COLORADO AK& LEADVILLE. M dold. KUIver, ami ItulIIon. A Trip Went. Lincoln Everybody troiujj to Colorado must go to Denver. The city of Denver is not Colorado, entirely ; but Colorado would be very incom plete without Denver. Gold-seekers go to Denver and make that tnerr starling or outfitting poiut for the iniurs. I.EADVILI.E, or the old "California Gulch," is just I now the objective point for every ! fortune hunter. Years ago, when ( the great gold excitement of Colo , rado tilled the whole country, I "California Gulch" was one df the I best paying diggings in the Moun I tains. Leadvillc was unknown by 1 that name, but Leadvillc was more i numerous then than now. ' To-d&y "California Gulch' i6 un- heard of; the pay dirt Ironi the 1 creek is all worked; for years the great mining camp has been deecrtcd but presto change, the rock is found . rich in silver, and tens of thousands of people must needs start for the Leadvillc, the old ground named. A FltAUD, a 6narc, and a delusion that is Leadvillc. Xot but what there arc some rich quartz ruiucs there, but it takes a small fortune to open and work a ven a small quartz lode. Thero is a fortune for a lucky few who have possession of all the claims that arc worth anything; but the great mass of people who go there, and who have gone there, will never eco the inside of a silver mine, un less they go to work for day's wages, and arc thereby enabled to earn their living. BOAUD AT LEADYII.LE. It costs about two dollars and a half a day for very common board, and plenty of men are willing to work for their board, if they can only get a job. This docs not in clude cofl'ec for each meal, as that costs fifteen cents extra. Neither does it include hot cakes, for they cost twenty-five cents extra. A beef steak is out of tho question, as that is seventy-five cents extra. NOTHING TO DO. , Thousands of men-have gone to Colorado this spring that can not possibly find employment enough to keep them from starving. They ! will have to get money from home before they can go forward or return. "Vc caution everybody who reads the Journal, don't go to Colorado expecting to gel rich in the mines. ' HOW TO GO. I If you want to hunt gold or silver be sure that you start right. Cal culate tho cost and go prepared to make or burst. , You must go prepared to hunt the mountains over all summer. You must not go where the crowd goes, for there everything is taken. You must take money enough with you to furnish all things needful for a summer's prospecting. I A BIG THING. If you find a good paying lode, you have bought the winning ticket in the biggest lottery in the world. If you don't get a good mine of (Cither gold or silver you're burs ted, for you have nothing. No half-way business, no "making expenses" and searching for gold mines. If 3'ou want to go and invest a fortune in buying a miue,and anoth er one in getting it to running, then 'go by all means, to Colorado, for ijthcrc they will sell you mines worth to millions. have met hundreds of men going to Leadvillc. "We have met tribute their mites towards the ( ource of prosperity ? GO FOR PLEASURE. If you want to go to Colorado, go for pleasure. Then you will get your money's worth. Then you will come back happy and satisfied. How to go, when to go, and what to see will be outlined in the next from Gad. lVnftKYlIIc LUcrnry. If the following address delivered by John Eusden on the occasion of the last season meeting of the "Watts- villc Literary Society shall be in the least instiumental in furthering the organization of similar societies, the object of its publication will have been accomplished. En. Journal. Jlr. President, Ladles and Gen tlemen: Our 'Literaries" arc about to close with this eveniug's enter tainment; that they have been a success must be very gratifying to the promoters of them. In taking a review of those meetings permit me to remark, that tbey have been second to none, and in the opinion of many, superior even to the Co lumbus society. Occasionally we have regretted that the young men of our commu nity have not availed themselves of the opportunity a Horded them of improvement, which was the pri mary object of this series of meet ings. Again, we have regretted that we could not furnish sittings for the audience, although we boast of hav ing the largest precinct school in Platte county. Our pleasures have been great, and surely uone greater could be named Hum the sight ol the many very happy looking faces so closely packed, the eager eye and anxious car wailing ou the debate or listening to the amusing decla mation, the laughable dialogue, or genial song. Praise is due to all, for the will ingness put forth throughout the meetings, and especially would we name those from a distence, who have upon so many occasions as sisted us iu our exercises, not for getting that social buirgy with its fiuence you to purchase of men whose trustworthiness you have the least reason to doubt. A penny thus saved at the time of purchase will oftimes be fouud to be many doMars years hence. I have at least 40,000 fruit trees and fail to find one damaged by our cold winters, and no protection either. ."While much of it promises a bountiful reward this year, peach es, grapes, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries arc all right. I close with a word of advice, Set fruit this vcar, and cultivate it well. Polk Co., JVc&r. k. Get the Standard. "TAe best authority. . . It ought to be in every Library also in every Academy and in evety School." llos. Ciias. Sum ner. ilThc best existing English Lexicon." London atiiknum. wfM ZAW 'fcM3i Stfl ILLUSTRATED QUARTO THE HOWE! The Boston Herald says : "Those who believe in fiat money should go and see a piece of calico which be longs to a lady iu Mt. Vernon, Ale. Her grandmother sold a piece of property in London, N. II., for $000 iu United States notes. After keep ing the tfOOO some time, she bought six yards of print for a dress, and paid in said currency $100 per yard, it taking all of her $C00 to buy said dress. When she sold the house, currency was somewhat depreciated but not much. When she bought the six yards $1 in silver or gold would have bought one yard, but in currency $100 per yard was paid. The old lady has been dead thirty years, but the calico outlasts her. a niroiu-Ve i uunurcus coming oacK. GOING. They went out with bright, hope ful faces, with money iu their pock- jcts, with blankets, provisions, arpct-sacks, and revolvers. They came back discouraged, moneyless, provisions crone. carnet-Misks "ono. blankets gone, revolvers gone, and in many cases overcoats sold for ifood. COMING RACK. They came back afoot, whereas jthcy rode out of Denver in 6lyle. jThe railroad train was too slow in bringing them out, but will be slower taking them back home, un less they raise tho necessary fare. One man out of every ten thousand may make a fortune in the mines this season ; the other niuc thousand orine hundred and ninetv and nine trill mflkf n fi.iltirn i" .""": ""- , . .. I iuc xcnvcr papers are uoiugall thcy can to stop the wild, insane rush for Leadvillc, but the great American nation has heard of the five or six men who "struck it big," snd it seems as if the whole Ameri can people must visit Colorado and see if they cannot aleo pick up a fortune for nothing. i THE RAILROADS are doing a rushing business. Ev- lcry 'train that rolls into Denver is crowded with people from the East bOUnd for lhn minoe T.ntnr in llin i ... " :, .. " . seasonwie iramps ana dead heats who will Hue the railroad track will all ! "be homeward bound. The hotels arc crowded from cellar to attic. welling houses in Denver are as scarce as they are iu Lincoln. Fur- mished rooms command a premium. Outfitting houses arc doing an im mense business. Foundries and ma chine shops cannot turn out the iwork fast enough for the mines. Leadvillc has certainly been a mine of wealth to Denver and to the whole State of Colorado, but how is t with the poor devils who cou- gcuial freight ''from over the hills from Postville," through cold and snow, bleak winds and darkness, their only guide the long ears of the mules in advance, their only comfort the warmth of their capa cious hearts, all aglow with friend ship's happy fire. We all waut to be happy. Iu youth wc look for ward to the future. The davs. the months slip away, and wc find our selves living common, prosy lives. The most critical as well as bitterest moments of existence are when the burdens of life fall consciously on the careless, happy heart of youth, merrily dancing down the long path of life. Suddenly, we know how few pcopbifeel happy; how every middle-aged face bears deep wrin kles, and that the light and sparkle has fade-out of the ecs. If, dur ing this series of meetings wc have but removed one wrinkle of care, brought happiucss again but to one heart, brought again the sparkle to eyes dimmed with the burdens of life, the end has been answered, and and all assisting in our "Literaries" arc happy. The exercises of this evening will now commence, and wo trust the remembrance of those meetings will live in your memories, and bring forth a fruitful harvest, rich in our love to each other, cementing us all in one compact body until, (God willing) next fall we may emerge from our chrysalis state with fresh life and increased vigor, to again maintain our position as foremost ami best of all literary societies in Platte countv. "Now then, state your case," &aid a Detroit lawyer the other day, as he put i $5 bill away iu his vest pocket. ""Well," began his client, "suppose the man living next door want's to put a barn up right against my line, coming within two feet of my house?" "lie can't do it, sir, can't do any such thing," replied the law yer. "But I want to put my barn right up against his line," remarked the client. "Oh! ah yes, I sec. "Well, sir, go right ahead and put your barn there. All the law in the case is on vour side." For the Journal. Kni; ;m:i. Iain composed of II lottcts. My C, 7, VI, 10, C. is a noted bird. My , .", 9, 4, JJ, !i, is a race of people. My 11, 1, 10, 11, 14, 12, is not round. My S, III, 4, 2, iti a part of the hand. My Whole is mv choice for President and Vice President in 1SX0. Aii answer is requested. C. "How old are you ?" asked a con ductor of a little girl who was try ing to ride on half fare. "I am nine at house, but in the cars I am only MX and a half." 'Mamma, do you know how I get into bed quick? "Well, I step one foot over the crib, then say 'rats,' and scare mvsclf right in." A laixe handsome Tolumr of 1851 pasr, contain ing roniWrraliljr more than "100,000 Words In IIk Voralrulnry, nlth tho rorrrrt 1'rnnnnriatlun, Defl nltiun,niiil Ktjmol0)j. ?&LL7 1LLUSS2A7S3 AiTD TOABilDSED, WITS T0U3 rULIrPAOB ILLraniATED PLATES. LI32AET 2E22P, StASSLM EDGSC. (10. "WORCESTER" is now regarded as the STANDARD AUTHORITY, and is so recommended by Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier, Sum ner, Holme), Irving, Winthrop, Agassiz, Marsh, Henry, Everett, Mann, Stephens, Quincy, Felton, Hillhird, Memuiinjrcr, and the majority ofour most distinguish ed scholars, and is, ber-ido, reeoguized no authority by the Departments of our National Government It is also adop ted by in.uiy of the Boards of Public In struction. "The volumes before us show a vast amount of diligence; but with WebsterM is diligence iu combination with fanciful nes. With Worccs er, in combination with good sense mid judgment, wokcks teu's is the soberer nnd safer book, and may bo.pronouneed the best existing English' lexicon." London Athenwum. "The best English writers and the mot particular American writers use WORCESTER as their authority." A'cic York Herald. "After our recent strike wc mndethe charge to WORCESTER as our authori ty iu spelling, chiefly to bring ourselves into conformity with the accepted Usage, a- well as to gratify the desire of mo'-t ofour staff, including such gentlemen as Mr. Itaynrd Tavlor, Mr. George W. rSmallcy. nnd Mr. John R. C. Hassanl."' New York Tribune. THE COMPLETE SERIES OF WOREESTEHS 1HII.M1HS. Quarto Dictionary. Profusely Illus trated. Library Micop. $10.00. Universal and Critical Dictionary. Svo. Library sheep, $4.2T. Academic Dictionary. Illustrated. Crow ii Sro. Half roan. $1.N". Cemprehensive Dictionary. Illus trated. 12mo. Half roan. 1.7.". School (Elementary) Dictionary. Illu-trated. 12mo. Hair roan. ?l.00. Primary Dictionary. Illustrated. lOinn. Half roan. b'J cts Pocket Dictionary. Ilustratcd. 24mo. Cloth, (': cts.: roan, flexible, Xi ct.; roan, tii'.'ks, gilt edgc,.$1.00. Many special aid-, to students, in nd- ditiouto a very full pronouncing and denning vocabulary, make Voivctr'p iu the opinion ofour most disliii'.ruHhcd educators, the most coinpb te, as well as by far the cheapest Dictionaries of our language. 1870. 1879. j CHICAGO 4 NORTH-WESTERN THE Sewing Machine, Challenges Comparison, Distances Competition, Surpasses Ex pectation, Gives Univer sal Satisfaction. UNRIVALLED IN CONSTRUCTION, UNEQUALLED IN I) UK ANILITY, UNSURPASSED IN APPEAR ANCE, UNEXCELLED IN ADJUSTMENT, UNAP rnoACHKii ix riNitii, UNPRECEDENTED IN OPERATION, UNQUESTIONED IN EXCEL LEXCE, UNDOUBTED IN SUPERIORITY, Undersold by None! L'JJDEXIAnLY TUB UEisT SEWING MACHINE KVKK INVKNTKI1. J. E. TASKER & BRO., Agents, 230Hiec with A. HENRY, OLIVE ST., : COLUMBUS, NEB. 451-tf I conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inter ests of its readers and its publish ers. Published at Columbus. Platte county, the centre of the agricul tural portion is read by hundreds of people east who aro looking towards Nebraska as their future home. Its subscribers in Nebraska arc the staunch, tolld portion of the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the Jouitx.M. has never contained a "dun" against them, and br the other fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings its reward, lluginess is bufcinesx, ami those who wish to reach the solid people of Ceutral Nebraska will find the column of the Journal a splendid medium. JOB "WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. Thin species of printing is nearly always want ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, wc have so provided for it that we can furnish envelopes, let ter heads, bill heads, circulars, posters, etc., etc., on very short notier, and promptly on time as wo promise. The Great Trunk IJne from tho West to Chicago and the East. It 1 the oldest, shortwt, most direct, conTenlent, comfortable and la ererjr repct tho best line you can take. It Is the greatest and grandest ItalUraj organization la the United States. It own or controls 2IOO MILES OF RAILWAY PCIX3CAN HOTEL CARS are run alone 7 It through between COUNCIL BLUETS & CHICAGO! J7o other road rnns Pullman Hotel Cars, or anr other form of Hotel Cars, through, betweea tbe Missouri River and Chicago. 'u"mffwaU11' COLli.TIltlS Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAX, Proprietor. AVhoIesald and Retail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. ZSTKcnlucky Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their season, BY THE CASE. CAN OB DISH, 11th Street. South of Depot SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum Six inon tin ... " Three months, $2 00 . 1 00 . ro For sale ly nil Uooksellers, or will he sent, carriage free, on receipt of the price by J. B. LIPPINCOTT &. CO., Publishers, Booksellers, and Station rs, ;i.1 i. Ill MAKKKT ST., 1'HIL IIIKLP11IA. GUS. A. SCHROEDER, DKALKR IN STATE BANK, C;::o::::j t: Ocrr.ri & Ea:i isi T&r:er ErJit. C0LTTMBUS, NEBRASKA. C AS H CAPITAL, - $50,000 I. Something About .Fruit. En. Journal: Tell your readers thai this is the time to unkc up their minds more fully to determine what they want iu hardy fruit?, and then hitch up their wagons, go to the nearest nursery and get what they waut. 2evcr stand and listen for a mo ment to those oily tongues and unreliable agents that overrun new countries and sell seedless peaches and leather pears as big as a young pumpkin kept iu jars of water for I affirm such has been the case. Neither will it do to buy eastern grown fruit trees, for in the first place the varieties which do well there will not do well here. Our soil is strongly itngrcguatcd with alkali aud other mineral substances that are not found iu the clay banks of Ohio, for instance. Last and not least, the climate is very different. The Baldwin iu N. Y. is a splendid apple; in Michigan it is almost an entirely different apple, while it will not do here at all. Agents, as a rule, will sell just what is wauted near their nurseries. This does not include all, for our friends over in Iowa have done the right thing in this county, and have douc great good. I predict, however, that next year we will hear the usual wail go up that this is not a fruit country.when the truth is that wc have about twenty -five different varieties of apples and crabs that will staud any degree of cold that might overcome to the country, and the same may be said of our adapted peaches, and so on throughout the catalogue of northern and western fruits. High prices for something you don't know has been the rale, but then, says the literal 2few Yorker, "do not allow a lower price to in- eiREcrons: Leandeo Gerrard, Pres'i. Geo. W. II in. st, Vice Pes' Julius A Heed. Edward A. Gerrard. Arner Turner, Cashier. Itank or Dcposiit, IHcount nnd Kxcliungc. Collect lorssl'romptly JBatle on all 1'oiutN. Pay Interest on Time Deposits-. 214. SMITH & TIGNER, north-Cmhh. HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, PUMPS, PAINT, WIND MILLS AND WAGONS, AND A FULL LINK Off Agricultural Implements. Goods sold cheap for cash. SIGN OF BIG AX, lltli STREET, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 451-x. tJXIOTS PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, ATTENDS TO ALL BL'SIN'ESS ncr tainininjr to a general Ileal Estate Agency and Notary Public. Have in .triiction and blanks furnished h United State Laud Ollice for makiiuj tinal proof on Homestead, thereby sav injr a trip to Grand Ilaud. Have alar-re number ot farms, eitv lots and all land belonging to U 1. K. It. in l'latte and adjoining counties for eale very cheap. Attend to contesting claims before U. S. Land oflice. Office onr Door West of Hemmnnil Honse, COLUMBUS, NEB. K. U. Hockkniikrgkr, Clerk, Spcaki German. W MlTBlMr I H g 2 c: o rr n kW 2. ft?- W - bd rs -J .- Single copy sent to any address in the United States for 5 uts. H.E.TUENER&CO., Columbus, Nebraska. PASSENGERS GOING EAST ehould bear jnmlud that this Is the BEST ROUTEWCHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. Pawcnsers by this ronU bare choiea of FIYX DIFFEUENT KOCTKS and tho adrantac of Elcht Dally XJnea l'alaco BleepIngCars from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN POINTS. Insist that the Ticket Agent sells yon tickets by the North-Western Road. Examine yonr Tickets, and refuse to bay if they do not read oyer this Roxd. All Agents tell them tod Check usual Bagzaso Free by this Line. Through Tickets via this Ronto to all Eastern Points can ba procured at tho Central Pacific Rail road Ticket Offlce, foot of Market Street, and at t New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, and at all Coupon Ticket Offices of Central Pacific, Union CITY MEAT MARKET, ON Pacific, and all Western Railroads. New York Offlce, No. 415 Broadway. Offlce, No. 5 State Street. Omaha Offlce, i Via Wt Cfutt Cum "Cv n jtAA ftffl. a. A "fcT, Boston 245 Farn. ham Street San Francisco Office. 2 New Mont gomery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : 62 Clark blreet, nnder Sherman House : 75 Canal, corner Madison Street ; Kinzle Street Depot, corner West Kinzio and Canal Streets ; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzle Streets. For rates or Information not attainable frem your home ticket agents, apply to Marti nroniTT, W. II. Stesxttt, Gen 1 Mane'r, Calcseo. Cen'I ran.g';, Chlcatc "YOU BET." A. W. LAWRENCE, A EXT FUUT1IK JOHN WIGGINS, r . . I I iu - o wr--i s j aa "1 rs i - : - tr. c r"j V a " !-, . " S3 SHl r-i -. .' IP ". -v 1 ij "-i . " r i i 33 -rl S ? 2. ?- .? OW -: -j -r z wm r m -r: ."- tj a WHOLESALE AND ItETAlL DEALER IX WIND MILL, Will hereafter bo found THREE DUOUri SOl'TH of the I'ost Oflice. where he keeps u full line of every stylo PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, :k jh mtwwrrnmirrrrrni wummn ayryayiassa??????? m x 33 a u"! 2?s 3 r -3 o -a 2 5" ft o -3 SO M r rr i - : is zz i jv s. o w i ' . s 2 S a- ti T L-- - - " V- t a g IT g P3 J-1 ' ? 2- co FOR BALE. 'DKALKR S IX ) XJJJJJJ FRUIT, PROVISIONS, &c. 0 s, sesto? mat. oram o All Farm Products Bought and Sold. 0 Highest Cash Price Paid, OK Goods Exchanged for Produce. JStTGoods delivered anywhere in the city free of ehnrge. N'KW IIUILDING OX llTlI ST., Two Doors Hast of Journal Office. IU5 CHICAGO Weekly News The undersigned offers at private sale Ii is farm two aud n half miles north of the city eonitine; of fifty aercs under cultivation, and .ixty acres of as good hay land as can he found, and under a "portion of it is a very excellent quality of luiek clay. Tho improvements upon the place area two-story concrete dwelling, aixJIO ft., a comfortable and convenient hoiiM; a wind-mill: a large, MilMantial shelter for stock; shed and yaicN lor hogs; corral for cattle; granary; tool house, etc., etc. Also 133 IIEAT OF 8IIEEP, mostly ewes,heidc3 horse-,cows, steers, heifers, hogs, farming implements, &c. Tliu location is a very excellent one for farming and stock raiding near the city with easy and quick access to mar ket; a fifteen minutes' ride to the not- otlice, the railroad depot, the telegraph ollice and church. The site of the dwelling-hou.e com mands a fine a view si- can lie had of the country, for twenty miles in every direction, and the place would not be offered for sale except that my iiicren Ing business iu the city renders it desirable to give it my "exclusive at tention. For further particulars call on or Asiddress 31. K. TUIiNEK, Columbus, Xeb. SPEICE & NORTH, Gencru Agents for the Sale of Real Estate. STOYES. IRON. TLWAEE, Sg-gCV-'L'gggtTg And the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. Nails, Rope, Wagon Material, Glass, Paint, Etc., ESBSjH &ZBZZ2Z533 KPfoflH H3iSLiU HES ;or:vhk m:TE.vni a oi.bve stbkkix FTO sria COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. A he keeps a I'linip Utilise exc'iisiTclr. he is able to sell CIIKA I'KIi TH AX THK CIIKA TEST. Pumps Tor ht depth well. J'unips driven or repaired, and Hods etit. GIVE IflJI A C.1LL A.M) SAVE KO.XEr. BECKER & WELCH, PH0PHIET0ES OP SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. -AND THE- G0LD.I Great chance to make money. If vou can't ct gold you can get .nniilinnl' 1ln .. 1 j,m.UU.Hl3, v 111-L'U a person in every town to take sub scriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a suc cessful assent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. Thi. price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making over 1 150 in u week. A Jadv agent re ports tsiking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage make monev fist. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You csin do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions aud terms free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us vour addrcssat once. It costs nothing to try the business. Xo one who engages fails to make great pay. Address "The Peo ple's Journal," Portland, Maine. 3S2-v COLUMBUS JOURNAL ONE YEAH POSTPAID, To any Part of the U. S., Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific It. It. Lands for sale at from f 1.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash, or on live or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. A'e have also a lsirgc and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lots in the city. Wc keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte County. C. B. STILLMAN, "Wholesale nnd Hetail Dealer in DRUGS. MEDICINES. PADfTS, OILS, -WINDOW GLASS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Dealers in surrounding country will find it" to their interest to purchase from him, sii lie can and will give IJED'-KOCK PitlCES. Prescriptions Carefallv Compounded. 3TA GOOD ASSOKTMKNT OF WALL PAPER ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. 353 m&,ww Fire 633 coijUsiiius, mm. HARNESS & SADDLES OUR th FOR $2.50. READERS KNOW WHAT the JounxAL is, and a specimen copy of the Neics may be seen at our ollice. It is a thirty two column paper very nearly all reading matter. Six completed stories in every number. The world of news in miniature every week. M. K. TURNER ,t CO. Columbus Neb. Daniel Faucette, 3Ianufacturcr and Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Sridles, aad Collars, keeps constantly on hand all kinds of whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry combs, Ilrushes, Bridle Bits, Spur's, Cards. Harness made to order. Re pairing done op short notice. NEBRASKA AVENUE, Columbus. 53.4. The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Oo's (Late IIcboIl & ItTicnzIc,) and Burglar Proof! HAVE THE BEST RECORD OF ALL. All leading Railrod & Espress Companies and Bankers intHorlksl have them. Not One Lost in the Two Great Fires in Chicago; also preserved the contents in every instance, at Independence, Iowa; at Central City, Col.; at Oshkosli, Wis., and at all places have stood the test, without failure. All Sizes for Sale and Made to Order. Old Safes taken in Exchange. OFFICE, COL UJril US, KEIt Dr. A. HEINTZ, DK.II.KU IN DEIS, MEI1S. CHEMICALS. Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand by Urtisrgist. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. One floor Knnt of fanUey', en M'Arrcuilx Street, COLUMBUS. NEBRA KA JIOSBB.: NEW STOKE -AXD- Conntr and Iliinlc Work n Specialty. Iricc Cjiootl IVorlc can Ie .Hade. st low a Book-keepers, Operators, Reporters, Teachers, 234 D. S. C0VENT, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA New Stock. A full, frch supply of groceries, STAPLE AND FANCY, Just opened, and for sale at low-down prices. ISrOIIvr Street, opposite the "XatternII." james McAllister. HAMMOND HOUSE Formerly Pacific House. This popular house has been newly Refitted and Furnished. Meals Day Hoard per week,. . Board and Lodging. . . . 3-' cts. $1.00., 5 and ?0. ; QreatHorcantilo CoIleRe.Keokuk.Iowa Good Livery and Feed Stable in con nection. SATISFA TION GUABANTEED. JOHN HAMMOND, Proprietor. SWTSET CIDER -AND- PPB& T AM constantly receiving the choicest JL of Michigan cider and annlcs and taste for yourself. Call m. SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES! X coaplf tt assortment of Indira and Chil dren's Mi on kept on hand. All Work Warranted!! Onr blotto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing Cor.OIIvc nnd St". lails OI.1TE ST., OZPO.SI'ri3 II A .71- mo.-u iioisi:. Will keep on hand all kinds ol Freh nnd Suit Mnt, also SsuMaye, PoHltrr. 1 Fish, ett nil in their season. Cash paid for Ilitlt-, Lard ant list. -on. WILL.T. UICKLY. CITBAL MT MARKET Hi OA 11th STKKirr. Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meats. Jfec. Town Lots, Wood. Hides, Ac. J.KICKLVfAgent. Columbus, June 1, 1S77. f . F i 5.L Wji. JJKCKKK,