The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 09, 1879, Image 1

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Rates of Advertising.
jpxcc. ltt Sig lmo im inn lyr
h'opinn i ? 12.W ! ;2o"l2ft i y jcu i iiGu
YL ' SJM UJI IS 20" 35 1 60
X tf.isLt't""FiTa""is 20 1 33
Proprietors and Publishers.
$S0ee In the JOUHNAL building,
Eveith-5,t., Columbus, Neb.
Tijsiis Per rear, $2. Six montbs, $1.
Tbreo months,. V)c. Single copies, fc.
4 inches
5.2ft f 7.Af 11 I II 15 27
; f
4.-V1 j 0.75 10 12 15 20
Uili I i?3 f 4 5 8 10
Holiness and profehxlonal card tun
lines or e jace, per annum, ten dol
lars. I.eal adrertisetnent at Ktatnt
rates. "Kdltorlal local notice'' fifteen
centt a lltip each Insertion. "Local
notices " five cents a linn each inser
tion. Advertlsment classified as "Spe
cial notice" five cents a line first inser
tion, three ccnt a line each subsequent
VOL. IX.-NO. 49.
WHOLE NO, 465.
A. &. Paddock. U. S. Senator, licatricc.
ALyin Saunders, U.S. Senator, Omaha.
T. J. Majokl, Hep- Peru.
r. K. Valentine, Hep., West Point.
ALntvu3 Nance, Governor, Lincoln.
. J. Alexander, Secretary of State.
I". VT. Liedtke, Auditor, Lincoln.
G. 31. lUrtlett, Trc-tMirer, Lincoln.
C.J. Dilwortli, Attorncy-nencral.
r. It. Thompson, Snpt. Public In.rur.
II. C. Dawson, Warden of Penitentiary.
C.'IUI&SS, 1ris0n '-Peetors.
Dr. J. . Davis, Prinon Physician.
II. P. ilathewson, Supt. Insane Asylum.
5. Maxwell, Chief Justice,
;eorte 1J. I.ake.l ABMM.ale Judges.
Auiann Cobb. ( "
fs. W. Post, Judcr. York.
21. B. Rceee, District Attorney, "VVahoo.
II. B. Hoxic, Hester, Grand Island.
"Win. Anyan, Hceeivcr, Grand Island.
J. G. TIi??in, Count v .Im'fTr.
Jthn StaufJVr. County Clerk.
V. Kuuuner. Treasurer.
Itrnj. Spirhnaii, Sheriff.
R. L. Ro.iter. Survcvor.
wm, lllnedorn )
John Walker, J
John Yi-f. )
Or. A. IMntz. Coroner.
5. L. il-irrtt. Supt. of Scboo'.!.
5nMMm"lrr1 '1UctiS of thPW..
Charle Wake. Constable.
C. A. Speice. Mavor.
Jhn sobrvn. Clerk.
John J. Ricklv, Marshal.
J. YV. KarSv, Trccurer.
S. S. .MoAliitT. Police Judge.
w. G. Roiitton, Engineer.
Ja! Hard .1. E. North,
E. Pobl.
2J irrJ-E. C. Knrnii.iugh.
C. E. Morse.
SJ 11'arJ-E. J. P.aker.
Win. llurci.
Coiumbtik Pons Odlcc.
Open on Sunflar trm 11 a.m. to 12m.
and from 4:W to 0 v. m. llusinet.i
hour, except Sunday a m to i m.
"rn m-iil cloe at 11:2 A. M.
Western mill cIom at 4:20 r.M.
atl lcacn Cnhimbuit for Madiaon and
N'orfotk. on Tuesdays, ThuiMlay and
Siturdax. T a. m. Arrives Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday. : r. M.
Fr Mnnrnc. Genoa. Watervillc and Al
bion, daily Ar
rive, aiue, G 1'. M.
For Summit, riyc and Crete. Mon
days and TiiiirJdayp, 7 A. M. Arrives
Wednpsl:.'s , and Saturdays, " v. M.
For I'.ellfvilfe. Osceola and York. Tiies--dwy,
Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 P.M.
Arrive i 12 m.
Fr W If. Farral and Kittle CreeJc.
Mmidavs ami Wedncdavi'. C a. M. Ar
rives Tuesdays and Fridays at 0 i. M.
rr Shell Creek. Nebo. Ore-ton ami
Stanton, on Mondays at 7 A. M. Ar
ri oi TiicmIki n G i. m.
For Iaid 'ity, Tuc-days, Thursdavs
and Saturday. 1 v. M Arrive-, at 12
E'. E. Tlait Tabic.
lAisttcanl littitud.
niicr.nt. No. 0, leaves at .. G:2"ia. m.
Psenr, 4, " " . . 11:W a.m.
Freibl. " S. " ' 2:1ft p. in.
1 rriirht. " 10. " " . . . . 4:50 a. in.
Weshcard Ji'iund.
FrciRttt, No. ft. Ie.ies st 2:0 p. m.
l'a-cnz'r, " 3. " "... 4:27 p.m.
Freight. " f. " " . r.:W)p.m.
Emisrant. "7. ,k " 1:30 a.m.
Eerv div except Saturdiy the throe
lines Irndiiiir to t:iiicago connect with
U P. train-, at Omaha. On Saturdays
tborr will be but one train a day, a
shown bv the follow ins schedule:
" (C.JtN. W. 1 7th and 2Mb.
(C, R. I.& V.) 21st
(C , R. & Q. ) ftth and 2Glli.
-Jc. R.I. A: llr 12th
l( & W. 1 l!Uh
C. R. I. A P.l 2d and 2.".d.
'.) 2d
V Rth;
JN.W. y RthandSUth
lr.. it. .t O
(C. K. .v Q. 1 7th :
Jc., R. I. & P.J- 14th
C. & N. W. J 21t
.in ana siu
Farni for Sale.
acres wf excellent frm laud in Rut
ler County, near Patron P. ()., about
?qui-distaiit from three County Scats
David City, Columbus and Schuyler;
GO acres under oultiation; ft acre- of
tree, maple, Cottonwood, vc: pood
frame bouse, granary, stable. -hed. Jce.
Good stock ranjre, convenient to water.
The place is for sale or exebance for
property (house and a few acres i near
Columbus. Inquire at the JontNAi.
office, or address the undersigned at
2'Atron P.O. 403
BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the
low prices of your products dis
courage you. but rather limit your ex
penses to your resources. You can do
e by stoppini; at the new home of your
fellow farmer, where you can tiud pood
accommodations cheap. For hay for
team for one uipht and day, 2ft et. A
room furnished with a cook stove and
bunks, in connection with the stable
free. Those wishing can be accommo
dated at the house of the undersigned
at the following rate: Meals 2ft cents;
beds 10 cents. ' J. R. SENECAL,
M mile eatof Gerrard's Corral.
$Jis not easily earned in these
time, but" it can be made
in three months by any one
of either sex. in anv part of
the countrv who is willing to work
vteadilv at the employment' that we
furnish. $6G per week in your own
town. You need not be away from
home over nipbt. You can ivc your
whole time to the work, or only jour
pare moments. have agents who
arc making omt 20 per day. All who
engage at once can make money fat. At
the present time money cannot be made
to easiiv and rapidly at any other busi
ness. It costs nothinjr to try the busi
ness. Terms and?ft Outfit free. Addrcg
at once. H. Hat.ltt fc Co.. Portland.
Maii 375-y.
Ucan make monev faster at work for
us than atanvthingelse. Capital not
required; we will start you. $12 per
day at home made by the indue,
trlous. Men. women, boys and pirls
wanted evcrvwhere to workforus. Now
is the time. Cotl v outfit and t erms free
Address True & Co., Aujrusta, Maine
reek in 5 our own town. $5
Outfit free. No risk. Reader
rou want a business at
which uersous of either sex
-aa make creat pay all the time they
work, write for particulars te H. Hal
ixttS Co Portland. Maine.
rijuuif i
Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public.
Nebraska. N. R. They will give
close attention to all business entrusted
tn them. 248.
TWO doors cast of D. Ryan's Hotel
on 11th street, keep a large stock of
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
And everything usually kept at a flrst
class bar." 411-x
Teams of or Oxen3
SAIKtCE? E0.'tS:J, wild or broke,
at the Corral of
JOHN 1IUBER, the mail-carrier be
tween Columbus and Albion, will
leave Columbus everyday except Sun
day at ( o'clock, sharp, passing through
Monroe, Genoa, Watjrville. and to All-ion
The back will call at either of
the Hotels for passengers if orders are
left at the post-office. Kates reas-on-nble,$2
to Albion. 222.1 y
AT MY RESIDENCE. on Shell Creek,
three miles east of Matthis's bridge,
I have
70,000 fjocxl. lianMiurnt brick
lor Mile,
which will bs sold in lots to ut pur
chasers. 41.S-tf GEORGE nENGGLER.
Columbus Meat Market!
KEEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh
meats, and smoked pork and beef;
also fresh lish. Make sausape a spec
ialty. 3TRemumber the place. Elev
enth St., one door west of D. Ryan's
hotel. 417-tf
K. S C I-II5 c k7
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Store on Olive St., near the old Post-ofice
Columbus Nebraska. 447-ly
CO L I'M r. us.
OFFICE HOIKS. 10 to 12 a. m.. 2 to
4 p. m., and 7 to 1 p. m. Olieo on
Nebra-ka Avenue, three doors north of
E. J. linker's trrain otiiec. Kcsidcnce,
corner Wyoinin.? and Walnut itrcet,
north Columbus, Nrbr. ilt-'l-tf
Iietr::Iit ?2rnt .TSarkct.
Wjslilnclna Arc, nearly opnslr Court House.
meat will be sold at this market
low, low down for cami.
Best steak, per lb -10c.
Kib roast, " .
I'.oil, " 0e.
Two cents a pound more than the aboc
prices will be charged on time, and that
to goad responsible parties only. 207.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Formerly a member of the Enslish
bar: will give prompt attention to all
business entruted to him in this and
adjoining eountic. Collections made.
Otiice one door eat of Schilz' hoe store,
corner of olic and 12th Streets. Spricht
Dcuteh. 1'arlc Francais. 41S-tf
Dress and Shirt Maker,
3 DoorK West or.Stlllmnn's Urn? Store.
Drces and shirt- cut and made to
order and -at isfact ion guaranteed. Will
alo do plain or fancy sewing of any de
Give mc a call and trv mv work.
425-ly "
(One milcwcBt of Columbus.)
Always on Hand in
readv-madc and Metallic Collins,
Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cane
Seat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal
nut Lumber.
S. J. MARMO Y, Prop'r.
Nebraska Ave., South of Depot,
A new house, newly furnished. Good
accommodations. Board by day or
week at reasonable rates.
sSTSets a First-Class XnMc.
Meals, 25 Cents. Lodgings 25 Cts
Physician and Snrgpon.
135"Oflice open
at all hours
Sank Building.
t3T Ojjkc: Eleventh St., one door east
of Journal building, up-stairs.
2ei 41 Whits,
riPTmlli Strict.
RECOMMENDED as f;5r superior to
any cither lamp oil in use in the
State, "it piic a very bright, clear li;ht
and ib perfectly safe." .V-4
JUABtY A5.t5KSG5a'X',
Merchant Tailoress,
!3ti Ctrrct, :;p::i P::t-:ce.
Men's and boys' suits made in the
latest tyle, and good iit guaranteed, at
very low prices. Men's suit JO.fiO to
$9.00, according to the goods and work,
l'.oyfc' suits $15.00 to $1.00, according to
Rring on your soiled clothing. A
whole suit renovated and ninde to ap.
pear as good as new for l.i'i -l-J4-y
Elubnitlis and Wagon Makerr.
Repairing Done on Short Notice.
Zzzgis, 7Ta:, Etc., Kiio to Crisr.
They also keep on band
Furst ck Bradley Plows,
Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tattcr
sall. COl.rMlH'.S, NEB.
J. o.
And Ail Kinds Gf Pnsups
Challenge Wind and Feed Jfills,
Combined Shelter and Grinder,
Mall Jfills, Horse Powers,
Corn Shelters and
Fanning Jfills.
Pumps Repaired on Short Notice,
Farmer", come and examine our mil1.
You will lind one erected on thoprcinNes
of the Hammond House, in good running
Grain, Produce, Etc.
Goods delivered Free of Charge,
anyichcrc in the city.
Corner of 13th and Madison Sts.
North of Foundry. 397
S!31 --
e. . ksscss, u. s. i :. c. zzsizz, X. a., acz&i.
Mti&g P tysiciaas and Surgeons,
For the treatment of all classes of Sur
gory and deformities ; acute and
chronic diseases, diseases of the eye
and ear, etc., etc.,
Columbus, Neb.
The Fire Fiends who so Horribly
Roasted Mitchel and ICefi'lmni '
Tire pnt upon Their Trial.
As the history of the State, nay,
perhaps, the United Stales, can pro
duce no parallel in fiendish cruelty
of the crime committed by Olive
and his gunj? in the torture of
Mitchell and Kelchutn, wo purpose
keeping our readers informed of the
main icatures of the trial which
bejran at Hastings, April 1st. Olive
is said to be worth $100,000 and his
friends $103,000 and it is reported
they arc ready to spend the entire
amount, if necessary, to prcnerve
his neck from the gallows.
The crime was committed in Cus
ter county on the JOlh of last De
cember. The particulars were giv
en in the Journal at the time.
AttmvAL or im:isoxei:s.
The Omaha Republican's corre
spondent, under date of April 1st,
says: ' Yesterday the prisoners
were brought from their various
places of confinement to Hastings.
First on the ground was Sheriff
Jamo-, of Dawson county, with Phil.
Dufraudaiid Brown, Sheriff' Marliu,
of Adams county, brought in I. P.
Olive, Wm. Green, IJaldwin and
Fisher from the penitentiary, and
received IJarney Giilen and Pedro,
the Mexican, into custody at Sutton,
and brought them on to Hastings.
The B. & M. railroad provided a
special coach for the prisoners and
their guard. Deputy Warden Xobes,
and Siierill' lloagland, of Lancaster
county, accompanied the party, to
gether with several other parties
deputized to assist.
against possible attempts to escape,
on the part of the prisoners, or to
rescue them on the part of friends
was taken. Before leaving the pen
itentiary the four who have been
confined there, were securely iron
ed, being chained together in such a
manner as to preclude the possibili
ty of escape. The other prisoners
were not so securely kept, but the
entire party of eight were
in an empty store building in Hast
ing5:, a guard of forty men was on
duty all last night, half being on
duty part of the night and the re
maining twenty acting as a relief.
They were securely kept through
the night. All fears of an attempt
to rescue the gang on the part of
Olive's friends have subsided, and
anxiety for the progress of the trial
is the supreme emotion at present.
came to Hastings with the four from
Lincoln, having been detailed as a
guard. The young gentleman and
his brother Lawrence will be on
hand throughout the tri-il. They
are firmly convinced that the ac
cused parlies are the murderers ol
their brother, and they await the
sentence of the law. Young Snow,
step-son of Luther Mitchell, will
be in attendance through the trial,
LEV. who were arrested with Olive and
his men, were left in jail at Sutton
and Plum Creek, respectively. They
arc not indicted for the same offense
as the remaining persons, but aic
chnrged with shooting with intent
to kill Ketchum and Mitchell at the
timo ot Steven's death. They are
not lo be tried until after the prin
cipal is disposed of."
of the defence is for change of ven
ue, and seventy-five affidavits (print
ed form) were filed.
Some of the most talented law
yers in the State are engaged for
prosecution and defence, and every
inch of the ground will be holly
contested. "The state is represent
ed by John M. Thurston, ol Omaha,
E. E. Brown, of Lincoln, O. W. Mc
.N'amar, of Plum Creek, District
Attorney Scofield, and Attorney
General Dilwortli. The delense by
John Carrigan,of Blair, B. I. Hiu
muu, ol North Platte, T. L. War
riuglon, of Plum Creek, Jas. Laird,
of Juniata, T. G. Homer, and A. II.
Conner, of Kearney and Wm. Nev
ille, ol North Platte. John C. Cow
in, of Omaha, appears specially for
Phil. Durand."
Judge Gaslin, famous now, in
Nebraska, for his administration of
the law against criminals, is presid
ing at the trial.
The case was called at 9 o'clock,
April 1st. A motion was made to -
on the ground, first, that the first
trial should have been had in Custer
comity where the offense was com
mitted ; second, that there was no
authority on the part of the judge
to call a special term ; third, on the
ground of the lack of twenty days'
notice; and fourth, on the ground
that the grand jury was not legally
selected and impannelled. The
court overruled all objections ex
cept the fourth, which wna tnken
under advisement until April 2d.
One would think that the subject
of milking is sufficiently well un
derstood at the present time with
out any further instiuctions with
reference to it, but never was there
a greater mistake made. Hundreds
of dairymen begin to complain that
their cows are drying up early
while they have good feed and
plenty of it. We were talking with
of the leading dairymen with refer
ence to the majter the other day,
and his opinion coincided with ours
in this rcpeol, and he claimed that
more cows wore spoiled by being
improperly handled than by poor
food. To get the greatest yield of
milk the cows should be milked
regularly, quietly and thoroughly,
yet quickly. Generally speaking,
twice a day is oflen enough, but
there are cases when it becomes
necessary to milk three times, but
thcc are comparatively rare. At
six o'clock, morning and evening, is
as near the right time, all thing?
considered, as any. Milking should
be done quietly, without any scold
ing or kicking or otherwise hurting
or exciting the animal, and she will
then habitually come gladly for the
operation, stand quietly and let
down her full How. It should be
done thoroughly as nearly a possi
ble always by the same person.
There is a great difference in milk
ers; some will get the last drop
while others will leave the richest
part in th udder. It has been
proved to the satisfaction of all good
dairymen that the shippings will
ield from ten to twenty per cent,
more cream than the rest of the
milk ; how important it is, then that
the cow should be milked clean.
Besides, if she is not made to yield
all that she has daily, she will dry
un sooner, and gradually fail in the
quantity until it decreases percepti
bly. Cows should never be hur
riedly driven to and from the pas
tille as it agitates and beats the
milk, if before milking, and tends
to njake them wild alter the milk
has been drawn. We had an oppor
tunity ol seeing the results of a
change in the management of cows
on Pleasant View Farm a short time
ago. The proprietor, Mr. South
worlh, met with a severe accident,
which confined him lo the house for
nearly a week, during which time
strangers wiwu employed to attend
the cows, and, although ihey were
Healed kindly, still it was different
from their usual treatment, and the
milk pail showed a much smaller
jield, and the cows themselves be
came restless and refused to "give
down" as formerly, although, as
before stated, they were treated
with the greatest kindness and
milked by experienced hands. But
when he was able to come to the
barn again, the cows soon filled the
pails as usual, and that, too, with
no change of food. -Field and
A. Tiuxr Sort oT!iost Story.
The village of Martinsville, near
Wheeling, Va., starts a novel ghost
story on its rounds. 1S71 a man
named Stephen Templeton disap
peared from Martinsville and his
family. He had received nearly
JS00 in payment of a note for some
property he had sold, taken a skiff'
to go lo a neighboring swamp to
cut hoop-poles, and never returned.
The skiff was found upset in the
river, the river was dragged, and
dilligcut search was made, but no
trace of Tempelton could be found.
His wife and children gave him up
for dead, and time passed on. The
other day a young man was crossing
a swamp to reach a ferry, and says
that he was accosted by the headless
trunk of a man that seemed to rise
up before him out of I he ground.
The apparition said he was Stephen
Templeton, who had been foully
murdered for the monev ho had
about him $785. lie was cutting
hoop-po!cs,and his murderer, whom
he named, got hold of his axe, split
his skull open, ai.d then severed his
head. He was buried near the foot
of a certain tree, which he pointed
out, where his bones might be found,
together with the axe with which
the deed was done. He wanted his
murderer prosecuted, and saidNthat
he was willing and able to appear
against him in court if necessary to
secure his conviction. The young
man told a few friends ol his ghost
ly interviewer, and they resolved
that before saying anything about
it they would dig for Templelou's
bones, to prove the ghost story.
They digged at the place and found
bones and boots. Of course the re
mains could not be identified, but
the village cobbler recognized the
boots H9 his work, and like those he
made for Templeton to accom
modate his corns. Those were
rempicton's boots, and the bones
must needs be Tcmpleton's bones.
Whether or not there was any ghost
came to tell them where to look,
those young men found Tcmpleton's
bones, that had been missing for
live years and more. The axe that
Templeton had wielded among the
hoop-poles was aNo found in the
shallow grave, according lo the
ghost story. Yfhen it was noised
about that Templeton'a bones had
been found, the man he named as
having been his murderer secretly
left town and has not been seen
there since. If he is caught and
brought to trial, in view of the
ghot utory, there will be some in
terest fo sec if the headless trunk
will come into Martinsville court to
faco I he assassin and give testimony
against him. In the meantime Mar
tiusville waits for the wonder. St.
Louis liepubliean.
lSI;:ziu Ji'ralrlca.
An extensive prairie fire occurred
on Sunday last, a few miles north
east of Osceola. It originated on
the farm of Robert Curren, who
was burning cornstalks, and the
wind rising suddenly caused the fiie
to get beyond control, and it was
soon sweeping over the prairie in a
south-easterly direction. It burned
over Iaac Smith's farm, destroying
a granary containing about 1,000
bushels of grain wheat, oals and
rye. It also destroyed Mr. Smith's
stable and S00 bushels of corn.
Mr. James Jarmin's farm was the
next in the path of destruction. A
corral on his place was destroyed;
also a grove of young timber, and
an eighty-rod row of tree. The
fire that burned the corral wa-i stall
ed by a burning shingle, which was
blown from the roof of Mr. Smith's
granary. The wind carried the blaz
ing shingle three hundred yards,
and it passed over Mr. Jarmin's sta
ble and dropped into a straw pile,
from which it spread to the corral.
Mr. Jarmin al-o Inst all of his
threshing machine bells and three
setts of lly-ucts.
The next sufferer was Ezra Uoac,
who lost a stable and a small quan
tity of grain.
The fire was checked before do
ing further materia! dnuugc.
Win. "Richmond, living on Mr.
Smith's place and occupying his
house, lost two good setts of har
ness, one hog, and other property.
By an arrangement that he made
with Mr. Smith he was usinjr
Smith's grain, and the loss there
lore, falls heavily on Richmond.
Mr. Smith's house was in great
danger and was only saved at lat
arter the supply of water had failed,
by using a pail ofstvillto extinguish
the fiauics.
A feather tick lint was laken out
into the road for safety at least CO
feet from the fire was 1 cached by
Hying cinders and the tick was
burned and the feathers were carried
away on the wings of the wind.
A tire that was started in Platte
bottom in Platle precinct, last Sun
day, burned over several farms and
destroyed a large amount of trees
in Pleasant Home precinct. F. L.
Home's residence was only saved
by the most energetic effort'-, and
several persons barely escaped with
their lives- one individual running
for dear life, felt the heat of the
flames just behind him as he reach
ed a place of safety. Osceola Jiec
ord, Jfarch 2Sth.
A country deacon went home one
evening and compliincd fo his wife
that he had been abused down at the
store shamefully. One of the neigh
bors, he said, had called him a liar.
Her ejes flashed with indignation.
"Why didn't you Icll him to prove
it?" she exclaimed. "That's the
very thing that's the trouble," re
plied the husband : "1 told him to
prove it, and he did prove it."
A bright little fellow of four years,
whose correctness the father ques
tioned, asking: "If Mary should
tell you anything which was not ex
actly so, what would you say ?" "I'd
say she told a lie," "If brother
should say anything that wa not so,
would you think it right?" "No
I'd think he told a lie." "Well,
supposing you should say some
thing that was not exactly so; what
then ?" "I'd say I', mistaken."
'Come, sheer off," as the sheep
said to the man who was cutting ofl'
her wool.
In trying to fight down his sor
rows, a man should always strike
one of his own eighs.
1'otzito Cultnvc.
A mode of cultivation of the po
tato highly rcecoinnicndcd for gar
den operation in Europe, consists
in placing on soil, deeply dug or
tilled, halves of ordinary-sized pota-
toes, at cer.ft.n interval apart, or
better, perhaps, whole potatoes, at
greater distances asunder, and in
regular lines, liie potato, wnicu
is not placed in a furrow, is covered
with a light layer of earth. In such
conditions of ventilation, it is not
long in penetrating the layer of
mold, and after a few day.- it i.s re
peatedly earthed up to accelerate
the growth. This method of plant
ing is said to givo very much better
results than the common method of
planting in furrows, while the po
tato acquires its maturity before
disease is declared. The potato,
coming originally from Peru, a
country much hotter than ours, re
quires air and iieat for its develop
ment under good condition, and the
earth which surrounds it can only
be regarded as a support, a medium
around which as much air and heat
should bo made as possible. To
put in a cold trench, compact and
moist, is to hinder its growth and
hinder its production considerably,
also to subject it voluntarily lo the
most troublesome influences of dis
ease Ktiirlins; :i I2y.
A lonesome looking boy was
hanging around a woodyard, when
the owner of the yard, having both
charity and philanthropy for boys
having tears in their eyes, asked the
boy why he didn't peddle apples or
do something else to earn a few
shillings. The boy replied that he
had no capital, and the woodyard
man took out a nickel, and said :
"Now, my boy, I'm going to start
you in life. Take this nickel and
no and make a purchase of some
thing or other. I'll buy it of you
for ten cents, no matter what it is.
Come, now, let's see what sort of a
business head you have got on
you ?"
Tho boy took the nickel and went
off, but in ten minutes was back
with a gallon jug which he had pur
chased with the nickel.
Well, you're a keener," replied
the man. "I never saw one of those
sold for less than fifteen cents to any
one. I want such a jug and here's
it's fair price. Go, now, and lay
out your fifteen cents in apples, and
I'll buy half your stock."
The boy did not return. Perhaps
he fell into a sewer somewhere; but
you can't make the woodyard man
believe so. When he lifted the jug
from under the table where the by
had placed it, he found a hole in
the bottom large enough in let in a
black-aud-tan terrier.
A 3E oilier Eiifltioitec.
It is hard for a young mother,
who ha- not yet overcome the way
ward tendencies of her own youth
ful nature, lo realize the influence
she exerts over her little ones. She
is constantly surrounded by critical
imitators who copy her morals and
manners. As the mother i-, so arc
the sons and daughters. If a fami
ly of children arc blessed with an
intelligent mother, who is dainty
and refined in her manncrs,and does
not consider it necessary to be one
woman in the drawing-room and
an entirely dii.erent person in her
every-day life, but who iri a true
mother, and always a tender, charm
ing woman, you will invariably see
her habits of speech and perfect
manners repeated by her children.
Great, rough men, and noisy, busy
boys will always tone down their
voices and step quietly and try to
be more mannerly when she stops
to give them a kind word or a pleas
ant smile for a true mother will
never fail to do or say all the kind,
pleasant things she can, that will in
any way help to lift np and cheer
those whoc lives are shaded with
care and toil. The mother of to
day rules the world of to-morrow;
think ol it, dear sisters, and guard
well voiir home treasures.
When old people go back to their
childhood, what things do they re
member most? What do you re
member about your mother that is
gone? Not anything by which she
was formally made Inown to the
world, but some picture, some
scene of tenderness, some fragrant
sentiment which
lingers in
"Mother,' said little Ned one mcr
ning after having fallen out of bed,
"I think I know why I fell out of bed
last night. It was because I slept
too near where I got in." Musing
a little while, as ifin doubt whether
he had given the right explanation,
he added, "No, that wasn't the rea
son ; it was because I slept too near
Where I leu out. j
Among the important cases about
to be decided by Ihe United States
Supremo Court h that of "William
II. Plait, appellant, vs. tho Union
Pacific Rnilroail Company, appeal
i from the Circuit Couitofthe TTnl-
, tfcd Stfttc. fop U)(J g,n(oof Nebnwka
This caso involves tho title of the
Union Pacific Rairoad Company to
its unsold laud. It will be borne in
mind that Secretary Schurz, in his
Dudymott deci-iou, held that the
railroad company's lands had re
verted back to the Govcrment un
der that clause of the Union Pacific
land grant which provides that three
yeirs after tho completion of tho
road, the unsold lands shall becomo
subject to homestead pre-emption
the same as other public lands. Tho
case before the National Supremo
Court was what might be called a
jug-handled afl'iir. Piatt, the ap
pellant, was one of the company's
laud agents at Grand Island, and
his attorney, Judge Wakely, waa
evidently engaged by the Union
Pacific to present the case in tho
most favorable light to the company.
The arguments before the Supreme
Court were concluded last Wednes
day, and we presume a decision will
soon be made.
The people, of Nebraska, Kansas,
the trans-Missouri region, are deep
ly interested in this case. It Secre
tary Schurz is sustained it will bo
followed by an unprecedented rush
of immigration info this State. If
the company's title to the unsold
lauds is sustained, it will settle n
vexed question that now perplexes
many recent purchasers of those
railroad lands, and afford tho com
pany abetter opportunity to disposo
of their lands to new settlers. In
any event, therefore, the peoplo of
Nebraska and Kansas will be ma
terially benefitted by the impend
ing decision of the court. Omaha
A few PrccppN From Coafa
cIum. Be severe to yourself and indul
gent to othcra; you thus avoid all
Tc wise man makes equity and
justice the ba-da of his conduct; tho
right forms the rule of his behavior;
deference and modesty mark his ex
terior; sincerity and fidelity servo
him for accomplishment.
Love virtue, and the people will
be virtuous; the virtue of a great
man is like the wind; the virtue of
tho humble is like the grass; when
the wind passes over it the grass In
clines its head.
Children should practice filial
piet)- at home, aud paternal defer
ence abroad ; they should be atten
tive in their actions, sincere and
true in their words loving all with
the whole force of their affection.
Return equity and justice for all
evil done to you, and pay goodness
by goodness.
Without the virtue of .humility,
one can neither he honest in pov
erty nor contented in abundance
Real virtue consists in integrity
of heart aud loving your neighbor
as vourself.
What I desire that others should
not do for me, I equally desire not
to do to them.
Think not of faults committed n
the past, when one has reformed j
his conduct.
Dr. Franklin observing one day a
hearty young fellow, whom he
knew to bean extraordinary black
smith, sitting on the wharf bobbing
for mud cats and eels, called out to
him. "Ah Torn, what a pity
'lis you don't fish with a silver
hook." The young man replied ho
was not able to fi3h with a silver
hook. Some days after this tho
Doctor passed that way again, and
saw Tom at the end of the wharf
again, with his long pole bending
over the flood. "What Tom," cried
the docter, "have yon not got tho
silver hook yet ?" "God bles3 yon
Doctor," cried the blachsmitb, "I'm
hardly able to fish with an iron
hook." "Poh! poll!'' replied tho
doctor, ''go home to anvil, and you
will make silver enough in one day
to buy more and better fish than
you would catch here in a month.'
Mr. Bryant's first collection of
poems did not fill hi& youthful
pocket. A gentleman who not long
ago purchased for five dollars a
copy of this first edition, now very
rare, tock the book to the venerable
poet, asking that he shonld write
his autograph therein. Mr. Uryant
complied, saying, "Five dollars is
more than I received on that wholo
The little one made a beautiful
answer without knowing it; "what!
kiss such a homely man as papa?
said the mother, in fun. "Oh, bnt
papa is real pretty in his heart," waa
the reply.