The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 19, 1879, SUPPLEMENT, Page 4, Image 8

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"So event of the closing nieht of the late session
of Congress could compare in absorbing interest
with the ten-minute speech mailo by the Hon
Zachanali' Chandler in the Senate. It was a quarter
to 3 o'clock in the morning. The hour and the
events which immediately preceded it the man
and the prominent part he had played in the most
Btirring episodes in our National history served
to give to the words he uttered a significance out
of all comparison with the ordinary course of
political debate. He said :
Mr. Fkhsident: Twenty years ago I. in company
with Mr. Jefferson Davisstood up m this chamber,
and, with him, swore by Almighty God that I would
support the Constitution of the United States. Jef
ferson Davis eanio from the Cabinet of rranklin
Pierce into the Senate of the United States and
took the oath witli mo to bo faithful to this
Government. Dnnnc four years I sat in this body
"with Jefferson Davis ami saw the pieparations
gointrou from day to day for the overthrow of this
Government. With treason in his heaitand perjury
upon his lips, he took the oath to sustain the
Government that ho meant to overthrow.
Sir, there was method in this madness, ne, in
cooperation with oth'T men from his section, and in
the Cabinet of Sir. Buchanan, made careful prepa
ration for the event, that was to follow. Your ar
mies were scattered all over this broad land, where
they could not be used in an emergency. Your
fleets were scattered wherever the winds blew and
"water was found to float them, where they could
not be used to put down a rebellion. Your Treasury
"was depleted until your bonds bearing t per cent
interest, payable in coin, were sold for SS cents on
the dollar for current expenses and no buyers were
found. Pieparations were carefully made. Your
arms were sr.ld under an apparently innocent clause
in an Army bill providing that the Secretary of War
might in his discretion sell such arms as ho deemed
fit lor the Government to sell.
Sir, eighteen years ago last month I sat in this hall
and listened to Jefferson Davis delivering his fare
well address, informing us what our constitutional
duties to this Government were, and then ho left
and entered into a rebellion to overthrow tho Gov
ernment that ho had sworn to serve.
I remained here, sir, during tho whole of that ter
rible rebellion. I saw our brave soldiers by thou
sands 1 might almost say millions as theypasscd
on to tho theatre of the war. I saw their shattered
ranks returning. 1 saw steamboat after steamboat
and railroad traiu after railroad train bringing back
tho wounded. I was with my friend (pointing to
General Burnside) when ho commandod the Army
of tho Potomac, and saw piles of legs and anus that
"would make humanity shudder. I saw the widows
and orphans made hi this war.
Mr. President, 1 little thought at that time that I
should live to hear in tho Senate of tho United
States eulogies upon Jefferson Davis living a liv
ing rebel on the lloor of tho Senate of the United
States. Sir. I am amazed to hear it. and I can tell
tho gentlemen on tho other side that they little
know the spirit of tho North when they come hero
at this day with bravado on their lips, uttering
eulogies upon him whom every man, woman and
child in the North believes to have been a double
dyed traitor.
No man voutured to interrupt ; none felt insulted.
It was simply crushing.
Frtm The Troy Times Hep.)
Tiie Nkw-Yokk Tihiilwi: is worth a dozen Potter
Committees to get at tho truth of tho electoral
" fraud " business.
From The Orange (.V. J.) Journal Rep.)
This black and intnmous record needs no com
ment. In untolduig it to the gazo of the American
people The I'kiuuxi: has done a work for which it
deserves and will leceive the thanks of honest men
of nil parties. It i tho crowning feat of journalism
in America, if not in the world. Think of the au
dacity of Samuel J. Tilden and his " coparceners,"
"who, with tho consciousness of such villany stain
ing their iouls, hai- kept tins country lor nearly
two years m a .state of teimcut by their accusations
of "fraud" against the Republicans, and bv their
efforts to smirch the character anil disturb tlie title
of President Hayea! flunk of Tilden standing on
the steps of his house m Gramcrey Park, the very
Bpot where tin-so schemes ot bribery were sanc
tioned, ami daimg, with hypocritical lace, to say:
"A great fraud, which the American people have
rot condoned, and never will condone never,
never, never!"
From The Christian Vnion.
Poo's famous otory of the "Gold Hug" pales into
insignificance in comparison with the serial story
which lias just commenced in Tun Daily Tkihunk.
Wo know not winch to admire mnst, tho extraordi
nary luck or extroidinary management which
Las brought into its hands 200 cipher dispatches
cent by tho Democratic managers over tho wiies
pending the electoral count ; or tho detective bkill
with which the cipher has been discovered; or tho
editorial skill with which the public appetite
lias been whetted to the last degree ot impatience
for the full publication and interpretation of these
dispatches. The Democratic managers involved,
including, wo aro sorry to say. Mr. Tilden himself
(lor though no dispatches are signed by him they
were sent to and answered from his house), nitis't
cither ntlonl some other interpretation of them or
be convicted bv their silence of attempting a fraud
that dwarfs that of Tweed into microscopic propor
tions. If the ostrich sutlers its head to hide in the
Baud much longer, its body will be o lull of arrows
that it will never recover. Tin: Tirniuxi:, by its
disclosures, lias probably put and end to " still
hunts" and rue use of cipher telegrams bv tho pol
iticians ol tho future, for both of which services it
deserves the thanks of the American people.
Tliero aro a few points which have been con
clusively established by proof that tho Potter Com
mittee would gladly have ignored entirely. It is
well to notice these :
I. It is conclusively proved, by tho admissions of
Smith Weed in his secret dispatches to Gramercy
Park, that the actual majority of tho votes in South
Carolina was for the nayes electors. Yet it ia ad
mitted that Mr. Weed, the favorito lieutenant and
right-hand man of -Mr. Tilden in Now-York politics,
tried to secure tho votes of South Carolina for Til
den by bribery. It is conclusively proved that tho
Board in that State was at no time for sale, that Mr.
Weed was fooled by the reports brought to him by a
person who was anxious to get the 3,000 for his
services as intermediary, and that W. T. Pelton,
Mr. Tildon's nephew and confidential secretary,
weut to Baltimore expecting, as ho admits, to re
coivc and to pay over tho money for tho purchase.
Tho vote of South Carolina, then, was cast exactly
as tho majority of voters intended and desired.
Domocrats tried to buy its vote and failed.
II. It is conclusively proved by the admissions of
Mantou Marble, in his secret telegrams to Gram
ercy Park, that tho actual result in Florida de
pended upon tho decision mado as to ono precinct
in Alachua Countv and the returns from Manatee
County, thero being only about ono hundred ma
jority either way. It was Bccrotly telegraphed by
Marble that "it would not strain Board much to
throw out " the disputed Democratic votes in Mana
tee. His opinion of tho worthless character of
Democratic claims in that caso was confirmed by
the Board, which also threw out the disputed Re
publican votes m Alachua. There is not a particle
of proot that either of tho members of the Board
ever was for sale. The two Republicans wero
strongly convinced of the justico of their caso from
tbn lieirmiiiii'' and in cverv decisive action they
were sustained bv the Democratic member. Marble
and Wooliey both transmitted to New-York propo
sitions designed to sway tho decision by bribery,
but failed. Evidence taken in the Congressional
contest in that State has proved beyond disunite
that tho Republicans were right in their claims,
and that tho votes believed by them to have been
cast wero actually and legally cast for Republican
electors. But tho essential question is not whether
the Board may have been mistaken in judgment;
tho vital fact is that it decided according lo tho
law as laid down by tho Democratic member, tho
Attorney-General, and its honest convictions, and
was not'for sale, although tho Democratic leaders
tried to buy its decision.
III. It is conclusively proved, in respect to Louis
iana, that a reign of terror and violence in several
parishes, caused by Democratic crimes, hail made
it dangerous, it not impossible, for active Republi
cans to bring out their vote. Such was tho terror
ism that the proper othcers aid not dare, ior tneir
lives, to make formal protests until they had es
caped iroin tho reach of Democratic assassins.
Some of them wero afterward murdered because,
having thus escaped, they told the truth. For tho
express nurnoso of preventing tho success of a
patty bv such means, a State law had intrusted ex
traordinary and arbitrary powers to the Canvassing
Boaid powers which would neither be needed nor
conferred in a civilized State. Those powers wero
exorcised by strong Republican partisans, and thero
is not the faintest shadow of a reason for believing
that they required or had any other inducement
than a sense of justico and an iiitn' hostility to
the party of assassination and 1 acre. The
Democrats insist that their assassin si ould have
triumphed, and that thero was ' Greta Fraud," be
cause massacre was defeated by the exercise of ex
treme and arbitrary powers conferred by law. Tho
Republicans, on tho other hand, rejoice that for
once tho revolver and shot-gun failed to elect a
IV. It is conclusively proved that tho Democrats,
being defeated elsewhere, tried to obtain by bribery
in Oregon a vote to which they had no shadow of
claim. The offer of money went from Mr. Tilden's
own bouse, and tho money itself afterward went
from banks and bankers with whom ho has closo
and confidential relations, at the request of hia im
pecunious nephew. That attempt to swindle the
country failed, as similar attempts had failed in
South Carolina and Florida. And now the thwarted
assassins are yelling " Fraud " because they could
neither get the power by murder nor by bribery.
Tun Tiubuxe lias long enjoyed the distinc
tion of the largest circulation among the best
people. It is now spending more labor and
money than ever before to deserve that pre
eminence. It secured, and means to retain it,
by becoming the medium of the best thought
and the voice of the best conscience of the
time, by keeping abreast of the highest prog
ress, favoring the freest discussion, hearing
all sides, appealing always to tho best intel
ligence and the purest morality, and refusing
to cater to tho tastes of the vile or the preju
dices of the ignorant. The continued popu
lar approval and the constantly widening po
litical influence it eujoj's are tho best proofs
that it is still faithful to these early secrets
of its strength.
The Semi-Weekly Tribune
is specially adapted to the largo class of intelligent
readers too far from Now-York to depend on its
papers for tho daily news, who nevertheless want
tho editorials, correspondence, book reviews, scien
tific matter, lectures, literary miscellany, etc., for
which Tiik Tkiiiuni: is famous. This is tho cheap
est, and, for remote country readers, the host odi
tion of The Tribune published.
The price of The Weekly New-York
XKinUNEto single subserijers is 2 OO per year,
but to any person who will, before tie 15th ttay
rjuly, JS73, send us ?IOO iritb this Con
pom enclosed, we will (cud Tin: Weeklt Tain
TOE one year, postage paid. Or, for $2 CO and
this Coupon, we will send The Weekly Tunis k
and The Weekly Indiana State JornxAi. uotli
ono year, postage paid. Or, for OO and tUi
Coupon, we will send lour copies of 'IiieIiiiiii'.se
three sstontks, pottage paid ; or. for $2 OO
mud this Coupon, we wnl send four cople ojcii
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postage paid.
REMEMBEP. that this ofler is good only till
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meeoutpmttied by tUit Coupon. Orders inav bo
teat either to The Jocrxal. Indianapolis, Iud.,
or to The Tribune, Xcw-Yorl;.
This is a neatly printed pamphlet of forty
eight pages, containing a lull account of the translation
of the Democratic Cipher Dispatches, the methods by
which the translation was accomplished, nil the key,
and all the important dispatches with tho translation of
each. It contains also an account of the electoral crisis
of 1S7C. sliowintr clearly the desperate attempts of tho
Democratic leaders in New-iork, through their secret
a scut., sent to Smith Carolina, riorida, Louisiana and
Orojion, to purchase tho iicceaarv votes to make Samuel
J. President of tho United elates.
Asa lull and reliable history of the most astounding
attempt at fraud and corruption ever attempted
in jiuv country, this pamphlet is of great in
terest and value to every intelligent citizen. It will be
i--nt, postage paid, to auy address on receipt of tweuty
llvo cents. Address The Tribune, Xow-York.
The Weekly Tribune
remains the great favorito for our substantial
country population. A high authority has said of
it that "The Weekly Tribune has done more to
make good farmers and good citizens
than any other single influence that has ever ex
isted in this country-" It is now larger than anv
of its rivals; its new form (sixteen pages, carelnlly
indexed and suitable for binding) has proved ex
ceedingly popular, and its large, clear type, so
different from that of most papers of its class, is a
specuil attraction. Bts Agricultural Ic
partmenf, under tho special management ot an
experienced agricultural editor, with a stall of sev
eral assistants ami a large corps of special contrib
utors, is more carefully conducted than ever, and
it has alwavs been considered tho best. Its
marltct reports arc the official stand
ard for the Dairymen's Association, and have long
been the recognized authority on cattle, grain and
general country produce. There aro special depart
ments ibr llic young and for household
interests; while poetry, fiction, and tho humors
of tho day aro all abundantly supplied.
Weekly Tribune is note so arranged as to
tre romplete and leparale paper of
paces each, the -first contaimna the neics
and politics .- the second, the correspondence, fiction.
poetry, household departments, etc. Sloth tides ot
the 'family can thus enjoy the paper at the same
time. Durxna the past year readers have found this
a specially attractive and convenient feature.
We call the attention of tho patrons of THE
JOURNAL to the great improvement made in THE
increase in the size of the type, and also tho im
provement in the character and variety of reading
matter. We also call particular attention to tho
fact that tho price of THE WEEKLY INDIANA
STATE JOURNAL has been reduced, and is as
follows for the coming year: Iu clubs of 25, SI
per vear for each subscriber. For single subscrip
tions, $1 25. For THE JOURNAL and either tho
Life of 0. P. Morton or tho Journal Map of tho
United States, as mar bo preferred, $1 50.
Tho advantages of TIIE WEEKLY INDIANA
STATE JOURNAL to au Indiana man aro briefly
these: First It contains a condensation of tho
news published in six issues of I HE DAILY JOUR
NAL, having special reference to Indiana all'airs.
Second It contains a fuller report ot tho Legisla
tive proceedings of tho State than is contained iu
any other paper. Third Considering its editorial
and general reading matter, embracing an intelli
gent discussion of the questions in which Indiana
men aro interested, it is tho best paper for tho
money that can be procured. Fourth It contains
more farm and household intelligence, with general
news on all current events, than any paper distrib
uted in the State.
No Indiana Republican can afford to bo without
THE JOURNAL. If he is not a regular subscriber
to the Daily ho should subscribe for tho Weekly.
Wo have now mado such a reduction in tho price aa
to leave no excuse for any Republican in fading to
keep himself fully posted on the current news and
political events of tho day. If any one of tho
twenty thousand persons who have subscribed and
paid for THE WEEKLY JOURNAL in the past
eighteen months will come forward and Bay he is
dissatisfied, and that the paper is not worth all and
more than it cost him, we will give him tho paper
one year for nothing.
Specimen copies sent free on request, and tho
paper furnished for three months to auy ono who
wants it on trial for 25 cents.
See in another column of this sheet tho remark
ablv low Special Bate for TIIE JOURNAL and
Publishers, Indianapolis, Iud.
till tea by Eowanl McPnemon.
Abstracts of Public Laws.
Constitutional Amendments.
I'artv riatfonna. 1878.
Election of United States
Electoral Vote for President.
Principal Exccntlvc. Diploma
tic and Department Oiflcers
of the United States.
Departmental Ottlcers of the
United states.
Principal Judical Officers of
the United States.
Statistics ot Trade and Com.
Iron ami Steel Tables.
1 able of Coinace.
Foreign Trade of the United
Jtrvenue and Expenditures.
usi oi Appropriation.
Imports and Domestic Ex
ports. Immigration. IUilroatl Tables.
National Banks and Currency.
Savings Hanks btaUsties.
Public Debt of Uio United
Uuited states Government
Hen ate and House of Itop
I.iot of UoTeruors ot States.
Xevf-1 ork StaioOOTurumcnt,
Ac. Ac.
Electiou Ketnrns from each
Siate and Territory, alpha.
betically arranged.
Price, 25 Cents. Five cop'.e for a DoUan
Dictionary Free !
From The Conyregatwnalist.
It seems to have been conceded on all hands that
Tin; Tiunuxi's translations of tho cipher dispatches
were essentially, and in all important matters, cor
rect. It appears to be settled by the admissions
under oath ot the conspirators, that direct and
criminal efforts, which failed, were made bv the
Democratic Committee to purchase success for Mr.
Tilden in three States. It appears to be settled, fur
thci, that Mr. Tilden -was during all this time as
ignorant as the babe unborn of all this planning and
plotting, and as innocent of all. even the remotest,
participation in it. He swears he was, and he ought
to know. These thing being settled, one thing is
settled further ; and that is, that as Mr. Tilden re
nllv V!i lirnoraiit, of nil tlii-j wliifli xma ..;,.? .
around him in his own house, and at the hands of
his most intimate and confidential friends, it was
because he had made arrangements to bo ignoraut
ot it. No other explanation is conceivable.
Tiik Tribune has been throughout the past year
in receipt of many inquiries from subscribers as to
whether they could not bo permitted to take Wor
cester's Dictionary instead of Webster's, on making
the remittances entitling them to this great pre
We now have great pleasure in announcing that
we havo succeeded in makint: arrangements with
the Publishers ot Worcester's Dictionary which
enable us to give our readers this choice.
To tlio.o w ho prefer it, therefore we will send
Worcester's Unabridged Pictorial Quarto Diction
ary, the latest and best edition, bound in sheep, as
a gilt to auy one i emitting to us
S10 for a single flvc-ycars subscription to THE WEEKLY,
W for eigbt one-year subscriptions to THE WEEKLY, or
!I5 fur a single five-years subscription to TIIE SEilt
!?3l tor ten one-year subscriptions to THE SEMI-WEEK.
lv, or
S30 fora single three-years subscription to TIIE DAILY
Tlio terms of tbo several editions oi THE THICUXE areas
This Is the most valnablo and liberal newspaper
premium ever oll'eied. It is in reality a gift to every
f kiiu'm: subscriber who chooses to avail himself of
the ofler.
'rsmkini Yet,
Another drubbing appears to bo necessary to
teach tho Democrats that the Republican party is
not alarmed by the old fcoutborn strut and swagger.
Tt was Randolph Tucker who remarked afow
weeks age that beforo they would yield an inch
they would resign their seats in Congress. As they
have yielded several inches in consenting to have
supervisors at the i-olls, it is time lor Randolph to
start the piocession of resigners.
There isn't a morning in tho week when tho
Democratic party throughout tho country can
guess what its principles or policy are likely to bo
for tho day until it is known what, the Congres
bional caucus made up its miud to do and think and
say the night before.
A $2 JO Estey Organ Free.
Finally, The TnmrxE makes an offer to
churches, musical societies, and others, more
nuiiizmg than airythmg yet done in the history
of newspaper premiums. For 200 subscriptions
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send, postnge paid, the 200 papers, ad
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The cheapest and best Series of fiction. Price, ten tents each'
unlets otherwise noted Sent pott paid on receipt of the price.
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Thomas Hardy. Double Number, price UO cants.
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phaut. 0. OLYMPIA; A Romance. By R. E. Francillon.
ces Eleanor Trollope.
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Every Novl in this teric li rompletr nnd nnn.
bridaeu. nnil contain matter vr.'iich In any other form
rosiM from seven to ten times an ninch an The Tribune
Not a word from Beck in this absorbing crisis.
hat a noble dim is here unhinged!
Calling it by some other name won't make it any
less of a backdown, sweet Democrats'.
Fernando Wood doesn't think that ho ought to
tackle tho tariff again. No more does anybody
Senator Eaton, of Connecticut, is as ferocious
with his mouth as a menagerie lion on an illumi
nated poster.
It is old news evcrvwbere except in Washington
that public sentiment is overwhelmingly on tho
side of the Republicans iu this scrimmage.
1 ne uemocrais in congress nave now spent a
week in trying to lind tho easiest way out. Prudent
people would have thought this thing over beforo
they went in.
Having failed to bulldoze tho President by rais
ing a hullabaloo in his front yard, the red-shirted
Democracy now steals around under the back win
dows and tries it on there.
A judicious Republican programme seems to bo
to keen up a vigorous prodding of the Dumocrata
about backing down, for that is a sure stimulus for
a fresh crop of retroactive blunders.
What troubles tho Democrats most in tho Presi
dent's message is its " insolent tone." There isn't
anything of the kind in it, but if thero were what
business have a lot of rowdi, who have been call
ing the President a "fraud," to complain of it I
If the Democrats knew that by conciliating the
negroes in the South and defending their right to
vote thev would stand pome chance of carrying
New-York, Ohio and Pennsylvania next year, they
might be able to do a good deal of damage.