The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 19, 1879, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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rTransl.ation.l Tallahassee. Nov. 10.
VoUmd Peltox, 15 Gramercy Earlc, New-Tori-:
lo luissui (.nldenj, repeating twenty-live ciplier only, Herald will have news of our work hitherto Monda-. We shall demand to Know
"roni what counties return received. Monday we shall annlvto Circuit Judue. trom wliose fairness some hone for order lestraininj: Governor
'mm lonmo21liir t-nftltio A lor tsvi fi,n m.iiwl if llnonl m iw..,tt Vtiininiip i.1.?... .....n. 4Vim f t..mi . fliif lm Tifit- 11l'lTll I'flll V!I:1Q. I
libtoracd yesterday promise of Governor to give us notice. Brown thinks Governor means verv soon to publish cooked opinion and declare
lesuit ror Hayes. 1 judge their frame is nit her to intercept returns. Secrctaiv of State meanwhile delavs convening Board because all returns
re not m. Then Governor, on around that Florida mav lose her voire, ami flint, holms nntlmrirv under .siiuersfded statute to canvass return
lid declare. I promptly called sec Barlow, proceeding upon O'Conor's estimate of his integrity. They will fool him. He ha telegraphed
rr unaaift. Chandler leaves soon, luisson, ioyes are cominir alter .Moudav. Wo mean to nioller cooneratiou to lianow, itouerison aim
Wasted three visits on Controller. Shall continue unless otherwise advised. Moses
w fePWs
, ru frr
s L&zh WYU
to v.
Jo aas44Zg yLQfo&oUn-P. "PrytynylZj ltC (BtJvyiA. OTiJy
LcYy p-iLpt- urTTY VyjZfiSj Urti lI$xLasx dJxU
CxcAP fxrC 1-aXrjh dCoyf crrSz crft i!cm
K4 fhsX JcrtJZtrn- O-iO d&irn CctriraisLk OtftZzJL.
c-F yojZiuJ-nL. Jfodr&JL vzKaa- nrr p mjLccnnd
cJUc&cvrt, Thof nrfh hfrJ usy o 4rv. hJL cx. aAJ4urrcj'
$ LcJl tfarJa. rffeX cut. ThsCtJL oTFotUjl. farfffs
For the purpose of comparison of handwriting we add a dispatch, not in cipher, signed by JIanton Marble in his own name.
ex. 4aAFb-y-cj PpUrJL', d.d.
&i QaaJU
tATfc 1tsJLs.A.Qj CLrxsd jfcp (AyyrJL
OjcAlrr iAAJU CL.
QjsvY&1r Lr JyytMi
OAT4srsti V ' 1hjL, xJhfJLrtJL,
QjAjOrtsrCt hj?uvC cl, jdfyrrdZr cA (TSijJt
k' JnI ft. a .. NL-U 0. A UtI
We present on this pace a fac-simile of the cipher
dispatches in which "Muses" informs Mr. Tildeo
inatuo lias wasted threo visits on Controller"
CowgiH, accompamed by the translation, as mado
by The Tbiimtxe's Key VII. For tho ptirposo of a
comparison of handwriting, ivo add a dispatch, no!
m cipher, sinned by Mantou Marble in his owa
name. It relates to tho scheme for ousting the
South Carolina elector by means of a writ of quo
warranto, and loekiuj: theui up until after tha day
appointed lor tho cabtmg of their votes.
At tuna by Uu lid Cont.lrtaU Cong rat : new ttvlt. Ate
"Aittv Kray." "
From TheXcw-York Trihunt.
They smote our Iiolv cause to dust
At Appomattox aoiWi-tr o ;
Wc uoweil our heads licu.uise wo moat
And followed still our loader, Leo.
.But 10 1 ro-d.iy r lii e our way ;
V,'e hcd no Yank eo frown
llaha! lll-Yai!
We'll rut the Amij down!
We cut that Army uowi lieore
lu ijlieaaiiduali's verdant vale.
On Wojriier's slope, l.y Mnloh dhoro.
Hut still it followed on our trail.
Aow, jirehto ! Wo the rulers be
We lieeil tin Yankee frown
Hati.t! Hi-Yaa!
We'll eut the Army down I
We cut It down on Malvern Hill.
On Haup ilmmmck's Uoatins brldsa,
By i'illow's wall, at bla-lbwille.
Amid the flame of Miiuii Kidso;
It rose acaln ! Itut u iw, n- tlieu,
We hied in Yatee frown
Haha I III ja!
We'll cut the Army down I
Our nohto Soiit h shall et ho free !
Tho enemy wliuite IIht wus won
ileneatli the Appomatiiix tree
Sh.iJl logo the in Washinetonl
W ith Iron hand we rule die land ;
we lieeil 1.0 laukee frown
, . Haha! Hi-Vaa!
W e d cut t no Aimy d..wn !
trom The Atir-I uric ti rapine.
1 hk KF.PL'nLic Ihis is the that am bnilt.
liiKPitKsii.Kxri-IhisistheMaltthat lay in the
Houm' that Sam built.
Tilikx This is the Kat that smelt tho Malt that
lay in tho House that Sam built.
Tin; Bali OT-This is the Cat that scratched the
Jiat that wanted the Malt that lay in tho Houso
that Sam built.
Tlir Bi lldoki: This is the Doir that worried tho
Lat that based the Rat that Mnelt tho Malt that
lav in the Houso that aIll built.
Thk KinritxiMt ItoKiJ This i tho Cow with tho
cnimpled horn that cored tho Dog till his breath
wasKorn that snapped at the Cat that hunted
the Kat that smelt tho Malt tint lay iu tho
Houi-e that Sam built.
Ma.n.- Makiili This is the Maiden all forlorn
that iiulKod the moolv Cow (in a horn) that
kicked the Doir one dewy morn that teased tho
(.at that .ipr.itelieil tin IJ-if i,nt ut....l l. i-i.
that lay in tl o House that Sam built.
New Pi-lto. This is the man all tattered and
torn that kissed the Maidtu all forlorn that
tried to milk tho mooly Cow kicked tho
Dni; and raised a row that bullied the Cat that
followed tho Rat that wanted tho Malt that lay
in the Houm that S.un built.
Tiik 'li:i.Kui:Ai'H-llih w thel'riost all shattered
and shorn that tried to marry tho Man forlorn
to thomiikiim Maid all tattered and torn and
them with a bar'lo' mone endow when sho was
up-et by the mooly Cow that llourished a light
and limber head that kicked the Doir till ha
ceased to feel that bit the Cat that chaoed the
Rat that went for tho Malt that lay in tho Houso
that Sam built.
Tiik Cipiiei: DisptTcn This is the marriage ccrtifi
cate that hound in the beautiful bonds of fato
theiuilkiiiirMaid all tattered and torn and tho
wealthy Nevy shatteied and snorn and tho
wliole coparcener caboodle that tooled with the
Cow that kicked tho Poodle that bit no more tho
vorretidCat that made it warm for the pillaging
Jiat that said "it shan't be none of my fault if 1
don't eat that nourishing Malt that lies in tho
lliini t h;i t S iffi limit "
Thk rniULNK This is tho bold and impudent Boy
that roaied with fieo and giggled with joy
when he lound the complicated key that opened
the halls of Gnmioreee to " tho bright sunlight
of publieitee,'' who, when he found that his
guess was right, rang all the "lirebells in tho
night" and shouted under his tickled risiblo
"traces of money darkly iible'' and told of
tho strong financial desiro that cnev d a thou
sand miles of wire and the lovers who met a
teiriblo late that left them at last in "asinglo
state" with the crumpled Cow with the frisky
heel that kicked the Dog thatwoined tho Cat
that chased the Rat that missed the Malt that
lay m the House that Mini built. w. a. C.
J'rom The Jlanyor IVfut anil Vuurier (Jle.i.)
Undoubtedly tn- greatest sensation that has boon
known iu American politics was produced by Tim
Nkw-Yopk 'lutia.vK, in its detailed publication
and exposure ot the-ecret correspondence hetwiea
'Jildeii, at (Iramercy Park, and Mantou Marble,
Woolley and other id' his agents at TailiilinsM-e, tot
the deliberate bribery ot a member of tho Canvass
ing Boaid to gio the electoral vote to the great
apostle of " RelormJ'' 1 he dispatches are gien m
their older, and with absolute proof of the correct
ness of translation, occupying nearly two ptiKes of
J UK limil'NH, .iikI throw mg a damning light upon
the etiginuTcd hy the Democratic candidate
lor President of tho L'nited fctates at the time when
he was claiming credit for a dijmitied silence and
From The Jlaiiulton (Joica) freeman.
No other paper in the United Mates is so great
and comprehensive in all its parts as liitNtw
Yoi:K Tiiinr.M . Its general news department is a
relb x f the goings-on all over the worid, while ltd
literary and miscellaneous reading pages are tilled
with the most interesting and valuable matter for
the farm, the garden, the shop and the family cir
cle. In its editorial pages all the vital (juestious of
government policy, ot commerce, of finance and
trade, of political eeonomj. etc., are divused with
marked ability and judicial fairness making it a
paper of great value lo all classes of piopie. And
the low price at which it is ollered makes it tho
cheapest (as it ih tho best) paper in the United
States. We hope many sub-cribu-s will avail thi
selves of this unprecedented offer to get ti""'
newspaper for the couuui: year.