The 1'oHBg Doclorx unci Coin mrnccBcnt I.ty. The young doctors come alo:ig about the same time the spring chickens do, and tn the accompani ment of the spring flowers, with a jrracrful move and smile as once free abroud. One must not look for much of poetry proceeding from these grave professors who are the valedictorians of these commence ment days especially from all 6ourco5, but as it has formed a wel come episode in the Jefferson Med. College programme of "Wednesday last, the eager young student? ready to walk out over the course which is not the swift nor strong always. The plunge into obscurity which one-half of the blurting recipients of all these boqncts will make for short or long terms before they ri6e to the surface again in view, and float serenely all this time makes the veterans grow lender and kind ly from their points of advantage on tho platform, and told over and again as is the old 6tory of encour agement and warning. It is always genuine as far as it goes, and as these graduates are turned out by the hundred year after year in Phil adelphia alone, where is there room for them all? The students of the Jefferson in number, of the last ses sion, was 578, and as to safe keeping as to a great many of these adven turous hosts in the test of human life, providing there is room. The station of enhanced standard of our Medical schools as to the lengthy time of training which has been en forced of late years by the associa tion of American Medical colleges. No person whether a graduate or not shall be given a diploma of M. D. unless he produces satisfactory evi dence of gopxl moral character, at taining the ngc of 21 yrs., filing a certificate of having studied medi cine for three years, using the word regular, filing the proper official evi dence that in three years he has martriculated at 6ome affiliated col lege for three full coursesof instruc tion on the seven different topics of aiatomy,including dissect ion,phyei ologr, chemistry, material), medlica, and thcrcputics, obstetrics, surgery, bathology, and practice of medicine. Two full courses- must be attended at the colleges Issuing the diplo ma and passing a personal examina tion before the Faculty on all frauc ticm. This takes effect at and after the session of 1879. Thus the diplo mas become not only the seals of work done but the earnest of the future also. The growing tendency towards special 6tudy attcrwards seemed a part of the carefulness of under graduate preparation leading to destruction in one line and to thoroughness in another, as the country doctor must cover a great deal of ground nol only in his gig and on his horse, but in his prac tice, where the city practicioner cau make his fame and fortune by at tention to one class of diseases as tho advanced position taken by 6omc of our best medical authori ties, makes it possible to hope for the future that the new doctor will attend his patients and keep them. It would be worth "thrice his fee" and then all individuals would be more able to pay their doctor bills, and an immcue satisfaction in doing 60, and not to have accounted the tales of lost or wasted days. How ever, this wholesome innovation is only adopted by a few colleges, and again the woman's Medical College holds its own with the others, if each of the 20 ladies who turned over the diploma from one to an other gracefully as the Jefferson and University boys will represent 60 much bread and butter taken from the hundreds of masculine M. D.'s of the season for the old out cry against women in tho profession of healing. Every new door to em ployment that a woman opens by patient persistence has had against it the weight of the employed on the other side to keep it shut. Preju dice takes various names, and looks through a variety of spectacles, re garding each slowly-opcniug door, but the key that fits turns in the lock at last. It has been a dignified and worthy advance, bearing down, by character and fitness much of factious opposition in the Medical profession. It is the fashion to-day in Philadelphia to be somewhat proud of having the oldest as well as the soundest Medical College in the United States. Yours, Truly, Lewis Fkeidav. 3Tarch 14lh, 1879. Oat Wct. The Colorado Independent tells a story of a court in La Vcta, where the testimony of a Chinese was ob jected to on the ground that ho did not understand or regard the obli gation of an oath. To test this, questions were asked about as fol lows: "John, do you know anything about God ?" "No, me no belly well acquaint with him." "ITave you no Joss in China?" "Oh, yes ! Gottce hcapeo Joss." "Where do you go when you die?" "Me go to San Francisco." "No! You don't understand me. When Chinaman quit washee all time, and no live any more, where doei he go?" "Oh, yes I Me sabe now. If he bel Ico goodce man, ho go Iuppcc sky. If he belly bad man, ho go luppec down helec, allc same like Jlelican Man. The court was satisfied with his competency as witness; and, though the opposing council insisted that there was a bias to his eyes, if not to his mind, he was permitted to testify. For the Joukxal. A Hrilliant Actor. Lord Beaconsfield is a very smart man, and sometimes, no doubt, says very smart things. Sometimes, too, he says things that he thinks very smart, but that, in reality, are very simple. The following is a 6iimple of the latter sort. "The govern ment of the world is carried on by sovereigns and statesmen, and not by anonymous paragraph writers, or the the hare-brained chatter of frivolity." That sounds very pretty, doesn't it? And it is like its author, more sound thau sense. It might have been true five hundred years ago, when the printing press did not exist. 15ut for this man to talk as if the machinery of government, cer emonial sovereigns and mountebank ministers for he evidently means himself and his mistress are the decisive power, and that the force of public opinion is a shadow, is as much an anachronism as is his whol c tawdry scheme of half-mcdi-cval, half oriental Imperialism. The whole pasteboard and tinsel affair supported by such clinquaut epi grams, is of a piece. What a pity that the homely minded Victoria, should in her old age, unprotected by the strong Fense of her husband, have fallen into the snare of this hollow, but undoubtedly hrilliant per former. You remember Artc mus Ward's moral drama of The Reformed Drunkard, with a real drunkard. And so this quon dam novelist, having taken it into his head, like some other novelist, having one or two of his old romances, which have just as little real substance in them as the Wan dering Jew, is so singularly fortu nate as to be able to bring it on the boards with a genuine cast of real characters aud real properties, real Kingdoms, real Crowns, real Queens, and real Emprcsses,all danc ing back aud forth like so mauy marionettes, to his piping, while he salaams them all, and despises them all, as so many ''short-nosed, bar barian Franks." Such brilliant success is enough to tempt almost anybody into the theatrical profes sion. As to his affection of contempt for paragraph writers. I should suppose that it depended altogether on what was in the paragraph. Ono who prides himself on epigrams certainly ought not to despise paragraphs. Tho great speech which secured the acquittal of the Seven Bishops, and, in the end, the overthrow of James the Second, was hardly more than fivo minutes long. It could not have included much more than five paragraphs. It is doubtful whether oue lucky paragraph might nol now unhorse this Hebrew Tancred, who, with truly Hebrew zeal, sets his pride in upholding the Crcsent agaiust the Cross. IJut if he should contend that Zulu lances have done more towards upsetting him than English paragraphs, we should hardly be in a position to dispute him. Nor is nc wise in saying" too much about "irresponsible frivolity," for where shall we find a more notable instance of it than in the man whose character and whose aims arc both summed up in the one word Glitter, and whom royal favor and parliamentary obsequiousness hao combined to shelter in quasi mouarchial irresponsibility? O it is a great thing for a mau to be able to requite her preference by making her a trumpery Empress. Rot lie, in oue of the aphorisms published by you, speaks of some who imagine themselves able by their politic wisdom to overturn the nature of things. An excellent de scription of the Right Honorable Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beacons field, K. G. Hawketk. It is no small commendation to manage a little well. He is a good wagoner who cau turn in a little room ; to live well in abundance is tho praise of tho estate, not of the person. Study more how to give a good account of your little than how to make it more. No man can be the friend of an other unless he loves that other better than himself; and to be able to loveanother better than yourself isso to empty yourself of selfishness that you become better toward all the world and in all other relationships. Wealth, which strips tho trees from around us makes us see tho distant regions they formerly con cealed; so does old age rob us-of our eujoymenis only to enlarge the prospect of eternity before us. As the profoundest philosophy of ancient Rome and Greece lighted her taper at Israel's altar, so the sweetest strains of the pagan muse were swept from harps attuned on Zion's hill. The blessing of a house is piety. The honor of a house is hospitality. The ornament of a house is cleanli ness. The happiness of a house is contentment. THE REPUBLICAN PRO GRAMME. It Is One that nil Patriotic Cit izen Can "Tic to." The party division is so close that all the questions involved must have full consideration. There can be no snap judgment. Under the circumstances republicans can ask no more. THEY HOLD now, as ever, to the principle that the United States is a nation, and the' maintain that the whole nation is interested in securing fair and honest elections in every district of the Union; that tho constitution gives the right to congress to regu late the elections, and the laws upon the statute hook enacted for that purpose aro wise aud just. They deny tho right of the senate and the house to override the president, who is a part of the law-making power, except in the mode the constitution provides, and they are prepared to stand by the president in refusing to submit to the imposition upon him of obnoxious legislation as a condition precedent to granting him the supplies necessary to carry on the government. VICTORY CERTAIN'. This line of policy they can defend against all assault. If they show no signs of weakness they arc certain to obtain tho material victory, and to compel the majority to retreat from the position they have assumed. The moral victory is theirs already. It appears to be among the laws of nature that the mighty of intel lect should be pursued aud cooped by the little, as the solitary flight of one little bird is followed by the twittering petulance of many smaller. An Irishman remarked to his companion on observing a lady pass : "Pat, did ye ever sec a woman so thin as that before?" "Thin!" re plied the other; "Bothcrashun ! I seen a woman as thin as two of her put together, so I did." Tho imagination often magnifies the veriest trifle, by a false and ro mantic preference, till it fills the whole 60ul; or, in its heedless pre sumption brings down the most ele vated subjects to our own low standard. We observe with confidence the truly strong mind, view ifas intel lect or morality, or under any other aspect, is newiso the mind acquaint ed with its strength ; that here the sign of health is uncons cious. QQET3rMSg STATE BANK, Cz::e:i:rj to Oerrard t Ecsl i;d Tzrccr 4 Halit. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, $50,000 DIRKCTORS: Leandeq Gerhard, Prcs'l. Geo. W., Vice Pes' Julius A Reed. Edward A. Gkrrard. Abxer Turner, Cashier. Bank or Deposit, OLsconnt and Exchnngc. , Collections Promptly Made on all Points. Pay Interest on Time Depos its. 274. SMITH & TIGNER, northCeroceBY. DEALERS IK D. J JkJbUJ.VJ VU.IVV.UXULJ I FRUIT, PROVISIONS, &e. dect or gocdTTt' lIwict peic:: ! o All Farm Products Bought and Sold. 0 Highest Cash Price Paid, o K Good's Exchanged for Produce. JSTGoods delivered anywhere in the city free of charge. NKW BUILDING ON llTIt ST., Two Doors East of Journal Ofice. 435 GOLD.! Great chance to make money. If you can't set cold you can tret Kreenbaeks. "e need a person in every town to take sub scriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication in the world. Anv one can become a suc cessful agent. The most elecant works of art given free to subscribers. Thi. price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making over $150 in a week. A ladv agent re ports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to the business, or only youf spare time. You need not be awny from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to trs the business. TCn nni ivhn pnc-iirpi fnila to make great pay. Address "the Peo ple's Journal," Portland, Mhinc. 3S2-y I ELI mm Get the Standard. "The best authority. . . It ought to be in every Library also in every Academy and in every School." Hon. Chas Sum nek. "The best existing English Lexicon." London y4f m j x alc " I "M ' 1 ILLUSTRATED QUARTO IUfJMIill:yjj A Urge handsome Tolumc of 1S.11 pagf, contain ing ronnidrrabljr more than 100,000 Wonlsin Its Vocalinlarj.nlththc correct Pronunciation, Defi nition, and Etymology . TVltt ILMST2ATS2 AOT TOABBIDOID, WITH rOUS FULL-PAGE XLHWIHAXXS PLAT2B. UBSA27 SEES?, MASBLED EJ3E3. $10. "WORCESTER" is now regarded as the STANDARD AUTHORITY, and is so recommended by Rrrant, Longfellow, Whitticr, Sum ner, H olmes, Irving, AVinthrop, Agassiz, Marsh, Henry, Everett, Maun, Stephens, Quincy, Felton, Milliard, Memminuer, and the majority of our most distinguish ed scholars, and is, besides, recognized as authority by the Departments of our National '.Jovernincnt It is also adop. ted by many of the Hoards of Public In struction. ''The volumes before us shown vast amount of diligence; but with Webster it is diligence in combination with fanciful ness. With Worces'er. in combination with good sense and judgment, wokces tek's is the soberer and safer book, and miy be,pronounccd the best existing English' lexicon." London A thenwum. 'The best English writers and the most particular American writers use WORCESTER as their authority." New York Herald. "After our recent strike we made the charge to " as our authori ty in spelling, chiefly to bring ourselves into conformity with the accepted usage, as well as to gratify the desire of most of our stall", including such gentlemen as Mr. Hnyard Taylor, Mr. George W. Smalley, and Mr. John R. C. Hassard." New York Tribune. THE COMPLETE SERIES OF WOHCESTEHS ITIOKMIES. Quarto Dictionary. Profusely Illus trated. Library .sheep. ?10.00. Universal and Critical Dictionary. Svo. Library sheep, ?4.2.". Academic Dictionary. Illustrated. Crown Jivo. Half roan. $1.8.. Comprehensive Dictionary. Illus trated. l'Jmo. Half roan. 1.73. School (Elementary) Dictionary. Illustrated. 12mo. Half roan. $1.00. Primary Dictionary. Illustrated. lUmo. Half roan. 00 cts Pocket Dictionary. Ilustratcd. 24mo. Cloth, 153 cts.: roan, flexible, 85 cts.; roan, tusks, gilt edges, $1.00. Many special aids to students, in ad. dition to a very full pronouncing and defining vocabulary, make "Worcester's in the opinion of our most distinguished educators, the most complete, as well as by far the cheapest Dictionaries of our language. For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent, carriage free, on receipt of the price by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, Rooksellers, and Stationers, 715 & 717 MARKKT ST., PHILADELPHIA. GUS. A. SCHROEDER, DEALER IN HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, PUMPS, PAINT, WIND MILLS AND WAGONS, AND A FULL LINE OK Agricultural Implements. Goods sold cheap for cash. SIGN OF BIG AX, 11th STREET, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 431-x. UXVIOX PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, ATTENDS TO ALL BUSINESS pcr taiuiniug to a general Real Estate Agency and Notary Public. Have in structions and blanks furnished by United States Land Oflice for making final proof on Homesteads, thereby sav ing a trip to Grand Island. Have a large number ol farms, citv lots and all lands belonging to U P. R. R. in Platte and adjoining counties for sale very cheap. Attend to contesting claims before IT. S. Land oflice. Office one Door Went of Hammond Honse, COLUMBUS, NEB. E. C. HocKENnKitGEU, Clerk, Speaks German. CHICAGO Weekly News -AND THE- COLUMBUS JOURNAL ONE YEAR POSTPAID, To any Part of the U. S., FOR 82.50. OUR REFERS KNOW WHAT the Journal is, and a specimen copy of the Neics may be seen at our office. It is a thirty -two column paper very nearly all reading matter. Sis completed stories in every number. The world of news in miniature every week 31". K. TURNER & CO. Columbus Neb. THE HOWE! Sewing Machine, Challenges Comparison, Distances Competition, Surpasses Ex pectation, Gives Univer sal Satisfaction. UNRIVALLED IN CONSTRUCTION, UNEQUALLED IN DURABILITY, UNSURPASSED IN APPEAR ANCE, UNEXCELLED IN ADJUSTMENT, UNAP- PROACIIKD IX FINISH, UNPRECEDENTED IN OPERATION, UNQUESTIONED IN EXCEL LENCE, UNDOUBTED IN SUPERIORITY, Undersold by None! UXDKNIAIILY THE BEST SEWING MACHINE KVKK INVENTED. J. E. TASKER & BRO., Agents, JSTOffice with A. IIENRY, OLIVE ST., : COLUMBUS, NEB. 454-tf XT' CO - 3 a 2 3 35 o o c xn o p o C s a; H O FOR SALE. The undersigned offers at private sale his farm two aud a half miles north of the city consisting of 80 ACRES Ol-' VIZV1, fifty acres under cultivation, and sixty acres of as good hay land as can be found, and under a "portion of it is a very excellent quality of brick cjay. The improvements upon the place are a two-story concrete dwelling, 20x30 ft., a comfortable ami convenient house; a wind-mill; :t large, Mtb.-tantial shelter for stock; shed and yards for hogs; corral for cattle; granary; tool house, etc.. etc. Also 133 IUEAX OF 8IIEEP, mostly cweSjbesides horses, cows, steers, heifers, hogs, farming implements, &e. The location is a very excellent one for farming and stock raising near the city with easy and quick access to mar ket; a fifteen minutes' ride to the post oflice, the railroad depot, the telegraph oflice and church. The site of the dwelling-house com mands as line a view as can be had of the country, for twenty miles in every direction, and the place would not be offered for sale except that my increas. ing business in the city renders it desirable to give it my exclusive at tention. For further particulars call on or Aaddross M. 1C. TURNER. Columbus, Neb. SPEICE & NORTH, Genera Agents for the Sale of Real Estate Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific R. R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash, or on five or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. "We have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lots in the city. Wc keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte County. G33 coEiLimus, nfKR. 1A1ESS & SADDLES Daniel Faucette, Manufacturer and Dealer in Harness, Saiiles, Bridles, and Collars, keeps constanlly on hand all kinds of whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry combs, Brushes, Bridle Bits, Spurs, Cards. Harness made to order. Re pairing done on short notice. NEBRASKA AVENUE, Columbus. 53.4. Book-keepers, Reporters, Operators, Teachers, GrcatUercantileColleffe.EeokukJowi ' B I n 1870. 1ST9- THE' ahw(hts Jonrml Is conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inter ests of its readers and its publish ers. Published at Columbus.PIattc county, the centre of the agricul tural portion of Nebraska, it is read by hundreds of people east who are looking towards Nebraska as their future home. Its subscribers in Nebraska arc the staunch, solid portion of the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the Journal has never contained n "dun" against them, and by the other fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings its reward. Business is business, and those who wish to reach the solid people of Central Ncbgska will lind the columns of the Journal a splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly always want ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, we have so provided for it that wc c:n furnish envelopes, let ter heads, bill heads, circulars, posters, etc., etc, ou very short notice, and promptly on time as we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum $2 00 " Three months,. fc'A """no x lilf 50 Single copy sent to any address in the United States for 5 ots. If . K. TUSNER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. JOHN WIGGINS, WHOLESALE AND STOVES, IRON, TJWARE, Nails, Rope, Wagon Material, Glass, Paint, Etc., CORNER ELEVENTH COLUMBUS, C. B. STILLMAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, AVESTDOW GLASS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Dealers in surrounding country will tind it to their interest to purchase from him, as he can and will ,'ivc RED-ROCK PRICES. Prescriptions Carefallv ConrDounded. E3-A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER ALWAYS KEPT IX STOCK. 053 SP Awmm i The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Co's (I,ate I)IcboId & Klenzlc,) Fire and Burglar Proof! HAVE THE BEST RECOKD OF ALL. All lea ding Bailrod El Express Companies and Banker? in Uortet ke them, Not One Lost In the Two Great Fires in Chicago; also preserved the contents in every instance, at Independence, Iowa: at Central City, Col.; at Oshkoih, Wis., and at all places have stood the test, without failure. All Sizes for Sale and Made to Order. Old Safes taken in Exchange. County and Jlnl Work . Good Work D. S. C0VEHT, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 234 HAMMOND HOUSE Formerly Pacific House. This popular house has been newly Refitted and Fnrnislied. Meals 3.icts. Day Board per week, $4.00. Board and Lodging, & and $6. Good Livery and Feed Stable In con nection. SATISFA TION GUARANTEED. JOHN IIAMMOXD, Proprietor. CHICAGO NORTH-WESTERN Th Great Trunk XJne from the West to Chicago and the ast. It Is tho oldest, shortest, mot direct, convenient, comfortable and In every respect the Deft lino yon en take. It Is tho greatest and graadest Kaihray organization In the United States. It owns or controls 2IOO MILES OF RAILWAY FCIXXAN HOTEL CARS are ran aloa oy it through between COUXCHi BLTJITS & CHICAGO I No other road rnna Pullman Hotel Cars, or any other form of Hotel Cars, through, between the Missouri Klver and Chicago. BJKEftliirciaiSlHl . PASSENGERS GOING! EAST should bear fcmlnd that this is the BEST ROUTEWCHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passengers by thU route hare choice of FITS DIFFEKENT ROUTES and the adraatage of TV, 11 Hi,.. 1.1... . ' from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN POINTS. Insist that tho Ticket Agent sells yon tickets by the North-Western Koad. Kxamlno yonr Tickets, and ref Qe to buy If they do not read oyer this Road. All Agents tell them and Check usual Baggage Free by this Line. Through Ticket via this Routo to all Eastern Points can be procured at the Central Pacific Rail road Ticket Office, foot or Market Street, and at I New Montgomery Street, San Franrlgco, and at all Coupon Ticket Offices of Central Pacific, Union Pacific, and all Western Railroads. New York Office, No. 415 Broadway. Boston Office, No. 5 State Street. Omaha Office. 545 Fam ham Street San Francisco Office, a New Mont- famery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : 62 Clark treet, nnder Sherman nouse : 75 Canal, corner lladlson Street ; Kinzie Street Depot, corner West Kinzio and Onal Streets ; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Elnzle Streets. For rates or information not attainable frexn your home ticket agents, apply to Martix HtroniTT, W. II. SrEorerr, Cea'IM.'Uic'r.Calcaeo. Oen'l Tau. AgX, Chicago- RETAIL DEALER IN A."VI OI.IVE STREETS, NEBRASKA. Special tj. Prices ai lovr n can be .Tladc. SWEET CIDER -AXIl- m i I AM constantly rccei vine; the choicest of Michigan cider and apples. Call and taste for yourself. V4. VTu. BECKER. mp 8, COI.IIMUUN Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEIIAX, Proprietor. Wholcsald and Itetall Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIOAKS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. EtTA'eHfwoty Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their season, BY THE CASE. CAN OU DISH, 11th Street, Sosth of Depot CITY MEAT MARKET, ox OLIVE T OPPOSITE 1IA.TI- :noM house. "Will keep on hand all kinds ol Fresh and Salt .Meats, alo Snmase, l'onltrv, Fresh Fish, etc, all in their teuton. Cash paid for Hide, Lard un! Ba con. WILL.T. IUCKLY. WEAL MAT MAIET O.X II th STREET. Dealers in Freh and Salted Meats. &c. Town Lots, Wood. Hides, See. J. RICKLY, Agent. Columbus, .InneJ, 1.ST7. 'YOU BET." A. W. LAWRENCE, AOEXT FOR THE WIND MILL, Will hereafter fie found THREE DOORS SOUTH of the Pot Oflice. where he keeps a full line of every stylo PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, And the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. As he kcep aPtitnp House cxcluoivclr. he i able to -ell CHEAPER THA'X THE CHEAPEST. Pumps for any depth well. Pumps driven or repaired, and Rods cut. GIVE Iini A C.1LL AXB SAVE MOSEY. 3.'G BECKER & WELCH, PE0PEIET0ES OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COLUMBUS, NKIi Dr. A. HEINTZ, BKAI.KK IN s, on 1VCYEM, I.IQL'ORM, Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand ! Druggists. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. One door Enst of CJnlley'x, ea Elercnth Street, COLUMBUS. : NEBRASKA saoe&n: NEW STOKE ASP- New Stock. A full, frch supply of groceries, STAPLE AND FANCY, Just opened, and for sale at low-down prices. t3T Olive Street, opposite tho "TafterMilI." .tames McAllister. m. SOHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES! A comp?ftnortniHt of I.dIVand CMt drtn' Short krpt on Jiad. All Work Warranted!! Onr Motto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing Cor.OIlrc and St. 12th Jfik vl 1 - A