The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 19, 1879, Image 1

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Proprietors aud Publishers.
13-Oface In the JOURS AL building,
Eleventh- t., Columbus, Neb.
Terms rr Tear, $2. Six month, $1.
Three months, 50c Single copies, 5c.
Rates of Advertising.
JSpuce. he 2w lmo "in 0m lyr
lcoPum 1 $12.011 riau'ifraj $35 j jgo 1 $fco
" I -w L I ,5 1 -" 1 w lco
j " " O.Hi j 9 12 J :5 J 20 I 35
Unch i j 5.25 7.30 " 1 1" 1 1 IS 37
"I " I 4.50 J T75 j IO , 12 J 15 I 20
I " I 1.50 1 2.25 1 4 1 5 I 5 ' 10
Hiwimx and nrof".Jonnl rnnN ten
Iin or les .iner. prr annum, trn dol
lars. Li't'al ndvrrtNruiHiit.t at atatuta
rate. "Editorial local notices" fifteen
rents a line earh Insertion. "Local
notice " fivi cents a line racli inner
tion. AdvcrtUmrnt ol.iifird a "Spe
cial notice." fire crnta a line fir.t imcr
tion. three ccnt a line each suNscoucnt
VOL. IX.-NO. 46.
WHOLE NO. 462.
A. R. Paddock. U. S. Senator, Beatrice.
Alvin SaCNDEHS, lT. S. Senator, Omaha.
T. J. M uorl. Itep.. Peru.
. K. Valektinr, Hep., West Point.
Auuvus N'ANCn, Uovcrnor, Lincoln.
.4. Alexander, Secretary of State.
K.'iV". Licdtkc, Auditor, Lincoln.
H. M. nartlett, Tri'tturer, Lincoln.
".. .1. Dilworth, Attorney-Oenernl.
. R. Tliompion, Supt. Public In'.rue.
II. C. lawon. Warden of Penitentiary.
?:-,roiubw' i "p.
Ir. .1. (. Davis. Pri.on Physician.
II. P. MathcwRon, Supt. Insane Asylum.
S. Maxwell. Chief JuMircr
:eorj;e II. I.ake.l AocatP Judaea.
. W. Pout, Jmlee, York.
"H. II. Rroic, Dlntrict Attorney, Wahoo.
M. II. Hoxlc, Iterator, Grand Uland.
Wm. Auyaii, Receiver, Grand Ialatid.
J. fi. IliIiiR, County .fudu'c.
John Staufler. County Clerk.
V. Kiimmer, Treasurrr.
lnj. SpMnin, Sheriff.
R. L. Romiter, Surveyor.
111. r.loednrn J
.John Walker, CnuntvCotnniiii
John Wiie. J "
Mr. A. Heintz. Cornnor.
5. L. lUrrott. Supt. of Schools.
RyrVMnVe!;:Cr'f "hcl-.
Cnirlet Wake, Constable.
. A. Sprice, Mavor.
John ehram. Clerk.
.Tohn J. Rickly, Marshal.
J. W. Early, Treiurer.
S. S. MeAl'li.t.:r. Poliee ,Tud&t.
J. :. Rnntxnii, Engineer.
lit HVirrt I. K. North,
E. IVhl.
2 WardV.. C. Kavanauh.
. E. Mrir.
2l IPinl E. J. IUkcr,
Win. I5ursri.
CoIhiuImin Iot Office.
Ofrii ti SuurtavMroii 11 A.M. to 12M.
nml from -::u to 0 r. m. Ruiiiev
honr except Sunda n a m to S r. M.
a.'ru uiaiN cle at 11:2.) a. m.
Wei-rn mail dune at :20 p.m.
.Mail Uaes Columbus for Madinon and
Norfolk, on Tuesdays. Thursday ami
Naturda, 7 A. M. Arrive Mo'udaj ,
Vdncda , and Fridays. 3 v. t.
For Monroe," Wcnoa. Watcrville and Al
biwn, daih except Sunday 0 a. M. Ar
riTe. Maiue, C r.M.
For Summit, lTlyM", and Crete. Mon
layv and Thursdays. a. m. Arrive
WrdnrdaY, and Saturday. T r. M.
Fr Belleville, Osceola and York.Tue.
day.Thurdayi. and Sati'rdavK, 1 p.m.
rri t ! m.
For Wilf. Farral and Rattle Creek.
Mondays and Wednesday a.O a. m. Ar
rieM TurdaY4 ami Friday at G r. M.
For Shell Creek, Nebo, Creston and
Stanton, on Mondavi nt 7 A. M. Ar
rive Tuedav U p. St.
For DaId City, Tueday. Thursdas
and Saturday-, 1 P. t "Arrive, ut 12
II. i". Time Xblc.
Kastteard Hound.
Ktii-raiit, No.O. leave at
I'lenu'r, 4. "
Freisht, ' S "
rolcht. " 10. "
HVttcarcI Jtnuwl.
Freight. No. 5. leaves at
Pai-enpr, " 3, "
Freight. " i, '
Kmik-rant. " 7. " "
G:2. a. m.
11:00 a. tn.
2:1ft p. m.
4:o0 a. 111.
:2" p.m.
G:00 p.m.
l:"il. in.
Every day except Saturday the three
line leading to Chicago connect with
Y P. train at Omaha. On Saturday
there uill be but one train a tla, afc hv the following Kc.hedille:
" - . " .. ..." . . .,....!.
IC.A.X. W. 1 7th
Jf., P..A.J. V 14th
IC R. I. P. 2lt
H...N.. 1 itnauuseiii,
c, u. .v o. 1 Jitn
( .. R. I..V. P. 12th
'..y N. W. lltth
!' and
R. I..v P.J 2d and 23d.
" W. V "Hhand oJth.
U. II. X: O. I If.tlt
It ., II. .V O. j .tu
:c ... -!C, R. I. I'. 14th
(C..V N. W. J 2M
7th ami 2,th.
Farm for Sale.
acre of excellent farm land in llut
ler County, near Patron P. ., about
fqui.dittaiit from three Couutx Seat-
David City, "oIuinbus and Schuyler:
00 acre under cultivation; ft acre-, of
troeh, maple, cottonwood, .vc; jrood
frame houe, granary, ".table, hed. vc.
Good ktock range, convenient to water.
The place i for sale or exchange for
property (houe anil a few acrc)near
Columbiu. Iniiire at the Jouunal
ofliee, or addeH the under?igncd at
Patron P.O. 4itt
BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the
low price of your products di
oourage you. but rather limit your ex
penses to your resource. You can do
o by stopping at the new home of your
follo'w farmer, w here you can lind good
accommodation cheap. For hay for
team for one night and day. 25 ct. A
room furnihed with a cook stove and
bunko. In connection with the --table
free. Those wishing can be accommo
dated at the houe of the undersigned
at the following rates: Meal 2ft cents;
beds 10 cents. J. R. SENEGAL.
4 mile cast of GcrrardS Corral.
KrSrrN not easily earned in theise
JL time, but it can be made
vD I I I in three month- by any one
of cither sex. in any partof
the country who i willing to work
steadily nt" the employment that we
furnish. $G6 per week in your own
town. You need not be away from
home over night. You can rive your
whole time to the work, or only j-our
pare moment. AYc hare ngentsVbo
arc making over $20 per day. All who
engage at once can make money fat. At
the present time money cannot be made
so easily and rapidly at any other bui-nc-.
It costs- nothing to try the bitsi.
ncs. Tcrmand$ft Outfit free. Addres
at once. H. HiiXTT t Co., Tortland,
Main" 37-Vy.
Uoan make money faster nt workrfor
u than atanvthmceUe. Capital not
required; we will htart-ou. f 12 per
day at home made by the indus
trious." Men. women, boy and cirl
wanted everywhere to work for u. Now
I the tim. Costly outfit and terms free
Addres. Teue fe Co., Augusta, Maine
ek in vour own town. S5
Outfit free. No rlhk. Reader
you want a bucines at
which persons of either sex
-n make ercat pay all the time they
work, write for particulars t II. Hal
lrrr.i Co Portland, Maine.
rt n f a wi
JS if
TRACTOR. All work promptly
attended to and satisfaction guamntecd.
Refers to the many for whom he ban
done work, as to prices and quality.
w. a., clajrk:,
Mil-Writ ifl Engmeer
COLUMBUS, NEB. -100-12
31. WEISK."""FI.I"11.
WILL repair watehc and clocks In
the best manner, and cheaper than
it can be done in an v other tow n. Work
lea with Saml. Gass, Columbii", on 11th
street, one di jr east of I. Gluck'h store,
or with Mr. Vioiiflub at Jackon. will
be promptly attended to. 415.
Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public.
nr. "tizi.iirrr Ac k",
Nebraska. X. II. They will give
doe attention to all business cntruUed
to them. 243.
rpVO doors cast or D. Ryan's Hotel
JL on 11th street, keep a large stock of
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
And everything usually kept at a flrt
claks bar." 411-x
Teams of
Horses or Oxen,
CJADUU: S0"IES, wild or broke,
U at
the Corral of
"Wholesale and Retail,
XTERRASKA AVE., onpohite City
1 Mall. Columbus. Xebr. J3"
prices Mini fine goods. Prescriptions
and famih recipes a specialty. 417
kta;i; icou'ru.
JOHN IIPllER. the mail-carrier be
tween Coluinbui and Albion, will
leave Colttnibtis everyday except Sun
day at .VIoek, sharp. pa-sinjj through
Monroe. Genoa, Wat.-rville. and to Al
bion The hack will call at either of
the Hotel for passengers If order arc
left at the pot-ofhce. Rate reason
able,?.! to Albion.
mmi m mmm
AtH. Cramcr'n old stand Opposite
I. Gluck'a on 11th Street.
M'SHIONS a specialty. Rrpairins
neatly done ami charges vcrj low.
J. O. Hkmmteap, Proprietor.
J. C. Paukkic, foreman.
Columbus Meat Market!
"WEBER & KNOBEL, Prop's.
KEEP OX HAXD all kindf. of frrhh
meats, and moked pork and beef;
aUo fresh tib. Make sausage a spec
ialty. j33Reiiiembcr the jilace. Elev
enth St., one door west of D. Ryan's
hotel. -117-tf
IHrfricfiV .11 en I .tlarkcl.
Waj,Sitn;ton Ave., nearly opposite Co art House.
meat will be sold at this market
low. low down for cami.
Ret steak, peril 10c.
Rib roast, " e.
Roil, c.
Two cents a pound more than the above
prices will be charged on time, and that
to good responsible partiet only. 2G7.
coLr.Miu's, : nehkaska.
OFFICE HOril. 10 lo 12 a. in., 2 to
4 p. ni and 7 to 5) p. in. Office on
Xebraska Avenue, three doors north of
E. .1. Raker's rain office. Residence,
corner Wyominsr and Walnut streets,
north Columbus, Xebr. 43."-tf
Dress and Shirt Maker.
X Doors Wrst ofStlllman's flrac Store.
Dreses and shirt cut and made to
order and satisfaction guaranteed. Will
also do plain or fancy sewing of any de
Give me a call and try my work.
425-ly "
U ready-made and Metallic Coffins,
Walnut lMcture Frames. Mends Cane
Seat Chairs. Keeps on hand Rlack Wal-
, nut Lumber.
Thpn Art. tjpnl'.i Zzsi 2:-si. C-te, Krt
S. J. MARMOT, Prop'r.
Nebraska Ave., South of Depot,
coi.u.nm's, rvEii.
A new house, newly furnished. Good
accommodations. Board by day or
week at reasonable ratei.
Z3Sct a Klnst. CIjik. XnlIc.
3Icat?, 25 Cents, j LJgin5s....25 Cti
Br a i ' - jmwj
lr. E. I SIGGIiVK,
Physician and Surgeon.
JOflice open
at all hour
Sack Building;.
Z3T Office: Eleventh St., one door east
of .Iouknai. Iniildinir, up.stairs.
AT MY RESIDEXCE.on Shell Creek,
three miles cast of Mfatthis's bridge,
1 have
70,000 crootl. hardliHrnt brick
Tor Mile;
which will be bold in lota to 4itit pur-
Manufacturer and Dealer in
ALL kinds ok
Storcon Olive St., near the' old Post-office
Columbus Nebraska. 417-ly
TTE.RY s. cai:b:u,
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Formerly a member of the English
bar; will give prompt attention to all
business entrusted to him in this and
adjoiuin-z counties-. Collections made.
Office one door e.tst of Schilz' hoe store,
corner of olive and 12th Streets. Spricht
Dcut:h. Parle Francnis. 418-tf
(One mile west of Columbus.)
Always on Ilund in
2.1 Jii VTilti.
135 SSI. 75
Klrrrntli Strrtt.
Merchant Tailoress,
13th Strrct, cjjesite Pc:t-:.
Men's and boys' suit made in the
latest tyle. nnd good tits guaranteed, at
ry low prices. Men's suit- JC.on to
$!).(io, aecordinj: to the yood and work.
IIovh' BUils ?3.0) to $4.00, according to
Rrinsj on your soiled elothintr. A
whole suit renovated and! made to a p.
pear :i "rood as new for $1.23 -fJl-y
Blacbmitb mi Wcn Maksrr.
Repairing Done on Short Notice.
Brci, Vttzxst ""tc, lisle i: Crfw.
They also keep on hand
Furst & Bradley Plows,
Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter
j. c. elliottT-
And All Kinds of Pumps
Challenge Wind and Feed Mills,
Combined Shellerand Grinder,
Jfult Jlilh. Horse Powers,
Corn Shelters and
Fanning Jlills.
Pnmps Repaired on Short Notice,
Farmers, come and examine our mill.
You will lind one erected on the premises
of the Hammond House, in good running
Grain, Produce, Etc,
Goods delivered Free of Charge,
anytchere in the city.
Corner of 13th and Madison Sts.
Nortk of Foundry- 397
For the Journal.
At the foot of a high, grass-covered
bluff in one of the western
slates, nestled a small, red lioue,
covered with vioe and she! lured by
spreading apple trees; the big bluff
seemed to have a iiiatcrnnl regard
for this little house placed at its
foot, and protected it lovingly from
many a northern blast.
Around (he bl nil's base, ami also
encircling flic cottage, a wide, clear
stream wound its way singing so
joyously as it curled over rocks and
stones that the happy children of
the neighborhood who played upon
its banks named it the "Merry-go-round."
This was the home of Jenny and
James White. They had not been
long married. Jenny was an active,
Mirring little woman, and she had
withal, a vein of poetry in her make
up, so she soon made the little home
shine with tokens of her skill and
handiwork, much to the content of
her husband.
James loved after the work of
each succeeding day was done, to
6cat himself enzily in the well-cushioned
rocker, beside the highly pol
ished stove which sent forth warm
rays of welcome, and to gently sway
to and fro while he admired the
brightly bedecked walls aud the car
peted floor, all of which spoke of
the adroit skill of his Jenny.
High up on the side of the b'uff,
and nearly hid from the vine of I he
little red houe, was another tiny
cot amid the olmding apple trees.
This was the home of Rachel and
William Daily. Rachel was Jenny's
sister, aud lit o utmost cordiality and
love existed betwecu the two fami
lies. Wm. Daily owned a large flour
ing mill which was located on the
Now Jenny, being a thrifty little,
person, and disposed lo better her
conditum in every possible way.
though! that she would buv some
geese, and make a business of rais
ing a large flock aud by this means
she thought that she might, in course
of time, be able lo add several
feather bed's to her now scanty
stock, and also to sell a tat goose oc
casionally, which would bring her
a nice lot of pocket-money.
The Merry-go-round swept the
banks of her door-yard and it would
be a line plncc for goslings, where
they could launch out into life; the
geese could graze on the blull', and
as lor grain why there was a great
amount of it wasted now, as it fell
through the cracks in the floor of
the mill aud found its way to (he
bottom of the creek, there to rot.
It would be but fun for the geese to
dive for the grain, and thus they
could be fattened without expense,
and no one would be the poorer for
AH this Jenny communicated to
James, who marveled at his good
luck in getting such a smart little
wife, and he lost no time in procur
ing the geese for her.
All went on splendidly for a
while, the geese multiplying until
there was a fine flock of them and
they were all very large and fat, be
cause of the grain which they fi-hed
out of the bottom of the creek.
But, unfortunately the. lower sto
ry of the mill was used to store bran
and oats in, which lay in heaps, near
the door, which opened close to
the water's edge. The bran was re
tailed to farmers, and, there being
many persons passing in and out,
the door was often lelt wide open.
The geese soon learned of this
door and of the oats stored there,
and consequently on evory possible
opportunity, the whole flock would
tile in, waddle to the top of the piles
treading them down with their
broad webbed feet, and what was
worse than all, tilling them with
dirt and uucleanliuess.
At first, William Daily would
drive them out aud shut the door
whenever he found them there, but
this occurred so often that he lost
all patience with the intruders. He
was a quick tempered man, but he
thought a great deal of Jenny,while
James White was like a brother to
him, aud he could not bear to think
of anythiug happening to mar the
friendship of the two families, so
he smothered his wrath for awhile,
notwithstanding the destruction of
his oats and bran.
But soon a tattling person came
to Jenny with a ruthful face, and
mouth well drawn down at the cor
ners, and informed her that the
geese had got into the lower story
of the mill, and had destroyed a lot
of oats, aud that her brother-in-law
was seen laying-on quite lively with
a broom handle among them, and
that all the geese were likely to be
Jcnuy was in great trouble. She
saw at a glance that the geese must
be a nuisance, and 6hc wondered
that her brother-iu-Uw had not lost
his temper lon: ago. She mightscll
them, but what was she going
to do for feather beds, and pocket
money? Yet it would never do to
have the family friendship broken;
she resolved to speak to James about
it, aud see if any means could be de
vised to keep the geese out of the
The next morning, as she was
busy in the kitchen washing her
dishes, the door suddenly opened
and there stood William Daily with
a flushed and angry face, holding
one of the largest aud finest geese
by the head. He threw it io the
floor. ''There, Jen., there is your
goose," said he, nnd without another
word of explanation, he cihut the
door and was gone.
The thing was done so suddenly
that for a moment Jenny stood as
one stunned, then a reaction came
to her leelings and she was angry
Yes, very angry ! What right had
he to kill her goose?
But after a little, better feelings
came into her heart, and she was en
abled to excuse her brolher-iu-Iaw,
and even to sympathize with him in
the destruction of his property. She
hurried through with her work, aud
throwing on a sun-bonnet, she trip
ped up (he side of the bind' lo her
sister's home.
On the way, she met William. It
was now some hours since he killed
the goose, aud his wrath had had
time to eool ; he looked conscious of
guilt, aud with a passing word went
on his wnv.
Rachel Duily was a very con
scientious person and she had a very
kind and sensitive heart. Her hus
band had told her of what he had
done, nnd though she. sympathized
with him in hi trial on account of
those thieving fowlp, yet she felt
very sorry that he should have
struck one of them so hard as to
kill it. So when her sister came in
at the door she looked slightly em
barrassed, and was more than us
ually kind in her welcome.
Neither of the sisters could briner
themselves to speak of the affair of
the morning, and they seemed most
soliciliou.3 to chat on anything and
everything they could think of, be
sides thai, each anxious to set the
other at ease.
As Jenny walked back home, her
strong love for her brother aud sis
ter welled up in her heart. She
lelt sorry that they should have any
compunctions for what had been
done, and she was thiuking what she
could do to restore harmony of feel
ing. The goose was a splendid fowl,
fat and plump, and it had bled abun
dantly front a wound on the ucck.
She determined to cook this goose,
and then invite William and Rachel
to take dinner at their house the
next day.
When James came in to dinner,
she fold him the whole story, aud
how she had determined to cook
the goose, aud to hold a little feast
over it. He listened patiently and
entered into all her plans.
So the next day Rachel accepted
the invitation, and came to dinner,
bringing her two little boys with
her; then William was called in
from the milt, aud fhey gathered
around the table, a very cheerful
little company.
Jenny stepped iuto the kitchen
aud returned bearing the roasted
goue on a big platter; a peculiar,
quiet, stiff dignity pervaded the
group as 6he helped them to the
gooc all around, aud this was suc
ceeded by a comic realization of flic
situation which relieved their fea
tures somewhat, but still no one
dared speak the word goose, lest it
should prove a spark that would
kindle an angry fire which would
con-umc their friendship and love.
When the meal was nearly finished
Rachel put au extra nice bit on lit
tle Willie's plate. "I don't want it,
Ma," said the child. "What I" said
she, "won't you have some more of
the nice turkey ?' "This ain't tur
key, Ma, this is Aunty's goose what
pa killed."
An explosive laugh burst out
around the table; the little child had
led them out of all their entangle
ment of feeling! The high spirited
William, with a flushed face, made
ample apology, while Jenny warmly
acquitted him of any evil design,
aud took all the blame to herself.
"The goose shall be a peace of
fering," 6aid she, "aud James, dear,
won't you get some high boards,
aud nail them across the bottom of
that door way, and thus teach those
impudent geese that they must look
in the bottom of the Merry-go-round
for their grain, aud let this be a les
sou to us all after this, whatever
comes, let us be entirely frank with
each other, for there is nothing
which so soon destroys confidence
between friend? as au unexpressed,
wrankling grievance". This is a
true story.
"The Stnrlcfw NUir of Jlurch."
Written for the Little Folks who read
the jouknaI")
The "Owl" in tho last Jouicuat. but
one was mistaken in his astronomic
al observations, in the article under
the aoove title. He commences by
stating that "March opens with
almost au entire absence of stars."
Now the only thing that can cause
such an appearance is the light of
the increasing moon, which i now
getting to that size necessary to
obscure the light of the smallerstars.
Let any one who admires those
beau ti Mil emblems of God's creative
power walk out one of these clear,
cold nights when the moon is not
too bright, and see if the heavens
look starless. Look westward on
any clear evening soon after dark,
aud ou will see a most beautilul
bright star, just, a little way above
the western horizon. This is
Jupiter, the large t of our own
planetary system, aud the largest to
view of all the stars of the heavens.
Saturn is also so be seen in the wct ;
at the same time you look at Jupiter
you will sen Saturn a little to the
left and a little lower down. This
is a bright star, of medium size, and
very clear white light. This h the
planet that wears the rings. Three
large, luminous rings surround this
planet some distance, out from its
surface. This phenomenon is some
thing very singular, and is a wonder
to all persons who have ever found
out that such a thing exists on this
wonderful planet. You cannot see
these curious ring when you look
at the star with the naked eye, but
if you could look at it through a
great telescope, then you could be
gin to see these beautilul rings and
not only these, but also eight moons
moving around the planet among
these curious rings, which would
look like bright beads on a siring of
gold. If you could look oil' in the
we-tern heavens through a large
telescope, in the evening when you
look at Jupiter aud Saturn, away
beyond these beautiful stars, you
could see two more that belong to
our planetary system. They are
Uranus and Neptune. These stars,
or planets, are so far from us that
they can never lie seen without a
telescope, but they get their light
from the sun, the same as we do,
but Neptune is so far from the sun
that the sun docs not look larger
from it than the ringed star Sa'urn
does to us. Hence, if any people
live there we would think they
would have to carry lanterns all the
time. But Ood always knows what
is best lor his creature, and if he has
made a people to live there, he has
made their surroundings to suit
We would like to tell a great deal
more about the planets, and about
their being in perihelion next year,
but time and space forbid. Now, if
some of the little who folks read these
lines will write a little article for
the JouitXAL and tell us what 6uc
ces they had finding Jupiter aud
Saturn, and what they looked like,
we will try to write again, and tell
more about this perihelion aud its
causes, and probable consequences,
and about the beautiful stars.
w. m. o.
3fira. Mwilieliu and Working
Hear Mrs. Swisshelm's rebuke to
the dissatisfied.
"If workmen refus'e to recog
nize and be governed by the laws
ol nature, which bind men together
as opposites and complements of
of each other, they must suffer the
consequences. He is the working
man's true friend who says to each
one, 'Paddle your own canoe.' All
this twaddle about taking care of
them, as if they were a flock of
tame pigeons, is au insult. It is
bad enough to be a woman and
have men make spheres like toy
balloons aud put one in to stay, but
it must be worse to be a man and
have to be taken care of like a lit
tle plaster-of-Paris Samuel saying
his prayers. A human biped with
a beard must feel nice to have po
litical economists discuss him as
if he were one of a thousand bags
of wheat which were to be dis
posed of to the best possible ad
vantage. 'Pears to ttiu if I were a
man, with all the waste cabins and
idle fields in the country before
me, I should save agitation commit
tees and ex-sccrelaries the trouble
of talking about me; for, if I did not
raise my own pork and beans, it
would be curious."
"They tell me old Skinflint is los
ing his sight." "Put up job; he's
going blind to save his dog-tax.
Blind men's poodles are exempt,you
Comparative Hrlee.
The following tsble of the average
prices of farm products, raw cotton
and standard sheetings from IS25 to
1S7D, will be found useful, interest
ing and worth preserving. Theso
are tidewater prices at New York,
Boston and Philadelphia:
"-; n 1 O s s:
2 2 sr & ?
? 3 2 -- 5 2.
' y r-
r s i
x o
3 2. ' (S -"
r i -2
-15 sr
2, " 3
V . n
ibjj $ Ai $t 01 i .-2: $1:1 ;i7 $ jit, hi ....
1"2(J .71 .! .-!" 11.7.-1, ..'Mi 1 . .
1S27 .711 .!C. Ai I1S7' .r nii ...
If-JS Ju 1.15 .34 UAil .r! ! ..
lf2 -VJ 1.G3 .:. ll.i- .'Ji. II) ..
lSft) ..11 i.4 .:w 11..V .ill n,
I Nil .ftf Li" .31 1S.S7I .i' 10 j
1SW .7.'. I.-.H5 ..( 1U 50 .27 8J4I ....
1SW .81 1.1! .1!) 13.2.') .32 I0J
is;! 1 .5!) i.k; a ii.5 .:tj! 11
lK.,- .71 l.lCi .4! j:t.7. .27! IIS'j . .
is;; .00 1.7;, ..IT, tJ.2.- ..12 IS .. .
1S.17 1.1 '45 1.77 .57 23..V .45 IC
1KIS .N" UK .42 21.51) .SU UJ4 ....
1SW ,!2 1.24 .55 2:1.25 .:S 14
1S0 .5!) mi .: 14.20 ..12 8't .
1841 .52 1.0.1 .52 M.1'5 .27 !ij ....
1812 .07 1.25 .4!! if.W .20 ..
IS 13 ..VJ .s .XI S.87 .1!) 7 . .
IS4I .1.1 1.00 .43 10.12 .211 . ..
ISI5 .51 1.1)2 .51 S.3t; .2! ft j . ..
LSlti .71 1.31 .47 13.50 .27 GJJI . ..
1S47 .80 1.02 .40 10.25 .2.1 lo),,1 NJ,;
184(? .77 1.25 .hi II. on .21. M 0
181!) .04 1.22 .41 14.18 .30 fc.U 7
1850 .01 1.25 .43 U.SI .31 12 7
IS',1 .(if 1.20 .38 12.18 .31 lo ) 7
1852 .70 1.00 .47 14.(i-s .31 y4, 7
1S53 .OS 1.32 .51 1!).02 .3!) ln,; 8
1851 .S2 2.04 .4!) 13.1.1 .:3 ftf' y
1855 1.(11 2.57 .55 12.02 .25 14 i.
l5f. .!).i; 2.14 .40 17.37 ..12 11JV 7
iS57 .75, 1.70 .47 10.07 .35 14 j 0
1S. .01 1.37 .42 15.75 .2!) I2'if S
!i'i .ft)J l.ld .51) 17.57 .38 xij
lw) .Oil 1 45 .40 10.1! .3!) 12 (5X
1N1 .73 1.14 ..1 10.13 .32 18 1()
152 .07 1.38 .10 12.25 .17 42 lSJs
1S03 .75 1.53 .70 14.4a .03 K 30
1801 1.20 1.82' .81) 10.87 .78 II5JJJ 52
1805 1.01 1.S5 l.t'3 35.25 .55 57?i 3J
l.0 JI5 1.57 1.20 20.12 .70 30 I 24 lA
lf7 1.10 3.00' .N 10.12 .00 20Jii 1SV,
18) 1.2D 2.45, .K5' 21.00 .49 20 10
lNi'J .00 1.70, .751 28.00 .57 2Ji 104
1870 1.12! 1.30' .78' 20.75 .01 2)?i 14
1871 .801 1.I2 .75' 10.75 .18 18 13
1872 .7M 1.5DJ Jil 14.50 .70 224 14J4
1873 .00 1.07 .OS 13.25 .70 10' 1.1 a
187i .S, 1.05 .7"t 10.50 .55 1K4 Il
lS75j .07 1.25; .05 20.50 .50 15 1(1),
1870 .71 1.3!)' .50' 20.75 .4!) 12 SJf
1807.1 .50 1.47! .55! 17.50 .4S U S4
1S7S. .17 1.111 .321 0.44 . . 'Si 7V
187!; . -1 I --I 'JX '
Cure lor Donn-ilc Ualiiipni
ncNtt. The law of love was given as a
principle, aud a spirit which should
rule the Christian life and the right
eousness of the Christian is to be
measured by the fidelity with which
he adheres to this supreme stand
ard. In this new dispensation a
breach of tho law of love is sin
equally with the violation of the
letter of the Jewish law. Apply
this principle lo the home life of the
Christian, and you at once touch the
root of the difficulty in domestic in
felicity. The husband or the wife
who continually commits acts of
discourtesy in the privacy of the
home, circle, or indulge habitually
in cross words, or who persists in
thoughtlessness or neglect, is guilty
of sin equally with one who breaks
the Sabbath, aud perhaps in the ee
of God has committed the deeper
wrong. Certainly such a one is not
living the Christian life, since the
life is not animated by the spirit of
Christ. For "the fruit of the Spirit
is love, joy, peace, long suffering,
geiitlcucsSjgooduess, faith,meckues,
temperance ; against such there is no
no law."' Let these blessed quali
ties be enshrined in the home life,
aud domestic infelicity will be
cured. Let each party be eager in
the pursuit of the happiness of the
other, and individual grievances,
trials and vexations will be forgot
tcu in the ardor of the new devotion,
provided that the whole soul be
concentrated in the accomplishment
of the single purpose at whatever
cost, aud that efficient aid be sought
from the God of Love. Failure in
this work is a failure in the Christ
ian life, and should be recognized,
while success is worth more than
all the mere professions in the
world. A lliance.
The Koor.
Every person's feelings have a
front door and side door by which
they may be entered. The front
door is on the street. Some keep it
always open ; some keep it always
latched ; some bolted with a chain
that will let you peep in. but not
get in ; some nail it up, so that noth
ingpasses its threshold. This front
door leads into a little ante-room,
and this into the interior apart
ments. The side door opcn3 at once
into the sacred chambers. There is
always at least one key to this side
door. This is carried for years hid
den in a mother's bosom. Fathers,
brothers, sisters, and friends, often,
but by no means so universally have
duplicates to it. Oliver Wendell
While a country parson, was
preachiug,thc chief of his parishion
ers, sitting near the pulpit was fast
asleep ; whereupon he said, ""Now
my beloved friends, I arn in a great
strait ; for if I speak too softly those
at the further end of the church cau
not hear me, and if I talk too loudly
I shall wake the chief man of my
Ilrlbcry nnd IlitterncMM."
One of the chief defenders of the
copitol robbery Uses the columns of
the Jiejntblican to talk about tho
"bitterness" of somebody in Lincoln,
because the H tvuhl voiced a univer
sal opinion that existed there before,
at the time, and after the steal pass
ed the two houses, that it had becu
bribed through the legislature.
"Inside," who gabbles in this way in
our esteemed morning contempor
ary, must have more kuowlcdgo on
tho subject than is calculated to
make him comfortable, and he would
make a better appearance if ho
would be less noisy. The Republi
can itself 1ms not escaped whatever
injury a widespread impression may
have caused that it received substan
tial equivalents of some nort for
its otherwise unaccountable support
of the most outrageous piece of
legislation that win ever seen oven
in this robbed and plundered Slate,
and that impression will stick until
somebody t-hall deny that thoe
frequent visits, and long watches in
Lincoln did not finally result in
bargains that secured the support of
lUeltepublicaa for the most infam
ous swindle that was ever perpetrat
ed upon tho people ot this State,
considered as plot for future,
wicked aud needless waste of the
people's money.
The airs of the capilol were so
redolent with the odors of bribery
aud corruption pending the passage
of that steal that they could be al
most cut with a knife. Tho affec
tion of "bitterness" because the Her
ald charged what every body knew,
is a sickly pretense. Liucolu had
been robbed of 110,000 at every ses
sion of our legislatures before by a
set of rotten .Republican raca!s in
the way of blackmail to prevent the
removal of thccapitol, ever since it
was located there. We were so told
by 11 leading gentleman and incmbci
of the bar of that city, aud we havo
no doubt about it. The hullabiloo
about what we said of corruption
in the passage of this capitol steal
will be regarded by those who fur
nished the shekel-, a a rich exhibi
tion of the hypocrisy and fraud that
are leading traits of "the parly."
Omaha Herald.
JL-iiI Xlihlival Ignorance.
During the trial of the celebrated
Leavenworth baby case, in which
two women claimed the same child,
one of the lawyers, in the course of
his remarks, pointed to the painting
of Solomon ordering the child to be
severed in halves and divided be
twecu the two women. His scrip
tural knowledge being small, ho
alluded to Pilate instead of Solo
mon. The oppo-iug counsel sup
posing he knew all about it, instint
ly jumped to his feet, aud called him
a fool, and said that the order was
by Ca;sar aud not Pilate. After a
heated discussion they agreed to
leave it to the judge. His houor
decided that both ihe attorneys were
a !kin upon a subject foreign to
their knowledge, and, pointing to
the painting, said it was intended
lo represent Herod, aud not Pilate
or C.T3ar. The lawyers considered
the matter settled aud proceeded
with the case. Atchison (A.)
"To this day," writes Emma
Abbott, "I love the school girl who
gave me half her apple one day when
I was hungry." To divide apples is
characteristic of the sex. It began
with Eve. The same with spruce
gum. Butifiliss Abbott had so
licited an apple from one of tho
boys she would have been giveu the
entire fruit,
ou 3.
Boys are more gensr-
"You had better ask for manuer3
than money," said a gentleman to a
beggar who asked for aims. "I ask
ed for what I thought you had the
most of?" was the reply.
George McDonald says, "One
thing is clear to me, that no indul
gence of passion destroys the spir
itual nature so much as respectable
A little boy heard his mother tell
ofeighteen head of cattle being
burnt, the other night. "Weren't
their tails burnt also?" he inquired.
Mr. Budd asked her, "I"oc, wilt
thou be mine?'' Hose answered, "I
am sorry it cannot be a I'ose can
not be turned into a Budd."
It lakes light eight minutes to
come from the sun, but it must have
required 50,000 years to come from
the farthest isible stars.
A woman frequently resists the
love she feels, but cannot resist the
love she inspires. Madame Fee.
"One touch of nature," observed
the inebriate as the ground rose and
struck him.