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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1878)
THE JOUKNAL. 19 JS3CKD EVERY WEDNESDAY, il. K. TURNER & CO., Proprietors and Publishers. THE JOURNAL UATJKS OF ADYEKliJsING iipace 1W iu Into 3m bin It r luol'nm $12.00 ?20 J25 $35 $iJi , $f. t ! liC mtpl K I 3.00 J 12 1 15jW"io, ((, K " I .00 I 9 "Ml 15 20 t " Zj O , r :o:- fcSTOfflce in the JOU11XAL building, Elfcreuth-Et., Columbus, Neb. Terms Per year, $2. Six months, $1. Throe months, 50c Single copies, 5c. Colnnbas Pout Oflcc Open on Sundays Irora 11 a.m. to 12 m. and from 4:30 to 0 p. m. Business hours except Sunday C a. m. to 6 v. m. astern inaila close at 11:20 a. m. Western malls close at 4:20 p.m. ilall lenves Columbus for Madison and Norfolk, en Tuesdays, Thursdays atid Saturday, 7 a. m. Arrives Mondsvs, "Wednesday, and Fridays, 3 1. m. For Monroe, Genoa. Waterville and Al bion, daily except Sunda 6 a. m. Ar rive, same, C p.m. For Summit, Ulysses and Crete. Mon days and Thursdays, 7 a. m. Arrives Wednesdays, and Saturdays, 7 p. M. For Belleville, Osceola and York, Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays 1 p.m. Arrives at 12 M. For "Weir, Farral and Battle Crcclr, Mondays and Wednesdays. C a. m. Ar rives Tuosdnj-s and Friday's at fip.ji. For Shell Creek, Nebo, Crc&ton and Stanton, on Mondays at 7 A.M. Ar rives Tuesdays 0 p. M. For David Cit'j, Tue-days, Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 p. si Arrives, at 12 M. U. I. Time 'ruble. Eatticard Bound. Freight, Xo.S, leaves at . . . 8:00 a.m. l'assenij'r, 4, " " .. .11:25 a. in. Kiulcrant, " rt, " ' ...12:05 p.m. Westward Hound. KrciRht, No. 0, leaves at . . . 1:20 p.m. I'rtssens'r, " 3, " ...4:25p.m. Freight, !, "... 5:30 p. m. Emigrant, 7, " ' ...12:40 a.m. Lvery day except Saturday the three lines leading to Chicago cunneet with U. T. trains at Onuha. On Saturdays there will be but oito train a day, a shewn bv th" fiillnwiii'; schedule: (C. & X. W. 1 7th and 2Sth Sept . lEP II? ill ill II M VOL. IX.--NO. 23. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1878. WHOLE NO. 439. Oct -Yoc Dec . (C.&X. W. 1 7th Jr., H. .to. V 14th (., it. i. .t r. 2ibt It' H. JfcO. 1 5th . . h, n. i..t v.y i2i it (('. & N. V. J IDth (C, K. 1. A r.l 2d . . IS. W. J- !th (C, . & I. J lfith II ., 15. .V ix. 1 7th . . -k, It. I. .V I'. 14th (CI- X. W. J 21st 5th and 20th. and 23d. anil 30th. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. Alvix Sacxders, U. S. Senator, Omaha. A. S. Paddock, LT. S. Senator, Beatrice. Frank AVelcu, Keprcsentatlveft'orfolk. STATE DIRECTORY: Silas Carder, Governor, Lincoln. Bruno Tzsehuck, Secretary of State. J. 11. Weston, Auditor, Lincoln. J. C. McBride, Treasurer, Lincoln. Geo. II. Roberts, Attorney-General. S. R. Thompson, Supt. Public Instruc. II. C. Dawson, Warden of Penitentiary. '1L GoAd?1 f Pri30n InsPectr8' Dr. J. O. Davis, Prison Physician. II. P.Mathewson, Supt. Insane Asylum. JUDICIARY: Daniel Guntt. Chief Justice, ?5JSlifkej Associate JudBc. rOl'RTII JUDICIAL district. G. "W. Post, .Tudsrc, York. M. B. Reese, District Attorney, Wahoo. LAND OFFICERS: B. W. Arnold. Renter. Grand Island. Wni. Ativan, Receiver, Grand Island. COUNTY DIRECTORY: .1. G. Hitriiis, County Judire. John Stauder. Count Clerk. V. Kummer. Treasurer. Bonj. Spielman, She riff. R. L. ltosssitcr. Surveyor. It. II. Henry, ) Ym. Bloedorn CountvComniltsioners. John Walker, ) Dr. A. lleintz. Coroner. P. L. Uarrott, Supt. of Schools. HyMme;Cr'J"C,itCSOrlhCti,C(, Charles Wake, Constable. BUSINESS CABDS CONSULTING PHYSICIAN, COLUMBUS, - XERKASKA. HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED bis medical office In the rooms In the east end of bank building, cor. Nebraska A v. and 12th sts., ottering; his services in all departments of medicine and surgery, acute and ehronic dis eases. Will visit any part of the city or country in answer to all calls, day or night. Medicines furnished without extra charge. 379-ly TTKXltY CS. CAKE W, Attorney and Counselor at Law, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Formerly a member or the English bar: will give prompt attention to all busiue&s entrusted to him in this and adjoining counties. Collections m.ule. Office one door cast of Schilz' shoe store, corner of olive and 12th Streets. Sprieht Deut'-h. Piiile Fraucnis. 4IS-tf mi:: m ::-m: i m th ami 2St!i. Hi T S.CHRISTISON.M.D., rilYSIClAX AND SUKGE0X, CSTFor one a RESIDENT PHY SICIAN to the XEW YORK CITY HOSPITALS, BlaekwrllV Island, X.Y. I Hlb-o on 1 1th St., next to the Journal. Mileage 50 el. Mcdh-inos furnished. I F. SA.'VIIOaC.'V, HAYING EMPLOYl'.D .Mr. A. A. Pi.T'. of III., a fir-tt-claxs black smith, is now prepared to do all kinds of wagon and blacksmith work. Will make new buggies, uagoni. etc., or mend old ones, ami repair all kinds of mi chinery. lutom woik a specialty (nod work, promptly to prouii.-e, atid rlicap. Call at the ign of the hore hot, Olive .treet, opposite Charles Morsi'b .-table. 42!U';m CITY DIRECTORY: '. A. Spelee, Mayor. John Schrani, Clerk. John J. Rickly, Mar.tlial. J. W. Earlv, Tro-isurer. S. S. ilcAllNtor. Police Judge. J. G. !Jouton, Engineer. COUXl'ILMKX: Ut W'utd J. E. North, E. Pohl. 2. mirdK. C. Kavanauch. C. E. More. 3d H'rrf-E. J. Baker. E. A. Gerrard. J. C. PARKER, Proprietor. 17MRST door north of Hammoiid House and feed stable, jti?,t opposite the post-office. Good work and the best material at low prices, is the motto. Satisfaction irivcu or no sale. Repairing done promptly. EFine harness and cairiage trimming, a specialty. Call and examine for oursclc. " 40S F. W. OTT, InsrersoII an n l'oet. Col. Robert G. Ingersoll is well known as an orator whose speeches abound in passages of poetic splendor; but it is not generally known that he has sometimes contributed always anonymously to the poetical literature of America. On the 17th of August he visited the home of Robert Burns, and there wrote the following poem, which his friend, Mr. Redpath, has just received: THE BIRTHPLACE OF BURNS. 1 hough Scotland boasts a thousand names Of patriot, king, and peer, The noblest, grandest of them all v as loved and cradled here: Here lived the gentle peasant-prince, The loving cotter-king, Comjiared with whom the greatest lord Is but a titled thing. 'Tis but a cot roofed in with straw, A hovel inadeofclar. One door to shut out the snow and storm, One window greets the day; And yet I stand within this "room, And hold all thrones in tcorn. For here, beneath this lowly thatch, Love's sweetest bard was" born. Within this hallowed hut I feel Like one who clasps a shrine, When the glad lips at lat have touched The something deemed dinuc; And here t lie world through all the years, As long as the da returns, The tribute of its love and tears Will pax to Robert Burn-'. A ug. l, 187S. Huston Htrahl. SisS'Ky " SELLb All kinds of -. w n Wji fa it; tie us: BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the low prices of jour products dis omirasr you. but rather limit your e.v pcnM's to your resources. You can do so by stopping at the new home of your fello'w farmer, where you can lind good accommodations cheap. For hay for team lor one night and day, 25 cts. A room furuNhed with a cook -toe and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Those wishing can be arcommo dutfd at the house of the underslcutd t the following rates: Meals 2 cents; liens in cents. J. It. Mi.XW'AU t mile east of Gerrard's Corral S SCTISEAIK. H.I. IIPDSON has opened an lee s Cream parlor on 13 h street op posite the pnet-nthce. where he will keep a stock of choice Cigars and Can-die-, Fruit- and Oysters, in their season. Ice will be supplied in quantities for parties and pie-nics. 42G-X. D0LAKD & SHUTS, DEUGGISTS, Wholesale r.nd Retail, VTEl'.RASKA AYE., opposite Citv 1 Hall, Columbus, Xebr. 3" Low price, ami line good-. Prescriptions and family iceipes a specialty. 417 MUSICAL IIST1IMIIIS Rooks, Stationer), Canity and Clears. ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST - OFFICE. 400-tf THE STOLEN LOCKET. In 1 lie elegantly furnished drawing-room of u "Wcsl-oiul umtm-ioii sat a young man, whose genteel bearing, broad, noble brow, from wliiob his chestnut hair was tossed back in graceful carelessness, and large, thoughtful eyes bespoke him to be one of nature's noblemen. lie was evidently waiting impatiently for some one; for, as a slight noise was heard on the lauding, he would perhaps I imd better not show it to you just ut present," laughed false Fred, nervously. "Oh, nevnr fear for me I" said Guy, "for I have already caged my bird, and so shall not prove a dangerous rival to your suit." "Well, then, behold!" replied iweu, removing his hand, and dis closing to view the tiny locket. Guy turned pale as death; but, mastering his emotion by a violent effort, he playfully insisted upon knowing the name of Fred's char mer. "Oh, come," said Fred, "you are feigning innocence; for surely you must have often seen this trinket upon the arm of fair 'Xcll the Irre- bistible,' who has this dav bestowed it upon me as a pledge of her true love." - Guy had stood as if turned to stone while this flippant speech wag being rattled out, and then, with a faw common-place words, passed on; but his tread was not as free and elastic as before be met Fred. and his head, which then had been raised proudly, was now bent for ward dejectedly; for a dark cloud bad suddenly arisen, which threat ened to overshadow forever the bright morning of his hanniness. Fred watched him pass on with a sardonic smile on his handsome yet sinister face, and thought to himself Fred Acton's death, and also said that iliss Pomcroy was as beautiful as ever, but unmarried. At this Guy's heart throbbed wildly, and his brain almost reeled with the idea that perhaps his own rashness had dashed the cup of happiness from his lips. Could there hayc been treachery in Fred Acton's con duct, and had he wronged Xellicall j TIi Changes that Oi'rur In the u-t Ten lean of Slur ried Lire. A young woman during the first week of her married life entcrtaius vague suspicions that the statements j inches .'.2T 7..1 J 11 1 14 Hl." 27 3 " 4..r0 1J.73 10 fT2 1520 1 " I I..'0 1 2.2.. I 1 r I S " 10 Rusincss and professional enrda ten lines or less space, per annum, ten dol lars. Le;al advertisements at statute rates. Local notices ten ceiita a lih first insertion, tivo cents a line each subsequent insertion. Advcrtisments classified as special notices five cents a line first insertion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. Tlicorlcft of World-Making:. these weary years; "Ah, my line lellow, 'there's many a slip 'twixr the cup and the lip,' as end then consequences of HENEY GASS, COLUMBUS Bffi YARD, (One mile west of Columbu'.) THOMAS FLYXX .t SOX, ProprV. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK -A-lwnyrt on ITnud In QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASERS a:i-tf Farm for Sale. OXE Hl'XDUKI) AXI) SIXTY acres ef excellent farm land in Uut ler County, near Patron P. O., about rqui-dlstsiit from three County Seats I.nvid City, Columbus and Schuyler; l acres under cultivation; ."V acres of treec, maple, cottonwood, ,tc: good frame house, jiranary, stable, shells, ,fcc. Good stock range, convenient to water. The place If for sale or exchange for property (hojse and a few acres) near Columbus. Inquire at the .loriiXAi. ofllec, or address the undersigned at Patron P.O. 4( JOUX TAXXAIULL. ff4MM0lW ft0Us Formerly Pacific llousc. This popular house has been newly Refitted and Furnished. J. .A. B.AJCER, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Hate, Caps --ANI GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Nebraska Ave, njp. Cluthcr House. J2TCasli Paid for Furs. $ TTXDEHTAKEK, KEEPS OX IIAXD U ready-made and Metallic Collins, Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cane Seat Chairs. Keens on hand Illack Wal nut Lumber. Tuikstcs Ave. :pp:site Ccrt E:zsc, Cchstti, ITci DOCTOR B0NESTEEL, U. K. E.YA.lIi:Vi:2 HLitUKOIV, coi.umrus, : Nr.IillASKA. OFFICE HOriLS, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 1 p. in., and 7 to JJ p. ni. OlliVe on 5 Obcrne, McDaneld & Co., HEALER IX IIIDES, TALLOW. WOOL, PELTS AXI) FURS. OMAHA, - - - NEB. TT7E take pleasure in calling the at- tention of the readers, ot the JouitXAi. to this tlrm for sure pay and quick returns. Those who are thinking of -hipping their wool, would do well to correspond with them, as jou may ship further and do no better! but a" great deal worse. Ed. Jockxal. 410-x ebraska Avenue, three doors north of K. J. linker's grain ollice. llesidcnce. corner Wyoming and AValnut streets. north Columbus, Xebr. ja-l-tf KHcCrlckM yicut Zinrlict. Waililngtnn Ait., nearly 0iosltc Coart Iluuse. o LDEKS & SCHEEIBEE. WING TO THE GKASSHOPPElt times, meat will be sold at this market low, low down for cash. llest steak, per lb., ll'c. Itib roast, " tc. lloil, " Oc. Two cents a pound more than the above prices will bo charged on time, and that to good responsible parties only. 'JOT. Meals. Day Hoard por weak, . Board and Lodclnj:,. S cts. $4.00. 5 and f6. Good Livery and Feed Stable In con nection. S A TISFA CTIOX G V Alt Ay TEED. JOHX HAMMOXD, Proprietor. CENTRAL NORMAL SCHOOL, Genoa, Pawnee Reservation, Neb. Term begins September 1S7S. Three departments viz: I. Common School. 2. Normal School, 3. Classical. Thorough Instruction given in all branches by able and experienced teach ers. Opportunities afforded teachers to acquire exnerienej: In tlio srhnnl rnflm. Largc building and nrst-class accommo dation. For prospectus. ,c., apply to C. D. ItAKESTRAW, A. 31., .to Principal W--3. Genoa, Xebraska. not easily earned in thr' times, but it can 1 m.ln in three months bv anv mm of either sex. in any nartnf the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. ?G6 per week in jour own towu. You need not be awav from home over night. You can give vour whole time to the work, or only vour ypare moments. v e nave agents who arc making over $20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time monev cannot be made so easily and rapidly at anv other busi ness. It costs nothing to trv the busi ness. Terms and ?5 Outfit fre'e. Address at once. II. nLI.TT & Cn.. Portland. 375-y. $7771 Blacksmith a&d 7agon Maker. AH kinds of repairing done at short notice. Wagons. Uuggies, Ac, &c; made to order. All work warranted. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter sal, Columbus, Xebraska. S52 COLU.11I1 1'S Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAX, Proprietor. "Wholesald and Retail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AXD CIGARS, DOUBLIN STOUT, SCOTCH AXD EXGLISH ALES. Z3TKer.tucky Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their season, JBY THE CASE, CAN OR DISH, llti Street, South of Dopot, WM. BECKER, )dkaler i-( GROCERIES, Grain, Produce, Etc. Columbus Meat Market! WEBER & KNOBEL, Prop'r. KEEP OX IIAXD all kinds of fresh meats, and .smoked jioik and beef; also fresh tish. Make sausage a spec ialty. SSTKemcinber the place, Elev enth St., one door west of I). Ryan's hotel. -llT-tf STAGE HOIJTIS. JOHX llURER, the unil-carricr be tween Columbus and Albion, will leave Columbus everyday excepting the at 0 .l'clock, sharp, passing through Monroe, Genoa, WaUrville, and to Al 1 ion The hack will call at either ol the Hotels for passengers if orders are left ut the post-oilicc. Rates reason able, ?2 to Albion. ' start, nnd fix his 03 es eajjerly upon the door. At Jast, apparently unable to sit still any longer, he arose, ami, walk ing lo the window, stood tapping nervously on the glass-, and watched with listless eye?, the ehamclion like crowd that passed. While thus occupied, iie failed to hear n slight rustle, as a girlish figure en tered the room, nnd, gliding softly 10 ins side, touched him lightly upon the arm; his quick start, anil the loving yet gentle manner in which he gathered her to his heart, showed at a ylance that they were lovers. "While they hold sweel converse, let us pause a moment, while I de scribe my heroine. She was of medium height, of a slender, delicate figure, and possess ed a nameless grace of movement, which, added to her other charms, had won her the name, among her many admirers, of '-Nellie the Irre sistible." Her beauty was of the true blonde type, and, clad as she was in a shining blue dres, she looked worthy of the name. On her arm1? gleamed with a tawnv RYAN & DEG-AN, TWO doors cast of D. Ryan's Hotel on 11th street, keep a large stock of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, And everything usually kept at a llrst class bar. -Ill-x CENTRAL HOTEL. THIRTEENTH STREET, two doors cast of Titlany & Routson's teed Stable. Convenient to all business houses of the city. Good accommoda tions, at fair, living prices. 410-tr AV.m. SPEICE, Prop'r. XKI.SOX MILL" T. BVKOX MILLKTT, Justice of the Peace and Xotary Public. N. MM.I..ETT A; SOX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Xebraska. X. B. They will give close attention to all business entrusted to tncm. 21S. "W. A.. OLAJRK, Mill-frit aid Emwr, COLUMBUS, NBB. 402-12 Main Book-keepers, Reporters, Operators, Teachers, Goott fioofls anfl Fair De 1. M. WEISEXFUL'II, WILL repair watches aud clocks In the best manner, and cheaper than it can be done in any other town. "Work left with Saml. Gass, Columbus, on llth street, one door east of I. duck's store, or with Ut. Weisenflub at Jackou, will be promptly attended to. 115. MRS. C. GRDIES Is prepared to do all classes of Laundry work, neatly and quickly, and asks a share of rubllc natronas Onlsrs mnv be left, for the present, at the residence ofL.F Ellis. Terms reasonable. 403-x NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. GrMLtKarcantlle Colleco.Ksokuk Jcwa Goods delivered Free of Charge, anytchere in the city. Corner of 13th and Madison Sts. North of Foundry. 397 HUGH IIUGIIES, CARPEXTER, JOIXER AXD COX TRACTOR. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Refers to the many for whom he has done work, as to prices and quality. "'264. Dr. JT. S. IV1CAL.L.15TI2K, SURGEOX AXD MEDICLXAL DEX tiit. Office on 12th St., three doors cast of Schilz's boot and shoe store, Columbus, Xeb. Photograph Rooms in connection with Dental Office. 215.y luster broad golden bands; and from one of these, suspended by a small chain, hung a liny heart-shaped Inckct, one side of which bore a forget-me-not set of turquoise, with a brilliant diamond sparkling in the center. - Guy Hartley, for such was our hero's name, hud called, glad of an excuse, to acquaint Xellie with some arrangement which he had just completed with regard to their soon approaching marriage; and, alter a short time passed in pleasant con versation, he reluctantly rose, and. bidding a (under adieu 'to the fair girl, led the liouec with a firm, clastic tread. Hardly had he taken his departure when the front door-bell again rang, and once more a young gcntlema'ii was ushered into the drawing-room. The new-comer was tail and slight, with jet black hair, and a piercing look in the black eyes that boded no goou to an enemy. As he sank into a chair, something glistening upon the floor caught his eye; and as lie recognized it he could scarce refrain from a shout of pleasure, for Fred Acton had lonir been thn secrnt rival of Guy, each striving to win the hand of fair Nellie Pomcroy. And now, as he held in his grasp the tiny locket, which, by some evil chance, had become detached from the bracelet on Nellie's arm, he felt that he possessed an almost certain means ot revenge on Guy, and stood, perhaps, a belter chance of winning the fair girl for his wife: for tho w J ... iockci, as lie knew, had been Guy's first love-gift to Nellie, and was prized as one of her choicest pos sessions. At this moment, the footman en tered the parlor, presenting Miss Pomcroy's regrets, and a request that Mr. Acton would excuse her that afternoon. The truth was that with her womanly intuition she had long ago divined the secret which be had thought known to himself aionc; and, having ever treated him with polite indifference, she felt less inclined now than ever to endure a tcie-a-tete with him. Jlisiug as the footman entered with her message, and scarcely able to conceal the pleasure it afforded him at this moment, when he was still trembling with the fear of hav ing been seen as ho hastily hid the shining bauble in his bosom, he left his compliments and departed. Goiug directly to a jeweler's, he purchased a small ring, with which he fastened the locket securely to his watch-chain, and then sauntered dowu the street, in the hope of meeting Guy. His wish was des tined to be fulfilled; for he was shortly gratified by seeing Guy ap proaching, with a 6ereue. contented look on his handsome face. As they stopped to chat, Fred, as if anxious to conceal something, placed his hand carelessly on his watch-chain; but Guv, as was in tended, noticed the action, and said, laughingly: "What is it that you are so jealously guarding, Fred ? A love-token from some fair lady?" "Yes ; but, for fear that it inig you may hud lo vour cost you will know the standing in the way of Fred Acton !" v That evening, in her luxurious home, Nellie watched and listened in vain tor the familiar footsteps she had learned to know so well: and she retired to rest at last, sad and dispirited, and with a dim sense of impending trouble, that was yet too vague to shape itselfitito connected thought. The next morning, as I he family were gathered around the breakfast table, a servant cnleicd the room with a note addressed to "Mfss I'omeroy." Grasping it eagerly, spasmodically, Nellie tore it open, and with blanched face read the following laconic note: Xi:llik: All is over between us. Thank Cod, I have di-covereil vour pertKiy nctorc it was too late. I had the fullest confidence in you, Xellie; but 1111 i. iaa now. I leave for r'r.mcc to-morrow, never I trust to ro:.H this country, which would now be but a sad home to me. Your oiuc-deoted lover, (iL'YllARTLUY. Mr. and Mrs. Pomcroy, occupied in their own conversation, had not noticed the sudden paling or their daughter's face, as she hurriedly scanned the familiar writing, till, as she reached the fatal termination, her exes closed, and, with a low moan of agony, she sank to the lloor in a death-like swoon. For five years Guy wandered through .L.irone: for live years ho vainly strove to find forgetfulness and happiness in constant excite ment and change of scene; but, fail ing in this, he had at last resolved to visit again the land of his birth, if only to mark the lavages which time had made among his old friends So he returned to London. Not once had a suspicion of Fred Anton's treachery crossed his mind, for to Guy he had always shown he better part of his nature; besides, the proof of Nellie's duplicity had seemed too conclusive to admit nc any lingering doubt his love might have suggested. And AeHic? Thrown into a ner vous fever by the cruel nolo from Guy, she wavered long between life and death; but, finally, her perfect constitution gained the victory, nnd she again mingled in the gav world of lashion ; but a certain "sadness was perceptible in her manner, and a weary look in her blue eves show ed that he. heart was not interested in the gay scenes by which she was surrounded. Vainly had Fred Acton sued for her hand. Feeling that he was In nildly he asked himself these questions while on the way to his hotel; and by the lime he had arriv ed there he iiad resolved that he would at least see Nellie and have an explanation with her. Once more he turned his steps toward the well-known house where he had spent the happiest hours of his life; once more he was ushered into the familiar room, where even the pic tures on the walls seemed to smile on him in friendly recognition. 15roti7cd by travel, the old family servant failed to remember him, so he gave no name, merely requesting lo see Aliss 1 omcroy. Nellie soon appeared; but hardly had she crossed the threshold when the eyes of love recognized him, and with a wild scream of ''Guy, dear Guy!'' .she was folded to his heart. Long explanations followed. Nel lie told of the loss of her locket on the day of Guy's hist visit, and how she had regretted it. being his gift. She also told of the dyingeoufo-sion of Fred Acton, and his restoration of her locket, which she showed him, worn on a blue ribbon about her neck. Guy, penitent but loving, wis fully forgiven by his deeply wrong ed Nellie, who in the joy of such a 1 m .. .. .. reunion, uaa no Heart lo blame him. Soon after there was u grand wed ding in (ho stately mansion ; and, although the fair bride's ornaments were milk-white neai-Io. there htiii- suspended from the central cluMci of her necklace a tiny locket, bearing on 11 a blue lorgct-mc-nol A ron ml the ."Norlli and Soul!) JL'olcv. The question whether it is possi ble that there can be at all times or at any time nnytniug in the form 0 un open polar sea seems to be vir tually settled, and in the most un satisfactory manner imaginable. From the observation? of Gmmt Hijczek, in 1S71, and Weyprechl and Puyer, in the following year, and from those of Dr. Haves, in 1SG1, and Capt. Nitres, in lSfy-0", it is evident that the polar basin is neither open sea nor continuous ice, but a fatal compromise between the two ; nml there beeuis now to be only two plans one nearly ns bone less as the other 10 chooe between in any future attempt to reach the North pole either to establish per manent stations, as proposed by Lieut. Weyprechl, and already ini tiated at one point by Capt. Tyson and Capt. How-gate, and to seize the opportunity of runniny north in the early autumn from the station where the sea appears most open, or to run as far north as possible, at enormous expense, with a great torce of men and abundance of pro visions and kerosene oil, and push northward during the Arctic winter by n chain of communicating -ta-lions, with ice-built refuge huts. IJut little progress has been made during the past quarter of a centurv in the actual investigation of the conditions of Ihe Autarch: regions. From information derived from all sources up to the present, it may be gathered that the impenetrated area of -1,700,000 square miles surround ing the South pole is by no means a continuous continent, but consists much more probably partly of a. scries of continental i'slands,bridged between and combined and covered to n depth of about 1,400 feet bv a continuous ice cap. 01 older wives, that the way to a man's heart is through his mouth, are true. Her Charles, who is al most, if not quite, exempt from human failings, has already mani fested a prolound admiration for veal pies, and has openly expressed ins iielestation to overdone mutton. She accordingly builds up within her a fortress of resolution, in which to guard that sacred treasure of a husband's ntlection. Ju her girl hood this young woman had spent much time in cultivating her mu sical taste, in reading Emerson and Uarlylc; sho had been fond of pretty landscanes, and could ue her pencil with effect, and she had been heard to declare with nridi that when she married she would give up none of these things. Let us visit her now, at the end of leu years of matrimony, and wo will find that she has broken hir vow and thrown it to the winds. We find a tiresome sort of person, who-e whole intellect is absorbed in attending to the cares of house keeping, and in gettiug stvlish dresses for her children. " Ilercon veralion rises seldom above the level of infant gosaip and servants, and the only ideas developed by iiiiiu aim experience are expressed in her conviction that men arc the most unreasonable and selfish of creatures, aud women the most abu-ed and self-sacrificing. There is a great evil somewhere, but what is it? The husband ac knowledges to himself that he is disappointed in the wife he has chosen, and yet he finds difficulty in pointing out his mistake, and hard I v finds cause to bhune her, for is she not a faithful wife, a devoted moth er nnd a most frugal manager? The mistake is a national characteristic. bo passionate and intense is the American mind iu pursuit of its temporary interests, the men will sutler the chains ol business to bind them down and throttle them.while their wives bend beneath a similar yoke of dutv at home. What is lacking is the power to rise above the petty annoyances of daily life; we need to learn to dis tinguish trifles from allitirs of mo ment, to know that evcrv molehill is not a mountain, we need not forsake the upper strata of senti ment, thought and ideality the atmosphere ot the soul because we know that there is a lower one of 1-oulino mill piniill vexations, in which our feet are told to tread. To breathe in the one is to receive strength and- refreshment for exer tion in the other. It is a good plan to pick up needles and pins from the lloor, but picking pins ought not lo be made the chief object of existence; for if wo move alotig wilh our heads constantly dowif waid we will most assuredly see nothing better than pins and nee dles to the end of our O.ays.Pu'lfi delphia Bulletin. According to the crude opinions prevailing during the infancy of modern science, matter nnd motion were all required for calling n world into oxistence; but it was soon found that unless in the beginning, the materials which formed Ihu so lar moved with a certain order and regularity, thoy could never have arisen from the chaotic to the cos inical condition. As all the planets move round the sun in the s.iin direction, Laplace was led lo be lieve that in remote times all must hitvo been counected together; and such primitive connection might be a Horded if tho sun uud his attend ants were originally a vast lire-mist, their matter being so much attenu ated by heat that it extended far beyond its boundaries- of the solar domain. He supposed that such an immense rarefied muss, on boing set in motion by some causo which he does not specify, would ultimate ly be compelled by its own friction and by gravity, to rotate with a uniform angular velocity in all its parts and around a common center. In accordance with the principles of physical astronomy he concluded that this rotation wouU) become as rapid as the immense solar nebula cooled and contracted, until at list the contriftual force became irreat enough to overcome gravity and to throw oil' matter from the equator ol the whirling mass. Laplace con sidered thai, under tho most proba ble circumstances, the nebulous matter thus thrown otV or abandon ed by the shrinking epheroid,wouId nil collect together to form a planet; but that, in some unusual cases, it would assume the expanded fi'tiro of a vast solar ring; and that under certain conditions, it might break up into a number of asteroids. Tho singular group of bodies revolving between Mars nnd Jupiter, is sup posed to have come into existence; in consequence of some rare acci dent, which made the great solar ring a prey to many centers of aggregation, instead of allowing it to coalesce around a 6inglo one. In all oilier cases the cooling and con traction are said to have been suc cessful in giving birth to a great planet wherever the centrifugal ioiuu oecame suilicicnt to scnninln the equatorial portions of the ro tating solar nebula. According to the views of Laplace, Neptune miiat be regarded ns the first-born world of those already known; while Uranus is next in age, aud the other planets were launched into being in a succession depending on their distances from the tun; so that Mercury is the youngest member of the solar family. Professor Dunicl Vavyhun in Popular Science Jfontt ly for September. WUnt Should be the Aim or tho 31u!crn Teacher. Tit kin;; Things IZa-v. some manner connected with Guv's igbt blight your bopes in that direction, I iiiyslcrioiia behavior, she had only scorn to give him. At first, she had hoped that some trivial act of hers had displeased Guy, and he would soon return, but as the weeks rolled on, nnd no word came from the absent one she finally ceased to ex pect him. Fred Acton, after repeated refus als from Nellie, had at last invnn nn all hopes of winning her hand ; but, loving her still, as much as his sel fish nature was capable of loving, he attempted to drown his sorrow in tho wine cup; and, with drinking and fast horses, was rapidly eating up the handsome property left him by his father. One day, while rid ing at break-neck speed, his horse, frightened at a fluttering rag, shied, aim inrew him. When Ihe hastily summoned niivsiciari had nvnmitiori bis wounds, ho pronounced him mortally injured. Knowing, then, that for him all thoughts of revenge ou Guy were useless, and that he must soon ren der up an accouut of his evil deeds, his thoughts turned to Nellie, with a feeble wish that he could undo the wrong he had done her. So he dictated a letter, confessing his sin, uegguig ncr torgiveness, and con taining the locket, and dispatched it to the injured girl, who, true woman that she was, could not but pity the dyiug man, bitterly as he had wronged her, and, that be might not die thinking himself unforgiven, sent a note to the hotel to which he had been carried, but the messenger reached there only in time to hear that the unhapnv Fred Acton had oreathed his last. Guy had supposed that Nellie and Fred were long since married ; but hardly had be ect foot in London when be was recognized and accost ed by one of his old friends, who, among the gossip he had to relate concerning Guy's old circle of ac quaintances, mentioned tho fact of A S3i:irj Iair. A nice young man employed in the Kansas Pacific office resolved tin. other day to present his hnlnvol girl with a nice pair of shoes. He accordingly procured her measure ment and went into one of the fash ionable stores on Main street aud purchased a $2 pair of shoes. In order to make the present appear valuable, he marked .5 upon the soles of the shoes, and at his request the clerk put a receipted bill tor $5 ito one of the shoes. The presen tation was made, and the lovers wcro happy, as lovers should be. lint mark the sequel ! The girl examin ed the shoes in the day-light and was not satisfied. She was convinc ed that her lover had been cheated in the purchase of such a n.iir nf shoes at that price. She decided to go aud change the shoes and get a better bargain. Yesterday she ap peared in the store and selected a pair of shoes, price $3.50, and polite ly requested the clerk to take back the shoes for which she said her lover had paid ?y. The receipted bill wa3 produced in proof, and the boot man found it impossible to go ociiinu me returns." The smart girl took her $3.50 pair of shoes and obtained $1.50 in money, and went home happy and satisfied. The boot seller sent a bill of .3 to the young man, who promptly paid the differ ence, but he thinks" that girl a little too smart for him. There is 1,0 small art in taking things easy, so j011J, ,ls wc must sutler annoyances in this breathing world, saying as little as possible about them, and making no parade of our martyrdom. Il making u fuss and rendering every one else about us uncomfortable in any way abated the ills that lle.-h and 'spirit arc nnir 10, mere would be some slight excuse for the folly and self ishness; but since we can not escape tribulations of one kind or an anoth er, fretting only aggravates them. Either let us be silent and endure, or take arms again-l our woes, and by contending end them. In gen eral he who makes no ado is sup posed to have no troubles of his own, or an organization so inferior that it is not jarred out of tune by the rough usage of fortune; to make me very worst of every trouble, big or little, from the fiacture of a lea-cup to that of a skull, is consid ered by many a proof of great sensibility and deptli of character, while he who pursues the other course, who en dines reverse?, slights, injuries, pin-pricks ot an noyance, agues of anxiety, physical and mental neuralgias, without re porting them to every passer, and howling his grievances into the ear3 of every listener, is often spoken of as of fiber too coarse to feel acutely and suffer keenly. "It is his tem perament," we are told. "He takes nothing to heart." Some one. how ever, wittily advises us, "Never tell your mislortunes; nobody likes to have unfortunate friends:" but in spite of this warning many seem to think that disaster itself is a recom mendation to favor; that they de serve a bonus.for serving as a target for fortune's arrows ; aud they are not acutely jealous lest some other should be deemed their superior in suffering. In the mean time, every own "We heard of a case the other dav where a young man applied to bis employer for a short leave of ab sence ; the employer, having his own views of his business, suggested, for a reason, that the young man delay his vacation for a few days. " I would," replied the voting man, "but the fact is, I'm going to get married ; the day is appointed, and I icant to be there when it comes off." He was there on time. 1 to uiosc uit'iier onc-t which are the organs of mtineimi mind a leisure from tiou and of volition. Hence a "roat person who cau go deal of which passes for education 13 really a degradation of the human brain lo efforts below its natural capacities. Popular Science Jfonth ly, September. A debtor thus ingeniously argued : "My dear sir, I will pay you in time, and since time 13 money, the longer you wait the surer you will be of your pay." one has a welcome for the person who nas me goou sen3e to take things easy. It is comfortable to be able to agonize over one's trials, to "a itself." The without her dinner and her spring suit and not advertise the fact; who can lose her puree and keep her temper; who makes light of heavy weight, and can wear n shoe that pinches without any one being the wiser; who does not magnify the splinter in her finger into a stick of timber, nor the mote in her neigh bor's eye into a beam; who swal lows her bitters without leaving the taste in other people's mouths ; who ran give up her own way without giving up the ghost ; who cau have a thorn in the flesh and yet not prick ali her friends with it such a one surely carries a passport into the good graces of all mankind. Harper's Bazar. As soon as physiologists had dis covered that all the faculties of the intellect, however originating or upon whatever exercised, wero functions of a material organism of brain, absolutely dependent upon integrity for their manifestation, aud upon its growth and develop ment for their improvement, it became apparent that the true office of the teacher of the future would be to seek to learn the conditions by which the growth and the on. orations of tho brain were controll ed, in order that he might be nblo to modify these conditions in a favorable manner. The abstraction of the "mind" was- so far set asido as to make it certain that this mind could only act through a nervous structnre, and that the structure was subject to various influences for good or evil. It became known that a brain cannot arrive at hcalthv mntunty excepting by the assist ance of a sufficient supply of healthy blood that i3 to sav, of good food and pureuir. It also became known that the pocr of a brain will ulti mately depend vflry much upon tha way in which it 13 habitually exer cised, and that the practice of schools in this respect left a great deal to be desired. A large aufount of cosily and pretentious teaching fails dismally for no other reason than because it is not directed to any knowledge of the mode of ac tion of the organ to which the teacher endeavors to appeal; and meutal growth in many instances occurs in spite of teaching rather on account of it. Education, which might once have been defined as an endeavor favorably to influence a vital process; and, when so regard ed, its direction should manifestly fall somewhat into the hands of those by whom the nature of vital processes has been most completely studied. In other word', it be comes neither more nor less than a branch of applied physiology; and physiologists tell us with regard to it that the common processes of teaching are open to the great objec tion that they constantly appeal to the lower centers of nervous func tion, which govern the memory of and the reaction upon sensations, ramer man 10 those higher Gold does not satisfy love ; it must be paid in its own coin. Young mother, deeply interested in a novel, but preserving some idea of her duties as a mother to her eldest born : " Henrietta, wherc your little sister?" Henrietta "In the next room, ma." Youug moth er, turning over the page "Go see what she is doing, and tell her to stop it thi3 minute." A good-natured traveler fell asleep iu a train a short time ago, and wa3 carried a few miles beyond his des tination. "A pretty good joke this, isn't it?" he said to a fellow-passenger. "Ye3, a little too far fetched, was the rejoinder."