The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 29, 1879, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29, 1879.
Communications, to Insure insertion
in the next isiu'. should be in band on
Mondavs; if lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding issue-day. Advertisements,
of whatever class, should be in baud by
noon, Tuesdays.
Advertisements under this head 15
cts. a line first insertion, 10 cts. a line
each subsequent insertion.
Valentines at Fitzpatrick's.
Jas. Fays wife is very sick.
"Work is being put on Scully's
A young lady at Pat Bourkc,s
is very sick.
J. J. Bump lias already sowed
some wheat.
X. Millctt Ss Son are absent at
Albion on business at court.
Just about as good weather as
any reasonable man could ask.
Boun. To Mr. and Mrs. C. II.
Young of this city Jau. 23d, a fine
John G. (Jompton was sentenc
ed on thc22d to twenty months in
the Stitc prison.
Futhrr Smith was in the city
Saturday looking very much im
proved in health.
Choice Missouri Sorghum syrup
bet out, at Dullard Ss Smith's
North Grocery.
The covered wagons of the im
migrants began to make their ap
pearance last week.
Lorau Clark arrived in the city
Saturday from Lincoln, where he
has been as U.S. juror.
.Yc learn that Laura E. Dainty,
n popular reader, will give an enter
tainment February 7th.
Lecture to Young Ladies at the
Cougrcgational church next Sunday
evening. General invitation. flies were out on last
Sunday. The 20th day of January
is very early for their return.
Mr. Louis Kramer left the city
last Friday to take charge of the
new store at North I'latlc, Neb.
F. "V. Oil talks of going to
Denver. He has sold bis house ou
Olive street to Wm. Schrocder.
To any one who gives us $3 we
will send, one j'car, the Journal.
and the American Agriculturist.
L. Gerrard, Esq., president of
the Columbus State Bank, spent
peroral days lat week in Lincoln.
Geo. Iticder was engaged Sat
urday in laying down carpet at his
new home in the rear of his store.
Hon. E. K. Valentine arrived in
thecity Saturday, en route for Boone
county, where he holds court this
J. G. Mickey of Folk co. was in
the city Monday. His illness has
not left his lungs in the best condi
tion, he thinks.
Charles Ilubcr'atul W. II. Mot
tor have opened a temperance bil
liard hall in Bakcr'6 brick building,
over Ileidclberger's.
The religious awakening in the
Methodist church seems to be ou
the increase; meeting every eveniug
commencing at 7 :15.
Wm. Lamb, who recently lost
his building and stock of goods by
lire, has opened out on 13lh, iu the
Win. Speicc building.
Iteprcsentativc D. C. Loveland
will accept our thanks for the report
of the cotnmisMoner of public lauds
and buildings, in this state.
Frank Fields says that in Seward
and the immediate neighborhood
recently twenty-sevcu children died
of scarlet fever in one week.
Charles E. Rickly returned
from his western trip to Ft. Steele,
Wy. Ty., on Saturday. His com
rades and self in good health.
Chas. Morse's new livery is pre
senting a fine appearance and prom
ises to be one of the nicest estab
lishments iu this part of the state.
Clothes-line telegraph from Lin
coln has it that there will probably
be an extra session of the legisla
ture, equal in length to the regular
Lost. A gentleman's beaver col
lar, "Dr. f. E. Mitchell, Clark,"
written on inside. The finder will
plciisc' leave the came at the Jouunal
E. A. Sage sold to Anderson the
other day four hogs weighing 1S20
pounds, two of them 1020 lb9., and
one of them, npwards of 13 months
old, 490 lbs.
"Fatty" Woods has opened a
barber shop In the Hammond
House. "FRtty" is a first-claps work
man, and will get his share of the
The Presbyterian Sociable will
be held this (Wednesday) evening
at the old school-house adjoiuing
the church. Everybody invited and
a good time expected.
F. Waswack, who lives on the
island in the Platte, south of Jack
son, has been presented by his wife
with a girl which weighed 13 lbs. ;
mother and babe doing well.
Jno. Bahrns tells us that on two
and two-thirds acres of land and
from three and a half bushels of
Grass wheat, he raised lat season
107 bushels. Who can beat that ?
At the regular annual meeting
of the Fire Department Monday
evening, B. 11. Henry was chosen as
Chief Engiuccr for the ensuing year.
This choice will no doubt be con
firmed by the City Council. J
Mary Albright has removed her
establishment to Olive st.,one door
south of Hill's Book-store. Those
who have sewing to do will do well
to call upon her.
G. W. Brown, of Boone county,
was in the city last Saturday. Ho
says the stock in his vicinity is win
tering nicety, nntl looks nearly as
well as they did in the fall.
The Cornet Band dance which
was to have come off on the evening
of Feb. 7th, has been postponed to
Feb. 14th, on account of the enter
tainment of Mrs. Laura E. Dainty.
That Babbit's Concentrated Pot
ash has arrived. Try it and you
will be convinced that it's the best
aud cheapest "eoap maker "in the
market, at IJed Front Drug Store,
opposite the P. O.
The cattle disease still afflicts
the farmer. J. Harner, in the neigh
borhood of Jackson, recently lost 11
head; G. & H. Leup3 6 head; P.
MarzG head; N. Blasser 4 head, all
iu and about JackBon.
Major North was heard from
the other day. The cattle on the
ranches are looking in good order,
there are no more raids by Indians,
and it is thought some ponies stolen
will soon be recovered.
The members of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians of this place
have already begun preparations for
their annual ball which will take
place at the Opera House ou the
evening of March 14th.
Mr. Barney Beverslock started
for No-th Platte Monday to take
his position in Kramer's branch
store at that place. M. Ivramcr
went yesterday to sec how the
young men were getting along.
W. C. Sutton of Boone Co. was
in the city Saturday. He lost a
horse about a month ago in a rather
unusual way. Tie found him in the
morning with his hind foot in the
head-stall of his halter, and his neck
J. Ft. Meagher, U. P. R. It. Ag't.
gives it as Ins opinion, based on
facts in his possession, that there
wiil be as much immigration to
Central Nebraska this season as
there has been iu the Iat five years,
all told.
Every time that our distinguish
ed colored friend Mr. Spcncc meets
us now-a-days he says he has "a crow
to pick" with us. We never liked
crow ourself, and we don't believe
wc should relish it, either alone or
iu company with Mr. Spcncc.
John Aldcrson left with us last
week a specimen of Michigan soil,
which looks very different from that
of Nebraska. If .specimens of our
soil, showing likewise its great
depth, could be placed on exhibition
cast, the exodus to Nebraska would
be beyond parallel.
- -J. J. Bump, of the Looking
Glass, has sown thus early about 14
acres to wheat, and we learn that he
intends to keep on sowing until he
gets in about 75 acres. His wheat
was sown early last year aud yield
ed 25 bushels to the acre, and weigh
ed GO pounds to the bushel. The
variety was gracs wheat.
The patent "Hobgoblin" is what
Alph. N. Burgess has been workiug
on most diligently. It will be about
100 ft. long aud 1 ft. in diameter, the
shape of a bugle, aud Alph. says he
proposes to waken up the aborigines
and the people of Nebraska gener
ally to the tact that he is selling
furniture cheap for cash.
At Kramer's N. Y. Cheap Cash
Store they are putting up an extra
number of shelves, preparing for
exhibiting a very large stock of
goods for the Spring trade. M.
Kramer will shortly leave for the
East to lay in a stock of dry-goods,
notions, etc., to satisfy the wants of
their many customers.
At the special meeting of En-
giue Co. No. 1 called last Thursday
evening for the purpose of electing
a Foreman vice E. D. Shcchan re
signed, after balloting elected C. E.
Morse to that position. Owing to
Mr. Morse's being 2d Ass't Fore
man a new election was had and
Julius llasrausseu was elected to
that station.
Thanks to Hon. A. S. Paddock
for No. 24 of the Congressional Rec
ord and special report No. 9 of the
Department of Agriculture. From
the latter we notice that for average
yields of crops for 1S7S, Nebraska
6tauds first of al! the states, in corn,
rye and potatoes, respectively 42,
19.1 and 125 bushels per acre. Only
one other stale, California, is ahead
of us iu hay.
Rev. Christison yesterday morn
ing got into a buggy with M. Smith
and drove to J. Wiggius's store
where they stopped aud Mr. Chris
tison, who occupied the rear seat,
on attempting to leave the buggy,
by some means tipped the seat back
ward, and fell to the ground with
the seat on top, and was quite seri
ously injured. He was taken iuto
Wiggins's store, and a physician
sent for.
The formal dedication of the
new Presbyterian church will take
place to-morrow (Thursday) even
iug. The Rev. Mr. Harsha, of Oma
ha, will preach the sermon, and
other ministers of the Presbytery
also take part in the service. The
public and members of sister church
es are respectfully invhed. A col
lection will be takcu in aid of the
funds oi the church. Services will
commence at 7 o'clock
As per announcement the Co
lumbus Dramatic Society last
evening entertained a very fair
audience at the Opera House.
We have not space to notice
the performance as we would
wish, but may have more to say in
another issue. We, however, have
no criticism to offer, as the part of
each and all was well performed
aud the entire performance enthu
siastically received by the audience.
Fob Sale. West End Lumber
Yard, Central City, Neb. Terms
easy. There is money in it. En
quire of A. Henry, Columbus, or of
C. G. Willman, Central City.
Jack Robinson and Chas. Peter
son, one day last week, left the
meat market of Shotwell and Ran
dall in the city, aud butchered aud
dressed ten hogs, three, of them very
heavy ones, all in two hours' time..
There will be a pleasing and in
structive entertainment of dramatic
reading and recitations, at the Opera
House, on the evening of Feb. 7th,
by Mrs. Laura E. Dainty, of which
full notice will be giveu next week.
Saturday we looked iuto the Hall
of the Kuights of Honor, in Central
Block. It is comfortable, neat,
handsome, light aud airy, a very fit
place for honorable gentlemen to
assemble. Five other societies use
the hall.
" Fatty" Woods, formerly em
ployed in James McDonald's shop,
has opened out a barber shop in the
Hammond House. Call and see him
aud be shaved, shampooed, and
cleaned up, in the "little shop around
the corner."
We understand that at a school
meeting last Saturday, it was agreed
to strike off the western portion of
Dist. No. 40, including the resi
dences of P. Griflin, A. II. Gibson
aud J. II. Reed, and place them in
Dist. No. 1.
Most of the green apples arc
gone, but Geo. Rieder caii furnish
something that will more than take
their place, viz: the Aldeu cored
and pealed dried apples the pure,
clean fruit without seeds and cores.
Call and see them.
Michael Shcehan, brother to E.
D. of this place, arrived in town
Friday last from Philadelphia. Ed.
had uot 6een him for twenty-five
years. Like Ed., ho has been a
sailor, and, like him also, he will
settle in Nebraska.
Why don't the Republican edi
tor of the Democratic Era keep on
tearing his linen to tatters on the
railroad and temperance questions.
Lo and behold, are not these things
infuriating the public intellect, and
is an independent editor to sit and
drool 1
The protracted meeting in pro
gress for the past week in the M. E.
Church is still being conducted by
the minister in charge, Rev. J. Q A.
Flcharty, and Rev. Roe, of Omaha,
with increased attendance and in
terest. During the past" week Rev.
Roe has delivered many interesting
and instructive sermons.
''The warm weather the past few
days has had rather a fructifying effect
on several of the lied Kibboii "scions"
set out in this city, last Fall by Mr.
Finch. They apparently passed" thro'
the. early fiosts of temptations unscath
ed, but when the thaw of continued ab
stinence came on they have been
"spewing out" until the temperance
vineyard begins to look duarthy."
We find the above in the local
columns of the last Era. It sounds
like Hensley's writing, but who
docs he mean ?
Jas. Miller, who has for some
time past kept a saloon on 12th St.,
"left for parts unknown" on
Wednesday night last. He sold his
whiskey for $975, getting $503 in
money aud disposing of the balance.
Wc learn that his debts in town
amount to considerable, his main
creditors, however, being wholesale
liquor dealers ; Mr. Miller's wife aud
child are left behind, but, it is sup
posed, not deserted.
Probably no family in the
county has a more patriotic record
than that of G. W. Fulton's. He
and seven of his brothers were iu
the ccrv'ce during the Rebellion.
Three of his brothers were killed
and all the remainder wounded, one
of them now carrying six wounds,
and he a preacher, who was Lieut.
Col. of the Fire Zouaves and second
in command when Col. Ellsworth
was killed.
Ghordis Stull was in town
Saturday, and gave us quite a
length description of the large
prairie fire that was seen raging in
his neighborhood Friday evening
and night. It started about two
miles west of Wendelboe's, struck
north towards the river, the wind
changing so as to complete the
circuit, and finally letting itself
loose, climbing the bluff's south and
speeding away. He had uot heard
of any damage being done.
Hon. T. C. Ryan has placed us
under obligations for public docu
ments and reports, especially for a
copy of the annual report of the
State Superintendent of Public In
struction. From it we learn that
for the past year no less than 2690
school districts have been organized.
That there are 103,161 children of
school ago in the 6tate, and that
62,7S5 have been in actual attend
ance. The number of male teachers
employed are 1,609, females 2,121.
Full of good things, is the Am
erican Agriculturist for February
1st, just at hand, with upwards of
sixty engravings a distinguishing
and important feature of this jour
nal illustrating more than a huu
drcd useful practical articles, too
numerous to describe iu detail. No
family can afford to be without its
reliable information for the house
hold, as well as out-door work, for
the children as well as grown peo
ple. The cost is only $1.50 a year,
or four copies for $5, with a splen
did engraving to each subscriber
adding 20 cents extra. Single num-.
bers, 15 cents. A specimen copy
for three 3-ceut stamps. Orange
Judd Company, Publishers, 245
Broadway, N. Y.
We could tell him by his gait,
when he "got a gait agoing" that he
was a tramp. He had the regular,
indescribable shuffle, mixed of hope
and despair and a pair of run-down
shoes. lie had just been treated to
a free dinner and a free cigar, and
felt a little bigger than life. He had
genius, evidently. His eye was full,
in fact the orbs of vision visibly
bulged and the whole region round
about was bulbous. Aud he was a
reporter. He had written for the
Chicago Times. Did we remember
an account of the tramps in Iowa?
We did, and expressed our admira
tion. That piece of special work he
claimed as his, and no doubt he
could have written it. Ho had done
other pieces of special work. He
thought he could "write up Platte
county in the interests of emigra
tion, and sell two thousand papers
and he would work on couinns
ion." The scheme looked plausible
to him, but the Journal force
had its hands full just now of regular
work and didn't feci justified iu in
vesting in the enterprise. The
English Reporter then went his
way, not rejoicing, neither, that we
know, sorrowing, to any great ex
tent. Departing, he weut out of
memory, until a telegram from
Jackson, from our good friend, Jno.
Strasser, reaches us: "Englishman
here selling copies supplementary to
Journal. Has he authority?" Of
course wc answered John by light
ning, and we hope that no friend of
the Journal has been deceived by
the peripatetic reporter.
Klfcing; City.
Editor Journal: The house of
W. C. Griffith, three and one-half
miles northwest of Rising City, was
burned .yesterday; he has for some
lime, been using one of those Rus
sian stoves, for heating purposes,
the fire caught from that. Part of
the household goods saved, but when
help arrived it was too late to save
the building. Mr. Griffith is an old
settler, and will have the sympathy
of his neighbors in his severe loss.
Another large store building is
nearly completed in our thriving
little city, with hall above, 24x52,
also several houses and offices have
been commenced, and nearly com
pleted, since my last letter.
A largo new hotel is also fast ap
proaching completion; a lady from
Seward is the proprietress.
One now dry goods firm from
David City, (Drew Ss Co.) have com
menced business here; they still
have a branch store at the former
For the past three weeks, the
trade in porkers has been immense,
and still they cornel
W. W. Catliu expects in a few
days, to go to Aurora, 111., to be op
erated on for cancer; we hope he
will come back cured.
Will some of the fruit growers of
Platte county, tell us through the
Journal whether the late severe
cold weather has injured any portion
of the fruit prospects for next sea
son ? Why Not.
Pulling Elude.
Columbus, Jan. 21st, 1879.
Ed. Journal: A correspondent
through your columns asks how to
cure a horse of pulling on the hal
ter. The best method that I have
tried is as follows: Put on a very
strong halter with a rope-stall ; pass
the rope over the rail of the manger
and back towards the horse on the
under side of the rail so that it will
run freely; put a common strap
hopple on one hind ankle and tic
the rope in the ring of the hopple 60
that the horse can have about the
usual room when tied. Let him
wear this a week, and he is cured;
if a very old animal it will come
back sometimes, particularly if you
change stables, but any ordinary
horse will never pull again ; of
course, this would do no good on a
perfectly wild horse, until they get
over the first fright and come to
their senses. A strong surcingle
put on so as to hold up the rope will
keep it out of the dirt, but is not
absolutely necessary ; the expense is
small, and the satisfaction of walk
ing up to your horse's head giving
him a jerk, saying, "why don't you
pull back," then seeing him meekly
lean towards the manger, more than
repays the outlay, for of all the
pull-backs extant, the most ridicu
lous, inconvenient, aggravating pull
backs is the horse pull-back.
E. A. Gerrard.
Instead of Jan. 30th, as hereto
fore announced, the Columbus Mam
nerchor club will give their grand
concert at the Opera House, on the
evening of Feb. 3d. The entertain
ments of the club arc always good,
and attendants may expect a rare
treat. Tickets for 6ale at Brodfueh
rer's jewelry store. Forty members
of a similar organization at Omaha
were expected to be present at the
Concert by the Maanuerchor of this
city, but could not come until the
3d of Feb., and therefore the concert
has been postponed till that time.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Columbus Music Hall
Association will bo held at the
Opera House on Saturday the 1st
day of February, 1S79, at 7) o'clock
r. jt., for the purpose of electing five
Directors and one Treasurer to serve
forthe ensuing term.
R. H. Henry, Secretary.
. .
Important Notice.
All persons indebted to U3 must
come forth aud settle at once,. at
Bonesteel Bros, store.
2t G. H. Kbause Ss Sons.
A. Northers Ilse.
We don't know where the Stanton
Index gets its information iu regard
to Columbus but it is well enough
for our readers to know what is said
abroad in reference to the intentions
of Platte couuty yoters :
''Reports have been in circulation
this week that the Covington, Co
lumbus Ss Black Hills Railway has
changed bauds, and that during the
next thirty days said company will
submit a proposition to Wayne and
Stanton counties, aud to one or two
precincts in Madison county, to vote
bonds for the construction of said
road. Platto county stands ready to
vote them $100,000 and Stanton and
Wayne are ready to do their portion.
This time it is to be a standard
guago road, and is backed by other
and older railroad enterprises. This
is the line of railroad we want, and
by voting seven or eight per cent,
bonds, the road will be completed to
this place by the middle of Sept."
To Whom it may Concern.
Parties knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and
settle their accounts, either by cash
or note, on or before the first day of
February, 1879. By complying
with the request you will save costs.
All old accounts must be settled by
this date. Yours respectfully,
E. D. Siieeiian.
A black thoroughbred Newfound
land dog. One white stripe on his
breast; answers to the name of
"Bob." A suitable reward will be
given for his return to Doland &
Smith's Drug Store.
For S:ile Cheap for Cash.
Three cows, iu calf, one bull, two
years old, one heifer, one year old,
one team of mules, also some farm
tools; the above can bo seen at
Stearns Prairie P.O., Platte county,
Nebraska. 2t
ISutinesH Houses.
Two desirable business houses In
Columbus for rent, suitable for var
ious kinds of merchandise.
D. 1). Wadswouth.
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line each insertion.
Boots at $1.75 at L. Kramer's.
Pure cider vinegar at Hudson's.
Grain Bags $2.25 at L. Kramer's,
Cloak9 for $2.50 at L. Kramer's.
New Palermo Lemons at Hud
son's. Boy's boots at $1.00 at L. Kra
mer's. Pure apple juice cider at Hud
son's. New Messina Oranges at Hud
son's. Choice Fancy Candies at Hud
son's. Woolen scarfs for 10 cents atL.
Pure cider
vinegar at George
New shirts at 25 cents, at L.
Blankets at $1.00 a pair, at L.
White satin and kid slippers at
L. Kramer's.
Good plaid shawls for 75 cents
at L. Kramer's.
Silk handkerchiefs for 10 cents
at L. Kramer's.
The best place to trade is at
Bullard Ss Smith's.
The new cigar "Desirable" 3 for
a dime at Hudson's.
Undershirts and Drawers 25 cts.
each at L. Kramer's.
Maple' syrup and buckwheat
flour at George Rieder's.
Children's shoes at 15 cents a
pair at L. Kramer's.
--Gent's rubber overshoes for 50
cents at L. Kramer's.
The best brands of cigars can
be had at Wm. Becker's.
Canned fruits and confectionery
of all kinds at Hudson's.
Save 25 cts. by buying your
flour at Bullard Ss Smith's.
Fine unlaundried white shirts
for 50 cents at L. Kramer's.
Teas a specialty at M. II.
O'Brien's grocery on lllh street.
Grey and white Flannel at 15
cents a yard at L. Kramer's.
New golden dates, figs and ma
ple sugar bricks at Hudson's.
Best Albion flour at Bullard &
Smith's, at $2.50 per hundred.
18 yards heavy Cotton flannel
for one dollar at L. Kramers.
Thirty tons of hay for sale, half
mile south of Jackson. Jno. Ernst.
Recollect that Shotwell & Ran
dall pay the highest price for hides.
Nice new two button kid gloves
at 50 cents a pair at L. Kramer's.
Pickled pig's feet, souccd lamb's
tongue and pickled tripe at Hud
son's. Oranges, sweet cider and Mich
igan apples just received at Hud
son's. Lace handkerchiefs for 10 cents
at L. Kramer's New York Cheap
Cash Store.
Choice malt vinegar pickles by
the dozen or hundred at George
A few pairs of those fur-lined
slippers aud shoes still left, for sale
at M. Smith's. 53-3t.
Shotwell Ss Randall pay the
highest market price for live or
dressed poultry.
For the choicest of family
groceries, at the lowest living rates,
call ou M. II. O'Brien.
Fresh fish right from Prairie
Creek for 6ale at Ransdall Ss Smith's
opposite the post office.
Hotels, saloons, and country
dealers supplied with oysters at bed
rock prices at Hudson's.
I have made arrangements for
regular delivery of pure sweet cider,
guaranteed. H. J. Hudson.
Choice grades of coffees and
teas at Wm. Becker's. He stands
back for none on quality or price.
Fresh milch cow for sale at Geo.
Rieder's. 55
Good house for sale cheap. In
quire of George N. Derry, Nebras
ka House.
Masks of every description and
kind at L. Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
Boys' and Men's Winter Caps
for 25 cents at L. Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store '
For the best beer in town go to
Wm. Bucher's, where you will find
a luuch of pig's feet, fish, cheese, &c.
If you want choice teas, coffees,
syrups, spices or anything else good
in the grocery line, call at William
In order to make room for a
large spriug and summer stock, L.
Kramer will sell all goods at re
duced prices.
For sale cheap for cash or on
time One work maro, one No. 1
pony and one fresh milch cow.
D. Anderson.
Oysters received daily and sold
by the dish, can or case at II. J.
Hudson's, two doors west of the
Hammond House.
Ladies, before purchasing any
where, be sure to go to the Central
Block, and Mrs. Drake will furnish
you a complete outfit.
Pure Buckwheat flour, also Gra
ham.and Becker Ss Welch's flour of
all brands warranted good, for sale
at Wm. Becker's. 4t
Go to S. T. Hill's to get your
watches, clocks and Jewelrv repair
ed. Store with C. L. Dili's book
store ou Olive street.
The best place iu town to bny
buckwheat flour and good Missouri
sorghum to spread ou your cakes, is
at Bullard & Smith's.
Children's, Misses' and Ladies'
fashionabl v-trimmed hats at 50 cents,
$1.00 and .f 1.50, at L. Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store.
Those who desire a pure and
good article should call at the Cali
fornia Wine Depot of Sam Gass's
and try some of the white Califor
nia grape brandy.
Good news to people of Platte
and adjoining counties. Great re
duction in Lumber prices at the
yard of Jacggi Ss Schupbach.
Prices down to bed rock terms
strictly cash. Give them a call.
Teachers, pupils and others oc
casionally need blank news paper.
Wc will furnish it in sheets the size
of the Journal, 25x38 inche, four
sheets for 5 cents, eight for 10, one
quire for 25 cents, and cut to suit.
M. K. Turner Ss Co. 415-tf
Teas! Tea!!
bolow cost at Marshall
For Sale.
A house, with two rooms, for sale
cheap. It can bo seen west of Win
Becker's store. J. E. Anderson.
Coffee ! !
M. Smith, at the Central Block,
will sell you seven pounds of good
Rio coffee for one dollar. 3t
For Rent.
A farm, 3 miles cast of Columbus,
150 acres under cultivation. Call ou
Galley Bros., Columbus.
Shotwell A 2S:inIulI
On Olive street are furnishing the
best of beef, pork, sausage, &c, &c ,
at prices to suit the times.
All persons indebted to F. W. Ott
are earnestly requested to call and
settle; and those who have claims
against him should present them at
We have blank note books, for
sale, in books of 100 each, suitable
for threshers, mechanics and others
for work and labor; also the com
mon form, and the note "payable at
Columbus State Bank." Also re
ceipts in book form. M. K. Tur
ner Ss Co.
The Tattersall Livery Stable is an
excellent place to stop at when you
arc in town with a team. Good ac
commodations. Reasonable charges.
On Olive street, one door south of
Coolidge's hardware store. Try
Closing Out! Cloning: Out!!
N. G. Bonesteel at the old stand
of Bonesteel Bros.' will now close
out the entire stock of Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Those wishing to buy good goods
cheap will find it to their intesest to
call on us at ouce.
55-x Bonesteel Bros.
For Sale Cheap.
At Dan Ryan's stable, one yoke
of work oxen, one span of mares,
one spau of pony marcs, one good
cow, two sett of single harness, one
sett of double harness, one heavy
spring wagon, one buck-board with
patent cover, one sulky.
Inquiro at this office, or at the
Liver Is King:.
The Liver is the imperial organ of
the whole human system, as it con
trols the life, health and happiness
of man. When it is disturbed iu its
proper action, all kiuds of ailments
are the natural result. The diges
tion of food, the movements of the
heart and blood, the action of the
brain aud nervous system, are all
immediately connected with the
workings of the Liver. It has been
successfully proved that Green's
August Flower is unequalled in
curing all persons afflicted with
Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and
all the numerous symptoms that
result from an unhealthy condition of
the Liver and Stomach. Sample
bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively
sold in all towii3 on the Western
Continent. Three doses will prove
that it in just what you want. Sold
by C B. Stillman. Doland Ss Smith
and A Heintz, Columbu-8, Neb.
I K1 constantly receiving the choicest
of Michigan cider and apples. Call
anu taste tor yourself.
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line, tint insertion, three cents
a line each subsequent insertion.
HfiyFoR Bored Wells leave or
der at lty'an's Hotel. McDermot fc Co.
Regular Stock: Denier.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat and stock hogs.
379-y D. Anderson.
II ok for Sale.
Fifty head of good, young stock
hogs for sale. Inquire of S. E. Ely, on
h e road between Columbus and Bcck
r s .Mill. at
WaTCouNTr Warrants, school
orders, school bonds and pood bankable
notes, also nrst-class mortgages bought.
Money loaned on good farming lands for
a term of years, by A. Henry, Colum
bus, Nebraska.
To Leader of Amatonr Hnndn
itml Other.
For sale, a full set of Brass In
struments for 13 performers. For price
and further particulars, apply to
H. G. CAUEW, Columbus, Neb.,
4t Scc'y Columbus Cornet Hand.
Our quotations of the markets are ob
tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct
and reliable at the time.
grain, c.
Wheat No. 1, tcst .r9 lbs 68
41 " 2, " 5G ' to
" ' 3, " fil " B0
" Rejected 30
Corn, 14
Oats, ir18
Barley 20(gtg
1IJ t ....... . It
Flour, f 2 25(22 75
Graham 2 5U(i$3 00
Iluckwncut Flour, per lb 05
Meal SO01 00
Butter, 1012
Eggs, 1520
Potatoes, 25(S0
Hcanfribu 1B0Q2O0
Peas 1 OOftl f0
Onions ' 40gr0
Turnips' 2j40
Beets t 40&C0
live stock.
Fat Hogs 19002 20
Fat Cattle 2 (X)(!$2 50
Yearlings,' (j 00 8 00
Calves 00400
Sheep 0
Good veal, per hundred " 00
Hides, green salted 3 B0
Ham", 1012
Shoulders, 17
Sides, C0
Corned Beef ((7
Steak S&V214
Corrected by Columbus State Bank
Gold fl.00
Platte County "Warrants.. 8B lo 100
Other " " .. 70to!)0
City " 75 to 90
School District Bonds 7B to 80
State "Warrants 00 to 100
Exchange ou Europe 1-B
' " New York...
" " Chicago 1-B" "
" " Omaha. .. . 1-10 "
Canada currency, 2 per cent, discount.
Silver change in large amount!), 1 per
cent, discount.
Mexican dollars. 7B cents.
Sliver dollar.", par.
BY VIRTUE of an order of sale di
rected to me from the Clerk of the
District Court of Platte County. Ne
braska, on a judgment and decree ob
tained before the said District Court at
its December adjourned term, A. D.,
1877, of Platte County, Nebraska, in
favor of Andrew J. Hodges, as Plaintiff
and against John Witchey and Victoria
C Witchey as Defendants, for the sum
of four hundred and thirty-live dollars
aud ninety-seven cents and the further
sum of forty-three dollars and tifty-ninc
cents, attorney's fees, and costs "taxed
at ?!l.G7and accruinycostc, I have levied
upon the following real estate, situate
in said Platte County, taken as the
property of said Defendants, to satisfy
said order of sale, to wit:
The Island No. four (4), of Section
nine (9), Township No. sixteen (10), of
Range one (1) west, in the district of
lauds subject to sale at Omaha, Nebras
ka, containing sixty and forty-one hun
dredth acres according to the United
States patent of the same; pSa" north half
(J)of the northwest quarter (Ji) of Sec
tion four (4). Towhship No.sixteen(lG),
and the south half () of the southwest
quarter (X) of Section thirty-three (.J).
in Township seventeen (17), north of
Range one (1) west, containing one hun
dred and liltv one and twenty-seven
hundredth (131.27) acres according to
United states patent of same, and will
oiler the same for sale to the highest
bidder, for ca-di in hand, on the 23d da'
of January, A. D., 1879, in front of Court
House, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of
said day, when aud where due attend
ance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at Columbus, this 17th day of
December, 1S7S.
Sheritfof said County.
BY VIRTUE of an order of sale di
rected to me from the Clerk of the
District Court of Platte county,Ncbras
ka, on a judgment and decree obtained
before District Court at its February
term, 1878, of Platte county, Nebraska,
in favor of Samuel C. Smith as Plaintiff
and against Joseph Gardner as defendant,
for the sum of one thousand one hundred
and forty-nine dollars, and costs taxed at
$8.43and accruingcosts, I have levied up
on the following real estate taken as the
property of said defendant, to satisfy said
order, to wit: The southwest quarter
of the southwest quarter ot Section
seventeen ( 17)and the northwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of Section No.
twntv (20) in township No. Sixteen(lG),
Range No. two (2) west of the Sixth (G)
P. M., with all the appurtenances there
to belonging. And will offer the same
for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in
hand, on the Sth day of February, A. D.
1879, in front of Court House in Colum
bus, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. 31. of said
day, when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated at Columbus this 7th day Jan
uary, 1879.
Sheriffof Said County.
Jn the matter of the estate of John Bar-
frwrr (InnnlEDll
OTICE is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will
meet the executrix of the last will and
testament of said deceased before the
County Judge of Platte County, Nc-bra-ka,
at the Couuty Judge's ollice in
said county on the Gtb day of February,
1879, on the Gth dav of 3Iay, 1879, and on
the Bth day of July, 1879, at 10 o'clock
a- in., each day, for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance.
Six months from January Gth, 1879, are
allowed creditors to present their
claims against said estate.
County Judge.
AtH. Cramer's old stand Opposite
I. Gluck's on 11th Street.
CUSHIONS a specialty. Repairing
neatly done and charges very low.
C. W. Landkus. Proprietor.
J. C. Parkek, Foreman.
AT 31 Y RESIDENCE, on Shell Creek,
three miles east of Matthis's bridge,
I have
70,000 gooil. linrd-lmrnt brick
for- Halo,
which will be sold in lots to suit pur
chasers. 418-tf GEORGE HENGGLER.
Sewing; Maohiiie,
Challenges Comparison, Distances
Competition, Surpasses Ex
pectation, Gives Univer
sal Satisfaction.
Undersold by None!
J. E.TASKER & BRO., Agents,
S3"Ofllce with A. HENRY,
The undersigned offers at private aale
his farm two and a half miles north of
the city consisting of
080 ACRE OF IjA:'1,
fifty acres under cultivation, and sixty
aerc of a good hay land as can b
found, and under a poitiou of it is a
very excellent quality of brick clay.
The improvements upon the place are a
two-story concrete dwelling, 20xfl0 ft.,
a comfortable and convenient house; a
wind-mill: a large, substantial shelter
for stock; shed and yard for hogs;
corral for .cattle; granary; tool house,
etc., etc. Also
133 rTEVI OF eiI33I3I,
mostly cweSjbesidcs horses,cow!,.iteers,
heifers, hogs, farming implements, c.
The location is a very excellent one
for farming and stock raiding -near the,
city with easy and quick ween to mar
ket; a fifteen minutes' ride to the post
oflice, the railroad depot, the telegraph
olliee and church.
The ite of the d.welling-houc com
mands as line a view as can be had of
the country, for twenty miles In every
direction, and the place would not be
offered for sale except that my increas
ing business in the city renders it
desirable to give it my exclusive at
tention. For further particulars eall on or
Aaddrcss M. K. TURNER.
Columbus, Neb.
K. T. VOLLAIID. D. SMirif.
All Farm Products
Bough. t and Sold.
Highest Cash Price Paid,
Gooda Exchanged for Produce.
SSTGoods delivered anywhere in the
city free of charge.
Two Doors Hast of Journal Office.
-I:t5 .
Stoves, Tin-ware,
Agricultural Implements.
Goods sold cheap for cash.
"Will keep on hand all kinds ol Fresh
and Salt Meats, aho Sausage, Poultry,
Fresh Fish, etc., all in their season.
Cash paid for Hide?, Lard an I Da
KY lltli STREET.
Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meats.
&v. Town Lots, Wood. Hides, Ac.
J. RICKLY, Agent.
Columbus, June 1, 1877.
REC03IMEXDED as far superior to
any other lamp oil in ine in tbj
State. It gives a very bright, clear light
and is perfectly safe. 53-1
"Don! You Ilet,
For If you do you will lose money by
purchasing an expensive Wind Mils,
when yrtu can buy or.c of J. O. Shannon
for about onc-haif the monev that any
othercosts. Call on J. O. Shannon, on
Ilth street, opposite .Mahlcn Ciother's
store, Columbus, Neb. 411-13
Book-keepers, Reporters.
Operators, Teacaera,
GreatXercantUe College .Xeokuk Jovm