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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1878)
i m mm " MHBMHlaHaBaMaBBBHHMHaiHHaaHHiHiHBBMMHiHMMHnHiHiHiMHaMHHMapxHHiBBHHaHHMBrBiHiaHHnPVVaiBBaHHMMHHMaHiH THE JOURNAL. THE JOUKNAL. UAPKS OrVpVEl!TiSIXG Space. lw L'lc Imv 'Sm tfn lyr luoPinn f$r.0U $20 SiTJJ-a f $t0 1 $iw li ' I "! itf vr2 : uo I ISrKI KVKItY Wni)XEbIAV, M. K. TURNER & CO., 4 COO ! 12 1 J.", I 201 33 1 inches .-I.2.1 1 -..W if Ti h "2T :i " 4..ir7;."i lofjfcy 15 fjjfl. L ' I "-T-.i;i I " S" 1 Pusincsw and professional cards tea linos or less space, per annum, ten dol lars. Legal advertisement at statute rates. Local notices ten cents a lino first Insertion, five cents a line each MiliMMjUent insertion. AdvcrtNmcnt classified :is special notices fip crnt a line first insertion. thre cents a liuo eaeh siilisritirnt insertion. Proprietors and Publishers. I -:o:- t"OiUce in the JOUKNWL building, EIcvcnth-t., Columbus, Neb. Tkkms Per year, ?2. Six mouths, $1. Three months, Me. Single copies, ."ic. VOL. IX.--NO. 20. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1878. WHOLE NO. 436. fl n rf II II 1 11111 nil wz fmi i ii 111 1 1 i m m mr m m vs v-vm ;i - . -,.-- .. .. . ..,-, . . i - - --- I,. - - , r zz a ; A 'olnm)iUH Post Office. Open on .Sundays trom 11 a.m. to 12m. and from -1:30 to C p. m. llusincss hour!) except Sunday 0 a. m. to JJ P. M. Eastern in nil n close at 11 A. M. AV'torn mails close at 4:00 P.M. ilail leaves Columbus for Madison and Norfolk, on Mondays, "Wednesdays nnd Friday1, 7 a. m. For Monroe," (ienoii. AVaterville and Al bion, Monday, "Wednesdays aud Fri days, C A. M. For .Summit, riysscs and Crete, Mon dn v and Thursdays, 7 A. M. For Uelleville, Osceola aim York, Tues dns, Thursdays and Saturdays, S a.m. For jVprrvill',Sii:inuali and Ashland, Tuesdays aud Fridays, at 7 o'clock a. M, For "VVcIf, Farral nnd Battle Creek, Wednesday, K a. M. For Hioll Creek, Xebo, Creston and StHiiton, on Mondays at 7 A. M. For I)aid City, Wednesdays and Sat urday s. 1 p. M lu I Time Tultle. Eastward Hound. Freight. No. s, leaves at . . . 8:00 a. m. l'assen'r, " 4, " " . . .Il:ii a. m. Emigrant, " "., " " . . .12:05 p. m. Westward Bound. Freight, No. .r, leave at . . . 1:"0 p.m. Pust-ong'r, " :t, " . . . 4:i"i p.m. Freight, " !, " " . . . .1::W p.m. Emigrant, "7, " "...12:10 a.m. Eery day except Saturday the three liuei lending to Chicago connect with U. P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays there will be but one train a day, a rhovvn by the following schedule: C.& S. W. ) 7th h, 1L.V Q. J- Hth c, n. i..t p. 2ist .in ami'JMii Spt (C-IL.VQ. ) Mil . J, K. I. .V P.J- 12th (f. & N. W. ) ISUh '.th and 20th. Oct (('., U. 1. .V P. 2( . .WAV. J- !U ft., It. A . 5 K''l d and 23d. Nov . Hth and .'Mth. h It'., It. .V O. . sVM It. I. .V I ('. & N. W. 7th and 23th. J)cc . V nth ) 21st Dout Ton Met," For if you do you w ill lose money by purchasing an expensive Wind Mill, when yon can bnj one of J. O. Shannon for about oiie-haff the money that any other costs. Or.lI on .1. O. Munition, on 11th etreot, opposite Mahlou Clolhor's btoro, Cnluiubiis, Neb. 411-1." r. i sakiioic:. HAYl.VtS EMPLOYED Mr. A. A. 1'ikok, of III., a first-class black smith, is now prepared to do all kinds of wagon and blacksmith work. Will make new busies, wagons, etc., or mend old ones, ami repair all kinds of ma chinery. Custom work a specialty (tood work, promptly to promise, and chtap. Call at the Vigil of the horse sh , Olie .street, opposite Charles Morse's stable. 42!U1m " BE OF GOOD CHi:i:i:. Let not the low prices of your products dis courage j on. but rather limit your ex penses u jour resources. You can do l stopping at the new home of your fellow farmer. here you can liud good accommodations cheap. For hay for team for one night aud day, 2.i cts. A room furiiished w ith a cook stove and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Those wishing can be accommo dated at the house of the undersigned at thi following r.ites: Meal 25 cents; beds 10 cents. J. It. SKXKCAL, mile cast of Cerr.ird's Corral. COLUMBUS BBIGK Til (One mile west of Columbus.) GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK iVl-viiy on llnud. In QUANTITIES lo suit PURCHASERS THOMAS FLYXX & SON, T.opr's. r.7I-tf Farm, for Sale. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY acre f excellent farm land in (Sut ler Countj, near Patron P. O., about eiiii-distntit from throe Countj s-oats David City, Columbus and Schuyler: 150 acres under cultivation; A acres of trees, maple, Cottonwood, ."tc: good frame houe, granary, stable, shed, vc. Good stock run so. convenient to water. The place is for sale or exchange for property (house and a few acres) near CohiMibiis. Inquire at the Joi i:ai. office, or address the undersigned at Patron P.O. Wl JOHN TANNAHILL. IForuierl- Pacitic House. This popular house has been ucwlj Refitted and Famished. Meals Day Heard por week, ltttard and Lodtfins, . 3- cts. and f0. Good Livory and Feed Stable in con nection. iSATlSFA CTIOX G UAI2AXTEED. JOHN HAMMOND, Proprietor. CENTRAL NORMAL SCHOOL, Genoa, Pawnee Reservation, Neb. Term begins September 1S7S. Three departments viz: I. Common School. 2. Normal School, 3. Classical. Thorough instruction given in all branches by able and experienced teach ers. Opportunities afforded teachers to acquire- experience in the school room. Larcc building and first-class accommo dation. For prospectus. ,s, apply to C. It. Kakkstuaw. A. M., Principal 432-3. Genoa, Nebraska. SWWI nct easily earned in these times, but it can be made III in three months bj-any one of either sex. in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the emplojnient that we furnish. ?06 per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can rive your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. "We have agents who are making over ?20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easilv and rapidly at any other busi ness. It costs nothing to trj- the busi ness. Terms and fSOuttit free. Address at once, II. Halltt & Co., Portland, Maine 3..-y. $rtrt week in vour own town. $3 l" t Outfit free. No rik. Reader, JJ it you want a business at which persons of either sex can make great pay a uthe time they work, write for particulars to II. IIal lett & Co Portland, Maiuu. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. Saundkiis, U. R. Senator. Omaha. A. S. I'adduck, U. S. Senator, Beatrice. Fkaxk Wklch, lteprcsentative,Norfolk. STATE DIRECTORY: Silas Gakueii, Governor, Lincoln. Rrunn Tzschuck, Secretary of Slate. J. It. Yeton, Auditor, Lincoln. J. C. Mcllride, Treasurer, Lincoln. Geo. II. Roberts, Attorney-General. S. R.Thompson, Supt. Public Instruc. II. C. Dawson, Warden of Penitentiary. ??IL houldV' PrIson Inspectors. lr..I. G. I)vi. Prison Physician. II. P. Mathcwson, Supt. Iiisanw Asylum. JUDICIARY: Daniel Gantt. Chief Justice, ?MwelLak1A-oclateJm,C9-voinrrii .lunicm. district. G. W. Put, Judtre, York. M. It. Iteese, District Attorney, Wahoo. LAND OFFICERS: E. W. Arnold. Register, Grand Island. Win. Ativan, Receiver, Grand Inland. COUNTY DIRECTORY: J. G. Hi-ins, County Jude. John Stautrer. Countj- Clerk. V. ICummer, Treasurer. Itcnj. Spielmau, Sheritr. R. L. Rosssiter, Surveyor. It. II. Henry, 1 Win. lilot'doru.V CountyCommissioncrs. John AValker, J Dr. A. Heintz, Coroner. S. L. Harrett. Supt. of Schools. S. S. McAllister,) irii,.,.sorii1Pp,'ice Ityron Millett, "ctu-tsot uiei tan. Charles Wake, Coustable. CITY DIRECTORY: C. A. Speice, Mayor. John Schram, Clerk. John J. RIcklv, Marshal. J. W. Earlv. Trc-isurer. S. S. McAllister. Police Jmhrc. J. G. Routsou, l'liL'ineer. cofxriLvnx: 1st Hard J. E. North, E. Pohl. 2! irni E. C. K:iv:mniii;li. C. E. Morse. Sf H'riZ-K. E. J. Raker, A. Gerrard. i N;itE:,v?i. H.T. Ill . ('real IIDSON has opened an Ice urn parlor on I", h street op posite the pofct-ollieo. where lie will keep a stock of choice Cigars and Can dies Fruits and Oysters, in their season. Ice will be supplied in quantities for partic and pic-nics. 42IS-X. DOLAND & SMITH, DEUG-GISTS, "Wholesivlo mid. Retail, TERR.SKA AVE., opposite City 1 Hall, Columbus, Nebr. ISTLow prices and line good. Prescriptions and f.imily recipes a specialty. 417 Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps AXI GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Nebraska A vc, ojip. Clolhcr House. j3"Cash Paid for Purs. 3SS Obernc, McDaneld & Co., PKALKKS IX HIDES, TALLOW, AVOOL, PELTS AND FUIIS. OKAHA, ... NEB. VTTE take pleasure in calling the at- tention of the readers ot the JocitXAi. to this 11 nil for sure pay and quick returns. Those who are thinking of shipping their wool, would do well to correspond with them, as you may ship further and do no better but a great deal worse. En. Journal. 410-x LITERS & SCSrMEK Shcksmitl aid Wagon Mab, All kinds of repairing done at short notice. Wagons, Ruggies, &c, &c; made to order. All work warranted. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter sal, Columbus, Nebraska. 352 COM) .TI I IJ S Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor. Wholesald and Retail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS, D0UBL1N STOUT, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. ZnrKcntuch; Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS, In their season, JiY THE CASE. CAN OU DJSJ1, lltlt Street. South of Depot, WM. BECKER, DKALEK IX( GROCERIES, Grain, Produce, Etc. (MMsaMFairDealii. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. Goods delivered JFrcc of Charge, anywhere in the city. Corner of 13th and Madison Sts. North of Foundry. S9T BUSINESS CARDS Ir. E. I,. SIOGI2VS, CONSULTING PHYSICIAN, COLUMISUS, - NEDHASKA. HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED his medical olUce in the rooms in the east end of bank building, cor. Nebraska A v. and 12th sts., offerinjr his services in all departments of medicine and hurjrery, acute and chronic dis eases. Will isit any part of the city or country in answer to all calls, day or nilit. Medicines furnished without extra charge. tf79-lv TTKXKY (i. CAKEW, Attorney and Counselor at Law, COI.U.MI1US, NK IMC ASK A. Formerly a member of the English bar; will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him in this and adjoining counties. Collections made. Ollice one door east of Schilz' shoe store, corner of olive nnd 12th Streets. Sprieht Deufh. Parle Francais. 4IS-tf itik mi:: m saddles ! J. C. PARKER, Proprietor. 17MRST door north of Hammond House ; and feed b table, just opposite the post-otlice. Good work and the best material at low prices, is the motto. Satisfaction given or no sale. Repairing done promptly. E3jFine harness and carriage trimming, a specialty. Call and examine for yourselves. " 408 :f W. OTT, fc.KI.LS All Muds of fiH'Sim INSTRUMENTS ItooVs, Stallonpry, t'andj and Cigars. OXE DOOK XOUTII Of POST -OFFICE. 400-tf HENEY GASS, UNDERTAKER, KEEPS ON HAND ready-made and Metallic Collin", Walnut Picture Frames. Mends Cane Scat Chairs. Keeps on hand Rhick Wal nut Lumber. TTiih DOCTOR BONESTEEL, ij. n. iaviilmx; MiuGi:o., COLCMHUS, : NKltttASKA. OFFICE HOl'RS, 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to 4 p. in., and 7 to I) p. m. Ollice on Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of E. J. Raker's grain ollice. Residence, corner Wyomiiu and Walnut streets. north Columbus, Nebr. -tf Bietriclcs)' Meat Iflurkcl. Waslihigtnn Ate. nrnrlj oniiosMp Court House. OWING TO THE GRASSHOPPER times, meat will be sold at this market low, low down for cas.ii. Rest steak, per lb., 10c. Rib roast, " 8c. Roil, " Gc. Two cents a pound more than the above prices will be charged on time, and that to good icsponsible parties only. iG7. Columbus Meat Market! WEBER & KNOBEL, Frop'r. K1 EEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh meats, and smoked pork and beef: also fresh lish. Make sausage a specials-. 3C3"Reiiieiiil!cr the place, Elev enth St., one door west of D. Rvan's hotel. 417-tf STAGi: 1CO&JT12. JOHN IIUHER, the mail-carrier be tween Columbus and Albion, will leave Columbus everyday excepting the at 0 ,)'clock, sharp, passing through Monroe, Genoa, Watorvillc, and lo Al bion The hack will call at either of the Hotels for passengers if orders are left at the post-otlice. Rates reason able, $2 to Albion. 222.1y RYAN & DEG-AN, TWO doors cast of D. Ryan's Hotel on 11th street, keep a large stock of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, And everything usually kept at a flrst class bar." 411-x CENTRAL HOTEL. THIRTEENTH STREET, two doors cast of Tiffany & Routson's feed stable. Convenient to all business houses of the city. Good accommoda tions, at fair, living prices. 410-tf W.M. SPEICE, Prop'r. XLSOX MILLETT. BYBON MILLETT, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. IV. MIIJLETT Ac SOZV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Nebraska. N. R. They will give close attention to. all business entrusted to them. 248. "W. .A.. CLABK, 11-ffiii and Engineer, COLUMBUS, NUB. 402-12 ITI. MEISF..M JL1JH, WILL repair watches and clocks In the best manner, and cheaper than it can be done in any other town. Work left with Saml. Gass, Columbus, on 11th street, one door east of I. Gluck'a store, or with Mr. Weisenfluh at Jackson, will be promptly attended to. 415. MRS. C. GRIMES Is prepared to do all classes of Laundry work, neatly and quickly, and asks a share of public patronage. Orders may bo left, for the present, at the residence of L. F Ellis. Terms reasonable. 405-x HUGH HUGHES, CARPENTER, JOINER AND CON TRACTOR. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Refers to the many for whom he has done work, as to prices and qualitv. '264. Dr. J. S. JlcAL-ISTEK, SURGEON AND MEDICINAL DEN tist. Office on 12th St., three doors east of Schilz's boot and shoe store, Columbus, Neb. Photograph Booms in connection with Dental Office. 215.y SOYS WANTED. lloys of spirit, boys of will, Roys of muscle, brain and power, Fit to cope with anything These are wanted every hour. Not the weak and whining drones, That all trouble magnify Not the watchword of" rcan't," Rut the noble one, " I'll try." Do whate'er you have to do With a true and earnest zeal; Rend your sinews to the task Put your shoulders to the wheel. Though your duty may be hard, Look not on it as an ill; If it be an honest task, Do it with an honest will. At the anvil or the f.irni. Wheresoever you may be From your future effort's boys, Come a nation's destinv. Itlultum lu I;irvo. A man is a man only as ho makes life and nature happier to us. Make yourself necessary to some body. Do not make life hard to any. It is the depth at which we live, and not at all the surface extension that im ports. Oh, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes. We must work and aflirm, but we have no guess of the value of what we do or say. Civilization depends on morality. Everything good in man leans on some thing higher. Nothing is so indicative of the deep est culture as a tender consideration of the ignorant. Nature has laid for each the founda tions of a divine building, if the soul will build therein. Man is the only creature endowed with the power of laughetf ; is he not, also, the only one that deserves to be laughed at? A mau s ho has tastes like mine, but in greater power, will any day, and make me love my ruler. Wise men are not wise at all hours, aud will speak five' times from their taste or their honor, to once from their reason. So much of our time is preparation, so much routine, and o much retrospect, that the pith of each man's genius con tracts itself into a very few hours. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly, until he knows that every day is doomsday. The lovely world of childhood closes soon. Youth Hies away, and never more re turns. With every morning dies the dream, the night; With every evening sun the day is buried The key to every man is his thought. Sturdy aud delving though he look, he has a helm which he obeys, which is the idea alter which all his facts are classi fied. He can only be retortned by show ing him a new idea which commands his own. We live in n world which is full of misery and the plain duty of each aud all of us is to try to make the little corner he can influence somewhat less misera able and somewhat less ignorant than it was before he entered it. Life consists in the putting forth of faculties that arc sheathed In our cxis. tencc. We live by communion with the substances of the universe, and the full ness of any life is determined by the number of "objects from which a person draws nutriment. The generality of men are limited enough to their eonceptioiis to suppose that every other should he fashioned by education according to the pattern of themseles. Happy then are those whom fate takes charge of, and educates according to their several natures. In the intercourse of social life, it is by little acts of watchful kindness, rc curriug daily and hourly, and opportu nities of doing kindness, if sought for, are forever starting up, it is by words, by tones, by gestures, by looks, that af fection is won and preserved. The mean mind occupies itself with sneering, carping aud f.iul Minding, and is ready to scoff at everything but Impu dent affrontary and successful vice. The greatest consolation of such persons are the defects of men of character. "If the wise erred not," says George Her bert, "it would go hard with fools." What maintains one yice would bring u? two children. You may think, perhaps, that a little tea, or a little punch now and then, diet a little more costly, clothes a little finer, aud a little entertainment now and then, can be no great matter, but many a little, makes a mickle. Reware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship. He is a strong man who can hold down his opinion. A man cannot utter two or three sentences without disclos ing to intelligent ears precisely where he stands in life and thought, namely, whether in the kingdom of the senses and the understanding, or in that of the ideas and imagination, in the realm of intuitions and duty. People seem not to sec that their opinion of the world Is also a confession of character. Men are inclined to content them selves with what is commonest. The spirit and the senses so easily grow dead to the impressions of the beautiful and perfect, that every one should study by all methods, to nourish in his mind the faculty of feeling these things. It is only because they are not used to taste of what Is excellent, that the generality of people take delight in silly and in sipid things, provided they be new. For this reason one ought, every day, at least, to hear a good song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible to speak 'a few reasonable words. A. re there no Hoiiewt JlcnV One of the daily papers discussing the subject of defalcations lays down these two propositions: " There is no man who will ulti mately resist the temptation to use funds which arc absolutely in his control for a long time ; and in using them he docs to with the most hon orable intentions, trusting to secrecy until he shall have paid back every cent." Both of these statements arc ob jectionable because they are not founded in truth. It would be in the highest degree discreditable to (he human race, if the first proposi tion were true, and exceedingly dangerous to admit the justico of the second. Let us look at them separately : 1. "There is no man who will ul timately resist (he temptation to use funds which arc absolutely in his control for a long time." Is that so ? Then there are no honest men living ; then we may not put confidence in anybody ; then character is no basis for trust,and a defalcation or robbery is but a question of time. Give any man lime aud opportunity uud he will prove himself a villain. Now, we do not tako so sad a view of so ciety as this. "We bear in mind that in proportion to the vast number of trusted men, the breaches of trust arc very few. In such a community as New York, Boston or Philadel phia, the number of men having ab solute control of large trusts, as ex ecutors, agents, guardians, trustees of estates and minors, is to be count ed by tens and hundreds of thou sands. Scarcely a man of position and character but is in some way made the trustee of money which he is to handle and guard for others. Some of these meu are Treasurers of great institutions, with large sums lying in their hands, subject to their individual direction, and at any time they could hypothecate securi ties, raise money, aud on it depart out of the city, orspeculate in stocks. This is the temptation which over comes weak and wicked men. But lo say that no " man will resist this temptation " is to ignore the fact that the immense majority of men do resist; that the defaulters arc only as one in a thousand miserable exceptions to the general rule, which is honesty, not robbery. The facts are bad enough without making them worse by exaggeration. "We would not increase general distrust by impeaching the many who arc en titled to the more confidence because others forfeit character and drown themselves in the perdition of dis honest men. Good men would shrink from holding trust, if it were held as a fact that all men will betray their trusts with plenty of time aud opportunity. 2. But the second statement is even more dangerous than the first. The one excites distrust, the second stimulates to crime. The writer says: "in using tnora (trust funds) he does so with the most honorable intentions, trusting to secrecy until he shall have paid back every cent." The point wc ma!.e is that the word honorable in such a connection is unfortunate and injurious to good morals. The intention is in the highest degree dishonorable which encourages a trustee to peril the money of another for his own ad vantage. The intention to restore is the ealvc to his conscience, or rather the- mask that he wears while he robs his innocent, unsuspecting and helpless victims. Honorable intentions, indeed! A man being entrusted with the money of anoth er, says to mmsell: "1 will take this money and go upon the street with it and operate till I have doub led it; then I will put it back where it now is, and the trust will be as good as before. I will be so much richer, and nobody will know how it was done." Is that honest? The trust was safe as it stood. Or it was where the law and his judgment di rected him to place it. But he re solved lo put it in peril for the sake of making himself rich. His inten tion to put the money back was part of the scheme which he formed for his own advantage at the hnlard of the trust. The resolution was dis honest. The intention was no pal liation, but was a cloak for the crime and, therefore, was in no sense hon orable. The moment that he decid ed to violate his obligation as a trustee the man was lost. Having no better right to take that money or his own use than he would have had if it were in the keeping of another, he was a thief at heart as soon as he determined on its appro priation. We are the more explicit on this point because it is just here that men deceive themselves, and are deceiv ed by such reasoning as we have cited. They vainly imagine that restoration atones for the appropria- tion of what was not their own ; as if it wero n sufficient excuse for highway robbery that the robber in tended to restore, and actually did restore, at some future time, the purse he took. The Trustco who misappropriates the funds in his hands is much worso than n thief, is meaner than a robber; the moan ucss being greater as the risk of de tection is diminished. These arc times whcifthis subject ought to be fully understood. It is well to set before the best of men the dangers of temptation when facilities arc so great, and the stand ard of morality is so fearfully low. So many have been the branches of trust on the part of Treasurers and Ditcctors and Presidents, as well as of private trustees, that men have come to look upon these offences with a leniency that is exceedingly uniavorauiQ to puunc virtue, it is now very hard to make a "breach of trust" a crime punishable with im prisonment. The "honorable inten tion" to restore palliates the sin and wipes out the shame in the cyc3 of a money-getting generation. But it is not -so in the eyes of Him who sceth in secret. It ought not to be so in the eye of the law, or of any good man. N. Y. Observer. Senator Plutnb of Ivansas, has unfortunately given the Eastern press the opportunity to bewail the unripeness and incapacity of "West ern statesmanship. A committee was raised by the Senate, previous to the late adjournment, to sit du ring recess and examine military aud report at the next session all about army operations and give its opinion as to the feasibility of re ducing the army. The committee had a preliminary meeting and re solved that its sessions should take place at the various watering places of the country, commencing at White Sulphur Springs. It is now investigating the army at White Sulphur Springs, but Plumb is not there. He writes to say that when he investigates the army he wants to go where the army is and not to a lashionable watcrinj' place. He says he hopes, after the committee has watered itself sufficiently at White Sulphur Springs, Saratoga, Long Branch, and the rest of the military stations, where the army don't happen to be now, it will have time to go up to the North-west frontier and take a look at army op erations at short langc. This is not slntcsmr.nship. A man who don't know all about the army without having ever seen a soldier except those gallant heroes that fight on leave of absence at the watering places, during warm weather, is not fit to be a Senator. A man who would recklessly imperil the lives of the great and good statesmen, who have the welfare of the whole country resting on their shoulders, by taking them up to the frontier where the army is, and where the furtive red man fires miscellaneous ly at citizens, Senators, or soldiers, from behind trees and rocks and crevices, or the lava beds, is a harum- scarum lunatic, and the people of Kansas should cross his name from the Senatorial roll-call. The next thing we shall hear of will be a pro position for a committee on Indian affairs, going over to the agencies to sec whether the red mau is thin for starvation, while the agent, the trader, and the contractor are grow ing fat and rich, and so on. This foolishness must be nipped in the bud. A line must be drawn against Plumb forthwith. It would take but few Plums of this kind to utter ly destroy the comfort and break down the health of Congressional Statesmen sitting as committcss dur ing recess, at the expense of a pater nal government at the watering places of the country. Lincoln Journal. ilatt Klec3 was standiug behind his counter ou yesterday afternoon, absently contemplating a bowl of water-crescs, when a very badly dilapidated old veteran stumbled around the screen and confronted him a moment in silenco before say ing: "I'maco mmunist." "S'that so?" replied Matt, when this strange word had cleared itself up to him. "Yessirtis. I'm ravin' com'nist." "What do you want?'' "I wantashare 'th' money. S'too mauy rish men inaworl. 'Tain't far. Watsay is the gov'men' ough ter make 'em d'vide with ush poor lab'rin men 'tain'got'ncugh terlivc on. I wan' a share. Shashwai want." "If yon had a share, what would you do with it?" asked Matt. "Shpen' it" was the prompt and spirited reply. Thashwasido with it. I'd sphen' it like a gentleman witheboys' "What would you do after you'd spent it all ? "Git 'uother share!" "The BoyN." I must confess to a certain warmth of heart and conscious tenderness of feeling toward boys about thcagc of ten or twelve years. Indeed I do not remember the time when I did not prefer them to girls; or at any rate, 1 liked them as well, with their boisterous ways and rough speeches. I am talking now of genuine boys, not girl boys who are tied to their mother's apron string, and who would no more give a whoop or a yell in the house than they would try to be mauly. To be sure, such boys as I mean arc an ungodly set to yet along with while they are young. But take comfort; mothers, they make the best men after all. Their sins arc many and varied, although not very flagrant, and will not bu likely to grow "beautifully less ' until they havo committed a i'uw unpardonable ones, i.e., the sin of being found out ; then I think with the aid of the right kind of punishment, they will commence curtailing their various propensities aud " turn over a new leaf," or a whole volume of them, and have them bound iu calf. Notwithstanding their many dep redations against the quiet of a household, they . are pretty nice things to have around, mid so, as 1 take such an interest in them, I am just going to ask them a few ques tions which I hope they'll remem ber. What do you say, boys; will they bo acceptable? Say "yes," now, and make me glad by knowing that you aro too polite to say " no." I havo often wondered, dear little boys, all over the country, if every one of you were trying to be kind and polite to everybody. If you ever forget to say "good-morning" or "good-night" to papa or mam ma, and, iu fact, to every one about the house. Or if you neglected to say " if you please " or " thank you " for everything you ask for or re ceive. Or do any of my boys ever come into the house without wiping their feet thoroughly on the mat or taking off their hats, I hope they do not throw them on the table, lounge or lloor, for their mothers or sisters to pick up. Or do they go racing into thediuing-room with unwashed faces or uncombed hair, aud sit down in a rough disorderly way at the table, taking no heed of the nice, clean napkins mamma has put iu the rings, but as soon as they are helped commence shoveling their food into their mouths with knives in stead of forks; handling two or three piece of bread before they de cide to take one piece; sticking their own knives into the butter or salt ; Bitting with their mouths wide open, waiting for a chance to inter rupt some older person. Ux. Yoimir Wive An English lady, who can cook, enlarges iu a lively letter to the Loudon Standard, on one of the real grievances of the present day to-wit : The number of utter use less and idle young wives, who, being incapable themselves, spoil their servants, aud then won der that the husband leaves the ill cooked meal, perhaps ill-served, al so, to dine at his club. The' say, contemptuously, they were not brought up to that kind of thing, and consider it beneath them. This lady replies that she was not brought up to it, cither, but she de nies that it is beneath any gentle woman to try to contribute to the comfort of those around her. It she need not absolutely work with her own hands, tho mistress of a house should certainly havo suffi cient knowledge to direct her sub ordinates, or they will soon discov er her ignorance and become insub ordinate. Nor need the absolute performance of these duties inter fere with oilier pursuits. This lady confesses that, after pastry or cake making in the morning, her hand is sometimes too tremulous for her favorite oil-painting or to help her husband in the prepe ration of ob jects for his microscope, but it is easy enough to find some other oc cupation when this is the case; and she has not lost her love for art, nor her appreciation of science, bc rfliisc she is happy enough to be a lady who can cook. N. Y. Obser ver. "Dirt is flying on the Kcpublican Valley Iiailroad almost iu sight of lied Cloud. A large force of men and teams commenced grading in the Republican Valley, four miles east of Red Cloud on Monday. Track-laying on the road is pro gressing finely. The track is now extended seven miles south of Hast ings and is being pushed south at the rate of nearly one mile per day. It looks now as thoogh the road would reach Red Cloud earlier than was expected by our citizens." lied Cloud Arywt. Saving For Oltl Arc. No one denies that it is wise tq make (I provision for old age, but wo arc not all agreed as to the kind; of provision it is best to lay in. Ccr tain Jy wc shall want a little money,, for n destitute old man is indeed a. sory sight. Yes, save money, by alt means. But an old mau needs just that particular kind of strength, which most young men aro most apt to waste. Many a foolish young fellow will throw away on a holiday a ecrtaitt amount of nervous energy which he will never feel the want of till he is. seventy ; aud then, how much ho will want! It is curious but true,. that a bottle of champagne, at twenty mauy intensify the rheumatism of three-score. It U :i fact, that over tasking the ccs at fourteen may necess tate the aid of spectacles at forty, instead of eighty.. We adviso our young revderatobe saving of health for their old age for the maxim holds good with re gard to health as to money r waste- not, want not. It Is the greatest mistake to suppose that any viola tion of the laws of health can escape its penalty. Nature forgiveJno sin,, no error. She lets off the ollcuder for fifty years sometimes,, but she catches him at hist ,-and inflicts,. the punishment ju&t when, just where,, just how he feels it the mosU Save up for old nge; but save more than money; save health, savo honor, save knowledge, save the re collection of good deeds and. inno cent pleasures; save pure thoughts,, save friends, savo love. Savo rich stores of that kind of wealth which lime cannot diminish, nor death take awn v. Ciiriylcoii tlie UuuR T.Iob.. I call the book of Job, nparl frotu all theories about it, one- of thee grandest things ever written with n pen. On; feels, indeed, us if it wero not Hebrew uch a uoblo univer sality, different' from noble patriot ism or sectarianism, reigns iu it. A noble book tall men's book I It is our first, oldest statement of the never ending problem man's destiny and God's ways with him hero on earth. And all in such free, flowing out lines; grand iu its simplicity, and its epic melody, and repose of re concilement. There is the seeing cj e, the mildly understanding heart. So true every way; true eyesight aud vision of all things ao less, than spiritual ; tho horse "hast thou clothed his neck with thuudcr?" he laughs at the shaking of the spear. Such living likones-ses were never since drawn. Sublime reconcilia tion ; oldest choral melody as if tho heart of mankind ; so soft and great as the summer night, as the world with its seas and stars? There is nothing written, I think, iu the Bi ble or out of it, of equal literary merit. Republican Kilkenny Cat. In looking over our exchanges wo arc btrttck with the bitter vitupera tion that so-called journals bestow on each other aud upon republican candidates. Tho whole tight seema to bu between persons nnd papers, calling themselves of one faith. Is there, then, no democratic party to beware of; no greenback clement that needs attention? Havo wo indeed become Kilkenny cats, and do wc mean to cat each other up? Politics used to be a war, as ono might say, between different politi cal parties, with diflercut aims and objects. In this state it has become a war of factions entirely. Why tho bitterest democratic papers do not say as harsh things of our candidates as we do ourselves. Vlnttsmoitth Ilerald. The city ofTccumseh has passctl an ordanco which compels any party soliciting job work to take on . - the license. The example is a worthy one, and should be followed by all the country towns in the Slate. The fact is that country towns will find it to their interest every time to pro tect their own newspaper offices, so that they can at all timed be ablo to do a thorough work. This can only be done by keeping these hawkers out. lieu trice' Courier. Squaimxo It. Footc, going out to dinner, hailed a hackney coach, which turned out to be a rickety old vehicle. At hi3 journey's end ho gave the driver a coin, which the man looked at suspiciously. "Well, what's the matter?'' "Why it's a bad shilling." ''Is it?" rejoined Foote, "Well, then, we're quits; yours Is a bad hackney coach." "My husband," says a lady; "is the most even tempered person in the world he is always mad." There are seventy-two post-mis-tres-ies in tho United Slate. j., f! A2?