The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 15, 1879, Image 2

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Hon. Columbus Delano, cx-Sec-retnry
of the Interior, waB on the
"Vth, dan-jerouely ill at his home ia
Tncni: wns a rrport in circulntiou
IflFt week thnt the post-office at York
Imd been burglarized, mail sacks cut
open and letters taken out.
S. L. Wakd, of the produce firm
of S. L. Ward & Co., of Boston, has
disappeared. A number of credi
tors arc said to be defrauded.
A bill has been introduced in the
United Slates Senate by Senator
Sargent to admit Dakota as a State.
The bill wa6 appropriately referred.
Hecently, eight stills have been
eeized in Stanley county, North
Carolina, and ciyht distillers arrest
ed. One of the raiding party was
On the morning of the 13th,
Uauck'ti brewery, at East Newark,
.N. J.j and all buildings connected
with it were totally destroyed by
The first five days of January in
southeastern Nebraska were the
coldest of the season, the thermom
eter ranging from eight to sixteen
degrees below zero.
Sessions and Gibson of the House
will probably not have so much
influence with members of llie legis
lature as they would if they would
talk less.
Dispatches from Scotland on the
10th report great snow 6torms and
severe gales. Similar severe storms
were also prevailing at Crook
Haven, Irelaud.
Hcll, who stole thirty thousand
dollars in bondd from Fields and
Joue6 Bros., New York, was captur
ed on the 10th, and taken from a St.
John's steamer to Montreal.
F. A. ScirwiLis distillery at Day
ton, Ohio, burned on the nighi of
the 13th. Damage to building $3,
000, and to alcohol work", which
were totally destroyed, ?50,000; in
sured fcr $12,000.
The news from Fort Bubison
states that fitly Chcyeuucs are btill
at large. Corporal Ore, Company
A, of the Third cavalry was killed
Sunday noon by savages ;and private
Hunter was shot in the shoulder the
6ame evening.
Olive and three of his associates
have been transferred from the jail
at Kearney to the penitentiary at
Lincoln for safe keeping. It was
not known at Lincoln that they
were coming, and everything was
Representative Schleicheu, a
member from Texa, died on the
10th hist., at 11 A. M. An unusual
number of members of congress
have died thus early in thp session.
There must be some local cause
producing this result.
The Nebraska State officers elect
on the 9th, took the oath of office at
Lincoln, administered by Judge
Maxwell of the Supreme Court,
after which Gov. A. Nance deliver
ed his inaugural, which is a sensible
and worthy addrcrs.
The Potter committee, on motion
of McMahon, orders an investiga
tion of the cipher telegrams, and
requests the Houc to grant an ad
ditional appropriation for expenses.
The resolution was adopted by the
votes of all the Democratic mem
bers. It is stated in recent foreign newB
that the Ameer of Afghanistan has
entered Rusmn Territory on ac
count ot British victories. This
statement has subsequently been
denied and it is claimed that he is
there to invoke the mediation of
The Omaha Commercial Exchange
puts down in round numbers, 80,000
miles of railroad in the United
States, all in good ruuning order,
being lour and a half times more'
than aii other nation, and within
15,000 miles as many as all Europe
and 40 per cent, of all the railroads
on the globe.
Tun viceroy of India telegraphs
that he had received news that the
governor of Candahar with most of
the Cabul officials fled towards
Herat, aud the garrison had been
disbanded. The deputy governor
has sent in his submission. The
British troops march through Can
dahar ob the 11th.
The following nominations of the
governor were unanimously con
firmed at Lincoln on the 9th : H. P.
Mathcwson, Superintendent of the
insane asjluni; Henry C. Dawson,
warden of the state penitentiary; J.
B. Parmalee, priucipal of the blind
asylum ; J. A. Gillespie, priucipal of
the deaf and dumb asylum.
Again&t the flood, tide of accu
mulated capital on the one hand, and
tho destroying whirlwind of coru
inuuisra on the ether, stands the
rock of solid good sense, upon
which everything pure and noble
and useful in society is built, and
against which the winds aud tlio
rYce of commotion beat in vain.
A heavy eiiow storm visited
southern Ohio on the 10th, extend
ing luio Kentucky some distance,
delaying trains on all the roads in
that region, in soma instances stop
ping them entirely At Maysville
the snow is sixteeu Indies deep, and
drifting to the depth of fipe feet.
It is the heaviest storm for Lvrcniy
Capital Removal.
Mr. Seasions, of Lincoln, has al
ready introduced a bill imposing a
special tax lor the erection of a
capital building at a cost of $100,000.
The bill was read the first time.
Uiider the provisions of the new
constitution might it not be highly
proper aud judicious first to perma
nently locate the capital and then
impose the tax? "We will not now
dispute the wisdom and justice ol
a measure that shall require every
citizen of the State to contribute a
share, according to the amount of
his taxable property, to aid in the
erection of a capital building, and
thereby remove any strile that
might arise from large contributions
of money from special localities to
control the location of the capital at
a place far from tho ceutre of the
State. On the part of citizens out
side of Lincoln we are glad that no
imprudent haste has been manitcst
ed to agitate the question of the
removal or rc-Iocation of the capital
or seat of government for this State.
Considerable time having interven
ed since the adoption of the new
constitution making provision for
tho removal of the seat of govern
ment, it would not now be improper
or hasty to take legislative action,
which may be necessary to bring
about a removal and re-location of
the capital. Mr. Sessions, we are
6ure, would not like to be the au
thor of eucIi legislation, but there
are other members of the present
legislature who should take prompt
action to secure the proper legisla
tion under the new constitution to
bring about a removal or re-location
of the capital. If tf e capital is to
remain at Lincoln the citizens ot
tho State ought to know that fact
before $100,000 of taxes are levied
and expeuded there in erecting a
suitable capital building. The bill
of Mr. Sessions is proper and right,
to go hand in hand with au other
bill providing for the proper action
to remove or re-locate the seat ol
government of the State. The pres
ent session is a very favorable time
to take that action, and a bill should
at once be introduced to submit the
question of removal to a vote of the
electors of the State, especially as
no vote can be taken upon it except
at a general election, aud the ques
tions of places and number of possi
ble elections to be held renders it
rather complicated and may yet
consume years in its adjustment.
If no proper legislation is taken
at the present session, two years
more probably may intervene be
fore any law can be passed so as to
reach the question of removing or
re-locating the capital of the State,
and the bill now introduced by Mr.
Sessions to levy a tax of $100,000 to
construct aud finish a capital build
ing looks very much like the opera
tion of putting the cart before the
horse. Let us have the location first
and then the tax to enable the State
to construct the necessary buildings.
As Columbus will probably be one
of the locations to be voted for, it
would in our opinion be proper that
the represcutativo from Platte
county should at the present session
interest himself in having a bill
passed submitting the question to a
vote of the people at the next gen
eral eJetiou, and thus dispose of
the question at this session.
A meeting of the citizens of Sew
ard was held Tuesday evening ol
last week to confer on the question
of voting bonds to donate to the
A. & N. R. R. Hon. 5. B. Galey,
attorney for the company, was
present, aud among other matters
of local interest to Seward, stated
that "the proposed road would have
no interests identical with those of
the B. & M. or U. P. in its manage
ment; that it was a competing line;
that it had been built into Liucolu
several years ago as a competing
line with the B & M., and had so
remained, to the great annoyance or
the B. & M. The meeting appoint
ed a committee of five "to ascertain
under what influence the road
would be managed, aud whether
the present movement was in the
interest of lines controlling the
trade at present, and the prospect
for the road remaining a competing
line." This we gather from the
Seward Ileporter.
Gov. Nance's inaugural message
was delivered last Thursday to a
very crowded house. As is highly
proper, the governor's heart-topic
is the settlement of the vacant lauds
of the State, aud "a large degree of
liberality in all legislation affecting
I the agricultural and horticultural
interests of the State." He touches
upon the protection of our frontier
borders from Iudian depredations,
and says the power of the State and
general governments should be
available for that purpose, and
heartily favors the .speedy and cer
tain punishment of criminals. "We
believe there is no sentiment ex
pressed in the message but will
receive a hearty response from ev
ery good citizen of the common
We shall think it strange, and the
people of northern, central and wes
tern Nebraska will think it strange
if the legislature shall consent to a
law levyiug a hundred thousand
dollars tax for the erection of a new
capitol without a bill for re-locating
the capital. Let the present build
ing be made to do duty until the
people of tho State are read' to
place the capital the capitol where
they will probably remain.
From Fort Robinson, Neb., un
der date of the 11th, we have this
intelligence from the escaping In
dians, that they were found and im
mediately surrounded with the in
tention of getting them to surrender,
but the Indians declined. They
were afterwards attacked, aud it is
now authentically reported that the
number of Indians killed is fort,
fifteen wounded, and from forty to
fifty recaptured. Since the difficulty
commenced, the following soldiers
have been killed aud wounded:
Killed Good and Smith, Company
A, Third cavalry ; Everett, Company
H. "Wounded Corporal Pulvcr,
Company A; private Emery, Co. C.
Red Bear, a chief of Red Cloud's
band, arrived in camp and observ
ing his sister wounded, shed tears
and called her a bad ?quaw. A rel
ative of Red Cloud was killed.
Trouble is feared from Spotted Tail
and Red Cloud's bands.
The Supreme Court of the United
States has at last made a final decis
ion declaring the act of Congress
constitutional which prohibits po
lygamy in this country. The decree
will doubtless have a very serious
influence on the Mormon population
of Utah, aud their future course will
be looked for with great interest by
the people of the "West. If the law
now made clear on the subject of
polygamous marriages is enforced
as it doubtless will be, it will natur
ally create a revolution in the social
affairs of Utah territory ; under the
circumstances, unless further legisla
tion takes place, the Supreme Court
decision will be the basis of endless
litigation lor estates heretofore
claimed by illegitimate heirs.
Omaha Bee.
Oun members of the House of
Representatives at. Lincoln occupy
places on the standing committees
as follows: Mr. Ryan is chairman
of the committee on banks and cur
rency, and a member of the follow-
ingcommittees: Corporatious,blind,
deaf and dumb and insane asylums.
Mr. Lovelaud occupies places on the
following committees: County
boundaries, county seats and town
ship organizations, cities and towns,
aud claims.
There still remain a number of
Congressmen on the sick list.
Among others reported are J. A.
Hubbell, of Michigan, Thornburgh,
of Tennessee and Finle', of Ohio,
all of whom arc quite ill.
Thomas Lord, of New York,
cged eighty-five years, whose mar
riage with Mrs. Hicks a year ago
created such a wonderful sensation,
was reported the other night at the
point of death.
Editor Journal: Once more
New Year's greetings are in order
and the Wattsville ladies and gents
arc indulging in the usual festivi
ties. New Year's eve. a neck-tie
party was well attended at the resi
dence of John Sicrider, and New
Year's night a dance at the Lost
Creek school-house. Last Saturday
the debate was well attended and
to-morrow night the debate is on
Woman's Rights.
Since I last wrote Albert Russell
was made happy by the arrival of a
fine boy at his house.
Rev. Maynard of Colfax county is
holding meetings at the school
house this week.
Ed. Moncrief lost a 6tecr this week
with the cattle disease.
Miss Sarah J. Dack was thrown
from a horse while on her way to
school last Friday morning, and
sprained her ankle.
Jan. 3, 1S79. Ida May.
Washington, Jan. 8. Rcpic9en
talive Hartridge, of Georgia, died
to-day of pneumonia. The House
Judiciary Committee, of which Mr.
Hartridge was a member, took
cogiiiztuce of his unexpected death.
The Georgia delegation meet this
evening, and Representative Ste
phens expects to be iu Washington
to-morrow. Mr. Schuyler is home
with erysipelas in the legs.
The Potter Committeo meet to
morrow. The Secretary of the Treasury has
called for another $10,000,000 fivc
tweutics of 'Go, consols ot G8.
murderers arrested.
The American Consul at Tangier
writes that the murderers of the
Jewish family have been arrested,
and their punishment will deter
others from similar crimes.
The House Committee on count
ing electoral votes will report ad
versely on the Senate bill aud call
up for action of the House the
Southard bill.
The meeting of the Potter Com
mittee, called for to-morrow, has
beeu postponed until Friday, by
which lime Gen. Butler is expected
to be present.
Subscriptions to the four percent,
loan to-day are $7,113,600.
Treasury to-dav purchased 400,-
000 ounces of silver at prices slight
ly below London rates.
The Credit .Tlobelier Suit De
cided. New York, Jan. 6. The supreme
court to-day gave n decision in the
ense of the United Stales versus the
Uniou Puniflc railroad company and
others, commonly known an the
Credit Mobelicr caso. The decision
oT the court sustaining: demurrer to
the bill in equity Is affirmed, and
the government's suit Is ordered
Oar Lincoln Letter.
January llth, 1879.
Editor Journal : This is a very
quiet day at the capitol, as most
of the members have left to spend
the Sabbath with their families (that
is those that are possessed with the
There has been no business of im
portance transacted except the per
manent organization of the two
Houses, and appointment of the sev
eral standing committees.
These were mostly appointed
through a system of "swapping" or
compromising, brought about by
there being so many candidates for
speaker. Two gentlemen from Lan
caster being candidates for speaker,
very humbly took back seats by
being put on committee of Public
Lands and Buildings.
Scott, the candidate from York,
was very ready aud willing to throw
his streugth to Mathcwson for the
chairmanship of the judiciary com
mittee, in consideration therefor.
Owing to this fact, the members
who were working in the interest
of Mathcwson before he came down
here, received that which none of
the compromise men asked for.
The committee on railroads are
all good men, but (with one excep
tion) are either directly or indirect
ly interested iu railroads iu the
When the bill for appropriation
for building wing on the present
capitol was presented by the gen
tleman from Lancaster (Mr. Ses
sions) it became very apparent why
they wished to be on that commit
tee. But time will develop what it
will amount to.
Several very amusing incidents
have come to notice during the ses
sion. A member from one of the
rural districts, came into the Hall on
Wednesday morning, one day be
hind time, some person having told
him they did not meet until Thurs
day. Such a look of astonishment
as can only he imagined but not de
scribed! "Why, when did you all
come down, I supposed I did not
have to come down until to-morrow."
The effect on the little circle
of Iriends about him can bt imagin
ed. One of the most efficient offi
cers in the House is D. B. Slaughter,
better known as "Gad," having he
come almost a necessity; being well
informed as to the rules, and a
"budget of information," for those
seeking light.
Our Representative, Hon. T. C.
Ryan, occupies his position near the
Speaker; he looks as pleasant and
smiling as ever, and is a general fa
vorite with the members. Repre
sentative Lovelaud occupies his t-eat
near Ryan, in order to confer on ail
matters ot importance. A. E. Pink
ii ey has been appointed clerk lor J u
diciary committee.
Among ihe prominent members
are P. J. Dempster, of Harlan Co.,
a rising young lawyer of Republi
can City. We think the Speaker
showed good judgment in putting
him on the Judiciary committee.
Yours, accidentally,
I. A.,
(Which means Innocence Abroad.)
Organization of the .Senate.
Temporary Chairman Col. Win.
Marshall of Dodge county.
Secretary Sherwood Burr, of
First Assistant Secretary C. II.
Babuock, of Thaj er.
Second Assistant Secretary Wal
ter M. Seeley, ot Lancaster.
Ser:eant-at-Aani6 J. N. Casscll.
Assistant Sergoant-at-Arms G.
W. Burst.
Enrolling Clerk J. T. Allen, of
Engrossing Clerk Miss Kate Sto
ver, ot Lancaster.
L)ooi keeper W. II. Thomas, of
Assistant Doorkeeper C. E.IIiuc,
of Saline.
Chaplain Rev. C. C. Harris, of
The House organized with the
following election of officers:
Speaker, Charles Muthewson, ot
Madihon county.
Clerk D. B. Slaughter, of Lan
caster. Assistant Clerk J. F. Zediker.
Enrolling Clerk W. P. Squires.
Engrossing Clerk Miss Kate
Sergeant-at-Arms Laac Gordin.
Chaplain II. D. Davis.
State Officer.
Iu joint session ol the two houses
of the Nebraska legislature, held on
the 8th iust., the returns for the
election of State officers were open
ed and canvassed, with the following
Governor Nance, 29.469 votes;
Webster, 13,473 ; Todd, 9,475.
Licuteant - Governor Games,
29.325; Mead, 524 Blakeley, 22,606.
Secretary of State Alexander,
29,956r Pelma, 475 ; Williams, 21,871.
Auditor Liedtke, 29,630; Barton,
Treasurer Bartlett, 29,439; Cum
mins, 23,035.
Superintendent of Public iust ruc
tion Thompson, 29,256; Barrett,
22,407; Foley, 364.
Atiornev-Geneial Dil worth, 29,
378; Calhoun, 28,829.
Land Commissioner Davis, 29,
668; McCreedy, 22,547.
It was ordered that Secretary
Tzschuck should give to the officers
elect certificates of election.
Xlie Supreme Cnnrt DrcUIon
Against I'oljgamy.
A decision was rendered this af
ternoon by the United States su
preme court in the cae of George
Reynolds against the United Slates,
brought here by an appeal from the
supreme court of Utah. This case
involves the whole question of po
lygamy iu the territories and con
stitutionality of the laws passed by
congress for its suppression. Rey
nolds was indicted by the grand
jury for contracting a bigamous
marriage. He was tried in the
Third Judicial court of Utah and
found guilty. He appealed to the
supreme court of the territory and
finally this court, which uow affirms
the judgments of the lower tribu
nals, and decides that congress had
power to pass laws prohibiting po
lygamous marriages in'Ulah, and
that such laws are constitutional.
The Amount of Gold JPnlu Out
at the Sub-'l'reuhury.
New York, Jan. 6. One of the
city banks made a mistake a few
days ago of exchanging double the
amount of gold for legal tender
notes that it intended, and to-day it
rectified the mistake by exchanging
$200,000 legal tender notes, for gold.
With exception of this the entire
demands on the treasury for gold in
exchange for legal tender notes has
to-day, up to noon, amounted to less
than $5,000. The sub-treasury is
not giving but clearing house cer
tificates to-day because the supply
of blanks has been
hausted by the unexpectedly large
demand the last few days. A fresh
supply will be ready to-morrow.
.Foreign IVcws.
A Lahore correspondent tele
graphs that General Stewart's oc
cupation of Candahar will mark
conclusion of the definite period of
war. All will then have been done
Gucttah that the column can possibly
do before winter. It is true unlimit
ed discretion is given General
Stewart, and porsibly he may pro
ject the occupation of Ghensk,
which is an important aud strong
position ; but, unless something un
foreseen occurs, the army of
Afghanistan will furnish no further
intelligence ot importance before
the beginning of March.
Application Tor Relief.
London, Jan. 6. The weather is
again cold. There has been a daily
increase of distress in every quarter
the past week. At Manchester on
Friday there were 3 000 applications
from heads of families, representing
13,500 persons, to the relief commit
tee, and ou Saturday there were
4,000 fresh applications. During
the week 1,200 families have bten
relieved at Wolverhampton. Con
siderable increase of distress is re
ported at Sheffield.
Storm Signals to le Used by
Chicago, Jan. 9. The Chicago &
Northwestern Railroad company
began last niirht the system of send
ing by wire to each station on its
numerous lines the daily weather
report?, so that in the event of ap
proaching storms or excessive cold
weather the company may be enab
led to guard against possible loss to
perishable freight while iu transit.
Inhabitants Murdered.
Calcutta. January 6. The band
of Mahsua Wazris recentlv made an
incursion into the British territory
and plundered the inhabitants,
burned a tank, and retreated to the
Iiills. They were pursued by cav
alry, and part of the band was cut
off Reinforcements are being sent
to prevent a repetition of the raid.
A Itond Robber Wanted.
New York, January 9. Detec
tives are searching lor J. W. Hull,
who robbed Field & James of $30,
000 in government bonds. It is
learned Hull left the city on the day
ot the robbery on a Fall river i-team-boat.
Detectives traced Hull to
Providcuce, but there the clew was
Oca til of Hon. Morton McKl
cliael. Philadelphia, Jauuary 6. Hon.
Morton McMichacl, senior, publish
er of the North American and ex
mayor of Philadelphia and president
of the park commission, died at 4
o'clock this afternoon of heart dis
ease. iIuMtice Hunt Stricken rrifli
It is learned to-uight that Jus
tice Hunt of the United States su
preme court, was stricken with
paralysis at his residence iu this city
last Saturday, aud is now iu such a
condition that his recovery is des
paired of.
French Politics.
Paris, Jauuary 6. The moining
papers agree that the senatorial elec
tions yesterday is a crippling blow
for the Bouuparliats. The majori
ty is now moderate republicans. It
is considered probable that the Du
faivre cabinet will remain in office.
Oliver, the leader of the gang,
who languishes iu prison for the
murder ot Ketctium and Mitchel, is
aid to be worth between one and
two hundred thousand dollars.
But money will hardly save him
from the halter. Omaha Bee.
"Yellow Fever Dead.
Modile, January 6. The snow
storm Saturday lasted all day, fol
lowed by hard freezing. The ther
mometer watf six degrees iu tho
morning. Yellow fever is dead.
Cold Snap.
Vicksburg, January 6. Last
night was the coldest ol the season.
The mercury went down to 12 de
grees below zero. It is warm to
day, thermometer 27 degrees.
Icatli of a l'rlncc.
Teeves, January 0. Prince's Car
o!ine,wife of Prince Iledry of Hesse,
died to-day.
BY VIRTUE of an order of .sale di
rected to me from the Clerk oi the
District Court of Platte county,Ncbras
ka, on a judgment and decree obtained
before District Court at its February
term, 1878, of Platte county, Nebraska,
in favor of ."amiiel C. Smith as Plaintiff
aud against Joseph Gardner as defendant,
fur the sum of one thousand one hundred
and forty-nine dollars, and costs taxed at
$3.43 and accruing costs, I have levied up
on the following real estate taken as the
property of said tleleiidant,to satisfy said
order, to wit: The southwest quarter
of the southwest quarter ot Section
seventeen (17)and the northwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of Section No.
twenty (20) in township No. Sixteen( 16),
Kan-;c ho. two (2) west of the Sixth ()
P. M., with all the appurtenances there
to belonging. And will offer the same
for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in
hand, on the Sth day of February, A. D.
1879, in front of Court House in Colum
bus, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of said
day, when and where due attendance
will b given by the undersigned.
Dated at Columbus this 7th day Jan
uary, 1879.
152-5. BEN J. S Pi ELM AN,
Sheriff of Said County.
Merchant Tailoress,
13th Street, cpp::ite ?c:t-c2ee.
Men's and boys' suit made In the
latest style, and good tits guaranteed, at
very low prices. Men's suits JC.00 to
?9.00, according to the goods and work.
Boys' suits f3.00 to $4.00, according to
Bring on your soiled clothing. A
whole suit renovated and1 made to ap.
pear as good as new for $1.25 ll'l-r
Ranging from $7? $12.50
w r
11 17
5 17
17 17
23 17
3 18
9 18
13 18
25 18
27 18
31 18
33 18
11 18
15 18
17 18
23 IS
33 18
23 16
IV l4, E K of S AV K and
N WKofSWK .. .
N E y and E of W
N Mand E of SE ....
All of ... .
W y. of S "V H and S E X
N EjofN KK
S E K and E H f S W K
and S W M ot S "W K
N and SEofSWM
1 c
1 e
andWofSEK 27 18 le
N 14. N 14 of S E li and W
UofS'K 31 18 le
All of 3u 18 lc
SEK 11 18 lw
S 4of N E V and N i of
N "Wltf 15 18 lw
E of tf "V i. tf E i of
S W X and S W M of
E 4. of tf Vf K W X of
i A S4
SEof tf VT V. tf E of
tSV i and tf 4 of S E K
s k y ... ....
Improved Farms.
S T.
S "SVK 8 16
E J and tf "V M of tf "W K 20 It)
W andtf EK 20 1G
SE i 12 14
J. A. KED,
Columbus, tf ebr.
-sells the
Hard-Coal Stove in the Counter,
lCMle othrr kinds too numerous to
mention. J"IIentinx Stove, with or
without oven attachment, at
Prices Lower than Ever Before.
C .2,-,
K v s
. t s .
S a
3 ng C.
m I i
Q 1 -
M 2.
W i-5 o
pi -s &
O t f
W l
u n z
w I
'i i
&g - &
r:i 2
Genera Agents for the Sale of
Real Estate.
Union Pacific, and 3Iidland Pacific
It. It. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cusb, or on five or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. "Ve h.ivi; aNo a larfje and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Also business and
residence lots in the city. "We keep a
complete abstract of title to all real es
tate in Platte County.
Daniel Faueette,
Manufacturer and Dealer in
H3, Saddles, Bridles, and Collars,
keeps constantly on hand all kind of
whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry
combs, Brushes, Bridle Bits, Spurs,
Cards. Harness made to order. He
pairing done on short notice.
Great chance to make
money. If you can't
get gold you can cet
greenbacks. "We need
a person in every town to take sub
scriptions for the largest, cheapest and
best Illustrated family publication in
the world. Any one can become a i.uc
cessful agent. The most cleeant works
of art given free to subscribers. Th.
price is so low that almost everybody
subscribes. One agent reports making
over $150 in a week. A lady agent re
ports laningovcr -iuo subscribers in ten
days. All who engage make monev
fast. You can devote all your time to
the business, or only your ttpare time.
You need not be away from home over
night. You can do it as well as other.
Full particulars, directions and terms
free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free.
If you want profitable work send u your
address at once. It costs nothing to iry
the business. No one who engages fails
to make great pa v. Address "The Peo-.
pie's Journal," Portland, JIainc. 3S2-y
And Building Paper.
Also constantly on hand an assortment of IIAItD WOOD and "WAGON STOCK
We make CLOSE Ugurett for CASH.
Yard and OEco on Eleventh St.,)
(Successors to A. llcnry)
Oak Lumbar and all Kinds of Moulding.
Uhvu alwavg been the 31 otto of
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps, G-loves and Mittens.
We arc alo Headquarters on
Millinery, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, and Ev
erything kept in a First-class Millinery House.
Talk is Cheap, hut We will not be undersold by any
Straight Dry-Goods House in the West.
A Child can Buy as Cheap as a Man. One Price to AU is Our 3Iotto.
I Mean Business!
Extraordinary Inducements
Will he offered .n
DEY GOODS, ! g" m
Hats, Caps and Notions, '25
Ai my stock must
Tnlk 1m cheap, lnt
1 Imve got the soud
12th STKEET, (2 door
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Is cow ready for the Fall and Winter Campaign with an immense
stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods,
Etc., Etc.
At prices that were never heard
of before in Columbus.
S3 Dry Goods have taken a big tumble in the Eastern Markets lately,
and as I bay my goods strictly for cash, I will give my customers the ben
efit of it, and supply them with anything' in my line at much lower prices
than they were ever known to he heretofore.
All I ask for is, give me a friendly call and con
. viiice yourself of the facts.
z. mit:szll. if. D.
a. 7. uizzra. a. a
Pliysicians ai Surgeons.
, 8. J4Z2I22. If. 0. X Z. C. ZVJIZZ, U. 8., cf CsiiJ
Consulting Ftyici&ss and Surgeons.
For the treatment of all clagsp of Sur
gery and deformities; acute and
chronic diseases, diseases of the eye
and ear, etc., etc.,
CoInmbTiB, Neib.
jV?I -
be converted into cahh.
pricr lell.
und urn bound to itll.
wot of Hammond Houxe),
of the Revolution Dry Goods Store.
Near MatthiVs Bridge.
JOSEPH BTJCHER, - Proprietor.
jfrTThe mill i complete in every par
ticular for making the best of flour. "A
iunre, fhlr bnaineiut" ! the
motto. -JoS-x.
T)T7i Cirri business you can engage
JDJCiO X in. io to 20 per dv made
by any workpr of either cx. right !n
their own localities. Patlcnlar-i and
samples worth 55 free. Improve your
spare timt' at this buine. Addrcs
Ween & O , Fcrtlnut, Maine.
r i