The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 19, 1879, SUPPLEMENT, Image 7

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(No sig.)
Belov are given a few gems from tho Democratic
Cipher Telegrams captured and translated by The
Tribuxe. ,
Talla., 2.
Colonel Pelton, Xo. lo Gramcrcy rarl; X. 1".:
CertiOcato required to Moses decision Lave Lon
don hour for Bolivia of just and Edinburgh at .Mo
selle hand a nuy over glasgow franco ree'd. russia ol
(Use Key 7.) m , x ,
93. Translat.on.
Co'ojwsZ Pelton, 15 Gramcrcy rarh:
Have just received a proposition to hand over at
any hour required Tilden decision of Board and cer
tificate of Governor for ?200.000. Marble.
190.1 ,. 0
aew-kmui, juuc o.
Maxtqx Marble, Tallahassee, Fla.:
Warsaw here. Bolivia Brazil.
190. Translation.)
New-York, Dec 3.
Maxton Marble. Tallahassee, Fla.: .
Dispatch here. Proposition too high.(f) (So. sip.)
GramercvPark had reasons not known to Mr.
Marble for considering his "Bolivia" decidedly
" Brazil." For on the preceding day tho following
had como from Mr. Woolley :
l Tallahassee, Fla., Dec. 1st, '70.
Henry ILwtmeyek. 15 JJcst 17thst., Ar. 1.:
Sixteen fetch may make thirteen, forty of halt ol
a twelve eleven ten. Can you say two in nine im
mediately if twenty. l'ix.
85. Translation. ,
H. HAVniiETEU, 15 West 17 th-st., X. Y.:
Board fetch may mako necessary expense of halt
of a hundred thousand dollars. Can you say will
depositjn bank immediately if agreed I
Whatever significance may be given to tho word
" letch," which Mr. Havemoyer failed on a former
occasion to understand, there can bo very little
doubt as to tho meaning of tho proposal. And tho
reply of Gramcrcy Park was :
2:23 p. m.
New-York, 1 Dec.
C. W. Woolley. Talla., Fla.:
Twenty one nineteen two ten twenty cannot how
ever seven before twenty four thirty seven nineteen
reply forty six. u-
187. Translation.
New-York, Doc 1.
C. W. Woolley. Tallahassee. Fla.:
Telegram received. Will deposit dollars agreed;
(you) cannot, however, draw beforo vote member
received, Reply promptly.
Talla., Fla., 3.
Colone I Pelton, 15 Gramcrcy Park,X. Y.:
Preventing Moses best Bolivia or from Glasgow
vote London documents united Rochester state half
giving lone word dropped concurrence electors his
cast being cojirt either of in received of actiou for
Havana. INo tug.
(Use Key No. 10.)
1100. Translation.
Tallahassee, Dec 4.
Colonel W. T. Pelton, Xo. 15 Gramcriy I'ark:
' -Proposition received either giving vote of one T
Republican of Board, or Ins concurienco in Court
action irevciiting elector's vote from being east,
for half hundred best United States documents.
(For S50.000 in U. S. note-.) Maiujlk.
Talla., Fla.. 4.
Henry Havemeyer, 15 West 17th-sL, A'. Y.:
Half twelve may less thirty eleven winning ten
additional seven for give lieutenant sixteen Russia.
Talla ii asse, Dec -1.
Henry Havemeyer, 15 West 17 th-st., A. Y.
Mav Winning Ii. c, Woolley give hundred thous
and dollars" half for Tilden additional Hoard
member Lieutenant. Woolley.
There is not much room to doubt what either of
theso propositions means. "Hundred thousand
dollars less half,' means exactly the same as " hall
hnudredbest United States documents."
New-York, Dec 4, 'G.
Manton Marble :
Lima should important in onco be concert coun
cil and better if trust you there very no Warsaw
can Fox done timo him divided act onlv Bolivia
with and consult here No sig.
(UsoKeyNo. 9.) .
109 Translation.
Dec. 4.
Manton Marble, Tallahassee, Fla.
Telegram here. Proposition accepted if done only
once. Better consult with Woolley and act in con
cert. You ran trust him. '1 imo very important and
there should be no divided counsels. Xo sig.
Here, then, was tho nuthontv so anxiously
awaited. Hero was the authority implied, but not
received m the dispatch to Woolley. " If done only
onCe." because Woolley anil Mai blc had sent the name
imposition, and Gramcrcy I'ark did not want to pay
tvice Jor tflc same voici cem, uuiuauu, m mai un
intelligible dispatch which Marble had tortured all
his keys in trving to read, because four xcords had
dovvaloul of it in transmission, viz.: "then very no
Warsaw 1 telegram ''I. Here was tho order to buy
one Presidency of these United States lor " half
hnudredbest United States documents." And tho
desired vote! The conspirators rushed out and it
teas too late. Tho following dispatches tell tho
Btory: IOC
Tlla.,Fla., 4.
Henry HaVF-METEe. Xo. 15 West lTth-st., A. Y.:
Saturday William if power joined forty further
twentv have Charles necessary be Jane you lato ten
sixteen will with and six twenty 100 to against Se
cured live from auvise appear. Fox.
(UseKoyNo. 10.) , ,. ,
10G. Trauslation.1
Dec. 4.
H,nATEMEYER. Aw-Fori-:
Power scoured too late. Twenty-five ten appear
to have joined with board against contract from
Saturday. Will bo prompt and advisoyou further if
necessary. Jaue Charles William. Woolley.
Talla., Dec. 5, '70.
Colonel Pelton. 15 Gramcrcy rark, A'. 1 .:
Proposition lailed. Finished yesterday af tcmoon
responsibility las) "Moses." Last night Woolley
found mo and said he had nothing, which I knew
already. Tell Tilden to saddle Blackstone.
One secret yet remains: Had tho conspirators
reason for the'ir hope f They can tell, if anybody
will now believe them. Mr. Woolley's dispatch,
nearly unintelligible, seems to imply a belief on
theirpart that Attorney -General Cocke, who voted
with the Republican members of the Board, to
throw out Democratic fraudulent returns from Key
West, ltafc been influenced by " dollars." The one
thing certain is that the "dollars" were ready to
make Samuel J. Tilden President, but the vote was
not. Perhaps they came too lato But if, in the
secret pnrpo-e of any trusted and sworn member of
that Board of throe, upon whose action depended the
fate of forty millions of people, there lurkrd a
thought of tieaeherv and mine, the God of Nations
saved this laud from ruin and dishonor, lor His
lightnings rvluscd, until it was too late, to bear in
telligibly the bhamelul older to consummate the
crime, and held their secret until the danger had
passed. Ho who gave to tho poor black in tho dim
Everglades of Florida tho power to defend his
rights by his vote; Ho who suffered Democratic
fiends to hunt down black Republicans in Georgia
and South Carolina until tho very name of Demo
crat had become a terror to tho colored men of ad
joining States; Ho who inspired the newly en
franchised citizen to 6tand liko a rock for justice,
for equal rights and tho honor of tho Nation, when
promt white citizens by the thousands wavered,
voted blindly, or fcold themselves ; Ho also turned
to foolishness all tho schemes of Gramercy Park,
and all tho money of Wall-st. Tho secret cipher
meant nothing when four words were gone. It
camoat last in full; the buyer stood ready and tho
money was there, but tho voto was not delivered,
and tho Nation escaped disgrace.
The following gems aro from tho mass of tele
grams -which passed between No. 15 Gramcrcy
Park and Mr. Tilden's agents in South Carolina :
Columbia, Nov. 10.
Henry Havemeyer, Xo. 15 West 17 th-st., A. Y.
Now bring safe river thing stuff river Warsaw
man would ?-s all Copenhagen to have on Warsaw
for Schuylkill though Rochester Schuylkill receiv
ing river tho looks at Danubo work received now
Loudon regular make him and it the certificates with
I March depend of on other m Baltimore will would
but ollicers not meet think at could party morning
that stakes to-night Thames have, and which but
they agreed Moselle majority is set report I exact
a consulting of will and assented tho London is aro
with and status Warsawed answer Warsaw to spare
mo go definite yon no Africa but to to-night and
soon can Franco lato to-day seo will and mo to
Portugal its for Chicago withdraw. s.
(Use Key IX four times.)
Telegram received. Looks now as though the
thing would work at 75,000 dollars, for all seven
votes. Havo safo man to bring stuff on receiving
tolcgram, in morning, Think now I will meet him
with party at Baltimore. Could not mako it depend
on March, but would on regular certificates of
Board and other ollicers. Tho exact status is that
two of Board havo agreed and are consulting with
tho third, which is a majority and will report to
night. They set stakes and I assented but can with
draw. Portugal telegraphed mo to-day to sparo no
cost. It's late forme to go to Florida but will see
and telegraph you to-night. Answer mo 600U and
After a good deal of telegraphing came the fol
lowing announcement of success :
Columbia. Nov. 18.
nENRY nAVKMKYER. 15 West 17th-st., A. r.:
filsrvc ICIiinc river as i ol" ibllows I'll
iuburii riv:r. Mississippi beciioi'ltliine
4"opruli;ig;cii river Rhine .Syracuse par
cel to .eecircl Iaimle Iolomac river
sent to Chicago B.oiuloii rKiliiilmrjrh 1c
river ol" IPanultc Itochcst cr priveu not cm
Ie ol'to America up 9tsuiuc flilnlur;rfi
a.s be upon and -land :tiwl t'eter.slnir
iShine ail fi.ima parties of Amsterdam
to ol or E-'diuImrTrli Wlasjrow fSIiinc
ISu.ssiu's secure shall toMiijrlit packs
cery unless tho try should friends
Warsaw joii to countermanding tiling
being? receive without the ine 1'roiu by
anil Thames to sent inscripl ion be kitcii
tJte for intimidation B anil dioil's (ear it
l3iavarialricntlNnnil their fl.oniEoiiand
sakeplan I'opeuliiigcn in ol watching
cnrelul let and Alrica A'ctcrsThiirgr here
loree arc ol can whether nigrht and
France il have done Warsaw or lie to
("opciiliagcn derided Sunday will fro
ready this sale Vf-altimorc reach be once
in you do a t Africa it'. i'.
niajoritv of 5!oard have been secured!
Cost' i SO.OOO. to be sent as follows:
4tie parrel of .",000 dollars, one of
IO.OOO. and one of .7,000; all to be live
hundred or one thousand bills ; notes
to lie deposited as parties accept, and
three packs should be sent without in
scription, anil to-ut;rht, unless you
receive teleirram from me counter
in a a din;. Shall try to secure every
thing? by the plan of deposit. 'Ji'lic
friends of Ciiamberluin and BSavaria
V are here in force, and 1 tear their
money and carefal watehin;? and in
timidation of JlZoard. D-'or ods sake,
let it o ii yon can. 2te safe in Florida
or Africa V. So this at once and
have cash ready to reach ZJnllimorc
Sunday nielli. Telegraph, decidedly
whether it will lie done. IV.
The South Carolina schemo at last foil to tho
ground because the one part necessary to give val
idity to all tho rest was not obtained. Tho four
votes necessary in the State Senate could not bo
bought; tho eventful day came; tho I'oimhlican
Senate stood firm, and the votes of the seven elect
ors were duly cast on tho Gth of December for Hayes
and Wheeler.
Tho plot of tho Democratic managers in Oregon
was to create a Tilden Electoral Collego after the
election, by causing Governor Grovcr to issuo a cer
tificate to ono Democrat (Cronin) who had not been
elected, in tho placo of ono of tho Iicpublican elect
ors, who was said to bo ineligible. Cronin was then
to develop himself into a full Electoral Collego by
" filling vacancies " in his own body, and was to cast
the single vote which Mr. Tilden needed in order to
become President. But for the success of this plan
it was necessary that ono of tho two Kepublicau
electors who held regular certificates should be
bribed to recognize and act with Cronin. To secure
rhK one J. N. H Patrick was sent to Oregon. Ho
corresponded with Colonel Pelton by means ot a
Dictionary Cipner." The book used was a little
" Household Eugli.-h Dictionary," published by T.
Nelson tfeSons, London, and tho cipher was trans
lated by turning back four pages.
Here aro a few ot tho Oregon cipher telegrams,
with their translations:
Portland, Nov. 28.
To W. T. Pei.tov, Xeic-York:
By vizier association innocuous to negligence
cunning minutely previously readmit doltish to
purchaso afar act with cunning alar sacrist- un
weighed afar pointer tigress cuttlo superannuated
syllabus ililatonncss misapprehension contraband
Kouutze bisculous top usher spiniferous. Answer.
J. N. H. Patrick.
I fully indorse this. James K. Kelly.
Certificate will bo issued to one Democrat. Must
purchase llepnblican elector to raognize and act trith
Democrat and mcuto voto and prevent trouble. De
posit ten thousand dollars my credit Kouutze Brothers,
112 Wall-st. Answer. J. N. H. Patrick.
I fully indorse thi. J vmes K. Kelly.
Pelton answered Mr. Patrick's dispatches at once.
As for the bribe, ho did not wish to pay in ad
vance; but otherwise tho proposal met with his
entire approval :
lie aeposiieu us- panics accepr, ami
iven up upon vote of land of fifiamp
ii i. e., State ol South Carolina,
einsr given to Tilden's friends. 'Che
N. Y., Nov. 20.
To J. N. H. Patrick, l'ortlaml :
Moral hasty sideral vixier gobble cramp b3hem
istic welcome licentiate musketeer compassion
neglectful recoverable hothouse live innovator
brackish association dino afar idolater session
homistic mitre.
No. now soon will Governor dicido certificate t
If you make obligation contingent on result in March il
can be done, and inircmable sUqhtly ifmocssary.
Patrick, in the meantime, sent tho following an
swer to Colonel Pelton'sinnuiry, and reiterated his
domaud for cash in advance :
To W.T. Peltox, Xo. 15 Gramcrcy Park, Sac-York :
Gabhlo achromatic reject wagglo refrangible
vizier innocuous by tit swing a sacerdotal readmit
sympathize heuristic by innocuous taster hepatical
cnnniiig cozioiic afar cxtancy uninvited thus
crimps action of gabble negligence doltish minutely
association o'er taster purchaso cunning taster
sacrist license gra luation drive sympathy disunite
neif readmit operatic march jaundiced excitable
sympathy syllabus vizier subservient oyeservico
syllabus nor readmit doltish minutely proposal
niedicine brazen licentiate excitable compassion re
taliation ridicule. Kelly and Bellinger vizier act
cipher suscitato minutely act prayerbook.
Governor all right without reward. Will issue
certificate Tuesday. This a secret. Republicans
threaten, if certificate issued, to ignoro Democratic
claim and fill vacancy, thus defeat action of Gov
ernor. One elector must be 2aid to recognize Democrat
to secure majority. Havo employed thrco lawyers
Editor only Republican paper as one lawyer; fee
Sa.OOO.. Will take $5,000 for Republican elector.
Must raise money; can't make fee contingent. Sail
Saturday. Kelly and Bellinger will act. Cipher
them. Mnst act promptly.
Governor Grover promptly confirmed tho state
ment of Mr. Patrick hy his notorious cipher dispatch
to Mr. Tilden:
Portland, Or., Dec. 1.
To Samuel J. Tu.den.15 Gramcrcy Park, Xcw-York:
Heed scantiness cramp emerge peroration hot
house survivor browzo of pia mater doltish hot
house exactness of survivor highest cunning doltish
afar galvanic survivor by accordingly neglectful
merciless of senator mcongruent coalesce.
I shall decido every point in tho case of post offico
elector in favor of the highest Democratic elector,
and grant tho certificate accordingly on morning of
0th instant. Confidential. Governor.
But still Pelton held tho pnrso half-shut, because
Governor Tilden as Mr. Marble truly remarks
" would not rafilo for tho Presidency" though ho
was willing to pay a rensonnh'o price, "incromablo
slightly," if tho obligation could bo mado contin
gent on tho result ru March :
Then thexo was a good deal more cipher telegraph
ing about tho much needed $8,000. We mako a fow
Sax Francisco, Doc 5.
Received Salem, Gth, 10 a. m.
To Mam. Ladd & Basil :
Tho funds from New-York will bo deposited your
credit here to-morrow when bank opens. I know
it. Act accordingly. W. C. Gkiswold.
This messago did not reach Salem till tho morn
ing of tho meeting of aoi'-Iectoral college, when it
was probably too late. On tho morning of tho GLh,
tho deposit seems to have been at last arranged :
New-York, Dec. G.
Received Salem Gth, 2:40 p. m.
To Ladd & Bupii :
Uuablo to find Charles Dimon at his office. Wo
hold certified check payablo to your order, for
8,000 on Bank of North America subject to your
instructions. Mautin & Runyou,
10 Wallrfit
To Ladd & Bush, Salem :
Martin &. Ruuyon havo deposited medicine dol
lars for your account. Charles Dimojc
Sax Francisco, Dec. 0.
To Ladd & Bitsii, Salem:
Deposited $7,380 to yonr bank. G.
This amount was tho equivalent in gold of the
?8,000 currency. It was supposed that everything
was now nxed, so that tho programme" could " ho
carried out," and the "coparceners'' telegraphed to
Mr. Kolly, as wo may well imagine, in some excite
ment. Tho first dispatch is doubtless from Mr.
Patrick :
sban Francisco, Dec. G.
To J. K. Kelly, Salem':
Snrvivor doctrinal cattlcd merciless justification
mortal sulphury pointer vomitive unhorse welkin
Tho eight deposited morning. Let no technicality
prevent iciuning. Use your discretion,
And we risk little m assuming that tho following
unsigned cipher is from tho estimable Colonel Pel
ton, who rose hetmies that with tho suu ho might
his course of duty run :
New-York, Dec G 8:35 a. at.
To James K. Kelly:
Inmost welkin lorimcr buzzard swain minutoly
association moral mathematics achromatic cartHiteil
neglectful welcome peerage moral raokreut neglect
ful alb exaggeration rationale llatulent S3,nipatby
simpleton souuetteer aggregate profound.
is your matter certain? 'J here intuit be no mistake.
All devendi on you. Place no reliance on any favor
able report fiom thrco Southern States. Answer
It is not our part to tell again at .present tho mel
ancholy cud of all these complotings. How tho
scheme fell through at tho very last moment, all in
conseqiieuco ot tho money not being in hand until it
as too late, has been written before. Colonel Pel
ton disappears from the correspondence with the
following lachrymose dispatch :
New-York. Dec. 8.
To J. K. Kelly, Salem:
Summons decisive faster redoubted survivor
taster osliary sursohd joy innovator aggregate.
(Forwarded from Salem.
Telegraph Dimon to return tho to party that
loft it. Answer.
Every candidate on the Democratic ticket in
Kentucky is an ex-Confederate, and a Bourbon edi
tor iu Louisville heads a report of the convention
with these exultant word-: "'Onto Richmond '
that seemed to be the motto of tho convention a
solid phalaux of ex-Confederates nominated to fill
State ofticoa." Sketches are given by tho smno edi-
...- ,.f , I.. .l.tVj. v..,, f.'iTiil:flitiw mill ill hum of thrill
iw. u.nw iii mi iwcasiiin wiien In; wa accuwu
of being an ex-F-ileral -oldier, he immediately ; de
nounced the rumor as malicious and false. I hat
"Okolona idiot" seems to have plenty ot sympa
thetic brethren in all parti of the South.
JPmm ThcXeic Torh Tribune.
" Papa, what made you go to war T"
Said Jennie, climbing from a chair
Upon my lap ; "what did yon for ?''
And then sho hugged me liko a bear.
" "Cause if j-ou hadn't gono you seo
You'd havo two legs to canter me."
" Why, child, I went because "and the
1 stopped to think. Of course-1 kaewf
I'd often told her brother Ben
When the recital thrilled me throe".
And still sho urged, " What did yoa foe?
Papa, what mado you go to war P
I looked abroad. Tho blacks were fre
uut voiceless, voteless, mieu witu
Slaves of their masters seemed to be
As much as twenty years ago,
Sho said, ""And what did Uncle Dorr
Get killed in front of Richmond for V
A rifie-clnb went wheeling by :
I saw tho murdered Chisolnrs
I hoard tho Hamburg martyrs' crv
Tho rebel yell tho vaunting boast;
I saw tho wounds of patriot dead:
" What mado you goP my Jennio said.
" My dear," I said bnt nothing more,
For, glancing through tho Senate wa&L
Tho rebel generals had tho floor.
And ruled tho Nation's council halls?
" Papa." sho urged, why did von go V
" My child," I said, I do not know."
no sat in a horse-car and howled for four block
that ho had been robbed of his watch. He was sa
old person and 6eemed to bo very much exercised
about it; at ono timo ho 6tcppcd out on tho plat
form bareheaded and hold up his right hand and
sworo ho wouldn't condono it. Several younger
persons who got on tho car with him assisted in
making a great row about the robbery; one of
them talked so.learnedly about it that tho passen
gers couldn't quito mako out whether ho was ox
patiatiug on the outrago or describing tho old gen
tleman as an escaped gyascutus ; thoy all agreed,
however, that it was what they called a 'damr
"shatno," and that it novor should be condoned.
Then a policeman camo in, and tho old person
charged an Ohio gontletnan in the car with tho
theft. Tho young fellows who had been fumbling
round the stranger supported tho ehargo, and they
all went off to tho station-houso together.
"Who aro these parties f and what's all this revr
" about f" said tho magistrate.
" Well, this 'ero old "un," said tho officer, is
"Sammy tho Rcformor'; ho used to bo in with
" Tweed, Sweeny and that gang. You may romom
"'ber, some ten years ago, we camo near pulling
him in with Tweed in tho Seymour-Hoffman job,
'but ho got off on an alibi; said ho was only a
"dummy in it. He's been on tho Reform lay for a
" year or t wo, and claims to bo connected with tba
"society for tho Suppression of Yico. thouch tha
" company ho keeps don't look ranch liko it."
'" Who aro tho rest of these follows P
"Well, they aro all Tweed's old pals. This 'ere
"high-shouldered fellow with looso chin always
"used to testify to Tweed's good character when
" tho old man got in trouble. The black-whiskered
" fellow lives lip tho river. Ho nsed to help the old
"man in the Alhauy business. Xho other fellow is
"a kind of a nevy or something to tho old party
"And the other T"
" Oh, bo's a stranger. Never saw him before. H
"says he's an Ohio man. lie's tho man thoso iul
"lows charge with stealing Sammy's watch."
Then Samm v said : " I don't caro anything about
"tho watch, but I do want to havo Btcaling stopped
"and thieves shown up. Don't ask me to condone
"it. for 1 won't do it,"
Upon examination tho watch which Sammy
claimed to havo lost was found to havo tho Ohio
man's name on it ; and so many passengers testified
to seeing the young fellows crowding tho Ohiomaa
and trying to pick his pockets, that two of them
confessed it, but said they thought it was Sammy's
watch, and they wanted to get it and restore it to
him. And tho high-shouldered man, who it ap
peared was making signs to tho other fellows, said
lit! thought it was Sammy's watch, too; but ho had
no idea of getting it back in that way. Ho only
mado signs to tho nevy whero the watch was, and
how carelessly tho Ohio man was carrying it, as a
sort of danger signal. Nevy said ho understood tho
signal to mean " go for it." and he -wont,
"Then it scorns," said the magistrate, "that this
"was only an 'inchoate offence' attompted by
" theso noisy witnesses m tho interest of tho person
"who claims to havo boon robbed. Was this done
with your connivance, Samuel P
"Notatall.Ias3iiroyou, Judge. Novcr dreamed ot
" it ; never saw any signs pass between theso
" yonng men ; and when I did seo them disapproved
" of them. I had no idea my nevy would do any such
"thine, for Pvo told him I did not like it, and when,
" ho was caught once or twice before, I bave shown.
" considerable impatience. Ho did very wrong. His
" only excusu was that ho thought the gentleman
" had my watch, which is tho fact."
" Well, then, as this gentleman very plainly has
" his own watch, and the attempt to steal it by
"Sammy's pals or, as the high-shouldered man calls
"them, 'coparceners' was only an inchoate offence,
" we'll dismiss the"
" Couldn't you find, Judge." said Sammy, softly,
" that as tho boys failed to steal tho watch, tha
" Ohio man must have stolen it T That seems to be a
" reasonable theory."
' Wo never do business here in that way."
'" What ! Never t"
" Well, hardly ever."
" Then," said Sammy, " I desire on this intorest
" ing occasion to assert my entire belief, beforo God
"and my cuin'ry, that hs got my watch." And he
"btepped down, remarking that ho would novcr
" condone it.
A Kentucky journalist met him onthoBteps and
whispered to linn confidentially as thoy walked
away toeether : "If you only keep that a-going tho
" public '11 havo to give s-ou a watch to got rid o
Indiana Democrats say it is folly for Thunnan to
hope for either place on the ticket in 1380, because
Ohio is hojK'lcdfcly Republican. This is a fact, but
it is a curious Juno for Democrats to 13 moutiouiiig
it, for if the part3 loses Ohio this Fall it is prutty
sure to lo&e everything next year.
Senator Butler thinks Ins Southern asoointej
ought to havo allowed the Northern Democrats to
conduct tlim election Jaw light all by thow.-olvcs,
for it was their tijrlit. He i right about il being a
Northern light. It is nothing more ,r k than a lor a stuffed btHt-b'x in New-York Citv.
that rclorin might have lull course and bt gluntiud.
The country is percfptihly airitated with a sort
iif tinidetiiic of disgust with tho Democratic uartr.
1 Lvou Douiocrals nutier from iu