The idea is not new that a family physician should be pin ployed lo kecj) n fumi'v in pood health, and should he compensated for this ser vice rather than for attendance in sicklies?. Few diseases attack hu man beings which do not give warning by premonitory symptoms which, if heeded, and promptly treated, would 6ave the victim from an acute attack. There is scarcely anything which people, especially busy people, and whose lives are, therefore, of value to their families and society, are so apt to neglect as the premonitory symptoms of break ing down in health. A slight cold that results in a hocking cough is neglected until it develops the teedB of consumption. The malarial in fluences which arc so widespread are allowed to fasten themselves permanently upon the system, in stead of being vigorously dealt with in the beginning, and the result is months of ill health and probably an undermining of the whole phys ical constitution. People overwork themselves and pay no heed to the protest of bodily exhaustion which warns them that nature will take revenge for this imposition upon her. "Women especially become the victims of nervous diseases, which render their own lives and the lives of those around them miserable, nil from neglect. It would, therefore, seem reasonable that a change in the method of society in the employ ment of physicians (which should employ them at a stated salary to watch over the bodily health and give needed hygienic instructions lo families) would be a very sensi ble one; and that the physician whose patrons were kept in the beat health thoul'd be the most pop ular and the best remunerated. But these arc days when people must economize, and when a favor ite method for securing and prac ticing economy is combination for me purpose 01 procuring any ile pircd service a the lowest possible rate. The latest illustration of this tendency in the American mind and methods h the formation in some of our most progressive Eastern cities of health societies. These are con ducted on the principle that pre vention is better than cure. The families composing the society pay so much a year into the treasury ot the society, and elect a physician, lo whom they pay, from the fund thus created, a good salary. He makes the enre of the health of these fami lies his first concern, visiting them etaledly, and observing for himself what is the state of their health. Ho also gives to them occasional lectures on hygiene and dietetics. Members of the societies are not tempted to neglect slight indisposi tions for fear of incurring heavy doctor bills, but repair to the physi cian for advice upon the first s.wnptoms of illness. There is no temptation to the physician to "cherish" a case of sickness, for his reputation depends on his be ing able to keep his society in good health, and especially to pre vent severe attacks or disease. Sen sible people would much rather pay for health than for sickues, and so the feeling is excellent all around. St. Zouis Post. FushionuMc Wives. The fashionable wife, says Lon don Truth, looks on her husband's money as spoil-something which he wants to guard, and she to seize. It is no joint property which it is a much her interest as it is his to save and use wiely; but an enemy's possession which it will be her gain to loose. A for companionship tovjours peril rix pall, and an even ing spent with her husband alone counts as the ne plus trftra of deadly dulness. Personal love for him has died out. if even it once existed un der the guise of pas-ion because ot novelty and, whatever she may be to others, her husband finds her uniformly cold and repellent. Motherhood is her bugbear; chil dren unwelcomo intruders; and there is no more miserable woman extant than the fashionable wife with a baby, that hinders her from joining in the season's vulgar pleas ures. Essentially selfish and shal low, love has as little meaning for her as the doctrine of dutv or the glory of sacrifice; and those who know her stand aside in a kind ot wonder at the scheme of creation which include, among its ofl'-els a being without uses, and without virtues a woman with presumably a soul like any other, absolutely destitute of thelovo which saves the world from worse than death, of the reality which seeks truth and lives in it, of all nobleness of aspiration. and all righteousness of life, a wo man whose god is pleasure, aud her sole religion, fashion. "What !" said a young lady to a sister companion, "you are-not go ing to marry that tall, lean, slender, consumptive -stricken fellow, are you?" 'Yes, she is," volunteered the young lady's little brother, look ing up from his broken cart-wheel : "she's going to marry him and use him for a carpet-stretcher P The boy and the cart-wheel pasted out through the same door. Don't imagine that you cau cor rect all the evils in the world. A grain of 6and is not prominent iu a desert. AphorUMx front BC utile. TRANSLATED BV C. C. S. Scolding sermons arc the cheapest of all. To be cheated is no calamity, but only to cheat. Xo one is so outrageously fooled as the suspicious man. It is not the Soul (which exists also in the brute) but the Person, that is immortal. At last the whole material orjjan- i ism of the animal being becomes excrctncntitious. Our capacity of Feeliug is des tined for eternity, ns well ns our capacitj of Understanding. If Death rent aeuuder personal relations, it would be absurd to feel the wish and duty of loving. To whom this life does not appear lofty and estimable, in him there can be no true lougiug niter the fu ture life. It is implied in a perfect marriage that the wife shall be just that as a woman which the husbaLd is as a man, and vice versa. It is with beauty of soul in the two sexes, as it is with a coin, of which we cannot say which is finer, the obverse or the reverse. We cannot keep too distinctly in mind, how high the consciousness of Christ stands above that even of his most cnlightcued apostles. How often does God intervene by a miracle iu the wider sense in the mere course of nature, by bringing about a sudden natural death ! Death is not, as is the common opinion, the severance of Soul and Body altogether, but only the sev cranceol the Soul Irom iheinalerial Body. Regeneration is not perfectly ac complished until after death. Not until the spiritual body has actually come lo consummation, is Regener ation actually accomplished. Pauiiuism in the strict sense ap pears to have .been as good as ex clusively attached to the person of PhuI. Not until the Reformation did it find its proper field of activ ity. It is astounding how far the idea of the Kingdom of God, which in the circle of Jesus' ideas, stands so prominently in the foreground re cedes into the background in the consciousness of his apostles. There was not at the start a Christianity, but only a Christ. He had first to be translated into a Christianity, and this was an irk some and tedious task, iu whose accomplishment Paul was incom parably the most important person. For the Regenerate there no long er exists after death any further occasion for sinning anew : for the outwaid source of fleshly as of selfish sin is iu his case henceforth stopped up, with the putting off of the material body, the primitive principle of both. The bodily torments of Hell will, it is true, not be merely sensuous, but. on the other hand, they will not be wholly unsensuous, inasmuch as the bodies of the damned have not attained to pure and actual spirituality. Their approximative spirit will be ever more and more dissolving into matter, and so they will become ever more susceptible of material pain. If it cost the early Christians so much to make up their minds to break with Judaism, this, among other reasons, was because they felt it hard to detach Christianity wholly from the political commonwealth, and to base it upon an altogether religious community upon a Church. For without this the severance could not be made. Of the conse quences of this we in-iy well believe men had a foreboding, even though only an obscure foreboding. Continued. Mclioolroom Headaches. Many people who have public school teachers among thciracquaiu tance arc firmly ot the opinion that the schoolroom has a headache ss tem all its own, and their impres sion would be strengthened it they were to interview boys and girls. There is nothing strange about the complaint; the only wonder is that it is not continuous aud that any body escapes it. With systems of heating and ventilation that are al most uniformly defective, and worse yet, under the control of janitors who have no knowledge whatever of these departments ot their busi ness, and who are as apt as any other men to neglect or dispise what ever they do not understand, many of our schoolrooms are boxes al most hermetically sealed, into which hot air is being driven and com pressed. The heat is frequently in tolerable, the expired breath and other physical emanations of the children polute the air to a degree extremely dangerous to health, so teachers aud children, who, at nine o'clock entered the room iu fair health and spirits, emerge at noon with listless step, aching head and deranged vital organs. Should a teacher's nature protest against breathing iu poison and sweltering iu it, up goes a window, and straight way all the children in its immedi ate vicinity are chilled and tempo rarily relieved from one danger onlj to submit to another. The condi tion of the air in schoolrooms is no secret to Boards of Education ; it , ., , . . - ..I has bcon the subject of somo 6tatis- tics, by experts, which forcibly sug gest the Black Hole of Calcutta; but what is or has been done to remedy it? IIor many teachers are com petent to use such ventilating facili ties as their rooms possess? Their own frequent headaches and those of the helpless children show that the number is very small, and the same e fleets indicate that but few janitors need fear to compare their records with that of the late lament ed King Herod. iV. T. Herald." The Western It uru!. The Western Rural comes to our table irom week to week complete in all its departments. In matters relating to the farm, orchard and ardcu, it is unsurpassed, and yet it does not ignore the family circle. It is a fireside companion, much en joyed by the women folks and the children, each having a department full of interest to them. The Rural is increasing in circulation aud in fluence, and deserves the patronage of all interested iu the cultivation of tho soil, or in increased intelligence among the sons of toil. "Doctor, my daughter seems to be going blind, and she's just get ting ready for her wedding, too ! Oh, dear me! what is to be done?" "Let her go right on with the wed ding, madam, by all means. If anything can open her eyes, mar riage will." "What's your name?" said an of ficer to a young colored lad who joined his ship at the Cape. "Algoa Bay, Sir." "Where were you born ?" "Wasn't born at all." "Wasn't born at all?" "No, Sir; was washed ashore in a storm !" "And what do you think of Switz erland ?'' asked a lady of a young American belle who had just made the tour. 'Pretty place, but it struck me there were too many lakes and too few voting men." 1 ft O a H CO Ul Q a o w u w p o s fe Z 3$ o S.3 i 1 2o n , i -3 o - c " Z c 2 "" a a O 4 rv c3 35 FOB RALE. The under.-ijtned oiler at private -ile hi-, farm two and a half miles north of the city counting of 8 ACRCS OF I. trl, fifty aero under eultivation, and sixty acre of as -rood li.iy land a- can be found, and under a "portion of it is a ery excellent quality of brick clay. The improvements upon the place are a two-story concrete duelling, 20x80 It., a comfortable and convenient house; a wind-mill: a larj;c, substantial shelter for stock; shed and yards lor hogs; corral for cattle; granary; tool house, etc.. cte. Also 133 HEAD OF SIXEEI7, mostly ewes, besides horse. cow s,teer-, heifers, hogs, fanning implements. ,fcc. The location is a very excellent one for farming anil stock raising near the city with easy and quick access to mar ket"; a lifteenininutes' ride to the post ollice, the railroad depot, the telegraph ortice and church. The site of the dwelling-house com mands as line a view as can be had of the country, fur twenty miles in every direction aid the place would not be o ffe red for sale except that my merejs. ing business in the city renders it desirable to give it my "exclusive at tention. Tor further particulars call on or Aaddress M. K. TUItNKR, Columbus, Xeb. GOLD.! Great elianee to make nionev. II von can't get gold von can get Kreenli.ick.. We need a person in every town to take hiib-seription- for the largest, cheapest and bet Illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a ue-ees-ful audit. The most eleirant vvork of art given free to subscriber.-. Tin. price N o low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making over $15! in a week. A lady agiiit re ports taking over -100 subscriber- in ten days. All who engage make money fi"t. You can devote all your time to the business, or only vour spare time. You need not be away from home over niirht You can do it as well a others. Full particular", directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Oultit free. II you want profitable work send u your address at once. It cost nothing to irj the business. Xo one who engaccs fails to make great pay. Address ''The Peo ple's Journal," Portland. Maine. 3S2-v MESS & SADDLES Daniel Faucettc. Manufacturer and Dealer in Harness, Saddles. Bridles, and Collars keeps eontanily on hand all kinds of whips, Saddlery Hardware, Currv combs, Ilrushes Bridle Bits. Spurs, Cards. Harnes made to order. Re pairing done on short notice. NEBRASKA AVENUE, Columbus. 53.4. Ucan make money fater at work for lis than atanythinsrelse. Capital not required: we will st-irt yon. f 12 per day at home made by the indu. trlous. Men. women, boys and cirls wanted everywhere to work for u. N w is the time. Costly outfit and term free Arttlres True A Co.. Augusta. Maine $66? week iii your own town. S5 utfit free. Xo risk. Header von want a business at which peTf-on of either sex can make great payall the time they "oris, wniejor particulars ie ai. .uax.- lktt & Co Portland, Main. SPEICE & NORTH, Genera Agents for the Sale of Real Estate. Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific R. R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash, or on live or ten years time, in annual payments to suit" pur chasers. We have also a large anil choice lot of otlier lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price ami on reasonable terms. Also business ami resilience lots in the city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte County. C33 COLUrtSRUft. iE. Wm. SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES! A complete assortment of Ladles' and Chit, dren's Shoes kept on hand. All Work Warranted!! Our Motto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Eepairicg. Cor. Oil vo and ltffli Sts. JOHN WIGGINS, WHOLESALE AND H A Ft diat a r m STOVES, IRON, TINWARE, Nails, Rope, Wagon Material, Glass, Paint, Etc., CORIYKR ni.KYKTJI COLUMBUS, ISXEEXSS'KS C. B. STTLLMAN, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICIKES, PAINTS, OILS. WUSTDOW GLASS, PEKFUMEKY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Keeps on liand all articles uually kept in a first-clas Drug Store. Dealers in surrounding coiinti v will find it'to their i itercst to purchase from him, as he can and will give BKD-ItOCK PUICCS. Prescriptions Carefullv Compounded. I3A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF AVALL PAPElt ALAA'ATS KEPT IX STOCK. 353 m il xp The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Co's (I,:ife Ielold & SCicnzIc,) Fire and Burglar Proof! HAVE THE BEST RECORD OF ALL. All hiding Railroad & Express Companies and Bankers in tlieNorfat have iliem. Xot One Lost in the Two Great Fires in Chicago; alo preserved the content' iu every instance, at Iudepeud nee. low a: at Central City. Col.; at 0hkoah. AVis., and at all places have stood tlx- test, without failure. All Sizes for S.ilc and Made to Order. County and ISmilc Work :i (nootl Worlc D. S. CO VENT, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 234 COLUMBUS ;dLc Jkierfc fcp ZMYQ ? - E'all 33elvo-:eyv Apple treo, in variety. 4 to G ft.. .T year, Iowa jrrown, per 100. ?18.00. . Apple tree 2yrs.. crown in Antelope Co., 3 to I ft., per 100, $15.00 Siberian Crab in variety. 3 yrs., 4 to 5 ft. Cherries. e rly and late ISiehmond. 4 ft., Iowa grown Plums. llinoe and Wild Goose, 4 ft., . Concord Orape. fir-t-el.ixa.2 vcar, per 100. ?9.50 liiaekberry, Kittatinny and Snvder 2 vear, per 100. $.".00 Raspberry. Doolittie, 3Iammoth, Cluster and Philadelphia Ked per 100.J4.00. Gooseberry. Houghton. 2 rear ... . Currant.- A'ietoria. Cherry and White Grape, 2 vear .. Strawberry. AVil-on. Mnnareh of the AVe.t, per 100, 73 cent'? Pie Plant. Ptrawberrv Mammoth, (extra) Kflmunork Weeping AViilow, well formed heads, G feet, AViconin " " 4 " " Box Elder and Soft 3!aple. 1 year, per 1000, ?2.50 ... . ' fur ttrni.t t Tt AVhite Pine and Xorway Spruce, per foot. Snowball. Flowerinv Almond. Lilae, purple and white, 2 ft., Roe, Mos. June and climbin?. in variety. 2 vear Trumpet, A'ine Honeysuckle. AVistina and Virginia Climber,... Pa'oniee. Tulin. Tube Rnec and other linllis. 10 to Thi Nursery was established one year ajro and I havp a cood aorortment of small fruit srowinir here, and have mide arransements with neichbinp nurser ies so that I can furnih anything in the above price-list. Pnitiesen:r-;rcd in fruit crowlnjr will find it to their Interest to irive me a call before buyinsr of trayelintr atrents. I am pprmanpntly located here, and expect to do a home busi uet. Satisfaction guaranteed. Correspondence solicited, B-3 J. P3. CAL.L.I90N, Colcnlnndrakka. 'YOU BET." A. W. LAWRENCE, AGENT FOR TIIK V?2- WIND MILL, Will hereafter be found THREE DOORS SOUTH of the Tost Office, where he keeps a full line of every style PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, And the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. As he keeps a Pump House exclusively, he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Pumps for unv depth well. Pumps driven or repaired, und Rods cut. GIVE IIDI A CALL A.VD SATE H0.YEY. S.'G RETAIL DEALER IX AlinOMVK SI'RIIFXS, MHNBBBHBMI NEBRASKA. sh Old Safes taken in Exchange. Specially. Iriees si can bu .Viatic low UN NURSERY. Kach. Dm. $ 20,$2 30 !U 30 40 40! 1 00 3 00 4 oil 4 50 1 75 1 00 75 1 SO 1 M l.'j 10 15 15 1 60 1 25 GO 10 30 60 25 w33 I! s r n ? i i i j ! 1878. TIIK Hfcahwitus eSjonrml Is conducted as s. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inter ests of its readers and its publish ers. Published at Columbus-. Platte county, the centre of the agricul tural portii n of Nebraska, it is read by hundreds of people east who arc looking towards Nebraska as their future home. Its subscribers in Nebraska are the staunch, solid portion of the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the Journal has never contained a "dun" against them, and by the other fuel that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings its reward. Business is business, and those who wish to reaeh the solid people of Central Nebraska will llnd the columns of the JouitNALa splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly always want ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, we have so provided for it that we cj"i furnish envelopes, let ter heads, bill heads, circulars, posters, etc., etc., on very short notice, nnd promptly on time as we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum " Six mouths .. " Three months, ?2 00 . 100 50 Single copy sent to any address in the United States for 5 ots. M. K. TUHNER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. OOEiT3'IffST3"S STATE BANK, ::c:::r: ts Ocrr ri 4 2i x:i Tr3: i Ealst. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, $50,000 -o Lcaxdec Uekkaicd, Pre? I. Geo. W. II ulst, Vice Pes' Julius A Heed. Edward A. Gkkkakd Abneu Turner, Cashier. Elsmlc oT Iposit, IIeoiml mid I'wltmigv. Collection I'romptly .llmlcon all I'olnf. Pay Intercut on Time Ipos ils. till- BECKER & WELCH, PE0PKIETOSS OF SHELL CREEE MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COL UM B US, NEIf. Dr. A. HEINTZ, DEALER IX MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. wi:ve.s IjMil'oks, Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand b.' Druirjrist-j. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. One door i?:it of aIIcjH, on I'leventh Street COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA LiAIO.i PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, ATTENDS TO ALL BUSINESS per tainininp; to a general Ileal Estate Agency and Notary Public. Have in structions and blanks furnished bv United State-t Land Office for making final proof on Homesteads, thereby sav ing a trip to Grand Nland. Have a larire number nl farms, citv Iota and all land" belonging to U P. E. It. in Piatic and adjoining counties for sale vrry cheap. Attend to contesting claims before U. S. Land office. Offce one Door TVrtt of Hammond Honip, COLUMBUS. NEB. F. AW OTT, Clerk. Speaks German. 1870. CHICAGO J NORTH-WESTERN The- Great Trnak line fceaa the to Chicago and the ast. It is the oldest, shortest, most direct, eonTtnlent, comfortable and In every reepect the best line yog can take. It Is the greatest and crasdest Railway organization la tho United States. It owns or controls 2IOO WILES OF RAILWAY FUXXXAX HOTEL OAKS are ran ales by It through between COUNCIL BLTJITS db CHICAGO! No other road runs Pnllmsn Ilotel Cars, or any other form or Ilotel Cars, through, between the Missouri Hirer and Chicago. IBHHrfV4nlfV'li" "iBjbpUH HE!Ws5&i3tB553 PMWTrnWaiagi PASSENGERS GOING EAST should bear in mind that this is the BEST ROUTEto:cHICACO AND ALL POINTS EAST. Pasiengcrs by this routo have choice of FIVE DIFFKUEXT KOUTE3 and the advantage or Eight Dally Lines l'alace Sleeping Cam from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN POINTS. Insist that the Ticket Agent eells jou tickets by the North-Western Road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse tobny If they do sot read over this Road. All Agents tell them and Check usual Baggage Free by this Line. Through Ticket via this Ronte to all Eastern Point can be procured at the Central Pacific Rail road Ticket Office, foot of Market Street, and at I New Montgomery Street. San FrnrIco, and at aX onpon Ticket Offices of Central Pacific, Union Pacific, and all Western Railroads. New York Office, No. 415 Broadway. Boston Office. No. 5 State Street. Omaha Office. 215 Farn bam Street. San Francisco Office. 2 New Mont gomery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : 62 Clark Street, tinder Sherman House ; 75 Canal, corner Madison S'reet ; Kinzle Street Depot, corner West Kinzle and Canal Streets ; Wells Street Depot, comer Wells and Elnzie Streets. For rates or Information not attainable frm your borne ticket agents, apply to ilAnvix nroniTT, W. H. Stbnnbtt, Gcn'l Mjcc'r, Caloaco. Gen'l Paw. Ac't. Lhlcasoy THE Albion Mills. SACKET & CROUCH, Albion, Neb. Tbe proprietors arc practical millers, attend to the grinding themselves, and they DEFY COMPETITION! Furnished with the Iattt improved machinery, they are prepared to do all kinds of CDSTOM Ai MERCHANT 1011 BYE AND FEED GROL'XD EVERY DAY. COR2ST MEAL COX3TAXTLY OX IIAXD. AVe make several brands of W lour, But recommend to the trade our Ah BIOX .MILLS "STAB" BE AND, If ii a superior article made from CHOICE SELECTED WHEAT. HOeBRSSS? NEW STORE an n - New Stock. A full, frcah supply of groceries, STAPLE AND FANCY, Mist opened, and for sale at low-down prices. i 3TIF" Olive Wfn.Tt, opposite tin ' "Tatter-:.!-." ' ,iAM ns McAllister. CITY MEAT MARKET, ON omve st.. 01jos ' .iio:m iioisl 13 A. II. AVill keep on hand all kinds ol Fresh and Salt Meat-, aNo Sau-ai:e, Poultry Fre!i Fih, etr., all in their seaon. Ca-h paid for Hides Lard an Ba con. WILL.T. ItlCKLY. CENTRAL MAT MAIET ; OrV Utli STItEKT. Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meat, &c. Town Lots, AVood. Hide, &c. J. RICK'LV, Agent. Columbus, June 1. 1.877. NEBRASKA HOUSE, S. J. MARMOY, Prop'r. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, COMMIUt'.S, ?TEB. A new houe, newly furnished. Good accommodations. Board by day or week at reasonable rates. E3Sct a. FirNtCIaM Xnble. Mean, SSCentc. LooVna;.. 35-f 25 Ct? P 3 Si B gOO p ft p P. 0(f) ? Q II - p m t Til owin 5! S -co 3S 9! Hi 31 4 n e cn O w S! w b r-1 o (15 On w ft ?OOB H H r I 'ji O O 2,9 w M U) .CR 0 ukl O O o e P ft P "S rrH w 0 a) 91 Hi O a C 2 S iO 2 Ul rM D0w(D2 05 IT Ul CI r I 0 ; P 8 Pi CO O 0 (D H H P Hm n W W l-H D " I I 'is? s ? ? ft Z I ii : .