The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 27, 1878, Image 3

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r i x
Communications, to Insure insertion
in the n?xt it-ue, should be In hand on
Jlondnrs; if lenqthy, on Thursdays
preceding Issue-day. Advertisements,
of whatever class, should be In hnud by
noon, Tuesday.
Advertisements under this head 15
ci. a line first insertion, 10 eta a line
each Mibieuucnt insertion.
Sassafrasso is a 6ure enrc. y
Loran Clark of Albion is in
Saturday was a very, very, very
dusty day.
E. C. Piukney of Glcnwood is
in the city.
Major Frank North is down
from the ranches
Dan. Faucctte is somewhat un
der the weather.
Sassafrasso prepared and for
sale by Doland & Smith.
Mr. John McGHnchy is snugly
located in his new office.
Contractors, 6ce an advertise
ment calling for proposals.
s Sassafrasso is a sure cure for
chapped hands and sore lips.
City Council met Friday even
ing. Proceedings iu this issue.
IJoux. To Mr. aud Mrs. E. D.
SliooliRn. Friilaw Nov. 22d. a son.
' " '
A rrnn.l TTntillifirr Mill for 15fl
at Johu4 Wigging's Hardware store.
Don't forget the band dance at
the Opera House Thursday evening.
-Don't forget that yon cannot, ug fnr publicatioilj advising
have good tuincc pics without good
X. Millctt, Esq., has been in
attendance on -the TJ. S. Court at
Choice Missouri Sorghum syru
'"best out, at Bullard & Smith's
North Grocery.
S. "W. Smith of Grand Island
is in the cily. He looks as good
humored as ever.
"Gad" of tho Lincoln Journal
was in the city Saturday. He is as
full of life as ever.
F. Gcrbcr & Co. have removed
to 11th street, second door cist of
llelntz's drug-store.
Gus. G. Bccher returned from
Lincoln on Thursday last where he
had been on business.
" "Wall paper at 10 cts. a roll, and
wall paper at i els. a roll at Doland
& Smlth'6 drug-store.
Tho weather prophets are at sea,
they arc not able to toll what sort of
winter we arc to have.
Mrs. J. A. Hood returned on
the 20th inst.. from her visit cast, to
her home in Schuyler.
Fifteen dollars will buy yon
pood Fanning Mill at John "Wig
gins 8 Hardware store.
M. "Weaver has purchased the
building on 11 Ih st formerly oc
cupied by S. E. Phillips.
Mr. E. Johnson is enclosing his
premises on 141 h street by a bub pannel board fence.
D. Anderson shipped two cars
of fat hogs cast last week, and will
r.l.S.1 ,. A .l 4l..f .m.1
ruiif unit; iiiui v titis tins 1 i;ur.
Ladies, co to Mrs. Reynold
nnd Ilnrilcy and sec the new hats
and bonnets received last week.
Dr. J. 3. Christison ma- here
after be found at his father's resi
dence opposite the Court House.
Remember the Quarterly meet
ing in the M. E. church, commenc
ing next Tuesday evening at 7' P.
A new sidewalk has been laid
on 11th street between Gas's furni
ture store and Robt. Uhlig's resi
dence. Miss Marianna Burgess arrived
homo from the Indian .Territory hist
week, and expects to remain during
the winter.
Preaching in tho-M. E. Church
every Sabbath at 11 aTm. and 7:30
p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day cveninir.
Forvgood goods and the lowestK
prices, go to Wm. Eimcrs'6 Colum
bus Cheap Cash Store, on 13th St.,
Central Block.
Mince pics uced good cider tojUl
make tnem palatable. Call at Win.
Becker's for tho best cider ever
brought to Columbus. s
Daniel Folks is erecting a new
dwelling house in the northwestern
part of tho city, one block west of
A. "W. Crites's residence.
A. Henri, Esq., has purchased
and fitted up into a very neat office
the baildinsr on Olive street former
ly ocotipicd by Gus. G.Becher.
F.-Gcrber & Co. keep the bestAteainstcr fora hunting party that left
assortment of furniture aud sell at
the lowest prices. Give them a call
ai iiieir now biuru uu siruci.
T1t, ,-ll n .It, rvw.:..
iUU I SC1I Ul tun uiiii laiui
. i. . i. j
iv 1nn-er. -vhen von can ireba rood'
anv lonsrer, when yon ci getyajrood
Fanning. Mill at Wiggins's Hard
ware store on lltji street, for lo.
Gus. A. Schrocder makes a
chauge in his advertisement, putting
in a "picture. Ho Is -selling a largo
amount of goods. Give him a call.
Prevent explosions and terribleA.
.m1moti?ab !, nrnfrinrr of ill?otr I
Becker's the celebrated "Head
Light? Oil, warranted not to ex
plode. B. F. Hoyt of the Columbus
Nursery returned last week from a
canvassing throush Boone .and
Platto counties. He reports salcB in
his line as good.
Mrs. Reynolds ami Hadlcy, onoT, and rodge counties. During
door east of Hcintz's drug store, are
receiving new additions eaeh weelc
to their large stock of millinery
.goods. Ladies, give them a call.r
You will do voni-sclf a greauS
favor 'by trading at Wm. Becker's.
His motto is "Ehrlich wahrt am
laugsteti;" which being interpreted
means "Honesty is the best policy."
David Anderson, stock dealer
in this city, has opened an office one
door north or Hunneman & Tol
man's grain and lumber office.
Wm. Eiiuers of this city accom
panied, last week, Bishop O'Conner
of Omaha on a confirmation visit to
his congjcgjiijona -at .SbjMary's.and
Sf. "Bernard.
Alf. N. Burgess & Co. have
built an addition to their furniture
rooms. The building now covers
the entire lot, giving them 22xGG
feet of room.
J. C. Morrissey sold forly-five
car loads of wheat last Friday, after
holding it for two weeks. Of course
this was a winning game, as wheat
was ou the rise.
According to mutual agreement,
the different churches of the city
will hold union Thanksgiving servi
ces in the M. E. church to-morrow,
Thursday, Nov. 2S, 1878.
In the Police Court on Friday
two cases of drunkenness were dis
posed of. "Win. "Walsh fined $4.00
and costs; "Wojcrcch Smowitz
$2.00 aud costs ; both paid.
Hon. John A. Bingham, United
States minister to Japan, accom
panied by his family, passed this
city on the 20th inst., bound for his
former home iu Cadiz, Ohio.
J. G. Compton, ex-postmaster
of this city, is at Omaha, in attend
ance on tho U. S. Court, charged
with grave offences against the post
al laws. lie will probably have his
trial this week.
A. bacchanalian 6ong has been
hearers to follow the example of
Noah with reference to drink, and
not mind tho reformers. "Wo don't
believe it good advice.
One ticket for the band dance
csterday brought $5, and an other
$2; it is not necessary to state who
purchased the tickets, but we arc
quito certain they will be remem
bcrcd'bj the band boys.
G. II. and Gus. ft. Krausc, of
the firm of G. II. Krausc & Sons,
went to "Rising last Monday to take
i i. it. . ...! ... .....: .
jKThcy contemplate starting a branch
hardware store in that place.
"Wm. Becker's new residence
will be ready to occupy this week.
It is a neat residence. Chns. Davis,
one of the "boss" carpenters of Co
lumbus aud one of the rapidest
workmen in the west, had the con
Citizens on the route out, be
tween Columbus and St. Bernard
aro thinking of employing n private
individual to carry their mail, until
service 6hallic provided. "W. M.
Brown will probably be the carrier
The fat bov Ilenrv Smith, beintr
only six years old and who weighs
108 pounds, arrived in company
with his parents t this city last
Sunday direct from Baden, Ger
many. They will settle in Polk Co.,
and thus become our neighbors.
S. E. Phillips has purchased the
building on the corner of 13th and
Olive streets lately occupied by M.
"Weaver as a furniture store and
was engaged last week in tearing
down and removing the same to
Rising, where he anticipates lo
cating. y-Mrs. Mary Bclirlc nee Robin
son.) has returned to the city, aud
will, at her residence on North St.,
four doors south of Speicc & North's
open a boarding .house, and, "as for
merly, will set a first-class table.
She solicits a share of public pat
ronage. John B. Finch, who began his
lectures Tuesday evening of last
week, has been at work every even
ing since, speaking to large audien
ces, and giving general satisfaction
to the friend-! of temperance. Many
accessions have been made to the
red ribbon forces.
The rational method of deciding
which newspaper is regarded as the
best by the community where it cir
culates, is to ascertain the relative
number of subscribers ; j udgiug by
this test tho Era is not first. That
paper gave us a little free advertis
ing last week, and we reciprocate
ie favor, as above.
Thos. McPherson raised, this
season, on four arces of land, .from
six bushels of 6ced, one hundred
and forty bushels of .Polish wheat.
This fact we have from Eli Lantz,
the thresher. Mr. McPherson will
greatly oblige tho readers of the
Jouuxai. by telling them how he
prepared his ground.
"Wm. Routson has charge of Ed
t Baker's drnvduritiir his absence as
the city on Friday for a few days'
sport up west. Wm. Winterbotham,
F I line f nlfllAtt Tdltmn T.Y 1 A Atrl
W"1. JittllUV-n 3, UdlUl.9 11UU3UU UUU
- ., i it ,
Charles Huber comprise the party
mu- i J ..--'
The boyg wcut prepared to camp
out iu good style, and were antici
pating a fine time.
If you have anything for sale,
advertise in the Joukxal. Our sub
scribers are of the substantial sort,
those who buy aud sell, aud who
for what they get. This is evi
denced by thCffact that n, upwards
of -eight years, since the" day the
Journal was established,, not a
single dun from its proprietors has
appeared iu its columns, a fact that
perhaps no other local journal in
the world can match.
W. II. Lawrence came .in on
.LFridav from n, business trio through
his absence he visited Scribuer, and
says that the grain busiuess in that
usually lively town is dead the
heaviest dealers talking of closing
rcntirelv uuless the Sioux Citv &
Pacific reduce their, freight rates,
which is driving the wbeat in that
locality to Fremont, where it brings
from S to 10 cents more per bushel.
The Cattle Disease.
Quite a number of cattle have died
in Platte county during the last two
weeks. Although farmers generally
are of the opinion "that tho deaths
are caused by eating smut, which is
plentiful in corn fields this year, we
have talked with several who hold
differently, and jjivo good reasons
for their belief. The facts, they say,
are that only young cattle are at
tacked ; that the stomach alone is
found to be out of order; that those
affected act as though they had a
chill, and can not ruminate; besides
that the disease has attacked cattle
that had no access to corn fields or
smut. Their theory is that the com
plaint is caused by the 6tock eating
too much dried feed, such as broad
leaved grass aud the blades of corn.
The weather this fall has been very
much drier than usual, there having
for weeks been nothing but n sprin
kle of rain, and corn blades and
broad-leaved grass, sharp and cut
ting, at best, arc very irritating to
the stomach, especially of the young
cattle. They claim that if the herd
is closely watched, and remedies
applied upon the first appearance of
the symptoms, the lives of tho cattle
cau be saved. One man recom
mends the feeding of bran, as beiug
jcooling, laxative, and at the samo
time nutritious, while an other rec
ommends Glauber salts, as having
the two former properties. They
believe that if we should have wet
weather for a while, sufficient to
moisten the dry feed, nothing more
would bo heard of the complaint
that lias taken off scores of the best
young cattle. It is to be hoped. that
something may 6top the ravages of
the disease, because it is reducing
by a cousiderablc percentage the
profits on stock this year.
The lovers of "braiu food" will be
glad to know that tho Nebraska
State Sportsmen's Association is
taking a lively interest iu stocking
Nebraska's streams and lakes with
those families of the finny tribe that
will do well aud prosper here. A.
J. Arnold has handed us a circular
letter issued by the association,
which, iu substance, is as follows:
"In order to secure the establish
ment of a Fish Commission looking
to the propagation and protection
JGame and'Food Fishes within the
limits of tho State, and desiring to
learn what species of fish arc con
tained iiirnud will thrive best iu each
lake and stream, we have prepared
the following blank, which you are
earnestly desired to fill out, with
great care, and forward to the Pres
ident, W. L. May, at Fremont. Then
follow the blanks for stating names
of lakes and streams; size; nature
of the bottom rocky, sandy or
muddy; size of stream flowing into
lakes, if any ; size ot stream flowing
out of lakes, if any; which of the
following species of fish inhabit
these waters black bass, sturgeon,
white bass, gat-pike, perch, sun fish,
suckers, pickerel, wall-eyed pike,
buffalo, dog-fish, cat-fish, &c. With
the view of gaining these desired
statistics in time for presentation to
the State Legislature at its next
regular session, please forward by
Dec. 1st, 78. We ptrblishthe'above
for the reason that the project may
result in good to the people of the
State. If coir streams and lakes
were well stocked with fish, it would
be the means of saving a considera
ble outlay, besides furnishing a
most healthful aud delicious article
of food.
seeing is believing, (according
to the old proverb), seeing and eat-,
ing is'knowinc. Geo. Rieder has
now on hands and for sale the best
dried apples ever "made" in any
country the cores all taken out, all parcd-ofi, and nothing
left but the pure, clean meat of the
apple. The good housewife need
uotwaslo her time in washing off
thchccumulatiouof dirt that gathers
ou the common dried apple from the
time it is picked upjn the orchard
to the hour that it is cleaned for the
stew pan, and these, apples are sold
seven pounds for a dollar. Buy
dried apples and not cores. Call,
see, taste and buy,aild 'your wife
will bless the day.
Ed. Newman met wfthrquile an
accident Saturday inorning. He
started from, home on a young pony,
and was going along all right, at a
pretty lively gait, whon,tlicpon
took a sudden freak?, wheeled, and
threw his rider wjt.h considerable
force to the ground, bruising his
head, putting his wrist out of joint
aud fracturing some of the smaller
bones of the hand. It was only last
summer that Ed. received a terrific
blow on the nose from a base-ball,
and now to be himself used as a
base-ball by a frolicsome pony, and
made to carom "on the prairie, is a
little top much for mero pastime.
The social event of the past
week causing more than ordinary
interest in the neighborhood of
Genoa, was tho" marriage of Mr. E.
R.Lockwood to Miss Lucia ll.Coffin.
The oeremony was after the friends
formula, and was performed at the
resideuce of the bride's father, on
Thursday, Nov. 21st. Mr. Marshall
Smith and wife of this city were
present, Mr. Lockwood is first
cousin to Mrs. S. Mr. S. reports
the wedding and a visit before re
turning, to the. old, reservation, and
finallv to his farm on Lost cre'ek as
very pleasant aud highly enjoyed.
City-Council Proceedings
Special meeting of the City Coun
cil was held Nov. 22d, 187S, pursu
ant to call issued by the Mayor. His
Honor, the Mayor, Chas. A. Speicc
presiding, Couucilmen Baker, Bur
gess, Morse aud North present.
R. II. llenn as a committee from
the Fire Department requested the
Council to visit tho engine room
with him and he would explain
what was wanted by tho Depart
ment. After the investigation the
Committee on Public Property were
instructed to have the Hose Tower
repaired, the room placed in good
order, and to nave the well iu cen
ter of jthe room properly and sub
stantially covered up. The com
mittee were also instructed to
procure two rings for each grate on
fire wells iu the streets.
"Au ordinance to provide for the
working of city prisoners on tha
streets and other places iu the city,"
was reported correctly engrossed,
and was read third time. On -tho
question of its passage and approval
all members present voted in the
affirmative, and the Chair announc
ed that the bill was passed.
Petition and bond for liquor li
cense were filed by Schcidcl &t
Strack, and referred to Judiciary
Committee. -
Councilman North offered the fol
lowing preambles aud resolutions,
and moved their adoption, to wil :
Wiikkeas, it appears that there is
only thirty dollars in the city treas
ury belonging to the Court House
fund, and that there is no provision
for accumulating any more money
iu said fund, and
WiiEitKAS, at the regular meeting
of the City Council held November
2d, 1S7S, there was a resolution
passed ordering a warrant to be
drawn in favor of J. O. Shannon lor
the sum of eighty-four dollars and
seventy cents ($34.70) on said fund,
therefore be it
Jiesolved, that the said war.rnnt be
aud the. same is hereby rcculledud
in lieu thereof the Clerk is hereby
instructed to draw a warrant on
the Court House fund for the sum
of thirty dollars (.$30.09) and a war
rant on the general fund of the city
for the sum of'fifty-four dollars and
seventy cents ($54.70) iu favor of
J. O. Shannon in payment for the
said warrant. -
Adopted. Council adjourned.
John Schicam, Citv Clerk.s
A cold-water bath and a narrow
escape from drowning was the ex
perience of Chris. Baker, a young
man living near the cily. He was
engaged in a skiff in securing drift
logs from the Loupe a few miles
west of Columbus, when placing bis
boat so as to intercept a large log,
it was run down and swamped, the
log going literally over both boat
and man, passing on its course borne
by the rapid current, but momenta
rily impeded by the collision, leav
ing poor Baker in a sorry plight
enough considering that he was
encumbered by all his clothing,
about iuu leet Irom the shore and
the water cold enough to make one
gasp at the baro idea of a plunge
into it. Fortunately for Baker, he
was unhurt, and being -a good
swimmer, was able to reach the
shore salely.
o i
A Curd.
Mr. nnd Mrs. It.W. Young wish
to express their sincere thanks to
the sympathizing friends- who Lave
given them such generous aid since
their recent severe losses by fire,
aiul nssurelhcm that.Jp thenow
dwelling siuce erected, tliey will
cherish many grateful remembran
ces of Ihose who truly proved them
selves "friends, iu need."
Rufus W. Young,
EI'VUUmL Young,
in" .
The community at St. Bernard,
this county, is rapidlv progressing,
and a good beginning: The lalest
news from there is that the sound
of the hammer and saw is heard the
livelong, day, everybody is busy,
there is.plcnty to 'do, and- times are
good. Their new school-house is
probably the finest iri Platte county.
To add toallifisaidjhat eighty
moro families will 'Settle in the
neighborhood next spring.
Henry Leusche's sale of limher
Nov. 20th and. 21st was a complete
success, the growing trees bringing
from $1.50 to $22 each. 207 tree!
brought1 $ll00,-au avcrdge" of about,
five and a third dollars. On 'the
first dav there wero about a huu-J
dred and fifty "men present, aifa
eighty on the secona" daj The
large, oak trees'brought the highest
price, as being suitable for posts,
C. . -jr. w v, vra.Jlwu. a
TAfcr Is KiHff.
The Livcris the imperial organ"bf
the whole human system, as it con
trols the life, health aud happiness
of mau. When it is disturbed in its
proper action, all kinds of ailments
arejho natural result.
tion'of food, the movements of "thehrV
Tim rlirrne- I
heart aud blood, the action of the
brain and nervous system, are &U.
workings of tho Liver. It has been
successfully proved that Green's
August Flower is unequalled In
curing all persons afllicted with
Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and
all the numerous symptoms that
result from an unhealthy condition of
the Liver and Stomach. Sample
bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively
sold in all town3 ou tho Western
Continent. Three doses will prove
that it ih just what you want. Sold
by C. B. Stillman, Doland & Smith
aud A Heiutz, Columbus, Neb.
Times are vcrv hard, and the
products that a farmer has far sale
do not bring liim his. cost price, and
to eqnajizo the thing and buy your
hardware in proportion to what you
get for your wheat, 300 must buy of
G.' H. Krause & Sons.
Our quotations of tho markets arc
ta ineu Tuesday aitcrnoon, anu are corect
and reliable at the time.
"Wheat No. 1
, -t. " Rejected
13 18
'.7.7 $2 252 75
Meal . S01 00
Butter,' 12;4ir
Effifi, l"02i
Potatoes, 4 ir-0
Beam $ uu 1 62fl0
Onions ' ' SoIm
Turnip) 2540
Beets ' 2J40
Fafc Hogs, 2 00
FaCCattle. i.-.::.'... ."....?... 2 2.r2 50
Fat Cows, 2 2TCiJ2 "0
Calves -3 000400
Sheep... ...... v :...-... 5 00
fiood veal, per hundred, 00
Hides, green salted,... v 3 50
Hams, 1012
Shoulder, ...,..., ....... -t"
Sides, ;....'....'.,..' '. 09
Corned Beef 0(($7
Ste uk 812J
"We give belov,' a portion of the. rules
adopted by the Board of It. It. aud
"Warehouse Commissioners, for the in
spection of grain in the city of Chicago.
The Inspection Is done uy omc:ais, un
der authority of law:
No. 1. Hard Spring Wheat shall be
bound, plump aud well cleaned.
No 2. Hard Spring Wheat hall he
sound, reasonably clean and of good
milling quality.
No. 1. Spriu "Wheat bhall be sound,
plump and well cleaned.
No. 2. Spring Wheat shall ho sound,
reasonably clean, and of good milling
qualitv. " ' Spring Wheat shall include all
inferior shrunken or dirty Spring
Wheat, weighing not less that 53 pounds
to the measured bushel.
Kejeeteil Spring Wheat shall includo
Snrlng "Wheat, damp, musty, grown,
badly bleached, or for any other cause
which renders it unlit for No. 3.
In ease of mixture of Spring and Win
ter Wheat, it will be called Spring
Wheat graded according to the quality
Black Sea and Flinty I'life Wheat shall
iu no case be inspected higher than No.
2, and Kicc. heat no uiglier tliau de
jected. hulk viu.
All Grain that is warm, or that is in a
heating condition, or is otherwise unlit
for warehousing-shall not be traded.
All inspectors bhall make their rea-
L sons for grading Grain, when necessary,
Hilly Known ny nuiaiiui's on men iiihius.
The weight alone shall not determine
the grade.
Corrected by Columbus State Bank
Platte Count? Warrauts
Other " "
City ."
School District Bonds....
State Warrants
Kxchange on Europe
" " New York..
' " Chicago
" " Omaha
. 8Ti to 100
. 70 to DO
. 75 to U0
75 to SO
. 90 to 100
. l-.of lp. cl.
. l-'" "
Canada currencv. 5 per cent, discount.
Silver change in large amounts, 3 pc
cent, discount.
Sliver dollars, par.
Adve1tis('ineiit under this head live
cents a line each insertion.
M. Shirts at 25 cents at L. Kramer's,
r. ti. r it nTii.;i,,3 r.. r,
M KJiKJ IU li XI. S UiitU O IU1 L1U-
-Boys boots $1.00 per pair at Bone-
steel Bros,
t-s Don't forget, .but-one price at
'Gallev Bio's.
o Boy's suits and coals cheap at
L. Kramer's.
y Mens' boots $1.75 per pair at
'Bonestcel Bros.
54 Shptwell& Randall deal iu all
kinds of poultry,
'lard & I
rauted 500 doz.
eggs at Bul-43G-x.
7- When you want Boots cheap go
to lioncstecl uros.
See the music boxes at- F. W.
Oil's Temple of Music. - 411-4
4 Good chambray 15 cts. per yard
'at Bouestecl Bros.
) Undershirts and Drawers 25 els.
cacyjujLj. Kramer's.
Threshers' nofes,,iu book form,
for sale at this office..
)4 If vou have any wild game go
'to Shotwell Ss Randal;.
h A now lot of print 5 cts. per
I'.... ...1 .. I. ...... I.. .,1 T....
yC. Fall stock of mens and boys
'clotlTing at Galley Bros. --,
A Baskets of all kinds at M.
amiius m ouiuraL .uiocic.
) Good Water proof Cloth for 50
cents a yard at L. Kramer's.
j Canned fruits and confectionery
! i t -r i. t
oi an Kiuus ai uuasoirs.
k If you want all goods at straight
I'nrinpa c.n nil Onllov Ttroa.
X It pays to1- trade at L. Kramer's
jNew York cheap cash store.
"J Good waler-pro&rcldflv at '45
fcts. a yard at'Bonesteel Bros,
Ladies' and child reus' shoes
ii- .1 --1.J i t ir .
uuuuji uuu yuuu ui jj. jxiiiuiur a.
7Best Norfolk" Flour at $2.50 at
M. Smith's in Central Block.
TLadies' Dresses and Wrappers for
fall and w.inter. atXi..Kraracr.'s. .
hr Grain bags $2.25 at L.Kramer's
New York cheap cash store.
r Grapes, plums and peaches by
the pound or box at Hudson's.
7 Shotwell & Randall pay the
highest price for live poultry.
- T11 - O'Brien sells good gro-
cerics. at very moderate pricey
The place to buy Teas is ai
The place to buy Teas is at Mar
shall Smith's in Central Block.
V Best Albion flour at Bullard &
.Best Albion flour at Bui
mith's, at $2.50 per hundred
White Blankets $1.50 a pair at
the Revolution Dry Goods Store.
" Ladies' cotton hose 6 pair for 25
ai me .uevoiuuon viy ouuub oioru.
Ladies' felt skirts at 50 cts. a
piece atl. ulucK s revolution store.
Horse Blankets at 1.00 at L.
Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
Store. 437.
rC Pure Vermont Maple Syrup at
$1.40 per gallon at Geo. Rieder s.
rT.. TCr.imnr of the? New York
Cheap Cash Store, sells all goods, at
the lowest possible prices, and has
one uniform low price, for all.
Li Puro cider vinegar at Hudson's.
eb.L Cloaks for $2.50 at L. Kramer's.
-T Get a havfcuife at G. H. Krar
& Sous.
fs Buckwheat flour for sale at Goo.
T Pure applo juice cider at Hud-
Get a buckeye lantern at G. II.
vrause & Sous.
Quinces aud Sweet apples aj
Marshall Smiths
l Michicrnn AdoIcs $3.25 a barrel
at L. Cockburn e.
Recollect that Shot-veil & Run-
dall pay the highest price for hides
Bleached muslin 4 cents a yard
Boncstecl Bros.
-Second-hand school,
at E. D. Filzpatnck's. , -lib-x
K Maple Syrup warranted puro at
D. UOCKUUIU s. v -a.
J The best brauds of cigars can
oc naa at v in. uucKers.
r Heavy wooleu Scarfs for 25 cts.
at L. Kramer's. 445
N The best placo to trade is at
Bullard cc Smith s.
)s A good pair of grey Blankets
for $1 at L. Kramer'6. 445
All sizes of steelyards cheap at
G. II. Krausc & Sons.
Boncstcel Bros, are selling a
good pair of kid gloves at 30 cts.
y The finest line of boots and
shoes in the city at M. Smith's.
S Save 25 els. bv buying your
11UUI III liUllillU V .31111111 9.
Good plaid Linscy, 10 ccnls a
yard, at L. Kramer's. 445
X Get a hiiating stove cheap at G.
II. Krause & Sons.
)4 Ladies' and children's ready-
:-i .1 1 T I." .....,...'. . I...,,
IIKUIU incases ui u. -ii-iuiiiui o ui iuir
A You can always depend on get
ting the lowest prices at Galley
b- Pickled pig's feet, sonccd lamb's
tongue anu pickled tripe at iiuu
son's. b Woolen yarn 50 els., a pound at
1. Gluck's Revolution Dry fcrooils
ft Socks at 5 cents a pair at L.
Kramers JNew lorfc cheap casli
y. Oranges, sweet cider and Mich
igan apples just received at Hud
sou's. y( Heavy gray blankets at $1.00 a
pair at tlie Revolution Dry Goods
RN Bullard & Smith will pay cash
or exenange goous ior.iurui pro
duce. - ,
Ladies' trimmed Hftts at $1.00
at L. Kramer's New xvvk Cheap
Cash Store.-
A. Wm. Becker a ill have a new
slock of Michigan apples aud cider
iu a few days.
V Men's heavy woolen suits at
$4.50 ut the Revolution Dry Goods
)v, Good Handkerchiefs for 5 cents
at L. Kramer's New York cheap
cash store.
Ly Men's
pair at I.
s wooleu hose at 10 cents a
Gluck's Revolution Dry
Goods Store.
NNewslyles Bourctfes and Knick
erbocker dress goods 10 cents a yard
at L. Kramer's. 437.
)s, Gray and White Flannel 15 cts.
a yard at u. ivratncrs jncw xorK
Cheap Cash Store.
DC- Cabbage, onions, potatoes, toma-
iwus, iiieiiuup, mm 111 i;iui every luiug
else at Bullard & Smith's.
h. Boots and Shoes at bottom fig
r, eii I.. -r..,-k..n c.:i. :.. -....
ui i.a sum u iiiui aitiui cJiuiiii 111 UCU"
tral Block."
lAf ITiiir hlPAnhPfl l-ililn olnlli nl 9H
cts. a yard at the Revolution Dry
Goods Store.
T Ladies' Balmoral hose at 10 cts.
it I'ilU, ill J- -IVl.UUUl a mew iUlh
Clieap Cosh Store.
jC. A good pair of boots for $1.75
at L: .Kramer's New York cheap
cash store.
yL 18 yards Cotton flannel for one
'dollar at L. Kramers New York
cheap cash store.
V Canton flannel ISj yards for
one dollar at the Revolutiou Dry
Goods Store.
- Unlaundried shirts, New York
.muslin and liiioii,bosom and cutis for
$1.00 at Galley Bros
J7 Bonestcel Bros, are cl
Jrof iacC3 Fringes and o
closing n lot
ther dress
trimmings at very low prices.
Waterproof that beats anything
in town at 50 cents a yard at the
Revolution Drv Goods Store.
r Fresh fish pickerel and black
bass-r-at-10-cts. a pound at Rnnsdcll
& Smith's;. opposite the post-oflice.
x A "good 6tiit of clothes, coat
pauts and vest, lor $0 UO at L,. Kra
mer's New York Cheap Cash Store.
p -Alotof children's,, and Missed
trimmed hats for "50 ceuts at L.
Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
X Oysters received daily and sold
by the dish, can. or case at Hi J.
Hudson's, two doors west of the
Hammond House.
f L. Kramer has opened a branch
Store at Silver Creek and will sell
goods there at tho same low prices
that he does here. 438.
V-In order to close out my large
stock of toys in season, I will offer
the same,at prices which will a3ton-
ish everybody. Jr. W. Ott.
s Call and sec 'those womeii'&
leather, shoes at,7o els. per pair at
Boncstecl Bros., they arc the best
bargain iu the market.
Go to S. T. Hill's to get your
watches, clocks and jewelrv repair
ed. First door south of C. L. Hill's
book store, Olive street.
X. Pears, grapes and quinces,"the
last of the season, just received at
U. J. Hudson's, two dcors west of
tlfc Hammond House.
T We have blank note books, for
sale, in books of 100 each, suitable
for threshers, mechanics and others
for work and labor; also the com
mon form, and the note "payable at'
Columbus State Bank." Also re
ceipts in book form. M. K. Tui:
keb & Co. - 415-tf
Y Pure Buckwheat flour at Win.
K Good Winter Caps for 25 cents
R. R. wheel-Barrows for $2.50
at u. li. ivrausc & sons.
Unwanted. 1,000 children to buy
their their Tovs and Book3 at E. D.
Fiizpatrick's. 4-lU-x
rv Boys' and Hen's Winter Caps
for 25 cents at L. Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store
A A new lot of stylish cloaks just
received at L. Kramer's, which will
he sola at bottom prices.
Pv-Choice grades of coffees and
teas at Wm. Becker's. He stands
back lor none on quality or price.
K Don't be bulldozed with Michi
gan cider, go to Hudson's aud get
Ohio sweet cider and you will bo
C If vou waut choico teas, coffees.
syrups, spices or anything else good
in the grocery line, call at William
rA A huge 6tock of toys for the
Holidays at F. W. Ott's Toy Bazaar,
which will be disposed of at very
low fiirurcs.
S Tltnl niifn 1Tiihimin riilni nt
Win. Becker's is going fast. If you
want any send in your orders right
away, quick.
) I will not impose on tho public
and my customers by advertising
what I cannot substantiate. Call
and convince yourself of the fact.
Wm. Becker.
yC "Trumps" are tho "boss" five
cent cigar in the city. Geo. Rieder
keeps them, as well as other line
brands. A new invoice just receiv
ed. Try them.
j If you need anything in the line
01 uuruware, larm iooip, stoves mat
you can roly upon to do good work,
or 1 in ware, you can buy them cheap
at G. II. Krause & Sous.
X Five thousand pounds of live
poultry wanted this week, for which
the highest price in cash will be
paid by Rausdcll & Smith, opposite
the post-ofiice.
yX You can buy powder, shot, gun
ami musket caps, sneil primers, car
tridges of all kinds- and sizes, re
volvers, gun wads, shot pouches,
powder fla-ks, e!c, very cheap at
G. II. Krause & fcons.
V T. C. Ryan has jii3t received a
larjre stock ol choice teas and gro
ceries, which he is offering at vcrv
low figures for cash only. Highest
price paid for butter, eggs and
dressed poultry.
ir Teachers, pupils and others oc
casionally need blank news paper.
We will furnish it in sheets the size
of the Joukxal, 25x38 inches four
sheets for 5 cents, eight for 10, one
quire for 2o cents, and cut to suit.
M. K. Tukxek & Co. 445-lf
y It is true you are getting a good
deal less for your wheat than you
did last year, but you can purchase
nearly all the goods you have to buy
for much less than you did last year,
by calling on L. Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store on 11th St.,
J. C. Morrisscy's old stand. 445
"x If there is anything in this
world that will save labor, save
clothes, keep a woman from getting
her dander up, nnd keep peace in
the family generally, it is one of
those ''Welcome" Wash Wrluger,
which are the latest-improved
wringer now 111 uc, and cost only
fb.o'J. These Wringers are soul by
G. II. Krause Ss Son, who have the
agency for Columbus. Come and
sec them.
B. E. Rogers has connected
with his blacksmith shop a wagon
nnd carriage making establishment,
on the whole the largest and most
complete of the kind iu the cily
from which Buggies, Wagons, etc.,
are turned out complete in the best
style. The painting work is done
by Mr. George E. Ilines, a first-class
workman. 415-x
V For Rent.
A large brick store building on
Nebraska Avenue. For terms, &c,
apply to A. E. Pixkxey,
446-x Over State Bauk.
For Sale.
A farm of 159 acres, 125 broken.
One mile west of Bnrnum's. Please
call on A. Ilaight on the Big Island.
Terms easy. joj-x
Itlcnt JTlarkct.
' Cl.niiiri.11 f- T.. ,1.. 11 I. ..:..,. ......
uiiutnuii iv luiuuuu Having pur
chased the meat market lately owned
by Frank Gillett, is prepared to fur
nish, bcof, pork, &c, &c, eqnal to
the best and at prices to suit the
times. 437x.
Attention. Mliccp Kaiser!
We have 15 head of thoroughbred
Rams on hand, which we ofler for
sale, cheap all long woolcd, just
what you want to cross with fine
wodled sheep with to it pay.
441 Gnoss Bros.
The Tattersall Livery Stable is an
excellent place to stop at when you
are iu town with a team. Good ac
commodations. Reasonable charges.
On Olive ntreet, one door south of
Uoolidgc's hardware store. Try
them. 2GS.x.
b L. Kramer has, just received
inrgu uuuuiuns 10 nis already im
mense stock of goods, in clothing, he
is able to show some great bargains.
He has the largest stock of goods in
town; does business strictly on the
one-price system, and. it will pay
you to give him a call.
Great chance to make
money. If 'you't
ttet cold you can set
greenbacks. "We need
a pergon in every town to take sub
scriptions for the largest, cheapest and
best Illustrated family publication in
the world. Anyone can become a mc-ces-ful
aent. The most elegant works
of art given free to subscribers. Thw
price is so low that almost cvervbodv
subscribes. One aent reports making
over $150 in a week. A lady agent re
ports taking over 400 subscribers hi ten
days. All who engage make money
fast. You can devote all your time to
the business, or only your spare time.
You need not be away from home over
nijrlit. You can do it as well as others.
Full particulars, directions and terms
free. Ulegautand expensive Outfit free.
If you wantprol table work send us your
address at once. It costs nothing to try
the business. No one who engages fails
to make great pay. Address "The Peo
ple's Journal," Portland, Maine. 382-v
Advertisements- under this bead live
cent a line, urt insertion, three cent
a line each subsequent insertion.
aSyFoit BoitED Wells leavo or
dors at Kyan'd Hotel. McDermot & Co.
Regular Stock JOenler.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and olil; aI$o fat and stock hogs.
the north-western part of the city tnree
room', pantry, out-kiteber ic.; lot
fenced. Inquire of
1J3-4 A. N. BCUGXSS.
JE- County Waukaxts, school
orders, school bonds and good baukabla
notes', also li rat-class mortgages bonicht.
Money loaned on good farming lands for
a term ofyears, by A. Ilemxy. Colum
bus, Nebraska.
ftllclilsrun Apple.
ichigan Apples $3.25 a barrel at
L. Cockbitrn's. -
rt2fSucKSSFUL Hay Stove. Has
been needed long iu this country, on
account of high-priced fuel: now vr
ha e got it, and can be- seen in working
order at Itobert Uhllc's hardware house.
Come early mid purchase- at on. -M-C
BJGuyot's fiEOGRAPirr Is on the
State M.t and Is therefore the only
Geography that can lepally be used Id
our scboo'W. This book and all other
school hooks for sale at C. L. II ILL'S
I5ook Store. -J3S-X
'Vo Lender of Anintcar Ilnnd
and Others.
For sale, a full set of Brass In
struments for 13 performers. Forprico
and further particular., apply to
II. G. CA KEW, Columbus, Neb..
-It Sec'y Columbus Cornet Band.
OK!)LA.T(C'E IVo. I.
An ordinance to provide for the icarking
0 city prisoners on in streets ami out
er places in the city.
lie it ordained by the ilayor and Couu
cilmen of the city of Coiuiuhu:
Skctiox I. That any person whomay
hereafter be confined in the city jail
because of nonpayment of any tine and
costs for the violation of any ordinancu
of this city, shall he kept at hard labor
eiu;ht (8) 'hours each day during con
finement, aud such laborshall be per
formed ou the public Htreets of the city,
or on or about the public grounds, or
works of the city, or elsenbere within
the city, as the Alayor may in each case
determine. Iu like manner all persons
sentenced to a term of imprisonment
for the Uolution of any ordinance of
this city, may be kept at hard labor.
Skc. II. When any person soeonlincd
aud kept at hard labor, shall at one ( 1)
dollar per dav have earned an amount
equal to the line and costs Imposed anil
due, the City .Marshal shall so inform
the .Mayor, 'who may thereupon dis
charge such prisouer. AVhcn any per
son sentenced to a term of imprisonment
in the city jail, shall have labored well
and faithfully for the space of ten days,
the City Marshal shall so inform thu
Mayor, and the Mayor may, by and
with the consent of the Council, in hit
discretion, pardon such prisoner and
remit any hue and costs that may be
due, provided the Mayor is satisfied
that such person has not the means
w herewith to pay such Hue and cost".
Skc. I II. J'risoners put to labor on
the streets or elsewhere shall bo in
charge of the City 3IarshaI, and such
labor shall be pel funned under the su
pervision of the Mayor or such officer or
person as he may designate.
Skc. JV. Any prisoner while at la
bor as aforesaid may be ironed or
shackled in such a manner as may be
necessary to hold such person without
usinni'iy unnecessary violence.
Skc. V. The .Mayor Is hereby author
ized to keep such prisoners employed at
such place or places within the city as
will best promote the Interests of tho
city, slid he may make uch contract as
may be necessary relative to the em
ployment of su-h prisoners.
Six. VI. AH ordinances or parts of
ordinances inconsistent with this ordi
nance are hereby repealed.
Skc. VIII. This ordinance shall take
ctfect aud he in force from aud after thu
date of its passage and publication.
Passed November 2-'d, 1S7H.
Attest: John Sciiuaji. 3Iayor.
City Clerk. 4W-1
VIRTUE of a chattel mortgage
executed by Jacob 3Iaurer to
Christian Grossnichlaus, dated the 12th
day or December, A. V., i"ui. auu nicu
in the ollico of the County Clerk of the
county of Platte, State of Nebraska, on
the 10th day of December, A. D., 13i.
upon which default has been made, I
will expose for sale at public auction on
Thursday, the fith day of December,
A. D.. 17H, at one o'clock, in the after
noon, at the Court Jiouse iu Columbus,
Platte county, Xebr. The property
mortnged consists of one span of hors
es, described as follows: One sorrel
horse seven years old; one sorrel maro
eleven years old, and one f.irm waon,
and double set harues. Amount due at
first publication, f 170.00.
Hy Ucnj. Spfclmau. Agent. 411-4
Having just received a large stock of
Toys, aud the faet that everybody looK
injrat my stock pronounces it the largest
and btst assortment ever seen in Colum
bus, leads me to inform yon that here
after my store will bo known under the
name of
"When in Chicago I spared neither
labor nor expense to get the bent and
cheapest assortment for my customers
from the largest wholesale houes in
Tovs, as well as Albums. Vases, Cups
and 3Iujra, Statues, Bound Volumes,
Musical Instruments,
Candy Toys for Christmas Trees, Etc.,
Too numerous to mention them all here.
1 therefore invite you to come and see
the. Bazaar. You will be sure to find
something that will suit you.
41G ltcspectfully, P. VT. OTT.
FRCJT, PB0V18I0XS, &e.
All Farm Products
Bought and Sold.
Highest Cash Price Paid,
Goods Exchanged for Produce.
22Tfioods delivered anywhere in the
city free of charge.
xew uuilwxg ox lira ST.,
Two Doors Hart of Journal Office.
Ucan make money faster at work for
us than atanythingelse. Capital not
required; we will startyou. $12 per
day at home made by the indus
trious. 31 en. women, hoy and firls
wanted everywhere to work for us. Now
is the time. Costly ontdtand terms free.
Address Troe & Co., Augusta, Haine,
f "fTt ' . .I1"-.