FAYORED WITH FORTUNE. On the great Arabfcu desert, from three different points of the compass three travelers BlowJy approached one another. Nearer and nearer they camo, until presently they join ed company. At first there vras a moment of suspicion, and all were on their guard ; one laid his hand on an old razor, concealed in his girdle; another fumbled in his tur ban for a shoemaker's awl ; and the third and last, shook his sleeve until the pair of 6 hears hidden there was in his hand. All drew back the mantles that had protected their heads from the glaring- sun and drifting sand, but had no scouer recognized one nnothcr than they set up a great shout of joy, and throwing themselves into each oth er's arms, (as well as their infirmi ties would allow them,) embraced. All, the barber, had but one eye; Bali, the tailor, had but one hand ; Kali, the cobbler, wanted a foot. "Happy is the day when we meet again 1" cried the one-eyed; "pray do you come this side of me that I may better pee you ; why, Bali, you are less a hand ; and you, Kali, less a font. I myself want an eye, and pray let me" tell you how 1 lost it. So let us be seated, and rest awhile, and I will relate to you all concern ing my misfortune." The three then seated themselves, and Ali, the one-eyed barber, com menced. "You know that I was bred a barber, and no one worked more diligently or shaved better in Bag dad than I did. One unlucky day a great lord came to me and wanted his head shaved. I soaped his pate nicely, sharpened my best razor, and went to work. One-half was done ; I caught bold of his nose, as our art dictates, to get at the other side, when, as ill-luck would have it, the brush full of lather went into his eye; he roared with pain, and get ting into a rage, gave me such a drubbing that, when it was over, one eye was gone. My customers all lett me; no one thought a oue eyed man could shave, and I was mined. Now, a beggar, I am going to Mecca to try if by prayer 1 can not assuage Mahommed, and beg for good luck once again in my life." "I think your case a bad one," said Bali, the one-handed tailor, "now listen to mine. Ono day there came into my shop a one-eyed man, and ordered a vest. He must have been a great personage, for the garment I was to make was of the most cost ly kind, such as arc worn at the palace. I worked diligently, and when it was finished took it to his house. IIo wanted to try it on ; he put one arm nicely in, and had got into tho other sleeve as far as the elbow, when he yelled with pain. Rascal,' he cried, 'villain of a tailor, you have left a needle in the sleeve, and it has pierced my arm; take this, you dog,' and ho begou to beat me with a big stick, and when it was over my hand was gone. I could no longer sew ; my trade all left me; and now, a poor wretch, I am traveling to the holy City, to implore the great prophet to "take away his curse from mo." "It 13 my turn and though your cases are hard, just listen to mine," said Kali, the shoemaker. "This is the way in which I lost mv foot : In 51Z 'y suppers or yellow kur dish leather were in great repute. One day there came to me a great lord and ordered a pair of my yel low slippers. I made them niyself, and carried them to his house. He put one on it fitted perfectly; he tried on the other, but it would not go on. Perceiving for the first time that he had but one eye and one arm and imagining that "their loss had made him rather awkward, I told him to give his foot a stamp; he did 60, aud howled with pain. 'Dog of a cobbler. he cried, 'you have left a nail iu your slipper!" and without raoro ado he caught me up in his arm and threw me out of the win dow. Some passers-by picked me up, and when I got well one foot was gone. My business went to the dogs; my creditors seized all I had; and now, without a copper, I am hobbling over the desert to the tomb of the great lawgiver, to beseech him to grant me fortune." When Kali had finished all three were silent, and for full half au hour held down their heads. At last simultancousl', they all burst out with "Oh, where can throe such unlucky fellows be found?" and in such a loud tone of voice that a fourth traveler, who had silently drawn ncar,hcard it, and exclaimed : "Who says they are unlucky fel lows? For if so, look at me." The three jumped up surprised, for they had been so absorbed as not to havo heard him approach. Ali, Bali, and Kali looked up aud saw a man in rags, with but one eye, one arm and one leg. "You unlucky!" exclaimed the new comer. "Do you compare your situation with miuc? I, who am wanting iu so many things! What do you say to me, the perfect addi tion of all your woes? And with it all, I consider myself the luckiest fellow in tho world I" And here, with the aid of a long crutch, ho tripped about merrily on the sand. "Aud how do you manage to be so happy?" they asked. "I will tell you," said the traveler. "I owe all my good luck to three excellent meu a barber, a tailor, aud a shoemaker. Tho first took my eye, the second my arm, and the last my leg. Could I but find them, I would shower my blessings on them." "I had the pleasure of spoiling your eye," said Ali, with a wink. "Allow me to recommend myself to you as the person who deprived you of an arm." "If I have made you happy by causing the loss of your leg, I am Kali, the shoemaker, at your service" said Kali, and he made a scrape. "And have I tho good fortune to meet you all?" said the traveler. "Then allow mc to embrace you." And with this, as well as his in firmities would allow, he hugged them all three, and then addressed them as follows : "Now, listen. My name is Ben Bonzaura. I was about to be mar ried. The day before the nuptial ceremony, I went to you, Ali, to be shaved. "You put your brush iu ray eye, and I lost it. When I present ed myself afterward to the lady, she would have nothing to do with me, aud married some one else. She turned out to be such a wicked creature, so unfaithful, that her hus band, covered with shame, killed himself. It would ceitainly have been my fate, if not for the good fortune that I had in going to you to get shaved. "Sometime afterward tho Sultan sent for me. In order to make my self pleasant to tho commander of the faithful, I bethought mc I must have a new vest. You, Bali, made it; a fortunate needle went into my arm I lost it and could not go. The Sultan had planned a secret expedi tion to carry on war with a neigh boring country, and I was to have been in it. They were all taken prisoners by the enemy, and arc uow toiling as slaves, under harsh masters. Bali, had it not been for yon, what would have been my fatcV" "But to you, Kali, my gratitude knows no bounds. Know that a friend gave a grand feast, there was to be merry-mukiug and dancing, and I was an invited guest. Think ing my old shoes rather worn, I ordered from you a pair of yellow slippers, and surely some good for tune took me to you. There was a nail in one of them, and I threw vou out of the window. I ccald not attend the feast, and lucky was it that I did not, for they dauced about so that the floor fell in and the roof on the top of them, and every sou! wa6 killed. Had I gona there, it would have been an end of mc. In those days I was harsh aud hasty; but the loss of my limbs has taught me a lesson from the want of them I can no longer indulge in those burs to of passion, aud am now as docile and quiet as a Iamb. Thank ful to the great prophet for the kind ness he has sliowu me, and in order to do penance for the misery I have caused to others, I determined on a pilgrimage to Mecca, having sworn not to tako off these rags, nor to enjoy any of the luxuries of this life, before- fiuding the three preservers of my honor, liberty, and life. Though clad so poorly, I have much wealth, more than enough for us all. Will vou forgive and sharo with me?" "We havo nothing to forgive," they all answered, astonished. "For carelessness and want of skill, we throw ourselves on your mercy." Here Ali, Kali, Bali, and Bcn-Rou-zaum turned toward the East, and bowed nine times toward the tomb of the great prophet, in order to 6how their thanks. Just then they descried a cloud of dust in the dis tance, and soon a baud of mounted robbers tore over the sands toward them. Their swift horses soon bore them near the four travelers, for they were eager for plunder; but seeing four such miserable objects, all in tatters, and all so maimed, and not worth a sequin us slaves, with a curse at thein for the trouble they had given, and a laugh at them for their sorry appearance, they pres ently disappeared in the opposite direction. When they were out of sight, Rouzaum lifting up his hand to Heaven, cried out, "Another mira cle! blessed be Allah! How for tune favors us! If it had not been for our wretched appearance, we should have been robbed and mur dered. Now, my friends, that the robbers arc gone, let us journey on toward Mecca." Without auy accident they arriv ed at Mecca, kissed tho holy stone and, their devotions finished return ed without harm to Bagdad. Rouzaum purchased a large llOUSC, with DCUuiiiiit t;niucii8, tiiiii here lodged Ali, Bali, and Kali. They passed their days in the hap piest way iu the world, aud had al ways a word of comfort and a gift of charity for the unfortunate. Ioiver of a, Nwcct Voice. There is no power of love so hard to get and keep as a kind voice. A kind hand is deaf and dumb. It may be rough iu llcsh and blood, yet do the work of a soft heart,. aud do it with a solt touch. But there is no one thing that love so much needs as a sweet voice to tell what it means and feels and it is hard to get and keep in the right tone. One must i-tart in youth, aud be on the watch night and day, at work and at play, to get and keep a voice that shall speak at all times the thoughts of a kind heart. But this is the time when a sharp voice is most apt to be got. You often hear boys aud girls say words at play with a quick, sharp tone, as if it were the snap of a wljip. Whcu one of them gels vexed ou will hear a voice that sounds as if it were made up of a snarl, a whine aud a bark. Such a voice often speaks worse than the heart feels. It shows more ill-will in the tone than in the words. It is often iu mirth that one gets a voice or a tone that is sharp, and sticks to him through life, aud stirs up ill will aud grief, and falls like a drop of gall on the 6wcet joys of home. Such as these get a sharp home voice, for use, and keep their best voice for those they meet elsewhere, just as they would keep their best cake and pies for guests, and all the sour food for their own board. I would say to all boys aud girls, "Use your best voice at home. Watch it day by day, as a pearl of great price, for it will be worth more to you in days to come than the best pearl in the sea. A kind voice is a joy liken lark's song to a hearth and home. It is to the heart what light is to the eye. It is a light that sings as well as shines. Train it to sweet tones now, and it will keep tuue through life." ' A young M. D. who graduated from a Philadelphia medical college last spring claims to have discovered an infallible cure for yellow fever. He says painting the" patient red will keep the yellow iu tho fever from showing. "Ah," said the fly, as it crawled around the bottle, "I have passed throueh the hatching age, the creep ing age, tho flying age, and now I am in the mucilage, and " there it stuck. Keokuk Constitution. When a young man has learned to consume cigarettes in an artistic manner by ejecting the smoke thro' his nostrils, life is no longer a bar ren ideality, bnt a3 real as a bar of soap. Breakfast Tabic. The great secret of avoiding dis appointment is not to expect too much. Despair follows immoderate hope, as things fall hardest to the ground that have been nearest the sky. Young man, husband yure plez znres; thare iz not only more fun but more length to the fun in suck ing sider thru a straw than drinking it out ov a four-quart pitcher. Hillings. The Western Rami. The Western Hural comes to our table from week to week complete in all its departments. In matters relating to tho farm, orchard and arden, it is unsurpassed, and yet it does not ignore the family circle. It is n fireside companion, much en joyed by the women folks aud the, children, each having a department full of interest to them. The Mural Is increasing in circulation and in fluence, aud deserves the patronage of all interested in the cultivation of tho soil, or iu increased intelligence among the sons of toil. There isn't much diflerence be tween an old Roman soldier and a cannibal who has just dined on a nice young female missionary, for the former was a gladiator, and the latter is glad-he-ate-hcr, too. "I sigh for one glance of your rye," warbled an impecunious fellow as he wandered into a leading saloon a few days ago. He got but a glance, his range of vision being suddenly transferred to tho outer air. 1 a a a e : (C I" o - a C 22. . 3 5 o S3 "s t - c a o d to 09 O 4 W 03 xn o w e w p H O u O c- o j0 "5 -5 ' O en P3 o o C. j 0? 5 c. SO o FOR SALE. The underxigncd oilers at private sale his farm two and a half miles north of the city consisting of 8t) ARi:S OF I,A.IV1, fifty acres uuder cultivation, and sixty acres of as good hay land as can be round, and under a portion of it is a very excellent quality of brick clay. The improvements upon the place are a two-story concrete dwelling, 20x30 ft., a comfortnble and convenient house; a wind-mill: a large, substantial shelter for stock; shed and yards lor hogs; corral for cattle; granary; tool house, etc.. etc. Also 133 HEAD OF1 SHEEP, mostly ewes,bcsides horses,cows,stccrs, heifers, hogs, farming implements, tc. The location is a very excellent one for farming and stock raising near the city with easy and quick access to mar ket; a fifteen minutes' ride to tho post uiucc, iiiu raiiroad depot, the telegraph office and church. The site of the dwelling-house com mands as line a view as can be had of the country, for twenty miles in every direction, aud the place would not be offered for sale except that my increas ing business in the city renders it desirable to give it my exclusive at tention. For further particulars call on or Aaddress 31. K. TURNER, Columbus, Neb. PRICE REDUCED. fWjSX Full of Plain, Practical, Reliable, Paying Information KJ for West, East, South, North ; for Owners N N of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine, or Farms, S$ N Gardens, or Village Lots ; for Housekeepers : SJ for all Boys ami Girls; SOVER 700 Fine ENCRAVINCSS both pleasing and instructive. The S I American Agriculturist To Ciuit of ten or more, one ytar, fctt-faid, N ONLY $1 EACH, S 4 copies, $1.25 each. Single subscriptions, f 1.50.V S One number, 15 c, A specimen, post-free, 10 c. sS ."X. $ A SAGNIFICEHT steel Hate ENGRAVING for all. Largo PREItXIVItIS for Clubs. Tciirf1 in JTrntrJ!! -C ?.,.. -. . ; --- "A. - . w ernr iC yjJCC. X. V $ TRY IT... IT WILL PAY. StPiS Xv'US zx uranKB jnaa uo., mousaers. xo. s - k. W. T " V'X 24R RrnjiHwv N V yt7 &4 v SSSii:?? GOLD.! Great chance to make money. If you can't get gold you can get greenbacks. "We need a person in every town to take sub scriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a suc cessful aircnt. The mo elegant works of art given free to subscribers. Tbi. price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making over $150 in a week. A lady agent re ports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not bo away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to Iry the business. Xo one who engages fails to make great pav. Address "The Peo ple's Journal," Portland, Maine. S82-v & Daniel Faucette, Manufacturer and Dealer In Harness, Saddles, Eriilss, and Collars, keeps constantly on hand all kinds of whips, Saddlery Hardware, Currv combs, Urushes, Bridle Bits, Spurs, Cards. Harness made to order. Re pairing done on short notice. NEBRASKA AVENUE, Columbuc. o3.4. $66s week in Your own town, ss Outfit free. No risk. Reader you Want a lmainpse nt. which persons of either pv can make great pay all the time thev work, write for particulars to H. IIal lktt & Co Portland, Maine. Uf can make money faster at work for us than atany thing else. Capital not required: we wilfstartrou. $l2ner u:iy ai uouie maue oy me indus trious. Men. women, bovs and jrirls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outfit and terms trtn Address True k Co., Augusta, Maine j fl59 N m SPEICE & NORTH, Genera Agents for the Sale of Real Estate. Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific R. R. Lands forsale at from $.1.00 to $10.00 per acre for cash, or ou five or ten years time, in annual payment to suit pur chasers. Wc have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low price and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lots in the city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte County. C33 coLurtinus, neb. We SCHILZ,. Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES! A complete assortment of Ladles' and Chil dren's! Shoes Vrpt on hand. All Work Warranted!! Our Motto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing. Cor. Olive nnd 19tli Sttt. JOHN WIGGINS, WHOLESALE AND m:jLiL d E23SE!!M5BHC3EEHHBHIHBKSSI2HH1 STOYES, IRON, TINWARE, CZSZSE Nails, Rope, Wagon Material, Glass, Paint, Etc., EEEZSS3 KZ21 CORNER i:i,i: VB:.VriI BXEZESEE COLUMBUS, B333i?JBmSIS5 IESS3 O. B. STILLMAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES. ETC. Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Dealcrfc in surrounding countrv will find it to their interest to purchase from him, as he can and will she BED-ROCK PRICES. Prescriptions Carefullv Compounded. E3A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. 353 The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Go's (Late Dicholtl & Hiicnzlc,) Fire and Burglar Proof! HAVE THE BEST RECORD OF ALL. All leading Railroad & Espress Companies and Banks intlieMwest bave them. Not One Lost in the Two Great Fires in Chicago; also preserved the contents iu every instance, at Independence, Iowa: at Central City, Col.; at Oshko jh, Wis., and at all places have stood the test, without failure. All Sizes for Sale and Made to Order. Old Safes taken in Exchange. County nnd Bunk WorU nttpecinlt.v Price as Io-r an CSood Work can bo Made. D. S. C0VENT, GEITEEAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 231 COLUMBUS 3?s Eiis-fe o3T l;...!! UeliveffT-. Apple trees, in variety, A to G ft., 3 year, Iowa grown, per 100, ? Apple trees 2 yrs., grown in Antelope Co., 3 to 4 ft., per 100, $15. Siberian Crab, in variety, 3 yrs., 4 to 5 ft.. '..... uurries. e.iny anu jaic jucnmoncl, 4 ft., Iowa grown Plums.-Mjnoe and Wild Goose, 4 ft., . . . .'. . Concord Grapes, first-class. 2 year, per 100, S9J50 .....juiwuiiui anu onjucr. - year, per iw. w,w.. uaspnerry. uoolittle, Mammoth, Cluster Gooseberry -Houghton, 2 years Currants, A ictoria, Cherry and White Grape, 2 years Strawberry, -Wilhon, Monarch of the West, per 100, 75 cents '.. Pie Plant. Strawberrv Mammoth, (extra) . Kilmanock Weeping Willow, well formed heads, C feet,..!.'!!!!.'!!!!"! Wisconsin " ' u (k ' u ' Box Elder and Soft Maple, 1 year, per 1000. White Pine and Norway Spruce, per footi Snowball, Flowerin? Almond. Lilac, purple and white, 2ft .',!!!! Roses, Moss, June and climbinsr. in variety 2 years Trumpet, Vine. Honeysuckle, Wistina an'd'vfnrinia Climber ','.'.'. Pwonies. Tulips. Tube Roses and otlmr i.ii.a in tn This ursery was established one year ago. and I have a good aorortment of small fruit growinsr here, and have made arrangements with neighbing nurser ies so that I can furnish anything in the above price-list. Parties engaged In fruit crowing will find it to their interest to give me a call before buying of traveling agents. I am permanently located here, and expect to do a home busl. ness. batisfactwn guaranteed. Cnrrsnnniinr niirUA 0-6 YOU BET." A. W. LAWRENCE, AGENT FOR THE WIND MILL, Will hereafter be found THREE DOORS SOUTH of the Post Ofllce, where he keeps u full line of every ttyle PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, And the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. As he keeps a Pump House exclusively, he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN TnE CHEAPEST. Pumps for tinv depth well. Pumps driven or repaired, and Rods cut. GIVE HIM A 35G CALL AM SAVE 3I0XEY. RETAIL DEALER IN wl SfJ&3!3Zrtrtr;Z5& cwwgggj ess A NO OlMVE STREETS, NEBRASKA. NURSERY. Fjeh. Doz. 118.00. $ 20 $2 30 00.... 10 30 40 1 90 3 00 4 50 4 50 1 75 1 00 75 1 30 1 SO 40 15 10 and Philadelphia Red per 15 15 1 50 1 25 CO S2.50 10 25 SO CO 25 'Zi ii JT. 51. CALAIS:, ColHrafen, ZVebra h a. 1870. 1878. THE ahufhts Jonrnnl Is conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inter ests of its readers and its publish ers. Published at Columbus.Platte county, the centre of the agricul tural portion of Nebraska, it is read by hundreds of people east, who are looking towards Nebraska as their fnture home. Its subscribers in Nebraska arc the staunch, solid portion of the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the Journal has never contained a "dun" against them, and by the other fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings its reward. Business is business, and those who wish to reach the solid people of Central Nebraska will find the columns of the Journal a splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly always want ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, we have so provided for it that we can furnish envelopes, let ter heads, bill heads, circulars, posters, etc., etc., on very short notice, and promptly on time as wc promise. SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum f 2 00 u Six months 100 " Three months, 50 Single copy sent to any address in the United States for 5 ots. SI. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. QQXTJ2eBTJ& STATE BANK, Zz:;i::::z iz Gerrzri & Z:ii a:i ?:: & Uzlzt. C0LTTM3US, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, $50,000 wr.ECTons: Leander Gebrahd, Pres'l. Geo. W. IJ.ui.st, Vice Pes' Julius A Reed. Edward A. Gerhard. Arner Turner, Cashier. SSitnlc of Deposit, Divcouut nnd Exclianjje. ?oIlectioHProiiiptIy3InIcon all Polntx. Pay Intercut on Time Depos its. 271. BECKER & WELCH, FB0PEIET0BS 01 SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COLUMBUS, NEB. Dr. A. HEINTZ, DEALER IX Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand bf Druggiftts. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. One door Eunt or Galley's on Eleventh Street, COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA UHilOU PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, ATTENDS TO ALL BUSINESS per taininirj'' to a general Real Estate Agency and Notary Public. Have in struction and blanks furnished by United States Land Office for making final proof on Homesteads, thereby Hav ing a trip to Grand Island, nave a large number ol farms, city lots and all lands belonging to U I. K. It. in Platte and adjoining counties for sale very cheap. Attend to contesting claims before U. S. Land office. Office one Door Writ of Hammond Moose, COLUMBUS, NEB. F. V. OTT, Clerk. 8peaks Gcrmcn. CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN The Grat Trunk Z4n from tho West to Chicago and the East. It Is the oldest, shortest, most direct, convenient, comfortable and la erery retpect the best line yoq can take. It Is the greatest and graadet Hallway organization In the United Statu. It owns or control 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY PUIXMAX HOTEX, CABS are raa alone by it through between COUXCEL BLUFFS ofc CHICAGO I No other road runs Pullman Hotel Cars, or any other form of Hotel Cars, through, between the Missouri River and Chicago. PASSENGERS GOING EAST should bear b mind that thU Is the BEST ROUTEWCHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passengers by this route hare choice of FIVE DIFFEKKNT ROUTES and the adTantage or Eight Daily IJnea Palace Sleeping Cars from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN POINTS. Insist that the Ticket Agent tellsyon ticket by the North-Western Road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to bar If they do not read over this Road. AU Agents sell them and Check usual Baggsge Free by this Line. Through Ticket via this Route to all Eastern Points can be procured at the Central Pacific 1 tail road Ticket Office, foot of Market Street, and at t New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, and at bH Coupon Ticket Offices of Central Pacific, Union Pacific, and all Western Railroads. New York; Office, No. 415 Broadway. Boston Office, No. 6 State Street. Omaha Office, 215 Faro bam Street. San Francisco Office. U New Mont oinery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : 62 Clark treet, under Sherman House ; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street ; Kinrle Street Depot, corner West Kinzie and Canal Streets ; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to Maktix nuoniTT, W. II. Stzwxett, . Gen'l Mang'r, Calcago. Cen'iraM. Ag't, Cbltso' THE Albion Mills. SACKET & CE0UCH, Albion, Ieb. Tho proprietor? arc practical millers. attend to tuc griading tlinir tlieutselvci. ani they DEFY COMPETITION! Furnished with the latest improved machinery, they are prepared to do all kinds of I RYE AND FEED GROUND EVEISY DAY. COEN MEAL CONSTANTLY ON HAND. "Wc make several brands of loxa.:K But recommend to the trade IJION MILLS ou: AL "STAR" BEANI), It In a superior nrticle made CHOICE SELECTED WHEAT. from X T ! NEW STORE AXD- New Stock. A full, frepb supply of groceries, STAPLE AND FANCY, Just opened, and for sale at low-down prices. IST Olive Street, opposite the "TnttcrNall." james McAllister. CITY MEAT MAEKET, ox OI.IVU ST.. OIPOHI ISAM "Will keep on hand all kind ol Fresh and Salt .Meat, al.iO Sausage, Poultry, Fresh Fish, etc., all in their season. Cash paid for Hides. Lard and Ba con. AVILL.T. BICKLY. mm MEAT MM OIV llth STREET. Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meats. Ac. Town Lots, "Wood. Hides, Ac. J. BICKLY, Agent. Columbus, June 1, 1877. NEBEASKA HOUSE, B S. J. MARMOY, PropV. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, COJ,ILTim;S, IYEB. A new house, newly furnished. Good accommodations. Board by day or week at reasonable rates. 13" Set m a Flrat-Clu Table. Heals, 25 Cents. I Ladrings....25 Cts 1 3 i P 0 ft Sgoo - 0 IS Q o o o Ql ta0 P 0) - o p ffl - p ft 5 IS 52 w r r O oc SJCD 15 $1) & JA5G m to H 5 a P o w - w 82! w r-i 3 33 On CIS H feJ fa Hi o CO Q o O to fed o H s P' OOS c-y n o N p O . -r w w w fi WUG (J) 5 ftCTQ e-i y & " H yO 0 m n M w r- CD !flo a So 4U P in a P I t I mA. E c 5 5 ff 9 8 h (p - r H H aft i sr r- n t s - t T