r- i fl THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY. FEB. 26, 1879. Communications, to Inure insertion In the next issue, should be in hand on Mondays; If lengthy, on Thursday, preceding ibsue-day. Advertisements, of whatever class, should be in hand by noon, Tuesdays. Advertisements under this head 15 cts. a line first insertion, 10 cth. a line each subsequent Insertion. Court next week, Monday. Judge Riley of Albion is in the city. Business is beginning to pickup its feet. Shanehan's house on E 6treet is completed. L. Kuhne of Jackson was in the city Friday. 21. Kramer is expected home next Saturday. Clark Bros, of Albion were in the city Thursday. Don't fail to read L. Kramer's new advertisement. II. F. Snider of Plum Creek was in the city yesterday. J. C. Morrlssey was out again exercising last Monday. Bokx. To Mrs. Dr. Uonesteei, February 22d, a daughter. c" A. Dresner, Esq., of Boone coun ty was in the city yesterday. Men are already beginning to predict the summer weather. If you inteud purchasing a new tot of harncsp give Faucettea call. Lewis Bros, arc about to erect a two-story business house in Albion. F. P. Burgess and family left the city "Weducsday last for Colo rado. Sec A. "W. Lawrence for the Standard 6ecder, plow and culti vator. Harry. Preston came over Fri day from Osceola, where he is now located. The post-office was "pried, up" Monday, and is on wheels rcady-for removal. We learn from Allen Vincent that R. W. Perine is afflicted with rybipelas. Guy C. Barnuin, jr., came up from York, last week, ou a visit to IiIr Father's. Those who prefer the justly cel ebrated Scotch harrow, will find lb em at Becker's. Fitzpatrick wants tlio people to know that the post-office is to be opposite his More. Those who came into the citv vp,tfiida' to attend court, were agreeably disappointed. Rev. Christison, who wa sever al weeks aro injured by a fall from . wagon, is recovering. If you want the best plow in the market, jro to Becker's aud get the old established Moline. Ex U. S. Senator, T. W. Tipton, is lecturing on "Bob Ingcrsoll's gov ernment without a God." If you want a cultivator with or without feeding attachment Becker tells the best in the market. John Fishcr,who stamped Platto qouuty.soil eight years ago, issuer-c on a short visit from Lincoln. About forty citizens of Colum bus attended the Dramatic perform ance at David City Saturday night. A. M. Post, Esq., spent a por liou of last week in attendance on thmdistriet'court for. Merrick cotw- ty. - ' Nicholas Gentleman had his dwelling-house burned down Satur day two weeks. The furniture was avert. Waxtf.ii, 1G0 acres of ground broke two and a half miles north west of Jackson. Inquire of S. C. Smith. i The man who has my copy of "Walker's, American Law" will please return it, and oblige M. K. Turner. Ed. Xe'wman closed his five months' term of school at Jackson, on Friday last. Ed. is a good teacher. F -11 Becker keeps the largest stork of Agricultural Implements in Co lumbus, aud sells them at "Bed Rock" prices. Mahlon Clolhcr has commenced the erection of a dwelling bouse on Nebraska Avenue, opposite E. J. Baker's residence. We learn that George Birney has sold sixty-niue head of fat cattle f Europe." for $3700, to be shipped direct to Liverpool, Euglaud. Hay tea is said to be au excel lent thing for calves that can not be provided with a sufficient quantity of'theirnalaiVl food. y There will be a sociable at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ilickok this (Wednesday) evcuitiir, to which all are invited. - To make 6ure that the honey locust is a success for hedge purpo ses one should visit the farms of the Warrens', Butler county. , Theo: Friedhof says the temper ance excitement at North Platte is high. Mr. Finch, is very successful there in making converts. C. E. Morse returned Salurtlay evening from Ipwa with a car-load of horses, fifteen marcs and two geldings, which we suppose will be for sale. C. D. Casper and bis .partner MrkEvsoa -of the BuUer CoPress, ialk of adding to their newspaper office ajobbjng outfit. hePircwis one of the pioneers of Nebraska, and we 6hall be glad to note any iniprorexnbiirs it may make," We call attention to L.Kramer's new.ad. Call at Becker', and get one of those celebrated Sterliug Harrows before they are all gone. If you think of buying a seeder call at Becker's and examine prices and goods before buying. Wagons are plentiful in Nebras-. ka, aud be who is in need ought to be able to buy one at very low figures. B. & M. R. R. Lands are going like hot cakes. Becber & Reynolds are delivering from the North Ne braska oven. The Columbns Social Club will give their first social hop at the Wadsworth building on llth street, Thursday evening this week. The legal contest between the tax-payers of Boone Co., and the B. & M. R. R. Co. is becoming a mat ter of considerable interest there In N. t). Howe's communication this week on "Home" there are 6ome eentiraents worthy of record as long as the human race endures. Mr. Ewing (ne Freddie Lang- hoff)andMrs. Roberts, of Omaha, were visiting friends in the city last weekjaudrcturned home Monday. E. Weinschtnk went to North Platte yesterdajy to take his position alongside of Louis Kramer and Beverstock in the North Platte store. Mr. Geo. Wcscott has put up a dwelling and a stable, near the 60ulhest corner of his furm the old "Rickly" place west of Jacob ErustV. Mrs. Post, mother of Judge G. W., A. M., and Jos. Post, ia danger ously ill at her sou's residence in York. She is about sixty-five years old. Galbraith Bros, have purchased Gus. Xockner'a stock of farm ma chinery and implements, and will continue the same business on -12th 6treet. The Columbus Dramatic Troupe will play at Schuyler next Saturday evening. Our friends there will certainly be ulad that " Cousin Joe has cooiucd." Gus. Locknrr was absent from home from Fiiday till Sunday even ing alter a lost tnnre, which he tracked to Shell Creek, six miles ea.t of Schuyler. S. O. Raymond, who returned Saturday from Denver, says that J. A. Baker wa? about going to Lead villc to engage in business at the new mining center. On the 22d of Febiuary, Wash ington' birthday, flags were dis playc'd'at D. D. Wadsworth's; at the Court House, and at Ed. Shce Ii an's on llth street. The Knights of Honor Mutual Aid Association is the uimc of a new older intended to provide $3. 000 additional life iiihumucc to members of the K. of II. J. Wagner has purchased of Aifthony Keller his farm of 80 acres south of "the Loup, has taken pos session, and is now erecting a new house, stable aud granary. Levi Kimball of Polk county was in the city Monday. He has becu disabled for the past fourteen inonthsr bv Ta fall from a wagen which injured the spinal cord. We have lately been publishing some of Will M. Carleton'e ballads. We give, this week, "Betsy and I are Out" and will follow it next with "How Betsey and I made up." The new billiard-hall in connec tion wjth'thejClolhcr Houc is to be 2Gx33Tt:, andJtwo'slorics high. It will front on 12th street, and will appear like a separate building. It is strange but ncverthelesB true that those who deal in hogs, give the name of the animal a queer sound, not "hawg,"as people gen erally call it, but "hahg," short. Fred Schrcedcr of Stearns Prai rie died Saturday last ot abscess of the stomach, aud was buried in the Columbus cemetery Monday. He was about thirty-five years old. Wm. Grant is of opinion that the snow storm which began here yesterday is the first and last of this season. He ought to know, because he is au old settler iu Nebraska. Our old friend Robert Wilkin of California has returned from his European business trip and says "this country seems grand after see ing the cramped, little countries of The Congregational church was l"l , M J ll crowaea nasi Sunday evening ou me How- occasion of the "Object Lesson Con cert." The exercises are said to have beeu very interesting and in structive. Rev. D. C. Thomas, a missionary of the Baptist Church who expects to make Platte county his future field of labor, delivered an excellent 6crmon last Sabbath ftvcniug at the M. E. church. '"Young People's Lecture" at the Congregatioual church next Sabbath evening. Subject,"Popular Amuse ments." A number of extra chairs will be provided to furnish addi tional sittings. We learn of a postmaster lately appointed who inquired of our post master if he could borrow his stamping-machine and glue - pot, saying that he had nothing to make postage stamps with. During the next 30 days I will make sets of teeth for $15. The best teeth and best workmanship. Dr. J. J. Byrne, dentist, Columbus, Neb. I want au agent for the best lamp burner in this country. x Theo. Friedhof, who has been at North Platte since the opening there of Kramor's dry-goods store, returned home Sunday morning, in prime health and spirits. The pro ject at North Platte is a success. Good news to people of Platte and adjoining counties. Great re duction in Lumber prices- at the yard of Jacggi & Schupbach. Prices down to bed rock terms strictly cash. Give them a call. Teachers, pupils and others oc casionally need blank news paper. We will furnish it in sheets the size of the Journal, 25x38 inchc, four sheets for 5 cents, eight for 10, ouc quire for 25 cents, and cut to suit. M. K. Turner & Co. We have blank note hooks, for sale, in books of 100 each, suitable for threshers, mechanics and others for work and labor; also the com mon form, and the note "payable at Columbus State Bank." Also re ceipts In book form. M. K. Tur ner & Co. II. P. Coolidgc is fitting up a hardware and tinware store one door west of Heintz'e.onllth street. He is now ready to do all kinds of of tin work. Henry is known far ami wide iu this region of the State, and a more obliging business man can not be found. The -Thalia Gcssellschaft" will give at the Opera House, Monday, the third of March, two very laugh able pieces, entitled. "Die Rekruti rung im Krashwinkel" and "Sachsen in Prcussen.' After the perform ance, Ball. Everybody turn out, palrouizc home talent, .and have good time in general. The Masquerade Ball given Fri day night by the Hook & Ladder Co. was a grand success in every 1AVID CITY. it i.eel to a Cerrcstnendei Jfoar-aal it. particular as to number and style of musks, the enjoyments of the evening, .and the substantial pro ceeds, which will go towards light ening the burden of the bovs. On last Saturday, in companywith a number o f citizens of Columbus, 1 made a visit to TDavid City. ;Noone can conceivo how much I was sur prised on reaching that place., ,ln factif I had been aloue.1 should uot have known"" that I was ,in the capital of Butler county. Since I last visited there it has grown to an extent beyond my comprehension. The buildings are good and substan tial, aud there is with most of them some regard to architectural 6tylc, which gives a neat and tasly appear ance to the structures of the city. The citizeus of David or the city fathers have madethemsclvespublic benefactors to coming posterity by the effort put forth on the Park, which consists of about five acres of ground, planted to trees, and which will soon be a place of resort for all pleasure-seekers, and a thing of beauty, in the heart of the city. The people are surely intelligent aud appreciative. I found on arri val that the Columbus Dramatic Club were to play "Redeemed, or Among the Breakers," and that the Grand Army of the Republic were to hold a "camp-fire" that evening. It occurred to me that this division of forces would result in a slim at tendance at each, but the citizens of David, jealous of their name, it tnay be, stirred around, and filled both houses full and had a surplus left. The Amateur Troupe occupied Pan tcr's Hall, a room 24x80 feet, which is a success in all its appointments, and, I venture to say, exhibits some of the finest sccuic painting in the State, designed and executed too, by a citizen of the place. Of hotels, I can, by experience, only speak of the Commercial, but this house ia ''immense" in the cui sine. They took in the Troupe and a large number of the G. A: R., and still had rooms and edibles in re serve. The audience at the Opera House was of an intelligent and apprecia tive character, and took in the play with much pleasure, which the Troupe really rendered well. I called, of course, on McCune of the Iiepublicanf who was good-na tured, as usual, and on the alert for items for his very excellent paper. David City is surely a very beau tiful place, situated favorably, the configuration of the land being such ns to make it one of the finest town sites I have seen in Nebraska. It is a live place, aud looked full of busi ness, especially in the line of agri cultural implements. The genial mavor of the citv, B. O. Perkins, in not "a bit proud," and to accornmo datchis people can come down Iroin his position and take a lively "bit of a discussion" by the bonis, and han dle it in a manner that would be a credit to a professional. Take it, all in. al!, we call David City a first-clas town, surrounded by a fiist-class country, filled with intelligent, enterprising aud wide awake people Barrett t. Grlala. Editor Journal : I have neithor the time nor disposition to reply to the numerous communications from P. S. Griffin, nor will 1 notice anything beyoutl what relates lo his official conduct. Iu the last issue of your paper he publishes a certificate from the treasurer of Dist. No. 44 stating that Griffiu had turned over all "books, papers, moneys, etc., belonging to said district, and had made a com plete settlement with him, his successor. Let us see. Last year al the annual meeting the director's record show ed that Griffiu had something over $413 in his possession belonging to the district. Did he then turn it over to his successor? No. Where was the money? He claimed to have loaned it to a cousin with which to start a salooc. He promis ed, however, to make . good his delinquencies aud has since paid all but $100 which he still owes aud for which he has given his note. This is the kind of "complete" settlement he has made, aud the "honest" aud "true" accouut of moneys iu his possession. A settlement -with a promise to pay; Very honest aud very complete settlement, isn't it? Now since Mr. Eikmeyer is so anxious to endorse Griffin's honesty we will give him a passing notice also. Ho too has loaned two hun dred dollars of the district's monoy and taken another promise to pay. If this brace of worthies will refer to page 749 of the revised statutes they will find that to loan or use the funds of a district is a criminal olleuse punishable by both fine and imprisonment. Ignorance of the law, the consent of other members of the board, nor the advice of any one can not be pleaded lor such con duct, and will not stand in law. We would have anicc state of af fairs iu our country if all the custodians of the people's money would loan or use it, aud when a demand is made upon them for the luuds they would respond by simply giving their notes iu payment. Now, in conclusion, 1 will say that ii Mr. Eikmeyer will resign his position as treasurer and turn over all the money in cash due the dis trict from both him aud Griffiu, by the first Monday iu April, all will be well, but if this is uot done 1 shall consider it my duty, as repre senting the educational interests of the county, to commence action agaist both of them for embezzle ment. Yours &c. S. L. Barrett, County Supt. To be economical you must trade at L.Kramer's. ' ,s " ' Dan. Faucelte will furnish you anything in the harness line, at the lowest possible cash prices. Now is the time to have your old harness overhauled, and set iu good 6bape for spring work. It seems from present indica tions that the State is to be overrun by wire fence this year. It seems to us that they have almost every, advantage in their favor, over cither board or live fence. Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson returned Wednesday last from Chi cago, where Mr. A. has beeu with several xar loads of fat -hogs. He reports stock market fair andtplcnty of.BnoWrCstjQf Omaha. . -Tho "following new post-offices have been established in Platte county: Prairie Hill, Charles W. Reslcj, postmaster; St.. -Anthony, Peter Ripptpostmaster ; StBern'ard, Frand Wiebeler, postmaster. Ransdell & Smjtli. shipped six thousand pounds of butter last week. This is a good reckoning, an average of one thousand pounds a day, and shows that dairy products form no mean portion of Nebraska's wealth. The members of the David Citv Cornet Baud discourse "excellcut music, and'thi8 Is' a proper timowS think, to say that the members of the Columbus Dramatic Club were more than pleased when they put in an appearance at the Opera House in David City, Saturday evening, just previous lo the entertainment. Spcice & North have received a large number of copies of the Omaha Weekly Jiepublican giving description of Columbus aud Platte count. Parties iu the country wishing to send to their friends in the east reliable information in ref erence to Platte county should call at the office of Speice & North and gel copies free of charge. S. C. Smith, land agcnf, tells us that II. H. Cosby of Glenwood, la., has bought a tract of land in Platte county, aud expects, to come here with bis family this spring. Also that Clias. Hedges of Grinnel, la., expects to locate near the city and engage in the raisiug of fine stock. A parly of eight Swedes went to Newman's Grove Iast week, expect ing to locate in Platte county, near that neighborhood. The bridges over the channels of the Platte river, between here -and David City, arc in a bad condition, endangering .'.life, and thereby threatening a loss of trade to Columbus. It is understood that four years ago Butler count' secur ed the passage of a law ou bounda ries, which threw these bridges (built by her) beyond her border, but the territory thus stricken from Butler, wa3 not attached to any other county. This state of affairs should in some way be remedied so that some authority could take charge of the bridges. , At the debate on Prohibition, Monday evening, it was apparent from the apologies 'that the dispu tants were not fully prepared for the discussion. Mr. Sherman's open ing speech was fair, and he certainly hud out a large field fprargument. Mayor Speice, in a coo), dispassion ate manner discoursed on the evils of prohibition, while Jndge Higgins was disposed to treat the matter facetiously. Postmaster Gerrard came to the front with logical de ductions, while Sup't Barrett came in with various assertions unaccom panied by statistics. The matter was laid over for another meeting. r . south Columbus Dramatic Clab. Columbus, Neb. Feb. 17th, 79. Columbus Dramatic Club held a meeting for the purpose of forming themselves into a permanent or ganization. Mr. George Fuirchi!d was called upon to act as chairman of the occasion, aud Mr. Sam. Hunt, as secretary. The chairman stated the object of the meeting, and upon the motion being made aud carried, the follow ing officers were elected, viz: President--Geo. Fairchild. Business Manager Em. J. Potts. Stago Manager Sam. Hunt. Treasurer Dan. C. Kavanaugh. Secretary G. W. Phillips. Supt. Properties R. L. Rossiter. Moved aud carried that a commit tee of three be appointed a6 Trus tees; the following gentlemen were chosen, viz: J. U. Tigner, R. L. Rossiter, and D. C. Kavanaugh. Moved and carried that a commit tee of tnrce be .appointed to draft a Constitution and By-Laws for gov erning the organization ; Messrs. Phillips, Kavanaugh and Tigner were selected for that purpose. Moved and carried that a copy of these minutes befurnished the. Era and Journal forpublicationr Ad journed. Sam. U unt, Sec'y. Notice. To Jurors and Witnesses: By order of the Judge of the Dis trict Court of the Fourth Judicial District iu and for Platte county, Nebraska, the February term of the District Court is adjourned until Monday, March 3d, 1879, at 9 o'clock a.m. All parties interested therein lake notice. Columbus, Feb'y 24, 79. John Stauffer, Clerk Dist. Court. Canned fruit at 10 cents per. can at peo. Riedcr's. ., , Nice oniona 50 ccnta a bushel at George Ricder's. The new cigar "Desirable" 3 for a dime at Hudson's A largo lot of remnants for sale cheap at L. Kramer's. Woolen suits at $3.50 at the Rev olution dry goods store. The best brands of cigars can be had at Wm. Becker's. Canned fruits and confectionery of all kinds at Hudson's. Cassiraere suits for $6.00 at I. Gluck's Revolution store. Good Baking Powder 25 cents per pound at .Geo. Reider's. A yard wide muslin 5 pouts a yard at the Revolution store. A lot of heavy overcoats for $2.25 at the Involution store. New golden dates, figs and ma ple sugar bricks at Hudson's. Jiepd the price list of goods of the JY. 1. Cheap Uash Store. Ladies' cloaks at cost at the New York- Cheap Cash Store. Boys' nud men's caps at 25 cents at the N. Y. Cheap Cash Store. If you want a cheap suit, the place to gel it is at Galley Bros. Harrow teeth very cheap at Robert Uhlig's Hardware house. Good wool hats, 50 cts. apiece at the Revolution dry goods store. - Teas a specialty at M. H. OL'JJrieu's grocery on llth street. Recollect that Shotwell & Ran dall pay the highest price for hides. Brown duck overalls 35 cents a pair at I. Gluck's Revolution store. Only 25 cents for one pound of Baking Powder at Geo. Riedcr's 2 Lace and silk handkerchief for 10 cts. at the N. Y. Cheap Cash Store. Pickled pig's feet, souced lamb's tongue and pickled tripe at Hud son's. Turkey red" handkerchiefs at 5 cents at the New York Cheap Cash Store. Oranges, sweet cider and Mich igan apples just-received at Hud sou's. Choice malt vinegar pickles by the dozeu or hundred at George Riedcr's. - - Good house for sale cheap. In quire of George N. Derry, Nebras ka House. A lot of Ladies beaver cloaks to close at $1.75 at I. Gluck's Revolu tion store. Shotwell & Randall pay the highest market price for live or dressed poultry. All linen half bleached table cloth 20 cts. a yard at I. Gluck's Revolution store. L. Kramer, as usual, is the first in the field with new cheaper than ever. For the choicest of family groceries, at the lowest living rates, call on M. II. O'Brien. Waated. A pony, or young cattle, in ex change for first-class sewiug ma chines. J. E. Tasker & Bro. Natvell Kaadall On Olive street are furnishing the best of beef, pork, sausage, &c, &c, at prices to suit the timc9. TA'rri:iwALi The Tattersall Livery Stablo is an excellent place to stop at when you are in town with a team. Good ac commodations. Reasonable charges. Ou Olive Htreet, one door south of Coolidge's hardware store, iry them. 268.x. Those who havo butter and eggs for sale are requested to bring them to Ransdell & Smith's Un Nebraska Avenue, who will pay the same in cash as can be had eieewherc in town, in trade. Call and get the money, with which you can go any where and get what you want at the lowest prices. C!elBff Oat! Cleslag Oat!! N. G. Bonesteel at the old stand of Bonestcel Bros.' will now close out the entire stock of Dry Goe3, Boeta and Skew, Hats and taps. Those wishing to buy good goods cheap will find it to their intesest to call on us at once. 55-x Bonksteel Bros. For Sale Cheap. At Dan Ryan's stable, one yoke of work oxen, one span of marcs, one span of pony mares, one good cow, two sett of tingle harness, one sett of double harness, one heavy spring wagon, one buck-board with paten' cover, one sulky. I Inquire at this office, or at the stable. For Sale. . Your choice of two improved farms, best of soil, situated in the Loupe Valley, 12 miles northwest of Columbus, aud 8 miles from Genoa, iu a good neighborhood convenient to School and Post -office, (daily mail), and would be a first-class location for a ntpre. Also the fol lowing stock, if desired : Two, No. 1 young, work teams; one span of ponies; three colts; about thirty head of shoals; wagon, harrows, and a full set of farming imple ment?, in fact everything necessary to run a first-class farm. Change of business object in .selling; must be sold before April 1st, 1879. Call on or address Geo. Lehman, Monroe P. O., Platte Co., 45G-tf Nebraska. GUS. A. SCHROEDEff, DKALXKIX HARDWARE, Stores; Tim wax, PUMPS, PAINT, WIND MIL3-ASt WAGONS, AND A TVBC ZXSt Of Agricultural Inpfegeits. Goods sold cheap for ck. SIGN OF BIG AX, lit 8TlEETr COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 4M-X. S1CTTH & TIGNER, NORTH-CmUIT. eoiSISbies, FRUIT, PROVISIONS, c o All Farm. ProAmfts Bought ajidSold. o Highest Cask Price Paid, OR Goods Exchanged for Pxodaee. ISTGoodi delivered nay where ia the city free of charge. NKW BUILDINO OX llTII ST., Two Doors Cast of Jearsal OMet. CITY MEAT MARKET, ON OX.BTE NX.. OPPOSITE II A M- nio:i house:. spring goods Xo Wliom It may Concern. Parties knowing themselves in debted to me .will please call and settle their accounts, either by cash or note, on or before the first day of February, 1879. By complying with the request you will save costs. All old accounts must be settled by this date. Youra respectfully, E. O. Shekhak. THE PAWNEE RESERVE. So Emergency Claase in the BUI Organizing Since County. Ed. Jouunal: For the informa tion of many of your readers I call ed on Hon. D. C. Loveland in the House, who showed me the original bill for setting off the Reservation as a county; it is very simple, but fail3 to have the usual clause, viz., ToTAKE EFFECT ON AND AFTER ITS passage. Therefore it if? the Res ervation for three months .yet, i,.e., until the 14th of May. The neces sary papers are already'in the Gov ernor's hands asking for organiza tion and the first election, for county officers and countyseat will come off about the first of July, 1879. No taxes or levies can be made this spring by ourselves or any other county. O. E. Stearns. Court Atljonrncd. The following telegram was re ceived by Jno. Stauffer, Esq , County Clerk, on Monday afternoon : ' Ad journ court to March third. Geo.'W. Post." At this writing, Monday evening, it is understood that Judge Post's mother, at York, is dying. IVo More People to Ie Baracd to Deutli in ftcbrnaka. Olive and his gang will be hang ed, and the people will burn the Elaine oil, warranted perfectly non explosive. Sold at Stillman's drug store, iilty cents per gallon. 2 . Columbus, Feb. 24, '79. Charles A. Stevenson, not a claim agent, but a comrade, will act as amanuensis for claims to be settled with the U. S. Government ; address him at Columbus, Neb. MARRIED. SCFIRCEDEK LAC UNI DT Feb'y 22d, 1879, by Judge J. G. Biggins, Mr. Louis Schrceder and Miss Lacbnidt. CHAPIX EVERAKD Feb'y 19tb, 1879. by Elder II. J- Hudson, Willard Cbapin and Jennie M. Evcrard. LOCAL NOTICES. A. Good Saggetftlon. Mr. Editor: I see iu the Jour nal of Feb. 19th, that there still arc thieves to take off railing from the Platte bridges; you wish someone to devise a plan to prevent such. I suggest td'pnt on iron rods' riveted fast. I have good interest in those bridges; theyshow.a great deal of enterprise for a new country. A v V O , V Jbe.BAtKD. Advertisements under tbis bead five cents a line each insertion. Pure ciiler viuegar at Hudson's. Lamps at cost at Geo. Ricder's. New Palermo Lemons at Hud son's. Pure apple juice cider at Hud son's. New Messina Oranges at Hud son s. Choice Faucy Candies at Hud son's. Pure cider viuegar at George Rieder's. Cheviot, shirts for 25 cents at L. Kramer's. Fresh milch cow for sale at Geo. Riedcr's. 55 Pure Buckwheat flour at,inv Becker's. - J- Virtually giving goods away at Galley Bros. Call at Galley Bros, if you want cheap Goods. An elegant new lino of Ham burg edgings and ins-eriiugs just re ceived at L. Kramer's. Hotels, saloons, and country dealers supplied with oysters at bed ruck prices at Hudson's. Buy a sewing machine from J. E. Tasker & Bro., take it home your self, and save live dollars. I have made arrangements for regular delivery of pure sweet cider, guaranteed. H. J. Hudson. Choice grades of coffees and leas at Wm. Becker's. He standB bock for none on quality or price. For the best beer in town go to Win. Bucher'8, where you will find a lunch of pig's feet, fish, cheese, &c. Best sewing machine oil, also Howe, and Wheeler & Wilson nee dles, for sale by J. E. Tasker & Bro. 3t For the next sixty days I will sell my whole stock of dry goods and clothing at less than cost price. I. Gluck. If you want choice teas, coffees, syrups, spices or anything else good in the grocery hue, call at William Becker's. Good 2 button kid gloves in all sizes, shades aud colors can be bad at 50 cts. at the New York Cheap Cash Store. For sale cheap for cash or on time One work mare, one No. 1 pony and oue fresh milch cow. D. Anderson. Received a new lot of fine cook ing 6tovcs which will be sold at very low prices at Robert Uhlig's store house. 458-3 Pure Buckwheat flour, also Gra ham.and Becker & Welch's flour of all brands warranted good, for sale at Wm. Becker's. 4t Oysters received daily and sold by the dish, can or case at H. J. Hudson's, two door3 west of the U&mmoud House. In these hard times and low prices of produce a dollar must buy a good deal, and it will do so if you go to Galley Bros. Go to Si T. Hill's to get your watches, clocks and Jewelry repair ed. Store with C, L. Hill's book store on Olive street. Just received, a choice article of White clover Comb Honey ; Flori da Oranges; Caramels; Figs; and Maple Sugaraf Hudson's. Tasker Bros, don't take sewing machines into ttie country, but they do' sell them enough cheaper to pay the purchaser for taking them home. Bear one thing in mind, in deal ing with Galley Bros, they have but one price, and if you do not want to trade on that basis pass them by. I will uot impose on the public and my customer,, by advertising what I cannot substantiate. Call and convince yourself of the fact. Wm. Becker. Thoso who desire a pure and good article should call at the Cali fornia WineDepot6f"Sam Gass'a and try some or the white Califor nia grape brandy. I.lrer Im King. Tho Liver is the imperial organ of the whole humau nyHtcni, as it con trols the life, health aud happiness of man. When it U disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of ailments are the natural result. The diges tion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are all immediately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been successfully proved that Green's August Flower is unequalled in curing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively sold in all towti3 on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that it i just what vou want. Sold by C. B. Stillman. Dolaud & Smith and A Hcintz, Columbia, Neb. Will keep on band all kinds ot Fresh and Salt Meats, also Sausnxe, Poultry, Fresb Fisb, etc., all is their season. Cash paid for Hides, Lard anil Ba con. WILL.T. HICKLY. uim MAT MET O.X lick CTREI2T. Dealers In Fresh and Salted Meats. Ac. Town Lots, Wood. Hide", Ac. J. ItlCKLY, Agent. Columbus, June 1, 1877. G0LD.I SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under tbis bead five cents a line, flrtt insertion, three cunts a line ea-b subsequent insertion. 8For Bored Wells leave or ders at Hvan's Hotel. McDermot & Co. 442-y. tgy-W. S. Campbell, hou9e and sign painter. See James McAllister's grocery-sign as a sample. Regular Ntock Venter. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; alio Tat aud stock hogs. 379-y D. Anderson. iflulcM for Sale. Two good work mules for sale. Inquire of the undersigned at Martin Blocdorn's. 5t John S f kin del. To Leaders of AmatcHr llandst and Other. For sale, a full set of Brass In struments for 19 performers. Forprice and further particular, apply to II. G. CAREW, Columbus. Neb., it Sec'y Columbus Cornet Band. Great chance to make money. If you can't get gold you can get greenbacks. "We need a perfcon in every town to take sub scriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication ia the world. Anr one can become a suc cessful astent. 'rhc most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. Tbw price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making overllWi in a week. A lady agent re ports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. Ail who engage make money fit. You can devote nil your time to the business, or only your spans time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to Iry the business. No one who engages fails to make great par. Address "The reo plc's Journal," J'ortland, Maine. 382-y Dent Yost lief, For if you do you will lose money by purchasing an expensive Wind 3111m . when you can buy one of J. O. Shannon for about ono-haif the money that any other costs. Call on J. O. Shannon, on llth street, opposite Mahlon Clother's store, Columbus, Neb. 411-13 SH0RT-HAND.5S:ir;i3 learn it The great demand for Short Hand wrlter The Hlstorv and Devel opment of Short-Hand, with a critical aualizatioti and comparison of the three American modifications of Isaac Pit man's invention MUNSON'S tho only perfect system; acknowledged to be superior to all in simplicity and ijcgi murr Great speed or MUNSON'S 1'HONOGRArnV; 307 words per min ute Phonography an a Profession; not overcrowded like law or medicine, and equal to any learned profession in bonor, and as remunerative The folly of learn, Ing Tklkgraphy when there are thou sands out of employment The folly of trying to learn Short-Hand without a teacher The "self instructors" of old, played out systems The best and cheapest way to learn Teachieg by mail And much other information by addressing J. J. Shrtks. Teacher of Phonography, P. O. box J002, Iowa City, Iowa. St COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations of the markets are ob tained Tuesday afternoon,and are correct ana reliable at tlie time. GRAIN, AC. Wheat No. 1, test M lbs 62 2, - X 60 " 3, " 54 " .. . . 56 " Rejected 30 Corn,...,. , U Oats,- , lo Barler . ' 20(g40 Rye 17 Flour, $2 2532 75 Grabam : 2 5003 00 Buckwneat Flour, per.lb 05 Meal, 801 00 PKODUCJC. Butter, ,. 1012K Potatoes, ..4 2530 Bean ?"' 150$200 Tpas 1000150 Onions '. 40(350 Turnips' .. j. 2540 Beets -WC0 livx stock. Fat Hogs, 2 40(3270 Fat Cattle, 2 002 50 Yearlings,... .1 6 008 00 Calves i t..' 3 000400 Sheep ,-..., 3 00 Good veal, per hundred 5 00 Hides, greou salted, ' 3 54 MEATS. Ham 10012 Shoulders,.!.... - 4&1 Sides, 6&9 Corned Beef C7 Steak 8312K C3X.7X27C miSCUL HS31XX 3ZP027. Corrected by Cojnmbns State Hank Gold 51-00 Platte County Warrants., 85 lo 100 Other " 70 to 00 City " 75to00 School District Bond? 75 to 80 State Warrants 00 to 100 Exchange on Europe...... 1-5 " New York... 1-ftof lp.ct. " " Chicago 1-6 " Omaha,. .,.,. 1-10 " . Canada, currency, 2 per cent, discount. Silver change in large1 'amounts, 1 per cent, discount. Mexican. dollars, 75 cents. Silver dollars, pan LEGAL NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of John Bar row, deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that tho creditors of safd deceased will meet the executrix of the last will and testament of said deceased before the County Judge of Platte County, Ne braska, at the County Judge's office in said county on the Cth day of February, 1H79, on the Cth day of May, 1879, and on the 5th day of July, 1879, at 10 o'clock a.m.. each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months from January 6tb,lH7t. are allowed creditors to present their claims against said estate. JOHN G. HIGOINS, County Judge. ELAnsreorL, AT Wm. BECKER'S. RECOMMENDED as far superior to any other lamp oil in use in the State. It pi es a very bright, clear light and is perfectly safe. 66-4 M SWEET CIDER AXD 'F&MWi m s m I AM constantly receiving the choicest of Michigan cider nod apples. Call and taste for yourself. 65-4. Wm. BECKEB. GOOD CHEAP B&ICX! AT MY RESIDENCE, on Shell Creek, three miles eatt of Mattbls's bridge, I have 79 good, nard-bnrat brick Tvr ttle which will be sold in lots to sail par chasers. 4Mf GEORGE HENGGLER.