THE JOURNAL. i WEDNESDAY, ilAUCU 10, 187P. Fkkmont in tend to hold a district fair in September. Alt. Russian troops in Roumnnia have been ordered home. Kentucky has two hundred and frven y hordes in training. A. if. "Wrus'it, Kepublicanr has been nominated for Mayor of Chi cago. Ouviu.e Grantis safd to be hppc Jcs6ly insane, but as yet has not been restrained ol his hrbeity. Tnn ice ?orgo at Farrandsvillc, Fa., "last week extended three miles, piling blocks thirty feet high. Bismakck makes the public an nouzicomcut that the German Km piro is free from the cattle plague. Thk InEt reinforcemeuts for South Africa left London on the 11th in tho Etinmcre Andean and Prussian. - Joseph Rosexfield, a police officer of Rock Island, wns murder ed on the morning of the 12ih by Davenport roughs. Roijert W. Hatde.v and M. W. Barber brothers-in-law, renewed a quarrel ut Charlotte, N. C. on the 14th, and II ay den was killed. Fiiom Paris under date of the 14th, wo learn that several cotton mills in the department ot No id, stopped on account ot depression in trade. The graud prize at the French Academy for poetry has hem awarded to a.communist refugee, F. Rcuard, now a professor in Louisi ana. On the 13th inst. the marriage of Priuce Arthur to Princess Louisa was witncBC 1 at "Windsor Cattle at noon. The spectacle was grand and imposing. Lawyer Coombes received a ter rible caning from his client Eliza llaulcyon the lllh, at Om:iha. lie fled from tho woman, the only thing a gentleman could do. The lice says Senator Sharon, of Nevada, pasted Omaha on the lllh, homeward bound, lie was accom panied by a number of ladies who were going to Denver. From Xcw Yoik on the 13th it was announced that the steamer "Gellert," with the remains of Bay ard Taylor on board, was olT Fire Inland at 11 a. m. that day. The news comes dirrct from New York thnt the Union Pacific railroad company has purchased the Kansas Pacific and that when certain details arc settled a reorganization will bo effected. Gov. Pre scott of Concord, N. II., has appointed Chas. II. Bell, of Exeter U. S. Senator for the extra session to fill vacancy occasioned by expiration of the term of Senator Wadligh. Isidore Roskopt, a former at torney of Cleveland, was on the 14th tentenced to the penitentiary for Feven years for complicity in the tobbery of Dr. Noble in a bank at Cleveland several years ago. Three murderers wore executed iu New England on the 14th. Devlin, at East Cambridge lor the murder of his wife; Pinkham. at Concord, for the murder of Mrs. Perry, and Gravtin, at Whit-or, Voimont, for the murder of Herbert O. White. Near Bell Creek, this State, on the 11th, the barn and cattle sheds on Muson Down's farm, were de stroyed by fire. One horse, two c lives, and some hogs were burned. The cause of the the is not known. Loss about twelve hundred dollars. Bro. Gere of the Lincoln Journal seem to have a realizing sense of the "comprehensiveness and grip" that the people of the State are manifesting on the capitol steal, and does not bring his great powers of argument to bear upon the subject. Nlws from Halifax under date of March 10 states that at North Sid ney a snow storm occurred, coming from tho northeast, Friday, and con tinued up to Saturday night. Drills wero eight to ten leet high. The si ovr prevented services in ihe churches Sunday. A violent wind storm visited the southern part ol Macupiu county, 111., on the 11th inst., destroying houses, barns, and other property, aud also killing several per-uus. The storm is said lo have been about a quarter of a mile wide, and amounted to a tornado. Late news from Portland, Ore gon, says Gon. Howard, Governor Terry and Gov. Yakima are in the city to sec Chief Moses and to in vestigate the condition of Indian af fairs. It is stated if the authorities attempt tho arrest of Moses seiious trouble will undoubtedly ensue. The President convened congress iu extra session on last Tuesday, claiming that the failure on the part of the lorty-fifth Congress to make thctmialaud necessary appropria tions for the legislative, executive, judii iary and army formed the ex traordinary occasion for convening congress. A prairie fire near Abilene, Kansas, on the night of the 13th de stroyed a large amount of fencing and two houses in the suburbs, en dangering the whole town. A Mr. Lebold lost 7,000 bushels of coin and 10,000 bushels of wheat, stored out ride the city. Th total loss is estimated at more than $100,000. Mr. IIandlev and Wm. Graff, of Seward Co., this State, quarrelled one day last week when Haudly knocked Graff down, and then jumped upon him aud stamped him nearly to death. He was ali ve the next morning, but was slill uncoil ed ur, and his physicians say he can not mrovcr. oHy B. Auonholt, a respectable and aged (Citizen of Marion. Ohio, was murdered and found dead in his ted on tbs rooming of the 11th. with a bullet hole in hie head. The bed clotlics were on flra and it is supposed to has-e oeen cae of murder aud robbery with :WnOU to prevent discovery. The city of zegediu, Hungary, was desolated on the l'2th by flood. One hundred square miles in the neighborhood of Szegedin are flood- : cd. The scene is simply heart-rend-! jng. Over eight' thousand people are out of house and home, and ; thousands ofits citizens drowned,! and the crops in the district srej Qst, THE CAPITOL APPROPRIATION RILL STILL REGARDED UNCONSTITU TIONAL. - Other Exception Preeacd. The question of the unconstitu tionality of the appropriation law to erect two wings to the capital building at Lincoln continues to attract 6omc attention from the citi zens of the State who have been outraged by the appropriation ot $75,000 of their money against l heir consent and wishes. The Journal has no particular pride of opinion to gratify iu raising and presenting exceptions to this capital steal ol 175,000 aud certainly does not envy the journals who have approved, justified aud advocated the law and defended its constitutionality; nei ther do we claim extensive knowl edge of civil, criminal or constitu tional law, and certainly we lay no claim lo the high distinction iu which the Daily Lincoln Journal essays to class us as possessing "a comprehensiveness aud grip to this legal opinion that seems to take the wind out of the ordinary constitu tional lawyers of the country," but as an humble and free citizen ot the State, feeling outraged by this ap propriation, claim the right to pro test aud present our exceptions to the enforcement of this supposed law for the reasons heretofore, as signed and others yet to be present ed that it is unconstitutional aud never can be enforced or executed if the proper legal proceedings are taken to prevent it. We presented our first exception to this iuiquitious law brought about by improper influences, week before last, insisting that the bill in the house provided for raising a luud of $100,000 by the levy of a tax which when collected was to be applied to the erection of an additional wing to the capitol. This provision was amended in tho senate, the fund attempted to be appropriated entire ly changed, consequently every new provision ot the bill originated in the senate, and, as an appropriation bill, is iu direct conflict with the Slate constitution which provides that al! appropriations of money shall orig inate only in the house of represent atives. We now present the second ex ception to this law an objection which originated with Hon. J. S. Gibson of Omaha, member of the house from Douglas county, who presented it to the house when the bill was returned from the senate, viz: that after the amendment ot the bill iu the senate, it became a defi ciency bill, and, as such, required a two-thirds vote of both Mr. Gibson, we believe, was eminently right in his opposition, and the con stitution fully bears him out in his objection. The constitution reads as follows: 'Each legislature shall make ap propriations for the expenses of the government until the expiration of the first fiscal quarter alter the ad journment of the next regular ses sion, and all appropriations shall end with such fiscal quarter. And whenever it is deemed necessary to make further appropriations for de ficiencies, the same shall require a two-thiids vote of all the members elected to each house." Clearly showing, in our opinion, that the bill never received the number ot votes required by the constitution aud therefore is void. Mr. Gibson also presented theob jcc'iou that the bill was bad in that it created new offices or appoint ments, which were to be held by members ot the legislature, while the constitution provided who sho'd be the commissionersof public lands and buildings, and thus showing conclusively a direct violation ol the constitution, and must so be held whenever the question is pre sented for adjudication to the proper tribunal. There are other objec tions to this law that might be pre sented, but we believe the excep tions already stated are sufficient to show to any unprejudiced mind the plain fact that the law, iu more than one particular, is unconstitutional and therefore void. In our judg ment it will not require much "comprehensiveness" or "grip" of thought to perceive and comprehend Ihe principles and lacts involved in the exceptions presented to the character of the capitol appropria tion law, and we believe that they are so plain and easy of comprehen sion that even Bro. Gere of the Lincoln Journal, (the bugler of the band of jobbers), with the exercise of a little of his natural "grip" can fully understand them. Franij L. Dixbv, a prominent young lawyer, ot Indianapolis, who a short time ago abandoned his family aud eloped with his paramour, and who was a defaulter in a large sum as assignee aud treasurer, re turned voluntarily the other day aud surrendered himself to the U. S. authorities, aud says he stands ready to make reparation and re ceive whatever punishment may be adjudged him. He is utterly broken down in spirit. Hon. Carter Harrison has been no;njniteil by the greenbackers for Mayor f the city of Chicago. His election is assured if he gets the nomination of the democrats. He immediately Left the city to await fut.njvc acJw;j Pf thp 4jeiHoeracy. Thoiic IlircprescnmtlvcH. The Lincoln Journal has made itbclf the special champion of those members of the general assembly who violated the wishes of their constituents iu favoriugv'thc capitol. Fteal. Of representative Long; of the 15th district, the Journal "says : "Mr. Long on his recent visit to Lincoln assured us that Ihcmajori- ty of the people of Cuming, Demo crats as well as Republicans, arc perfectly satisfied with his vote on the Capitol appropriation. This is really the case everywhere, except perhaps in Buffalo, Platte and Mer rick Counties, where there was an expectation of securing the Capital if it should be removed." " Pertectly satisfied " is a good phrase enough, perhaps, but if there is such a state of feeling as the Jour nal speaks of, the phrase is altogeth er loo moderate. Why not say that the folks at West Point were highly pleased" with that vote, or words expressive of an ecstatic slate of de light with reference to that particu lar act ef their representative? As to the JournuVs other assertion in the above quoted paragraph that this perfect satisfaction extended everywhere except perhaps into Buffalo, Platte aud Merrick counties, it is one of those sayings that must be taken with many grains of allow ance. Antelope couuty is not "per fectly satisfied" with Trowbridge's vote; Madison is far from being "perfectly satisfied" with Speaker Matthewson's vote ; Polk and Butler counties we all know arc almost, if not altogether a unit against senator Ivirnmel's action, and in favor of Engelhard's and Clark's, and so on we might go. The truth is that the only "perfect satisfaction" in the matter is with the " gang " that en gineered the job, and il the people of the State insist upon it, that sat isfaction will not last longer than it will take a proper tribunal to look into the law and declare it uncon stitutional. Rev. E. II. Jameson in a sermon at Omaha Sunday week, on render ing to Ctcsar the things that are Cju sar'6uud to God Ihe things lhat are God's, took occasion to make some remarks on our general government that are, alas, too true. Mr. Jame son, as a remedy urged upon his hearers (o inlonn themselves, and try to make things belter. The ar raignment, reported iu the Omaha Xeivs, is: "that it was a weak gov ernment that could not protect three millions of people whom it had set free and declared to be citi zens; it was a weak government that could not make the south as safe a place to travel in as' the north ; it was a weak government that could nol wipe out the crime of po lygamy iu Utah ; it was a weak gov ernment that could not make a sil ver dollar of its own issue receiva ble for postage stamps; it was a weak government that could not protect the territory of Alaska which had been bought with the people's money, but would compel the in habitants of that territory to seek British protection; it was a weak government that could not manage 250,000 Indians without shooting them down like wolves; It was a weak government that could not take care of a few thousand Chinese, but must resort to Ihe dishonorable course of breaking a treaty with China, without giving that govern ment the right to be heard." It is suggested that the wheat al most everywhere iu the United States last season having been blighted, it will not be the best for seed. The Chicago Times of last Saturday devotes a page to the sub ject of wheat, and gives the opinions of several gentlemen who have given the subject some attention. J. Z. Worst, who took fair samples gathered truin railroad stations iu Iowa, and made careful experiments, couciu les "that of the crop of 78 the genu was killed iu at least 20 per cent, of the yield, hence the necessity of a corresponding in crease in the seed to be sown this year iu order lo get the usual stand." The Millers Association ot Minne sota has rendered great asssislaucc to tarmcis iu obtaining good seed, and in this laudable enterprise are assisted by dealers. It is undoubt edly the dictate of wisdom for larni ers to procure the very best seed their means will allow, aud those who are compelled to sow blighted aud inferior grain will do well to put more to the acre. Rev. Talmaok made a speech be fore the presbytery at Brooklyn on the 11th inst., demanding a trial ol Ihe charges brought against him. He said:" "I ' waive the leu days which I had a right to demand to prepare for trial. I am ready now with documents in my pocket, and with witnesses here lo prove that atrocious crimes have been commit ted against me as a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. If the presby tery does not try me, at half-past ten o'clock Sunday morning, at the Brooklyn tabernacle, I will try the tabernacle." The great international pedestrian match in Sew York was concluded on the loth inst., the contest of ihe six days trial resulted as follows: Itowcll, 500 miles; Emmie, 475 miles; Harrison 450. O'Leary fail ing to make 450, but by previous ar rangements will receive $1,000. It is stated that Howell, the English rhampion, has been challenged for another walk by Eramis and O'-Learv. 8 760,6 7 9.33. The Administration of Got. Xnnec Thre utrus to be the Hokt Expentlre In the Histo ry ol the State. The Omaha Herald of last Sun i . . day brings some astounding charges against the Nebraska legislature for the robbery of the people by taxa tion. The Herald claims its state ment true, iu general and detail, as obtained and made up by a careful inspection of all bills making appro priations, the Herald's figures show the following wonderful grand to tals": For current expenses, 525, 854.004or erection of public build--ings, $122,200.00; for payment of claims, $112,025.33, making a grand total of appropriations of $700,679.33. The taxable properly is estimated at $80,000,000 and will produce, un der the law for 1879, $320,000, and forlSSO, $100,000. The total amount thai can be raised is $4S0,000, mak ing an amount appropriated above what can be raised by law, of $280,- 079.33. The people of the State regardless of parly ought to know how their substance is being con sumed by unheard of and unlawful taxation. The Herald also makes the as tounding statement that nearly four hundred thousand dollars of the ap propriations made by the legislature arc spent in the city of Lincoln. As we stated when Gov. Nanco approved the capitol appropriation bill, a reaction has set iu agaiust all this kind of work, against the Lin coln lobby, and against the retention or detention of the capitol at Lin coln. As much has been said of the los ses consequent upon the late snow storms in Western Nebraska, we reproduce from the North Platte Republican a summary of opinions uttered several weeks ago by promi nent cattle men: Jno. Bratt (-aid the probable extreme loss would be one-third ; W.P. P. St Clair said the loss would be great in the aggregate, yet the per cent, small. T. C. Patter son "It's a credit to a man to he jolly under such circumstances;" G. C. Barton : "We're busy rounding up hides;" II. N. Jfichols: "The most of the loss is lo come, ordina rily cat lie go through the cold weather all right, but arc lost in March;" Busk-I Walts: "It is not best to be scared ; cattle are indus trious and are getting something to eat all the time;" L. Walker; "No one will lose everything unless it be those who have their cattle heavily mortgaged. Wn clip irom the Butler County Republican's correspondent "Why Nol ?"' several questions propounded to Senator Kimmcl, iclative to his vote on the capitol appropriation steal. That is right. The people are calling on those unfaithful sena tors and representatives who voted for (his unjust measure, and it is highly proper that they give reasons to their deceived constituents for their action. Bead the questions of "Why not?" "Will Senator Kimmcl please ex plain to the Republicans of Butler Co. his vote on I he capitol appro priation steal, and tell us who he represented bv that vote, cither in Boiler or I'olk Co.? We feel here away that some influence (was it money ?) outside of Bntler aud Polk county induced that vote, and the gentleman certainly owes lo the con stituency whom he so grossly mis represented either an explanation or a resignation of his official posi tion. Now, will he please do it, and if not, why not ?' Senator JEwr.TTand Rcpresenta tie Biadlcy are universally spoken of as faithful, careful, and intelli gent members of our Legislature. JTcbraskian. Jewett, yes; but, before we say amen lo Asa, we'd like to have him stand up and tell us what he known about appropriation. Was Lincoln county in favor of that appropria tion? Grand Island Times. That is right. Keep on asking them to stand up and explain. There is Kimmcl of Polk, and Matthewson of Madison, and Trow bridge of Antelope, that might be called out to the black board to demonstrate the propriety of (he $75,000 steal." A i.auge number of negroes from Mississippi and Louisiana have been duped and induced lo go lo St. Louis, at which place they were led to believe that they would be furnished with lice passage lo Kan sas, where on arriving they were to receive lauds Irom the govern ment, money, mules, plows, fcc. More than one thousand have al ready arrived at St. Louis, most of them in a destitute condition. If ihe parly can he reached who has been guilty of the gross fraud, suita ble punishment should be admin istered. Whitelaw ItEiDon the 12th start ed west thirty-four New York street boys for homes on farms iu Kansas, lie also sent west six destitute fam ilies, numbering 42 persons. The families will begin life again on farms. What is singular in tho trnncaction is Ihe fact that Mr. Reid says he is uing $1,000, a portion of a fund given him by a stranger in the interior of Xew England. Mrs. Gex. Sherman died on the iiioniinr ol (lie 12il. She died ol a surgical operation. Gen. T. W. Shciman is so low it is thought best not to ndvi-e him of (he death of his wife. This Gen. Sherman is in no way related to Gen. Sherman, the commander-in-chief of the armies. TROWBRIDGE. AN "ANTI-APPROPRIATION GOES FOR HIM. ?. MAN" He Went Square Back on His Con stituents and Offers no Satisfactory Reason for Voting forthe Capi tol Steal..' She Jesnal'i Pdst ea the UsconrtltiV.ttiUiy ef the Capitol Bui & Q::i Cm. Neligh, Neb., Afkrcli 12th, 1879. Ed. Journal: Our Representa tive, Trow"bridge, has "as yet failed to offer satisfactory reasons to his constituents', warranting the stand taken by him iu relation to the capi tol appropriation bill brought up aud passed at the recent session of our State legislature. His action was not countenanced by a single individual in the couuty having the general interests of the slate al heart. In a recent letter lo one of his per sonal friends iu Neligh, he promised a speedy aud satisfactory explana tion, but to thi writing the promise remains unfulfilled ; our hopes are rapidly beginning to decline, and an evident caso of improper influ ence is becoming daily more potent I notice in a late number of the Joural an article proclaiming the unconstitutionality of the measure. The point appears to be a good one, and the fact that this appropriation steal is one of the most gigantic frauds ever imposed upon a people in our depressed financial state, prompts us to put forth every avail able effort to defeat the plans of an evident set of "palm-itching" "job bers" congregated at Lincoln. Let our legal talent not stand idly by while there is an opportunity open to render the state such valuable service. If nothing comes from it directly, we shall certainly effect somethingindirectly. It will be the means of impressing upon the minds of every voter in the State Ihe im perative necessity of sending such legislators as Trowbridge to an early aud timely political grave. An A nti-Appropriation Man. A published card appeared in New York on the 13th signed by F. Baker, R. Eells and C. M. Nichols stating that they been cited us witness to specifications and charges against Rev. Dewitt Talmage D. D., by the Brooklyn Presbytery. "We wish to say that our names have been used without our consent or authority. We know nothing iu support of tho chtrges, and protest against the use of our names by the committee. W. P. Heydon, of Ponca, an old resident, thirteen years treasurer of the district schools, was the other day missing Irom his home. He confessed by letters to beadctaultcr to a large amount, and intimated the commission of suicide to escape disgrace and punishment. His horse and coat were found on the river bank, said to be a blind. It is said the rascal has skipped the country. BIDS FOR TEEE PLANTING. SEALED BIDS for planting shade tree in the city of Cohimhu-, as ordered by the City 'Council, pursuant to Ordinance No. 80, will be received at my olliee until 31 arch 22d, inst., at 4 o'clock, P.M. About seventy-five city lots are in cluded in .said older, mid' there will be about live trees adjacent to each lot. The trees must be Klin, A.h, Hard Ma ple, or liox-Elder; they may be a mix ture ol thec varieties; must be lir.t rate iu all respects', nol less than one inch and a half in di.inietcr, and not lu than six feet high. IJidt will be receiv ed for lots of ."0 or K0 trees each, or for the whole lot. A description of the manner of pre paring the ground and planting must aecompanv each bid. The trees must all be planted by April iruli, l.S7f. Bid ders will also submit separate plans for the protection of tree, with cost of panic, l'ajm-nt will be made by order on the City Treasurer on special fund raised by a" tax Ieicdou the lots adja cent to which said trees are planted. CHAS. A. SPEICE, Mayor. Columbus Neb., March 17, '"'J. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. The N. y, X. W v See. A, T. 17, It. 1 E., 1. M., containing S0.1I acrei. Sixty acres under cultivation, and the remain der is -rood hay land. The impro omenta arc a Btory and a half frame houc with live room-!, lathed and plastered throughout; a wood shed; new frame stable ami granary; corn crib, cattle shed, hog yards corral, etc, There i on the plaec'a good well of water. Fhc acres of gromng timber consisting ol Cot tonwood, ah, soft maple, elm, &v. Also a young fruit orchard consisting of ap ples, peaches, cherries, wild plum, currants and goose berry bushes, grape vines, tve., all in very excellent condi tion. Four miles northeast of Colum bus, it is convenient to market, and is admirable fifrm. Price $i:K0, two-thirds cash, remainder in three equal annual payments. Inquire at the .ToUKNAL ollice, lor further particulars, or of the undersigned, on the premises. 4'jO-z A.II. GIRSOX. TIMBER CULTURE NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, ) Grand Island, Neb.. Feb. 2L 1879.) COMPLAINT having been entered at this ollice by Charlie Hedge against Arthur L. McKinney for abandoning his Timber Culture" Entry No. 411. dated April 24. 1874, upon the south-east i Section 28, Township 17, North, Range 2 west in Platte county. Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this ollice on tho 4th day of April, 1S7S), at 10 o'clock, a.m to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. Depositions in the case win ie taKcn at the onicc or Sam'l C. Smith. Columbus, Platte Co., Nebraska, March 20, 167D. at 10 o'clock, a. m., and continue until completed. M. B. HoxiK, Register, 4G0-4 Wm. Anyax, Receiver. LEGAL NOTICE. In the mntter of the estate of John Har row, deceased. rTICE is hereby gien that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of the Inst will and testament of said deceased before the County Judxe of 1'latte County, Ne braska, at the County Judire's oilice in said county on the Gth day of February, 1879, on the tith day of May, 1879, and on the nth day of July, 1S79. at 10 o'clock a. m.. each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months from JanuaryGth, 1S79. arc allowed creditors to present their claims ajjainst aid estate. JOHN G. HIGG INS, County Judge. 4 THE IJ. L. KRAMER, IS NOW OPENINGTIIE FINEST AND BEST ASSORTED SPRING STOCK OF Dry GoogTs, Clothing,; Carpets, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, '" Hosiery, NOTIONS, ETC., THAT HAS EVER BEEN SIIOwN IN COLUMBUS, AT LOWER PRICES THAN HAVE- EVER PRE VAILED BEFORE. Don't buy a dollar's worth of goods until you have seen my stock and prices. r- m m - MY A 131 IS TO SELL The Best Goods AT THE Lowest Prices! IN ORDER TO LARGELY INCREASE MY BUSINESS IN THE FUTURE. L. KEAMEE, SIGN OF IEW Y01 CHEAP CASH STORE. 11 til Street, CHEAP mm COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. HUNNEMAN DEALERS IN LOIBEB, SHINGLES, LATH, DOOBS, TOMS, 1 " And Buildinp- Paper. YardSyb,!f,T,rbst1 COLUMBUS, NEB. GRAND CLEARANCE SALEI ? FORTHE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, WE WILL OFFER, TO CANII KUYEK54, A RARE CHANCE. IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF Tbt-wt y m MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHIEG, MEN'S LADIE'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Shirtings, both Woolen & Cotton, LADIES ISIIIB Mi imnofl MB. Plumes, 1 Fringes, Flowers, j Corsets, And an Endless Variety of Other Goods. DO NOT FAIL TO CALL AND SEE YOUR Remember, This will be Strictly Cash Sales. GALLEY BROS. February 5th, 1S79. LUMBER GIVEN AWAY ! AT THE YARD OP JAEGGi & SCHUPBACH, COI.VT.lHIi'.S KrTCall and cot pricc-li.-t. LOWEST RATE' over known In Central Xi-bra. ka. TO SAVE MONEY is the ea-iest uav to MAKE MONEY. Mean 6 o Extraordinary Inducements Will be offered .n CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps and Notions, w a w V1 Si fc u a o A o Ai ray stock must be Talk Is cheap, Uut price !!. 1 Imve got tU: gonds, and am IounI to mcII. W. II. HEIDELBERGEE, I2th STREET, (2 doors west of Hammond House), 2& fl THE REVOLUTION Dry'Groods and Clothing Store Is now ready for the Fall and Winter Campaign with an immense stock of Ready-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Carpels, Hats, Cap's, Etc., Etc. At prices that were never heard of before in Columbus. BST-TJry Goods have taken a big tumble in the Eastern Markets .lately, and as I buy my goods strictly for cash, I will give my customers the be n efit of it, and supply them with anything in my line at much lower prices than they were ever known to be heretofore. AH I ask for is, give mo a friendly call and con vince yourself of the facts. I. GLUCK, 437, Proprietor of the Revolution Dry Gooda Store. AjNCERICAJST VESICAL I SUAL INSTITUTE. z:: Jl, i. 3. r. r.yA"' " - t! :.;::?:::, j.D.,:r:ihi. Pifsic Consulting Ficians and Surgeons. For the treatment of all elates of Snr gery and deformities; acute and chronic diseases, disease of th eye and ear, etc., etc., Columbus. Neb. i & TOLMAN", fjya US, IF YOU WANT THE VALUE. OP .MONEY. rVEnRAMKA. Business"! O o o o o I r P converted into cash. w p EAGLE MILLS. 40$ -ON- SHELL CREEK, Xear 3Iatt!iiss Bridge. 1 JOSEPH BDCHER, - Proprlotoi- iT"T'!P mill I complete In every par for maMnir the lie-tof flourl A sntiarr, Fair bunlncs" i the motto. 4.fX. T)T7,0, ,,II",nc5 yu can ""gaffe JLJL10 X in- "'.to $20 per dav rnafl iiy any worker oi etiner sex. nni in their own localities. 1'atii-iilar and sample. worth $.'free. Improve your pnrc time at thi lininen. Address Stinson & Co.. Portlnna, Jl.iinc. y - f T J i I 1 -! , s