"' THJS,10URNAL. hA'rBs'oi-. Ah V KuTisLSif THE JOURNAL. Space. Uo '2k Into Sm Urn lyr IB ISSUKD BKi:V WEDNESDAY, lcol'mn 1 312.0" ?2P j25 $35 "?Jb"31W) J ' ,:U0 VJ( 15 20 1 35 1 CO K -4 I 8.t"M il 12'lV 20 1 35 4im:hrs 5.25 7.3Q J II 14 f 15 27 3 " 4.50 1 0.75 10 j 12 K 20 M. K. TOMER & CO., I'roprietors and Publishers. 1 ' 1.50 1 2.25 1 4 5 10 BuInpi aud professional cards ten lines or less spnee, per annum, ten dol lars. Leiral advert iscinents at tatuta rates. ''Editorial local notices'' llftccn cents a line each insertion. "Local notices " five cents a line each inser tion. Advcrtisment clarified as "Spe cial notices" fivw cents a line first inser tion, three cents a linc-ouch subsequent insertion. -:o:- VOL. IX.-NO. 38. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1879. m WHOLE NO. 454. Slf utfiititii iftftpl i Ml or tSTOfficc lu the JOURNAL building, Elccnth-st., Columbus, Neb. Tekjis I'cr year, ?2. Six months, l. Three month, 50c. nsle copies, 5c. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. A. . Paddock, U. S. Senator, Heatrlcc. AI.VIN Saunders, U. S. Senator, Omaha. T. .1. Majorl. Ken.. Peru. E. K. Valentine, Kep., West Point. STATE DIItECTOUY: Almnxs Nance, Governor, Lincoln. . J. Alexander, Secretary of State. F. W. I.iedtke, Auditor, Lincoln. C M. Hartlctt, Trent-urcr, Lincoln. O. .1. Dilworth, Attorney-General. S. It. Thompson, Supt. Public Ins'.ruc. II. C. Iawon, Warden of Penitentiary. V.-lllhiSZ' 1 rri' "tor.. Ir..I. G. Davis Prison Physician. II. P. Mathcwison, Sujt. Insane Asylum. 41'DICIAUY: i?. Maxwell. ('hieT .Tu-tice, :,orge It. l.nkc.J Ab.or5:itP judpce. Aiuasa Cobb, j KOmtTII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. C5. VT. Post, .Indcf, York. M. It. Uce;e, District Attorney, TVahoo. LAND OPKK'EltS: 31. 11. Hoxie, KeNter, Grand Island. 'm. Anyan. Keecivcr, Grand Island. COl'NTY DIKECTOItY: J. G. Hi-pins County .finite. .1lm StatifTer, County Clerk. V. Hummer. Treasurer. Itcnj. picluiau. Sheriff. It. L. Hostr-iter, Surveyor. Win. Illopilorn.j .Iwlin Walker, CountyCouunissioncrs. Tohn Wise. ) lr. A. Ilcintz, Coronrr. S. L. Hirrftt, Supt. of School. HVrVini Mr'"' J,,ellce" tp--Charles Wake, Con-table. CITY DIUL'f'TOKY: A. Spciee, Mayor, lolin Schram, Clerk. .Tolm .1. Kirkly, Mar-hal. I. V. Karlv, Treasurer. S. ;. .MAlliter. Police Jud-o. J. 5. lloutson, Engineer. COL'NCII.MEN: 1st II ard-,1. E. North, E. Pohl. 2d HW-K. Kavaiiausli. V. E.Moree. ?.d H'rJ-E. .1. P.aker. Win. Iturxcs. ColiimtitiH rol Olllee. Open on Sundav tram 11 a.m. to 12 m. and from 4:30 to ; i. m. ltuinch hoiiri except Sunday (1 a m. to S r. m. astt-rn maiU doe at 11:2) A. M. Wtcrn mails close at 4:2:ir.M. Mail loa- Columbus for Madison and Norfolk, on Tue-dajs Thuidays and Saturdays. 7 a. M. "Arrive- Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays 3 p. m. For Monror," Genoa. Watcrville and Al bion, daily rxeept Sunday (i a. M. Ar rive, same. i m. Far Summit, riyssc and Crete. Mon day, ami Thurj.dayp, 7 a. m. Arrives Wednesday s alil Saturdm s, 7 V. M. For lle ille. O-ceoU and York. Tiici day, Thursday and Saturday-, I P.M. Arrive t 12 M. For Wclf. rarr.il and llattle Creek. Mondav- and Wrdue-day.( A. M. Ar rives Tucdm - and Fridays at p. M. For Mu-Il Cr-i-k, Nebo. Cre-ton and Manton, on Monday, at 7 A.M. Arrive- Tuc-da - ' p. M. For I:id Citv, Tue-days, Thudiv aiul Saturdays, 1 r. m Arrive-, at 12 M. 15. l. Time 'Jftililr. Rasttcard Bound. Kmij:r.nt,No., leaves at .. 0:2 a. in. Pn-.-n-'r, " 4, " " llHWa.m. Freight, " s. " ' 2:1.'. p.m. l-ri-ielit. "1". " .. 4:3t):i.in. iPtfuficrtnl Hound. Vrcisht. No. .'., leaves at 2:00 p.m. Pas-cu-'r, " .", " ' 4:27 p.m. Frri-bt. " ', ' " 5:W)p.m. Kmisrant. " 7. ' " l:) Kverv da except Saturday the three li-ies leadiiis to Chicago connect with I P. train- at Omaha. On Saturday tberw -vx ill be but one train a day, as . L,. ...- Hi., fnllntv-ill sflipdlllc: onipitii ' ... .....-- .. ... - - . (CAN. W. 1 7th a Pent . .. Jc,lt.J. th 1 (i It. I. & IM 21-t (l".,t..W. 1 TUiailUMIl. Mil and 2itli. Oel - -H. 1L I. V '-f 12th (C, It. 1. A- P.) 2d and 23d. JVC... -v'N.W. ) !th and :Wth. JC, 11. .tQ. 1 HUH (CILA-O. 1 7tli:md2Sth. Dec .. . 4i, H. .& P.M4th (C. .t N. W. ) 2t Farm for Sale. ONE mXlKi:i AND SIXTY acre-if excellent farm land in But ler Countv, near Patron P. o., about .iui-dista"ut from three County Seats David Citv, Columbus and Schuyler; r0 acre- under cultivation; ." acres or treeF. maple, cottonwood, tc: ood frame hou-e, granary, -tabic, hed, Ae. Good tock ramre, convenient to water. The place it- for sale or exchange for property i hou-e and a few acres) near Columbu.. Inquire at the Jouunal office, or address the undersigned at Patron P.O. 403 JOUN TANNAIIILL. IMR.HI5KS! BE OF GOOD CIIEEIt. Let not the low prices of your products difc couragc you. but rather limit your ex pcnscs to your resource. You can do -o by stopping at the new home of your fello'w farmer, where you can tind ood accommodations cheap. For hay for team for one night and day. 25 cts. A room furnished with a cook -tovc and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Thoc wichiug can be accommo dated at the hoie of the undersigned at the following rate: Meal 23 cents; beds 10 cents. J. U. SENECAL, J4 mile cast of Gcrrard' Corral. iflis noteasilvcarned in these 2V time, but it can be made i) I I in three months by any one or cither sex. in any part of the eountrv who is willing to work steadilr at the employment that we furni-h. ?G5 per wek in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can cive your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who arc making over $20 per day. AH who engage at once can make money fast. At the pre-ent time money cannot be made so easilv and rapidly at any other busi ue. It coFts nothing to try the buti ucss. TermsandJ-'i Outfit free. Address at once. II. IIu.LTT & Co., Portland, Main 375-y. Fein make nionov faster at work for us than atanvthWelse. Capital not required: we will start you. ? 12 per day at home made by the indus trious. Men. women, boys and cirls wanted evervw here to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outfit and term free Address True Si Co., Augusta. Maine $f f a w-eck in your own town. ?5 rr Outfit free. No risk. Reader VVif you want a business at which persons of either sex can make great ptiy all the time they work, write for particulars to II. IIal LETTtt Co Portland, Maine. BUSINESS CAEDS Ir. .1. S. illcAl.I.lSTKIC, SUIIGEON AND MEDICINAL DEN ti&t. Office on 12th St., three doors cant of Schilz's boct and shoe store, Columbus, Neb. Thotograph Rooms in connection with Dental Office. 215.y IIUGII HUGHES, OARPENTEIt, JOINER AND CON TRACTOR. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Refers to the many for whom he has done work, as to prices and quality. "W. -A. CLAEK, Mill-Writ ana Eipf, COLUMBUS, NEB. 402-12 T S.CHRISTISON.M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, t3TFor one vcar a RESIDENT PHY SICIAN to the NEW YORK CITY HOSPITALS. IUackwell's Island, N.Y. Office on 11th St., next to the Journal. Mileage .'0 cts. Medicines furnished. 3i. weisk:fi,ijii, WILL repair watches and clocks In the best manner, and cheaper than it can be done In anv other town. "Work left with Saml. Gas, Columbu-, on 11th street, one door east of I. Gluck's store, or with Mr. Weiscnfluh at Jackon, will lie promptly attended to. 415. NKLS.OX MILLETT. IJYKOX MILMTTT, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. IV. JHM.ETT A: S3f, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Nebra-ka. N. 11. They w ill give close attention to all business entrusted to them. 248. RYAN & DEGAN, rpWO door east or D. Ryan's Hotel X on 11th street, keep a large stock of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, And every tiling usually kept at a flrst-cla- bar. 411-x FOR SALE OR TRADE ! MARES COLTS, Teams of Horses or Oxen, SAD01,K: IB6, wild or broke, at the Corral of 42!) GERKARD Sz ZE1GLER. D0LAND & SMITH, DRTJGG-ISTS, Wholesale oud Rotnil, VTEHUASKA AYE., opposite City IN Hall, Columbus. Nebr. EST Low prices and fine goods. Prescriptions and family recipes a specialty. 417 STAGE Eton'S. JOHN IirilElt, the mail-carrier be tween Columbus and Albion, will leave Columbus everyday except Sun day at G .tc!ock. sharp, p.is.-lng through Monroe. Genoa, Wal.Tillc, and to Al ' ion The hack will call at either of the Hotels tor pa-scngcrs if orders arc leR at the poxt-office. Rates reason able,?.! to Albion. . 222.1y Columbus Meat Market! WEBER & KNOBEL, Prop's. KEEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh meats, and smoked pork and beef; also fresh li-h. Make sausage a spec ialty. iSTltcmember the place. Elev enth St., one door west of D. Ryan's hotel. 417-tf litrlelf .Icnt JInrliet. Washington Ave., iirarlj opjxisltf Court House. OWING TO THE CLOSE TIMES, meat will be sold at this market low. low down for CAtit. Rest steak, per lb., 10c. Itib roast, " Sc. Roil, " tie. Two cents a pound more than the above prices will be charged on time, and that to gond responsible parties only. 207. DOCTOR B0NESTEEL, U. S. EXAJIEMrVG Nt'UGEO.V, roLUMHCS, NEltKASKA. OFFICE IIOl'RS, 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to 4 p. in., and 7 to 9 p.m. Office on Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of E. J. Raker's grain office. Residence, corner Wyoming and Walnut streets, north Columbus, Nebr. 433-tf MRS. Y. L. COSSEY, Dress and Shirt Maker, 3 Poor Wc-t of Stlllman'k lira? Store. Dre-se- and shirts cut and made to orderandsati-faction guaranteed. Will also do plain or fancy tewing of any de scription. t3T PRICES VERY REASONABLE. Give me a call and try my w ork. 425-ly HENRY GASS, UNDERTAKER, KEEPS ON HAND readv-made and Metallic Coffins, Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cane Scat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black "Wal nut Lumber. TKiheics Atc. :;;::'.'. C:srt Erne, Cctefczs, Kii F. "W. OTT3 8KLLS All kinds of musical iimiiiiu HooVs, r'atlontrr, Cndy and Clears. OXE DOOK NOKTII Or TOST -OFFICE. 400-tf F. SCHEOK, Manufacturer and Dealer in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Storeon Olive St., near the old Post-oSce Columbus Nebraska. 447-ly BFHF i r. E. la. S1GGI.V, Physician and Surgeon. ISTOffice open at all hours Bank Building. J. BYRNE, DENTIST, COLUMBUS, NEB. Z3T Office: Eleventh St., one door cast of Jouhnal building, up-stairs. TTEXRY G. CARE W, Attorney and Counselor at Law, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Formerly a member of the English bar; will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him in this and adjoining counties. Collections made. Office one door east or Schil.' shoe store, corner of olive and 12th Streets. Spricht Deut'di. Parle Francais. 418-tr COLUMBUS BRICK YABD, (One mile west of Columbus.) THOMAS FLYNN & SON, Propr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK Alivayis on IXaml In QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASERS 371-tf BERNARD McTEGGART, BLACKSMITH, Is prepared to do all kinds of black smithing in a workmanlike manner, and will guarantee to give satisfaction. He makes HORSE -SHOEING A SPECIALTY, and in this branch of the trade will ac knowledge no peers. Persons having lame horses from bad shoeing will do wtdl to bring them to him. He only asks for a trial. All kinds of repairing done to oruer. -nu-jm CALIFORNIA WINES Sed ail Wfciio, 8135SS1.75 A GALLON -AT- SA3IL. GASS'S, Kli'Trnth Street. LUEES&SCHEEIBER Blacksmith and Wagon Maker. All kind of repairing done at short notice. Vagoiis Ruggies. &c, &r made to order. All work warranted. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter sal, Columbus, Nebraska. 352 j7c. ELLIOTT, AGF.XT FOR THE STOVER WIND MILL $20 OSCILLATING FEED MILL, And All Kinds of Pumps AND PUMP MATERIALS! ALSO Chnllcngc Wind and Feed Mills, Combined Shelter and Grinder, Malt M ills. Horse Powers, Corn Shelters and Fanning Mills. Pumps Repaired on Short Notice, Farmers, come and examine our mill. You will tind one erected on the premises oftlie Hammond House, in good running order. colijbi)s Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SIIEEHAX, Proprietor. "Wuolesald and Retail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. X3T Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their season, BY THE CASE, CAN OR DISH, 11th Street, South of Depot, WM. BECKER, DEALEK IN( GROCERIES, Grain, Produce, Etc. t NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. Goods delivered Free of Charge, anywhere in the city. Corner of 13th and Madison Sts. North of Foundry. 3W MMulle A PLUCKY WO.UAX. The Story of Polly S trader, the Trapper. JlV EDWAItD EGGLESTO.V. Away out upon the frontier, on the bauks of one of those beautiful lakes that abound in Minnesota, liv ed Mr. Ilenry Strader.Polly's lather. He had emigrated from Pennsylva nia in 185G, and had made a ''claim" on the linest quarter section of land within in a circuit often miles. Ac cording to the Pre-emption laws, the person who settles on unoccupied land and observes certain formali ties has the right to purchase that land from the Government, at any time before it i9 brought iuto mark et, at $1.25 au acre. But if he docs not buy it before the day of sale it is sold at auction to the highest bidder. Mr. Strader had three children Harry, his eldest, Polly and little Jimmic. All the money that her father could make by farming in summer and trapping in winter he spent in improving his claim. As the land was not likely to bo adver tised for sale for some years, he did not think it necessary to make any provisions for buying at once. But Mr. Strader was taken suddenly ill and died, and the burden of paying for the claim and supporting the family came upon Harry, then only seventeen years of age. Not wholly upon Harry, either, for, from the time her father died, Polly, who was just fifteen, resolved to share every burden with her brother. She was stronger than many boys of her age, and had always been fond of out door life. In fact, she was what you would call a tomboy, brim full of life, restless and energetic. She had already learned to paddle a canoe, and as the prairie chickens would come into the yard, she had become au adept with a shot-gun. The neighbors used to say she was too wild, that she would never be good for anything. But within a week after her father died, she had taken a hoc and gone into the field by the side of Harry. All through the hot days she did her part; and as the winter drew on, she practiced with the rifle,until she could shoot about as well as her brother. And through the long cold months she tied on her snow-shoes as regularly as Harry did his, and by dint of helping her brother, and taking lessons from him, she learned all the craft of the trapper. She knew the habits of the muskrat, mink and otter as well as any man in the region. Harry used to make her face grow red sometimes, by declaring that she was n "glorious girl." By the next spring came the com mencement of the war. I cannot stop to tell you of all the discussions that were held in the Straders' cabin on the subject of Harry's enlistment. They ended in Polly telling him to go, that she would support the fam ily, and that the land wouldn't come into market right off anyway. And whether right or wrong, Harry en listed. That summer Polly suc ceeded in cultivating that portion of the laud that was broken and fenced in such a way as to get a tolerable crop. But during the summer there came the sad news that Harry was wounded, and must lie for a long time in the hospital, and then per haps be discharged on account of his disability to do further service. To add to their distress came the startling intelligence that the laud was brought into market and must be pre-empted before the first of January or it would be sold. There was a merchant five miles away by the name of Van Dyke, who bought furs of the settlers and sold them provisions. An utterly mean man, there was no advantage to be taken that Van Dyke did not take. He was delighted to hear that the land in the neighborhood was to be sold, for he was perfectly satis lied that the Widow Strader could not raise the two hundred dollars necessary to purchase the laud, and he chuckled as he thought of the prospect of buying it at the Govern ment sale, and thus get all the im provements for nothing. Indeed, it was shrewdly suspected that as Van Dyke had some influence with offi cers of the land office, he had some thing to do with the bringing of the land iuto the market at so early a day ; for, as he was a money-lender and a speculator, there were many ways in which a land sale would be to his advantage. Polly applied to Mr. Van Dyke for a loan on a mortgage on the land but was refused. Hoping against hope, she went to work to raise all the money she could very early in the fall. Leaving her mother and little Jimmie to secure the crop3, she commenced to trap. She started out at daylight every morning, and was a picture for a painter as she pushed off her canoe. Her long hair lay on her shoulders, her head was covered with a regular huuter's cap, madeef wolfskin, with a wolfs tail hanging down Behind. She had been pretty successful, but at the prices offered by Mr. Van Dyke she had nothing like enough to buy the land. Polly was pretty high-spirited, and she vowed that Van Dyke should not have a single skin that she captured. In vain he assured her that the price he offered her was the highest that could be paid. "Mr. Van Dyke, you have not money enough to buy mv furs." At last carne thlfiiews that Harry was about to start for home. He had been discharged, and was scarcely able to walk; but, at any rate, it was a comfort to know that he was coining home again. It was now the middle of November, but the sky was yet clear, and looked like fields of gold beneath the autumn sun. And every night the prairie fires made the 6ky glow in every direction. Polly had made a careful account of her resources, and said that at least she had enough to buy the forty acres on which the house and the principal part of the improvements were. That was one consolation at any rate. They would not be without a home, if they did have to loose the meadow and timber land they prized so highly. One morning, as she was running bullets and filling up her powder horn, Mr. Van Dyke came in and handed her a letter, saying: "This was in the office for you, and I thought I would bring it along over as 1 was coining. Don't want to sell your turs this morning, eh?" "I am obliged to you, Mr. Van Dyke for bringing the letter, but you can't have any of my furs." "Well, you might let inc have that black fox, anyhow, as a personal favor. I want to send it to my brother. I've taken a fancy to it. Itau't worth more thau five dollars, but I'll give you ten." Polly had captured a black or silver-gray fox a few days before, the only one she had ever seen, for it is very rare indeed that such a fox is takeu so lar south. She had no idea of its value, but ten dollars seemed to her a large price, and she was at first inclined to yield; but, remembering she was dealing with a scoundrel, she said, "Mr. Van Dyke, I believe that I told you that you couldn't have any of my peltries." "Well, Miss Strader, you'll be sorry some day that you didn't oblige me," he said, as he left the door. Then Polly opened the letter; all her hopes were dashed to the ground. It was from Harry. He was very ill at St. Paul, and begged Polly to come to him, otherwise he thought hn would die. "Well," said Polly, "if we must give up all hopes ot buying the farm, or even lorty acres, I suppose we'll have to. It'll take a good part of what I have to get Harry home, and New Year isn't lar off. Every piece is precious. But we must save Harry's life, for the poor fellow will get well if we once get him home." And so, without regarding her mother's warning that there was a storm brewing, she started out in her canoe to go down the lake to get a team with which to go for Harry. Her own was an ox team, and beside Harry couldn't stand the day and night riding in the stage, for the distance was oue hundred and forty miles. She hired a team for a trip to St. Paul. She couldn't get it till the Monday following, and so she wrote a letter to Harry, telling him that she was coming, and then start ed to paddle around the shore and look at her traps. "When she had got to a place which she and Harry had called Harbor, on the opposite side of the lake, she found a dead deer, partly eaten by' wolves, aud knowing the wolves would return after dark, she set several traps for them. Then she hastend back to her canoe, for it was now late, and there could be no doubt that the November storms, with which the winter almost always begins in that climate, were now at hand. But before she could set foot in her canoe, the storm came, and in an instant the air was so filled with snow that an object twenty feet away was invisible. It took but a moment for Polly to appreciate her situation. To paddle across the lake in such a 6torm was out of the question. The wind was coming up, and it would be alike impos sible to coast around the shore. Beside, it was a great distance, aud ice would begin to form before she could get half way. There wag no family living on that side of the lake. Her only course was to stay where she was. Her spirit sank for a moment, but she dashed away the tears that came up from her deso late heart, and set about making the best of it. She found a large log lying in the ravine. Dragging her canoe from the water she laid it up side down parallel with the log, about three feet away from it. She then cut brush and laid across them, to form a roof. Creeping under the shelter, she was soon buried b'eneath two feet of snow, and so felt sure of not freezing. There is no better protection from cold than snow. It was a lonely place. She could hear her heart beat. But when the wolves commenced to gather for their midnight repast, and when they set up their frightened howls, she could feel the hair rise up on her head. She would have been brave enough if sho could have fought with the wolves, but to lie there and listen to their unearthly yelling, not knowing how soon the hungry pack would find her, was more than she could endure. Aud then she thought of poor Harry, and of the laud sale, aud she wished for the skins of the wild beasts that were so near her. lor though the wolfskin is of little or no value for the ordinary purposes to which furs arc applied, it is in considerable demand for lap robes. And remem bering that she was on the leeward side of the wolves, she dug away the snow at one end of her burrow, and looked out. Then, growing bolder, she crept to a clump of little bushes near by, through which she could plainly see them. For by this time it had ceased snowing, aud the moon was shining, though the wind blew. She leveled the gun at them two or three times before she could get courage enough to fire. At the first shot she killed one, and the pack scattered a little; but the smell of the fresh blood of the dead wolf brought them back again. Several times she fired with like success; but one of the wolves, in moving around, caught night of her. When a wolf sees any living object he im mediately endeavors to get to the leeward of it, in order to tell by the scent what it is. A wolf depends on his nose in such matters, aud not altogether upon his eyes. This one, when he caught sight of Polly, com menced to make a circle in order to get where his nose would inform him what kind of an animal she was. Crowding the ball down quickly, sho fired just in time to keep 'the wolf from finding her out and call ing the rest of the pack with his howl. The wolf rolled over in the snow. Another one came near running right on her, but she fired in time to save herself. But this last fright alarmed her so that she did not fire again until she had climbed a tree. From this point she kept up a fire on them till daylight, when they left. As the result of the night's work, Polly found that she had killed nineteen wolves, and frozen one of her fingers almost off. Two of the wolves had been torn by the others but there were seventeen tolerably good skins. But before she dared undertake to skin them, she found it necessary to have a fire to keep her hands from freezing. By whittling thin bass wood shavings from her canoc-pad-dlc, and taking cotton from her clothing, she was able to start a fire by striking a percussion-cap in the midst of the bunch of cotton with a little powder scattered through it. It took her till noon to take the skins from the wolves, and by the middle of the afternoon the severe cold had frozen the lake in its nar rowest part, so that she ventured to cross. In order to take her wolf skins across, she was obliged to make a little sledge of the crotch of a small tree. Of course there had been great distress at home on ac count of her absence, and great was the joy at her return. On the next Monday she pnt her furs on a sled and started for St. Paul. When she got to Mankato she took a load of wheat for St. Paul, getting a good round price for haul ing it. Arriving in the city her first care was to find Harry aud to cheer him up, which she did most effectu ally. He said her merry laugh was better than all the medicine in the world. She told Harry that if she could get a load back she thought her furs would be sufficient to pay for forty acres, and the other hun dred and twenty they would have to let "old Van Dyke," as she called him, hare. "And so you've turned teamster, have you, little woodchuck?" 6aid Harry, raising himself up in bed. "Anything to save yon and the old home, Harry." That day she sold her furs. What waB her surprise to find that the rare and beautiful silver-gray fox wa9 worth not only ten dollars, but sixty-five, for the average value of black or silver-gray skins is fifty dollars, and hers was an uncommon ly fine one.- And then, too, an ex traordinary demand for minks had carried them up to three times the price offered by Van Dyke, and even her muskrats were worth twice what he had offered, aud she got well paid for her wolf skins. And to this Harry's back pay, that he had just received, was added, and there was more than enough to enter the whole claim. When Polly got home she did not tell any of her neighbors that she had stopped at the land office of St. Peter on her way back and entered the claim. Aud Van Dyke, who did not know that she had taken a load both ways, nor how many furs she had, came over to sec Harry, who was now able to walk about. "Mr. Strader," said he, "I suppose you will be able to pre-empt forty acres of this, aud I mean to buy the other three forties. Your sister has been a little saucy, but I want to oblige you, and if you'll let me buy in this forty with the house on I don't mind paying you a little some thing to start you on a new claim." "I couldn't make uch an arrange ment, sir, " said Harry. "Why ?" said Van Dyke. "Because my sister, whom you tried to swindle, entered the whole claim on her way back from St. Paul.. And now, sir, there is the door!" And the crest-fallen "land shark" left. lViltl I-Mowcrsorthe Holy Inutl. The wild flowers which year after year adorn the face of Palestine in the early spring with colors so va ried and glowing that they surprise the western traveler, are in striking contrast to everything else around them The red-flowered anemone, the white daisy and the yellow marigold which cover the undulat ing down of Hebron in the beginn ing of the year are the lineal de scendants and the exact counterparts of those which cheered Abraham when, an exile from his fatherland, he pitched his tent in the Laud of Promise. The tulips, poppies and anemones wnicu auouiul in the pastures of Bethlehem, arc similarly like and related to those which David saw when he watched his father's flocks there. The mountains around the Sea of Galilee are adorn ed with the same lilies which sup plied the Saviour with such an ap posite illustration when he address ed to the crowds His Sermon on the Mount. All around has changed. The inhabitants of the land have come and gone again, leaving traces behind them in the ruins, which abound in the mountain, plain and desert alike. Palestine is the laud of ruins, and these ruins tell the story of the successive poseMors of the soil, of the Cananite, the Israe lite, the Koman, the Christaiu and the Mohamedau ; yet the bright and beautiful plants of the mountains and valleys remain unchanged through all changes. One or two intruders have established them selves among the native vegetation but without affecting the general aspect, except in one case, that of the prickly pear (pjnmlia vulgaris Linn,) which is very abundant in Palestine, as it is in all the countries surrounding the Mediterranean. Itcason Tor Encouragement. We have settled down to the rate of values recognized by the world in its normal relations. Men know what they aud others possess, and financial language has a definite meaning. This will enable men to transact business with confidence, with a full knowledge of what they are doing. We have great reason for encouragement. The crop of cereals grown the last year was nearly one-third greater than in 187G and the rapid filling up of the west with the unemployed of eastern cities, will largely swell the produc tions of the future. Our mining interests arc assuming marvelous proportions and adding millions to the country '8 wealth. The balance of trade in our favor will reach nearly $400,000,000 this year, and the prospect is that the future will show a large increase. American manufacturers are find ing a ready market for all classes of their productions in nearly all for eign countries. We have opened up a trade in fresh beef that is to grow into giant proportions taxing to the utmost the capacity of the great branches and plains of the west, while in canned meats, fruits and oysters the demand is daily in creasing, uur live siock ami norses are being shipped with marked suc cess and our street-cara drawn by American horses with Yaukec driv ers are found in many of the cities of the world. Seward Reporter. "Though I have only one eye I'll bet you I can see more'n you can." "Douc!" "I can see your two eyes in your face, and you can only see one in mine. Hand me over the stakes." A Dirty TrlcU." Lawyers sometimes resort to ques tionable methods in order to destroy the effect which the testimony of a truthful aud intelligent witness ha3 upon a jury. Mr. Webster onco tried, in an ungnllant way, to break down a woman's evidence, and ho met more than his match. It was in the somewhat-famous case of Mrs. Bodgcu's will, which was tried in the Supreme Court. Mr. Wob ster appeared as counsellor for tho appellant. Mrs. Grcenough, wifo of Iter. William Grcenough, laic of West Newton, a tall, straight, queenly looking woman, with a keen black eye, a woman of great self-possession aud decision of character, was called to the staud, a witness on tho opposite side from Mr. Webster. Webster, at a glance, had tho sa gacity to foresee that her testimony, if it contained anything of import ance, would have great weight with the court aud jury. He therefore resolved, if possible, to break her down. Aud when she auswercd to the first question put to her, ' I be lieve," Webster roared out: "We don't want to hear what you believe; we want to hear what you know I" Mrs. Grcenough replied, ''That is just what I wad about to say, sir," aud went on with her testimony. Notwithstanding his repealed ef forts to disconcert her, she pursued the even tenor of her way, until Webster, becoming fearful of tho result, arose, apparently in great agitation, and, drawing out his largo Biiull-box, thrust his thumb and fin ger to the very bottom, and, carry ing the deep pinch to both nostrils, drew it up with a gusto. Then extracting from his pocket a very large handkerchief, which flowed to his feel a3 he brought it to the tront, he blew his nose with a report that rang distant aud loud through the crowded hall. Webster: "Mrs. Grccnoush. waa Mrs. Bodgen a neat woman ?" "I cannot give you full informa tion as to that, sir. She had ono yery dirty trick." "What was that, ma'am?" "Sho took snuff!" The roar of the Court House waa such that the Defender of the Con stitution sat down, and neither roso nor spoke agaiu until after Mrs. Grcenough vacated her chair for another witness, having ample time to reflect upon the inglorious histo ry of the man who had a stone thrown nt his head by a woman. '1'lic llri'iitli oi I,He. What do you breathe at night? "Air," do you say? What sort thin or thick, pure or foul? You can't tell ? never analyzed it? Wo beg your pardon that is a mistake. Your lungs, and through them your blood, analyze every breath of air you take in, sleeping or waking; and if it is bad your aching head, your listless, heavy body, your flushed cheeks and "fuzzy" mouth, give the results in the morning with a certainty that no chemist's tests can surpass. But how can you Cell whether the air is good, you ask ? By remem bering first, that there is no pure air except that of the great out doors. It may be warmed without very material injury, for comfort in the house though tlii3 is very sel dom done; but warm or cold, pure air is a thing of life and motion and freedom, and there is no bedroom big enough to hold pure air for tbo use of a single human being (not to mention two) through one night. If we were shut up in a " princely bed-chamber," and couldn't get tho window open, we would throw a boot-jack through the largest pane rather than sleep without ventila tion. By some means or other we leave you to supply itair from tho great reservoir of the world must be introduced to your sleeping-room if you wish to keep it pure. As to tests, we are glad to see that a scientific lecturer has reminded people that nature gave them their noses to use, and he advises them to employ this picket-guard of tho body to sec if the air of their bed rooms is right. " When you get up," he says, " leave your bed-room just as it was; go out into the puro morning air and breathe that till your nose is wide awake, then go back and take a few snuffs of your bedroom air; If it smells fresh and sweet like out-door air, you have good ventilation, and have breathed the breath of life all the night." Lf on tho contrary it smells close, musty, "thick," sickening, your nose will have told you what your senso ought to have made clear without the test. With all the taxes about and hard times, the air at lea3t is free. Bo sure and get your share of it. Golden Jtule. 1 4