The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 18, 1878, Image 1

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J A .
Space. Uo 2to Into 3m dm lyr
leol'mn 1 JV2.W $fli I friS 1 185 fW INu
K ' I 8.I 12 1 15 20 1 33 CO
L G'tH) " I V- '"'I j? J I5
4 inches r.'.'.
1..10 1 1..7.
r.nsinem and profeional cards
linos or less space, per annum, ten dol
lars. Legal advertisements at statute
rate. Local notices ten cents a lln
first Insertion, flvo cents a line each
suhsrqnent Incrtion. Advertisment
classified as special notices five cent a
lin? ilrst insertion, threo cents a line
each subsequent insertion.
VOL. IX.--NO. 33,
WHOLE NO. 449.
r.fioi ii i i is, 27
10 I V'l lf 20
'..'l 4 I 5 1 8 10
Proprietor and Publishers.
t3Offlc In the JOURNAL building,
Rlercutb-et.. Columbus, Neb.
Terms Per Tear, ?2. Six months, 1.
Three months, 50c. ngle copies, 6c.
Alvik Sauntikrs. U.S. Senator, Omaha.
A. 8. Pai-OOCK, U. S. SenHtor, Heatrlcc.
Feakk Welch, Kcprcsentativc.Norfolk.
Pilas Gakbkr, (Jovcrnor, Lincoln.
Bruno Tzuchuck, Secretary of Stats.
J. B. Weston, Auditor, Lincoln.
J. C. McBrtde, Treasurer, Lincoln.
Geo. II. Roberts, Attorney-General.
S. R, Thompson, Supt.ruhlic Ins'.ruc.
II. C. Dawbon, "Warden of Penitentiary.
yf'.Yfu Ab,b,c-V I rrison Inspectors.
C II. Gould,
Dr. J. G. Daris, Prison Physician.
II. P. ilathe wson, Supt. Insane Asylum.
Daniel Gantt, Chief Justice,
George B. Lake, As,0clate Judges.
. Maxwell, J
O. W. Post, Judge, Tork.
U. R. Reese, District Attorney, A ahoo.
5. W. Arnold. Rcplster, Grand Island.
Win. Anyau, Receiver, Grand Inland.
J. G. II logins, County Judge
John Staufler, County Clerk.
V. Kumnwr, Treaurcr.
ltenj. Splelman, Sheriff.
R. L. RoKSsitcr, Surveyor.
R. II. Henry, ) t .
Wm. ttloedorn.J- CouutyCommisMoncrs.
John Walker, J
Ir. A. Heintc, Coroner.
S. L. llarrctt, Supt. of Schools.
S Sl?M,!,!;lcr4 JuctlccsofthePeacc.
Rrron Jlillott, J
Obarles "Wake, Constable.
A. Sptlce, JIayor.
John Schram, Clerk.
Jolin J. Rlckly, iUrxlial.
J. W. Karlv, Treihiirer.
S. S. McAllister. Police Judge.
J. G. Routkou, Kncincer.
la. Ward .1. E. North,
E. Pohl.
2J Ward E. C. Kavanaugb.
C. E. Morse.
WardZ. J. Raker,
E. A. Gerrard.
Coluralin Pwt Office.
Open on Sunflavs trem 11 a.m. to 12 m.
and rrom 4:30 to fi i. m. Business
hour except Sunday fi a. m. to d P. M.
astern mails close at 11:2) a. m.
WeterH mails c!ot.e at 4:20 r.M.
iiwil leave Columbus for Madison and
Norfolk, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Satnrdav., 7 A. M. Arrives Monday.,
Wedmdvi, and Fridays, 3 v. at.
For Monro, Genoa. Water, ille and Al
bion, daily except Sunday 0 A. M. Ar
rive, same, C v. M.
For Summit, lTlysc and Crete. Mondavi-
and Thuo.davs, 7 A. M. Arrives
Wednesdays, and Saturda. s, 7 i. M.
For lUllcxill'e. Occnla and York, Tuch
davi., Thursdays and Saturdays, I I'.M.
Arrives tl2M.
rr Wclf. Farral and Rattle Creek,
Mondavs and Wcdiicday,6 A.M. Ar
rives 'l'uesdavs and Friday at C l M.
For Shell Creek, NVbo, Oreston and
Mantnn, on Mondays at 7 A. M. Ar
rives Tuesdays 6 r. M.
Tor Dald Citv, Tuesdays, Thursdivs
aad Saturdays, 1 r. n Arrives, at 12
15. I. Time Table.
JSaslvard Hound.
Emigrant, No.0, leaves at
PassciiR'r, " 4, "
Fmiglit, " S, " '
might, "to. "
Westward Bound.
Frticht, No. 5, leaves at
lH'tig'r, " S, " "
Freight, " 1, " "
U intermit. 7.
C:2ri a. m.
11:00 a. m.
2:15 p. in.
4:.'l0 a. in.
2:00 p.
4:12 p
C:00 p.m.
1:30 a. m.
Everv dav except Saturday the three
linos leading to Chicago connect with
U. P. train at Omaha. On Saturdays
them will be but one train a day, as
-V ..-. l.t- lha frillnvvinir (.fhedulp:
" "J ": -".:..' . ... ,L.i.
(CAN. W. ) 7th
h. It.iQ. Kth
)c. R. l.Jfc P. 2lst
fi:..v :. vt. i aiiauuiu.
fith and 20th.
. . h, R. I. V P.V 12tl
(C. .t N. W. J m
u, R. 1. & I'.
. . jn. w. y
k' R. .t O. I ic
(1 and 23d.
(tth and 30th.
u, R.A-IJ. j "th
. . -Ic. R. I. ,t P.V 14th
(C. & N. W. j 21-t
7th and 28th.
Parm for Sale.
acres of excellent farm land in But
ler Countv, near Patron P. O., about
j-lui-diMaiit from three County Seats
David City, Columbus and Schuyler;
GO acres under cultivation; f acre of
trees, maple, cottouwood, Ac: good
frame house, granary, stable, shed, &c.
Good fctoek range, convenient to water.
The place is for sale or exchange for
property (house and a few acres) near
Columbus, lnquiro at the JoukXAL
ofliee, or address the undersigned at
Patron P.O. 403
I"E OF GOOD CIIEER. Let not the
low price of your products dis
courage you, but rather limit your ex
pellees to your resources. You can do
so by stopping at the new home of your
fellow farmer, where you can lind good
accommodations cheap. For hay for
team for one night and day, 2Ti cts. A
room furnished with a cook stove and
bunks, in connection with the stable
free. Thoc wihing can be accommo
dated at the house of the undersigned
at the following rates: Meals 25 cents;
beds 10 cents. J. R. SENECAL,
Ji mile cast of Gcrrard s Corral.
Formerly Pacific House.
This popular house has been newly
Rentted and Famished.
Meals. . oft cts.
Day Board per week, . f 4.00.
Board and Lodging, 6 and (G.
Good Livery and Feed Stable in con
$?l,s not casJJ" earned in these
times, but it can be made
III in three months by anyone
of cither sex. in any part of
the country who is willing to work
steadily at the employment that we
furnish. $GC per week in your own
town. You need not he away from
home over night. You can cive your
whole time to the work, or only your
spare moments. We have agents who
are making over f 20 per day7 All who
engage at once can make money fast. At
the present time money cannot be made
so easily and rapidly at any other busi
ness. It costs nothing to trr the busi
ness. Terms and$5 Outfit free. Address
at once, H. nLLTT & Co., Portland,
Maiiif. 375-v.
tist. Office on 12th St., three doors
east of Schilz's boot and shoe store,
Columbus, Neb. Photograph Rooms in
connection with Dental Office. 215.y
TRACTOR. All work promptly
attended to and satisfaction guaranteed.
Refers to the many for whom he has
done work, as to prices and quality.
W. A.. CX.AJRK:,
Mill-Writ ai Eiieer,
ESTFor one vear a RESIDENT PHY
HOSPITALS, BiackwelPs Island, N..
Ollice on 1 Ith St., next to the Journal.
Mileage 50 cts. 3Iedicincs furnished.
m. wi:ise:jFh;h,
WILL repair watches and clocks In
the best manner, and cheaper than
it can be done in anv other town. Work
left with Saml. Gass, Columbus on 11th
street, one door cast of I. Cluck's, store,
or with Mr. Weienfluh at Jackaon, will
be promptly attended to. 415.
Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public.
IV. 9III.Ia?lvr At sor,
Nebraska. N. R. They will give
close attention to all business entrusted
to them. 218.
rpWO doors east of D. Ryan's Hotel
JL on 11th treet, keep a large stock of
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
And everything usually kept at a flrst
class bar. 411-x
-Teams of
Horses or Oxen,
SAIII.S: kOXIE, wild or broke,
at tho Corral of
"Wholosalo and Retail,
NEIUIASKA AVE., opposite City
Hall, Columbus. Nebr. JSTLow
price and fine goods. Prescriptions
and family recipes a specialty. 417
JOHN HURER, the mail-carrier be
tween Columbus and Albion, will
leave Columbus everyday except Sun
day at 0 o'clock, sharp, p.issiux through
Miiiirop, Genoa, WaUrilIe, and to Al
bion The hack will call at either of
the Hotels lor passengers if orders are
left at the post-ottice. Rates reason
able, 2 to Albion. 222.1y
Columbus Meat Market!
IrKEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh
W. meats, and smoked pork and beef;
also fresli fish. Make sausage n spec
ialty. SSETRemember the place. Elev
enth St., one door west of D. Ryan's
hotel. 417-tf
IIctricU,, 3Icnt rUnrket.
lTaililngtoa Itc., nrsrly ojiposltf Cosrt Honsr.
meat will be sold at this market
low, low down for cash.
Rest steak, per lb., lc.
Rib roast, " &-'.
Hoil, ' c.
Two cents a pound more than the above
prices will be charged on time, and that
to good responsible parties only. 207.
OFFICE UOFRS, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to
4 p. m., and 7 to 0 p. m. Oraee on
Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of
E. J. Raker's grain office. Residence,
corner Wvominsr and Walnut streets,
north Columbus, Nebr. 433-tf
Dress and Shirt Maker,
3 Poors Wot of StUImsn's Drns Store.
Dresses and shirts cut and made to
order and satisfaction guaranteed. Will
also do plain or fancy sewing of any de
Give me a call and try my work.
readv-made and Metallic Coffins,
Walnut Picture Frames. 3Icnds Cane
Seat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal
nut Lumber.
Vuilrstsi Ats. erjalts Cnrt Erai, C&stei, Vib
F. W- OTT,
All kinds of
Books, Stationery, Candr and CIgara.
J. C. PARKER, Proprietor.
FIRST door north of Hammond House
and feed stable, opposite the old
post-office. Good work and the best
material at low prices, is the motto.
Satisfaction given or no sale. Repairing
done promptly. I5TFinc harness and
carriage trimming, a specialty. Call
and examine for yonrselvee. 406
Dr. K. I... SIGGIXS,
Physician and Surgeon.
JSTOfficc open
at all hours
M UWii
" Ioat Yost Bet,"
For if vou do you will lose money by
purchaiilig nn expensive Wind Mils,
when jKio can buy one of J. O. Shannon
for about one-half tho money that any
other costs. Call on J. O. Shannon, on
1Kb. street, opposite Mahlon Clother's
btore, Columbus, Neb. 411-13
Attorney and Connselor at Law,
Formerly a member of the English
bar: will give prompt attention to all
business entrusted to him in this and
adjoining counties. Collections made.
Office one door cast of Schilz' shoe store,
corner of olive and 12th Streets. Spricht
Deutch. Parle Francais. 418-tr
(One mile west of Columbus.)
Always on TTancl In
Is prepared to do all kiiuK of black
Miiithing in a workmanlike manner, and
will guarantee to give satisfaction. He
and in this branch of the trade will ac
knowledge no peers. Persons having
lamo horses from bad shoeing will do
well to bring them to him. He only asks
for a trial. All kinds of repairing done
to older. 440-3m
Esi ssS Wlite,
FJcTenth Street.
Blickmiti ad Wagon Mater,
All kinds of repairing done at short
notice. Wagons, Buggies, Ac, &c,
made to order. All work warranted.
Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter
sal, Columbus, Nebraska. 3.V2
Geo. T. Spooner,
All work promptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed
Refers to the many for whom he has
done work. His motto in regard to
price is, Live and lot live.
Tie Suing of b&s a Specialty.
35Hcado.uartcrs at the "Nebraska
House." Call nnd sec me.
413-4 in
Restaurant and Saloon!
E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor.
Wholesald and Retail Dealer in
Foreign Wines, Liquors
SSTKcntucfaj Whiskies a Specialty.
In their season,
11th Street, South of Depot,
Grain, Produce, Etc.
Goods delivered Free of Charge,
anywhere in the city.
Corner of 13th and Madison Sta.
Worth of Foundry. 38
SsCW J rdmfst
For the Journal.
Caused by Eating Smutty Corn.
In June, 1SG8, a disease broke out
among the cattle near Cairo, His.,
and inasmuch as large herds fOf
Texas cattle were being lauded there
at that time it was thought that the
native cattle were affected by a dis
ease imported with the Texas cuttle
Horace Capron, then Commissioner
of Agriculture, visited a fair at
Springfield, Ills., and while there
his attention was called to this con
tagion, and he secured the services
of Professor John Gamgec, of Lou
don, England, who visited the iu
fected districts and in his report
made to the Department of Agri
culture, he gives, among others, the
following as cause of cattle disease,
and a remedy, which I have thought
might benefit our farmers at this
"Cattle fed on smutty corn stalks
first denote ill health by constipa
tion. It is true that a farmer may
be only attracted by an unusual lying
down, with an unthrifty-looking,
stary coat, dry muzzle, and perhaps
trembling; or a steer may be notic
ed ' tucked up ' with hind limbs
drawn under it, head depressed,
shivering, dullness ol eyes, an anx
ious expression of countenance. In
a third variety, the animal seems
excited, breathes quickly, and is
apparently somewhat delirious; in
deed, in the conditions described
by Mr. Cumming, of Ellen, Aber
deenshire, as resulting trom impac
tion of the third stomach, as in
cases of lead poisoning. Nothing is
more strange than this delirium,
associated as it is with blindness.
A farmer writing me from the
west, says that when he tried to put
a rope around the head of a sick
cow which he found standing with
nil the symptoms of sickness pre
sented by other animals of tho herd
which had been with her in the
cornfield, she turned to fight and
fought furiously. I have seen an
animal in this condition tied up in
a stable, rush forward, fall on her
knees, and then, extending herscil
on her side, stiller from a couvulsive
fit. Or in other cases, when at
tempts are made to lead such an
animal about, it runs forward,
plunges, strikes against any obsta
cle, roars, moans, grunts in breath
inir, and appears to suffer acutely If
touched or disturbed. In other
words, with the impactions of the
third stomach, which is the essen
tial lesion of the disease, whether
induced by smutty stalks, old or
indigestible stalks that have no
smut, or other kind of food or
poison, there are two distiuct con
dition" induced. The one of stupor,
lUtlcssncss, vertigo, depression of
spirits; and these arc indicated by
animals standing sullenly until they
drop or arc relieved. Tho second
is a state of exquisite sensitiveness,
hyperesthesia of the skin and sys
tem generally. The animals are not
only excited, but in a state of actual
suffering, and die very speedily in a
state of coma or in couvulsions.
The disease docs not last long. 1
have seen an animal linger on lour
or five days, but usually the whole
course of the malady is run in from
twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
An animal first seems to show
costiveness, with dry mucus over
the scanty excrement; although ap
parently undisturbed, and even
feeding, may be dead in from twelve
to twenty-four hours.
The diagnosis of the disease at an
early period of its manifestation, is
therefore important, and it rests on
the knowledge of how the animals
have been treated and fed, (as the
simultaneous attack of several
show), and especially on the obser
vations of a fact that I have usually
traced, that the animals which have
eaten most ravenously have been
the first and most severely affected.
Old cattle may sometimes avoid the
smutty food, and young animals cat
heartily; these will be found the
first and only ones to die.
The state of torpor of the alimen
tary canal of animals affected with
this disease is indicated on opening
the belly, and exposing the stomach
to view. In the first, paunch, corn
husks and corn are found in a dry
condition, sometimes the rumen (the
cud), is very full, and gas may have
become disengaged in it so as to
cause a great distention, which is
relieved by puncture. The contents
of the second stomach, or reticulum,
are in the same condition as those
of the first, though sometimes mix
ed with some fluid. The third
stomach, manyplies or omasum, is
firm, distended, and on being open
ed the food is found between the
folds, with marked impressions of
the papilla) or little eminences which
stud the mucus membrane. The
fourth stomach contains but a scanty
quantity of greenish, semi-digested
matter, is usually reddened some
what diffiusely, and the redness in
creases at times toward the opening
of the small intestines. Persons
have reported a peculiar black color
of one lung. This is due only to
stagnation of blood after death, in
the organ nearest the ground; and
the same stasis or settling of blood
is apt to pervade other tissues and
organs in tho sido on which an ani
mal has been lying.
I have found the accidents result
ing from feeding smutty corn to
cattle very amenable to treatment.
Almost ail animals dio unless re
lieved, but it is not difficult to treat
them very successfully. At first a
purgative must be administered ;
such as a pound or a pound and a
half of Epsom salts, or Glauber
salts alone, combined with aloes,
sulphur and ginger. The following
is a desirable purging drink:
Sulphato of Magnesia 1 pound.
Powdered Aloes 4 drachms.
Powdered Ginger 2 drachms.
Water 1 quart.
This is to be given iu warm lin
seed tea, oat meal gruel or pure
water. A pound or two of treacle
(molasses) with eight drachms of
aloes or with a pint of linseed or
sweet oil may be used when the
salts arc not to be had. Common
salt will create thirst, and for this
purpose may be given in such quan
tities as will not make the liquid too
salty to be palatable. Warm water
injections are of the highest import
ance, and for this purpose the enema
fuuuel, which can be made by any
tinsmith at a cost of about fifty
cents is the best instrument yet de
vised. This is an ordinary funnel,
capable of holding one quart, with
the pipe bent at right angles, about
ten inches long from the bend, with
the extremity rounded with boft
solder to prevent the rectum from
being injured by the sharp edges of
the tin. About a quart or two of
lukewarm water, without any addi
tion but a little sweet oil to lucu
brate tho tube of the instrument,
may be poured into the rectum ev
ery half hour. On the second day it
may be found that the medicine does
not act very freely. The best agent
to be given then is carbonate of
ammonia in half-drachm doses,
twice a day, largely diluted with
linseed tea or gruel. Care must be
taken in giving this medicine not to
excoriate the mouth. As soon as
the appetite returns, a diet of grass,
boiled turnips and sweet hay com
pletes the animal's restoration.
It is evident that all such acci
dents a3 the above described may
bo completely prevented by not
allowing cattle to cat indigestible
cornstalks, whether their iudigesti
bility arises from age, dryness, or
smut. Mixed with abundance of
soft food, 6tich material may do no
harm, and indeed has constantly
been used with impunity ; but losses
are veiy severe if cattle are com
pelled either to starve or to eat what
mav well be compared to broom
sticks." I have given the above rather
lengthy article, that the renders of
your paper who have stock may un
derstand the disease which afflicts
their cattle, its causes and the reme
dy which scientific men have pre
pared for the cure of the same.
j. o. s.
Eastern Enterprise.
Ehitok Journal : As we glided
eastward from Columbus everything
seemed lovely. Stopping at Fre
mont for dinner, we were interested
by the number of hucksters that
were trying to sell their edibles.
A dozen men, women and children
all crying at once, is comparatively
interesting to the listener. Gliding
towards Omaha, although it was
Sunday, nearly every one was at
work. In the city, the fine carriage
had taken the place of the lumber
wagon, and all seemed bent on
pleasure, if not amusement. On tho
great bridge, a little, world's-thor-oughfare
condensed,wcre black faces
and bronzed faces, pig-tailed
switches and shaved heads. Forty
minutes for supper at Council
Bluffs. Tho "ways" meet here, truly,
for you can go by rail to every
point of tho compass. Eastward
bound, the 6cenery is veiled by
darkness, and soon comes the misery
of a home-keeping steady sleeper,
trying to court the drowsy goddess,
with the rumble of the cars,the eter
nal din of the train.forever in his ears.
Slowly advancing towards Daven
port, into the magnificent valley of
the Mississippi, we arrive at the city
8:20, a. m., spending the rest of the
day with my friends. The next day,
in company of D. Clother, I "do"
the town, seeing AVashington Park,
Mercy Hospital, the Academy of
Science, the public schooIs,&c One
of these last, ward school No. 1, cost
$40,000, and the others in propor
tion. Davenport is a thriving city,
with a population of 28,000. It has
twelve miles of street car track.
The Mississippi iron bridge, built
by the general government, crosses
at the head of the island facing the
arsenal and government works.
The bridge is (as all should be) free
to all. A splendid foot passage on
both sides below, and a double
ironed track for teams. Both ends
are watched by government guards.
Above is the rail. "When the Silver
engine attaches its coaches and
gracefully moves out over the
waters, it give3 one some notion of
the science, the art, the invention of
our time. The genius of man is
Rock Island City next comes in
view, then Moline. At the latter
place is located the only Sweedish
college in the United States. "When
instituted two years ago a grand
celebration was given which lasted
ten days. Ministers from Sweden
and from all the United States were
in attendance. The building is a
beautiful piece of architecture.
Moline contains many large, hand
some, durable factories, the power
for which is all obtained from the
Government water power.
These three cities all join in one,
the only divide is the river, the
buildings extending nino miles.
These interest me particularly be
cause this was my former home
eight years ago.
Towards Chicago, the London of
of the prairies, tho trip is very
agreeable, the country looking as
of old, plenty of timber and the
land rolling.
We arrive in Chicago 3 :40 p. m.,
and, of course, as they always havo
been buildiug, they arc building yet.
The Court House, now boing erect
ed, occupies one block. Some of
the stones used weigh thirteen tons,
from which fact you havo somo
idea of its size. My brother I found
in good health and spirits on Cot
tage Grove Ave., in a telegraph of
fice. The following day wo visited
the Good Shepherd's Bazar, a build
ing 1000 feet long and 210 wide, all
in oue room, with gallery all around.
Here is where we "saw the ele
phant," being a stuffed oue about as
large again as the largest of Fore
paugh's, his tusks each being twelve
feet in length. One other eye-opener
was the skeleton of a Pacific whale
whose jaws were fifteen feet long,
and from the end where Jonah
made his entry to the end of his
tail was 91 feet. Iu this "curiosity
shop'" we lingered all afternoon.
Tho next day, Sunday, we visited
Washington Park a grand place.
From there we visit the "Boule
vards." These arc aristocratic resi
dences, on blocks larger than usual,
all in oue combined building of the
handsomest architecture. The centre
of the block faces a magnificent
park. The door and window frames
also the steps are of marble ; and the
banisters are silver polished.
The street cars here are "immense."
The cars run each way every four
minute, double track, requiring 252
horses. Here you see street-car
barns holding very near 100 cars,
and all those horses.
Leaving Chicago, 7 a. in., on the
M. C. It. K., in view of the lake for
some time, we pass through a coun
try of sand boulders, stumps and
timber. The land marshy and every
thing but agreeable. The farmers
here seem better adapted to getting
up patents than any thing else. You
can see them running around in
every town with either a patent
egg-beater or potato-masher. West
ern folks intending to move cast
will please make a note of this fact.
Arriving at Kalamazoo wo find it
a thriving, business place. At De
troit our train of fourteen cars run.
directly on a ferry, starting for
Winsor, Canada, up the river one
mile and a half, being drawn off tho
boat without any jar or jolting.
Here we hud quite a change in the
appearance of the country as well
as in the people. The most accom
modating conductor was on this
route. Wc passed many a city lar
ger than Columbus at which the
train never stopped.
Hamilton is a well-known place;
the depot here is 440 feet long, the
freight house the same, and every
thing neat and clean about the city,
no filth whatever.
The Suspension bridge, far-famed,
is the next object of wonder. While
crossing, you naturally feel dizzy,
looking down into the gushing wat
ers, which fairly roar below you.
Pictures of it I have seen, but there
is nothing like the reality. The
bridge is S00 feet between towers,
each of the four towers being 80 feet
high. From the track to the river
below h 245 feet. The foundation
is wire ten inches in diameter cost
of bridge .$100,000.
At Rochester a notable thing was
the seventy-one railroad tracks.
Side by side at one time four trains
passed at full speed, on to Albany.
Here wc could sec boats all the time
running side by side or meeting and
passing. These average from 80 to
100 feet in length and carry from
8,000 to 12,000 bushels of grain.
On the N. Y. C. It. there are thirteen
telegraph wires on the main line.
At Schenectady I spent two days
with my friends who entertained me
by a party in the evening. Although
somewhat high-flown" (according
to our western modes, and way of
telling it,) I did the best I knew, and
enjoyed myself. Leaving all in
good spirits I took the morning
train for New York.
As we entered the city we could
sec nothing, being walled up on
both sides, and part of the time clos
ed entirely dark as a dungeon, until
wc arrived at the depot, a tremen
dous large building with gates
closed, no one being admitted ex
cept passengers, who arc required
to show their tickets before enter
ing. While within, you are safe,
but as soon as you go out, then keep
your eyes about you, for dozens
will quiz you and try to persuade
you to go here and there. By hack
and elevated railway, I reach Liber
ty 6t., where I stop for dinner. All
afternoon I spent at Barn urn's
museum, and then scarcely began to
see the wonders there exhibited.
In the morning I started for Phila
delphia, coming direct through
New Jersey, arriving at tho end of
my destination at noon, finding my
uncle and the rest in good health.
On Monday I attended a ball for
the benefit of the Daily News, where
there were more than fifteen hun
dred dancers and spectators. By
invitation of Professor Biddle Dean
I attended the lectures for the day
at the Jefferson Medical College,
after which I had a look through
the college museum and hospital.
Iu an other letter I will give my
impressions of the City of Brotherly
Love. Yours truly,
Lewis Freidav.
"Who,"a3ks an inquisitive editor,
"is paying our National debt?"
Well, there is no use keeping the
secret any longer. Wc are paying
it; wc have paid millions and mil
lions of it since the war closed, but
wc intend to stop it at the end of the
next fiscal year. It makes a fright
fully large hole in our salary.
Jforrislotcn Herald.
A carping author complains that
too much is said about the tongue.
But how is it to be helped when the
thing is always in cverybod's mouth.
Many parents imagino they arc
model guardians of their little ones
because they are willing to give
their wholo life to the unrestrained
indulgence of all their whims and
fancies. It doc3 not take long for
even a.ncw-born Infant to learn that
it is to be tho chic i-jlnr in the
house. To be sure, it will be years
before the babe can reason about it,
but instinct, if nothing stronger,
will coon teach it that cryiug is all
powerful. Before one short month
passes over its head, tho nurse, the
mother, and all in the house arc
perfectly drilled to instant and un
hesitating obedience. Every one
understands that there will bo no
peace unless the littie tyrant is
rocked to sleep, or constantly in the
arms when awake. The hired nurse
rejoices when her time cl" service
expires, and she 13 free from the
"little imp's" exactions. That will
be the term by which she will des
ignate her late charge; but the
mother's love sees only a "cherub;"
an "angel ;" "the sweetest, most per
fect blessing iu the world."
Truly, a mother's love covers a
multitude of sins, and covers her
idols with celestial chains. She
never feels that she is ruining her
own health, and is unconscious of
fatigue while gratifying her child's
most unreasonable demands. If any
one ventures to hint that so much
indulgence is injurious, nnd will
not add to the comfort or happiness
of the recipient, how the mother
resents it. We have heard mis
guided patents say :
"I will not havo my children re
strained whilo young. They shall
never be denied any indulgence or
pleasure that I can provide, at any
cost. They will have troubles and
trials in plenty when they have
grown up, without knowing any in
youth that I can ward oil'."
This the way some mothers man
ifest their love. What a mistaken
idea! What will their children be
when they pass out from their pa
rent's care? How can they bear
life's burdens if they have never
learned that there arc any until,
without warning, they find tln-m-sclvcs
encompassed with them?
What power of resistance, what
strength of purpoee can they be
expected to have, what efforts to
ward a useful life can children thus
reared ever make wih any sem
blunce of success?
For the child's own good, to show
the true, perfect love, those who
from birth are committed to their
parents' guardianship must be made
to "bear the yoke in their youth,"
so that iu riper years the yoke may
be easy and the burden light, or be
found to be a pleasure and no cross
at all.
There is exquisite pleasure in de
voting one's self to the baby iu our
arms, 4,lhc toddling wee thing" that
plays at our side; the rosy curly
headed darling who follows us
about tho house with rippling
laughter or chirping like a bird in
its merry play. It is hard to refuse
their soft pleadings, even when we
know they plead for that which is
not lor their real good. This is
hard if one looks only for present
enjoyment. Oh, if mothers could
bear in mind that they must look
beyond babyhood if they would
insure their children's best good, a
happy, noble, honorable maturity.
For "so surely as the years drift by,
and life is spared, so surely will the
world with its Ktcrn discipline take
all our tender fledgelings under its
tutelage. With dancing feet and
gay laughter life's problems may be
solved for some; or with sorrowlul
heart and tearful eyes may come
the elucidation for others. But
whether the days troop by in glad
ness or go leaden-paced in sorrow,
the riddle must be, in the end, for
individual reading. The young
must for themselves chase empty
bubbles and sec them perish in the
grasping before they will learn that
the alluring is not the enduring."
"All that the parents can do is to
stand with ready counsel, seeking to
guide the wandering footsteps in
safety past the shoals and quick
sands until, happily, this tender
watch and care shall see them tread
ing the paths of pleasantness and
"The teachings of childhood arc
the corner stones on" which to build
the foundations of character. If
these aro laid in wisdom and faith
fulness wc may look to see the
superstructure rounded and beauti
fied by the lessons of life's expe
rience. But the mother who fosters
childish vanity and aids to develop
the chrysalis into a butterfly of
fashion fails no more signally in
fulfilling her trust than she who
with tender love, but mistaken
kindness, guards childhood and
youth from every duty and exertion
as well as from all self-denial and
care. Such over-indulgence will
surely result in dwindled faculties,
buried talents and a disfigured char
acter, the banc of happiness to its
possessor and a blessing to none.
Though the inheritor of millions,
children spoiled by over-indulgence
are defrauded of their rights."
In after years, through great suf
fering and sorrow, if to such cruelly-indulged
children there should
come an awakening, still the charac
ter is shorn of half the strength it
should have had, and what is left of
life will be passed in tho shadow
and burdened with daily repining
and sorrow for a misspent youth.
If parents would learn in time
that over-indulgence in childhood
brings to their children in later life
only an inheritance of regret and
disappointment, how many lives
would be made happy and cheerful
that now, through over-indulgence,
are utterly wrecked and useless
ready to turn upon their parents
with reproaches, instead of rising
up to call them blessed. Jfrs. 11.
W. Bcechcr, in Christian Uvion.
IJovr n Haltlmore Servant rf !
ed Lighting n. Fire With
Wlrti Hundred DoIInrs.
A lady living iu tho western sec
tion of tho city, who has been in tho
habit of pi acing her income, little by
little as she received it, behind a
large picture in the drawiug-rooin
of the house iu which she lives, was
yesterday greatly oxcitcd over the
supposed loss of all her savings.
Tho lady was living with her two
nieces, who do the housework and
superintend the work of tho kitchen.
Two or three days ago they began
cleaning the house from top to bot
tom. After thoy had finished the upper
stories, and had put down the car
pets, they started with the pictures.
These they first took down, dusted,
oiled, and then returned to their
places on the wall. They had finish
ed nil but the largo one, behind
which was the money, and wore
just about to begiu operations on
this oue, when the door-bell rang.
This, of course, interrupted for a
whilo the work. The ringing of tho
bell was caused by the visit of a
gentleman who wished to seo tho
aunt of the two young ladies, tho
lady of the house.
When she returned from her in
terview with the geutlcmau sho
found that the young ladies her
nieces had taken the picture down,
clcaued it and returned it to its
place. At the time it did not oc
cur to her that the picture was the
one which she had selected as her
bank. It was not until ycaterday
that she thought of looking behind
the picture to see ir her money was
still where she had placed it. She
had been iu the habit of looking
there every day iu order to satisfy
herself of its safety. When sho
went to look for it on this day sho
found, to her great astonishment and
grief, that it was gone.
The first thought was that tho
servant had stolen it, but she knew
she could vouch for her servant's
honesty, and it seemed almost an
impossibility that she should havo
taken it. The whole house was
rniirmcked, but with no result the
money was still missing. Not find
ing it, tho lady became completely
overcome with anxiety.
It took the combined efforts of tho
young ladies fully nu hour to calm
the poor lady's nerves. After think
ing the matter over again, the ladies
finally agreed that the onlv possiblo
way the money could have been lost,
provided it was not stol en, was that
it had fallen from the picture to tho
floor while the picture was being
clcaued, and swept out with tho
dust and dirt that had accumulated
iu the room.
Then began an overhauling of tho
dirt pile and the garbage boxes, but
with the same result. Finally they
agreed that the servant should bo
taken into confidence.
She (the servant) after having
been told of the money, recollected
that 6he had taken from the dining
room the day that they were clean
ing a bundle of old pipers, and theso
she was using to kindle the fire.
They then looked through all tho
old papers she hud, but without
finding the money. The servaut
then remembered she had just be
fore they came into the kitchen put
some paper in range to start a fire,
and that she was only waiting for
them to leave the room before apply
ing the match to the paper. It oc
curred to her that the money might
possibly be in these papers. With
out saying a word she rushed to tho
fire place and began taking out
the wood that she had placed there
in. The ladies, who had seen her when
she first moved toward the stove,
were now standing over and watch
ing her with eager interest. Finally,
after everything had been removed,
the servant thrust her arm in the
stove and, to the immense delight of
those who wero watching her, drew
therefrom .f.jOO the missing money.
Baltimore Gazette.
Advice to 1'oHBg; lien.
"Rise early; be abstemious; bo
frugal ; attend to your own business
and never trust it to another ; be not
afraid to work with your own hands
and diligcutly; treat every one with
civility and respect good manners
will ensure success; accomplish
what you undertake ; decide, then
persevere; diligence and industry
overcome all diflicutics; never bo
mean ; rather give than take the odd
shilling; never postpone till to-morrow
what can be done to-day ; never
anticipate wealth from any source
but labor; commence at the first
round and keep climbiug; mako
your word as good as your bond ;
seek knowledge to plan, enterprise
to execute; honesty to govern all;
never trade beyond your stock;
never give to largo credit; mako
few promises; keep your secrets;
live within your income; sobriety
above all things ; luck is a word that
doe3 not apply to a successful man ;
not too much caution slow but sure
is the thing : the highest monuments
are built piece by piece; step by
step we must mount the pyramids;
be bold, be resolute when the clouds
gather; difficulties arc surmounted
by opposition ; self-confidence, self
reliance is your capital ; your con
science is the best monitor; never
be over-sanguine, but don't under
rate your own abilities, don't be dis
couraged, niucty-niuo may say no,
the hundreth, yes; take off your
coal, roll up your sleeve?, and don't
be afraid of manual labor."
Prof. Tyndall tells us that the
greatest height in the atrnosphero
which any human being h..s ever
reached is 23,000 feet, from which
we infer that Prof. Tyndall never
bought a lottery ticket and planned
what he would do with all his mon
ey when he drew the capital priza.