The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 25, 1878, Image 1

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    mt nfc -fc"
Spuce. lie 2w lm:. 0m Iir
lcoPinn $l2.t.i $2l $25 $;h' ( $01 t $lb0
" I vS.0lT 12 1 1ft I 20 1 ,Ti c,0
vx :"j tiJioj !M 12 1 ":si 2 ::5
M. K. TURNER & CO.,-
Proprietors and Publishsrs.
tgg-Otilcc in Jbc JOURNAL building,
EIeeiitb-st., Columbus, Xcb.
Tekms Per vear, ?2. Six months, $1.
Three months, 30c. Single copies, 5c.
4 inches JV.25 7.M It U !.
:; " i T.rnTfi.Tr j m 12 i'
' ..
1 " I l."0 2.2-"
4 1 .1
Rnines anil prnfesbuial card' ten.
line or le p.icc. per annum, ten dol
lars. I.rjral ndviTtiieiiicnl at statute
rates. Local notice ten cent a lin
firt insertion, five. cents n line each
subsequent insertion. Alrrtlmint
classified as notices five cent k.
line first insertion, three cents a line
each suhseipient insertion.
VOL. IX.--NO. 21.
WHOLE NO. 437.
tiyP lit lit P U
CoIumbuK Post Office.
Open on Sundays trom 11 a.m. to 12 m.
and from -1:30 to G i. M. Rusincss
hours except Sunday C a. m. to 6 v. M.
akSuru mails -loo at 11:23 a. M.
Western mails close at 4:20 p.m.
Mail Icacs Columbus for Madison and
Norfolk, on Tuesdays, Thursday and
Saturday-, T a. M. Arrives' Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, p. m.
Ker Monroe. Genoa. "Waterville and Al
bion, daily except Sunday G a. m. Ar
rive, aiuc. 0 r.M.
l"tr summit. Ulysses and Crete. Mon
da and Thursdays, 7 a. M. Arrives
Widncsdavs, and Saturdays, 7 l M.
Fr Rellcville, Osceola and York, Tucs-dHy,Thur-da
.-and Saturday h, 1p.m.
An Ives at 12 m.
Fr Wclf, Karral and Rattle Creek,
Mondays and Wednesday s, i a. m. Ar
rie TucMla. s and Fridays at I'. M.
For Shell Creek, N'cbo, Creston and
Stanton, on Mondays at 7 A.M. Ar-
ries Tuesdays t p. M.
Fr Daid itv, Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturday, 1 r. m Arrives, at 12
U. I. Time TjiI.Ic,
Itasttcard Hound.
Freight, No. leaves at
Pasnent-'r, ' 4, "
Emigrant, " ', "
Westward llmuid.
Freight, Xo. '. leaves at
I'Kssens'r, " ::, "
Freight, " 'J, '
l-'iuiirrmit. 7. " "
. S:H) a. m.
.11:2.' a. in.
.12:05 p.m.
. 1:30 p.m.
. 4:25 p. m.
. r:."ii p. m.
.12:40 a. in.
Eerydav except Saturday the three
lines badiiiir to Chicago connect with
U. P. trniiis at Omaha. On Miturday
tkerc will be tint one train a day, as
iiuivn hv tli following schedule:
IC.& X. . ) 7th
Sept. .. V..K..UJ. lh
(c, R. I..V P.) 21st
.A X. W. 1 Till aml2.Mli.
( It. A: tj. 1 'in
Jr., It. I. A P.V 12th
'..: X. W. J I!th
'.th and 20th.
K. I P.)
1 and 2.1d.
V .Vthi-ndSuth.
) lilth
11. A i
(.. it. a-o. .tii
Jr., n. i. a iv nth
('. A X. W. J 2Ist
7th and 23tli.
' Kont You c:f,"
lr if oii do you will lose money by
purchasiin; an expensive Wind Mill,
when you can bii one of .J. O. Shannon
fr about onc-haff the money that any
other cst. Call on .1. . Shannon, on
11th street, oppoite Mahlou Clot tier's
Htwre. Columbus, Neb. 4II-KI
Pi.tCK. of III., a rtrt--Ia.s blacK
imilh. is now prepared to do all kinds
of wasmi and blacksmith work. Will
mike new bitiriries, wagons, etc., or mend
old ones, and repair all kinds of ma
chinery, t tiMiitu work a specialty
O.hhI work, promptly to promise, and
cheap. all at the i-:n of the horse
ilie, Olive street, opposite rharlcs
Morse's stable. 42fl-'5m
f x cc .ii i? it s :
JV.: OF OOl CHEEK. Let not the
J low prices of jour products dis
curaec ou.but rather limit your ex
Mnsih to your resources. You can do
m bv stopping at the new home of your
lelkm farmer, where j oilcan tind ood
nrcHinmudations cheap. For hay for
team for one night ami day, 25cts. A
room furnished with a cook stove and
bunks, in ciiiiiiectiitii with the stable
free. The wishiiij: call be accommo.
dated at th" lioilse of tile undersigned
at the follow in rates; MeiU J5 cents;
lM-tls m cents. .1. It. SENECAL,
. niib- east f tit-rrariPs Corral.
(One mile west of I olumhuO
AlM'jtyjs on I land In
Farm for Sale.
acres . f excellent farm land in Rut
let County, near Patron P. o., about
eifui-iHstaiit from three County Scats
David Citx, Columbus and Schujlcr;
iM acre under ciilmation; 5 acres of
:res. Mitple. ertttonwood, Ac: c;ood
frame bmsc, irranary, stable, sheds, Ac.
Good stock ratine, convenient to water.
Tmc place is lor sale or exchange for
piicrty (h.iic and a few acres) near
Columbus. Impure at the JocitXAi.
ortice, or address the undersigned at
l'atren P.O. 40.1
Formerly Pacitic llouic
This popular house has been newly
Refitted ami Furnished.
Meal. . . ..
Day Hoard per week.
Hoard and Lodging,
h and fO.
Good Liverv and Feed Stable in con
Cenoa, Pawnee Reservation, Neb.
Term bctrin September 1S7S. Three
departments viz:
I. Common School.
2. Normal School,
3. Classical.
Thorouch instruction piven in all
branches by able and experienced teach
ers. Opportunities afforded teachers to
acquire experience in the school room.
Larse building and first-class accommo
dation. For prospectus, ,vc apply to
C. D. Rakestkaw. A. M.,
W2-3. Genoa, Nebraska.
$?rW not easily earned in these
times, but it can be made
III in three months by any one
of either sex. in any part of
the country who is willing to work
steadilv at the employment that we
furnish. ?Gfi per week in your own
town. You need not be away from
borne over night. You can civc your
whole time to the work, or only your
spare moments. We have agents who
are making over $20 per clay. All who
encace at once can make money fast. At
the present time money cannot be made
e easilv and rapidly at any other busi
ness. It cots nothing to try the busi
ness. Terms aud?." Outfit free. Addresi
at once, II. Halltt & Co., Portland,
Maine 375-y.
Book-keepera, Beporters,
f T Operators, Teachers,
At.vix Sackdkrs, U. S. Senator, Omaha.
A. S. Paddock, U. S. Senator, Ueatrice.
Fuank Welch, ltcprcsentative.Norfolk.
5ilas Uakiikr, (iovcrnor, Lincoln.
Bruno Tzschuek, Secretary of State.
I. H. Wekton, Auditor, Lincoln.
I. C. Mcllrido.Treisurer, Lincoln.
Geo. II. Itoberts, Attorney-Oeneral.
3. H.Thompson. Supt. Public Ins'.ruc.
II. C. Dawson. Warden of Penitentiary.
r;)VU Abbey, I pr8on Inspectors.
C. II. Gould,
Dr.J. G. Davis, Prison Physician.
H. P. Mathewson, Supt. Insane Anylum.
Daniel Gautt. Chief Justice,
George K. Lake Associatc Judges.
S. Maxwell, I
O. W. Post, .lude. York.
M. 1. Ueee, District Attorney, A ahoo.
E. W. Arnold, HeIster, Grand Island.
Win. Anyan, Iteceiver, Grand Inland.
.1. n. Hissins, County .fudsc.
John Staiitfcr. County Clerk.
V. Kit miner. Treasurer.
Uini. Sniclmaii. Shcritf.
R. L. Itosssiter, Surveyor.
It. H. Henry, )
Win. llloedorn V
John Walker, )
Count vCommlssiotiers.
ir v IIiint7.. Coroner.
S. L. liarrett. Supt. or Schools.
f.' S' VM,U!rter4 JucticesofthePeaee.
Itvron Millett,
Charles Wake, Constable.
C. A. Speice, Mayor,
lolin Scliram, Clerk.
John J. Ricklv, Marshal.
J. W. Earlv, Treisiirer.
S. S. McAllister, Police Jude.
J. (r. Routson, Engineer,
cor Nv'iLMr.N:
lsf II od I. E. Xortb,
E. Pohl.
2d H'firif E. C. Kavanatttcli.
(. E. Morse.
3d WardK. J. Ilakcr,
E. A. Gerrard.
i scisi:Aii.
H.I. HUDSON his opened an Ice
. Cream parlor on l.'l li street op
posite the po-t-otlice. where he will
keep a stock of choice 'i'ars and Can
dies, Fruits and Ovster. in their season.
Ice will be supplied in quantities for
parties and pic-tiles'. 42i-x.
Wholosalo and.,
VTEHItASKA AVE., opposite City
1 Hall, Columbus. Xebr. J3Low
prices mid line goods. Prescriptions
and family recipes a specialty. -117
Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps
Nebraska A re, opp. Clolhcr House.
X3T Cash Paid for Furs. "!
Obcrne, McUaneld & Co.,
- - NEB.
VXTE take pleasure in calling the at
Y tention of the readers ot the
.Iouknal to this tlrm for sure pay and
quick returns. Those who are thinking
of shipping their wool, would do well to
correspond with them, as you may ship
further and do no better, but a great
deal worse. El). JouuxaI.. 410-x
Blacksmith and Wagon Maker.
All kind of repairing done at short
notice. Wagons, lluggics, &c, &c
made to order. All work warranted.
Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter
sal, Coliimbu. Nebraska. ,V2
coi.u .11 k i; S
Restaurant and Saloon!
E. D. SHEEHAX, Proprietor.
"Wholcsald and Retail Dealer in
Foreign Wines, Liquors
Z3T Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty.
In their season,
11th Street, South of Depot,
Grain, Produce, Etc.
Goods delivered Free of Charge,
ariyxchere in the city.
Corner of 13th and Madison Sts.
North of Foundry. 897
lr. V.. 1.. SIGGirVS,
hi, medical oflice in the rooms
in the east end of bank building, cor.
Xebraska Av. and 12th sts., odering his
nerviees in all departments of medicine
and hurgerj', acute and chronic dis
eases. "Will visit any part of the city
or country in answer to all calls, day or
night. Medicines furnished without
extra charge. 379-Iy
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Formerly a member of the English
bar: will give prompt attention to all
business entrusted to him in this antl
adjoining counties. Collections made.
Otlicc one door cat of Schilz' shoe store,
corner of olive and 12th Streets. Spricht
Dcutch. Parle Franeais. 418-tf
mra m
J. C. PARKER. Propriotor.
IHST door north of Hammond FIousc
and feed .stable, just opposite the
post.oflice. Good work and the best
material at low prices, is the motto.
Satisfaction given or no sale. Repairing
done promptly. B"Kine harness and
carriage trimming, a specialty. Call
and examine for vourselves. 408
All kinds of
Books, Stationery, Cml- anJ t'igani.
ready-made and Metallic Collins,
Walnut Picture Frames, ilends Cane
Seat Chairs. Keeps on hand Mack Wal
nut Lumber.
Thlsst:s Are. c;p::i'.e ::s:t E::te. Cdsate::, Web
u. s.'g xiJKGi:o.,
OFFICE HOritS, 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to
1 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. in. Ollice on
Nebraska Avcnutt, three door north of
E. .1. Raker's grain otlice. Residence,
corner Wyoming and Walnut streets,
north Columbus, Nebr. V.!.T-tr
IMctrlckM' JIcjiI Inrkct.
Wavhlncton Atc. nrarlj opposite Court Houtr.
times, meat ill be sold at this
market low. low down for cash.
Rest steak, per lb., 10c.
RibroaM, " c.
Roil, " .... c.
Two cents a pound more than the above
prices will be charged on time, and that
to good responsible parties only. 2G7.
Columbus Meat Market!
KEEP OX HAND all kinds of fresh
meats, and smoked pork and beef;
aNo fresh tish. Make sausage a spec
ialty. jSTRcmember the place, Elev
enth St one door west of D. Ryan's
hotel. 417-tr
JOHN HURER, the mail-carrier be
tween Columbus and Albion, will
leave Columbus everyday excepting the
at G ,1'clock, sharp, passing through
Monroe, Genoa, WnUrville, and to Al
bion The hack will call at either of
the Hotels for pas-engers if orders are
left at the post-olh'ec. Rates reason
able, to Albion.
TWO doors east of D. Ryan's Hotel
on 11th street, keep a large stock of
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
And everything usually kept at a first
class bar." 411-x
cast or Tiffany & Routson's Iced
stable. Convenient to all business
houses of the city. Good accommoda
tions, at fair, living prices.
410-tf Wm. SPEICE, Prop'r.
Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public.
Nebraska. N. R. They will give
close attention to all business entrusted
to them. 248.
Mill-Writ anil Mm
WILL repair watches and clocks In
the best manner, and cheaper than
it can be done in any other town. Work
left with Saml. Gasi, Columbus, on 11th
street, one door east of I. Gluck's store,
or with Mr. Wei'cnfluh at Jackson, will
be promptly attended to. 41o.
Is prepared to do all classes of Laundry
work, neatly and quickly, and asks a
share of rub'lic patronage". Orders may
be left, for the present, at the residence
of L. F Ellis. Terms reasonable. 405-x
TRACTOR. All work promptly
attended to ana satisiaction guaranteed.
Refers to the many for whom he has
done work, as to prices and quality.
Dr. J. S. rricALISTKIC,
tist. Office on 12th St., three doors
east of Schilz's boct and shoe store,
Columbus, Neb, Photograph Rooms in
connection with Dental Office, ?15$
'So my cousin is coming from
Europe to fulfill the conditions of
his father's will? Well, I don't
think much of him, Hint's sure. Any
man who would consent to marry a
girl whom he has never seen, for the
sake of a little money, is a contempt
ible wretch!" And here Miss
Li lias Seftoti stopped very excit
edly. "But, Liltas," argued her cousin
Marian, "be reasonable. Herbert
Marston hnsn't expressed the slight
est intention of complying with his
father's wishes has said nothing at
all nbout matrimony, and has no
need of the fortune left him con
ditionally." "Well, that only shows him to be
miserly," was the willful retort.
"And the matter just settles itself
down to this: I am not going to
marry any one whom I don't love
with all my sou! no matter what
pecuniary disadvantage may be the
result and I don't want to be both
ered with him, anyway. Marian,
dear, won't you do mc a favor?" and
the speaker's wistful gaze was very
"Why, of course. What is it ?"
"Well, I thought over this matter
all last night, and have hit upon a
plan, if you'll really consent. You
know we have received permission
to keep house down at the old home
stead all by ourselves this summer?
Well, no one there knows us, and
won't you be Lilias and let mc be
your maid? If he can't love mc in
one position as well as another, I
don't want anything to do with him ;
and if iic should fancy you it would
just be splendid."
Both these young gii.' were beau
tiful, wealthy, and romantic. The
elder Mr. Marston, on account of
sonic fancied business wrong he
had done her father, had left his
propni ty to his son, on condition
that he married Lilias; if he refused
Lilias was to possess the whole. He
had been dead now about a year,
and two or three days before Lilias
had received a letter trom the son,
slating his intention of again com
ing to America, but making no men
tion whatever of money or mat
rimony. The letter was cultured and gen
tlemanly Lilias was forced to
confess that ; but his very reticence
on the one important topic piqued
her, and rather revengefully she
planned out this little programme,
which, after coaxing, her cousin
agreed to help carry out.
In a few weeks they were located
for the summer in the Sefton home
stead. Mrs. Sefton and her daugh
ter preferred a fashionable water
ing place, but had not opposed
Lilias' desire to rusticate in the old
farmhouse, which was tenanted and
kept in order by a couple to whom
both Lilias and Marian were stran
gers. "Now," said Lilias, one glorious,
summer evening, "I suppose we may
be expecting Herbert Marston daily,
as I have left a note, to be delivered
to him directly after his arrival, in
forming him of my whereabouts.
But look! there come two strang
ers! Maybe one of them is he. Be
on your guard."
She had tlo time to say more, for
both had approached and one spoke :
"Is Miss Sefton residing here?"
Marian bowed composedly.
"That is my name, sir."
"Indeed!" with extended hand.
"Allow me then to introduce myself
as Herbert Marston."
After the necessary greetings had'
been interchanged, the new-comer
glanced inquiringly at the little
white-robed figure standing mod
estly apart.
Marian bit her lips amusedly.
Lilias didn't look at all like a menial,
still her character must be kept up,
and, in reply to his questioning
gaze, she said :
"Maggie you may go up and help
Mrs. Brown about tea. I presume
your walk from the depot has given
you an appetite?" and Marian in her
turn looked as though desiring an
introduction to Mr. Marston's com
panion. "Perhaps," said that gentleman,
with an odd expression, "before
your maid attends to that part of the
business, she will show my valet to
the room which I am to occupy."
Both girls looked up in surprise.
The valet was a handsome, dark
mustached six-footer, whose every
expression belied his position of
servility ; but he had shouldered the
valise, and stood waiting for his
guide to lead the way; so, with a
look which signified something
more than mere wonder, Maggie
obeyed the little imperative nod of
her mistress, and proceeded up
"Whew !" said the valet, after de
positing his burden, looking up with
a smile into the face of bis fair
young escort. "That's what I call
warm work ! Well, Maggie, are
you and I going to be good friends ?''
lie spoke rather condescendingly,
and the indignant blood rushed into
his companion's cheeks as she re
plied, coolly :
"I am nothing of a prophet, and
therefore find it impossible to an
swer your question decidedly ; but
I am inclined to think not."
He smiled provokingly.
"That's bad. But our opinions on
that subject differ. Why, if we
don't entertain each other, what the
deuce shall we do with ourselves ?"
"I have never been at a loss for
amusement," responded his com
panion, demurely. "However, if
you arc dependent upon outside
society, there are plenty of servant
girls about, whom 1 have no doubt
you can readily become acquainted
"I don't fancy 'servant girls' as a
general thing," he answered calmly.
"I have rather high ideas for a valet ;
and, consequently, have but little
desire 'to become acquainted with'
your friends."
A little petulant shrug was all the
answer he received, as the young
"tile de chatnbrc" turned and de
scended the stairs.
"That man," she murmured softly,
"is no more a servant than I am.
But he shan't know that I suspect
the truth,' and she chuckled amus
edly at her own secret, which he
was far from divining. s
After tea, while the master and
mistress emitted pleasantly on the
old-fashioned porch, the two serv
ants at the gate were sparring
away gaily.
"Why, Magie," said the valet,
who answered to the name of John,
"you are twice as smart as half the
young ladies of the present day.
'Vhat makes you stay in such a de
graded position? Don't you know
enough to teach school?"
"Yes, I suppose," replied Maggie,
with a mischievous smile ho failed
to detect. She had been purposely
'showing otr." "But I'm very much
attached to Miss Lilias; and as long
as one is obliged lo work, what does
it matter what one does?"
"A great deal," he answered,
much more excitedly than the cir
cumstances would seem to indicate;
and then he proceeded to explain
to her how she was injuring herself,
and from that they went off into
a long discussion upon woman's
sphere; and when they at last re
turned to the house it was with
manifest reluctance.
For three weeks Mr. Marston and
his valet, John, remained at the old
homestead. Contrary to the cous
ins' expectations, Mr. Marston said
not a word to Marian of the strange
legacy of his father; and everything
went on merrily until a visible sad
ness overspread the whole company.
"John" drew "Maggie" down by
the gate. They had become very
good friends, notwithstanding Mag
gie's ideas upon their first meeting.
"Well, Maggie," he began earnest
ly, "to-morrow we go away ; but,
before I leave I want you to promise
to act on my suggestion."
That "suggestion" was thai she
should leave her position as lady's
maid, and to seek some occupation
for which her talents and education
fitted her.
Then, without waiting for her re
ply, he continued, earnestly:
"I am more anxious about you
than you can well imagine."
His companion felt her heart
beatiii" tumultuotisly.
John cast a quick glance into her
downcast face, and then, as though
encouraged by what he saw, went
on, impetuously:
"You must know what I want to
say; must feel that I must love you
better than any one else in this
wide world. And won't you tell
me whether or no you can ever
return my affections?"
Maggie did not answer in words,
but a shy, little smile spoke vol
umes ; and with a glad smile he took
her close to his breast.
After a while lie said, t earnestly.
"Maggie, darling, perhaps you
think it strange that I, a servant
myself, should be 60 worried about
your menial position ; but I have
won your heart under a false title.
I am not "John," the valet, but Her
bert Marston !"
Slio did not evince the slightest
surprise, but, to his utter amaze
ment, said, calmly:
"It is all right, then. Instead of
being 'Maggie,' the maid, I am Lil
ias Sefton, at your service.
The astonishment was profound
on both sides, and the masqueraders
were in due time married, and, let
us trust, happy.
The reason why editors have their
manners corrupted is because they
receive so many evil communications.
How to Mitnugft One'M Fellow
And here wc may offer to those
who would live comfortably a little
council upon the method of managc
ing one's fellow creatures. Never
be so weak as to consult their com
fort when it interferes materially
with your own; never stay listening
to a story when you would prefer
telling one yourself, but immediate
ly break away from the egotistical
wretch, covering your retreat with
as thick a varnish of good-breeding
as you cau manage, unless, of course,
your entertainer be poor, and of no
reputation ; in which case you can
break away without any excuse at
all. Above all, never bo afraid of
ordering your fellow creatures
about. Eight persons out of ten do
as they are told, and the longer one
lives, the more plainly does one ob
serve the similarity between masses
of human beings aud flocks of sheep,
who will contentedly follow their
leader through a miserable gap in a
quickset hedge, while a five-barred
gate close by is wide open ready to
admit them. Therefore, order bold
ly, and you will be obeyed. But
remember a great deal hangs on the
word boldly; for if you make a mis
take, and express your desires in a
diffident, hesitating way, as though
there were any chance of a refusal,
you will probably get the refusal.
Everything comes to him who waits,
is no, was a proverb. The last
reading of it is. "Everything comes
to him who asks." Do you want a
situation in your friend's banking
establishment for young hopeful,
whose ideas of his father's purse are
on too liberal a scale well, go aud
ask for one, and if refused ask again,
and so on da capo until you get
what you want. It is no trouble,
and besides it is gentlemanly too.
It does not look well? Nonsense,
everybody does ; and who are you
that you should sot yourself up for
being better than your neighbor,
forsooth? Yon think it a pity
the old-fashioned cloak of humility
and modesty, especially for a young
person, is never worn now. O ! my
friend! it has gone out of fashion
long ago ; we must do as others do,
or we would never reach the grand
stand at all.
Good TuHtc.
A lady of good taste can be de
tected the instant she enters a shop
for the purpose of purchasing a
dress or other articles. You see
such a lady turning the cold eye to
the assurances of shopmen and the
recommendations of milliners. She
cares not how original a pattern may
be.if itbeugly.or how recent a shape,
if it be awkward. Whatever laws
fashion dictates, she follows a fash
ion of her own, and is never behind
it. She wears very beautiful things,
which people generally suppose to
be brought Irom Paris, or, at least,
made by a french milliner, but which
are as often bought by herself in
town, and made by her own maid.
Not that her costume is either rich
or new ; on the contrary, she wears
many a cheap dress, but it is always
pretty, and many an old one, but it
is good. She deals in no gaudy con
fusion of colors, nor does she affect
a studied sobriety; but she cither
furnishes you with a spirited con
trast, or composes you with a judi
cious harmony. Not a scrap of tin
sel or trumpery appears upon her.
She puts no faith in velvet bands, or
gilt buttons, or twisted cording.
She is quite aware, however, that
the trimming is as important as the
dress; all her inner borders and
headings are delicate and fresh, and
should anything peep out which is
not intended to be seen, it is quite
as much so as that which is. After
all, there is no great art either in her
fashions or her materials. The se
cret simply consists in her knowl
edge of her own station and her
own looks. And no woman can
dress well who does not. After this
we need not say that whoever is
attracted by the costume will not be
disappointed in the wearer. She
may not be handsome or accom
plished, but we will answer for her
being even tempered, well-informed,
thoroughly sensible, and a complete
ffociul IMxIionor.
Gossip entails on those who en
courage it absolute dishonor we
mean the dishonor of repeatingcon
versations, opinions, circumstances,
not made under promise of secrecy,
but which a high sense of honor
would treat as confidential, if haply
a high sense of honor were the rule.
It is odd that one of the best things
a boy lea rim at school is to eschew
tale-bearing and keep faith with his
companions, while one of the most
common practices of society is to
betray the trust contained in talk,
and repeat to all what has been told
in implied confidence to one. This
habit of repeating what we hear is
as fatal to the best intercourse of
minds, as to the finer feelings of
A Few Word on Female I-'da-catloH.
Give your daughters thorough ed
ucation. Teach them to prepare a
nourishing diet. Tench them to
wash, to iron, to darn stockings, to
sew on buttons, to make their own
dresses. Teach them to bake bread
and that a good kitchen lessens the
apothecary's account. Teach them
that one dollar is one hundred cents,
that one only lays up money whose
expenses are less than his income,
aud that.nll grow poor who have to
spend more than they receive.
Teach them that a calico dress paid
for, fito bottor than a silkon one un
paid for. Teach them that a full,
healthy face displays a greater lus
tre than filty consumptive beauties.
Teach them to wear strong shoes.
Teach them to purchase and to see
that the account corresponds with
the purchases. Teach them that
they ruin God's images by wearing
strong bodices. Teach them good
common sense, self-trust, bclf-hclp
and industry. Teach them that an
honest mechanic, in his working
dress, is a better object of our es
teem than a dozen haughty, finely
dressed idlers. Teach them gar
dening aud the pleasure of culture.
Teach them, if you can afford it,
music, painting, and all other arts,
but consider these as secondary ob
jects only. Teach them that a walk
is more salutary than a ride in a
carriage, and that wild flowers are
worthy objects of admiration. Teach
them to reject with disdain all ap
pearances, and to use only yes or no
in good earnest. Teach them that the
happiness of matrimony depends
neither on external appearances nor
on wealth, but the man's character.
Have you instructed your daughters
in these principles, and have they
comprehended these principles?
Fearlessly allow them to marry;
they will make their way through
the world. The Practical 2'eachcr.
1'ercr Icwpiilr.
Never despair. It is a brave mot
to, aud a bravo man's armor. Bright,
beautiful hope, the antidote of all
the evils which spraug from the fa
tal box of Pandora. What a dreary
dark world this would; be without
its smiles. It springs eternal in the
heart, for it is the immortal longing
of the soul which earth cau never
Man never Is, but always to be bless
ed. Strike out of the hearts and iives
of men this hope of future good and
happiness, and it would be the death
of human eflort and life; hope, it is
the mainspring of every deed and
effort of the world since man came
into it, aud will be so until the
"click of doom." I there a life so
hopeless and miserable as not to be
warmed by its smile? Is there a
calamity so great that hope will not
rise from its ashes? Is there a
crime so dark and heinous that
hope will not lighten or color? Is
there a poverty so bleak that hope
will not transform into affluence
and case? Is there a misfortune,
sickness, poverty or death that the
light of hope does not illume? As
the rainbow, it spans the heaven of
man with its eternal faith, and gilds
the world with its heaven-bom joy.
Hope gilds all of earth, and bright
ens even the portals of the tomb.
Hope on, hope ever, and if the re
ality never comes, the joy of hop
ing will have cheered and lightened
our Iive3, and will find its fruition
in the heaven from which it springs.
Time Lost.
Most of us fritter away a great
deal of time. We arc wasteful of
the minutes when wc are wasteful
of nothing else. Nothing is easier
than to fritter away time in mat
ters of no use to ourselves or any
one else. The habit is readily form
ed. It grows upon us uuawarc.
Keep a 6trict account of every hour
of your time in a single week, set
ting down correctly the exact man
ner in which every hour is spent,
and see whether, when you come to
review the record, you do not find
it full of admonition and instruc
tion. In this simple way one can
readily understand the secret of his
want of time. He will discover
that he has given hours to idle talk,
to indolence and to inconsiderable
trifles, which have yielded him
neither profit nor pleasure. What
is the remedy? Arrange your work
in the order of its comparative im
portance. Attend first to the things
which are essential to be done, and
let the uncssentials take their chance
afterwards. The difference in the
amount of work accomplished will
be astonishing. Duty before pleas
ure. Those who practice this pre
cept have plenty of time for pleas
ure, and enjoy far greater sat
isfaction than those who reverse
this rule. For there is great satis
faction to bo obtained in the simple
performance of one's duty.
A Lesson to Fnthrr.
The great secret of success in
bringing up children is to establish,
and preserve perfect confidence be
tween parent and children. If the
father is the boy's best friend, us all
wise mothers are the glrlt.', there is
no trouble about keeping llieui from
bad associates, whose vicious ex
amples and silly bravado have a Tast
ing effect upon their characters. Fath
ers, in your effects to securo fortunes
foryour families,rcmembcr that mon
ey will not save you from the heart
ache if your boys go wrong, and
that their only safety U in beiti
kept doc by your Fiite, i.o,.i.i5 j
in your business, and you iu turn
sharing their fun and play. Noth
ing is so flattering to box at t he
society of their fathers, and nothing
makes a man so popular with them
as hi joining iu their amusements
Try do to this and your sous will try
in turn to understand your cares and
troubles. Take as much paint to
preserve them from contamination,
iu the way of immoral companion
ship as mothers do their girls, aud
you will find them growing up tt
modest and virtuous young men, tit
companions aud husbands fur girls
who have been earefull guarded
from the knowledge of evil. Devotes
your evenings to family amusemctita
and pleasures. Invite young pcoplo
to your house and pay them atten
tion, instead of going otl" to bed or
shutting yourself iu anothop room
the moment they make their appear
ance, as if there was, and could be,
nothing between yonr manhood and
their youth. So hail you be kept
young In heart, and the inexperi
ence of your sons will be tempered
with something of the sobriety of
experience. Exchange.
dood UiimI 11 Men.
Hare almost as great poets rarpr;
perhaps, than veritable and
martyrs are consummate: men of
business. A man to bo excellent in
this way, must not only be variously
gifted, but his gifts should be nicely
proportioned to one another. Ho
must have a high degrccof that virtuo
which men have always, found thu
least pleasant of virtues prudence.
His prudence, however, will not bo
merely of a cautiotH and quiescent
order, but that which bcimr never
actively engaged, U more fitly call
ed discretion than prudeuco. b'.tch a
man must have an almost ignomin
ious lovjL.oftJcAaila'i blended (and
this is a rare combination) with a
high power of imagination, entbl
ing him in lk along extended
lines of possible ;nciitbad put these
details iu their right place.
lit re
quires a great knowledge of charac-
ter, with that exquisite jhict whjch
feels unerringly the rfcht moment
when to act", discrcctrapidjfiy must
prcvadc all the movements of Lis
thought aud action. He must bo
singularly" free from vanity, aud is
generally found to be an enthusiast
who has tho art of concealing his
"" -
The AerllM or V our:Iujr.
While one of the daughters of Mr.
L. I). Brown, of Jersey City, was
entertaining a gentleman visitor iu
the back parlor of her lather's resi
dence a few nights ago, a police
officer threw open the rear window,
aud, dashing into the room, seized
the visitor and endeavored to drag
him out of the house. Miss Brown
screamed with terror, aud fell on
tho floor iu a faint, astonished, as
she very naturally might be, at this
sudden apparition. The noi-eof Lei
fall attracted members of the family
iu the dining-room, and they hasten
ed up stairs to the parlor iu time to
witness the excited aud furious
officer dragging and clubbing their
guest. Mr. Brown interfered, and
demanded to know the cause of this
extraordinary conduct. The offl-cr
replied, "I'm after a burglar."
When informed that the young i.'.an
was not a burglar the enterprising
policemuu stammered apologies, and
explained as best ho could that a
burglar had fled in the, direction of
Brown's back yard, nnd that he had
mistaken the gentleman visitor for
the object of his search. JSretc York
A Boy.
One of the best things in the
world is to be a boy.
Boys have always been so plenty
that they are not half appreciated.
A boy is willing to do any amount
of work if it is called play.
The feeling of a boy toward
pumpkinpic has never been properly
A boy furnishes half the enter
tainment, and takes two-thirds of
the ecolding of the family circle.
It i3 impossible to say at what 0
a boy becomes conscious that bis
trouser legs are too short, and is
anxious about the part of hi3 hair.
In fact, a boy is a hard subject to
get a moral from.