A ' THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22, 1S79. Communications, to IiiMirc insertion in the next isuc, should be in hand on Motidav; if lengthy, on Tburbdays preceding iuo-day. Advertisements, of whatever class, should he in hand by noon, Tuesdays. Advertisements under this head 15 cts. u line fir-t insertion, 10 cts. a line ttntiu subscaucnt insertion. A. X. Brings Is still somewhat "under the weather." S. C. Smith reports some land sales on Saturday last. D. Anderson shipped four car loads of hogs yesterday. A. H. Gibson's two youngest children hax-c the mumps. M. Kramer talks of opening a dry-goods store in Omaha. X. Millet, Eq , returned from Lincoln Saturday morning. Fred Rcimcr expects to engage in making brick next summer. Presbyterian Sociable "Wednes day evening, next week, Jan. 29. Jr. Kramer and his brother Carl, arrived in the city Saturday. L. M. Saley and Michael Welch returned from Lincoln last Friday. Byron Millett, Kq.f left the city Monday to attend court at Madison. Marshall Smith has been sick with fever 6incc Tuesday of la6t week. Loandcr Gcrrard, Esq., of this city, wcut to Lincoln, the first of the week. J. P. Abt6 has purchased the briok-yard heretofore owned by M. Stolcc. Billy Marble's dramatic compa ny performed at Sutton, this State, on the ICth. "W. B. Colli n, who has been sick or the lent four mouths, was in the city yesterday. Geo. Ilcngglcr has the wood on hand for burning an other kiln of brick in the Spring. The installation of officers of the Knights of Honor took place last Friday evening. One of the chief aims of north ern and western Nebraska should be to settle the vacant lands. II. C. Bittcnbendcr gave us a business call Monday. lie located recently, as attorney, at Osceola. Who ever heard of nails being sold by the bushel? Wiggins will sell them in that way for a few days. Sidney, a seven year old son of D. D. Wadsworth, has been sick with Fore throat, but is now better. John Huber was after a horse thief Monday. The horse had been stolen somewhere in Colfax county. The new Presbyterian church will belk'dicntcd Thursday evening, next week, by the Presbytery of Omaha. It is to be hoped that horse thieves will not make themselves so numerous hereabouts as in some former years. The cheapest place in Nebraska to buy hardware is at Wiggins's. A cook stove at $2, nails at 2 cts. per pound or less. Lnt Friday J. II. Reed was out of his room to breakfast for the first time in three weeks. His wounds arc healing nicely. U. II. Henry and family have rcmowd to their new house, corner Jyth and Olive, probably the finest residence in the county. Charley Schram starts this morn ing for Milwaukee, where he expects to remain a month or po, and return oarly with a lot of horses. Docs it harm a cast iron kettle to pass through a fire? No. Call at Wiggins's store, Columbus, and got one at your own price. The Couuty Treasurer has is sued notices requiring the payment of delinquent personal taxes to ayoid collection by distress. Attorney Reynolds of the firm of Bechcr Ss Reynolds leaves to-day for a trip to Fremont, Omaha aud Jtlair on professional business. John Wiggins and family have moved into the Callaway building on North street. This will bring him nearer to his business house. Go to Wiggins's hardware store and get a share of the goods black 'ened by the fire, which are being purchased at the farmer's own pri ces. On last Wednesday night, N. French, of Woodvillc precinct, missed a very valuable colt. He af terwards tracked it to the Looking glass. Lost. A gentleman's beaver col-lar,-"Dr. T. E. Mitchell, Clark," written on inside. The finder will please leave the same at the Jookxal, office. Word-was received here Mon day morning that a large frame building in Omaha, on the corner of 10th aud Hartley streets, had burned down. John Burke, while coming to town the other night for a doctor, had two horses to fall down under him, sick, compelling him finally to walk in. Chas. Schrocder works his bel lows with a crank. Having been used to seeing, all our life-time, the old-fashioned lever, the modern con trivance looks strauge. Two of M. Kramcr'6 children, two of A. N. Briggs's, and one of Hon. D. C. Loveland's have been sick with a very mild form of scar let fever, but are uow mending. Y Prepare for a rich treat at the Mamnerchor concert next Thursday evcuing Jan. 30th and a happy time at their grand ball which follows. The big fire in Columbus is quenched, but some of the goods blackened by it are to be had at nominal prices at Wiggins's hard ware store. Come soou. Representatives T. C. Ryau and D. C. Loveland spent last Sabbath at home. We " did not have the pleasure of seeing them, but learn that they were in excellent health. If you have $2 to spend for hardware call on Wiggins, but be sure to bring your big wagon, or you may not be able to carry all the goods away that the money will buy. On Thursday last Clark Cooncey found a steer of his that he hadn't seen since last Jul. It had been driven down iu a herd from the Reservation, and sold to one of our farmers. The survey of the proposed ex tension of the A. & N. R. R. which was completed last week, shows the distance between Firth and Colum bus to be ninety-one aud three fourths miles. Some Omaha Indians have becu iu the neighborhood for the last few days. In conversation with one of them we learn that they have been engaged iu trapping beaver, on the Reservation. John G. Compton was not sen tenced on the IStli as reported in this city. He will not be sentenced, it is said, until the last day of the pres ent term, which will probably be some day this week. F. M. Sackctt of Albion called ou us Monday. He looks fatter than we ever before saw him. lie says that Boone county is all right. District court convenes at Albion uext Monday, the 27th. We clip from the Seward Re porter a statement of Engineer Gid dings in regard to the recent survey of the Blue Valley R. R. We had no opportunity of interviewing Mr. Gid dings when he was here. Only one new Victor sewing machine left ; four drawers, and for sale below cost for cash. Wo guar antee it first-class in every part, and you will have to call early to secure a machine cheap. A. N. Burgess & Co. Preparations are being made by the Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1 for a grand mask ball to take pUcc Friday evening, Feb. 21st. An announcement with lull particulars will be made by the committee of arrangements in our next issue. Some boys with more strength than sense were engaged Monday in the very cowardly business of throwing old oyster catis at a poor old woman who has spent most of her time this winter begging. This disgraceful affair occurred in the western part of the city. J. R Meagher, our R. R. Agent, says the Union Pacific Co. have concluded to construct a road from Cheyenne into the Black Hills dur ing the coming season. The arc making the final survey. It is thought that the Northern Pacific will point down iu the same direction. At the annual meeting of the Genoa Cemetery Association, held Jan. 11th, 1S79, the following per sons were elected officers for the ensuing year: President, Jonas llcdtuuu; Sec'y., Geo S. Truman; Trcas., Joseph Webster: additional Trustees, Albert Rose, Nils Miller, Win. B. Coffin, Lafayette Anderson. The ladies of the M. E. Church, this city, will give a Martha Wash ington Tea Party on the evening of Feb. 12th, 1S79. Perhaps the party will be held at the Opera House. Admission 25 cts. Oysters extra. The proceeds are to be applied ou debt of the church. The Columbus Comet Band will furnish music for the occasiou. All are cordially in vited. At a regular meeting of Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, on Monday evening the following officers were elected : Byron Mil lett, Prcs't; D. X. Miner, Sec'y; A. N. Burgess, Ass't Sec'y; Jacob Schram, Trcas. ; Geo. W. Clother, Foreman; Herman Oehlrich, 1st Ass't Foreman ; Jos. Henggler, 2d Ass't Foreman. Directors, Geo. W. Clother, John Schram, A. N. Bur cess. A joke occurs on a farmer "whose name we don't know." He had some hogs for sale, and had a bid from E. J. Baker, of $1.75. Com ing south he came across Frank Gillette, who asked him how much he had bid on his hogs. He replied $1.75, wheu Frank said "I'll give you $1.807 (Frank and E. J. are part ners.) But the farmer drove back to E. J's and sold him the hogs, stating that he had a bigger bid, but he didn't know the man. The O. E. S. mask ball came off at the Opera House as per adver tisement. It is seldom, indeed, that we attend balls, in person, and our special reporter for euch occasions was not at hand, so that we can give no extended notice. The lira says the maskers were few. Among the costumes particularly noticeable were Peter Eyler's representation of the Era and Miss Sarah Fitzpat rick's and Miss Barker's representa tion of the Journal. This part of the programme was a complete sur prise to the Journal and we par ticularly commend them for their good taste. A coal from the stove falling upon the floor of Dr. Bonesteel's office set fire to it last Thursday evening. A passer-by, seeing it, gave a still alarm and the fire was put out. Meetings for tho promotion of holiuess in the M. E. Church, this city, every evening this week, at 7:15 p. rn., Saturday excepted. Rev. J. J. Roe, of Omaha, is assisting in the meetings. The nails that were in the Krause & Son's fire are beiug clospd out at John Wiggins's store, and they can be used in soft wood just as well as before being burned. Call and get u bushel or two. Judge G. W. Post, of this judi cial district, was iu Omaha on the 18th iu company with Mrs. Post, who for the first time will accom pany him to York and take charge of his homo at that place. "Glimpses of the Life of Rev. A. E. Phelps and his co-Laborers ; or, Twenl-fivc Years iu the Method ist Mincstry," by Rev. J. J. Fleharty, A. M., of the Central Illinois Con ference, author of "Social Impurity," on sale at C. L. Hill's bookstore. Dave Malloy arrived in town on the afternoon of Thursday last and furnished us with the following story: The wife of John Sullivan wa9 responsible for the birth of a baby with six well-developed teeth. Those arc healthy molars for one so young. The Sabbath School Concert in the M. E. Church, this city, last Sat urday evening was quite a success aud very creditable to the school. Some of the rehearsals cannot be too highly commended. The school is rapidly increasing iu numbers aud interest. John Wiggins, the Columbus hardware man, has purchased of Krause & Sons all their stock of hardware, stoves, &c, saved from the fire. Many of these goods are uninjured, but will be sold at re duced prices. Now is the time to secure a good stove at less than half price. Sec the advertisement of Tasker & Bro., in to-day's Journal. They are selling the Howe Sewing Ma chine. Mr. Howe was the inventor of tho first sowing machine, and these have all the modern improve ments, arc simple and durable; in short, are firbt-class in every partic ular. They will not refuse cash for their machines, but will, on occasion, exchange for young cattle or a pony. The damaged goods saved from tho fire of Krause & Sons consist in part of cook and heating stoves, nails, iron, steel, wire, pots, kettles, thimble skeins, b'olte, harrow teeth, wrenches, barn-door rollers, &c. The list in full would embrace a largo share of a general hardware stock. Call soon, and get a bargain, as the goods will bo closed out in a few days, at Jehu Wiggins's hard ware store, south of the track. All lovers of music should em brace the opportunity of attending a Grand Musical Convention, to be held in the Opera House at Fremont commencing Tuesday, Feb. 4th, at 10 a. m., and continuing four days, under the direction and instruction of Prof. I. II. Bunn, A. M. Persons attending tho convention will be passed over the railroads to Fremont at one and one-fifth fare for round trip. Persons desiring further in formation will address J. W. Osborn Secretary Union Choral Society, Fremont, Neb. The Columbus Dramatic Socie ty will appear in their second public entertainment at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, Jan. 28th. A splendid double-bill announcement is already upon tho boards. The programme consists of the drama, "Redeemed; or Among the Break ers," followed by the " Rough Dia mond; or Cousin Joe's Visit," to conclude with E. J. Potts in his in imitable song and dance specialties. The troupe is composed entirely ot home talent, and as they have here tofore given ample evidence of their ability to entertain an audience in a first performance in which they ac quitted themselves with laurels, we do not hesitate iu commending them to the public, and we bespeak for them a rousing house. Admission, only 35 cents; children under 15, 25 cents; reserved seats 50 cents. Reserved scat tickets for sale at Dolaud & Smith's drug store. In our last issue wo did not have space or opportunity to make that mention of the theatrical per formance of the Thalia Society which we would have been pleased to do had it not transpired upon the night that the Journal goes to press. Not being a German scholar, we of course can not enter into the merits of tho play nor offer com ment upon the performers, but to judge from the deportment upon the stage, and that of all to us ap peared excellent, aud the applause which the performance received from the large audience, the play was happily chosen and well ren dered. It is our opinion that the Society has among its membership theatrical ability considerably above the average amateur performers. The orchestra band, composed of E. Pohl, John Stauffcr, Gus. and Louey Schroeder, discoursed splen did music, such as is seldom, if ever, heard even with professional troupes, in the west. Prairie Creek Items. Ed. Journal: We do not hesitate to admit, that it is vastly more pleasant to reside in a vicinity, free from those startling sensations of life, which harass and perplex us mortals, and so readily excite our anger or admiration, or melt us to pity ; but we are also cognizant of the fact, that it is not so advantage ous for the reporter, who is thus located; but still we persist iu sub mitting those tranquil occurrences which semi-occasioually occur with in the limits of this historic place. A number of the farmers here have recently purchased several varieties of fruit trees, and propose to raise their own fruit. We look forward with pleasant longings, to the time when we all may enjoy tho luxuries of productive orchards. We have been informed that Mr. Frank Gardner contemplates re moving to Wyoming Ty., in a short time. Our "Literary" is the object of much interest to old and young generally throughout our neighbor hood; we convene every two weeks, Friday evening at the school-house. The subject for dis cussion at the next meeting is: Resolved that Geo. Washington deservs greater honor for freeing America, than Chrit. Columbus, for discovering it. Disputants, affirma tive, G. B, Darr, J. C. Tasker, E. Blodgett, F. Gardner, Chas. Davies; Negative, E. M. Newman, R. S. Clark, J. Outwatcr, Geo. Cole, and Jno. Davies. We acknowledge a recent official aud social visit from Co. -School Supt., Barrett. Ne Plus Ultra. January, 25th, 1879. The Compton Case. A dispatch from Lincoln on the 15th inst., brought the news that the jury in the case of John G. Compton had returned a verdict of guilty on four counts of the indictment. Mr. Compton was formerly post-master in this city, and was charged with abstracting money from four letters. Penalty one to five years imprison ment. The specific charges are as follows all being registered letters ; One from Marshalltown, Iowa, pass ing through his office, to Lone Star, Neb., containing $2-10.35; an other mailed at Columbus iu June 1S77, to an office in Kansas, containing $5S.00; the third, mailed August 2d, 1S77, by Michael Welch, to Mrs. Harper iu Dayton, Boone county, containing $2G1.00;and the fourth, mailed Nov. 9, 1S77, to an office iu Kansas, containing $50.00. Mr. Compton has a wife and chil dren in this city and brothers and sisters residing iu the town and vi ciniuity, all of whom arc highly es- teemed and respected, and to whom this news will be very sad indeed. Of course these friends will occupy the same place in the esteem aud affections of our citizens as they ever have done. Jurors. For the February term of District Court for Platte county, beginning February 25th, 1S79. GRAND JURORS. Michael Weaver, II. F. Lntker, iuicnaei .lones, 11. LsacKcnnaus, I'Ai Iiooerts, A. G. Quiun, Jas. Outwatcr, Hans Elliott, Thos. Finch, Jno. Anderson, Robr. McCrea, Ed. Moucricf, Peter Plant, Sr., Jas. Carrig, R Gentleman, Jr.,Jos. Critcs. rr.TiT JURORS. Jas. Ilannon, B. S. Morris, W.J. Irwin, Robt. Moran, Nels Munson, L. B. Leach, G. B. Bailey, Herman Pieper, N. E. Small, II. G. Leuschen, Win. licilzmann. Jno. A. Maag, Patrick Fnrlev, Win. Lohr, August Smiili, O P. Reed, Fred. Schaad, Jr.,Jno. Browner, Patrick Fahey, Peter Snyder, Jacob Louis, Jas. Burrows, Jonas Anderson, Bird Ellis. A Card. To the OJIIcers ami Members of Colum bus Engine Company, No. 1. Getlemen. Permit me, with a due appreciation of tho confidence and responsibility conferred on me by electing me foreman of your company, to respectfully decline the honor, not to avoid the duties and responsibilities of such office, but believing I can best serve the com pany by remaining iu tho ranks. Hoping you gentlemen will accept this my resignation, I remain' Respectfully yours, &c, E. D. SlIEEIIAN. Platte County Agricultural Society. The Annual meeting of the Society will be held on Saturday, the 1st day of Feb. 1S79. at 2 o'clock, in the Town Hall, for the purpose of set tling up its business, aud the election of officers for the ensuing year All the members are earnestly requested to be present. By order of the Board, II. J. Hudson, Sec'y. . Engine Co. Io. 1. All members of Columbus Engiue Co. No. 1 are requested to meet at Engine House Hall on Thursday evening, January 23d, 1879. at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of electing a Foreman of said company, vice Ed. Shechau, resigned. John W. Early, Foreman. Pnlliner Ifiaclc. Editor Journal: In answer to " Horseman's " inquiry how to cure his pony of pulling at the halter: Take a half-inch rope and make a halter, and she will stop the pulling within 24 hours after it is put on, unless laboring under some disease. Farmer. WattsvlIIc. Editor Journal : Once more the time has come for a report to the Journal. The weather has been very cold, and frost-bitten lingers and toes arc numerous. L. II. Jewel and wife returned from Illinois last Saturday, where they visited friends. Lute was very glad to be at home again. Our "Literary" brought out a crowded house last Saturday, J. Eusdeu setting forth the hardships of a sailor's life, and H. C. Magoon representing the soldier. The ques tion was decided in favor of the soldier. II. C. Magoon's descriptive battle scenes of Gettysburg was very interesting. A dialogue en titled "Keeping Bad Company" was well rendered by George Alexan der and Co. The question for de bate Saturday, the 18th, was Has ignorance done more harm than in temperance? Miss Laura Sacrider is kept from school this week with a sore throat. Rev. Thomas, recently from Ohio, preached here last Sabbath at 10 o'clock, and Rev. Williamson, of Silver Creek, at 2 :30. Rev. Thomas announced services for Jan. 26th at 10 o'clock, and Rev. Williamson 7 p. m., same day. Ida May. January ICth, 1S79. For the Journal. i'eviimn. Grove. Coldl Cold! Through the holi days it has been severely cold, on up to the 10th the thermometer ranging from 17 to 23 deg. below zero; and Dr. Lewis, of Albion, re ports 35 below at that place, on the morning of the 2d. In this vicinity, there were several weddings during holidays, among the number Mr. Jule Strang aud Miss Sophia Nelson. On one of our coldest days Mods Nelson was burned out, losing all his furniture, bedding, clothing, provisions, &c. The wagon shop of Messrs. Knud son progresses toward completion. It is a fine building, and a valuable improvement. Since our last communication Nels. Nelson's family wero all, (three children, wife, and young lady living with them), very sick. He came near losing one child. Dr. Synder's wife and child have also been very hick. All arc now better. Most of the sick arc conva lescent, and the general health is much improved. A few days ago John Sanderson lost a valuable mare. John Jackson also lost a mare, last week in Co lumbus. At present the weather is fine and warm. lu illcmoriani. Obeklix, O., Dec, 25, 1878. Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove from us our beloved brother, Dana Ma goon, and Whereas, He was of exemplary Christian character and esteemed by all who knew him, therefore Resolved, That, we the class of "80 Oberliu Theological Seminary, tho' saddened by tins act of Providence, how in submission to the will of Him who "docih all things well." -Resolved, That wc remember with pleasure his devoted life iu our midst and all those trials which proved his unwavering "Christian character," which with his nobler character of heart and mind were so thoroughly winning the aflections of his classmates, and, preparing him for great usefulness as a minis ter of the gospel. Resolved, That we fender his be reaved mother and friendn our warmest sympathies, and commend them to Him whose teuder mercy is over all. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the mother of our departed brother, and also pub lished in the Oberliu Review, News and Gazette, and the paper publish ed at his home. F. M. Price, ) I. J. Manvii,le. Com. J. B. Stocking,) Tlie Shadow Problem. In answer to "A Reader" on that shadow problem I would say that the top of the candle is the top of the light or flame. The light from the candle and the lop of the table cause the shadow on the floor. There arc no other terms given to solve the problem, and it is uot impossible. A. Suijscriber. Genoa, Jan. 15, '79. Dear Journal : I think you arc mistaken in saying that Martha Washington is the only woman that ever enjoyed the franking privilege in our country. If I am right, it was customary to extend the same privilege, by special act, to every widow of an ex-president, so long as franking was allowed at all. c.c. s. Xo Whom it may Concern. Parties knowing themselves in debted to me will please call and settle their accounts, either by cash or note, on or before the first day of February, 1879. By complying with the request you will save costs. All old accounts must be settled by this dale. Yours respectfully, E. D. Sheehan. For Sale. West End Lumber Yard, Ceutral City, Neb. Terms easy. There is money in it. En quire of A. Henry, Columbus, or of C. G. Willman, Central City. . BONIBCMI HoUhCM. Two desirable business houses In Columbus for rent, suitable for var ious hinds of merchandise. D. D. Wadsworth. Fresh milch cow, five years old, for sale. Inquire of J. E. North. For Sale Cheap for Cash. Three cows, in calf, one bull, two yeai-3 old, one heifer, ono year old, one team of mules, also some farm tools; the abovo can be seen at Stearns Prairie P.O., Platte county, Nebraska. 2t LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements uudcr this head five cents a line each insertion. Boots at $1.75 at L. Kramer's. Puro cider viuegar at Hudson's. Grain Bags $2.25 at L.Kramer's. Cloaks for $2.50 at L. Kramer's. New Palermo Lemons at Hud son's. Boy'3 boots at $1.00 at L. Kra mer's. Pure apple juice cider at Hud son's. New Messina Oranges at Hud son's. Choice Faucy Candies at Hud son's. Pure Buckwheat flour at Win. Becker's. Woolen scarfs for 10 cents at L. Kramer's. New shirts at 25 cents, at L. Kramer's. Blankets at $1.00 a pair, at L. Kramer's. Good plaid shawls for 75 cents at L. Kramers. Silk handkerchiefs for 10 cents at L. Kramer's. Tho best place "to trade is at Bullard & Smith's. The new cigar "Desirable" 3 for a dime at Hudson's. --Undershirts aud Drawers 25 cts. each at L. Kramer's. Maple syrup aud buckwheat flour at George Rieder's. Children's shoes at 15 cents a pair at L. Kramer's. New Year's presents, nice and cheap, at L. Kramer's. Gent's rubber overshoes for 50 cents at L. Kramer's. The best brands of cigars can be had at Wm. Becker's. Canned fruits and confectionery of all kinds at Hudson's. Save 25 cts. by buying your flour at Bullard & Smith's. Fine unlaundried white shirts for 50 cents at L. Kramer's. Teas a specialty at M. II. O'Brien's grocery on 11th street. Grey and white Flannel at 15 ceuts a yard at L. Kramer's. New golden dates, figs r.nd ma ple sugar bricks at Hudson's. Best Albion flour at Bullard & Smith's, at $2.50 per hundred. 18 yards heavy Cotton flannel for one dollar at L. Kramers. Thirty tons of hay for sale, half mile south ot Jackson. Jno. Ernst. Recollect that Shotwcll & Ran dall pay the highest price for hides. Pickled pig's feet, souccd lamb's tongue and pickled tripe at Hud son's. Oranges, sweet cider and Mich igan apples just received at Hud son's. Lace handkerchiefs for 10 cents at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Choice malt vinegar pickles by the dozen or hundred at George Rieder's. A few pairs of those fur-lined slippers and shoes still left, for sale at M. Smith's. 53-3t. Shotwell & Randall pay the highest market price for live or dressed poultry. For the choicest of family groceries, at the lowest living rates, call on M. II. O'Brien. Boys' and Men's Winter Caps for 25 cents at I. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store Fresh fish right from Prairie Creek lor sale at Rausdall & Smith's opposite the post office. Hotels, saloons, and country dealers supplied with oysters at bed rock prices at Hudson's. I have made arrangements for regular delivery of pure sweet cider, guaranteed. II. J. Hudbou. Choice grades of coffees and teas at Wm. Becker's. lie stands back for none ou quality or price. For the best beer iu town go to Wm. Bucher's, where you will find a lunch of pig's feet, fish, cheese, &c. For sale cheap for cash or on time One work mare, one No. 1 pony and one fresh milch cow. D. Anderson. Oysters received daily and sold by the dish, can or case at U. J. Hudson's, two doors west of the Hammond House. Ladies, before purchasing any where, be sure to go to the Central Block, and Mrs. Drake will furnish you a complete outfit. If you want choice teas, coffees, syrups, spices or anything else good iu the grocery line, call at William Becker's. Go to S. T. Hill's to get your watches, clocks and Jewelry repair ed. Store with C. L. Hill's book store on Olive street. The best place in town to buy buckwheat flour and good Missouri sorghum to spread on your cakes, is at Bullard & Smith's. Children's, Misses' and Ladies' fashionably-trimmed hats at 50 cent, $1.00 and $1.50, at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Those who desire a pure and good article should call at the Cali fornia Wine Depot of Sam Gass's and try some of the white Califor nia grape brandy. Good news to people of Platte and adjoining counties. Great re duction in Lumber prices at the yard of Jaeggi & Schupbach. Prices down to bed rock terms strictly cash. Give them a call. Teachers, pupils and others oc casionally need blank news paper. We will furnish it in sheets the size of the Journal, 25x38 inches, four sheets for 5 cents, eight for 10, one quire for- 25 cents, and cut to suit. M. K. Turner & Co. 415-tf Good house for sale cheap. In quire of George N. Derry, Nebras ka House. Tens! Tciw!! Teas below cost at Marshall Smith's 53-3t Co flee!! M. Smith, at the Central Block, will sell you seven pounds of good Rio coffee for ono dollar. 3t I will not impose on the public and my customers by advertising what I cannot substantiate. Call and convince yourself of the fact. Win. Becker. Shotvrell &. ISanilulI On Olive street are furnishing tho best of beef, pork, sausage, &c, Ssc, at prices to suit the times. For Male. A farm of 159 acres, 125 broken. One mile west of Barn tun's. Please call ou A. Haight on the Big Island. Terms easy. . 3Gl-x IVotlce. All persons indebted to F. W. Ott are earnestly requested to call and settle; aud those who have claims against him should present them at once. We have blank note books, for sale, in books of 100 each, suitable for threshers, mechanics and others for work and labor; also the com mon form, aud the note "payable at Columbus State Bank." Also re ceipts in book form. M. K. Tur ner & Co. For Male Cheap. At Dan Ryan's stable, one yoke of work oxen, one span of marcs, one span of pony mares, one good cow, two sett of single harness, one sett of double haines1', ono heavy spring wagon, one buck-board with patent cover, one sulky. Inquire at this office, or at the stable. The People Want Proof. There is no medicine prescribed by physicians, or sold by Druggists, that carries such evidence of its suc cess and superior virtue as Bos ciike's German Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proof of that fact is that any person afflicted, can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It has lately been introduced iu this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing everyone that uses it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Sold by A. Ilcinlz, C. B. Stillman end Dolaud & Smith. SPECIALNOTICES Advertisements under this head five cent" a line, lint insertion, three cents a line each subde(tieiit insertion. 3For Bored Wells leave or ders at Rvan's Hotel. MeDennot & Co. 142-y. ltoKIur Stoclc ealer. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; also fat and stock hogs. "-II.V I). Anderson. llox lbr Sale. Fifty head of good, young stock hoys for sale. Inquire ofS. K. Ki.Y, on lie road between Columbus and Bcck rs M ill. St JGSJ- Countv Warrants, school order.", school bonds and jjnod bankable notes, also tir.st-ela.s mortgages bought. Money loaircd on good firming lands for a term of years, by A. SSenry, Colum bus, Nebraska. For Sale. A pair of mares with foal, wciirhl 1,000 pounds each. Lively, fast Walk er, and true. Age live and eight years, l'ricc $''S). O. E. Stkarns, Cedar River P.O., 449 Pawnee Reservation, Nebr. 'Po LcudcrM of Amateur Hand and O ill err.. For sale, a full set of Brass In struments for V performers. For price and further particulars, applv to II. G. CARKW, Columbia, Neb., 4t Sec'y Columbus Cornet Band. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE or nn order of sale di rected to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Platte County. Ne braska, on a judgment and decree ob tained before the said District Court at its December adjourned term, A. I)., 1877, of I'lattc County, Nebraska, in favor of Andrew .1. Ho"d?cs, as Plaintiff and axaiuit John "Witchey and Victoria C. AVitchey as Defendants, for the mi in of our hundred and thirty-live dollars and ninety-seven cents and the further mjiii of forty-three dollars nnd lifty-nine cent, attorney's fees, and costs taxed at $0.07 and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following real estate, situate in said Platte County, taken as the property of said Defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to wit: The Ihland No. four (4), oT Section nine (0 j. Township No. sixteen (16), of Rau"c one (1) west, in the district of lands subject to sale at Uimihn, ehras ka, containing sixty aud forty-one hun dredth acres according to the United States patent of the same; also north half ()of the northwest quarter () of Sec tion four (4), Township No.sixtet-n(lO), and the south half () of the southwest quarter l of Section thirty-three (:). in Township seventeen (17), north of Ranj?o one (1) west, containing one hun dred and titty one and twenty-seven hundredth (151.27) acres according to United states patent of same, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cah in hand ou the J3d day of January, A. D., 187!), In front of Court House, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, when and wuerc due attend ance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at Columbus, this 17th day of December. 187. BENJAMIN PPIELMAN, Sheriff of said County. LEGAL NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of John Bar row, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of the last will and testament of said deceased before the County Judge of Platte County. Ne braska, at the County Judire's otlicc in said comity on the Cth day of February, 1870, on the Cth day of 3Iay, 187, and on the 3th day of July, 187t. at 10 o'clock a.m.. each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months from January Cth, 1879, are allowed creditors to present their claims against said estate. JOIING.IIIGGINS, County Judge. good'cheapeiceTI AT 3IY RESIDENCE, on Shell Creek, three miles east of JIutthis's bridge, I have 7 0,000 g;ood.hnrdburnt brick Tor ale, which will be sold in lota to suit pur- 4t-tf" GEORGE HENGGLER. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations of the markets are ob tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the tiino. okmn. c. Wheat No. 1, test CO Ibi M " " 2, ' 5U " M " it, " :l " 41) Rejected 2D Corn. . I2fJll. 1.V8IS 201 . .... 1 .... ?2 25(22 75 Oats, Barley Rye. Flour, Graham... 250i3 0O Buckwncat Flour, ner lb 0.1 3Ieal, S01 00 l'KOVUCK. Butter, 1012f K"s "0(7Cl Potatoes, 2T(fao Bean.?uu 1600200 Peas 4 1 00(t$l W Onions ?J 405O Turnips 4 25(40 Deets 4 WgCO LIVK bTOCK. Fat Hoes 1GO&2 00 Fat Cattle, 2 00250 Yearlings, 6 0048 00 Calves 3 0040O Sheep 4 300 Good veal, per hundred 6 00 Hides, green salted 3 60 jikats. Ham 10t2 Shoulders, 47 Sides, M Corned Beef Stoak. S012K ram m mum At H- Cramer's old stand Opposite I. Gluck's on 11th Street. CUSHIONS a specialty. Repairing neatly done and charges very low. C. VT. I.ANDicny. Proprietor. I. C. Parkfr, Foreman. 1C. T. DULL-lItD. II. SMITH. -ClrEIBIlT. NORTH BULLARD & SMITH, H K A L K IC 8 IX- s, AJLUJUj FRUIT, PROVISIONS, &c. BEST OF &G0DS AT L0WS5I ?HICS ! o All Farm Products Bough. t and Sold. o Highest Cash Price Paid, o i: Goods Exchanged for Produce. USTGood delivered anywhere in thu city free of charge. NKV Iir;if.I!.; O.V llTII ST., Two Doors En.t of Jours al Ofllce. ,tiai:y Ai.iniif.'Jix, Merchant Tailoress, 13ti Zitrtt, epp:si Psjl-eSo. Men's and !oV .suits madn iu the latest style, and rood tit guaranteed, at very low prices. 3Ien's suits $0.00 to $9.0ti, according to the j:nods and work, llojs suits $3.00 to fl.(H, according to size. iSTCLEAXING .IXD ItKI'AiniNO 1K)XE.J2 Uring on your soiled clothing. A whole suit renovated and' made to ap pear a good as new for $1.25 421-y CITY MEAT MARKET, ox ob,ivk st.. iio.srri; If A. 11- JI03il IIOL'NI-:. "Will keep on hand all kinds ot Fresh nnd Salt Meats, also Sausage, Poultry, Fresh Fish, etc., all in their season. Cash paid for Hide, Lard and Ba con. VV1LL.T. ItlCKLY. CITBAL MEAT MAEKET :" llih KTKI-LT. Dealers in Fredi and Salted Meats. Ac. Town Lots, "Wood. Hide, c. .!. KICK'LY, Agent. Columbus, June 1, 1S77. GUS. A. SCHROEDER, DEALER IX HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, PUMPS, PAINT, WIND MILLS AND WAGONS, AXD A FULL LIXK OY Agricultural Implements. Goods sold cheap for cash. SIGN OP BIG AX, 11th STREET, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 454-x. THE HOWE! Sewing Machine, Challenges Comparison, Distances Competition, Surpasses Ex pectation, Gives Univer sal Satisfaction. UNRIVALLED IX CONSTRUCTION", UNEQUALLED IN DURABILITY, UNSURPASSED IN AIM'cAR- ANCE, UNEXCELLED IN ADJUSTMENT, UNAP- I'KOACIf ZD IS FINISH, UNPRECEDENTED IN OPERATION, UNQUESTIONED IN EXCEL LENCE. UNDOUBTED IN SUPERIORITY, Undersold by Torie! UNDENIABLY THE BEST SEWING MACHINE EVKR IXVZNTED. J. E. TASKER & BRO., Agents, STOffice with A. HENRY, OLIVE ST : COLUMBUS, NEB. 451-tf m