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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1879)
r THE JOURNAL. IS I3SUKD EVKKY WEDNESDAY, M. K. TURNER & CO., Proprietors acd Publishers. THE JOURNAL. RATES OF ADVERTISING Space. ltc 2tf Into Stn Cm lyr Icol'nin jr-'-Ol I 420 ?2T ? 5J $C0 ?100 K ' S.0U 12 1 l.-" 2Oj"50T 68 li " I .0M i) 12 f lft 20 1 35 A Inches &.2S 7..V) I 11 ) IjJ lit 3 " 4.50 t C75 10 12 j" 1ft 20 "10 1 I .B0 2.2.1 1 4 5 5 Huhiets and professional cards ten lines or less space, per annum, ten dol lars. Legal advertisements at statutn rates. Loeal notices ten eents a lln first insertion, five cents a line each suhsenuent insertion. Arfrcrtfruients classified a special notices five cent a line first insertion, three cenU h line each KUhscUent insertion. VOL. IX.-NO. 35. COLIJMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1879. WHOLE NO. 451. lie w A. J ssH ssH sH sV tsfl nSnS rm mB( BfK sl isST iM i0MPl 3TOfflcc In tkc JOURNAL huildins, ETIcvcnth-st., Columbus, Neb. Terms Per year, ?2. Six months, $1. Three months, 50c ngle copies, 5c. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. Atvijf Sacnders. U. S. Senator, Omaha. A. i. I'xddock, U. S. Senator, Beatrice. Frank Welch, Represcntativc.Norfolk. STATE DIRECTORY: Silas Oarbkk, Governor, Mncoln. Hruno Tzschuek, Secretary of State. J. B. Weton, Auditor, Lincoln. J. C. McRridc,Trcaurcr, Lincoln. Geo. II. Roberta, Attorney-General. S. R. Thompson. Supt. Public Ins.ruc. II. C. Daivaon. Warden of Penitentiary. C.'lT. 'hiST' 1rison mipectow. Dr. J. G. Daris, Prison Physician. II. r. MathcwKon, Supt. Insane Asylum. JUDICIARY: Daniel Gantt. Chief Justice, vXe 1?.iVakr'l Associate Judges. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. G. AY. Post, Judge. York. M. It. Reete, District Attorney, "Wahoo. LAND OFFICERS: V. AY. Arnold. Register, Grand Island. Win. Anyan, Receiver, Grand Island. COUNTY DIRECTORY: J. G. Ilijcplns County Judge. John Stanficr. County Clerk. V. Kummer, Treasurer. Renj. Spielman, Sheriff. H. L. RoHssiter, Surveyor. R. II. Henrv, 1 Win. nioedom CountyCommisbioncrt.. John Walker, J Dr. A. Heintr. Coroner. S. L. Rarrctt, Supt. of Schools. 8. S. JlcAUWterJ itPtir1i!nf thePeacc. Ryron Mlllctt, f .nictici eonnei tacc. Charles Wake, Constable. CITY DIRECTORY (' A. Speice, Mayor. John Sch ram. Clerk. John J. Riekly, Marshal. J. W. Earlv, Treisure.r. H. S. .McAllister. Police Judge. J. G. Routson, Ensriuccr. councilmex: ls Hani .1. E. North, E. Pohl. fUl Ward E. C. Kav.inaugh. C. E. Morse. 2d Ward-lZ. J. Raker, E. A. Gcrrard. Otlumttu IoKt OIBco. Open on Sundays trtm 11 a.m. to 12m. and from -1:30 to (i i. m. lluslnesi hour except Sunday fi a. m. to S p. m. aeteru w.iils cloe at 11:2) A. M. Western mails cloe at 4:20 p.m. Mali leaves Columbus for Madison and Norfolk, on Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays. 7 A. M. "Arrives Mondays, Wdnct."da, and Fridays, 3 p. m. Fr Monroe," Genoa. Waterville and Al bion, daily except Sunday C A. M. Ar rive, same. (J P.M. For Summit, Ulysses and Crete. Mon dav aud Thursdays 7 a. M. Arrives -Wednesday, and Saturdays, 7 p. M. For Uellpvilie. Osceola and York. Tues davs. Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 P.M. Arrives t 12 M. Fr Wir. Farral aud Rattle Creek, Mondavs and Wednesdays, A. M. Ar rives Tuesdays and Fridavs at 6 p. M. For Shell Crek, Nelto. Creston and Stanton, on Mnnda at 7 A. M. Ar rives Tuesdays (! p. M. For David I'itV, Tue-days. Thursdivs and Saturdays, 1 p. m Arrives, at 12 M. U. I Time Tabic. Eastward Bound. f 'migrant. No. 6, leaves at assonu'r, 4. " Freight, M 8. " " freight, "10, " Westward Bound. Freight. No. .", leaves at Ps.eng'r, " 3, ' Fn-lght, " 0, 4 Kiuigrant. 7. " C,:2Z a. m. 11:00 a. m. 2:15 p. m. 4:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:27 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 1:30 a. m. Everv dav except Saturday the. three lines leading to Chicago connect with U P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays ilmrp will be but one train a day, a shown bv the following schedule: (O.A-N. W ) 7th . )c, 1J..VQ. 14th (C R. I. IU 21t (C.&N.W ) 7tnanU2MH. Srjt . . (C,U.A(. 1 '" . . Jc, R. I..V P.J- 12th C.& N.W. J l'Jtli (C, R. I. & P.) 2d . . -N. W. ) 9th C, B. & Q. J 16th and 20th. Oct and 23d. aud 3uth. Yoc IV ., It. .V . I III! , . . -(.'., R. I. A; l 14th (C. & N. W. 1 21st 7th and 28th. Dec Farm for Sale. ONE nUNDRED AND SIXTY acres rf excellent farm land in But ler Count v, near Patron P. O., about equi-distant from three County Seats David Citv, Columbus and Schuyler; CO acres under cultivation; 5 acre of trees, maple, cottonwood, Ac: good frame house, granary, stable, sheds. Ac. Good stock range, convenient to water. The place is for sale or exchange for property (house and a few acres) near Columbus. Inquire at the Journal ortice, or address the undersigned at Tatron P.O. 403 john tannaiiill. farmers: BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the low prices of your products dis courage you. but rather limit your ex penses to your resources. You can do so by stopping at the new home of your fellow farmer, where you can lind good accommodations cheap. For hay for team for one night and day, 25 ct"s. A room furnished with a cook stove and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Those wishing can be accommo dated at the house of the undersigned vt the following rates: Meals 25 cents; beds 10 cents. J. B. SENECAL, i mile east of Gcrrard's Corral. Formerly Pacific House. This popular house has been newly ReOtted and Fnraished. Meal . Day Board per week, Board and Lodging, 35 cts. 54.00. 5 and ?G. Good Livery and Feed Stable in con nection. SATISFA TION GUARANTEED. JOHN HAMMOND, Proprietor. tftir?rr?is not easily earned in these Jw times, but it can be made 1 I I I in three months by any one of cither sex. in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that ie furnish. ?66 per week in your own towa. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over ?20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily aud rapidly at anv other busi ness. It costs nothing to frv the busi ness. Terms and $5 Outfit fr"e. Address at OHe, H. Hat.ltt & Co., Portland, Wain 375-r. BUSINESS CAEDS r. j. s. McAllister, SURGEON AND MEDICINAL DEN tist. Office ou 12th St., three doors cast of Schilz's hoct and shoe store, Columbus, Neb. Photograph Rooms in connection with Dental Office. 215.y HUGH HUGHES, CARPENTER, JOINER AND CON TRACTOR. All work promptly attended tc ind satisfaction guaranteed. Refers to the many for whom ho has done work, as to prices and quality. 264. W. -A. CX.AJEIK:, Mill-Writ Bill Eflieer, COLUMBUS, NEB. 402-12 -T S.CHRISTISON.M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, tSTFor one vcar a RESIDENT PHY SICIAN to the NEW YORK CITY HOSPITALS, Blackwell's Island, N.Y. Office on 1 1th St., next to the Jouuxal. Mileage SO cts. Medicines furnished. 91. WEWEWMin, WILL repair watches and clocks In the best manner, and cheaper than it can be done in anv other town. Woi k left with Saml. Gass, Columbia, on llth street, one door cast of I. Gluck's store, or with Mr. Weiscntluh at Jackon, will be promptly attended to. 415. NKLsOX MILI.FTT. BYKOX MILLKTT, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. W. .1IIEEETT Ac SO."V, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Nebraska. N. B. They will give close attention to all business entrusted to them. 2 IS. RYAN & DEGAN, TWO doors, cast of D. Ryan's Hotel on llth street, keep a large stock of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, And everything usually kept at a llrst class bur. 411 x FOE SALE OR TRADE ! MARES COLTS, Teams of Horses or Oxen, OADIiEE I0BES, wild or broke. O at t the Corral of 42!) GERKARI) & ZEIGLER. D0LAKD & SMITH, IDRUaG-ISTS, Wholesale and Retail, ATEBRASIvA AYE., opposite City 1 Hall, Columhu. Nehr. GTLow prices aud fine good. Prescriptions and familv recipes a specialty. 417 STAGE KOBJTE. JOHN IIUBER. the mail-carrier be tween Columbus and Albion, will leave Columbus everyday except Sun day at O.i'elock, sharp, p.-issius: through Monroe, Genoa, WaU'rille, and to Al I ion The hack will call at elthet of the Hotels for passengers if orders arc left at the post-office. Rates reason able, $2 to Albion. 222.1y Columbus Meat Market! WEBER & KNOBEL, Prop's. KEEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh meats, and smoked pork and beef; also fresh tish. Make sausage a spec ialty. SSTRi-mcmbcr the place. Elev enth St., one door west of D. Ryan's hotel. 417-tf IHetrldCH' Hlat ?InrIct. Waiklilnton Arc, nearly oiiohHp Court Houkr. OWING TO THE CLOSE TIMES, meat will be sold at this market low, low down for cami. Best steak, per lb.,. 10c. Rib roast, " Sc. Boil, Ge. Two cents a pound more than the above prices will be charged on time, and that to good responsible parties only. 207. DOCTOR BONESTEEL, IT. S. EXAMINING SUKGEOA, COLUMBUS, NEUKASKA. OFFICE HOURS, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Office on Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of E. J. Baker's grain office. Residence, corner Wyoming and Walnut streets, north Columbus, Nehr. 433-tf MRS. W. L. COSSET, Dress and Shirt Maker, 3 Doors Wet orStlllraan Dru Store. Dresses and shirts cut and made to order and satisfaction guaranteed. Will also do plain or fancy sewing of any de scription. ST PRICES YERY REASONABLE. Give me a call and try my w ork. 425-ly HENEY GASS, UNDERTAKER, KEEPS ON HAND ready-made and Metallic Coffins, Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cane Seat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal nut Lumber. Tuihjtai Ati. cppiiti Cent Eme, Cc!its, Hrt F. -W. OTT, SKLLS All kinds of MUSICAL IimUKEITS Itookt, SUtloaery, Candy and Cigars. ONI DOOU NORTH OF TOST -OFFICE. 400-tr F. SCHECK, Manufacturer and Dealer in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive St.,nearthe old Fost-ojce Columbus Nebraska. 4 17-1 r EZ . m . -. i iri ' ' 7 Ir. E. E. SIGGIXS, Physician and Surgpon. t33Officc open at all hours Sank Building. " lont You Mel," For if you do you will lose money by purchaiiug an" expensive Wind Mils, when you can buy one of J. O. Shannon for about one-haif the money that any other costs. Call on J. O. Shannon, on llth street, opposite Mahlon Clothcr's store. Columbus, Neb. 411-13 TTEWItY G. CAREW, Attorney and Counselor at Law, COLUMBUS, NKKKASKA. Formerly a member of the English bar: will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him in this und adjoining counties. Collections made. Office one door east of Schilz' shoe store, corner of olive and 12th Streets. Spricht Deutch. Parle Francais. 418-tf COLUMBUS BRICK YARD (One mile west of Columbus.) THOMAS FLYNN & SON, Tropr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK Always on Hand in QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASERS 371-tf BERNARD KcTEGGART, BLACKSMITH, Is prepared to do all kinds of black smithing in a workmanlike manner, and will guarantee to give satisfaction. He makes HORSE -SHOEING A SPECIALTY, and in this branch of the trade will ac knowledge no peer. Persons having lame horses from bad shoeing will do well to bring them to him. He only asks for a trial. All kinds of repairing done to order. 440.oin CALIFORNIA WINES! Sei ssi Tiite, 1.25?$1.75 A GALLON -AT- SAML. GASS'S, Ulevpnth Street. LOERS&SCHREIBER Blachmitli and Wagon Maker. All kinds of repairing done at short notice. Wagons, Buggies, fcc, &c, made to order. All work warranted. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter sal, Columbus, Nebraska. "32 J. O. ELLIOTT AGENT FOR THE STOVER WIND MILL $20 OSCILLATING FEED MILL, And All Kinds of Pumps AND PUMP MATERIALS! ALSO Challenge Wind and Feed Jfill.t, Combined Shelter and Grinder, Malt Mills, Horse Powers, Corn Shelters and Fanning Mills. Pumps Repaired on Short Notice, Farmers, conic and examine our mill. You will Undone erected on the premises of the Hammond House, in good running order. conj.nms Restaurant and Saloon! E. I). SHEEHAN, Proprietor. Wholesald and Retail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCn AND ENGLISH ALES. ZSTKentucky IVhiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their season, BY THE CASE, CAN Oli DISH, llth. Stroat, South, of Depot, WM. BECKER, )dealek x:;( GROCERIES, Grain, Produce, Etc. I. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. Goods delivered Free of Charge, anyichere in the cily. Corner of 13th and Madison Sts. North of Foundry. 3i MMsaiEiDe "HAPIY NEW YEAlt." Sliding down the b.iluster, Rushing through the hall, Tipping over chairs and stools, Laugliing when they fall; From the nursery dancing down, Little folks so gay, "Happy New Year!" loud thev err, 'Hurrah for New Year's Dayl" Such a flutter as they make, Such a merry breeze, Buzzing through the breakfast-room Like a swarm of bees! Lingering here to snatch a kiss. There, to shout again, "Happy New Year, every one!" Oil" they scamper then. Out of doors away they run, Hailing all thev meet, Old and voung, and ricli and poor, With the greeting sweet. Every one smile back the wish; Every face grows hrght; Sorrowing hearts forget their pain In the blessed light Beaming from the children's eyes; And with them they say, "Happy New Year, every one! Happy New Year's Day!" Echoing over land and sea, Rings the gladsome cry. As we greet w ith smiles the Neio, And bid the OWgood-bv! HAPPY XE2W YKASC. Xcw Year's Eve come to the Town of A in the gfub it usually wears in Louisiana neither warm nor cold, neither stormy nor clear, but a disagreeable between, made up of mud, and slush, and every degree of sloppy uncomfortablcness. New Year's in the "Creole State' is the first transition between the mild delicious fall and the rains and mit igated cold of winter. So, on this debatable land, as on any other de batable land, a conflict wages be tween the two conflicting powers. But the mud and drizzle were for outside. In&ide the house in A , where we introduce our young readers, all was light and warmth in a comfortable si I ling-room. Such a cozy circle as was assembled there! Mr. Cunningham, the own er of Ihc house, his wife and three children, Edmund, about fourteen, Amy and Herbert ; the sister of Mr. Cunningham, Mrs. Stafford, who was spending the Christmas holi days with her brother, with her three children, Ralph, Guy and Em ma, about the same ages as the Cuuninghams. It was a merry crowd, but the noise-and fun reached its acme when midnight struck, and each of the young folks rushed to the hall door, to be the lirst to open it and let the New Year in. Amy, light and fleet-footed, was the first, and, calling out, "Hurrah! the good luck of the New Year is mine!'" she threw open the door, and almost fell into the arms of a gen tleman who stood just outside. He walked cooly into the midst of the excited crowd, evidently a trav eler, with a shaggy great-coat up to his ears and a valise in his hands. There was n pause, and then a joyful cry, as the light fell on his face. "Uncle Guy, Uncle Guy!" and Uncle Guy was almost smothered by the embraces of the little ones. "Oh, uncle, we thought you were in Japan I" cried Edmund. "So I was, until I started for home, my boy. You didn't want me to stay there forever, eh ?" There was a universal chorus, "No. no! wo always want you at home, uncle!" "I fouud him,' cried Amy, "and it's my right to lead him into the parlor and astonish them there!" So the cavalcade took up its march again. Amy and Uncle Guy at the head. With a flourish, Amy threw open the door, crying out : "See what the New Year lias brought us!'' There was a cry of delight and surprise, and as much excitement in the parlor over the arrival as the children could have desired. Mr. Cunningham, as he shook his broth er's hand, said : "Surely, now, Guy, you're going to settle down among us for a while." "Oh, I'm a vagabond by natnre, "William!" he laughed. "But I'll soou be too old to wander, you know. When that comes about, I'll find my home near you, rest assured." As Guy Cunningham had said, a passion for travel in remote and unknown countries had possessed him from early youth. Rich enough to indulge it, free from any nearer ties than his brother and sister, the great portion of his life had been spent in foreign countries. Genial and generous, with a mind of thor ough culture, and governed by strong underlying principles, he was beloved as much as he was admired. But with Guy Cunningham's as pect to the world at large we have nothing to do. To the children he was simply the dearest and most delightful of men. Such an intoxi cating atmosphere of adventure, and wonderful escapes, and incredible heroism, always seemed to hang around him. He was their hero none the less because he often seem ed to read their thoughts, and re proved their faults in a strange, quaint manner, peculiar to himself. No matter where he went, he nev er forgot his six nephews aud nieces at home. The children knew well, when a large trunk was brought into the hall, a few minutes after their uncle's arrival, that it contain ed presents for all of them. Nor were they mistaken. I will not enumerate all Ihc strange aud beautiful things which were distrib uted that night. "You're a wizzard, Uncle Guy, or you've got one of those magic mir rors you saw among the Indian jug glers," cried Emma, hugging and kissing him. "How did you know I wanted a handsome work-box, aud, oh, a real gold thimble! aud, oh, such a needle-book 1" and over come with delight, the little girl clasped her hands and was silent. Then another and another took up the chorus. Uncle Guy chipped his hands to his cars. "I take the thanks and the hug gings for granted," he cried. "Now do be quiet for a minute, and let nic speak. You haven't seen my finest present yet, nor will you see it until to-morrow. But one of you can have it, but which one is the ques tion. I don't ask which of you has been the best child since I went away, for of course you would all answer at once. I am going to give you a test. "Here arc two dollars for each of you, which you must spend to-morrow during the day, as best pleases you. The one who gives me niot satisfaction in the manner of spend ing it shall receive the wonderful present. It's but a small sum, but for my purpose it will do as well as if I had given each of you fifty dolhtrs. The children went to bed that night excited beyond measure. What did Uncle Guy mean ? What was the present? What were they to do to get it? These questions perplexed their poor little minds to the verge of distraction and sleep lessness. Would day never come? But it came at last, and an early breakfast, and then they all assemb led, silent and curious, before their uncle. "Why are yon all standing there like dummies, and looking at me in that inquiring manner?" he asked, laughinir. "Take your hats and cloaks, aud start out on your quest. Don't go together. Separate, and meet me in the parlor at two o'clock to report. It will not take you long to spend that small sum." By two o'clock the children were in the parlor, and Uncle Guy as Judge in Ihc great arm-chair. "Now, Ned, begin," he said. "Well, Uncle, you see there's a fellow at our school who wears coarse, heavy shoes all the time, and the boys calls him 'Red Russet,' from the kind of shoes you know. His father's awful mean. He's a carpen ter, and makes a lot of money. Jim begged aud begged him, almost on his knees, to get him a nice pair of shoes, for he hates to be called 'Red Russet,' you know. Any fellow would hate it. So as his father wouldn't get the shoes, I spent my two dollars on a pair for him." "Hem! hem!" Uncle Guy's face didn't look the unqualified approval Edmund expected. "Did the red russets keep out the cold and wet, or were there holes in them?" "Oh, I s'posc they were whole, sir. That's the worst of those kind of clumps, Jim saysthat they nev er do wear out." "So to encourage Jim's foolish sensitiveness to ridicule, you gave him your money. Well, I suppose he was pleased and you satisfied." "I should think so, Uncle," Ed mund swelled with importance. "He couldn't thank me enough, and I tell you it makes a fellow feel first rate to know that he's doing good." "A questionable good, my boy," said his Uncle; "but I suppose it will take you 6ome time to learn the real meaning of the word 'char ity.' Now, Herbert, what have you been doing." "I bought a beautiful prayer-book Uncle, and sent it to Ella Stone. I thought I couldn't buy a better thing with my money, sir, and I was sure you'd like me to get a good book with it." "Granted if Ella Stone had no other prayer-book, and wanted one." "Oh, she's got lots of prayer-books and everything she wants!" chorused-the children. "It's just because Herbert likes her, and wanted to give her something." "Speak up, Master Herbert," said his Uncle. "Did yon really and truly give the book because you thought it would do Ella Stone good, or was it for your own grati fication to make her a present?" "Well, but it was a prayer-book," persisted Herbert, as if the very name was enough to justify him in having done the very best thing with his money. "It depends upon the motive with which a prayer-book is given, and the spirit in which it is received, to make it of any more value than any other book. But you were satisfied my boy ?" "Yes, sir." But the 'yes, sir,' was not very assured, and Herbert sat dolofuly turning over in his mind to what better use he could have put his money. "As forme, Uncle," broke in Char lie, impatiently, "I'll just tell what did." There was a world of self conceit thrown in that 'I.' "There's a poor woman down Elfin Alley, who hasn't overmuch to eat, hut she told me the other day she was just dying for a plum-pudding; so I bought the materials aud took them to her, and, oh, Uncle, you just ought to have seen her face when she said, 'God bless you for your charity, young sir!" Mr. Cunningham lnughcd aloud. "Charity and pluni-pudding,Char- lie! Well, my hoy, you'll find out one of these days that hunger doesn't need pudding-sauce. But to my question are you satisfied?'' "Of course I am." Charlie had turned very red at the laugh. "Are not people always satisfied when they make other people happy? I'm sure that's what you're always tell ing us." "Cerlainly, my boy ; but I never thought of that novel way of yours through plum-pudding. Now, Em ma ?" "I've bought all kinds of things to work with, Uncle worsteds, and crochet-cotton, and everything. I'm going to be so industrious that you'll be glad to give me the work-box." "You had no other way of getting the worsted and cottons, Emma?" asked her uncle. "Oh, of course! Mamma and pnpa would have been glad to iret them, but I thought I couldn't spend the money more usefully." "To yourself, yes, Emma. But do you think, my child, that the highest degree of usefulness is providing for ourselves things that are not of absolute necessity? But I presume you satisfied yourself?" "Oh, yes, uncle, and you'll be de lighted when you sec the beautiful work I'm going to do." "Now for little Ralph," said the Uncle. "I gave a whole dollar to a little boy to buy a kile, Uncle; and I bought cakes and candies for ail the children." "And ate the greater part your self," laughed his uncle. "I know your propensities of old, Master Ralph. But I suppose you liked it, and are satisfied with the pleasure yon got out of the two dollars." "Yes, indeed," was the unhesitat ing reply. "And now for Amy. What's the reason, my dear, that you, who should have come forward next to Edmund, should hold back. Have you lost your money, that you sit there so silent, and I verily believe you've been crying. Lost it, eh ?" "No, Uncle," she said, in a low voice. "You see when you gave me the money I knew just what I want ed to do with it. The woman who used to wash for us has been sick a long time, and she's ycry poor. I found out where she lived, and I went there this morning. "Oh, Uncle, such a sight! poor Nanny sick in bed; no fire and no wood to make any, and hardly any bed-clothes. The two younger children huddled up in bed with her to keep warm, they said, aud the eldest daughter at work, but look ing so blue and thin! She told me they hadn't had anything but some bread the day before, and the baker wouldn't trust her for any more. "And Nanny hasn't had a doctor, or medicine, or anything. They wanted everything, and when I looked down at my two dollars, oh, Uncle, it was kind, I know, for you to give it to me, but it seemed so very little for all that misery!" The tender heart of the child over flowed at the recollection, and she burst into tears. Her Uncle drew her to him. "But you gave the money to her?" "Oh, yes, for food, for they were half-starved, but, then, there's wood and clothes, and medicine, aud, oh, ever so many things to be got, and I'm thinking all the time how it's to be done." t "Then my little Amy was not sat isfied ?" "Oh, uncle, I know its wicked and ungrateful not to be pleased with what I had to give, but I must tell the truth. I wasn't satisfied ; I wanted ten times as much as I had. I would like to do something for all the poor people in the world, and I'm ashamed to think of all I have, when there's so much suffering just round me. I know you think I'm mean and ungrateful to you, and I do love you ever so much, but some how I can't feel satisfied, and what you gave mo only makes me want more to give to the sick and poor." Her uncle kissed the little tear stained face. "Just what I wanted," he said, gravely. "Charity which is quite staisficd with giving little is a very small charity indeed. But when, in giving to the poor everywhere, and whatever we may have to give wo would still willingly treble it if we could, that, my dear children, is ai very good test between true charity and false. But I seo some of you don't understand me; so I will only say that in my opinion Amy deserves the present.'' He rose, aud going to the window, looked out. It was to have been here by three o'clock," he said, "aud here it is." The children crowded around the window to see a. beautiful black pony led up to the house. There was one universal shout of admira tion. "What a beauty!" "What a splen did bridle!" "See how ho carries his head !" Amy grew white with excitement aud delight. Of all things iu the wide world, a pony for her "very own" was what she had most desir ed. She tried to speak, but choked in the attempt, and pressed her lips to the kind hand which rested ou her shoulder. "I see what you wish to say, my dear," said her uncle, "and just con sider it said, will you? I did not get a saddle, for of course I couldn't guess if a boy or girl would own the horse. But we'll have a nice little lady's saddle on it, this evening, and then, Amy, you and I will pay a visit to poor Nanny. And, young ! folks, this will not be the last test I shall impose upon you. I huve other things to distribute. This lit tle trial will teach you to think, andf uisunguisu iu iiiuire ue.wccn a pass-! ing io relieve uan.s wiuciij are not real and a sincere desire Io relieve those which are." , Amy, in ncr oengnt, count not boar to see the dirappointcd faces of seme of the children. "You shall all ride my pony by turns," she cried "every one of you, and just as often as I do. It shall belong to all of us. What shall I call it, TT.ip")-9" "Let it be 'Concord,' my dear," he answered ; and Concord it was from that day. Youth 's Companion. RACv Xliouirlil". If you would be strong conquer yourself. He dines sumptuously who dines out of debt. No man can be free unless he gov erns himself. Children are the strongest pillars of the temple of wedded love The worst and most unendurable of all our ills arc the imaginary ones. Study books to know how things ought to be; study men to know how things are. To worship rightly is to love each other; each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a prayer. Our happiness does not consist in being without passions, but in hav ing control of them. Law 13 like prussicacid a danger ous remedy, and the smallest dose is generally sufficient. A handsome woman pleases thc eye, but a good woman pleases (he heart. The one is a jewel, the other a treasure. If our eyes were open, we should see that this oval globe is but an egg; that what we call lime is but the incubation of eternity. Never retire at night without be ing wiser than when you rose in the morning, having learned something useful during thc day. The earth is a great factory wheel, which, at every revolution on its axis, receives fifty thousand raw souls, aud turns ofT nearly the same number worked up more or less completely. A good book and a good woman are excellent things for those who know how justly to appreciate their value. There are men, however, who judge of both from thc beauty of the covering. Never let a lie go to seed in your souls. If you should happen to be I tempted into telling a falsehood, let it bo plucked out by a proper con fession of your fault as quickly as possible. Pluck it out aud cast it from yon, fori assure you that of all thc noxious weeds that find root in the garden of thc soul, none go to seed more quickly, or multiply more rapidly, than doe? falsehood. Concrete How to Ulake nad 3Je It. Tho following excellent directions for making concrete wnlls and floors, will be found applicable to the building seasons; The advantages of this modo of building walls are not sufficiently known, for when fully understood this wall must come into more gen eral uie. In many parts of tho country suitable stone is not to bo had, aud, where alone is plenty, thla mode of using it is fur preferable to the ordinary way of building a wall. The.couqrete, which would build a wall aloue, may be used to cement iiiiw l'ip iiiijii ii iiiiW tho btone together, and thus save D'he cement which occupies thVsbaco . i i - ii it oi the stone, in nmnv parts of the j r - iii - c country, small flat stones are thrown out by the plow and need to be gotten otr tho field. These will work into tho concrete wall and make an excellent job. They will have a firm bearing npon each oth-c.- and thus render the wall strong before it sets hard. Care should bo ! takc" not to ,cl 8tone comc I,,ile io uiu surince oi me wan, out cover their edges with concrete. Con crolc is more porous than sto.nejind will not conduct heat and cold .like stone. A concrete wall will show no frost on the Inside iu winter, is drier and cooler fu summer, and warmer in winter than stoues, and, therefore it is well not to let the stone come within three -fourths inch of the outside. You can use any kind of cobble or irregular hard stouc in this kind of wall, but it may be built of clear sand, or sand and gravel, the gravel being hrgo or small, and stone may be mixed with the sand aud gravel. If there is moisture to come to the wall, walcr-Iiiue must be used, and it is well to carry two or three feet above the ground with concrete. The place should also he excavated one or two feet beyond the propos ed wall, eo as to leave an air-space on the outside, giviiig the wall a chance to dry and become hard. If, in any case, you go into the slate rock u.,jicIl h nhyay3 fm of seams charged with moisture, you must nol aII(nv JC C01Crc,e t0 bc buUt agnilIst ,he rockj fof thc mohiwo , tIie rock . . . . ... j ,ar wi cause t,1(J mS,k of 1me o run out and leave an infinite num ber of fine pores throng!. .hich water will run ; but if no water h allowed to come to it while dr3 ing, it will be water and air-tight. It U aloo well to have a drain cut lower than the bottom of thc wall on the outside to carry oil" any water that might otherwise come against it, which will render the basement dry. If you have only sand to use, mix five parts with one of lime water, thoroughly, while dry, then wet into a thin mortar aud use imme diately. But if you nl?o have grav el, make into thin mortar and use at once. This will make a contrctc of about nine to one. If vou also hnvn I gtonCf, lo ,ar wi .. ., . the boxes and cover with this mor tar, and all the stone you put iu will save so much inortarand make your wall stronger while new. If you use only sand and stone, then mix the lime water five to one. lay thc stone with it. The way U to put a layer or an inch of mortar in thc bottom and then a layer of stone, then of mortar, and so on, letting the mortar comc over the edge of the stone. If only a basement wall is built, you may use water-lime for it all ; or when you get fo far above the ground that moisture will not affect it, you may use quick-lime, which is cheaper, and goes farther. If you live near a lime kiln, it will bo cheaper to get fine air-slaked lime about thc kiln it will answer just as well, if you estimate only the fine lime and not thc small stones in it. In mixing thi3 concrete, takc ten of sand and one of lime, slaking the lime thin before you mix in tho sand; now mix iu ten or twelve parts of gravel, fine and coarse, and use this as a mortar to mike the wall or lay thc stone. Mix .. all well together, and then wheel iu a barrow and shovel into thc wall boxes. The sand and lime will fill all the spaces between the gravel and Ihc stone, if you have any stouc, cementing all together. The quick limo may bc mixed sometimes be fore using, as the mortar is all tho better for it; but it does not set so quick as water-lime, and must have more time between layers. But a quick-lime concrete in more porou9, and, consequently, drier in Summer and warmer in Winter. The pro portions will vary according to the strength of the lime. Make no hitslc to be rich, if you would prosper. Small and steady gains will give competency with tranquility of mind. Men are like words; when not properly placed they lose their value.