The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 25, 1878, Image 3

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Communications to Insure insertion
In the next issue, should be in hand on
.Momlxvs; ir lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding issue-day. Advertisements,
of whatever class, should be in band by
noon, Tucdavs.
Advertisements under tbis bead 15
ct. a line tirst insertion, 10 cts. aline
each siibeuuent insertion.
The walls of Pat. Murray's new
brick building on Neb. Ave. aro up.
Monitor Lodge K. of II. has
contributed $2o to yellow-fever suf
ferers. The order of Sons of Temper
ance is increasing in numbers, in
Communications to the Jouunal
should be iu hand on Mondays to
secure insertion.
Messrs. Jacggi & Schupbach
liave put up a new room at their
lumber yard on 11th street.
Messrs. Milliard & Smith arc
erecting an addition to their new
business bouse on 11th direct.
The melon season is about over,
yet we 6aw Saturday in the Colum
bus market some choice ones.
Last Saturday was a very plcas
nnt and beautiful day and a great
many people were in the city.
James Mc Al lister is erecting an
additional building in the rear of
. Ids business place on 11th hired.
Agreat many of our citizens arc
taking advantage of the low rates
o( travel to attend the State Fair.
Wni. (I rant was fined $15 and
costs Monday for an assault upon a
very inoll'eiKivc youth, Robbie Sa-
The Era commends .ludire Post
mid Dist. Att'y Recso for the
manner in which they dispatch busi
ness. There will be a Presbyterian So
ciable at the chtiit-h this (Wednes
day,) evening, 7'.. r. m. All are
The delegates from Iloouc coun
ty are Chn.Yoorhees,J."r.Iilcy and
F. M. Saekett, and are solid for
L. Claik for State Treas.
Munsrs. Ilunueman & To I man
now have entire control of the mill
at Wnturvillc. Of cour-c, as usual,
tbey will mnke lirsl-class Hour.
Qiiarlerlv Conference Central
Nebraska Ui.lrit Iittcr-day-Suints
Cedar Creek Antelope Co., Satur
day and Sunday Sept. 28th and
Persona at a distance would
scarcely believe I he immense num
bers of entile now being shipped
vast over the U. P. railroad past
this city.
Our Kichlaud letter was receiv
ed too late for publication List week.
Ve have made arrangements for
regular letters from there, and our
readers will liud them full of inter
esting local items.
.1. T. Loverin, Chaplain iu
4'hief of the ( riiinl Army nf the Re
public, is announced to lecture in
UakerV Hall, this eily, Friday even
ing, Sept. 27th. Everybody invited.
I.7." will lake you to Lincoln,
admit you to the Stale Fair and
briug you home again. Tickets can
be hail at the Depot until the de
parture of the eastern train on the
We could almost realize the
other day what "Fun Alive" means
while J. O. Shannon related the cir
cumstance of disposing of two large
skunks while attempting to remove
tin old tloor.
Nine persons united in full
membership with the M. K. Church
last Sabbath, live at the Columbus
uhargc in the morning and four at
the l'utlcr county appointment iu
the evening.
Loveland & Ellis arc removing
the Henry G.iss building from
Washington Avenue, opposite the
Court House, to 11th street, one k)or
cast of Kiekly's meat market, where
it will lie occupied by Samuel Gass.
--Itcv. J Q. A. Fleharty will at
tend District, Conference before his
next regular day of services at this
charge. H c presume, however,
that there will be preaching at the M.
II church, this city, next Sabbath
Thc'Wonian's Temperance Union
meeting next Sabbath evening at
the Congregational church. Short
addresses will be made by seme of
the ladies of the Union and by min
isters of the city. All are cordially
John "Wagner, of Stearns Prai
rie, was in the city Saturday for
lumber to build a grauary to store
his wheat, and says he will sell only
enought wheat, at present prices, to
pay his debts, and will store the
balance. v
The Grand Dictator of the
Knights of Honor of Neb. (T B.
Dale of this place) recently issued
an appeal to the brethren for aid to
the yellow-fever sufferers. Two
lines of the appeal contain the sub
stance of all true charity "Contri
bute to the full extent of your abili
ty and without delay."
Michael Mann, of Illinois, visi
ted Platte county last week, and he
was so well pleased with the conn
try that he purchased of the B.& M.
railroad company about a section of
land in section 20, range 2, with two
living epriu? on the tract, aud his
intention is to soon stock it with
cattle. He can but succeed well with
hi enterprise.
J. O. Shannon has the contract
for the erection of a new dwelling
house for Jas. Conaway on Olive
and 5th streets, this city.
Special Communication of Har
mony Chapter No. i:j, O. E. S. on
Friday evening, Sept. 27th. By or
der ot W. M., Maggie Jdcaghcr.
G. Scheidel and L. Strackcr,
of Lost Creek Precinct, will re
move to this city about the 1st of
October, and take possession of tli
Central Hotel on lUUi street, recent
ly kept by "Win. Speice, where they
will continue to accommodate the
traveling public
From A. N. Briggs wc learn
that Fred. Warrcu of Butler coun
ty, raised sixteen acres of volunteer
grass wheat, twenty-four bushels to
the acre, and weighs 59 lbs. to the
bushel. This variety of wheat 6eems
extremely well adapted to Nebraska,
aud is the nicest we over saw for
J. "W. "Witchey, who resides
south of the Loup, this county,
showed us Monday a splendid lot of
peaches which grew at his place, and
which he had prepared to scud to.
the State Fair. Wc can not doubt
from this sample that that central
Nebraska will obtain a premium on
peaches this year.
On Saturday last the Monroe
Farmer's Club held a pic-uic at
Looking-glass bridge. There were
about one hundred present, old and
young, speeches were made by IJev.
Cook aud A. Hose, and essays read
by E. D. Osborn, Mrs. Sarah Tyler
and L. A. Uoopcs. The chief
amusements indulged iu were cro
quet and swinging. Of course the
baskets, filled with the good things
of this world, were emptied with a
On Friday last M. B. Ifccsc,
Dist. Att'y, appointed A.E. Piukncy
as Deputy Dist. Att'y lor this coun
ty. We have not heard any of
Arthur's legal efforts, but wc have
all confidence iu Mr. Reese's ability
to discern merit, and the appoint
ment is no doubt due to this alone.
Parlies having Slate cases to con
duct in Platte county, will call on
Mr. Piukncy, who is authorized to
push prosecutions at no cost for
legal services to the prosecuting
The concert and other cxerci-es
by the scholars attending Sunday,
school at the M. E. Church this
eily last Sabbath evening was a
pleasant and enjovable affair and
was well attended. The singing,
recitations and dialogue were very
creditable to children so young,
aud speak well for their Superin
tendent mid teachers as manifesting
an unusual interest iu the welfare ot
the children under their care bv
imparliug Useful, moral and relig
ious instruction.
At the County Democratic Con
vention Saturday last, the delegates
chosen to the State Convention were
Jno. Stauller, J. CI. Iliggins, J. E.
North, Jno. Ilauey and Jno. P.
Miami. How this delegation tallies
with one appointed for same work,
some time since, by the Democratic
Central Committee, wc don't know,
as the general public has never
been advised iu regard to that pe
culiar aud unique transaction, aud
we have no available private source
of information, our Democratic
brcthcrn bcin pretty close-mouthed
concerning it.
Mrs. Elvira G. Platte of Tabor,
Iowa, was iu the city last week.
H. S. Kaley, Esq., aspirant for at
torney general, was in the city Fri
day. Leander Gerrard was sick last
week with typhoid fever, and not
chronic diarrhoea, as we reported.
J. A. and Mary M. Turner return
ed to this city from Denver, Satur
day. They are in excellent health
after their rambles on the moun
tains, and inhaling their pure upper
Mr. Sapp, of Illinois, was in the
city ou Friday last; the bare men
tion that he had attended the Nor
mal School at Hopcdalc, Ohio,
brought up mauy pleasant recollec
tions. Henry Vogler called at this office
Friday. He has lived in Iowa, Ne
braska and California. Left Iowa
and Nebraska on account of grass
hoppers, and now he leaves Califor
nia ou account of Indians aud
talks again of buying land in Neb.
That is the way they all do come
back to Neb.
.Mr. B. Hall, of Brinfield, Peoria
county, III., was iu the city last
week. He is on a short trip taking
a look at Nebraska, and is much
pleased with the country. He
shows his faith in the 6oil by select
ing and locating 160 acres of land iu
the Cedar valley. Ho left for his
home in 111. on the morning train of
the 19th inst.
Mr. C. II. Brooks, of Galva, Henry
county, III., was on a trip last week
through portions of Nebraska, and
stopped off ii day or two in our.citj.
He informs us that he is much pleas
ed with Nebraska, so much so that
he has located 100 acres of laud in
the Cedar valley country, fifty or
sixty miles west of this city. He
started on the morning train of 19th
in.-., for his home iu HI.
Geo. N. Dcrry and family returned
Saturday from their visit to Iowa,
all iu good health. Geo. leaves with
us a specimen of Iowa apples. He
says that trees which were three feet
high when he left Iowa sonic years
ago are now large aud arc used as
fence posts, and with barbed wire
stretched between, make and excel
lent fence. He commends this
method to farmers ot Nebraska.
I.-V 'fl'G'tlORIJL'lI.
Resolutions ofBespwt l'ased by the Firemen of
Whkkeas, It bas pleased Him who
giveth life and taketb it away, to sud
denly call from our midst, cx-Cbicf
Philip 1$. UoncsiccI, one of our most ac
tive members, and a well-beloved broth
er iircman. and while we humbly bow
in meek submission to the will of Jliui
who doeth all tiling well, wc ean but
feel there now remains only tor us the
sad duty of rendering some iittini: trib
ute to the memory of him who, by his
universal gentleness and manly bearing,
endeared himself to all with "whom he
came in daily eontact; therefore, be it
Ilesolved, liy the Columbus Fire De
partment, that in his death, we have
sustained the loss of a noble friend, a
faithful officer, and an exemplary mem
ber, one who ever and always uiiscllisli
ly sought to advauec the best interests
of this Department.
Ilesolved, That wc extend to the fami
ly and friends of our deceased brother,
iii this their hour of deep and sore dis
tress, the condolence of this Department
who with them their great misfortune
share commending them to the gracious
care of Him whose loving kindness will
Ilesolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be presented to "the family of the
deceased, spread upon the minutes of the
.1. E. "XOKTII,
C. A. Nkwjian,
Advertisements under this head live
cents a Hue each insertion.
O'Brien's for gro-
Thc.most elegant parlor heating
stove we ever saw, is one now set
up and for sale at G. II. Krause S
Son's, ou Nebraska Avenue.
1111 tilllkl I utllHl 1T1 fillt oltl' tit
CJ """ VMMaHv, -.. vm vn; r-
Knights of Honor.
At a regular meeting of Monitor Lodge,
No. 879, Knights of Honor, the following
resolutions were unanimously adopted: -yard lit BoilCStecl Bros.
AViieukas, It ha pleased Divine Prov'
idence to take from our midst, our be
loved brother, Philip 1!. lloncsteel, and
WiiKURAS, Our Lodge has sustained
the loss of one of its most energetic and
worthy members, and the community at
large a worthy member of society,
therefore be it
Ilesolved, That wc deeply feel the loss
of our worthy brother, and" that e will
ever bear in "mind his many noble qual
ities as a member of our brotherhood.
Ilesolved, That the heartfelt sympathy
of tlii Lodge is hereby extended to the
bereaved family and friends of our wor
thy brother, in" this their sad atlliction
Ilesolved. That a eopv of these resolu
tions lie sent to the bereaved wife aud I
relatives, and placed on the records of
this Lodge, and that a copv be sent to ,
each of the Columbus papers for publi
1). C. Lovki.axh, ,.,, . ,
JI.P.CuoLHHJie.f Committee.
Go to M. II.
Boys boots $ 1.00 per pair at Bone
steel Bros.
Don't forget, but one price at
Galley Bro's.
Moms' boots $1.75 per pair at
Bonesteel Bros.
The boss corn-cutter at G. II.
Krause & Son's.
Grain sacks $2.25 per dozen at
Bonesteel Bros.
"Wanted 500 doz. eirgs at Bul
lard & Smith's. " 4'3G-x.
When you want Boots cheap go
to Bonesteel Bros.
Good chambray 15 cts. per yard
at Bonesteel Bros.
Fine-cut tobacco, GOcts a pound
at Geo. Ricder's.
Bleached muslin 1 cents a yard
at Bonesteel l?ros.
Undershirts nnd Drawers 25 cts.
each at L. Kramer's.
Threshers' notes, iu book form,
or sale at. this office.
A new lot of print 5 cts. per
L. Kramer of the New York
Cheap Cash Store, sells all goods at
the lowest possible prices, and lias
one uniform low price, for all.
I will be at my office In Colum
bus the first nnd last Saturdays of
October, for Ihe purpose of examin
ing applicants for teacher's certifi
cate?. S. L. Bakiiett,
43G-G. County Sup't
Be sure to put your name on
your grain bags ; get the adjustable
Stencil Slates at 5 els. a letter at
Robert Uhlig's Hardware store.
G. IL Krause & Son's keep a
full line of powder flasks, shot
pouches, and bags, powder, shot and
caps, which they offer at very low
An adjourned meeting of tho
quarterly Conference ifthe M. E.
church for Columbus charge, will
beheld in Columbus, Monday, Sept.
yOth, 1S7S, at 2 i M. All local
Preachers, Exhorters, Class Lead
ers, Stewards and Trustees arc re
quired to be present.
J. Q. A. Fl.EUAKTY P. C.
Francis Kkki: Sec't.
Cash Price List
Don't buy your machine oil until
you have examined oi;i: stock and
iMtiCKS, Dolani) & Smith.
North of Fauccttc's Harness shop.
School books at F. W. Oil's.
tylO AV VI 1 sjooq looips
$ee F. W. Ott for your school
sfooq looqos suos no AV 'd
The hotel on 7th street, and
Washington Avenue, now common
ly known as the American House,
is shortly to be removed to the cor
ner of Olive street and Pacific
Avenue, one square directly south
of Henry Bro's grocery. Loveland
& Ellis have the contract for remov
al aud fitting up. It has not yet
been determined, wc believe,
whether George Lehman will
occupy it himself, but it will be
fitted up Jn first-class style as a
hotel. The old neighbors of the
American House arc congratulating
themselves upon its removal, as, for
the last few years, its" general-run'
of occupants have not becu of tho
most desirable.
The Democracy of Columbus
prciuct held their second caucuss
for the season lust Monday evening.
The object of the meeting was
to select a second set of preciut
delegates to the second county con
vention to convene next Saturday,
lor the nomination of representa
tive, oommi&sioiicr, &c. The main
question of contest seemed to be
over Hensley and Critcs for repre
sentative, each gentleman, we un
derstand, having his ticket of dole
gates prepaicd, for which he was
electioneering. Our informant is of
the opinion that all, or about all the
delegation chosen arc for Hensley,
their names being John Itickly, II.
II. Henry, M. T. Kinney, E. D.
Sheehan and E. L. Siggins. If this
is so, Hon. Henry T. Sperry and
the other rural leaders of the Demo
cratic hosts had better look "a lectio
owct," and bring up the rear bat
talions for their gallant leader,
At a special communication of Leban
on Lodge, Xo. M, A. F., & A. M., held
Sept. ISth, 1S7S, for that purpose, the
following resolutions were adopted, on
the death of Philip IS. l!onete:l.
Wiikkkas, It has pleased the Great
.Master of the rnicisc, to call our late
brother, Philip 1$. lioHestecl, from labor
to ret, and
Wiiki:i:as, We feel that in his death,
our Lodge lias sustained the loss of one
u ho was zealous, active and devoted lu
our causes, therefore, be it
Ilesolved, IJy Lebanon Lodge, No. .IS.
A. F. A: A. 31., that while we bow with
humble siihmisasion to the will of the High, we do not the less mourn
the untimely death of our brother.
Ilesolved, That in the death of Philip
I lluiiesteel, this Lodge has sustained
the loss of a member whose character
was wor'hx of emulation by all members
of tlie craft.
Ilesolved, That wc tender to the id
o and other relatives of our deceased
brother, our heartfelt .sympathy, iu this
their hour of allliciion and sorrow.
Ilesolved, That these resolutions be
spread upon the records of the Lodge;
that the Loile and working tools lie
draped iu mourning for thirty davs: that'
aeop In furnished to the widow of tin
deceased, aud that the same be publish
ed in the city p.-pers.
.1. E. Xoirni, Sec'y.
It seems not to be gcuerally
known that the Stale Sup't of
Schools is required by law to "de
fine tho text-books to be used In the
several schools iu the State, lists of
which 6hall be furnished to the
County Superintendents, and by
them trausmitted to the several Dis
trict Boards within their jurisdic
tion." Such a list was made out in
1SG9 by Supt. S.D. Beals, and stands
to-day tho same as he left it, with
the addition of Lippiucott's Geo
graphical Gazctecr and Biographical
Dictionary and Krusi's Drawinir
books aud Youman's First Book in
Botany. "We arc informed that
Supt. Thompson has made no
changes aud no additions to the
recommendations of his predeces
sors, notwithstanding the fact that
publishing houses have becu clam
orous for change and have, doubt
less, made him very liberal offers.
There arc several reasons why there
should be uniformity in the State,
reasons that will readily suggest
themselves to every teacher, and to
every parent who buys school books.
"Wc have not space to print the
entire list, which doubtless can be
had of the Co. Supt., on application.
It contains Hillard's Readers, Wor
cester's Spellers, Guyot's Geogra
phies, French's Arithmetics, Har
vey's Grammar?, &c, &c.
Hoy I,ot
George Reed, 11 years old, left
his home near St Edwards, Boone
county, on last Sunday afternoon,
Sept. 15, aud has not been heard
from since. When he left he had
on a calico shirt, brown hat and
brown duck over-hauls. He was
sent on an errand by his father to
some neighbor's house, and when
night came, the boy failing to return,
it is supposed that he has been en
couraged to leave by someone. Any
information concerning his where
abouts, will be happily rewarded
by his grief-stricken father,
I. II. Reed,
St. Edwards, Boone county,
P. S. When last heard of, he
was at Mr. Coffin's, on Sunday
night last, one mile east of Genoa.
Neighboring papers please copy.
To the Rescue I
"Wc earnestly appear to the ladies
of Platte county for contributions of
clean underwear for children and
adults of both 6excs for .yellow fever
patients ; consider nothing too old or
worn, it clean, to make a change on a
sick patient or bed. Leave your
packages at3Iarshall Smith's store
for packing. All contributions will
be forwarded to tho President of the
Howard Association at Memphis.
Aid Committee.
EZuriuony CIisipterTO- I?.S.
Resolutions of respect passed by Har
mony Chapter, No. 13, of the Eastern
Star of Columbiia.
"Whkkeas, Our Heavenly Father has
called from time to eternit.N our highlv
esteemed brother, Philip 1$. liouesteel,
and although we sincerely mourn his
loss and regret his early and sudden
departure from this world, yet we be
lieve that He who doeth all things well
has prepared for him a seat iu that Grand
Lodge above, where we hope to meet
him, and again claim him as our brother,
Ilesolved, That this Chapter has lost a
faithful and worthy member.
Ilesolved, 'I bat the members wear the
badge of mourning for thirty days, that
a copy of these resolution ho sent to the
family ol the deceased and placed on tlie
records of this Chapter, and also that a
copy be sent to each of the Columbus
papers for publication.
Katk Hunnkman,
Fall stock of men's and boys'
clothing at Galley Bros.
Baskets of all kinds at M.
Smith's in Central Block.
Canned fruits and confectionery
of all kinds' at Hudson's.
If you want all goods at straight
prices call ou Galley Bros.
Buggy Tops for sale cheaper
than ever at Gus. Lockuer's.
It pays lo trade at L. Kramer's
acw York cheap cash store.
Best Norfolk Flour at $2.50 at
M. Smith's in Central Block.
Fruit, canned and dried, at bot
tom prices, at Geo. Ricder's.
Grain bags $2.25 at L. Kramer's
New York cheap cash store.
Grapes, plums and peaches by
the pound or box at Hudson's.
M. II. O'Brien sells good gro
ceries at very moderate prices.
The place to buy Teas is at Mar
shall Smith's in Central Block.
Bonesteel Bros, sell good wear
ing slipper for 25 cts. per pair.
White Blankets $1.50 a pair at
the Revolution Dry Goods btore.
Bonesteel Bros, sell 'M inch
blenched muslin G cts. per yard.
Ladies' cotton hoscG pair for 25
at the Revolution Dry Goods Store.
Ladies' felt skirts at 50 cts. a
piece at I. Gluck's Revolution Store.
Morrissey & Klock will sell you
a irnod, all-wool suit of clothes for
Ladies cloaks at $2.50 at L. Kra
mer's New Y'ork Cheap Cash Store.
G. II. Krause & Sons are shell
ing out lots of tinware. Having
now three tinners at work, they are
able- to supply the demand at" rea
sonable prices.
For Mule.
A farm of 159 acres, 125 broken.
One mile west of Baruum's. Please
call on A. Haight on tho Big Island.
Terms easy. HOl-x
A good boy qualified to act as
clerk iu a grocery store one that
can speak German. Enquire at
L. Cockhukn's,
Olive St
KcMoIutton or TliiinU to the
I-'ire Department ot t'o
iiirahiM. The following resolution was pass
ed by Wildey Lodge, I. O. O. F., on
the afternoon of Sept. 12th, 1S7S:
Ilesolved, That we as an order, ex
tended our thanks to the Fire De
partment of Columbus for courtesies
rendered ou the day of the funeral
of our brother, Phiil. B. Bonesteel.
John Sciikam,
Rcc. Sec'v.
'I'he WcNfcrn IE urn!.
The Western Jiural comes to our
table from week to week complete
in all its departments. In mailers
relating to the farm, orchard and
ardcu, it is unsurpassed, and yet it
does not ignore tho family circle. It
is a fireside companion, much en
joyed by the women folks and the
children, each having a department
full of interest to- them. The Jiural
is increasing iu circulation and in
fluence, and deserves the patronage
of nil interested iu the cultivation of
tho soil, or iu increased intelligence
.among the sous of toiL
I-Ntruy lYotioe.
Taken up at my premises, Sept.
7th, 1S7S, a red cow with white star
iu face, hind legs white, and is about
seven years old. The owner will
please prove property and pay
charges. Jacoh Eunst.
"Ilea t ."tlarUet.
Jacob Shotwell, having purchas
ed the meat market lately owned
by Frank Gillett, is prepared to fur
nish, beef, pork, &c, &c, equal to
the best aud at prices to suit the
times. 437..
I'or Nnle
The east half of Willow Ridge
summer garden containing two lot
132 feet square filled with fruit, nuts
and shade trees will be sold at a
bargain if sold soon. Inquire of II.
J. Hudson, Columbus Neb. 4'H-l
A lemnrluble Itctttilt.
It makes i.o difference how many
Physicians, or how much medicine
you have tried, it is now an estab
lished fact that German Syrup is the
only remedy which has given com
plete satisfaction iu severe cases of
Lung Diseases. It is true there are
yet thousands of persons who arc
predisposed to Throat and Lung
Affections-, Consumption, Hemorrh
ages, Asthma, Severe Colds settled
ou the Breast, Pneumonia, Whoop
ing Cough. &c, who have no per
sonal knowledge of Boschee's Ger
man Syrup. To such wo would
say that 50,000 dozen were sold last
year without one complaint. Con
sumptives, try just one bottle. Re
gular size 75 cents. Sold by all
Druggists in America.
10 lbs. A Sugar.
" tli. extra t Sugar
lOJi lbs. extra C Sugar
11 lb?, a, shade yrllow C Sugar
PJlbj. yellow C Sugar .......
i'2 lbs. X. O. Sugar
"it bar of good Soap
10 biir.i Herman Mottled Soap, .
10 bars Savon Imperial Soap,
1 box of ladlr choice Soap. .
."ij; lbs. ground llin CoHee....
. lbs. choice (5rccn Kio Coffee
JJi lbs. in-xt best
4t 14 t.
4 " ' " "
10 lbs. new Dried Apples
12 " best Peaches
10 lbs. ln-nt Cod Fish
.1i llrowing Collee
11 a " Itice ..."
2 gallons of Molasses
.' ibs Smoking Tobacco
1 lb. of genuine Durham Tobacco
1 tt best Fine-cut Tobacco ... .
1 lt of Flounder's PlugTobacro
LI- lbs. best Making Soda... ..
?!.." Tea reduied to
$1.00 Tea reduced to
Kighty-crnt Tea reduced to. ...
Fifty-centTea reduced to
H lbs. best nrvv Kai.sins
0 It can Pie Peaches .
.'I lb can Pie Peaches
2 cans new Ulaclbcrrlr, each 2
R cans
2 lb can best new Pertchc
3 H can best new Peaches
2 "beanbeft ncwTomatoes
2 of.'! lb cans best new Tomatoes
2 lb can of Egg PIuum for
2 lb. ean (JreenUages
2 lb can of Pineapples
2 tt ean Strawberries
1 lb Mince Meat, bet in market
Ji-gal. pail Apple Hotter
gal. pall Pearb. ltutter
20 lbs. genuine ISnckwheat flour
1 lb hc.-t I.orihinl Plug Tobacco
T Keg best (Solden Drip Syrnp .
S, lbs. best new Blackberries
20 lbs of Oat Meal
UK) lbs. of llolted Com Meal
UN) lbs best Madison Flour . . .
fJenuine Cider Vinegar per gal.
l'est Pickles per galluii ....
All other goods not herein mentioned,
accordingly reduced iu price. We also
deliver goods bought of us to any part
of the city free of charge. Kcmctnber
the place, at
Corner I.'lth and Q Sts.
I'J-I Columrcs, Kkd.
1 00
1 00
I 00
1 WT
I 00
1 Oil
1 00
1 CO
1 00
1 OO
X 75
I 00
1 00
1 00
r. no
k Hunnkman, )
a L. Stillman,V Committee.
y Wkavkk, J
-iitmli-r Tcrui, 1S7S: (J. W. Tost, Judge
JJi-iij. s.pit-Inian, .ShcrilT, Jno. StaufTer, Clerk.
Scaday Scfcool Convention.
The Platte Co., Sunday School
convention will meet Thursday and
Friday, October 10th, and 11th, at
Wattsville school house, A full at
tendance of all interested in the
Sunday Schools of the count is
very desirable. Programme of ex
ercises next week Sept 21 '7S.
J. H. Reed, Cha'n.
Executive Com.
Potts v. Ilickly and others, Damages,
continued ten times.
lleekcr . Auderson. Jtcply to be tiled
in thirty days.
MclntyreV. Lawson. Replevin. Ver
dict for dert. Motion for new trial over
ruled. Plaintitl' exopts.
llanchett v. Speice. Motion to dismiss
sustained and cause dismissed at plt'lls
Hutton v. "Willard. Dismissed by
agreement, as per stipulation.
Sehrccdcr v. Distelhorst. Sale confirm
ed and deed ordered.
Lamb v. Staplcton. Sale confirmed
and deed ordered.
Gluck v. McMahon. Judgment as per
Jtrash v. JJcrnhardt. For trial at the
next regular term of the court.
Columbus State Rank v. Smith &
Johnson. Case continued.
Dewey v. Witchey, Default. Amount
found due plaintitl, $St0.7o, attorney's
ices, .j.-)-i. uccrcc :uiu aaie.
Smith v. Gardner. Perpetual in
junction, as praved for in petition.
Seiberling v. Lebs. Appeal dismissed.
Johanna LanghotT v. Chasv Langhon".
Divorce granted.
Corradi v. Rose. Forclosure. Amount
found due plaintitl', $348.00. Attorney's
fees, $34. Decree and sale.
Hall v. Lawson and others. Default.
Amount due plaintitl", $477.00. Attor
ney's fees, $47. Decree and sale.
Ducy v. Morrissey. Leave to file an
swer in thirty davs.
Kule v. Garbef. T
To the Citizens of ColambuK.
"Words arc powerless to express
our grateful, siucere, heartfelt
thanks, to the legion of kind friends
who volunteered their assistance
and their sympathy, in the dark
hours of our affliction aud distress.
"We can only thank you, one and all.
Mrs. P. B. Bonesteel,
X. G. Bonesteel.
Columbup,Ncb., Sept. 16tb, 1S7S.
Thirty davs to an
Howell v. Stewart. Foreclosure.
Plaintiff allowed thirtv davs to tile re
ply. Lehman & Co. v. Earlv. Motion for
security for costs. Motion sustained.
Henderson et. al. v. Baker. Leave to
file amended petition in ten davs. An
swer in thirty days thereafter.
Shaughnessey v". Bovle. Trial to court.
Amount found due plaintiff, $171.44.
Estate of Wm. T. Mister. Sale con
firmed and deed ordered.
State of Nebraska v. Ryan & Quigley.
State v. Theinhardt. Dismissed.
State v. McMahon. Defendant to
give bond of $100 for his appearance at
next terra of court.
State v. Asche. A'erdiet not guilty.
State v. Leach. Dismissed.
State v. C. E. Rickly. Appeal. Fine
reduced to $5.
State v.Jackson. Adulterv. Defend
ant discharged.
State v. Lydia M. Jones. Adultery, j
aame oruer.
State v.Tracy. Defendant discharged.
State v. Deitrick. Fine $25 and costs.
State v. John Gradv. Indictment for
shooting with intent "to kill. Plea of
not guilty. Bond $1000. Continued on
motion of defendant.
State v. Pickert. Contempt. Fined
State v. Davis. Appeal. Defendant
to give bond in the sum of $100.
State v. Cummics and Blaesnel. In
dictment for burning wheat in stacks.
Bond $500 each. Case continued.
Choice apples by the barrel or
peck at Hudson's, opposite the post-
Grey Blankets at 1.30 ft pair at
L. Kramer's 2sTew York Cheap Cash
Store. 437.
Yon can always depend on get
ting the lowest prices at Galley
Woolen yarn 50 els., a pound at
I. Gluck's Revolution Dry Goods
Socks at 5 cents a pair at L.
Kramer's New York cheap cash
Heavy gray blankets at $1.00 a
pair at the Revolution Dry Goods
--Billiard & Smith will pay cash
or exchange goods for farm pro
duce. Grey Flannel 15 cents a yard at
L. Kramer's New York cheap cash
Men's heavy woolen 6tiits at
$1.50 at the Revolution Dry Goods
Good Handkerchiefs for 5 cents
at L. Kramer's New York cheap
cash store.
Baskets, and wooden ware of
all kinds at bottom prices at Geo.
Reider's. 4IJ7-2.
Men's woolen hose at 10 cents a
pair at I. Gluck's Revolution Dry
Goods Store.
Boots and Shoes at bottom fig
ures sold bv Marshall Smith in Cen
tral Block.
Half bleached table cloth at 25
cts. a yard at the Revolution Dry
uooits btore.
A good pair of boots for $1.75
at L. Kramer's New York cheap
cash store.
A largo stock of Qucensware,
Glassware and Cutlery at M. Smith's
iu Central Block. 4:iG-3.
l(i yards Cotton flannel for one
dollar at L. Kramers New York
cheap cash store.
Canton flannel W. yards for
one dollar at the Revolution Dry
Goods Store.
New styles Bonettes and Knick
erbocker dress goods 10 cents a yard
at L. Kramer's. 437.
Unlaundried shirts, New York
muslin and linen, bosom and cuffs for
$1.00 at Galley Bros.
Bonesteel Bros, are closing a lot
of laces, Fringes and other dress
trimmings at very low prices.
"Waterproof that beats anything
in town at 50 cents a yard at the
Revolution Dry Goods Store.
Lamb wants to buy nil the good
fresh butter and eggs that come to
Columbus, at the highest market
price in cash. 437-3
The Tattersall Livery Stable is an
excellent place to stop at when you
arc in town with a team. Good ac
commodations. Reasonable charges.
On Olive .street, one door south of
Coolidgc's hardware store. Try
them. 2GS.X.
I'wtriij- rVotice.
Taken up, by the undersigned, at
Woodvillc, Platte county. Neb.
Aug. 21st, one bay mare, 12 years
old. The owner is requested to
prove property, pay charges and
take the animal away.
431-x. W. J. In win.
T"T" everyone would preserve their
xx health during this warm
weather they should use concentrat
ed essence of Jamaica Ginger. It is
cooling and refreshing, tonic and in
vigorating and not expensive. Pre
pared and for sale only by Dolatid
& Smith.
We Will Serve o IPVo:c, t'u
le.. Notice is hereby iriven to all
whom it may concern that from and
after this date, we, the undersigned
oflicors of Platte County will serve
no process without the fees first be
ing paid iu advance, or security giv
en for costs, in accordance with the
provisions of Sec. 31, page 335, of
the revised statutes, as follows :
"The clerks of the supreme court,
and of each district court, the regis
ter in chancery, probate judge,
sheriff, justice of thu peace, consta
ble or register or deeds, may iu all
cases require the party for whom
any service is to be rendered, to pay
the fees iu advance of the rendition
of such service, or give security lor
the same, to be approved by the of
ficer." Benj. Simelman, Sheriff,
John Huiieic, Dep'y SherilT,
t7. J. Ricki.v, Constable,
Liias. Wake, Constable.
U, S. Land Office. Grand Island. eb.rl
September titli, 167S. f
CIOM PLAIN 1' having been entered at
J this office by l"lias Stowe against
Daniel Oionfcr for abandoulug hi
Homestead Entry. No. 7011, dated Sepf.
lltb, 1S77. upon "the North West of
Sections, Township -Ji) North, R.uu'u 4
West in Plate County, Nel., with :i
icw to the cancellation of km id entry:
the said parties, are hereby siimmouvd
to appear U this office on the Will dar of
October, s,7M, at 1 o'clock .. M., to" re
spond and furnish testimony concerning
s.iid alleged abandonment. "Deposition-
in thu above ease will betaken at tUu
office of Speice A: North in Columbus,
Platte conntr, on Saturday, October .lib,
1S7S, at 10 o'clock. A. M.
. M. 15. IK . IE, Register.
4?X I Wm. A X Y AX, Receiver.
Will be sold at private sale on my
raiichc, 'JI!l head of eat tit-, retisistfng f
71 bead or heifers, 1 to "J years old; irs
steers, I to ! years old; ?i) steers, : to I
year.sold; 'JL thoroughbred Durham heif
ers with pedigree; 2 thoroughbred Dur
ham bulls, with pedigree, which have
been miming with the stock. Abo 1
yoke oxen, . wagons. I Kpan horses and
.'! Norman colts, ! to :: years old, and my
ranche, located at the junction of the
Cedar and Loupe on the P.iwueu inner
vation, and containing I section and
three-quarters, well limbered.
Genoa P. 0.,P.wiiee Reservation.
IntightcrH or Rcbcknb, Atten
tion. Columbia Lodge No. 11 will hold
a special meeting in their hall on
Thursday, 2Gth day of Sept., 1S7S, at
7:30 v. m., for the purpose of elect
ing a N. G. and Secretary, caused by
removals. All the members arc ear
nestly invited to attend.
By order of the D. D. G. M.
For Sale.
A business House and Lot, good
size and pleasantly located, in the
business part of the city of Colum
bus, north of railroad track, is offer
ed for sale, on reasonable terms. It
is well adapted to various kinds of
merchandising or other branches of
business. For particulars, inquire
at this office. 431-x.
KAVAXAUGH Tuesd.iv morning,
Sept. -.Mtli, I7S, to Mrs. D. IvaVaiiaiigh,a
daughter, still birth. Mother doing
REEP.K Sunday Sept. I.ith, 1STS, to
Mrs. Reebe, of Creston precinct, a daugh
ter. ' b
Advertisements under this bead live
cents a line, lint insertion, three cents
line ea h subsequent insertion
j3Books, books, school books, all
kinds of books at E. D. Fitzpatrick's.
Regular Stock Dealer.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat and stock bog-.
"79-y D. AMiKitsoN.
Dissolution of Co-partnership.
Notico is hereby given that the
co-partnership heretofore existing
between David Schupbach & G. A.
Schra-der, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All outstanding
accounts will be settled by G. A.
Schrajder. David Schupijach.
G. A. Scmur.der.
Monday, Sept. 2d, 1873.
Will run hi colt and cattle herd this
season between the Looking Glass and
Loup river, twelve miles west ofColum
biis. Citizens arc requested to make
their contracts early. 4i:-:;.
VTOTICK is hereby given to the pro-
L perty owners, or Iticlr authorized
aireuts, of Lots four (I) and live (a)
block one hundred and forty-seven ' 147,
and lots four ( t) and live ("), Mock one
hundred and sixtv-d ( 1(5 J. abutting on
the east side of Washington Avenue in
the city of Columbus. Platte county, Ne
braska, to build, or causf to be built, a
suitable sidewalk of material twoinrhes
in thickness, and no le than four
feet in width, within ten days of thi
notice .John Sxiika..-.
Citv Clerk.
COLLJincs, Nek., Sept. ith, l7.
J5r-BAHr.AiNs ! Baikjains I Will
sell for cash or on time, one light buggy,
and harness, live good milch cows, "one
lumber wagon, one heavy yoke of oxen,
one brood mare she is a" good workdr.
Farm for Sale.
SO acre.", 40 acres under cultivation, on
Lost creek cloven miles from Columbii-.
For particulars, call on the undersigned
near the premicss, or address,
ItOUKKT Pin&on,
WI.4. Columbus, Nebr.
Call and sco those women's
leather shoes at 75 cts. per pair at
Bonesteel Bros., they arc the best
bargain in the market.
Go to S. T. Hill's to get your
watches, clocks and jewclrv repair
ed. First door south of C.L. Hill's
book store, Olive street.
Special bargains at J. C. Par
ker's harness shop until the 1st of
Sept. Do not fail to call and secure
while the opportunity lasts.
Eye, Ear nnd Deformities.
One or more of the Surgeons of
the Central Surgical Infirmary, of
Indianapolis, Ind., will visit Colum
bus, professionally, at the best hotel,
Friday, Sept. 20th and Schuyler
Saturday Sept. 21st. All afllicted
with any disease of the Eye or Ear,
Catarrh, Cross Eyes, Club Foot,
Spinal Curvature, Piles, Epilepsy or
chronic diseases, can consult them
free of charge. Artificial Eyes in
serted. Ilemembcr the dates.
B-Sly as yoa keep it, A N. Burgess
& Co. propose and do sell the Victor
Sewing Machine, three styles, other
companies giving us "hail Columbia"
too, to the contrary notwithstand
ing. J37.
Thus announces to the public that be
will handle the
Harvesting Machinery!
This reason, aNo the
All of which machines are guaranteed to
be cUal. ifiiot superior, to any other in
the market. (live me a eill at the old
wind-mill and pump stand, Olive St.,
Columbus. 403-lf
IHMSoIution IV'otlce.
Notice is hereby given that the
co-partnership heretofore existing
between C. D. and E. Clother, and
Philip Cain, doing business under
the name, style and firm, of Clother
& Cain, at Colombus, Nebraska, was
this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. All business up to date will
be settled by Phillip Cain.
C. D. Clothek,
E. Clothek,
Philip Cain.
CoLL-stniTE, Neb., Aug. 31st., 1S7S.
I am now agent for Harper's school
book publications, and am prepared to
furnish school-books to individuals or
school districts foe Introduction to
about one-half the retail price or other
iSTThcse books iu the main are on the
Stele List. 42T S. L. B.uminT.
TTcan make monev faster at work for
I I usthanatanythingclse. Capital not
J required; we will startyou. fit! per
day at home made by the Indus
trious. 3Ien. women, boys and girls
wanted everywhere to work for us. Xow
is the time. Costly out tit and terms free.
Addre Tkuk fe Co., Augusta, Maine.
Eleventh street, one door east of the
Jouknal office up stairs.
Okfick Hours: Until 9 a. m. 1 to 3 r.
M C and to 8 p.m.
2i 14 "JTSJti,
KlrTrath Strrrt.
Great chance to make
money. If you can't
get gold you ean get
greenbacks. AVc need
a person in every town to take sub
scription for the largest, cheapest and
best Illustrated family publication in
the world. Any one can become a suc
cessful agent. The mot elegant works
of art given free to sucribcrB. The
price In so low that almost everybody
subscribe. One agent reports making
over Jl.'y) in a week. A lady agent re
ports taking over 400 subscribers in ten
days. All who engage make money
fast. You can devote all your time to
the business, or only your spare time.
You need not be away from home over
night. You can do it as well as other.
Full particulars, directions and term
free. Elegant and expensive Outlit frtf.
If you wantprotitaMc work send us your
address at once. It costs nothing to try
the business. So one who engasres fails,
to make great pay. Addre "The I'eo
plc's Journal," Portland, 3Iaine. SN3-y
reek In vour own town. S.i
Outfit free. No risk. Reader,
if you want a business at
which persons of cither sex
can make great pay a nthe time they
work, write for particulars to II. Uil
Lett & Co Portland, 3Iaiu.
Teams of
Horses or Oxen,
SAIILK PONIES, wild or broke,
at the. Corral of