The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 02, 1878, Image 3

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Communications, to Injure insertion
lu tue next issue, houId be in hand on
.Monday.; if lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding Uhite-day. Advertisements,
of whatever class, hhould be in hand by
noon, Tuosdnvs.
Advertisements under this head 15
ots. a line tirt insertion, 10 cts. aline
each subieuucnl insertion.
Sea monster at Columbus Oct. 7.
Performing Elephants at Co
lumbus Oct. 7th.
The Era will publish Uie tax
list In their next issue.
There is said to be considerable
ague in Boone county.
"Wild ducks arc quite plenty in
the adjacent ponds aud streams.
The "boys" must have beeu out
last night, judging from the noise
we heard.
J. E. North received ten votes
for Governor at tho Democratic
It is expected that Pat. Mur
ray's new brick building will be
completed this week.
Henry Gass has made the front
of his new business house of walnut
and it looks very nice.
About three score citizens of
Columbus and vicinity were in at
tendance at the State Fair.
The new proprietors of the
Central House, Strcckcr&SchcidcI,
took possession yesterday.
The Episcopal Sociable will be
nt Itcv Mrs. Goodalc's on "Wednes
day cvcnlnir. All are invited.
Ten car-loads of Mormon recruit-
passed through the city last
Monday en route for Salt Lake.
Delegates (rom the west and
northwest arrived here Saturday, to
Mail from here Sunday for Lincoln.
Lecture to young people at the
Congregational church next Sunday
evening, subject: "Stick-to-itivc-iioss."
A Greenback club was organ
ized in the city last week, II. P.
Coolidge, President, W. J. Collins,
Jos. Ilobinson has a very neat
idgar manufactory ono door north
of tho Clothcr IIoue, and is doing a
good business.
A new post-oflicc named "Grant
Prairie," has been created in this
county, and John M. Lcario appoint
ed pobtmastcr.
liasmuEscu & Schmin arc build
ing a new barn on the residence lot
f Julius llamuscii, north of Mr.
StuUs residence.
A deliyhtful rain Monday night,
followed by a cool, bracing air and
n welcome relief from the dust and
heat of the past week.
Uegular meeting of Section 122
of the Endowment rank, Knights of
Pythias, to-night. All members arc
requested to be present.
If one delegate had changed hi
vote Saturday "Hill" Gcrhold would
have been nominated for County
Commissioner of Platte county.
II. J. Hudson has opened out
in bin new business place on 12th
street. "We are pleased to note that
his business is steadily increasing.
ThcPhow wanted two columns
of advertising in this issue. Al
though in need of money wc couldn't
nffnrd to sell them that amount of
.las. T. Force, of Shell creek, wc
learn, sowed three bushels of win
ter wheat from which he cut ami
threshed, this harvest, 50 bushels of
good wheat.
M. Smith leaves us a curiosity
Jn theshapeof two potatoes,through
both of which a very singular kind
of grass has growu aud out of which
It has sprouted.
Hard-money Democrats came
home from Lincoln with "a flea in
their car." "Where, oh where, was
Doctor Miller! Did that conven
tion sit down on hitn?
A. X. Burgess on last Monday
bought out the interest of his part
ner, C. E. Chapin, in the furniture
business. The style of the firm is
not altered by the change.
On last Friday night a learn fell
through the bridge on the cast end
of 13th street. Considerable com
plaint has reached us in regard to
the condition of that bridge.
Last Friday night James Mc
Donald's barber 6hop was broken
into by burglars and considerable
property in the shape of razors and
4 coat belonging to one of the bar
bers stolen.
Pick-pockets were quite numer
ous at the State Fair. Mr. "Woods
of Colfax county lost $16, besides
valuable notes aud papers through
the manipulations of the light-fin
gered gentry.
''Boston Davis" (Columbus's fa
vorite), won the four-year-old race
at the State Fair, which made all the
"boys" so happy that they ran up
aud down the track singing the
well-known ballad "O, Yes!"
Henry Gass' business house,
which has for several years stood
opposite the Court House, has been
removed to 11th street, one door
cast of Rickly's Meat Market, and
will be occupied by Samuel Gass.
R. H. Henry, the present Co.
Commissioner from Dist. No. 1, re
ceived a re-nomination from his
Democratic brethren on Saturday
last, by a vote of nine to "Wm. Ger
hold's eight. It is a little strange
to us that upon men so unequal the
convention should be so nearly
Michael Killoren had good luck
with his first crop of wheat in Ne
braska, having turned out 24 bushels
to the acre. He sowed the Tea
Burr Bobbins' 6how Monday
Oct. 7th, 1S7S, contains the best per
formers and the most living animals
now traveling in this or any other
A new post-office has been
established on the Pawnee Reserva
tion called Cedar River, and O. E.
Stearns has received the appoint
ment as post-master.
John "Wise, Esq., found on the
road betwecu hi? residence and Co
lumbus a leather trace or tug. The
owner will find the article at tho
Jouiixal. office where he can prove
property and take it away.
Ground has beeu broken for the
new Prcsbyterain church, which is
to be of brick, and 24x48 feet. It is
expected that the building will be
completed in ninety days. Marshall
Smith has the contract at $1850.
It seemed impossible for either
Sprerry or Gerhold to receive tho
nomination of Commissioner, but
time will tell whether they have the
disposition or the power to defeat
the nominees of the Democratic con
vention. In the Democratic convention
last Saturday our editorial brother
Henslcy received just five votes in
all the county, aud they were from
Columbus precinct. It is said that
Judge Higgins's powerful aid secur
ed the nomination of Crites.
"Wc have heard it very broadly
asserted that Henslcy was traded
ofl for GerholJ at the convention
last Saturday. As wc hold that it is
tho chief business of an edilcr to
keep lies out of his paper, we don't
say that this is true, but wc believe
it is.
Mr. J. M. Alderson sold last
week a fat hog to David Anderson,
of this city, which weighed 700 lbs.
This hog was of the Chester "White
breed, aud was only two years old.
Mr. Anderson thinks this porker
hard t beat, taking into account his
age and weight.
"Will Gcrhold run indepen
dent?" was one of the leading ques
tions Saturday. "We acknowledge
to some little interest in knowing
jut how many votes ho would re
ceive in Platte county. Is any well-
informeud Democratic politician
able to enlighten us?
The Ei'a's Boy up a Slump
seems considerably worried con
cerning a Mr. Uriah Heap, "one
bald-headed, town -i-chenier, wily
aud slimy." We don't know any
body of that name, but he must be
"a awful being" to frighten a fat
"big boy" up a stump. Better crawl
down and scratch gravel."
Next Friday, Oct. 4th, the
Franciscans will celebrate the feast
of the founder of the order, St.
Francis of Assisium. The lirt
mass will be at half past fire a.
in., the second at 7, the third at S,
and at 10 o'clock solemn high mass
witli deacon aud sub-dcacou. In
the afternoon at '.) o'clock, vespers
aud benediction.
Jacggi & Schnpbach, successors
to A. Henry, lumber dealers, are
doing a heavy business in the lum
ber trade, judging from the amount
of lumber that daily leaves their
yard, which is immediately replaced
b large daily invoices. They are
selling at bed-rock prices for cash.
If you want lumber it will pay you
to trade with them.
S. L. Barrett, who received the
nomination for State Superintend
ent of Schools on the Democraclic
ticket, doesn't purpose loosing any
time or money over the campaign.
He probably thinks that ten thous
and is a pretty considerable major
ity to overcome, and in such an
opinion he would be eminently cor
rect. "Whatever prospect a Demo
cratic nominee may have in Platte
countv, 1.' has but little show in
the Sfatc.
Last Sunday a drove of four
hundred feeding steers driven from
"Wyoming Territory, passed through
Columbus for Iowa, where they
will be fatteucd this winter. These
cattle are owned by Mr. Templcton,
of Jefferson count', Iowa, who pur
chased them in the west for two
cents a pound. "We learn that our
cattle man, Mr. David Anderson
sold to Mr. Templcton a nice lot of
feeders that will average 1200 lbs.
to the steer, at good figures and
purchased from Mr. Tcmplcton's
herd a nice lot of two-year-olds.
Consternation was carried into a
household on 13th street on Monday
by a musk-rat that invaded the
premises and boldly entered the
house, occupied only by the female
members of the family. Possession
was easily gaiued one combined
scream and whisk of skirts, aud his
ratship was in quiet possession of
one apartment of that house, where
he was found by the bold rescuer
who hastily accompauicd the one
lady who had the presence of mind
to run and "call a man," and instant
ly dispatched, releasing from their
self-imprisonment the ladies under
lock and key in au adjoining apart
ment. One little incident shows the
prcdomiuent characteristic of the
mistress of that household. "While
the club that was to deal death to
the marauder was poised for the
blow, the arm was stayed by the
cry, "Oh, don't kill it cm the car
pet!" But that rat chose to play the
role of carpet kuight, aud met his
fliiiicrnr. nml fnimil liis iloifti in tlm
The "Man up a Tree" in the Era
last week lost his balance and fell
into the mud. Sad, sad, but he
needn't blame farmers for it. Al
though we do nearly all our farming
by proxy, it grieves even us and yet
amuses us, too, to sec the air of su
perior wisdom aud shrewdness
assumed by this Man up a Stump,
and the patronizing pat upon the
shoulder which he administers to
the farmer, while at the same time
he calls him "a slave, his wife a
drudge, and his children mere automatons."
One of our Democratic friends
rather upbraided us last week for
occupying so much of our valuable
space for the benefit of his party.
The only excuse wc have, but it is
a good one, is ihat wc take a lively
interest in the welfare of our neigh
bors. Wc could not bear to sec
them waste their time in holding
twice as many caucuses and conven
tions as were customary and neces
sary, without interfering with a
mild and altogether friendly nega
tive ; but our counsel was not fol
lowed, and hence our preserved
candidate, Hensley, was converted
into pickle, at the suggestion of all
the country precincts.
The Nursery for October is a
delight in every respect, stories,
poetry and pictures. The editor
says to his little readers "Our Oc
tober number will, wo think, find
some eager readers among the chil
dren. The pictures, too, arc well
suited to their tastes. 'The Chow
der Party' is drawn from life. 'How
it Rains' shows two piteous little
faces. The account of 'Turtle
catching' will be found interesting.
'Looking out for Number One' car
ries a good moral against selfishness.
'The Hornet's Nest' by Marian
Douglas is worth the whole year's
subscription." New subscribers for
'79 whose names and money arc scut
the publisher before November next
will receive the last three numbers
of 78 free. $1.G0 a .year, single
copy, 15 cts. John L. Sliorey, 30
Bromfield street, Boston, Mass.
At the Democratic Convention,
held at the Court House in this city
last Saturday, A. "W. Crites, Esq.,
was nominated for representative by
a vote of 12 to 5 over W. N. Hensley,
editor of the Columbus Era. R. II.
Henry, present County Commis
sioner, was rc-nominatcd. The in
formal ballot resulted as follows:
Win. Gerhold, 5; R. II. Henry, 9;
W. N. Henslcv. 1 : II. T. Sixerrv. 1.
On the formal ballot R. II, Henry
received 9 votes aud Win. Gcrhold
8. The six delegates elected to the
Float convention were as follows:
C. A. Speice, S. L. Barrett, G. A.
Scliorteder, John Eusilcn, J. G.
Iliguins, Guy Bariiutn. -The dele
gates to the 14th Scnaloriul District
convention were as follows: II. T.
Spu'iry, W. N. Hensley, J. E.
North, M. Mahcr, E. D. Shcehan
and John Uickly.
The Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union held a meeting at the
Congregational church last Sabbath
evening, which was largely attended
and much interest manifested in the
proceedings. Mrs. C. S. Reed,
president of the Temperance Union
in P'atte county, gave a detailed
and interesting account of the pro
ceedings of the State convention,
which was recently held at Fremont
and which she attended as a dele
gate from this county. Rev. Chris
tison and Rev. Sherman delivered
short aud appropriate remarks on
the occasion, aud Mrs. Sherman
read a very interesting selection.
The president also announced that
the annual meeting of the "Woman's
Christian Temperance Uniou would
be held in the Methodist church
next Saturday at 3 o'clock i m. As
' - - 7 .
the officers and committees for the
year will be elected at this meeting,
it is very desirable that all the mem
bers should be in attendance.
N. Millctt is enthusiastic over
the State Fair. lie has attended a
great many fairs, and he says that
the display of machinery he never
saw equalled. The fine cattle were
excellent, Daniels of Sarpy county
taking the best prizes. The Aldcr
ney and Jersey cows and hulls were
as good as he ever saw. Sheep,
both fiue-woolcd aud coarse, were
good, and the hogs were splendid.
A novel species attracted considera
ble attention the Red Jersey, a pig
the color of a new-burnt brick. Mr.
Millctt is very enthusiastic in praise
of Nebraska fruit, characterizing it
as the handsomest and best he ever
saw, anywhere. Language, he says,
can not describe it as it appeared to
him; apples, a vast variety, and
pears, grapes and plums. He saw
nml admired the stove that has been
invented for burning hay, straw, etc.,
aud thinks it a success. He de
scribes it as something like the
common stove except that there are
two places for the reception of tubes
about seven inches in diameter
pushed in from the back part, open
at the front end and closed by a cap
at the rear; to the inside of this cap
is attached a strong spring, which,
constantly pushing on the hay
stuffed into the tube, continually
feeds the flame at the other end.
These tubes contain about three
pounds each of hay, and dozens of
them can be quickly filled and kept
for use. Mr. M. denounces in very
strong terms the numerous gamb
ling devices that were allowed
within the inclosure, as the only
objectionable feature of the Fair,
and a disgrace to the management
wmeu snoulu uever be repeated. J
"Willie Snyder of Colfax county
is in the city.
Loucy Kramer was down from
Silver Creek Sunday.
George Lehman returned home
from the east Sunday last.
D. A. Lord returned Thursday
from Michigan with a thousand
Charley Rickly went to Omaha
this morning, where he expects to
remain some time.
"W. B. Dale was in Omaha the
last of the week, and reports the
political "pot" as boiling.
Joseph Beckman of Fremont
was in the city Sunday, returning
from a business trip through west
ern counties.
Frank Reardcn of North Platte
was in the city Thursday last. He
had been over into Polk county,
where he owns a farm.
W. AV. Mannington, for ten
years carpenter at the Pawnee In
dian Agency, and family passed
through the city Monday en route
to their farm in Monroe precinct.
-Mr. M. B. Kennedy, his son M.
1'., and daughter, Mary L. Clark,
the former of Cadiz, Ohio, and the
latter from Burt county, this State,
arrived in this city last Saturday,
and will spend some time with their
friends in this place.
Charles A., returned from his
trip to the Cedar valley on Monday.
He reports the threshers doing their
duty, aud the small grain crop will
amply repay the husbandmen for
their hard labor. He returned by
the Loup and Platte valleys and
says tho corn crop in these valleys
is very good and will prove a boon
to our stock raisers.
--Herman Gross arrived home
from Milwaukee Mondav morninjr
with a lot of line sheep, and two
line stallion colts, one an own broth
er to "Boston Davis" and tho other
nn own brother to "Saucy Cuss."
The Gross Bros, have now four very
tine tiottin-r colts, all under Billv
Keller's hands, whose reputation as
a horseman is already established.
E. C. Johnson of South Bend,
Ind , arrived in the city Thursday
last. Mr. Johnson lived hero five
years ago and was engaged in bus
iness with John Hubcr. He had
changed so in appearance that we
didn't know him at first sight, but
he is the same good humored man
he always wa, and his old acquaint
ances here greeted hitn clad I v. Mr.
J. says that times are better in Indi
ana than they were a year ago. Mr.
Johnson started for his home yes
terday morning.
Letter List.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-nfliee, in
this city, for the month ending Oct. 1st,
Rutler Henry ..McCallarv Jno M
lirown .Miss Clai--!.Mf(iuin Jno
Roswick H AV
im .:., .1 'IM..
Ma ran Knbt
Murray Mrs Katie
Mitchell Eugene
Mnnarv .Ino
Mitchell Mrs Chas
Miller Jno It
Metcalf llalpt
Nikon Mrs Maryett
Nine.- Miss Corril
Nowork .lohn
Under ('has
Ituller It It
KeartMct W
llntl.T .Mr L A
dirties Jno
Ciirren Hugh
Coe Jos
Cain Jas
Oahoon George
Katman MissJIarv
Ellas Tho
Fuller R
Fcrtel Henry
Ferris -Miss Vora
Kreese Murtio
Gillis Hugh
Cribbeu Wm
(tlinsou Johan
Jaizen Peter
Keiiuett Mis Rose
Kaikcn Herman
Kring Peter
Lamb Ceo
Lambert A C
Louell .Miss Dallie
McCnnti .1 .1
McDonuald Dan J
O'Hale MUs M V
Phelps Jo- W (8)
l'groly (Just
Keed x button
ltiing A M
ltodzicl Czcigorin
Rorabcngh W II
Schmidt Arnold
Styna Yanka
.Schittcnhclm Korl
Shontz lten
nicer Mrs Lena
Smith A M
White J K (4)
v n son .1 r
Winpsoy Frank
Buss Engclke iKrcuncr John
Krammcr Anton IKalrbos Potcta
If not called for within thirty days,
will be sent to the dead letter office,
Washington, 1). C. When called for
please say advertised, as these letters
are kept separate.
E. A. GKP.itAitn, 1. M.
1'olicc Court.
Patrick Downing for drunkeness
was lined $o.00 and costs; second
ollense. In default of payment was
committed aud sentenced to work
on the streets.
"Win. Misters for contempt of
court fnilingto appear on subprcua,
had costs of attachment taxed
against him.
Thomas Farrel for violation of
the Sunday ordinance, was fined
$5.00 and costs.
Michael Lyons for violation of
Sunday ordinance, plead guilty aud
was fined $4.00 and costs.
A fire Wednesday afternoon
last in the rear of Robert Uhlig's
store, created considerable excite
ment. It is supposed that the fire
was caused from charcoal that had.
been thrown out from the tin shop;
and which the strong wind had
fanned into life. The blaze reached
to the top of the house, but the fire
was put out before any appreciable
damage was done. The fire depart
ment were prompt at call, but their
services wero not needed.
District Zio. 13.
School will begin Monday Oct.
7th, in the old school buildiug now
occupied as a Presbyterian church.
Pupils of Miss Gilbert's department
will attend in the forenoons, and
those of Mrs. Fifleld's in the after
noons. M. Smith, Director.
Butler Co., Xeb., September i'th, 1878,
by Rev. .1. Q. A. Fleharty, of Columbus,
Mr. Itasil S. Mickey to Miss Uattic Siz
er, both of Canada precinct, Polk Co.,
RIEDElt-ltRIGGS-On the evening
of October 1st, 1ST8, at the residence of
the bride's parents, by Rev. Sherman,
Mr. George Rieder with Miss Etta
Itriggs, both of this city.
This young couple make a fair start in
life and have the best wishes of the
entire Journal force for a peaceful and
happy future.
JEXXIXGS Wednesday Sept. 23th,
1ST8, to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jennings, a
He will train with the Greenbackcrs
and "Cribbagc' players.
Burr Robbins' Great American and
German Allied Shows Coming to Co
lumbus, Monday, Oct. 7th.
"We insert the following very fa
vorable notice, from the Kcosauque
Vindicator, of the abovo named
show, which is to exhibit in Colum
bus, October 7th :
Everyone will join with us in saying
it is the best show ever in Kcosauque.
The street procession at 10 a. in. rivals
k grandeur and brilliancy any show
wo have had for the past ten years.
The procession of nearly a mile long
with waving Hags and uniqtio banners,
splendid trappings, gold eiieruteil
chariots, radiantly colored dens, silver
mounted harness, hundreds of plumed
horses, knights in armor, ladies richly
costumed in queenly robes, automation
gymnasts, minstrels aud other resplen
dent sights.
It is a square institution from the top
of the ceiitcrpole down to the ticket
wagon. 3Ir. Robbing has been in the
business a lifetime, and no man can
point to a dishonorable act that he has
committed. He has made money and
Imcsted it. His circus and menagerie
Is his pride. He would not have a poor
performance at any pi ice. lie would
not employ a dishonest man nbotit his
concern at all. He will not have a
.drunkard about him. His party is com
posed of as line gentlemen as can be
found about any business hotic in Iowa.
Hjs circus might pitch its tent in a
nun's front' yard or on formal school
grounds, or the public park, and not a
word be said that would offend any one,
and when it went away not a cent's
worth of damage would be done. His
company i like a well drilled
army, that obeys orders. Wc believe
that Purr Itobbins' show is the
best on the road.
We have not seen the establishment
noticed by the press, or heard it spoken
of by person's who have witnessed its
exhibitions except in terms of commen
dation. Unquestionably it is in every
way worthy of patronage.
Advertisement- under this head live
cents a line each insertion.
Shirts at 2.") cents at L. Kramer's.
Go to M. II. O'Brien's for gro
ceries. Boys boots $1.00 per pair at Bone
steel Bros.
Don't forget, but one price at
Galley Bro's.
Old Government Java coffee at
Geo. Rieder's 4:S-2t
Boy's suits and coats cheap nt
L. Kramer's.
Mens' boots $1.75 per pair at
Boncstecl Bros.
Grain sacks $2.25 per dozen at
Bouestcel Bros.
"Wanted 500 doz. eggs at Bill
iard fc Smith's. 4;iG-x.
When you want Boots cheap go
to Bouqstecl Bros.
Good chambray 15 cts. per yard
at Bouestcel Bros.
,- Kiuu-citt tobacco, UOcls a pound
at Geo. Rieder's.
Bleached muslin 4 cents a yard
at Bouestcel Bros.
--Undershirts and Drawers 25 cts.
each at L. Kramer's.
Threshers' notes, in book form,
for sale at this office.
A new lot of print 5 cts. per
yard at Bouestcel Bros.
Fall stock of men's and boys'
clothing at Galley Bros.
Baskets of all kinds at M.
Smith's in Central Block.
Good Water proof Cloth for 50
cents a yard at L. Kramer's.
Canned fruits and confectionery
of all kinds at Hudson's.
If you want all goods at straight
prices call on Galley Bros.
It pavs to trade at L. Kramer's
New York cheap cash store.
Ladies' and childrens' shoes
cheap and good at L. Kramer's.
Best Norfolk Flour at $2.50 at
M. Smith's in Central Block.
Ladies' Dresses and Wrappers for
fall and winter at L. Kramer's.
Fruit, canned and dried, at bot
tom prices, at Geo. Rieder's.
Grain bags $2.25 at L. Kramer's
New York cheap cash store.
Grapes, plums and peaches by
the pound or box at Hudson's.
SI. II. O'Brien sells good gro
ceries at very moderate prices.
The place to buy Teas is at Mar
shall Smith's in Central Block.
Bouestcel Bros, sell good wear
ing slipper for 25 cts. per pair.
White Blankets $1.50 a pair at
Jhc Revolution Dry Goods Store.
u Boncstecl Bros, sell ob inch
bleached muslin G cts. per yard.
Ladies' cotton hose G pair for 25
atjthe Revolution Dry Goods Store.
Ladies' felt skirts at 50 cts. a
piece at I. Gluck's Revolution Store.
Morrissey & Klock will sell you
a good, all-wool suit of clothes for
Choice apples by the barrel or
peck at Hudson's, opposite the post
ollice. Horse Blankets at 1.00 at L.
Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
Store. 43 i.
You can always depend on get
ling the lowest prices at Galley
"Woolen yarn 50 els., a pound at
I. Gluck's Revolution Dry Goods
Socks at 5 cents a pair at L.
Kramer's New York cheap cash
Heavy gray blankets at $1.00 a
pair at the Revolution Dry Goods
Dullard & Smith will pay cash
or exchange goods for farm pro
duce. Men's heavy woolen 6uits at
$1.50 at the Ilevolutiou Dry Goods
Good Haudkerchieffl for 5 cents
at L. Kramer's New York cheap
cash btorc.
Boncstecl Bros, are selling a
good pair of kid gloves at 30 cts.
Good Warranted No. 1 Flour
at 2.00 per 6ack at Geo. Rieder's.
Ncwstylcs Bourcttes and Knick
erbocker dress goods 10 cents a vard
at L. Kramer's.
Baskets, and wooden ware of
all kinds at bottom prices at Geo.
Rcider's. 437-2.
Gray and White Flannel 15 cts.
a yard at L. Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
Men's woolen hose at 10 cents a
pair at I. Gluck's Revolution Dry
Goods Slore.
Boots and Shoes at bottom fig
ures sold by Marshall Smith in Cen
tral Block.
Half bleached table cloth at 25
cts. a yard at the Revolution Dry
Goods Store.
A good pair of boots for $1.75
at L. Kramer's New York cheap
cash store.
A large stock of Queensware,
Glassware and Cutlery at M. Smith's
in Central Block. 430-3.
1(5 yards Cotton flannel for one
dollar at L. Kramer's New York
cheap cash store.
Canton flannel 18,' yards for
one dollar, at the Revolution Dry
Goods Store.
Unlauudried shirts, New York
muslin and linen, bosom aud cutis for
$1.00 at Galley Bros.
Boncstecl Bros, are closing a lot
of laces, Fringes nnd other dress
trimmings at very low prices.
"Waterproof that beats anything
in town at 50 cents a yard at the
Revolution Dry Goods Store.
A good suit of clothes, coat
pants and vest, for $5 00 at L. Kra
mer's New York Cheap Cash Stoic.
I am selling shelf hardware,
tinware, nails and cutlery at reduced
prices. Robert Uhlig, 12th street,
next to bank. 3S-4
L. Kramer has opened a branch
Store at Silver Creek and will sell
goods there at the same low prices
that he docs here. 4iW.
Those who want to put up saner
kraut, remember that you can get
the kraut knives at Robert Uhlig's
hardware store. 38-3
The finest line of cooking stoves
at a reduced price, that can't be
beat; come and convince yourself.
Robert Uhlig, stove dealer." 38-4
L. Kramer of the New York
Cheap Cash Store, sells all goods at
the lowest possible prices, and lias
one uniform low price, for all.
Dolaud & Smith arc closing out
their present stock of wall paper at
cost, to make room for au immense
new stock. Give them a call 2t.
Special bargains at J. (J. Par
ker's harness shop until the 1st of
Sept. Do not fail to call and secure
while the opportunity lasts.
Lamb wants to buy all the good
fresh butler and eggs that come to
Columbus, at the highest market
price in cash. 437-3
Can nrnl see t!io?o women's
leather shoes at 75 cts. per pair at
Boncstecl Bros., they arc the best
bargain in the market.
Go to S. T. Dill's to get your
watches, clocks and jewolrv repair
ed. First door south of C.L. Hill's
book store, Olive street.
Geo. Rieder has just received
a nice assortment of glass and
bronze Lamps which he will offer
at bottom prices. Give him a call
on Nebraska Avenue. 43S-2
"White Shuttle Sewing Machine
The best aud cheapest machine ever
offered to the public. Can be pur
chased fom $20. to $75., at my resi
dence opposite the Tattersall, Co
Iunib;:c Y"b.
438-x: 11 us. J. U. "West.
Make your home happy, and
get you a nice heating stove; on
quality, beauty and low prices they
can't be beat. Be sure and call at
Robert Uhlig's Stove House. 12th
street, next to bank. 438-6
School books at F. W. Oil's.
'siHO 'AV 'd 1" siooq lootps
Sec F. W. Ott for your school
Sooq looqos sOS HO AV VI
I will be at my office in Colum
bus the first and last Saturdays of
October, for the purpose of examin
ing applicants for teacher's certifi
cates. S. L. Bakisktt,
I3GG. County Sup't.
The Ilet
"Writing papers and envelopes at
lowest prices at E. D. Fitzpatrick's
book-store. -133-2.
For Sale.
A farm of 159 acres, 125 broken.
One mile west of Barn urn's. Please
call on A. Ilaight on the Big Island.
Terms easy. 3(Jl-x
A good boy qualified to act as
clerk in a grocery store one that
can speak German. Enquire at
L. Cockbuk.v's,
Olive St.
I-'Mtrny IVotlce.
Taken up at my premises, Sept.
7th, 187S, a red cow with white star
in face, hind legs white, and is about
seven years old. The owner will
please prove property and pay
charges. Jacob Ekxst.
.Tlcnt .Uarkct.
Jacob Shotwell, having purchas
ed the meat market lately owned
by Frank Gillett, is prepared to fur
nish, beef, pork, &c, &c, equal to
the best and at prices to suit the
times. 437x.
Notice is hereby given that the
co-partnership heretofore existing
between A. X. Bnrges3 and C. E.
Chapin, doing business under the
name, style and firm of A. N. Bur
gess & Co., in Columbus, Nebraska,
was this day dissolved by mutual
consent, and all the accounts of said
firm have been assumed and will be
settled by A. N. Burgess, who will
continue the business at the same
place. A. N. Burgess,
C E Ciiapiv
Columbus, Neb., Sept. 30l876.
All persons owing me must call
and settle by the 10th of October,
and save costs, as I shall certainly
collect all accounts duo after that
43S-lt. M. II. O'Biue.v.
The Tattersall Livery Stable is au
excellent place to stop at when you
arc in town with a team. Good ac
commodations. Reasonable charges.
On Olive street, one door south of
hardware store. Trv
ISsfrny INolIco.
Taken up, by the undersigned, at
Woodvillc, Platte county. Neb.
Aug. 21st, one bay marc, 12 years
old. Tho owner is requested to
prove property, pay charges and
take the animal away.
431-x. W.J. In win.
TT1 everyone would preserve their
IJr health during this warm
weather they should uso concentrat
ed essence of Jamaica Ginger. It is
cooling and refreshing, tonic and in
vigorating and cot expensive. Pre
pared and for sale only by Dolaud
& Smith.
For Snlc.
A business House nnd Lot, good
size and pleasantly located, in the
business part of the city of Colum
bus, north of railroad track, is offer
ed for sale, on reasonable terms. It
is well adapted to various kinds of
merchandising or other branches of
business. For particulars, inquire
nt this office. 431-x.
Dissolution of ;oimrtn;r.liIp.
Notice is hereby given that the
co-partnership heretofore existing
between David Schnpbach & G. A.
Schrader, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All outstanding
accounts will be settleu by G. A.
Schnedtr. David Sciiuimiacii.
G. A. SciiuiKdcr.
Monday, Sept. 2d, 1S7S.
Ky liar uiitl Deformities-.
One or more of the Surgeons of
the Central Surgical Infirmary, of
Indianapolis, Ind., will visit Colum
bus professionally, at the best hotel,
Friday, Sept. 20th and Schuyler
Saturday Sept. 2ist. All nlllictcd
with any disease of the Eye or Far,
Catarrh, Cross Eyes, Club Foot,
Spinal Curvature, Piles, Epilepsy or
chronic diseases, can consult them
free of charge. Artificial Eyes in
serted. Bemember the dates.
Grand Stoclt Sale.
The iindersifl'ucd will sell at public
sale at his residence 011 Shell Creek,
3 miles west of "Becker's mill and 7
miles northeast of Columbus, on
TUESDAY OCT. 15th, 1870.
!K) head of cattle, consisting of 37
Milch cows, 21 Heifers, 1(J Stcer3,
twu ami n Imir years, old, 1-1 8tntT3,
one and a half years old, 1 Bull five
years old and 1 Bull one year old.
Tehms: All sums under $20,
cash ; ?20 or over, 1 year's lime will
be given on note with approved
security with ten per cent, interest.
Franz IIknhoi.ek.
John IIusek, Auctioneer. -13S-2
All persons arc hereby cautioned
against discounting, or in any way
dealing with the following notes,
my signature to which having been
obtained by force and threats of
personal violence: One note for
550.00 and interest, bearingdato 10th
January, 1878, signed by Albert
Kaka wsky and his wife, payable
January, 1881, to inc. One note for
$25.00, dated 2Gth September, 1878,
signed. Uy nip, payable one month
after dale, in favor Of Charles Lang
hofT. J.18-1
(Signed) Paulina Pkiese. "
We Will .Serve ."Vo Kr-e, tin
iest. .Notice is hereby given to all
whom it may concern that from and
after this date, we, the undersigned
officers of Platte County will serve
no process without the tees first be
ing paid in advance, or security giv
en for costs, in accordance with the
provisions of Sec. 31, page 385, of
the revised statutes, as follows :
'The clerks of the supreme court.
and of each district court, the regis
ter in chancery, probate judge,
sheriff, justice of the peace, consta
ble or register of deeds, may in all
cases require the party for whom
any service is to be rendered, to pay
the foes in advance ot tho rendition
of such service, or give security lor
the same, to be approved by the of
ficer." Bkxj. Simelman, ShcrifT,
John- II uiiei:, Dcp'y Sheriir,
J. J. Uickly, Constable,
Chas. Wakk, Constable.
An AMtonlNliins: I-'ii:f.
A large proportion of American
people arc to-day dying from the
eflects of Dyspepsia or disordcrd
liver. The result of these diseases
upon the masses of intelligent and
valuable people is most alarming
making life actually a burden instead
of a pleasant existence of enjoyment
and usefulness as it ought to be.
There is no good reason for this, if
you will only throw aside prejudice".'
ami ekepucism. take the advice o; f
Diuggists-and your friends, fry one
bottle of Green's August Flower.
Your speedy relief is certain. Mil
lions of bottles of this medicine have
been given away to try its virtues,
with satisfactory results in every
case. You can buy .1 sample bottle
for 10 cents to try." Three doses will
relieve the worst case. Positively
sold by all Druggists on the "West
ern continent.
EdTFor one year a RESIDENT PHY
HOSPITALS, Ulackwell's Island, N.Y.
Office on 1 1th St., next to the Journal.
jlileage 50 ct. 3Iedicines furnished.
a week in your own town.
Outfit free. No risk. Reader,
if you want a business at
which Demons of either sex
can make great pay a nthe time they
work, write for particulars to n. Hal
lktt & Co Portland, 3Iaine.
C3Books, books, scllcol books, all
kinds of books at E. D. Fitzyatrfck's.
ajeutar Nlock Ioiiler.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and soldi also fat and stock hogs.
37'J-y I). Anukksox.
CsSKIuYof's (Jeockaimiv Is on the
State litt and Is therefore the only
Geography that can Irgally be used in
our school. ThH book and all other
school books for snl at Vi L. IIlLla
ltook Store. t-
1. W. KI.VKV.
Will run his colt and rattle herd thin
eaon between the Looking Glass aud
Loup river, twelve miles west of Colnm
bu. Citizen are requested to make
their contracts early. -113-X
SSrB.vnOAlsa I Bakoaias '"Will
sell for cash or on tinlr, oho light buggy,
and harness, live good milch cows, ono
lumber wagon, one heavy joke of 0jny
one brood marc she is a good workdVj
Farm lor Sale.
J?0 acres, A0 acres under cultivation, on
Lost creek eleven miles from Columbus.
For particulars, call ou the undersigned
near the premiess. or address,
KoHKirr riNo.
4:51.4. Columbus, Xcbr.
55TSly as youkeep it, A N. Burgess
& Co. propose and do sell the Victor
Sewing Machine, three styles, other
companies giving us "hail Columbia"
too, to the contrary notwithstand
ing. 437.
Cash Price List
10 lb. A turar
Hi'. Hi-, e.strii C Sugar . ..
lJi lbs. extra G auirar
11 lbs. a, shade yellow C Sugar .
12 lbs. elIow C Sugar
12 His. N. O. Sugar
2d bars of good Soap
fl bars (ierman .Mottled Soap,. .
1 liars Saou Imperial Soap, ...
1 IK)
1 00
1 0d
1 Oil
1 00
1 iw
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 Q
1 0G
1 (Ml
1 00
1 00
1 liox or lathe' elmlce oap . .
Vi lb, ground Kio Coiree. .. .
r lb, choice (Srcen Hio Coiree .
If lb, lle.xt beat ' "
fl t. 44 44 44
J ' 4. 44 44 H
Hi lbs. new Dried Apples
12 " be4t Peaches. .
Hi lb. best Cod Fish
V.y. ' Growing Coffee ...
1I; " Hire
2 gallons of Jlolaes
;'. 1I1-. Smoking Tobacco
I lli.o(p'iiuinc Durham Tobacco
1 lb best Fine-cut Tobacco
1 lb of Flounder Plug Tobacco
l.i, Pis. bct Making Soda
$I.2."TV.i retimed to
$1.IM Tea reduced to
Kighty-i-tntTea reduced to
Fil'ty-'tentTea reduced to
S lb. be.t new IC.tisiu
(i lli can Pie Peaches
::ibeau Tie Peaches
2 new Itlackberrir, each i
lli can ...
2 lb can best new Peaches
.' 1I can best new Peaches
2 lbcan bet new Tomatoes
2 of J! lb cans bett new Tomatoes
21tiean of Kgg I'liims for
1 lb. can (iret'ii (iages
2 lb can of Pineapples
2 lb can Strawberries
lib .Mince M eat. be t in market
' j gal. pail Apple liutter
J-iKal. pail Peach Itutter .
20 lb. g'Miiiine l'.iifkwlieat Hour
1 lb best I.orilard Ting Tobacco
1 Keg bf-t f olden Drip Syrup .
Si Hi. bet new HlackbcVrics .
20 lb of Oat .Meal
Km) lb, or Holted Com .Meal
lUOlbsbc.-t Madison Flour ... .
(ie inline Cider Vinegar per gal.
liest l'iekle per gallon
1 00
3 75
1 00
1 00
1 00
a (xi
All other good not herein mentioned,
accordingly reduced in price. Wc also
deliver goods bought or us to any part
of the city free of charge, flcmeiuhcr
the place, at
Corner l.'lth and Q Sts.
4.ri Columhu., KH.
U, S. Land Oilier. Cranil Island. Neb.,
September 0th, IK. )
CtOMPLAIXT having been entered at
t iii-s oilier by Klia StoWe against
Daniel Coonfer for abandoning his
Ilometead I-'ntry, Xo. 7011, dated Sept.
llth, 1S77, upon the North Wet ," of
Section x. Township North. Itnngr 4
w est. 111 ruitr t diiiiiy, .Neii. win a
l; of tniuYiwtfn ''
the s.. . .....- , "
lit entry:
to appearrtie. are nere.i u(- or
October, ls7S'.o..ieeon the 191 . -
spond and rurnish V.,,,m "t ;":.,
Ill the a!ior ease will be taki. at tj,e
ollice tif Speice & North in Coluii,j.,
Platte county, on Saturd.iv, October Sinl
1S7.S, at 10 o'clock, a.m."
31. P.. IIOXIK, Hegistcr.
1:1.-1.4 Vm. AN VAN, Receiver.
a .JlK4s...
"Will be sold at private sale on mv
raiiche, 21S) head or cattle, consisting o'f
71 head or heifer., 1 to n years old; IIS
steer-, 1 to 2 years old; ") steers, .'! to t
years old; 2 thoroughbred Durham heif
ers with pedigree; 2 thoroughbred Dur
ham bull., with pedigree, Which havo
been running with the stock. AIo 1
yoke oxen. 2 wagom. I span hordes and
.'I Norman colts. 2 to :t jours old, and my
ranche, located at the junction of tho
Cedar aud Loupe on the l'nwnee Reser
vation, and" containing 1 section and
thrce-ipiarter, well timbered.
Genoa 1'. O., Pawnee Reservation.
Klf Tfnth Stmt.
Team of
Horses or Oxen,
SAIIL,K IHKVIE.S, wild or broke,
at the Corral of
Threshers, Beware!
OF paying liL'b prices for 3Iarhinc
Oil, till you have called at the
Red Front Drug More, oppoite thel'ost
Oilier, and you will get a benefit. Six
kinds. 433-3m
I am now agent for Harper's school
book publications, and am prepared to
furnish school-books to individuals or'
school districts for introduction to
about one-half the retail price of o'her
SdETThesc books in the main are on tl
Stete List. 4'Xi s. L. Dakueti