The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 12, 1879, Image 1

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r i T.-ff-Tf.f
r t t
wnMFttMifflw"Wfli iirr""!!1"! "' tma m
Jr "
THE ",WBffiNAL.f
t "JXiJ
Proprietors ati PtBlkkox.
:o: 'fv
ETOflice Tn tbcJOUBSAL-traildin?,-EIeveifth-UColuraHs,3fe.r
Txsut-Pr rcar,-$2.SIXoatM$l..
Three months, 50c nglc copIcsTSc."
A. ft. Tahdock, TT. S. Senator, 'Beatrice.
A IAIN SAUNDKR3,IL.S. Senator, Omaha.,
T. J.MAJOKL,.Ren Pcrar- "
Z. K. Valkxtixe, Xcp., Wct Poiut.
Albixur Xakcr, Uovcrnor, Lincoln.
I. J. Alexander, Secretary or State.
K. AV. Licdtke, Auditor, Lincoln.
O.K. Hartlett,Trc-inurcr, Lincoln.
C.J. Dilworth, Attorney-General.
S. R. Thompson, Supt.rnhlle InVrtic.
II. C. Dawaon, Warden of Penitentiary.
EIL Gmild?' t 1ri'a ?ectof8? .
Pr. J. CI. Davi, Prison Physician.
II. P. JIathewon, Supt. Insane Asylum.
' (
S. Maxwell. Chief Justice, t B
Ocor-e It. Lake J Apsocjate'judpe'a.
O. W. I'ost, Judjrr. York. '
M. It. Reese, District Attorney; Wahoo.
U. R. Hoxic, Resltrr, Grand Inland.
VTnx. Anyan, Receiver, Grand Island.
J. fl. IlirRlnH, County Judge.
John Stauffcr. County Clerk.
V. Kummer, Trcaurer.
Henj. Suleiman, Sheriff.
It. L. RokKniter. Surveyor.
"Win. Itlocdorn.j
John Walker, V CountyComnilKM
John Wice. J , ,
Dr. A. Ilnlutz, Coroner.
8. L. llirrctt, Supt. of Schools. ,
SViinaMCll"Kr'i Jietlce-.or&ePeac
Charles Waif, Countable. ""
CITY nmri'Tnnv.
:. A. Spcice. Mayor. . --.
John Schram, Clerk. T - t
John J. RIcklv, Marshal 1 1 1 j
J". Earlr, Trcnsurer --
S. P. McAllister. Police Judge.
J. CS. Routhon, Engineer.
councilmkk: " i ' '
1st WarA J. E. North,
b. roul. - r (
2d Ward E. c:. Kavanaugh.
C. E. Morse.
T.d Ward-K. J. Raker,
"Win. llurges.
Colssmtm Itt OfHco.
Open on Sundays trin II a.m. to 12 M.
and from 4:9a to o rr-sr.- Rtfiness
hours except Sunday 0 a. m. to S r, ji.
Rstern mails close at 11:20 A. Ji.
Western mails close at 4:20i.m.
!! It-avr Cnltunbu for Madison and
Norfolk, on Tuesdays, Thursday and
Saturday. T A. M. Arrives Mondays,
WednesilavK, and Fridays, 3 r. M.
Fif Monroe, Genoa. WatervIIIe and Al
bion, daily except Sunday fi a. m. Ar
rive, same, CS r.M.
For Summit. Ulysbc and Crete,Mon
dav and Thursdays,,?, m. Arrives
Aveancsilars. ana &aturuas, imm
Arrives t 12M
For 'If, Farral and Rattle Creek,
Momlavs and AYcdiudays,C a. M. Ar
rives T'uc-day and Fridays at 0 r. M.
For Shell Creek, Xeho, Crcston and
Stanton, on Mondays at 7 A. M. Ar
rl es Tuesdays v. M.
For Daid Citv, Tue-days, ThurMlivs
and Saturdays, 1 v. M Arrives, at 12
IJ. P. Ximc Xafcle.
Eastward JJnund.
Emigrant, .No. G, leacsat ... C:2."a. m.
rashcns'r, 4, " ,4.... ll:Wa.m.
Freljtht, " . " - -
freight. " IU, " ".... 4:30a.ui.
M'etUeard Uound. ' f
Freight, Xo.,Mcaves at.... 2:00 p.m.'
PasseiiR'r, " a, " " .- 4:27 p.m.
Frriuht, " !, " ".. :00p.Hl.
Kuiisrant. "7. ' "-.-.. 1:30 a. m.
Every day except Saturday the three
liie leading to Chicago connect with
U P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays
there will h hut one train a day, as
fcnrrn liv lhi fnllliwillir schedule:
It . x . V . 1 an anu -.-ui
C.&S.W. ) "th
CMlt..tQ. V 14th
It' 11. 1. & P. 21st
.. . . ..- . .. 1 no. 1.
(C, H. K.i. ) -Mil
Vet . . . -k, R. i. r. i-h
U'.X.W. I lth
tli and 2Cth.
U R. I. I'.)
Kt . . . x. w. y
i R. & Q. J
((., R. & O. )
Btc -C, R. I. x V.y
C.&S. VW J
(1 and 2.(1.
Itliand .".0th.
7th and 28th.
Farm for Sale. -
acres of excellent farm land in Rut
ler Countv, near "Patron P..OM about
rqul-dUtaiit from three County Scats
David City, Coliimbu and Schuyler;
00 arcx under cultivation; 5 acres of
trees, maple, cottonwoodr'good
frame house, granary, stable, t-beds, &c.
Good vtock range, convenient lo water.
The place it for sale or exchango'for
property (house and a few acres) near
Columbus. Inquire at the Jocknal
office, or address the undersigned at
Tatron P.O. 4Ctt
BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the
low price of your products dis
ouragc you, but rather limit your ex
penses to your resources. You can do
so by stopping at the new home of your
fello'w farmer, where you can find good
accommodations cheap. For hay lor
team for one night and day, 2Tcte. A
room furnished Tvith a cook stove and
bunks, in connection with the stable
free. Thoe wishing can. be accommo
dated at the housc-or the undersigned
at Ihe.followiug.rates: JJg1s2j cents;
hods 10 cents. J. II. SENECAL,
K milQ cast of Gcrrayd'S'Corralrs
sf WWis not easily earned In these
VL times, hut it can be made
(1 I I f, in three mouths by any one
ef-ither sex. la any partof
the country who is wlllin.g to work
steadily at the employment that we
furnish. ?06 P" wek ia your own
town. You seed "! away from
home over Bight. Yc caa give your
whole time te the work", or only your
spare moments. We hare agents who
ar making vcr-fW per y. All who
engago at once can"raakemoney fast. At
the present time money cannot be made
to easllv and rapidlyat any other busi
ness. It costs -nothing to try the busi
ness. Terms aadOutflt free. Address
at once. H. Hu.ltt ACo:-, Portland,
Kain 575-y.
Ucan make monev faster at work for
u tfaanatanvUdaselselXapRaljiot
required; we-.willtrtyou. $12 per
day athorae the isdus
trlous. 3JeH. women, bovi aad girls
wanted cverv where to work for us. 2ow
is the time. Costly outfit'andtcYmsceJ
jaurcss tkuk uauiku, jaaiu
week in vourowa towa. $5
Outfit free .Ko.risk. .Roader
if you watjA, business at
which ierBvOf cither sex,
an make great pay all the time they
work, write for narticnlan ta If. IlAL-
-V Tii r.iVfi X-.rVi Tu.It-ft at the post-office. Rates rea'son'
nr UellcMlle, Oceola and lorK, iueij i ..- W.M .
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 p.m. able, f 2 to AU.lon. 1
LETT A Co Portlaiid, Mains.
y awl ' x
r V
i,i j.rie.JULU
LlX.NO. 45.
' r- jr tv -v
In Tittff.TOn. JA'lI-wol'k nromntlv'
attended to and satisfaction guaranteed.
Refcrafto the Many Jer whornl lie has
done workas to prices and quality
"W. .A. PLABK,-
M-Irii ana Eiwr,
COLUMBUS, NEB. 402-li;h r
WILL repair watchen and clocks In
the Vest MannSr, a"nd cheaper than
it can-he done in any other towti. "Work
leR with Saml. Gasw, Columhns, on 11th
street, one dnor cat of I. Gluek's store,
or with Mr. "Wei-cnfluh at Jackson, yill
be promptly attended to. 413.
Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public.
ATl'ORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus,
Nebraska. N. It. They Will give
close attention to all business entrusted
to them. 248.
' ..i
TWO doors east or D. Ryan's Ilotcl
ou lltb-strcet, keep a large stock or
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
And everything usually kept at a first
class bar. - 411-s
Mares! colts,
Teams or
Horses or Oxexi,
S,IZI1M? PONIES, wild or broke,
at the Corral of ;
Wholesale and Jletail,
Ne'rRASIvA AA'E.,loppofcite.C.Lty
Hall, Columbus Xebr. C3?"Loiv
prices and fine j;oods. Pn-scriptinn-.
and family recipes a specialty. v'417
stage scoirrE.
JOHN TIURER, tha mail-carrier be
tween Columbus audAIbionilI
leave Columbus everyday except Sun
day at li.i'clock, sharp, p.issin through
Monroe, Genoa, Wat.Tville, and to Al
bion Thchuck will call'at cither of
the Hotels for pasenrcrs if orders" are
mww m wmv.
At H. Cramer's old stand Opposite
I. Gluck's on 11th Street. "
nUSUIOXS a specialty.
J jicatly done anft charges very low.
G. G. IIkmstkad, Proprietor.
J.C. Pakkkr, foreman.
Columbus Meat Markf!
' T t
KEEP;ON II'AXD all kinds of fresh
meats, and smoked pork and beef;
al-o fresh fish. 3Iake Musagc a hpec
lalty. tST" Rein ember tlo place, ,"Ele--enth
jgu, one .floor vcstjof D. Ryau!a
hotel. "" V417-tf
IMctrickH Meat Iflarkot.
Wixhlnrlon Atf nrarlr opponlte Court Hosse.
i c
meat will be sold at this market
low. low down for cash.
Best steak, per lb., 3? 10c.
Rihroast -?.i 8c.
Roil, " Gc.
Two cents a pound more thnn the above
prices ,wjll be charged on time, and that
to good responsible parties only. 207.
17. W. EXAMlEViniC; Sl'KGEO.,
FFICE UOL'RS, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to
4 n. in., and 7 to 9 p. m. Office on
Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of
E. J. Uakcc's graia office. .Residence.
'corner AVyomin?and AValnut streets, r
north Columbus, Ncbr.-
Dress and Shirt Maker,
3 Doeo ITcst of SUHmaa'sBrs? Store. ,
Dresses and shirts cut and
order and satisfaction guaranteed. Will
also do plain or fancy $c,w'ing.cTany dei
scription. " f'
Give rae a call and trj my wyrkjj,.
ready-made and 3Ifctal1icCoffinst
WalRHt Picture Frames, blends Case
Seat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black VWU
ntit Lumber. " v ' ""
Vultsa Ati. tjfHJAt Cxt Cms, Ciljxlw, Stl
mt -- Tma A" ' M ?
. i. m m trvyx,!jrrwy
A new heasSj-Ticwlr fuf5iSh8?T'God
aeeemniodationsU Boark-Ijy-da'jtari
week at reasonable. rat es . - .
f r. a.
ESTSct ,First-CIaj TalIe.
. -J ' - ' tat -."
19 f if
3Ica,.r.25 Cents. lodgings. ...25 Cts
. "tIap
HgHHranypv fcl3l
sial " fr'SSPBBwOr
.-v cuw w
mi.? U
r. E. !. S1GGIKS,
Phyiician and Surgoon.
BsTOaicp open
;Bink Boilding.
2EQfflee.'-51cve:ith Stofi dr cast
Afterier1 and Cennselor at Law,
,Foanory.A,mcmlor-or tho- EngHsh
'har:Tki)ligvc i)rmpt attehtlon! to U
blsll!Js8, untrustvd! to hlm,pithls and
adlAiiiio'r counties. Collections made.
Office on&door east of SchiJzx shoe stnro,
corner of olive'a'nd'tSMi'StrVets.1 Spricht
Pai le Fruneais.
' " HiH
(One milcwcst of-Colnmbus.)
Always on. IXand. In.
j" r4
Klririlh Ktrret.
MrcHaiitf Taiilores,
13ti Street, ejpaitr Pcst-re.
Mcnjs and hoys, suits .made in .the
iatc9tktyle,'iind good tits'
very 'low lpr!ecs:3IenV Ki'iits" JfliOO'to
$!).O0, according to the goods and work.
Hoys' suits $3.00 to $4.00, according to
size. . Jf
Rring on your soiled clothing. A
whole suit renovated and' inado to ap
pear as good as(ncw for $1.2.1 424-y,
Blackssutli and Wagon Mv,:
All lcindu of rcpalriiig'donc at short
notice. Wagons, Ruggies, &c, &c,
made to order. All work warranted.
They also keep" on liaud all kinds of
plows and cultivators. Shop on Olive
Street, opposite Tatteraall, Columbus,
"Nebraska. So2
- V". 'S ? 7 q "'
And All Kinds of Pumps
.ViM "?' H0 .' 'XF1 1
Chatlbngc Wind and Feed Jfhls,
Combined Shelter and Grinder,
Jilalt Mills, Horse Powers,
Corn- Shelters and
Fanning Mills.
Pamjjs Repaired or Short Notice
, Farmers, come and, examine our mill.
Yhtfwlll find one erected on the pre'mlses
of the nammoud House, iu good running
order. ", ' '
Restaurant' and Saloon!
E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor.
"Wholcsald rfd 'Retail Dealer in -B
a Jk. M
Foreign Wines, Liquors
tSSTTTentuciy Whiskies a Specialty.
In their season,
lltk StrMt, SMitkef Bepet,
AL -Sl Vr- tk- '.
Grain, Produce, Etc.
GoDlGoBflJiaiilPair Dealto
-ill Jl'l
'.B'sssasca .w
,Goods delivered Free of Charge,
, " " "' ayibJiere tifthi city' '
Conner of 13th and Madison StsT
ITortk of PotuadTY. 1
L3ifcjr-B .
s iif ; &&m "!w i.
.j fe. aHsL .
. sW -, r -SMsm' . f f
ah h is . . a .ak . m mj t ui . i
' nwfiww mm mm wz
H H I m IB H; vwB
. v: , ..'. 7i
w y A H Aw AvAw M m w km Mmw W. ZJM,
- 1 U i-: U j--g J.J.J.LU u u r ;
A stepmother ! Every nerve quiv
ered, everyjpulse-throbbcdat the
thought. 'Withptilefnce atifl com-i
pressed lips I sat in my own room,
hnving fled there for refuge, after
the announcement, which hnd seem
ingly paralyzed me, SayiiTg over and
over the word which promised to
change the whole current of my life.
Six months before, my father,
.listonlng Itolhe advice of- .some
friends who represented that iu -the
gray world 1 was about lo enter I
should have some filling chnperone,
hud advertised iu the daily prints
for a lady of education uud refine
ment as companion to his daughter
and only child.
Among numerous applications ,
j.i. vrru... iT
iur juiLyiuiuuucraiiuu ouurcu was
nloatJiocralsiwaa-ihat of a ladyac
compauicd by such reference as to
seem in every way desirable, and au
engagement followed.
When I tirssawher, my heart
was drawn to" her in sympathy that
one so young uud bcuutitul should
be thrown upon the world. Ere
long, I learned to love her.
-'Hef-iycars scarcely outnumbered
mine, but tho large dark eyes had iu
ilium a look ofsaducss which proved
her no stranger to suileriug. Yet
sliow'as aBUubeaul in-tlif house$the
ralriluliflncssf 'uw liftIiNvlts con
tagious; the touch of Jier small,
white hand in sullering soemed to
bring instant healing, the sweet
voice nceFoarfttudjllufd thought
her true', had'given Tier ray girl's
heart, and lo ! I learned all, all had
been apart to gain nu end I
This w.oman whom 1 had cherish
ea 'in my bosom had turned and
btung me, and was about to supplant
the mother to whose memory my
lather had been true ten long years.
, ;vbaskedMi68 Elliotf' tbc
my wile," he said to me, but an hour
before, us I stood in his study, where
he had sent for me to come to him.
1 You have already learned lo love
her a lat which has made .iny de
cision iu this matter easier. Her
absence nt present is in reality to
prepare for the indrriagc. In a
few days I shall go for her, to return
wilh herns my wile. As heretofore
your happiness has been my lirst
consideration, so now 1 hope you
will consider mine."
With face as while as marble, I,
had listened in silence, then, unable
to utter a word infrcply, I rushed
o Ihe shelteivof niy.own room.
What should I do? As dearly as
I had loved, so now I hated her.
Each smile seemed a trap, each word
io -4 have ,-d'ts )noanl rig. Jilid r Kvery
youth and beauty were but added
insults ,to: the tdeai"imotherr,fin her
forgotten grave. Never, never
could fI, bear to seq..her. , iu that
mother piafeW Had 'I llccn'blind,
not to have sccu whither the current
was drilling us? a
In another hour, I, too, had made
a decision. My home could no
longer be home lo inc. 1 would
leave if. j A ,-
ft Hastily taking up apapcrI scann
ed the list of advertisements. Fate
seemed propitious. This met my
Pkhsonal A governess, capable of
giving thorough instruction iu French,
to two little girls of 10 and 12. Apply,
It. T., Fairview, Ya.
Within fifteen minutes my reply
lay sealed and stumped, referring
to the preceptress of the school from
which I had graduated but a year
before as to my abilities, then dis
patching a-jshortuiote to'hcivstatltf
that circumstanccs'hftdnmaae sucli a
step necessary, and asking her to
take the proper course for rac iu the
This done, I felt calmer, and more
prepared to meet ray father. Dur
ing the next week the subject of his
approaching marriage was iu no way
referred to:, be being too proud to
PIuyit ,- though bfs &yef "often
sought mine wistfully, and X too
sore lo dare trust ray sol f.
On the morning preceding the
day fixed for his departure the Ictf
tcdor. which. I had waited .so apx
iously was hauded to me, in which
a regular proposition as to the terms,
etc., was made me, statiug, if 1 ac
cepted, my presence was earnestly
desired at as early a "date as possi
ble. Giving myself no time for thought,
I telegraphed my acceptance and
the date at which they mfcht expect
The next morning, my father,
looking younger and handsomer
than I had seen him in years, folded
mo to his heartasire-whispered :
"I have not beeu so selfish as you
imagine, Edith darling, since, iu
fata re.
first thought. Will you not give us
a welcome on our return?"
The word-tts .hardened the 6oftcr
emotion which had sprung into birth
at his tender caress, and, still silent
and impassive, I saw him go.
'Thou 3 fiadaio -time toioa'c siactf
:;threj .wilhbctw-'iBStcaaiof
rtoimake!yoat.2i4'lHHBS tMejn
?1 idir tm trtl aiS
... jU o4 IfiuUtito '
X tirvaiai n.
, l!i . !.'.. .l t f1i
A.l t ff IU MlUi
J1 i !',
7 ,W
' ' t-
4n a few hours' 1, too,' must take ray
departuro must leave m,y beauifful
home, where my life long I had beeu
surrounded by luxurious and
elegant'cotrifbrfj jo go forth among
Selecting tho plaiuest of my
Crosses as most suitable, 160on had
myfrunks packed; then I sat down
to wrile a few , lines to my, father,
stating that I had acceptlcll a situa
tion a9 go'verness in a family ; that I
had left him in iguoranco as tp.thcir
identity, because I feared his opposi
tion to rrfy plah j and under no
fcircumstaiices could 'frciurn to the
home where1 my happincas had been
so ruthVes'lyf shattered by thejiaud
dcarcsTto me'. '
Then, 'with a ciisua'l"cxrjlanation.
to'llie servants that I was "about to
visiln' friend, with my l:ist quarter's
most-liberal allowance intiict, wilji
one last look at tho room of my
girlhood which a father's tender
forethought liad so tastefully and
luxuriantly fcVurnishcd oh mv re
cforo "from school I
went hastily forth, my'eyes burning,
'but shedding no tear. '
T had been at Fairview ' three
mouths, when one'' morning the
children my X'UP''5 rushed into
the school-room, exclaiming:
"OhTiss'Eitlij'UucioTlIarry has
come, and mamma, says we are to
have a holiday!" '
Sliiiling at their eagerness', 1 clos
ed the b'ooks. I had heard of
I-TJncle( Harry." His name was- a
household word iu the little family
of which I had become a member.
In all this time no word had reach
ed me ofmy home. How could it,
when they knew not where I was?
I had known many wenry, weary
days, though I had been fortunate,
Indued, iu finding friends iu my
Southern home, and in winning I ho
hearts of the little girls, who, in
turn, had now my own. Still, a
lecling of loneliness and desolation
oppressed me, as, al liberty lor the
day, L wandered off among the
spacious grounds a dull weight, to
which I could give no uainc, was
ever on my heart.
Was it conscience, .ami were. its
.whisperings those goaded ,by re
morse ?
' ' "Here irMlss Edith, TJucIc Harrys
our pretty, jwetty govcruess,"
burst in a pair of voices.
T.wo bright, laughing faces peeped
through the screen of .trees, and
behind them, parting the branches,
stood their soldier uucle "Uncle
Ncycr had I seen a face which
seemed so strangely to unite the
boy and man of such strength, yet
such sweetness; bucIi mirth-loving
eyes, yet capable of such tender
I do not know whether" I rcad'this
fii'lhiFfffsT mouicTTCbYiu"llio""days
that followed, wheuI grew toknow
Harry Thornton .aud (ah! be still
my heart!) to ore him.
It was through no fault of mine. I,
too, was possessed of woman's pride ;
but I think, iu that first hour, the
arrow sped which all tcoi surely
found its mark, althpogh the knowl
edge of my wound' came to- me
only through suffering.
It happened that we were sitting
alone one afternoon, when he told
me, unasked, the story of his life; of
a young girl to whom, three years
before, he had pledged his troth; of
her youth, her beauty : until, with
every word, the pain grew aud
grew at my heart, his unconscious
ness my bitterest mockery, ; how he
had left her, suddeuljr called abroad
on business, ain heiress iu the midst
of a home of luxury, promising to
return iu six; mouth3 to fulfill his
The vessel on which he sqiled was
lost (this story I had already heard
many times,) and for' months ho was
thought dedd. The 1 otters he had
writteu, as soon as, the vessel wl"cu
had saved him touched port, remain
ed unanswered.
He had hastened homo to find her
father dead, his property swept
awa)', liis daughter compelled to
seek self-support, though he could
find no further tiace oTher.
"The news of my safety must have
reached her," ho added. "She wifl
thiuk, perhaps, I have deserted her
iu the hour of need. It is this
which adds ever a fresh sting to the
wouuds which would, otherwise
perhaps have healed"
Ali ! I knew my secret uow in all
its hopelessness, as', with strength
which cdme whence I knew uot, I
strove to comfort him to be iu
truth the' friend he' called rae.
As I entered my room, an hour
lattera papei lyiag oifmy table
caught my eye, aud with it the
thought that ere I betray myself I
must leave my newfound f home;
But on its first page my glance was
riveted. Was it indeed the hand of
Fate?f ,J3A ' '" ?
If B.-B.- wbuldsce her father alive, she
must return at once to the house she
deserted. A. B.
. r-i(: t
I. q.jB-
f r han o i &
. Thcro were my initials and those
ofmy father's wife. What was the
paper's date ? Thank God I but that
of thc.preceding day.
'MV 'father is ill, dying!" I'said,
I rushing into Mrs. Thornton's ro6in.'
'I, must gorto- him at once."
Bulmwhetiawfewhours later I
stepped' into tlte carriage awaiting
me, L .found Harry Thorn toir. had
declared .his ijitoution of ucconipauy
iug ,mc to iny home,
"Poor child!" he .said, as, arrived
at the; depot, he tenderly arranged
me comfortably in the cars, Myou
surely dubnot think I would desert
Oh, the bitterness of ,(ho hours
which;followcd! 1 know uow what
meant the weight en my heart; the
cruel selfishness, the undutitul
harshness of my conduct, Which
robbed ofalhits-sclf-delusion, stared
me in the thee; the months of uu
happ'iness 1" had' entailed upon my
father, 'whose judgment I could so
little' trust ajudrment which. all
m-ZL. mm IS . t. A -1 -. ...1 . I ITT. 211
my life hadjmanlcilLmc-lrom ill
I could not talk; r could uot pray.
But I think only tho presence of tho
mail besidb me saved me from mad
ness. '
At last home was.rcachc.-l ;it last
the 'Carriage stopped belore the
elegant house, from whence it' must
have.ccracd singular, indeed, that
a daughter should have gone forth
to scrk her daily bread ; at last I
stood upon Ihe threshold, hopeless
and wretched.
It was my father's wife who mot
.mo as I entcre'd, who took me iu her
arms with no word of reproach, only
w hispcriif g-r -
"He is b'ettdr, darlml The crisis
has passed. Oh, Edith', could'you
hot trust me and forgive me?"
"Henry P
Was itT imagination, or had I heard
these words as I sped up stairs to
my father's room ? pausing'io'Cuiitil,
ou my knees beside his bed, I
sobbed out my prayer lor forgive
nessa prayer, thank God, he yet
lived to grant, ail undeserving as I
was; '
' Tho ' iext day Harry Thornton's
card' was put into my hand'. In "niy
'jdy at again finding a father's love,
1 had almost forgotten him ; but
once nidrc the old feeling of mingled
suileriug and happiness took pos
session of me as I slowly descended
the stairs
Pausing a moment on the thres
hold, I stood transfixed. My father's
wife sfbod beside the man I lovcd
one hand laid upon 'his anil, her
beautiful head bent low, her eyes
swimming in (cars.
Iu that instautTsaw it all. The
story he had told me the girl lie
had. loved and lost he had found.
She was my stepmother!
Oh; strange incongruity of fate!
Was this woman, with her beauty
auii her charing ever to cross my
path? I could not move, when,
raising his eyes, he saw and called
me by 'name.
As iu a dream, I heard the rustle
of silken skirts, a swift kiss upon
my cheek, then saw 1 was alone
with him.
"Edith," ho said. "I have a
strange story to tell you so strange
t seems hardly credible. You re
member how I once told you auoth
cr'story, though I dared not.tcll you
all. I dared uot tell you that I un
burdened my heart to you because I
had learned to love .you,? because I
was iu honor bound to another
whorri I' still sought, and because I
felt it necessary to' tell you- of my
ties for'my own strength, when all
the time! I wus longing, as" the
Starving' man for bread, to" give ut
terance to Ihe truth, which b'rokeif,
would have made trie unworthy the
very prize l'sought to gain. Darliug,
the bonds arc Ioosetied. I am free
to speak', free to ak the boon I so
madly covet, since she who claimed
ray allegiance has'just been telling
me, -iu broken words, how dearly
she loves the man who has been so
good a husband, and now slid thanks
God his life has been spare'dV Edith,
my own, has it been 'all' idle fancy
that! dreamed ydu might' return in
some little measure the devotion
that I offer you?" "
When I grew calmer, when the
first great' burst of 'happiness had
found vent in fears, I told him, his
arm Clasping m'c' close, of all my
doubts and fearn, and' how, long
since, my heart, unasked, hadpassed
into' his keeping. " n'
Besides our own, Harry and 1
havd two homes tore' are richly
blessed, indeed !-one in the sunny
South, where i'Aunt Edith" has
grown, 'I trust, to be a' household
and a-well-Iovcd name, aud one
wlfere,rrule3with such -peace and
charm1 the woman who cast- eun:
shine ou her husband's declining
years my father's wifel
Tho earth Js flying arouud the sut
at the ratcof a 1,000 inile3 a miuutc
C-OHVr ? r nT "- 'B
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WHOLE 'NO.fl461.
Yankee Cheek.
' It is a curious fact that the United
States was the first natioa to force
an, entrance through the Straits of
the (Dardanelles. In 1 1801 Commo
dore Baiubridge, who had a' Secret
raessngo to convoy to the Sultan.
from tho Bey,of Algiers sailed from
Algiers for Constantinople, in ' the
AmcriCariTrrgatc George-Washington.
As he knew he would not be
allbwel to proceed up to the capital,
he made a slio wroF coming to anchor
offtfic'Castles of the Dardanelles, in
the medriwhlle firing a heavy salute.
As the wind blew strong up the
channel, under cover of his own and
the reciprocated salute, he spread
all h isca it vos t o "t h eb"reczc. Before
the Turks cnuld discover his iqrf
ncuv'o? he was out of'ratigc of their
cannon., and speeding his wnVwith
such speed and velocity that it was
impossible lo overtake him. When
he cail anchor off I he mouth of the
Golden Horn', and displayed (he
stars aud stripes, great wa3 the sur
prise and cousteruotiou.. He was
supposed lobe.a pirate, as the flag
of the, United Statqs, never having
before flpated in Turkish- waters,
was unknown. Having no knowl
edge of America, the Turkish au
thorities .were ,iuformed that the'
vessel was from the Ueiv World.
After considerable delay, and threats
of imprisonment iu the Seven Tow
ers forhaviiigpassedthrough the
Dardanelles without permission, the
Commodore was admitted to an
audience at tho palace and eventu
ally accomplished the object of-.his
mission. From Potter's Magazine.
Anciext CiTiES.-TIiree fhousnnd
years ago NiiicvehTctafn"ea2l6
square miles; its walls, 100 feet
high, "witlf towers' of twice that
height, look 140,000 men efght years
to build. .Babylon was yet larger.
This city, founded by jJimrod1 m22!$Z
B. C, had its hanging- gardens, a
series of terraces raised one above
the other on piers about forty feet
high till fhe'y overtopped the walls
of tho-city. 'Each tdrrace comprised
about threeocres and a half, planted
wilh frees utfiirubs. The gov
ernment Wds despotic, but tempered
by a curious check. The king had
absolute power, but could not re
scind his decrees. Eagles were
tralned-(o acepmnany the warriors"
tc,5,.f AkS--C"or to tost upon
the eonqaercd. very great cruel
ties were practised unoif the cap
lives. Iii oue of the rural .scenes
tho king, who .quail's the goblet ju
arbor, is gratified by the sight of Hid
head of an enemy hauging upon oue
ot flic trees. The royal quarry was
the lion. Parks were kept entirely
for the king to enjoy the lion hunt.
Great Ideas. What is needed lo
elcvate.tthevsoulAi3wuotiR,that a man
should know all that has been tbo'l
and written in regard to the spirit
ual nature; not that a man should
become an encyclopedia, but that,
the. great ideas in which all discov
cries terminate, which sum up all
sciences which the philosopher ex
tracts from infinite detailsrpav-be
innnrpy",rtff" ??n?..,fB'i- u "joJl
the quantity, but the quality of
I knowledge.. wh'ieHieTinliins Uir
P . U?P . ' "' ii'y im Mil
minti s tug in t.y. A man ot immense
information may, through the waut
of large comprehensive ideas, be for
inferior in intellect to a laborer,
who, with Utile knowledge, has yet
seized on great . truths. I have
known very learned men who seem
ed to me very poor in intellect, be
cause they had no grand thoughts.
What avails it that a man has
studicdevereouriHUtelythe histo
ries of Greece and Komc, if the
great ideas of, freedom, and" beauty,
and valor, and spiritual energy,
havcCuot'beeu kindled by those rec
ords, Into living fires iu his soul?
General Sherman says he has seen
ajl the royal ladies at European
courts, and has never seen oue who
is superior to Airs. Hayes, or who
could discbargethe duties, of her
position at the White House with
more grace. He considers Mrs.
Ilayesihot only a handsome woman,
but oue endowed with mauy rare
qualities of mind, and disposition,
an opinion iu xhich few who kuow
her can. fail to coincide.
He who climbs above the cares of
the world, and turns his face to his
God, haefouudlhesuuny. side of
life; Tho world's side of the hill, is
chill and freezing to a spiritual
miud, but the Lord's presencefgiyes
a warmth of joy w,hich turns Win
ter into Summer.iSmrveoji.
A meddlesome old woman was
sneering at a yotfug mother's awk
wardness with her infant, aud said:
"I declare, a woman never ought to
have, a, baby unless she knows how
to hold it." "Nor a tongue, cither'
quietly responded the youug mother.
1 V l !.
'Rafcs of Advertising.
r.T ,t lii :: i Z
Space. lie aw Imp 3ni tint lyr
IcoHiun JjlQti $31 iSSWS100
S.U0 I 12 I 15 I 31,1 ' U 0
U.00 I 9 12 I 15 atl I 33
"fTST 750 1 lit 14 I "iff iTTt
. .' . j." i
I inciirii
I "J.OOj'lJ.T.'il 10 12 15 20
1 ;" V J.!')!)1! 2.-J5 t 4 T fl 5 . 10
Utlinc4 and cnrtU ten
,llnen ovJfii'j'Kwa, lMjr annHra.tfji dol
lars. teal advertisement at- utatuto
'rates. ""Edltdrial local notices" fifteen
cents a line each 'Inertlon. "Local
notices',' five cents., a, line. each. .Inser
tion. Advert!xncnt clanjlfled asuSpo
eial aollce,,fiTc centfra'line first lirjer
tion, three cent a line each subseifaent
ITlarrlnjco n- I-ettery. .
ft will bo conceded, that the av
erago young woman knows tjut
liltjc of tho average, -pung; man
before matrimony. ShofiBds out,
to bo sure, whether hrf catr dance
well ,or not, .and, whether fce Is
versed iu the usages of goqd ,80
cjeiy. ' But as to his fastes 7and
habits, as to his qualities of mind
and heart, a3 to his selfish or un
selfishness of purpose, she knows
little, or nothing. Whether hfs de
ference to hcr and his courteous
demeauor. iu her presence, sprkig
from a natural. refinement anil gen
tleness of heart,-or whether they
nro;.a pa rt.efraj social garb.tpfft on
with the dress coat and -white
gloves and laid nsfdff with-.i'senjje:of
relief when the man returns to his
own coarse self, she has no oppor
tunity lo ascertain. The young
man of tho'suavo manners intho
drawing-room bears ' abont with
him uo trace? of the musty cigar
smoke aud tho ninsficr morality of
tho club, where he was but Jrist
before lCtilHng wittiefsma whose
coarseness was only matched by
their dullness. Thq youug woman
who mcetashiin iy, society is ploased
with his elegance and grace, but
is unhappily Ignol-ant of- tho men
tal emptiuess and moral iniquity
which underlie these. Had she a
more complete knowledge she mfght
give, a different answer tp, the im
portant question which the youRg
man by and bputs to her. Not
having such' knowledge, the chauees
are- strong that she will make1 a
mistake. Hence, marriage often be
comes what cynical philosophers
would like to have us believe that
it always is a lottery j and the di
vorce, courts after a while take a
hand in. sorting out the blaiika
JJoston Journal.
A Simple Method r" eHtt'.'nt
1b g: ttoom.w.
Dr. II. N. Dodge informs us that
he has found tho following- plan
very satisfactory for the ventilation
of rooms that ara much used during
cold weather:-Nail or screw a neat
strip of wood, from ono to two
inches high, upon tho window sill,
just inside of the sash, and' extend
ing entirely across from otic side of
tho frame to the other. Upon tho
top of this strip fasten a piece of
"weather strip," so that there will
be formed an air-tight-j oint betrfeen
the "weather strip" and the lower
sash of the window, whether Iho
latter is shut, down ligh or raised
au inch 'or two: tho lower crow-
t piece of ihe sash sliding on the
rubber of the "weather strip" g the
sash rises. With -this simple fix
ture iu place, the lower sash maybe
raised enough to admit a stream of
air between the lower, aud upper
sashes, where they Jap over each
other nt the middle of the. window,
without admitting; the least air at
the window sill. The air admitted
between the sashes U thrown di
rectly up toward the ceiling, aud
thcro mixes with the heated air at
the upper part of the room- Tho
room is thereby voutilated iu a
thorough and ogrccablo manner
without draughts of cold' air upon
the persons iu the room. The fix
ture should bo applied to several
windows iu a room. The amouat
of ventilation may be regulated by
the distance that -the lower sash is
raised. Thi3 arraiigcmdut is cheap,
simple, and effective. Scientific
TiiEUEis nothing more indicative
of refinement and genuine culture
in a family than bright, cheerful,
aud beautifully decorated bed-chambers.
Tasty decorations do not
ncL'cc6arjly mean expense, audit is
possible to make a chamber look
very pretty at a very small outlay.
Iudecd, iu many instance?, uo out
lay at all "will be required beyond
what wpujd be incurred under any
circumstances. .The women of a
family, especially, are opt to pass a
good portion of their time in their
bed-chambers, and in some houses
the sleeping Apartments are used
alike for fcwing roonie, sitting
rooms, aud nurseries. It is Worth
while to obtain all the innocent
pleasures wo can find in this lif,
and there can be bo doubt that
life is much pleasanter, if most' of
its hours arc passcd'in cheerful loot
ing apartments.
Uttlo Julia, jnsl five years old-,
being cautioned by her little brother
against eating too much for supper,
and told she would have tha night
mare, wanted to know where the
nightmare stayed in tha daytime.
If you have talents', iwdustry will
improve them ; If moderate abilities,
industry will supply the deficien
cies. Nothing is denied to. .well
directed labor; nothing-is ever to
be obtained without It.