, to her joy, and the great sur
prise of Mr. Noakcs, Obadiah Cor
ner actually proposed to little Miss
Muffit and was accepted by her.
"Such a splendid thing!" said
Mrs. Noakes. "Such a wonderful
thing for Arabella, and it shall come
out now."
Thereupon Mrs. Noakes went
calling among the relative?, showing
Obadiah's letter everywhere, and
creating great excitement.
"And what can he sec in little
Miss Muffit?" said one mother of
many daughters. "And, though I
say it who, perhaps, should not
there's my Marguerite such a
But Marguerite was very rude
to Cousin Obadiah," said Mrs.
"The idea of an old man like that
marrying with relatives he could
leave everything to !"
"But men don't leave everything
to relatives who insult them," said
Mrs. Noakes .Besides, Obadiah is
not very old not old at all. It's just
splendid for Arabella; and she was
tho only one who was civil to him,
you know."
Then she went away, leaving the
connections generally envious of
Miss Muffit, and angry with her al
so as one who had been wiser in
her generation than they.
And Miss Muffit was so happy
that she began to grow plump, was
making up a pearl-colored silk dress,
and had sent some pearls that had
been left her by her grandfather to
the jeweler's to be reset, and sat one
evening building some middle-aged
castles in the air, with her feet on
the fender of the grate,when the bell
rang and her elderly lover was
shown in.
There was no light in the room
but that of the fire; and, as she
would have lit the drop-lamp he
stopped her.
"I want to talk a little," he said,
"aud I like talking iu a half-light.
Arabella, I've a question to ask, and
I want you to answer mc truly. I
want you to promise solemnly that
you will tell me the truth."
"I will," said little Miss Muffit,
faintly. "Whatever the question is,
I'll tell the truth, Obadiah."
"Well, then' said Obadiah, "did
you see the letter I wrote to Cousin
The blood rushed to Mis3 Muffit's
face in the darkness.
"I I . Yes, I saw it," she
"I know, no one else did," Gaid
Obadiah. "But you she showed it
to you? Wel!; I intended she
should. I wrote it to be seen. I
never thought Cousin Noakcs could
keep a secret. Arabella, I'm a poor
man and a rascal ! I have met with
uothing but failure. You are rich
in comparison. You've a home and
$1,200 a year. My letter was only
a trap. I wanted every one to sec
it, and hoped to settle down com
fortably among my friends with the
reputation of being a rich bachelor,
with a fortune to leave behind him.
You only saw tho letter. You only
were civil, and I offered myself to
you, meaning to impose on you un
til we were safely married. I cared
very little for you then, Arabella!
I wanted a home, that wa3 all."
"Oh!" cried little Miss Muffit, as
if something had stung her.
"But since then," continued Oba
diah, looking miserably into the
fire, "since then I've found out how
good you were how nice, how
sweet. I've come to love,you, Ara
bella, aud to feel that I mustn't play
a trick on you. It was natural you
should like the thoughts of a rich
hu8b:ind and then wc were great
friends as boy and girl. I don't
blame you, and I can't cheat you.
I think it will break my miserable
old heart. But good-bye, good-bye.
I've come to say good-bye and beg
your pardon, my dear. They'll say
you had a lucky escape. So you
have. I'm going.
He arose, but little Miss Muffit
arose, too.
"Obadiah," she said, "I never
thought of the money. Obadiah,
don't think that of mc. And do
you care for mc now ?"
"The only thing in the world I
love," said he.
Then she held out her trembling
"Sta-, Obadiah," said she.
And he caught her hand and kiss
ed it aud iu the darkness she heard
him sob.
So they were married after all,
and Obadiah has turned out better
than could have been expected, aud
only Mrs. Noakes knows of that
bridal-eve confession, aud she, you
may be sure, keeps the secret.
A Trnc Story.
When I was a very little girl, not
more than four years old, wc lived
in a cottage down in Maine. This
home was under big trees which
were brimful of acorns and all
alive with queer little striped squir
rels. There was a garden full of roses,
and just in the center a big rock all
covered with moss which looked
just like tea. I used to scrape it off
and tie it in little paper parcels and
sell it to mamma.
She didn't pay mc much, only
buttons; but I liked it and so did
she; 'cause she always laughed.
One day a neighbor scut for mam
ma to come and slay with her be
cause she was sick. Papa said: "If
you have to stay all night, I will
come over, after somebody is in bed."
I heard him. I knew who some
body meant ; so I said : -'I'll keep
awake to-night, see if I don't!"
didn't want to be left alone. I
watched the comer behind the door
where the dark always came first,
and watched the door for mamma;
but she didn't conic, and the dark
did. Then I watched papa. How
nice he fixed the fire, aud how he
felt in the pocket where I always
found peppermints, and then said:
"Now, come ride." I wanted the
ride and the peppermints, but I
wouldn't go to sleep this time.
Papa slipped Ihc, candies into my
hand and cuddled me up close, and
somehow I forgot; and then I woke
quick, and it was dark, and the fire
was out, and papa was gone.
I jumped out of bed quick and
felt around for my clothes, but I
couldn't find them ; so I went to the
outside door and opened it softly
and slipped out.
Tho stone step was cold, arid it
was just as dark out of doors as it
was iu the house; but I wanted
papa and mamma. I didn't run, but
I walked fast.
It was thick woods on one side of
the road, and pasture and orchard
on the other. It wasn't long till I
saw the house. I went to the side
door and knocked softly two or
three times, and then papa opened
it very carefully He almost drop
ped the lamp when he 6aw just mc.
I didn't know papa was ever afraid
of anything. He led inc into the
room where mamma and the sick
woman were, and mamma looked
so white and said : "A half mile
alone, this dark uighl I" Papa look
ed at bis watch and said: "At one
o'clock." They held my feet to the
fire aud wrapped me in a shawl, and
I had a nice ride back on papa's
When I woke in the morning,
mamma was home, and breakfast
was ready. I wondered what made
her kiss me so many times, and I
heard papa say "Uo shall give his
angels charge," I did not hear the
rest, but thcro was some more. JV.
Y. Observer.
Farmer' Wlrr.
An Illinois "Farmer's Wife"
writes in the Inter-Ocean: I have
been greatly amused to see tho
great amount of pity wasted on
farmers' wives, and might as well
confess lo a feeling of irritation at
the 8muo time. Why is it that farm
ers' wives arc in most cases regard
ed as household drudges and objects
of commiseration? Now, is not a
great deal of this "bosh," (there, I
have said it, the only word that will
answer or express it,) and written
by persons who know nothing about
it ? Perhaps we ought to feel thank
ful to "Mentor," but had she not
better take up her cudgel in behalf
of lady clerks and seamstresses, who
are quite forgotten in the grand
scheme of reform ? And there are
many women in cities who work as
hard, aud have not the pleasant
homes, pure air, and plenty that
surrounds the farmers' wives. But
what can they do but work, if they
have uot the means to hire help to
assist them in their work?
True, farmers must work, but if
they should spend their summers
picnicking, and donate their fruits,
etc., to hospitals, who would provide
bread and butter for their city
cousins, who arc engaged iu intel
lectual pursuits, but who are 60
nearly allied to their couutry rela
tions that they must be fed with the
common herd ? And it is not true
that most farmers arc trying to get
all the land they can, and neglect to
provide comforts for families. Very
many are trying to pay for what
they have, and give their children a
better education than they them
selves have had. Women of this
nineteenth century arc no more
slaves than their husbands arc
tyrants; aud all women cannot be
Mrs. Livcrmores and Anna Dickin
sons, though we do all admire them,
but they can fill the position they
have been placed in.
Any woman who has not a large
family can not have so much work
to do and if she has a family she has
company and sympathy, aud most of
us have more than one paper, aud do
sometimes buy a new book and find
time to read it, and exchange ideas
with our neighbors, am Isurpriscd
that it is not a well-known fact that
the machinery that saves the farmer
6avcs the wife as well, as it does
away with the great bugbear of a
farmer's wife, strange men in Ihe
family, and gives the farmer more
time to assist his wife. And here
let mc ask what is to bo done with
the army of tramps, who, since they
are not a burden to the farmer's wife
are likely to be a burden somewhere
else. Had the reformers not better
take them in training, and make val
uable hewers of wood and drawers
of water of them, and in this way
give their weaker sisters more time
for mental improvement? But,
above nil, let us not, as American
women learn to look down on our
work and think it degrading, but let
us so teach our daughters to love
their work and save their muscle and
nerves that they will not be house
hold drudges, but happy, cheerful
women, doing their part well in the
great drama of life; for women
must work and women must pray
while the world stands.
The Incrcn.sinsT 1 nine
The constitution enjoins upon
congress among other thing3 the
duty of coining money and regulat
ing the value thereof.
The only way the value of money
can be regulated, is by regulating
its quantity.
This is a prerogative specially
delegated to congress,and as the chief
object of government is to promote
the general welfare, it would seem
that the time of congress could be
much more profitably spent during
this session than in the exhaustive
efforts iu knocking down the politi
cal pins of the other as fast as set
There is nothing the commercial
and industrial interests of the
country 60 much need as a check on
the increasing value of money.
In 18G5 $1 wos worth 20 pounds
of flour. In 18G7, $1 was worth 22
pounds of flour. In 1SG9 $1 wa3
worth 30 pounds of flour. In 1872
1 was worth 33 pounds of flour. In
1874 .fl was worth 35 pounds of
flour. In 1876 $1 was worth -J5
pounds of flour. In 1878 $1 wa9
worth 50 pounds of flour.
Thus while debts, interest and
taxes remain stationary, dollars are
becoming so valuable that men can
hardly produce enough with the
greatest economy, to meet maturing
obligations and defray current ex
pcuscB.Tcrrc Haute Express.
TJic ftoynl Slfyfteclo Degree.
The other day, after a strappin
young man had sold a load of cor
and potatoes on the market, an
had taken his team to a hotel ban
to feed, it became known to the me;
around the barn that ho was desirou
of joining some secret society i.
town. When questioned he admit
ted that such was the case, aud tin
boys at once offered to initiate bin
into a new order called the Cavalier
Coveo. no was told that it wa
twice a3 secret as Free Masonry,
much nicar than Odd Fellowship
and the cost was only 2. In cast
ho had tho toothache he could draw
$5 per week from tho relief fund
and that he. was entitled to receive
10 for every headache, and $25 foi
a sore throat.
The young man thought that ho
lind struck a big thing, und aftci
eating a hearty dinner he was taken
into a store room above the barn tc
be initiated. The boys poured cold
water down his back, put flour on
his hair, swore him to kill his
mother if commanded, and rushed
him around for an hour without a
single complaint from his lips.
When they had finished, he inquired.
" Now, I am one of tho Cavaliers
of Coveo, am I ? "
"You arc," they answered.
" Nothing more to learn, is there ?"
Well, then, I'm going to lick thai
whole crowd," continued tho candi
date, and he wcut at it, aud be fore I
he got through he had his $2 initia
tion fee back, and $3 more to boot,l
and had knocked every bod' down
two or three times apiece. Ho
(hunt seem gically disturbed ml
mind as ho drovo out of the barn.
On the contrary, his hat was slanted
over, he had a fresh five cent cigar
in his teeth, and ho mildly said to
one of tho bam'boys :
"Say, boy, if you hear of any cav
aliers asking for a Coveo about my
size tell 'em I'll be on the full of tho
moon to take the Hoyal Skyfuglo
Trac CaCBtlcinnn.
"I bcir vour pardon, and witn a
smile and a touch of hi.3 hat Harry
Edmoud handed to an old man,
against whom he accideutlly stum
bled, the cane which he had knock
ed from his hand. "I hope I did
not hurt you ; wo were playing too
"Not a bit! not a bit!" said tho
old man, cheerily. "Boys will bo
boys, and it's best they should be.
You didn't harm me."
"I'm glad to hear it;" and, lifting
his hat again, Harry turned to join
the playmate with whom he had
been frolicking at the timo of tho
"What do you raise yonr hat to
that fellow, for?" asked his compan
ion, Charley Gray. "He's only old
Giles, the huckster."
"That make3 no difference," said
Harry. "The question is not wheth
er he is a gentleman, but whether I
am one; and no trne gentleman will
be less polite to a man because ho
wears a shabby coat, or hawks
vegetables thro' the streets, instead
of sitting in a counting house."
Which was right?
The Union liiclflc nnd
Home S'oliey,
The Union Pacific is now survey
ing a line from Columbus northward
to the Niobrara, and if the counties
through which the road will pass
will vote the bonds asked for, tho
whistle of the Union Pacific will
awake the echoes in Northern Ne
braska before Jack Frost kills tho
summer leaves. It seems to be a
pretty well settled fact that the U.
P. intends to control the carrying
trade of not only Nebraska, but tho
country. It is truly said that Mr. S.
II. II. Clark is the moving spirit in
all these new enterprises, and tho
the company readily acts on his
suggestions. Mr. Clark is a far-seeing
railroad man, and ha probably
no equal in the wc3t. The quiet,
easy way in which he plans and ex
ecutes give3 the country a railroad
before they are scarcely aware that a
project of the kind is on foot.
F apillion Times.
Child Stealing In larls.
Much excitement has been pro
duced in Paris lately by the disap
pearance of young children, evident
ly stolen. Recently six have been
kidnapped. A woman of attractive
appearance and pleasing manners
has been arrested, and i3 now un
der examination with a view to her
identification. Some of the witnes
nes were puzzled by finding the
prisoner looking older than the per
son they were prepared to identify.
On close examination it was fonnd
that the woman wore a set of false
teeth over an excellent act of
natural ones. The false teeth being
out, the witness promptly identified
her. It has been shown the child
stcaler3 ha'd accomplices in England.