The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 05, 1879, Image 3

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1 .
Communications, to Insure insertion
In the next isiue, should be in hand on
Monday; If lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding Issue-day. Advertisements,
of whatever class, should be In hand by
noon, Tuesdays.
Advertlbcments under this head 15
cts. a line first insertion, 10 cts. a line
each subieauent insertion.
Quite a number of immigrants
the past week.
"We call attention to L. Kramer's
new ad.
Go to Dan. Faucette for your
Herman Gross intends building,
this spring.
Julius Rasmussen is making an
addition to his dwelling.
Mahlon Clothcr's house on the
Stevens addition is progressing.
Joseph Tiffauy returned home
Saturday with a car load of horses.
T. C. Fagnn, teacher in district
No. 34, closed his school last Friday.
Effort is being made to organ
ize a Columbus Military company.
Don't fail to read L. Kramer's
new advertisement.
J. N. Taylor has a neat, new,
home-made desk in his office.
Green Apples by the T'k.,
Bush, or Bb'l., at
Geo. Rieder's.
Bobs. To Mrs. Richard Bailey,
on Friday morning last, a tcu-pound
J. R. West goes to his farm iu
Monroe Preciuct this week for the
X. Millctt, Esq., and F. Scheck
went to David City yesterday on
S. L. Barrett is erecting a dwell
ing house betweeu A. M. Post's and
Campbell Spencer's.
The entertainment at the Opera
House is reported as a success. A
fair house was present.
If you think of buying a seeder
call at Becker's and examine prices
and goods before buying.
II. Kramer, who has beeu cast
laying in a very extensive stock of
goods, arrived houie Monday.
If you want a cultivator with or
without seeding attachment Becker
ells the best in the market.
If you want the best plow in the
market, go to Becker's and get the
old established Molinc.
Those who prefer the justly cel
ebrated Scotch harrow, will find
them at Becker's.
J. C. Morrisscy is Improving in
health. His trouble has been a
bealitig iu the inner car.
CaII at Becker's, and get one of
thohe celebrated Sterling Harrows
before they are all gone.
Wanted, 1G0 acres of ground
broke two and a half miles north
west of Jackson. Iuquire of S. C.
The man who has my copy of
"Walker's American Law" will
please return it, and oblige M. K.
Thanks to Hon. D. C. Lovcland
for copies of the laws passed at the
recent session of the General As
sembly. Mrs. Philip Schravlcr had her
leg broke Sunday evening by step
ping on a weak board iu the attic
of her dwelling.
Becker keeps the Inrgest 6tock
ofAgricultural Implements iu Co
lumbus, and 6ells them at "Bed
Rock" prices.
Mr.Brigham is starting a black
s nith shop at Senecal's. He is said
to be an excellent workman and a
worthy man.
Miss Rebecca Elliott's school in
district No. 31 closed last Friday.
An exhibition and a dinner were a
part of the day's programme.
The "Rural Nebraska" says "the
silver comet and string bands aro
about perfect." This of course re
fers to Columbus.
School iu district No. 4S closed
last week. "We are informed that
Mr. Dickinson, the teacher, has
given good satisfaction.
If you want a good cigar for
five or ten ceuts, go to Geo. Rieder's
Grocery Store on Eleventh street
and get the worth of your money.
Ed. Fitzpatrick has removed his
bookstore to Red Front Drug-store
on the opposite side of the street
from Bonstccl's store and the Post
office. Byron Millctt, Esq., informs ns
that Patrick Murray lias appealed to
the supreme court iu the case of
School Diet. No. 3 vs Murray, and
that the 6ame will be heard at the
April term.
We have not been able to ascer
tain the name of the 6tyle of Byron
Millet's new bat. He didn't refuse to
hand over the cigars, but we refuse
to take them until we learn the
The tin-wedding of Rev. Sher
man and wife was celebrated Mon
day eveniug. Some very handsome
presents were made to the worthy
couple. Dr. Mitchell, in a neat,
timely speech, presented a silver
watch to Mr. Sherman.
Teachers, pupils and others oc
casionally need blank news paper.
We will furnish it in sheets the size
of the Journal, 25x38 inches, four
sheets for 5 cents, eight for 10, one
quire for 25 cents, and cut to suit.
M. K. Tcknee & Co.
Court has been adjourned to
April 14th.
Rob. Compton came down Sun
day from bis ranche.
Bobk. To Mrs. C. A. Newman,
Sunday, March 2d, a 6on.
James Ware of Greeley county
is making Columbus a business
E. A. Sage and family returned
Friday from a six weeks' visit to
friends in Iowa.
Fresh French prepared mustard,
by the quart or gallon, very cheap,
at Henry Bros.
Fresh French prepared mustard,
by the quart or gallon, very cheap,
at Henry Bros.
On the 25th, Supt. Barrett or
ganized the 62d school district of
Platto county.
The boys at the Court House
Monday morning said that Newman
couldn't keep still at all.
Saml. C. Smith, land agent, re
ports having sold John Ruber's
farm to a gentleman from Wise.
A good-sized audience greeted
the Columbus Dramatic Club at
Schuyler Saturday night last.
Father John Flood will for the
time being rcruaiu iu ColumbuB and
assist Father Ryan iu his ministerial
Young man, before you 6tart out
to see your girl, call at Gustavc
Hellborn's aud get one of his suits
of Hue clothes.
Thomas Farrell whohas been
sick for 6ome time is now convales
cent after suffering a relapse of the
first attack.
Died. In thin city Tuesday, Mar.
4th, Willie, infant child of William
and Sophia Becker, aged 3 months.
The funeral will take place this
afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will hold a sociable at the
rcsidcuce of Mrs. A. W. Crites this
evening (.Wednesday). All are very
cordially invited to attend.
A. W. Lawrence has recently
sold windmills to J. C. Uartman,
Jno. Shane, P. J. Towler of Ante
lope Co., D. A. Miuiok of Butler
Co., aud J. W. Bishop of Madison
V. B. Larue, living five and a
half miles east of Columbus, had his
dwelling destroyed by fire early
Monday morning of last week. All
his grain was stored in the house,
and lost with it.
J.E. Taskcr and Bro. can afford
to sell sewing machines cheaper than
any other agents, because they do
not take them into the country, thus
saving expense and time. Call soon
if you wish a good bargain.
It will pay you to buy a sewing
machine of J. E. Taskcr & Bro., he
cause they are selliug tho best ma
chine in the market, and are selling
them five dollars cheaper than any
other atrents iu the county. Cull
aud 6uc them.
Remember that A. W. Lawrence
furnishes the Standard seeder and
cultivator, the Grand Detour plow,
and Nebraska breaker, harrow, &c
Call, examine, aud get his prices.
You will make money by calling on
him before purchasing.
We have blank note books, for
sale, in books of 100 each, suitable
for threshers, mechanics and others
for work and labor; also the com
mon form, and the note "payable at
Columbus State Bank." Also re
ceipts in book form. M. K. Tim
ner & Co.
Little Fraukie Carter, whose
death by drowning at Omaha on
the 22d ult., mention of which was
made in the last Journal, was a
son of R. G. Carter, formerly station
ageut at Jackson. Mrs. Carter (now
a widow) lives iu Omaha. The
blow falls very heavily upon her.
Little Frank was a bright and well
behaved boy.
Representatives Ryan and Love
land returned from Lincoln Thurs
day last. They represented their
constituents faithfully and well.
We could have wished that every
constituency iu the State had been
as ably and as satisfactorily repre
sented as was theirs and Senator
George W. Turuer, who has
been employed in this office for the
past eight years, left on Saturday
last with the intention of going a
little farther west "to grow up with
the country." He will 6top at Hast
ings, this state, for a short time.
Charles Fields, a young man from
Nnligh, takes G. W's. place on the
We uudcrstand that James Scully
living on the Pawnee Reserve five
miles above Genoa is selling off his
stock cheap for cash aud has
about 20 cows to sell yet. Also
wants to sell his farm on Shell Creek'
valley, 6 miles northeast from Co
lumbus or if not 6old will rent it,
preparatory to migrating to Wash
ington Ty., this spring.
Michael Sheehan, brother of E.
D. Sheehan, of this city, exhibited
to us last week a model ship and
ocean &teamer, the work of his own
hands, which were placed under
glass in a large frame. They were
very neat and nice. Mr. Sheehan
is an old sailor, and doubtless at
tached to sailing vessels. He in
formed us that he intcuded to
leave them at the ticket office of
17. P. R. R. this city, where they can
ba seen.
Who was the young man that
went to sleep on coming up from
Schuyler. on Saturday night and
woke up at Silver Creek and reach
ed Columbus Sunday morning at 5
o'clock ?
The first of a course of lectures
on "Popular Amusements" was de
livered last Sunday eveniug, at the
Congregational Church, by Rev. E.
I. Sherman, subject, "Object of
Amusements." The second lecture
will be next Sunday evening, sub
ject, "Cards and Billiards."
Capt. Wm. McDonald and fami
ly arc visiting friends in this vicini
ty. He and his brother James have
recently made a trip through tho
counties west of us with a view to
location, aud he has determined to
settle down in Nebraska sometime
during the coming summer.
Bartley Lamb, brother of Wm.
Lamb of this city, passed through
on Monday last for Iowa, where his
family resides and where he owns
an extensive land and stock interest.
He expects to return in a tew days
to his ranche on Cedar river, at the
mouth of Timber creek with stock
that will improve our breeds of
hogs, horned cattle, horses aud
We give the list of laws as sign
ed by the Governor. It will be
noticed that the "capitol 6teal" title
reads "A bill to provide for the
erection of a wing to a capitol build
ing," &c, and not the Capitol
building, &c. Of course Lincoln
thinks she has secured the Capitol
for all time to come, because of the
enormous expenditnrcs that have
already beeu made by the State at
that poiut.
The bodies of Frank Morehead
and James Ashbaugh were brought
to this city Thursday of this week.
It will be remembered that these
persons were killed by the Indians
at Morchead's ranch,on the Niobrara
about the 2Gth of January last.
They were both scalped. The body
of Morehead was taken to Dunlap,
Iowa, for interment, and thut of
Ashbaugh was buried at the, cem
etry, this city.
John Tuunahill and John Wig
gins have traded farms. Tanuahill
has already taken possession of his
3 acres iu the eastern part of the
city, aud will continue there his old
busiuess of raising vegetables aud
seeds for sale. Being thoroughly
trustworthy, Mr. Tanuahill has suc
ceeded in establishing a first-class
reputation as a dealer, and in time
will doubtless reap a rich harvest.
Mr. Wiggins congratulates himself
upon the possession of one of the
best little farms iu the country.
When the swallows come we
naturally think that balmy days will
follow, and when the vender of
cheap jewelry comes we naturally
look to see some person duped, and
are not often mistaken. On Mon
day, the cheap jewelry man was
here and many were his victims,
but he met one woman who raised
his hopes high only to dash them to
earth, aud leave him a poor discon
solate pcddlar "all forlorn." She
invested, then repented, then went
for the pcddlar aud persuaded him
to swap the money she had invested
for the jewelry she had bought. It
was a lively discussion, but he
Have you homestead rights or
timber claims you wish to dispose
of? Uuve you bought railroad lands
aud are unable to meet your pay
ments? Have you improved or un
improved deeded lands you wish to
sell? If so place the disposal of the
same in the hands of Becchcr &
Reynolds of this city. Being the
General agents for B. & M. R. R.
lands, large numbers of persons from
the east correspond with or make
personal application to them in re
gard to lands. 2fow is the time to
dispose of your lands, as the tide of
immigration has already set in, and
a great number of land buyers from
the east will be in this county dur
ing tho present month.
A convention is to be held at
the Graud Pacific, Chicago, March
17th, in the interests of immigration,
and the settlement of the great west.
There will be delegates from all
parts, of the States interested. The
Catholic Bishop here has appointed
Rev. Fathers Ryan and Smith of
Platte county to represent Nebraska
at the convention, and it is to be
hoped that great good will result
from their deliberations. Father
Ryan has long been in the harness,
knows tho needs of the country
thoroughly and has always taken a
lively interest in immigration mat
ters. Father Smith is younger by
far, but has an excellent head on his
shoulders, and will make a good
member of the convention.
George Rieder has removed his
grocery from Nebraska Avenue to
Eleventh street, and will hereafter
ocenpy the ucw brick building be
tween Dr. Heintz's drug-store and
Gerber's furniture store. Geo. has
been very successful in business
here, and well deserves it because
he is considerate and obliging, and
besides, furnishes excellent goods at
living rates. He desires it to be
understood that he wishes to see all
his old customers at the new place,
together with as many new ones as
will thus honor him. George is not
one of those particular kind of indi
viduals that will talk only in one
tongue, but will 'speak to you in
English, German, Swiss or well
we don't know how many other
languages ho knows, '
Justice, Bateman & Co.,of Phil
adelphia, iu their circular of March
1st, say : "The wool market of Feb
ruary is moderately active. Prices
of all qualities were firm. The light,
open medium wools or those im
proved by meriuo crosses are iu
most request, aud bcarce; prices for
the latter showed considerable buoy
aucy. The London auctions now
progressing for the colonial wools
opened quite too high to admit of
importations to America, and our
markets are unaffected by .it. We
think the future of the wool busi
ness presents encouraging features.
The severe cold weather of the past
wiuter has caused larger consump
tion of wool goods than for several
years, which undoubtedly will en
courage the running of all the
woolen machinery now in motion.
At this season of the year territorial
wools are scarce, and very good
prices can be had for all good lots
as fast as they arrive."
Letter .iU
The following Is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-ollice, in
this city, for the mouth ending Feb. 23th,
Allis Elisha
Butler James
Beokrcu Fred
Bolard Reuben
Brandos J F
Bcal A D
Boyley Mrs
Burns Master M J
Clark Mr S
Coston I M
Croons Mrs Mary M
Curren Miss Sarah
Coolcy Miss Anna
Chirk J W
Farriss W J
Hoffman Joseph
Kennedy James It Miss F K
Lane II G
Lang Mrs Jarret
Morgan John J
McCann D II
At ah an M
McCay Charles
Persting John F
Rogers John
Rod (J Lawrence
Heed Miss Julia A
Roberts Amos
StLeland Joheph
Seaman "V W
Sanderson Sophia
Schaflner John
Speorry Mrs Aga-
thef'J) "
Stewart Tenni
rbanirhcuesy Ellen
Thompson Mrs Ju
Tagett Will F
Warner G F
Wist J O
3Iartin James
Registered Wojeich Siemek.
Package Mrs. Laura Vauderbilt.
If not called -for within thirty days
will be uent to the dead letter office,
Washington, D. C. When called for
please say advertised, as these letters
are kept separate.
E. A. Geukakd, F. M.
LHMbcr Given Away.
This is the heading to a partial
price-list just printed by us for
Messrs. Ja3ggi & Schupbach. Our
young friends but recently entered
the lists ns dealers iu lumber, and
are ambitious enough to throw down
the gauutlet aud defy competition in
prices. It takes time to accomplish
great moves, but they have taken
the time, aud they authorize us to
say that their prices are fearfully
and wonderfully low for central Ne
braska. Such prices wero never
before kuowu here, and these gen
tlemen deserve the thanks of the
community for bringing them down
to the very bed-rock, which will eu
able every man to make desired im
provements. Cheap lumber has
been the crying want of the country
heretofore, and we are glad to know
that that want is now supplied.
Call ou them aud get a price-list.
Iixtrict Xo. 8.
G. B. Darr's school in this district
closed last Friday. From Sun't
Barrett, who was present, we gather
some facts in regard to the school
and the district. The Board, con
sisting of W. D. Davies, Director,
Peter Wheeler, Treasurer, and Mr.
Loscy, Moderator, take a very lively
interest in school matters. Every
facility for teaching, and for the
comfort and convenience of the
children, is provided. Mr. Barrett
reviewed the classes on Friday last,
aud was well pleased with the
school, lie pays the parents of the
district a high compliment in say
ing that there were more of them
present on tho occasion mentioned
than he has seen all the year iu all
the other schools besides.
For the Journal.
Died, Feb. 15th, 1S79, Pearl A., infant
daughter of Barclay and Rebecca Jones,
aged 9 months aud 13 days.
Draw the curtains, softly tread
In the room where baby lay.
Piercing thought! our'Pearlis dead.
Baby died to-day.
Put away her tiny dresses,
Dolls and playthings put away.
We shall miss sweet Pearl'b caresses,
Since she died to-day.
Leave the casket with Its treasure
Lovely baby turned to clay. ,
She Is happy with the angels,
Since she died to-day.
Give her now your latent kiss,
Dry thoe tears and come away.
In a happier world than this
Baby lives to-day.
IMKCHKsion ob Prohibition.
The debate will be resumed Mon
day evening, March 10th, at the
Opera House, to open promptly at
half-past seven.
The chief debaters will be ns be
fore, Rev. E. L. Sherman aud C A.
Speice, each to select one assistant,
the affirmative to open and close,
and the closing speech limited to
replying to arguments advanced by
the negative.
The audience arc requested to
come promptly on time.
Card ofThaaks.
Our many friends in Columbus
will please accept our sincere thanks
for tho numerous testimonials of
their love, which we received Mon
day evening last. That we may
merit continued friendship and es
teem is our earnest desire.
El L. and H. A. Suirmax.
Columbus, Mar. 4, 79.
To jurors, witnesses and whom it
may concern; The District Conrt
of the Fourth Judicial District in
and for Platte county, Nebraska,
stands adjourned until April 14th,
1879, at 9 o'clock, a. m. By order
of Geo. W.'Post, Judge of the 4th
Judicial District.
John Staottek, Clerk.
Te Wkom It may CeBcerau
Parties knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and
settle their accounts, either by cash
or noto, on or before the first day of
February, 1879. By complying
with the request you will save costs.
All old accounts must be settled by
this date. Yours respectfully,
E. D. Sueeiian.
HTe Mere People to be Bstraed
to Death ia Nebraska.
Olive and his gang will be hang
ed, and tho people will burn the
Elaine oil, warranted perfectly non
exploBive. Sold at Stillman's drug
store, fifty cents per gallon. 2
Columbus, Feb. 24, 79.
Charles A. Stevenson, not a claim
agent, but a comrade, will act as
amauuensis for claims to be settled
with the U. S. Government ; address
him at Columbus, Neb.
Good news to people of Platfe
and adjoining counties. Great re
duction in Lumber prices at the
yard of Jaeggi & Schupbach.
Prices doivu" to bed rock terms
6trictly cash. Give them a call.
Wanted Immediately.
A girl to attend to children and
assist generally. Apply to Mrs.
Carew on 11th street, 2 doors west
of John Stauffer's.
Advertisements under this head live
cents a line each insertion.
Pure cider vinegar at Hudson's.
Lamps nt cost at Geo. Rieder's.
New Palermo Lemons at Hud
son's. Pure apple juico cider at Hud
son's. New Messina Oranges at Hud
sou's. Choice Fancy Candies at Hud
son's. Pure cider vinegar nt George
Cheviot, shirts for 25 cents at L.
Fresh milch cow for sale at Geo.
Ricders. 55
Pure Buckwheat flour at Win
Virtually giving goods away nt
Galley Bros.
Call at Galley Bros, ifyou want
cheap Goods.
To be economical you must trade
at L. Kramer's.
Canned fruit at 10 cents per can
'at Geo. Rieder's.
Nice onions 50 cents a bushel at
George Rieder's.
The new cigar "Desirable" 3 for
a dime at Hudson's.
A large lot of remnants for nalc
cheap at L. Kramer's.
Woolen suits at $3.50 at the Rev
olution dry goods store.
The best brands of cigars can
be had at Win. Becker's.
Canned fruits and confectionery
of all kinds at Hudson's.
Cassimere suits for JfG.OO at I.
Gluck's Revolution store.
Good Baking Powder 25 cents
per pound at Geo. Reidcr's.
A yard wide muslin 5 cents a
yard at the Revolution store.
A lot of heavy overcoats for
$2.25 at the Revolution store.
New golden dates, figs and ma
ple sugar bricks at Hudson's.
Head the price list of goods of
the iV. Y. Cheap Cash Store.
Ladies' cloaks at co6t at the
New York Cheap Cash Store.
Boys' and men's caps at 25 cents
at the N. Y. Cheap Cash Store.
If you want a cheap 6uit, the
place to get it is at Galley Bros.
Harrow tcpth very cheap at
Robert Uhlig's Hardware house.
Good wool hats, 50 cts. apiece at
the Revolution dry goods store.
Teas a specialty at M. II.
O'Brien's grocery on 11th street.
Recollect that Shotwcll & Ran
dall pay the highest price for hides.
Brown duck overalls 35 cents a
pair at I. Gluck's Revolution store.
Only 25 cents for one pound of
Baking Powder at Geo. Rieder's 2
Lace and silk handkerchief for
10 cts. at the N. Y. Cheap Cash
Pickled pig's feet, sonced Iamb's
tongue and pickled tripe at Hud
son's. Turkey red handkerchiefs at 5
cents at the New York Cheap Cash
Oranges, sweet cider and Mich
igan apples just received at Hud
son's. Choice malt vinegar pickles by
the dozen or hundred at George
A lot of Ladies beaver cloaks to
close at $1.75 at I. Gluck's Revolu
tion store.
Shotwcll & Randall pay the
highest market price for live or
dressed poultry.
All linen half bleached table
cloth 20 cts. a yard at I. Gluck's
Revolution store.
L. Kramer, as usual, is the first
in the field with new spring goods
cheaper than ever.
For the choicest of family
groceries, at the lowest living rates,
call on M. H. O'Brien.
An elegant new line of Ham
burg edgings and inscrtiugs just re
ceived at L. Kramer's.
, Any man can buy for $3 a new
and complete suit of clothes at L.
Kramer's N. 7. Cheap Cash Store.
Hotels, saloons, and country
dealers supplied with oysters nt bed
rock prices at Hudson's.
I have made arrangements for
regular delivery of pure sweet cider,
guaranteed. H. J. Hudson.
Choice grades of coffees and
teas at Wm. Becker's. He stands
back for none on quality or price.
For the best beer in town go to
Wm. Bucher's, where yon will find
a lunch of pig's feet, fish, cheese, &c.
Best sewing machine oil, also
Howe, and Wheeler &WiIson nee
dles, for salo by J. E. Tasker &
Bro. 3t
For the next sixty days I will
6ell my whole stock of dry goods
and clothing at less than cost price
I. Gluck.
Ifyou want choice teas, coffees,
syrups, spices or anything else good
in the grocery line, call at William
Good 2 button kid gloves in nil
sixes, shades aud colors can be had
at 50 cts. at the New York Cheap
Cash Store.
For salo cheap for cash or on
time One work mare, one No. 1
pony aud one fresh milch cow.
D. Anderson.
Received a new lot of fine cook
ing stoves which will be sold nt
very low prices at Robert Uhlig's
store house. 458-3
Pure Buckwheat flour, also Gra
ham.and Becker & Welch's flour of
all brands warranted good, for sale
nt Wm. Becker's. 4t
Harness, doublo and single sets,
saddles, bridles, whins, halters,
blankets, &c.,&c, at Dan. Fnucctte's
on Nebraska avenue.
I. Kramer of the Hew York
Cheap Cash Store has but one uni
form low price for everybody. Call
on him before buying elsewhere.
Oysters received daily aud sold
by the dish, can or case at U. J.
Hudson's, two doors west of the
Hammond House.
In theso hard times and low
prices of produce a dollar must buy
a good deal, aud it will do so ifyou
go to Galley Bros.
Go to S. T. Hill's to get your
watches, clocks aud Jewelry repair
ed. Store with C. L. Hill's book
store ou Olive street.
Just received, a choice article of
White clover Comb Honey; Flori
da Oranges; Caramels; Figs; and
Maple Sugar at Hudson's.
Tasker Bros, don't take sewing
machines into the country, but they
do sell them enough cheaper to pay
the purchaser for taking them home.
Bear one thing iu mind, in deal
ing with Galley Bros, they have but
one price, and ifyou do not want to
trade on that basis pass them by.
I will not impose on the public
and my customers by advertising
what I cannot substantiate. Call
and convince yourself of tho fact.
Win. Becker.
Those who desire a pure and
good article should call at the Cali
fornia Wine Depot of Sam Gass's
and try some of the white Califor
nia grape brandy.
Fix your harness for spring
work. Don't delay it until some
thing weak breaks and your team
runs away. Dan. Faucette knows
just how to put it in good shape.
Shotwcll Sc Knadall
On Olive street are furnishing the
best of beef, pork, sausage, &c, &c,
at prices to suit the times.
Closing; OhI! Clotting: Oat!!
N. G. Boncstcel at the old stand
ofBonesteel Bros.' will now close
out the entire stock of Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Those wishing to buy good goods
cheap will find it to their iutcsest to
call on us at once.
- 55-x Boxesteel Buos.
The Tattereall Livery Stable is an
excellent place to stop at when you
are in town with a team. Good ac
commodations. Reasonable charges.
On Olive htreet, one door south of
Coolidgc's hardware store. Try
them. 268.x.
For Sale Cheap.
At Dan Ryan's stable, one yoke
ot work oxen, one span of mare?,
oue span of pony mares, one good
cow, two sett of hingle harness, oue
sett of double harness, one heavy
spring wagon, one buck-board with
patent cover, one sulky.
Inquire at this office, or at the
Doctors advise this as being the
best lime in the year to have dis
eased teeth extracted. During the
next 30 days I will make sets of
teeth tor $15. The best teeth and
the best workmanship.
J. J. Byknr, Dentist,
Columbus, Neb.
To Herd.
"We will take a limited number of
young cattle to herd on our range
during the coming season at reason
able rates. Arrangements should
be made soon, and ma' be made
with us, at our ranche, or at the
office of A. Henry, Olive street,
Columbus, Neb.
60-x. J. E. Tasker & Bro.
For Sale.
Your choice of two improved
farms, best of soil, situated in the
Loupe Valley, 12 miles northwest of
Columbus, aud 8 miles from Genoa,
in a good neighborhood convenient
to School and Post -office, (daily
mail), and would be a first-class
location for a store. Also the fol
lowing stock, if desired : Two, No.
1 young, work teams; one span of
ponies; three colts; about thirty
head of shoals; wagons, harrows,
and a full set of farming imple
ments, in fact everything necessary
to run a first-class farm. Chanac of
business object iu selling; must be
sold before April 1st, 1879. Call on
or address Geo. Lehsian,
Monroe P. O., Platte Co.,
456-tf Nebraska.
A Card.
1 am selling the Ilanna "Wagon
as good a wagon as ever stood on
wheels, and claim that no wagons
ever attained the same high reputa
tion for Superior Finish and Light
ness of Dralt, as those-of this facto
ry's production, which claim stands
unquestioned by an impartial Pub
lic. The wheels, belore being tired,
are thoroughly saturated with Lin
seed oil a sore preventative against
loose tires. As strong a warrantee
given as any other iactory iu the
world. Call and see the wagons be
fore purchasing elsewhere. They
can be seen southeast of the Ham
mond House.
I also have (be Double Acting
Suction, and Lift and Force Pumps
which I can sell as cheap as the or
dinary Lift Pump. Call and see
them. My office is In S. C. Smith's
Land Office.
T. P. Coan-.
Columbus, Neb., March 5, 1879.
EJey lilfc.
What a truly beautiful world wo
live in! Nature gives us grandeur
of mountains, glens and oceaus, aud
thousands of means fur enjoyment.
Wc can desire no better when in
perfect health ; but how often do the
majority of people leel like giving
it up disheartened, discouraged aud
worried out with disease, when
there is no occasion for this feeling,
as every sufferer can easily obtain
satisfactory proof that Green's Au
gust Flower will make them as tree
from disease as when born. Dys
pepsia and Liver Complaint is the
direct cause of seventy-five percent
of such maladies ns Biliousness, In
digestion, Sick Headache, Costivc
ucss, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness
of tho Head, Palpitation of the
Heart, and other distressing symp
toms. Three doses of August Flow
er will prove its wonderful effect.
Sample bottles, 10 ceuts Trv it.
Sold by C. B. Stiilnmu. Dohuid &
Smith aud A. Hcintz,CuIuinbth,Ncb.
Wit h led.
A pony, or young cattle, in ex
change lor first-class sewing ma
J. E. Tasker & Bro.
Advertisements under this Lead live
cents a line, tint insertion, three cents
a line each subsequent insertion.
FFoit ItoKF.D Wklt.8 leave or
ders at Ryan's Hotel. McDcrmot & Co.
ICcgHlur Stock Ieuler.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; alio fat and stock hog-..
3'J-y I). A.NDKltSO.W
Mule fur Mule.
Two good work mules for sale.
Inquire of the undersigned at Martin
Blocdoru's. fit John Stkixdkl.
To Iendur of Amatenr ISiiimIn
and Other.
For sale, a full set of Brass In
struments for ia performer. For price
and further particulars, apply to
11. U. UAKBW, Columbus, Xcb.,
It Sec'y Columbus Cornet Hand.
" Doat You llet,"
For if you do you will Io.hc money by
purchasing an expcn!re Wind 3111m.
when you can buy one of J. O. Shannon
for about one-haif the money that any
other costs. Call 0:1 J. O. Shannon, on
11th itreet, opposite Aluhlou Clother's
store. Columbus, Neb. 411.1.1
it is
learn it The great demand for Short
Hand writers The Jliitory and Devel
opment of Short-Hand, with a critical
aualization and comparison of the three
American modifications of Isaac Pit
man's invention MUNSOX'S the only
perfect Hystcm; acknowledged to be
superior to all in siju'LKTTY and lfoi
murY Oreat speed of 3IUXSO.VS
PIIOXOGKAPIIY; 307 words per min
ute Pboiiugraiihy at a Profession; not
overcrowded like law or medicine, and
equal to any learned profession in honor,
and as remunerative The follv of learn,
Iiir Telegraphy when there "are thou
sands out of employment Tho folly of
trying to learn Short-Hand without. -t
teacher The 'Self instructors" of old,
played out systems The bent aud
cheapest way to learn Teaching by
mall And much other information by
addressing J. J. Shktks, Teacher oj
Phonography, P. O. box 11W2, Iowa City,
Iowa. til'
Our ((notations of tho markets are ob
tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat Xo. 1, tcstfiO lbs..
" " 2, " 60 ' ..
" " 3, " M " ..
" Rejected
j Uillf
VS H9f j
M 11 Iltllllfa . a ,
.. ?2 2.--2 75
... 2500J3 0O
Buekwneat Flour, per lb.
Meal 80l 00
Butter, 1012J4
EfTgs, N&'IU
Potatoes 'i&'M
Beant-ybu 150:! 00
Peas ' 1 001 50
Onions -NKgfto
Turnips' 2540
Beets ' 40CO
Fat Hogs 2 40270
Fat Cattle, 2 00$:! 50
Yearlings, 0 W( 00
Calves 3 004 00
Sheep 3 00
Good veal, per hundred f 00
Hides, green salted, 3 50
Ham 1012
Shoulders 47
Corned Beef i(&7
Steak 8ai2Ji
Corrected by Columbus State Bank
Gold $1.00
Platte Counts "Warrants.. 85 to 100
Other " 70 to (
City " 7ftto!)0
School District Bonds 75 to 80
State Warrants 00 to 100
Exchange on Europe 1-3
" " New York... l-3oflp.ct.
" " Chicago 1-3" "
" " Omaha 1-10 "
Canada currency, 2 per cent, discount.
Silver change i'n large amounts, 1 per
cent, discount.
Mexican dollars. 75 cents.
Sliver dollars, par.
The K. K N. W.'Vi, Sec. -I, T. 17. R. 1
E., P. 31., containing 30.11 acres. Sixty
acres under cultivation, and the remain
der i good hay land. The improvements
are a story and a half frame house with
live rooms, lathed aud plastered
throughout; a wood shed; new frame
stable and granary; corn crib, cattle
shed, hog yard,eorraL, etc, There ic on
the place a good well of water. Five
acres of growing timber consistingof cot
tonwood, ash, soft maple, elm, Ac. Also
a young fruit orchard consisting of ap
ples, peaches, cherries, wild plum,
currant and goose berry bushes, grape
vines, ttc, all in very excellent condi
tion. Four miles northeast of Colum
bus, it is convenient to market, and is
a desirable farm. Price J1350, two-thirds
cash, remainder in three equal annual
payments. Inquire at the Jouknml
omcc, for further particulars, or of the
undersigned, on the premises.
458-z A. II. GIBSON.
Great chance to make
money. If you can't
xet Kold you can tret
srreenbacks. "Wc need
a person in every town to take sub
scriptions for the largest. cbeapet and
T)cst Illustrated family publication in
the world. Any one can become a fcuc
cessful agent. The most elegant works
of art given free to subscribers. The
price is so low that almost everybody
subscribes. One agent reports making
over $130 in a week. A lady agent re
ports taking over 400 subscribers in ten
days. All who engage make money
fast. You can devote all your time to
the business, or only your spare time.
You need not be away from home over
night. Yon can do it as well as others.
Full particulars, directions and terms
free. Elegant and expensive Outfltfree.
Ifyou want profitable work send us your
address at once. It costs nothing to try
the business. No one who engages fails
to make great pay. Address "The Peo
ple's Journal," Portland, Maine. 382-y
Stoves, Tinware,
Agricultural Implements.
Goods sold cheap for cash.
AIT Farm. Products
Bought and Sold.
Highest Cash Price Paid,
Goods Exchanged for Produce.
I3TGoods delivered anywhere in tho
city free of charge.
nkw nuiLiirxG ox llnr rtm
Two Doors Cast of Journal Office
Provisions, &c.
New Goods at Low Prices.
bought and sold,
cab price paid.
f. and hithest
or goods exchanged Pr produce. Good
delivered anywhere in the city free of
charge. Kxprcs team in cornier ti.n.
One door east of Gluck's on 11th sr.
Come and see our stock.
400. J. HEMPJ-KMAN .t CO.
olive st.. opposite iia.ti
;tjo:m house.
Will keep on hand all kinds ol Fresh
and Salt Meats, also Sausage, Poultry,
Fresh Fish, etc., all in their season.
Cash paid for Hides, Lurd an I Ba
Dealers In Fresh and Salted Meats.
Ac. Town Lots, AVood. Hides, e.
J. BICKLY, Agent.
Columbus, June 1, 1877.
V. S. Land Offick, )
Grand Island, Neb.. Feb. 24, 1379.)
COMPLAINT having been entered at
this office by Charlie Hedges against
Arthur L. McKinncy for abandoning
his Timber Culture Entry No. 411.
dated April 21, 1874, upon the south-east
X Section 2S, Township 17. North, Range
2 west In Platte count'. Nebraska, with
a view to the cancellation of said entry:
the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office ou the 4th day of
ApriL 1870, at lOo'clock, a. si. to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment. Depositions in
the ease will be taKcn at the oflke of
Sam'I C. Smith, Columbus, Platte Co.,
Nebraska, March 20, lbl'J, at 10 o'clock,
A. si., and continue until completed.
M. B. Hoxik, Register,
4C0-4 "Wm. Anya Receiver.
In the matter of the estate of John Bar
row, deceased.
VfOTICE is hereby given that the
IN creditors of said deceased will
meet the executrix of the last will and
testament of said deceased before the
County Judge of Platte County, Ne
braska, at the County Judge's oltiec in
said county on the Cth day of February,
lS7!i, ou the Cth day of May, 1879, and on
the 5th day of July, 1879. at 10 o'clock
a. in., each day, for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance.
Six months from January Cth, 1879. arc
allowed creditors to present their
claims against said estate.
County Judge.
RECOMM ENDED as far superior to
any other lamp oil In use in the
State. It gives a very bright, clear light
and is perfectly safe. 35-4
I AM constantly receiving the choicest
of Michigan cider and apples. Call
and taste for yourself.
55-t. Wsi. BECKER.
AT 31 Y RESIDENCE, on Shell Creek,
three miles eait of Matthis's bridge,
1 have
70,600 good, hnrd'harat bride
for Male,
which will be sold in lot3 to suit pur
chasers. 443-tf GEORGE I1ENGGLER.
Wl Jf