The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 23, 1878, Image 3
I m t& 9 . ( 1 H THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1878. Communications, to pure insertion In the next Usue, should be in band on; ir lengthy, on Thursdays preceding Isue-day. Advertisements, of whatever class, should be in band by noon, Tuesdav. Advartieeraents under this bead 15 ct. a line first Insertion, 10 cts. a line each ubsec.uen insertion. Warm weather last week. F. M. Sackett of Albion is in the city. Ed. Fitzpatrick is agent for the Inter Ocean. All quiet inthe police court the past week. Some splendid weather during the last few dayg. The Plunketts were playing in Lincoln last week. Dealer are beginning to offer winter apples for sale. Preaching at Grace Church next Sunday at 11 "o'clock a. at. "AlcAulcy" will probably leave this country in n few days. How easy it is to light a man of maw I F. Peculiar Burgess. It is ever un-Wisc to try to put a man down by "lying" on him. "When you Mc (the most of) aulcy had to Miy.'what does it amount to? Elvira G. Plait orders the ad dress of her Journal to Oakland Cala. II. J. Hudson and C. A. Spcice returned from Lincoln Saturday evening. Praypr meeting at the M. E. . Church this city, every Thursday evening. Mr. Ed. Policy and Jos. "Woods of Scwatd passed the Sabbath in the city. Every species of hardware at WigeiusV, prices away down, to suit the times. L. Kramer it down from Silver Creek, and report6 much loss by prairie fires. Tciisol thousands of dollars will not cover the recent losses by prairie tiro In this vicinity. I). A. Lord is about to establish a sheep ranchc for the winter about three mile:! north of city. Mr. M. Vogel has contracted with J. O. Shannon for the erection of a stable and ire-house 14x34. Prairie fire ran through A. N. Bri-igs's ten-years-old grove of trees in Butler Co., destroying them. There can be no proper and Wlcrtivc regulation of the currency, except through coin redemption. Prof. Kuowlcs delivered lec tures on temperance Thursday and Friday nights at the Congregational ihurch. S. P. Bollman, Eq , Trcasurcrof Boone Co., was in the city yesterday on his way to Lincoln on official husiucss. Dr. Chrisiison's window is or namented by a viry ingcniously mide transparent sign, the work of litf own linud-J. See what n number of the polit ical opponents of J no. Wise, say of McAuloyV card in theln-t lira. L'cs always come home to rood. Hon. Lornti Clark and wife of Albion, have been visiting for a short time. Mrs. G. W. Steven of thi city, sif-tor of Mr. Clark. An exchange says that its co temporary heads its local depart ment "Nits" to show that the locals arc from the editor's own head. A new restaurant will soon be opened by Collins & Martin on 13th street in their new building which i being fitted up for that purpose. Miss Freddie Iinghoff. of Oma ha, who has been visiting friends in Columbus for scvnal weeks past, returned to her home on Monday. A. L. Brninard, Esq., the new editor and proprietor of the Boone Co. Argiis. called at Journal head quarters yesterday. Success to him. Humor has it that an old man by the name of Aikins, near Silver Creek, was so badlv burcd in a recent prairie fire, that he will sure ly die. The card signed by C. A. New man, L. Staab, Henry Wilkc, Patrick Brcnnan and others is a clear oHVet to the lying card of one McAuley in the last Era. Father Cassidy, of New York, has located in this city, and will in iho future assist Father Ryan in his ministerial labors within the limits of his charge. Dr. Slaughter, elder on the Omaha District, conducted the ser vices at the M. E. Church this city, last Sabbath and delivered an ex cellent discourse. A younir son made his appear ance at Wilf T. Rickly's Oct. loth. 9 p. m., the third child and second boy. All parties doing woll, in cluding the father. Mr. R. A. Nunnclly and wife retarnod from the 60uth on Wednes day of last week, and immediately went np the valley to their friends in Boouc county. Rev. J. A. Hood was in tho city Thursday of last week. He was re turning "from Synod held at Hast ingsthis state, over which body he presided as moderator. Wild geese are making their sppirauce much later than they did last fall, but now are quite plenty, and goose shooting is just now the sensation among sportsmen. A prairie fire on the ICth inst., betweeu this cityand Schuyler de stroyed a farm house, barn, crops and stock, and the occupant, named Pollack, was burned to death. The demand for houses to rent far exceeds the supply in Columbus. A good investment would be the erection of comfortable tenement houses in any part of the city. C. L. Wundt and wife of Bur lington, la., and M. E. Stevens and wife, of Boone count, this State, have for several davs been with their relative, S. O. Raymond. F. Gerder & Co., successors to M. Weaver, will remove to V. Rummer's new brick buildiug on 11th street, in a few days. Give them a call, if you need furuiture. Rev. S. P. Bollman of Albion tells us that the Argus ha9 changed hands having been purchased by Mr. Braiuard, Washington Co., this State. A fire across the Loup south of the city on Thursday of last week did considerable damage to young timber and burned about fifty cords of drv wood belonging to 31r. John Rickly. John McGlinchy, the operator on the Western Union line, is about to remove the residence part of his building' on Nebraska Avenue, to the rear, and erect nn addition to his office. At the fire at R. W. Young's the other day, two lads, one a son of R. W's, the other, Hughey Compton of this place, came very nearly losing their lives while fight ing the fire. We are glad to note the return of Mrs. Page, and hope that she will find substantial encouragement enough among lovers of mu-dc, to induce her to make Columbus her future home. Now make arrangements for the passage of the long winter nights organize literary societies, debating and dramatic rluhs, etc., and other wise prepare for rational and profit able employment. No service at the Congregation al cburcli next Sabbath. Rev. Sher man is'away attending the General Association, now in session at Fre mont. Sabbath school will be held at the tisuai hour. An alarm of fire issued from the Lindell House Monday evening and the Engine Company were prompt ly on hand. No damage done. The alarm was occasioned by the ex plosion ol an oil lamp. If there ever was any doubt of Lovcland's election, it has been dis pelled by the nomination of Mr. Spcerry, and we fail to see wherein that nomination strengthens the prospect ol Mr. Crites. Mr. J. C. Austin, who has re sided among us tor some time, and who gained geneiul respect in this community, lelt here uii the 20th inst. fur Mexico. He proposed to make the trip on horseback. A farmer of Sherman precinct has sent us a statement of t lie co.-t of raising ten acres ot wheat, but fails to give the number ol bushels raised. We should be pleased to have him complete his statement. A raffle for a very handsome silver mounted revolver tor the ben efit of the widow of General John O'Neil will take place Thanksgiving day in Omaha. Tickets 50 cts. each, for sale at tha store of T. C. Ryan. D. H. Wheeler was elected Grand Master, l A. Spcice Deputy Grand Master I. O. C). F. of the State, at the annual session last week. II. J. Hudson was elected Most Worthy Grand Patriurch ot the Grand Encampment. Two voung lads were charjred, Monday morning, with the then of thirtv-tivo dollais. W forbear publishing their names in the hope that, being the fir.-t transgression, they may themselves sec the error of their wae, and do better. Prof. Auahev predicts that the grashoppers have run out and (hut no further trouble need be appre hended trom them, as recent ob servation and investigation show that all efforts to deposit their eggs this season have proven futile. ft The cause of the fins at the Linden floue last .Monday nijrht was from tho use of poor oil. Head Light Oil, 175 lire-test, will not explode, and is recommended by all insurance companies. The piacc to get it is at JJa-inusscn & Schram'e. John Thurston and J. C. Cowin of Omaha, who have been for some time advertised to speak with M. L. Hayward, at different points aloni: the U. P. road, failed to put in an appearance anywhere, to the disap pointment of a considerable number ol prople, who. heretofore have had a favorable opinion of them. Robert Wilken, of San Buena Ventura, Caiiloruia, an old acquaint ance and friend who has been in the bee business for sonic lime at his distant western home, has shipped a large quantity of honev to Liver pool, England, where he purposes going in person to dispose ol it. Jno. Huber, the auctioneer, tells tis that the stock sale at Franz Iletur gler's, Tuesday of last week, was a decided success, and as good a one as was ever held in Platte county : cows brought from twenty to thirty two dollars; two-years-old steers, averaged $26.75 ; heifers $1S to $25. We learn that a herder and his horse were burned upon the prairie in one of the recent fires, and that his wile was so badly injured by the fire thai she will certainly die. " We have not been able to ascertain names nor locality, except that it occurred somewhere on Shell creek. A. Mycr, ofElkhorn, shipped from this point last Saturday four car-loads of fat hogs, about one half of which were purchased in Madi son county, and the balance from the yards of E. J. Baker of this city. Mr. B. informs us that four of the lot which he sold, weighed 1700 pounds. Just as it ever was, and proba bly ever will be, the provident citizen is wondering what kind ol weather wc shall have this winter, and looking out tor fuel. Weather prophets arc not so numerous ns formerly, and you will scarcely find a man who dares presume to prognosticate for the coming winter weather. The race between Lorenzo Clark's gray and the Tckamah horse came off on Saturday us announced though nut as originally made, the backer of the gray, Fred. Robar, losing the forfeit. A race was fi nally made for six hundred yard with ten leet advantage at the out come for the gray, and was won by him by about tweuty feet. Fatal accidents to human life are among the appalling calamities that result from prairie fiies this tall. Louis Middleton.aman livlnir on the Looking Glass, in Lookinjr Ulass precinct, was burned to death on Thursday last, while assisting in an attempt to save the property of his neighbor, Geo. Nickner, whose personal property, with the excep tion of his house and lurniture, was entirely deetroved. Mr. J. F. L. D. Ilertzman, cor respondent and solicitor of the Omaha Daily Evening 2feios, was in our city last week establishing a daily delivery by carrier. The price is only 20 cents a weekj- and" the paper delivered to any business house or residence by 7 o'clock in the morning, any person wishing the paper will do well to leave his name at F. W. Ott's book store. The Republican a party, and its individual members, as citi zens and business men, nre in favor of regulating railroad tariffs by law, and of acting justly by all public in terests, notwithstanding the wild assertions and vagaries of a few soreheads in the State, who didn't succeed, undercover of a "howl," in capturing conventions for their sel fish purposes. One hundred and twenty-five head of steers, the property of Q Brnton, of Fremont, purchased of Baroldwin fc Reynolds, were quar tered in R. H. Henry's yard throusrh the night of Friday last. They were beinsr driven to Fremont, where they will be fatted by Mr. B. for the eastern market. They were a fine lot of steers, averaging, we wore informed, 1200 pounds a head, and were purchased at 1 cents a pound. Dr. B. O. Reynolds of Geneva Xiuke, Wise, an old friend of S. O. Raymond, arived here Friday even ing. In a conversation with him on Saturday he told u that he didn't know of nn other man, for whom he would leave his work and go six hundred miles to see. He says that wc, Mr. Raymond's new acquaintances, can not know him as he does, nor appreciate his kindness, his generosity and large liberality, as shown among his old acquaint ances in former years. Now has come the time for bets on the result of the election A few days ago one of our citizens made a bet of ten dollars that one of the candidates for senatorial honors would be elected. The money was put up when the partv proposing the wager started oil', snapping his whip to tell his friends how badly he had scooped a democrat, and iii making up his slate of votes bv counties he stated that Platte would give 100 majority against his man, Colfax county would he even and Butler county would give 200 ma jority for his man. His friend re marked that the county of Butler was not in the district, when the whip went under his arm, and off he put to find his man to withdraw his bet. Said democrat could not see it, when tho man of the whip said. "Well, Jim, if you are that kind of a man, go and get vour money. The Democracy held their Sen atorial and Float conventions last Saturday, nominating as their can didate for Senator. II. C. Wripht of Colfax county, a business partner of Hon. Frank Folda, and said to he a verv etimable young man. Ilcurv T. Sp(erry was nominated for rep resentative for the 51st district, com prising Platte, Butler and Colfax counties. He is the present repre sentative of this county, elected last vear to fill the vacancy caused by j tho resignation of Guy C. Barnum. ir. Tt is hnrdlv a supposablc ease that Mr. Spcerry expects to he elect ed in the Float district. He under stands the situation fully, and we believe is not to be hoodwinked by anybody, so far as being nominated for conciliation and mere harmony is concerned. A complaint comes to us from a heavy tax-payer for the support of schools in Richland precinct Colfax Co , that the school-house, built for educational purposes with the people s money, has been let by the directors to parties from another district to hold a dance, a proceed ing to which many arc opposed and whose opinions and wishes demand equal consideration with others who may not object, being alike properly owners and tax payers. More or less trouble is quite liable to arise, and has arisen to our know ledge, by n similar action, resulting from a diversity of opinion upon the propriety of such an act, and it appears to us that the better policy would be to keep a school-house exclusively lor the purpose for which it was constructed -that of intellec tual improvement and enlighten ment, or at least not allow it to be used for an object that is radically antagonistic to the main object, and in such a light do many view dancing. jlQ?b.JM L. Havward of Ne braska City addressed a meeting at the Opera House last Thursday evening. He is a man of command ing presence, and at once wins the confidence and '.dmiration of even his political opponents by the evi dent sincerity o! his opinions and his candor. His remarks were mainly directed to the financial issues, combating the theories ot the Nationals on fiat money. He showed how the currency of a country may be kept at par with gold, the standard of the commer cial world; how government notes, or promises to pay are valued, ac cording to the faith of the commer mercial world in the ability and the willingness of the government to fully redeem her premises to her creditors. The question of finance was very clearly and fully, yet closeiv discussed by him to the hearty satisfaction of all Republi cans and hard-money Democrats, present. He entreated the Democ racy to consider the situation, that the head of their parly was in the South, and it was evident that what they wanted was political power the Democratic party north had nothing specially to hope for from the southerners, and they should now join Republicans as they had formerly done, when the life of the government was threatened by arm ed rebels. Mr. Hayward's speech was an admirable one, in argument and seniitucui, pith and point, and Columbus will give him a large audience whenever he shall appear herealter. He was followed in a tew well-timed remarks by Hon. Cyrus Allen of Builer county and D. B. Slaughter of the Lincoln Journal, the former insisting that the Republican party has always sought for and found the first prin ciples of political action and adhered to them through all doubt and con flict; "Gad" gave a running review of the ticket put in nomination at Lincoln, speaking fit words of com mendation of all the candidates. V PRAIRIE FIRES. i ; I Terrible! Detraction of Proptrty in Erery Direction S The terrible scourge that every Fall, as regulalyr as the seasons roll round, visits almost every section of our county, with more or less de struction of property, is this season causing more damage than usual, and reports that come in from sec tions where the fires have left their black and dismal mark are fairly ap palling. Not only is personal prop erty of every description destroyed, but in some instances fatal accidents to human life are recorded .among the calamities. With the heavy winds that have prevailed for some time past, and owing fo the more than ordinary growth of vegetation, caused by the copious rains of the Spring and Summer, followed by frost and drouth, rendering it al most as dry and inflammable as tin der, every precaution that could be taken for protection has, in many instances, proven unavailing to save property 'trom destruction by the flames when under headway and driven before the wind. But, undoubtedly, much property destroyed might have been saved hy providing proper fire guards and attention to back firing at the right time. In the long list of casualties which we publish wo are very glad to note no more loss of life than is contained therein. Those who have saved themselves and their little ones from a horrid death by fire or suffocation may well feel thankful, even though they have lost the main accumulation of years of toil and privation. It is enough to make the stoutest heart sick and faint; and stagger the strongest will, to see your home, the dwelling of your wife and little ones, dependent chiefly upon your exertions, desolated, destroyed ; the garnered wealth of the year dis appearing in flames, the winter comforts of the dumb brutes under your providence, swept at a breath, only to be replaced by days, and weeks, perhaps months and years of weary toil ; but, thankful to God for spared life and health, 'with your failhlul wife, the tender mother of your little ones to cheer you, despair will he turned to hope, and loss .be but better gain. Below wc give a report of losses as they have come to us, not claiming for them a com plete nor accurate record, not even from the districts head from. Franz Hungrier lost by the tire Sunday seven to eight hundred dollar worth of young timber, and eaine very nearly losing his house, s.ahle, Ac In the same neighborhood Mr. Schuiitz's corn lirld wa burned. Jno. Ilauey, a few miles east of Co lumbus, lot a large rick of hay hy tire. g. r Shattswcli lo-t grain and bay, James Compton, jr., lost, Sunday ewn- ing, his dwelling hoii-e and content", grnnry, ttalric, windmill, ti, Iicnides hi" staul's ot grain; we learn that his tuu.e was in mi red. His neighbor, Pat rick Griffin, lol his granary, cattle shed., &e.,savinghi- cattle, hog, horses, dwelling house, wagon, plow, &c. The tire which did this work started from the railroad track near Martin Regan's, Saturday evening and reached Shell Creek about midnight, the wind being southwest. Reaching the creek, it trav eled west slowly, and in tlm evening, the wind changing to nearly north, thc fire swept southward on the west hor der of its former line, stopping very nearly where it started from. From Win. M. Stevens, Jiving across the county line in Colfax county, we learn of the following losses in his Im mediate neighborhood: Capt. Brown lost all his small grain; Henry Gluek, stables, hay and grain raved house and furniture; Gu-.. Gluek, grain, liny, and considerable wood; Mike Burk, all his grain, hay, cattle sheds and corral; Larry Burn", all his pergonal property except hoii"e and granary; .Mr. Barnes lost everything except bouse and furniture also a threshing machine belonging to the Jenny Broth ers, that had " set down " there for work, was destroyed. STKARXS PRAIRIE. Mr. II. T. Spcerry, of Stearns Prairie, reports a verv serious and destructive prairie lire at their place last Sunday, destroying for Mr. It. W. Young all his hay and grain, three horses and all his buildings. T. J. Ellis lost by the same tire all his grain, hay and stable and Mr. Hellbush twelve stacks of grain and his grove of timber. LOOKING GLASS VALLEY. J. W. Dickinson gives us the follow- ing statement of destruction by arc Tuesday last in the Looking Glass val ley: Mr. Peterson, all his grain, granary, stable and hay; Louis Cedar, his team, harness and stable; Andrew Larson suf fered severely by the fire in grain hay and stable; S. Xelson lost all his hay; Win. Irwin eight stacks of small grain; Peter Valine eight stacks of wheat on his timber claim: J."V Diekinson four stacks of wheat; Mr. Burlin, some wheat, oats and rye, and all his hay and stable:' J:Ieob Jacobs, all his trrain crops and hay his wife badly injured by the fire, but will recover; John En nis lost ail his wheat and part of his hay and stables. Mr. Dickinson adds that very many others in the same section of country have sutlcred severely, and that th loss is immense, and will be a very serious drawback to many a poor man. Geo. S. Truman gives us the following intelligence from the same locality: Fred. Peterson, 1000 bushels of wheat, 10 hogs, all his out-buildings, reaper, fanning-mili, &c; Geo. Mitchener, every thing but his sod house, and was him self badly burned, and his neighbdr, Middleton, who went to help him lost his life he managed to get home but with nothing on him except his shoes, the skin falling off of him, and died in a few hours. He hears that scarcely any hay is left in twenty miles, and that a great deal of the straw was set on lire and burned before this fire struck the valley. Mr. Truman thinks that many farmers south of the Loupe must have suffered severely Sunday night, as there were on nre. wnai, appeared to uc stacKs ana i houses, in difierent places,twbich. being so, far away Jcould not readily be rccog- mzed. MONROE CORRESPONDENCE. The destruction of propcrty'by prairie fire in this and adjoining precinct of Genoa has. been very great during this week. Poor families have lost their all, consisting of grain, hay and stock. Mr. Peterson, on Looking Glass creek, on Tuesday of this week, had fifteen hun dred bushels of wheat in his granary all consumed; Mr. Zeigler lost all his grain; Louis Cedar lost a very fine span of horse:), burned to death in the stable; another neighbor lost all bis hogs; S. C. Osborn had live hundred bushels of wheat destroyed in the stack, and all his hay and flax. Nearly all the losers have but recently come into the state and have ljborcd hard toget a start, but eveiy tiling is consumed by the cruel tongue of fire. Since writing the above, wc learn that a man and woman were nearly burned to death, and also on Saturday last a fire broke out near Mr. Draper's destroying the wood work of a sorghum mill, sweep ing northwest, burning everything in its course. A. NEWMAN'S GROVE CORRESPONDENCE. Dry I dry! dry I Windy! windy! win dy! and prairie fires are tho order of tho day. Tor the last week they have ciused continual alarm nd hard work. By the utmost watchfiiiues and exertion they have been prevented from doing any considerable damatru just in this immediate vicinity. But fearful re ports Come to in" from tho adjacent country. The neighborhood of Water vilie has suffered very severely, much hay and grain, granaries, harness and machinery is reported to have been burned on Jnion Creek, and one school house on Taylor Creek. On Shell Creek below here," Charlie William has lost four stacks of wheat; Dae.. Holeran, a large amount of hay; Martin Uolian has lost ail bis hay ami nearly all his grain; Hans Olesou lost four stacks of wheat; James Deiicy has lost, according to re port, every thiujr'bad he but live stock buildings, machinery, wason and all. Pat. Deucy every thing but his house, forty bushels of wheat and live stock. X. H. . Convention. The seventh annual convention of the Platte county S. S. Association convened Oct. 10th, at the Watts ville school house, president J. A. Reed in the chair. After devotion al exercises the constitution and minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The discussion of the lirst question on the pro gramme "What are S. S. for?" was taken up, the speakers being E. A. Gerrard, J. II. Reed, Rev. J. M. Wilson, Rev. J. A. Reed and Rev. E. L Sherman, most of them claim ing that the definite object of S. S. is to bring the children to Christ and by this standard alone can we judge success. One speaker claim ed that the object was to do the children good ; if they were brought lo Christ that was good, but the ob ject was wider than that. The 2d quci-tiou, '-the better way of arrang ing, conducting and classifying schools" was opened by Rev. J. M. Wilson, who favored responsive reading for opening. Remarks were made by many, classifying the scholars appeared to be a difficulty with most, Rev. Sherman preferring that they be classified according to Biblical knowledge. Session closed with prajcr by Rev. Wilson. Evening session opened with de votional exercises, conducted by Rev. J. A. Reed, followed by ad dresses on the S. S. work by Rev. Sherman, J. M. Wilson, J. A. Reed, and J. II. Reed, all agreeing that the S. S. was the most promising field of labor for the church, and that the great need is more earnestness in the work. Closed with benediction by Rev. J. A. Reed. Morning session opened with de votionnl exercises, conducted by Rev. Wilson, followed by discussion of the question, "What kind of teach ers should we have in the S. S.? Rev. J. A. Reed opened the question and the discussion became general, most of those present, including sev eral ladies, taking part, the prevail ing opinion being that nn army could make but a poor fight under disloyal officers. Alter the discussion an opportunity wa3 offered for the pay ment of dues, when one dollar and eighty cents was paid in. On mo tion a committee of three was chosen and increased lo five to make nomi nations for office, committee, J. II. Reed, J. M. Wilson, E. A. Gerrard, Jos. Stewart, David David, to report immediately after opening for after noon session. Recess. Session opened at 2 p. m. with devotional exercises, conducted by Rev. Cook, after which committee on nominations reported ; report accepted, amended and adopted, the following persons being declared elected to the various offices for the ensuing year : President. Rev. J. A. Reed, recording scc'y. E.A. Gerrard, corresponding suc'y. Mrs. A. P. Leceh, of Humphrey, treasurer, F. Kerr, executive committee, J. II. Reed, II. Guiles, Jos. Stewart. On motion, a visiting committee to con sist of J. H. Reed, 11. Guiles, Jos. Stewart, Win. Jackson, Mrs. Water man and Albert Rose were chosen and directed to visit each school in Platte county, and report at the tiext convention the condition of each. On motion the executive committee were directed to make arrangements for a semi-annual con vention. The convention then pro ceeded to the consideration of the question of temperance in S. S., the subject being opened by Mrs. Sher man in an able article, selling forth the importance of earnest, thorough temperance training in this depart ment, as the great hope of thought ful minds for the safety of our cotin try; this was followed by the read ing of a poem entitled "The two Glasses," by Mrs. Waterman, and Hinging a temperance antuctn eiiiit- led "In the Sweet By and By" by Mrs. Ailes. A communication from Mrs. J. H. Reed was then read, ro- questing each S. S. to appoint a person to take charge of the temper- i. :..... e o ...i imue huik in iiju c o., niiu u ni-y ivjys uuuit fi.w jjv;i iuii uiuvuu- respond with Mrs. J. II. Reed in fsleel Bros. behalf of the Woman's Christian' Don't forget, but one price at Temperance Union, upon the sub- tt..; ii ..u jeet. Ihe following resolution was offered by Rev. Wilson. Jlpsnlt'fil Thnt fhia rnnvinlinn recommend that each S. S. in Platte county constitute itself into a tern- pernnce organization, and hold m n n ti 1 1 ni Ttroot-ltr tnoplfnirs mill ...u......j v.. "V...j ...v.....Do .... subscribe for temperance publica- tions; alter ocoatc me resolution was auopieu. uioseu wnn prayer by Rev. Sherman. Evening session opened with dc votional exercises conducted by J. A. Reed. Reports from S. S. beiuir next in order, Rev. Reed reported verbally from the Congregational S. S. in Columbus, average attend ance 40 to 45. The Monroe" precinct S. S. reported average attendance 5S. Albert Itose. snn'l. .1. I,. Unons. see'v. Welsh Reserve or Richlandi S. S. reported average attendance 28, teachers 4. an increase of 12 over last vear, collection for fttato boaid $122. J. M. Wilson made verbal report from Humphrey S. S., Crcs ton east S. S. and Crcslou westS. S. all being in a flourishing condition. The Presbyterian S. S. of Columbus reported average attendance 30, total membership 3S, Marshall Smith sup'l, organized Aug. 1873. Rev. II. A.Cook reported Dist. No. 32, S. S., II. N. Cook, sun't.. teachers 4. V"" ItlfUlltU xyiPI ilU Ktm membership 20, organized 1871. Rev. Wilson invited the next con vention to meet at the Humphrey church and W. Hoopes invited them lo meet in Monroe precinct school house. A vole of thanks was then passed to the friends for their kind and hospitable treatment of those attending the convention. Cloned with doxology, all agreeing that it was a good convention. E. A. Gerrard, Scc'y. Previous mention has been made in the Journal of preparations that were being made by the Sons of Temperance for a dramatic enter tainment, tor which hii amateur club, formed mainly from members he pouna or box at Hudson's. of the societv, have been rehearsing V ,f T .x, . , . ' i ,,, , , A M- U- O Bncn sells good gro- for some time past. Wo have be- cei.ies nt very modcrate prices. fore us their bill announcing their . . . , . , r . , D . The place to buy 'leas is at Mar- first appeanncc on Friday evening, 7-shaU sn,iu,'3 Central Block. November 1st, in the two-act drama entitled "Solon Shingle: or, Thoj -Wh"o PW1. JP" Bl ., . , T ,, " , ' nlie Revolution Dry Goods Store. People's Lawyer," together with an . olio entertainment, consisting ofV , -Lr co,t-,OU 11?, 'T ,r 25 ' f at the Revolution Dry Goods Store. pantomimes, songs, etc., and no rlnnht tlio pntnri-Mitmnnf tvi'ii lo n-nii. Ladies' felt skirts at 50 cts. a worth the trouble and small expense of attending which is only 25 cents, with no extra charge for reserved seats, which can be procured at Do huid & Smith's drug-store This is a move in the right direction, und i. Hint ni .i.-iu u in unburn Jigiiiji ii t..1-. nnnr..... :.. : ;. by a candid expression of our . -opin-fl. ion iiiai mis euort to establish a home dramatic society should re ceive the best wishes and a generous patronage from our citizens. Co lumbus has the material for a dra .1.. ... .V. ..... matic club that can furnish as good,! if not a better entertainment, than any traveling company or the kind. -. The i'eople Want lroof. There is no medicine prescribed by physicians, or sold by Druggists, that carries such evidence of its suc cess and superior virtue as Bos chee's German- Svkup for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proof of that fact is that any pcr-on afflicted, can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It has lately been introduced in this country from Germany, and its wo.idcrful cures are astonishing everyone that uses it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Sold by A. Heintz, C. B. Stillman snd Dolaud & Smith. The Franciscan Fathers of this city will open their school on the lib day of November, 1878. The teaching will not be sectarian. Cat echism will be taught Catholic chil dren before or after regular school hours. The branches taught in English and German will be those usually taught in the best free schools of the country, besides les sons for females in the different branches of their work. Terms, $1 per month, in advance. For music, extra. If desired, girls will be boarded with the sisters. Children are required to undergo an exami nation for classification, which may be had at the new school-house any time from 2 to 4 o'clock, p. m. Iulli'j JIvetlngr. The under.-igned, believing that a charity hospital would be a most ex cellent institution for the city of Columbus, has 'pokcu'to the Supe rioress of a religious institution to confer with the citizens of this place upon the subject, and takes the lib erty of calling a meeting for that purpose, to take place-at the Opera House, Thursday, Oct. 24th, 3 r. m. Fatiiek Ambrose. Kelly Inland Wine. I offer to the public the choicest Kelly Island Wine, at .$1.30 a gallon, or by the dozen bottles to families. Wili keep also on hands fresh lager, liquors, cigars, &c. 11th st., op posite Schupbach &Jaeggi's lumber yard. 440-5. Win. A. Schimedek. BIRTHS. HIGGIXS To Mrs. J. G. Wiggins, Oct. 5th, a son. The Judge is to be congratulated, al though the Journal must blush at its tardiness in getting this item. MARRIED. IIEWETT SMITH. Saturdav even ing, Oct. 15th, by Judire J. G. Biggins, Htnry Ilewett and Miss Mary Smith, all of this city. KRIBS GERBER. Saturdav. Oct. 19th, Mr. 'Ihos. Kribs and Miss Lizzie Gerbcrof this place. V- Shirts at25 cents at L. Kramer s. Get a Heater at G. H. Krauze & Sons. It VCGoloM. II. O'Brien's for gro 'cerics. i(v t.i Galley Bro s ' riollr... Tl.i'j old oovernmcnt Java coffee at & Geo. Rieder's 438-2t Boy's suits and coats cheap at . Kramer's. L, y Men9. boots iL15 per pair ftt Bonesteel Bros. , "Wanted 500 doz. eggs at Bnl- ifard & Smith'6. 436-x ywhen you want Boots cheap go to iioucsteei tiros. vL. Good chambray 15 cts. per yard t Bonesteel Bros. W Tin ware of every description. at G. II. Jvrausc K sons. it. Undershirts and Drawers 25 cts. each at L. Kramer's. Threshers' notes, in book form, for sale at this ollice. A new lot of print 5 cts. per yard at Bonesteel Bros. W. Fall stock of men's and boys' f clothing nt Galley Bros. Baskets of all kinds s Smith's in Central Block. I Good Wuter proof Cloth for 50 cents a yard at L. Kramer's. ri ..! r..!i 1 -..:...... of all kinds at Hudson's. k, - -, it 1 A 1 1 4 A -" -vo" wn"1 ?" "us ai ",S"1- PPICCS c,x" on Uil,,c 1M'8' y It pays to trade at L. Kramer's isew York cheap cash store. A Good wrttcr-proof cloth at 45 '..1 ...! .. T?..,l.i,.l !'i.nD i;m. il j in 11 ill llUUUJItll XJ1U?, Y. Ladies' and children' shoes cheap and good at L. Kramers. . Best Norfolk Flour at $2.50 at -Best Norfolk Flour at Smith's in Central Block 'M. Sash Weights at the Foundry '2l2 cents per pound. 4t Y- Ladies' Dresses and Wrappers for fall and winter at L. Kramer 8. y- Grain bags $2.25 at L. Kramer's New York cheap cash store. V fli-onna nliima nml npfiflipa h 'piece at I. Gluck's Revolution Store. Horse Blankets at 1.00 at L. Kramer's New Y'ork Cheap Cash Store. 437. You can always depend on get ting the lowest prices at Galley Bros. . -ir . -n . ,,, I ,. jy , UUICII 111 II t)J I.IS., I IU""il "V Gluck's Ri devolution Dry Goods Store. Socks at 5 cents a pair at L. Kramer's New York cheap cah store. y Heavy gray blankets at 1.00 a Store. y Bullard & Smith will pay cash or exchange goods for farm pro duce. -M en's hcavv woolen suits nl $ i 50 at the Revolution Dry Goods Store. j( Good Handkerchiefs for 5 cents at L. Kramer's New York cheap cash store. A Men's woolen hose at 10 cents a pair at I. Gluck's Revolution Dry Goods Siore. Boots and Shoes at bottom fig ures sold bv Marshall Smith in Cen tral Block." i7- Half bleached table cloth at 25 cts. a yard at the Revolution Dry Goods Store. ht A good pair of boots for $1. to at Li. Ivramcrs New xork cheap cash store. 18 yards Collon flannel for one dollar at L. Kramer's New York cheap cash store. y Canton flannel 18M yards for one dollar at the Revolution Dry Goods Store. Unlaundried shirts, New York muslin and linen, bosom and cuffs for $1.00 nt Galley Bros. S Bonesteel Bro9. are closing a lot ot iace, fringes anu otner uress trimmiuirs at very low prices. A Waterproof that beats anvtliiuir in town at 50 cents a yard at the Revolution Dry Goods Store. )C A good suit of clothes, coat pants and vest, for ?5 00 at L. Kra mer's New Y'ork Cheap Cash Store. tf I am selling shelf hardware, no ware, iihiis nuu cimcry ni reuueeu lniccs. Robert Uhlig, 12th street, next to bank. 3S-4 fine nnirn mite imnnf. 9ii pjiupI- opee, 1 penholder, 1 bottle of ink, 50 cents worth of stationery'put up in a new box for 20 cent?, at F. W. Ott's. 439-G. L. Kramer of the New York Cheap Cash Store, sells all goods at the lowest possible prices, and has one uniform low price, for all. f- Doland & Smith nre closing out then' present stock of wall paper at cost, to make room for an immense new stock. Give them a call 2t. r- Call and see those women's leather shoes nt 75 cts. per pair at Bonesteel Bros., they arc the best bargain in the market. )C Go to S. T. Hill's to get your watches, clocks and jewelrv repair ed. First door south of C.'L. Hill's book store, Olive street. :r Make your home Jiappv, and get you a nice heating stove; on quality, beauty and low prices they can't be beat. Be sure and call at Robert Uhlig's Stovo House. 12th street, next to bank. 433 G i All those looking about for purnnure, call on us, and we will show you our gooda and prices with pleasure, and we want every body also to know that we handle goods on small margin and quick sales. A. N. Burgess & Co. Colum- J "113 vitu, Heo, Best heating r fores at G. If. Krausc & Sons. ' V Bleached mutdiu 4 ocn'ttra yard - "' iM"C01 y -Maple Syrup w L. Cockburu a. at Bonesteel Bros. nrranted pure at 110 y Tho best place to trado is at Bullard & Smith's. k Bonesteel Bros, arc celling a goon pair oi kiu giores i ov uis. !- Sash Weights a? the Foundry 22 cents per pound. 4.)'J 1 b Best Albion flour tit Bullard & Smith's, nt $2.50 per hundred. . Save 25 els. by buying your S.... i; c- c, ,:).'. UUIII Ul UIIIIUIU HI OUIIIU O. f 15 bushels nice tomnfocp, fresh from the vines, at Bullard & Smith's. y Pocket cutlery, the largest oiuun ill iuir ii, tit vj. . iiiausu inn Sons. 2c fcC Bell and Buylc cranberries, the best in the market, at jco. Itlcucr 44 1-1 1. Ncw8tyles Bourcffes and Knick erbocker dress goods 10 cents a yard at L. Kramer's. 437. tt- Gray and White Flannel 15 cts. a yard at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Cabbage, onions, potatoes, toma toes, m'ellunj, rind in fact everything else at Bullard & Smith's". at M.Sf Locks, nails, hinges and every thing needed by n builder, can ho bought cheap at G. U. Krause and Sons. It V School books at F.W. Ott's. s.JIO 'AV VI 1 SHooq tootlDC See F. W. Oil for your school books. s.jooq ootps Una's 110 'AV 'of p We sell the Victor Sewing Ma chine, just as we represent it and if it don't prove so money refunded, A. N. Bargess & Co. 441-3. L. Kramer has opened a branch Store at Silver Creek and will jell goods there nt tho same low prices that he docs here. 4.18. The finest line of cooking Ploveit at n reduced price, that can't id beat; come and convince yourself. Robert Uhlig, stove dealer. 33-4 I will be at my ofDcc iff Colbm bus Ihe first and last Saturdays of October, for the purpose of cxnuiin ing applicants for teacher's certifi cate. S. L. Bakkett, 4315 6. County Sup'i. x As a rule who U it that always cry hard times, and imagine tiVm sclves all shriveled and dried ip? Call around and buy a German Plato Looking Glass which will revolu tionize your mind in a moment, at A. N. Burgess Ss Co., Fnrnittiro Dealers, Columbus, Neb I'or S-.tlet A farm of 159 acres, 125 broken. One mile west of Barnum's. Please call on A. Haight on the Big Island. Terms easy. 3Ul-x Attention; Sheep ICaNcri! Wc have 15 head of thoroughbred Rams on hand, which wc offer for sale, cheap all long woolrd, just what you want to cross with lino wooled sheep with to it pay. 441 GuossBnos. .T2vnt52urli? Jacob Shotwell, having purchase cd the meat market lately owned by Frank Gillelt, is prepared to fur nish, beef pork, &c, &c, equal to the best and at prices (o suit the times, 4JJ7.T TT? everyono would preserve' their Ax health during this warm weather the should use' concentrat ed essence of Jamaica Ginger. It Is cooling and refreshing, tOriii and in vigorating and rot expensive. Pre pared ami for sale only by Doiand & Smith. W'c Will Serve IN'o Iroec! L"3 Ieh. Notiee is hereby given fo nil whom it may concern that from and after this date, we, the undersigned officers of Platte County will serve no process without the fees first be ing paid in advance, or security giv en for coats, in accordance with tho provisions of Sec. 3J, page 335, of the revised statutes, as follows : "The clerks of the supreme court, and of each district court, the regis ter in chancery, probate judge, sheriff, justice of the peace, consta ble or register of deeds, may in all cases require the party for whom anv service is to be rendered, to pay the fees in adrauco Or the rendition of such service, or give security for the same, to be approved by the of ficer." Benj. Si'Ielmax, Sheriff, John Hcber, Dep'y Sheriff, J. J. Ricki.y, Constable, Cha3. Wake, Constable. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisement under this bead five cents a line, lint insertion, three cents a line subsequent insertion. SSyBooks, books, school books, all kinds of books at E. D. Fitzpatrick's. ttl-X. Itrgnlur Mtoelf !csiler. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; alio fat and stock hrgs. 379-y D. Ame:ison. IKS County Wakrants, school orders, school bonds and good bankable notes, also first-class mortgages bought. Money loaned on good farming lands for a term of years, by A. Henry, Colum bus, Nebraska. PGcvot's GEoor.AriiY Is on the State list and Is therefore the only Geography that can legally be used in our schools. This book and all other kcIiooI books for sale at C. L. Hill's Book Store. -KW-x fiSjrBAHGAi.vs I Bargains I Will sell for cash or on time, one light bnjcy, and harness, five good milch cows, ohm lumber wngon, one heavy yoke of oxen, one brood marc she Is a jrnnd workdr. 130-x 1). A.VDEltSO.W f In this city, dwelling at an hotel on the south side, Is an indiiidual of tender years, possessing every quali fication of a, rowdy. His delight is to insult pedestrians on the Mreet, for which he has gained an unenviable repu tation. He is advised to change bis mode of conduct in behalf of good order and individual safetv. if. it. ir. a week in your own town. Outfit free. No risk. Header, If you want a business at which persons of cither sex can make great pay a j'the time they work, write for partirufars to II. Hal I etta; Co I'rtf.ind, Mai"c. $66