A 3 r f V 51 A THE J O URN AL. "WEDXESDAY. SEPTEJIHKK 11, 1S7S. Communications to Insure insertion in the next iuc, should he in hand on Momlavh; if lengthy, on Thursdays preceding issue-day. Advertisements, of whatever class, should he in hand by uoon. 1 uedays. .VdvertisemVnts under this head ltpoi Tlrn; 5. a line first insertion, U cts. a line' -"' r,lus ct each Milncuucnt insertion. Splendid weather. . Powder and ehot at G. Riedcr's. Shirts at 25 cents at L. Kramer's The choicest fine-cut tobacco at Iliodcr's. Flannel ut 15 cents a yard at L. Kramer's. Now is a good time to securo eccd wheat. Don't forget, but one price at " Galley Bra's. Grain riicIcs $2.25 per dozen at " Boncstccl Bros. The boss corn-cutter at G. II. Krausc & Sou's. . t Good chanibray 15 cts. per yard nt llonestccl Bros. Bleached muslin 4 cents a yard ut Boncstccl Bros. Qo (o Geo. Biedcr's for strictly pure cider vinegar. 10 yards of Cotton Flannel, for v $1.00 at L. Kramer's. Threshers' notcg, in book form, for side at this office. v Good striped Shirting nt 10 cts. a yard at L. Kramer's. A new lot of print. 5 cts. per yard at Boncstccl Bros. Fall slock of men's and boys' clothing at Galley Bros. Grapes, plums and peaches by the pound or box at Hudson's. Chicairo dnilie i:eky evening Y at K. 1). Fitzpatrick's book-store. Rest 50 cent. Japan Tea in town , nt M. Smith's storo on 13th street. - You enn always depend on get- y ling the lowest prices at Galley Bro4. Just received, a new lot of im- r-i proved buggy tops at Gus. Lock- nor's. The Bipp brothers expect lo put in this fall fifty acres to Grass wheat. A good Suit of clothes (coat, jinnts and vest,) lor $5.00 at L. Kramers. Remember the Marble troupe for Thursday, Friday and Saturday ovoningfi. The Nebraska Annual Confer ence will meet in Beatrice the 10th of October. Unlauudried shirts, New York t muslin and linen. bopom and culls for $1.00 at Galley Bros. Five crates of crockery jut ro y ccived at Henry Bro?., which will be sold at low prices. L. Kramer of this place will start a branch dry-goods store in Silver Creek next week. W II. Little of Elgin. III., n first-class tinner, has been engaged by G. II. Kratisc & Sons. A wholesale liquor store is lo be started soon in the city by B. "Wiliicr of Burlington, la. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lucas living south of the Loup, died on the Sth inst. "Woolen varu of everv shade. grade, and quality at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Ca?h Store. Boncstccl Bros, are closing a lot of laces Fringes and other d.ess trimmings nt very low prices. A new supply of carpels, floor oil cloth and Matting nt L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Messrs. Speicc & North report Isrge sale of railroad land notwith standing Sec'y Schurz's decision. Hats and Caps in great varictv, and nt extremely low prices at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. It will pay yon big to put up your own fruits ami get Ibe fruit cku of Robert Uhlig. You get them now for half nothing. Call and sec those women's leather shoes at 75 cts. per pair at Boncstccl Bros., they arc the best bargain in the market. Go to S. T. TlillV lo pet your watches, clocks aud jewelrv repair ed. First door south of C.L. Hill's book store, Olive street. Rev. J. Q. A. Fleharty, will preach in the Troth School "House (near Mrs. IIoopcO next Sabbath, Soptcmbcr loth, at 11 a. m. Special bargains at J. C. Par ker's harness shop until the 1st of Sept. Do not fail to call and secure while the opportunity lasts. The most elegant parlor heating stove we ever saw, is one now set up and for sale at G. II. Krausc & Son's, ou Nebraska Avenue. A large stock of men's and boy's clothing at astonishingly low prices lias just been opened atL. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. When you cro to Riedcr's for $1.00 worth of dried apples take a colleo sack with you, because it holds more than a grain sack. L. Kramer of the New York Cheap Cash Store, sells all goods at tho lowest possible prices, and has one uniform low price, for all. Be sure to put your name on your grain bags : get'the adjustable Stencil Slates at 5 cts. a letter at Robert Uhlig's Hardware store. G. II. Krause & Son's" keep a full lino of powder flasks, shot pouches, and bags, powder, shot and caps, which they offer at very low prices. I. Gluck is putting in an im mense stock of goods at his mam moth store on Eleventh street. Look out for a big advertisement next week. See Dr. Christison's card in to day's Jockxal. The Doctor is a young man, son of Rev. Christison of this place, aud comes highly re commended. A new crossing from Rasnius son & Schram's grocery to the post office put down by private enter prise, will enable north Nebraska Avenue to get its mail, drv-shod. f -b0?f T8 M T cr s' UO IU OIL. 11. J K1HU S IU1 jjru- cencs. Gloves and mittens cl.?np atL. ltramer's. And the buyer with his tester is at hand. -Boys boots $1.00 per pair at Bouc- ,j Go to Flynn & Son for first- ciass uricKs. Everybody is preparing to at tend the Fair. Several fast trotters are expect ed at the Fair. Mens' boots $1.75 per pair at Boncstccl Bros. "Writing paper and envelopes at Geo. Riedcr's. K "When vou want Boots cheap go to Boncstccl Bros. Marble troupe, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. f Canned fruits and confectionery of all kinds at Hudson's. Z A nice lot of C. S. C. hams just received at Geo. Ricder s. v. If you want all good6 at straight prices call on Galley Bros. y. Buggy Top3 for sale cheaper than ever'at Gus. Lockncr's. kf If you want a dish of gilt-edge velvet cream call at Hudson's. LA Just received a nice lot ol gen uine cod hsh at Geo. Riedcr's. -V It pays to trade at L. Kramer's .New York Cheap Cash Store. h- M. II. O'Brien sells good gro ceries at vet moderate prices. A- Boncstccl Bros, sell good wear ing slipper for 25 cts. pc ppcr lor lii cts. per pair. W Get your school books, paper, pens and ink at Jul. 1'itzpatrick s. r Bonesleel Bros, sell '.() inch bleached muslin G1.. cts. per yard. D. N. Miner has the contract for the new school-house in Dist. No. 1. "It isn't often that one will come across another fool as big as him- hOlf." rfr Morrissey & Klock will sell you a good, all-wool suit ol clothes for $1.50. I). Anderson, shipped to Chica go, Friday last, two car loads of fat hogs. y Choice apples by the barrel or peck at Hudson s, opposite the post oiiice. y' New styles of shawls and cloaks at L. Jvramor s .New lork Cheap Cash Store. Depositions in a Boone county cae were taken before C. A. Spiece on Saturday. Boots and Shoes, the largest stock in lown, and at the lowest prices at L. Kramer's. A Ladies', Misses', Children's Mens and boys underwear cheap, at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Slorc. Robert Uhlig has put an addi tion to the rear of his hardware t-tore, 22x10, aud has gone cast to buy an immense stock of goods to fill up. Jas. Vizard of Boone county, bought a Halladay wind-mill Satur day of A. "W. Lawrence, for a well 20(i led deep. Rob. Pin son Iclls us that our rain of Friday was a severe storm of wind and rain at the head of the Looking Glass. " L. Kramer at the New York Cheap Cash Store, sells the best goods at the lowest prices, and keeps the largest and best assortment. Win. A. Gwycr, of Omaha, 1ms announced himself a candidate for congress subject to the decision of the. IffMllllilirvm clntn nnni'iinlinii . inas. ,. jsievcnson is of opinion, after a short canvass, that Columbus contains between two thousand and twcnty-livo hundred I' inuauuauis. ji G. n. Krausc & Sons arc shell ing out lots of tinware. Having now three tinners at work, they are able to supply the demand at" rea sonable prices. -J Call at the Pic'ure Car on the Fair ground the 11th, 12th and 13th, for your pictures of all descriptions. Those are my last days in Colum bus. 11. C. Preston. Spooncrand Bushel have enter ed into partnership. Geo. has so much work on hands that he is com pelled to divide it with an other, and thus, according to the old adage, conquer it. - Plows, plows, plows in great numbers arc arriving at Gus. Lock ner's preparatory to fall trade. If you want A. No. 1 article in that line, call on him. Satisfaction guaranteed. A car load of nails is on the road and expected in every day for G. H. Krausc & Son's. Thev expect to sell lots of nails this fall,nnd in vito every one who needs nails to call on them. Rev. Fleharlv conducted the religious services at tho M. E. Church last Sabbath and discussed tho missionary and other benevo lent enterprises of the church. Ho preaches at this church everv other Suuday. There will be a dance at the Opera House, Thursday evening, after the Theater close's, for the benefit of the Agricultural Societv of Platte county. Let all who love innocent, healthful amusement be present. The Monroe precinct farmers' club, at their meeting Sept. 7th, decided to have apic-nicon the 21st of the month at Olaf Larson's grove, near the Looking glass bridsre. The club meets at "Chas. Dl'vIcr's. eary, jci. isi. Bring your grain sacks to Schnp- bach & Schroeder, who for Co cts. a dozen, will put on string fasteners which will cuablc you to tie and untie your sacks without taking your gloves off, and which will always be safe. "We learn from Jacob Ripp that the pic-nic at Lyuch's grove on Thursday last was well attended, and was a decided success, socially and financiall.v, the net proceeds being sixty dollars, which, we un derstand, is for the benefit of the church of that very popular voun" priest, Father Smith. G. II. Krause fc Sou's will get a car load of heating stoves about the 15th or 20lh of this month. They will handle the best line of hard and soft coal base burners in the market. Hallam, on Section IS of the TJ. P. Railroad has a dog. There id nothing strange in this But the dog is a character. Each day, he chases the passcnger,train each way, tho freight trains run too slow for him, and he shows contempt for them. Mr. Ryan of Logansport, Ind., and Eugene Eggleston of Sherman Precinct this county are being treat ed at the Medical & Surgical Insti tute, the former for bronchitis, the latter for jaundice. Patrick McNa mara has been under treatment for necrosis ui inu uiikiu. "v On last Wednesday and Thurs day over $12,000 was paid out in Columbus for cattle. Two hundred and fifty stears wers furnished AV. P. Phillips of Lincoln by D. Ander son, and nearly 200 head sold by Baker & Gillet, to "W. Myers of j Elkhorn. Who doubts that Co- lumbus is a great cattle market. Gus. A. Schrnedcr, having purchased David Schupbach's inter est in the hardware store is now running alone, and at a good round gait, too. Gus. is well known to most of our readers as a straight forward, business man, prompt and fair in his dealings. Give him a call. New goods constantly arriving at Pinkney & Brainard's drug-store on Nebraska Avenue, and a special assortment with corresponding pri ces for Fair week. Everybody is invited to drop in aud buy what is needed, from powder for the teeth to medicine for the healing of the numerous diseases to which human flesh is heir. It ought not to be forgotten that Jno. N. Lawson is agent for the Ra cine and Victor patent school desks, and that school officers can buy them as cheap ol him as of the manufac turers. One of these desks (we don't remember now, which one), is the best we ever saw perforated scat and back, ink-fountain, lock on desk, &c. Give John a call. Pa tronize home enterprises. Messrs. Bullard & Smith insert an advertisement in this week's Joukxal. Both of them have been in business in the city for some time past, are clover gentlemen to deal with, have secured considerable patronage, and are determined to have still more. Their bpccialty is to buy and sell all kinds of farm products. Give them a call. Messrs. Jacggi & Schupbach have purchased of A. Henry his im mense stock of lumber, and have opened out in business for them selves. Mr. Schupbach was former ly engaged with Mr. Henry and re cently was Gus. Schrocder's partner in the hardware business. Mr. Jacggi has for a long time been in the Columbus State Bank. Both ure well known, and are good busi ness men. Alf. N. Burgess, of the firm of A. N. Burgess & Co., takes pleasure iu informing tho citizens of Colum bus and tho surrounding world, that he has boon figuring all sum mer during the quiet mouths, for your benefit, and he has been mak ing arrangements so that he will be enabled to furnish Household furni- Iturc cheaper than over. The irooils - 0 will be rolling in and out, from now till Chrisi mas at a lively rate, and you can never buy furniture in this city cheaper than you can nt present or will the coming season. Capt. D. I). Wadsworth receiv ed a telegram Monday from John Godfrey of Laramie, slating that one of his children has died and would bo buried at the cemelry in this city. "Wc arc informed that this makes the fifth child lost by Mr. Godfrey two at Omaha, one here and two at Laramie. Mr. Godfrey, with the body of the child arrived here yes terday morning on the express. A large concaurse of friends of the family followed the remains to the cemelry. The child was two years old and died of summer complaint. Attend the primaries next Sat urday. Remember that the county convention will put in nomination a representative and o commissioner, besides selecting delegates to the State, Senatorial and float conven tions. All these arc important lo you, because the persons chosen to represent the Republicans of Platte in these matters may bring an injury or a blessing. Besides, every intel ligent voter owes it as a duty to the public, to maintain, to the best of his ability, his political principles, and use his endeavors to have them prevail. Selecting that political party which most nearly represents his general views, it becomes him to sec that, through no fault of his, at least, the unworthy, or the incom petent has place and power as an official. As delesrates. select pood men who will think more of the general welfare than of private gain ; men of souud judgment and practi cal good sense, then, having done your duty, you can feel assured that they will do theirs. Don't be of that class of persons, always more or less numerous, who growl at what has been douo, and yet took uo part or lot in the matter to make it oth erwise. Having honestly done what you consider your duty, if you are defeated, bear your disappointment like a man, and prepare for an oth conflict. Defeat is alwavs better thau a doubtful victory. y IersonnI. Mrs. V. Kummer is improving iu health. Robert Uhlig returned Sunday from Chicago. Dr. Lewis of Albion was in the city j'estcrday. J. E. Tasker is engaged in town again, with A. Henry. A. J. Arnold returned from Grand Island Sunday. Miss Fred. Langhoff arrived yesterday from the west. Birney, son of F. Brodfouhrcr, is sick with typhoid fever. Judge G. "W. Post was in the city Friday and Saturday. F. M. Sackett of Boone county was in the city yesterday. M. Schram of Plum creek 6pcnt the Sabbath at his old'homc. i --Jno. McCormick of Omaha pass- u wi uu uiu i ruin oaiuruay. Horace Hudson is sick with tVstluna a very painful disease. D. A. "Willard of the Boone Co. Argus was iu the city Saturday on business. Hon. Loran Clark of Albion returned home from tho cily Mon day morning. Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Jno. Law son's mother, who has been serious ly ill, is better. Our readers will notice M. B. Iloxic's name on the homestead no tices for the first time. L. M. Saley and M. "Welch start for Omaha Monday, to be in atten dance at the U. S. Court. A. Nance, Esq., of Osceola, the chief candidate talked ocby Repub licans for Governor, was in the city Friday aud Saturday. Geo.T. Spooncr returned from Des Moines Saturday. His brother though at death's door, passed the crisis, and grew betler. Maj. Frank North came in from the west yesterday morning, and Miss Stella now rejoices iu a young antelope for a play-fellow. Israel Gluck returned from Chi cago on Friday. The Garden City, he says, is lively and full of busi ness, iu fact was never better. E. Ilalliday of Batavia, III., the inventor of tho oldest wind-mill in the United States, was iu the cily a couple of days last week. He i3 a lively gentleman of sixty years, whose bright, sharp eyes be token wit and much, good humor and bolh of them iu abundance. Col. Lewis Lewton and wife of Cadiz, Ohio, passed this city on the Sth inst., on the western bound train for their new home in California. Their numerous friends, readers of the Joukxal at his old home, will be glad lo know that thoy were in good health and excellent spirits at this point on their route. .. How much a cultivated taste will add to the pleasure of a home, planting flowers iu the yard, decor ating the grounds, loading the walls with pictures and statuary, beeping everything neat and clean, and, if these things are .-o commendable and make hc.nc-Iife so enjoyable, what shall wc say of those grander mcntrtl and moral qualities in the father, mother, sister or brother, which irrcsistably draw all hearts toward (hem iu beautiful homage? "What an admirablo tribute to the memory of one who long ago cross ed the border-land" did wc hear the other day from the lips of a son whose judgment is remarkably free from personal bias, "My mother never wronged nic"! "Would that all the mothers of the defenceless lilllc ones were thus just. o Killy 2TE:irllc. Billy Marble, the popular come dian, will visit Columbus again, re maining thi3 time only three nights, Sept. 12th, 13th, and 1-lth, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They will present entirely new plays. Marble will appear during the engagement as O'Callahan, The Irish Doctor, and "Wool" in the great play of The Hidden Haud. Tho character of "Wool," the darkey, has been acted by Air. Marble over five hundred times throughout the principal cities of the Union. Reserved seats now on sale at theRcd Front Drug Store, opposito the post-office. Don't for gci the dates, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 12th, 13th and 1-lth. Three horses were taken out of Cbas. Mclntyre's stable one night last week and put to a trial of their speed, on the race course in the bot tom, south of the city. It seems that two of the horses were badly injured in tho breast by running against a fence, one of them so se verely that it is supposed it will not recover. It is now at Tiflany's sta ble, under treatment. The race was a decided "mistake" on the part of the managers, whoever they were. To break into a stable, take out three horses not your own, run them nearly to death, injure them serious ly, only to sec how fast they can run, and then not find out. The members of Columbia Re bckah Degree Lodge No, 11, are re quested to meet in their hall, Thurs day, the 19th day of September, at half-past seven o'clock, in the even ing. One of the grand officers will be present, and important business transacted. By order of lodge, Alta A. Bakeu, Sect'y- DIED. HOXESTEEL. At Chicago, Sept. Slh 187S, at midnight, of miinzy, resulting in dipthcria, Philip Itenjamln liouetcul,iu the 21th year of his age. The deceased left this city two weeks ago this morning, and was in Chicago on business, when he was taken ill with sore throat. Ui last letters to his wife and his brother Xorris G., stated that he hoped to be up on Friday, and at home by the middle of the week. All other suhscquent communications liy letter and telegram were from Farwell fc Co., of Chicago, telling of serious illness and requesting 3Irs.Bonesteel to come, then of his death at the time stated. Yesterday morning the following gen tlemen went to Omaha to receive the remains of the deceased: J. P. Becker, on behalf of the Masons; J. 1$. Wells, for the Encampment; E. J. B:-!:er, for the Odd Fellows' lodge: J. K. Meagher, for the Knights of Honor, and J. ilasmusicu and D. Kavanaugh, on behalf of the Firemen. It is expected that they will arrive here at 1:30 p. M. to-day. The funeral will probably take place nt four o'clock this afternoon, possibly not till to-morrow morning. The deceased was born In Canada, Dec. 29th, 1849, and removed to Nebras ka March, 1S0S; in I.ST0, with his elder brother, Xorris O., he embarked in the dry-goods business in this city, and was thus engaged at the time ol his death. In May 1875, he married Miss Kittie L. Dale, an estimable lady, who, wlthiheir little (lauglitcr.l'earl.are left to mourn the departure of a devoied husband and fond father. Words can not tell the agoniz ing grief of the stricken wife who wa not permitted to be present to soothe the dying brow and catch the last beam of all'ection lrom the fading eyes so boon to lie closed forever in death, and to feel the last fond pressure of the band that was ever so bountiful to her and from which she had never known ou'!it but kindness, but such are the ways of Providence toward man; but faith, that faith which lays hold upon eternal life, and sees the ever-kind Father, through the storm of grief, the cloud of sorrow aud the night of pain, and knows that all is well, all is icell, will sustain her who mourns to-day, and bid her look forward to a re-union with her beloved in the happy Summer-land. The members of his family are not alone in their grief, for the deceased had many, warm personal friends, and no enemy that wc know of. The remarka ble uniformity of his conduct, his good judgment, his gentlemanly bearing un der all circumstances, and the thorough integrity of his character, qualities always admirable endeared him to a host of acquaintance1, and especially to those who were near to him ii business or social relations, llo.ur.s one of the oldest members of the Odd Fellows' lodge of Columbus, having passed through all tho different chair, and at the time of his death, occupied the high est olliee in the lodge, ile was likewise a member of the Masonic lodge of Co lumbus, and of the Knights of Honor, and an active member of the Fire De partment, for some time its chief, and hile his trip to Chicago was mainly olio of business, he carried the certificate of the Department authorizing him to represent them at the Grand Tourna ment which took place in that city. It is natural for us to grieve when Death comes iu any shape, butUvhcn he comes so quickly, and hurriedly carries away one of our number so universally esteemed, art an exemplary citizen and business man, and one so fondly loved as husband, father, brother and friend, the clearest Faith and tho strongest Hope can but look on our grief approv ingly, and as becoming those who live in frail tenements, whoso lives are as shad ows upon the wall, and as a fond tribute to the memory of the departed whose spirit already occupies the house not made with hands. .(Letter B,l4l. Tho following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining iu the post-oilier, in this city, for the month ending Sept. 7th, 1S7S: I.ADIKh' LIST. Arwood Ella 'tV A leadens Amy L Hecklen Mary Uooth JIIss K Murray Mas Kate Ottman Carrio I'ulvcr Cora Walters Emma (2) Herrv Margaret Calkins Georgia GKNTXKMKN'fi LIST. P.elgum E Beard II Bobab Thns Beldgcn 3Iatt Bolter. I lerwaieh Buunig .lacob Cromwell J G (-'rests John Cooper tl. (J. Cowen Theodore Doughestv .1 T Falli, J 1L Humbert Gerhurd Iloth .lulls Isaacs Chas II Jacobs Ilntlsou Johnson John T Johnson Saml Kane Daniel Leidy John Leonhart Win Lindslcv Alma W Man in J G Matzin Thodoro .Marrow John C McAulev John O'Neill W T Tatter-on W O ThillipsLD Powell lid ward L Sand M T Struck Sanders David Scott John A Sanders II B Wcigcl Fulin.s (2) Wrooklage August If not called for within thirty davs, will be sent to the dead letter olli'ce, Washington, D. C. "When called for please say advertised, as these letters arc kept separate. E. A. Gkkuakd, P. M. Wesillier Iicfiort. The following is a review of the weather at Genoa, for the month of August 1878: Mean temperature of the mo deg 3Iean do of .same mo. last year Highest do on the 2J!d dejj Lowest do on the 2.")th;dug Ordinaril v clear davs T2.1T 10:; 01 cry cloudy days High winds, days Calm days . Kain fell" during portions of days. Inches of rain fall Ain't ofraiu same mo. lat vc.ir... 8 o 0.T0 1 ..Vi Prevalent winds during the month X. to X. W. bv east. Fogs l.stfi, 20th, aoth and .'list. . Hazv 20th. Locusts fly S. to S. "W. lath to 2.'th. Martins leave tor the season l.'ith. , I'olicc Court. 3fr. Porter, alias John Doc, for drunkenness, fined $2.00 and costs. Ordered by the Marshal to leave town immediately, which "sentence" of the Marshal the said "John Doe" put into execution. Geo. Volkert for drunkenness, $3.00 and costs. JTIasonic. Regular communication of Leba non Lodge No. 5S, A. F. & A. M. will be held this Wednesday even ing, Sept. llth, 1878, at 7:30 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. Visit ing brethren are cordiallv invited. It. II. IIen-kV, W. M. J. E. North, Sec'y. Money Ijoxt. Monday evening, in Columbus, a pocket-book containing $35. A lib eral reward will be given for its re turn to David Smith. A Rcmnrlmblc ICouIt. It makes uo differcuce how niauy Physiciaus, or how much medicine you have tried, it is now nn estab lished fact that German Syrup is the only remedy which has given com plete satisfaction iu severe case of Lung Diseases. It is true there arc yet thousands of persons who arc predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections, Consumption, Hemorrh ages, Asthma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, Whoop ing Cough, &c, who have no per sonal knowledge of Boschee's Ger man Syrup. To such wc would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint. Con sumptives, try just one bottle. Re gular size 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists iu America. K?yc, I-Jir mill 3formiticK. One or more of the Surgeons of the Ccnlral Surgical Infirmary, of Indianapolis, Ind., will visit Colum bus, professionally, at the best hotel, Friday, Sept. 20th and Schuyler Saturday Sept. 21st. All afflicted with any disease of the Eye or Ear, Catarrh, Cross Eyes, Club Foot, Spinal Curvature, Piles, Epilepsy or chronic diseases, can consult them free of charge. Artificial Eyes in serted. Remember the dates. BissoInlion Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho co-partnership hcreloforo existing between C. D. and E. Clothcr, and Philip Cain, doing budness under the name, style and firm, of Clothcr S: Cain, at Columbus, Nebraska, was this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All business up to date will be settled by Phillip Cain. C. D. Clothkk, E. Ci.OTHEir, Philip C.u. Columiius, Nmt., Aug. 31st., 1S7S. IH.vsoIutiou of Jo-paiz-incr.sljlp. Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between David Si-.hupbach & G. A. Schneder, is this day dissolved by mutnal consent. All outstanding accounts will be settled by G. A. Schrojdcr. David Sciiutbacii. G. A. ScuiMKdcr. Monday, Sept. 2d, 1S7S. For Sale. A business House and Lot, good size and pleasantly located, iu the business part of the city of Colum bus, north of railroad track, is offer ed for sale, on reasonable terms. It is well adapted to various kinds of merchandising or other branches of business. For particulars, inquire at this office 431-x. B.ost Sheep. From my place, seven miles west of Columbus, on the north side of the Loupe, Aug. lOlh, seventeen sheep of mixed breed, among thctn two black wethers ; some of them have the tip of the left car cropped ; tails arc all short. Leave any infor mation Speicc & North's. 431x. R. L. Rossitku. inccry. The board of Trustees of the Cemetery association arc requested to meet on Thursday evening the 12th inst., at 7 o'clock at the office of the President. J. Ricki.y, Prcs't. Uomjmbus, Sept. 10th, 1878. lvtray lYolice. Taken up, by the undersigned, at Woodvillc, Pintle county, .Neb. Aug. 21st, one bay marc, 12 years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take the animal away. iSl-x. V. J. Iuw-ix. Attention, Nrpiail! The Uooth, swing, stands, and other privileges, will be sold on Thursday, Sept. 4 th, 1873, at one o'clock, p. m., at the Town Hall. H. .1. IIunsox, Scc'y riatlcC'o. Agr'l Society. HJi everyone would preserve their IT health during this warm weather they should use concentrat ed essence of Jamaica Ginger. It is cooling and refreshing, tonic and in vigorating and not expensive. Pre pared and for sale only by Doland & Smith. IVotice. I hereby caution the public against trusting my wifc.Jane Tracy, on my account, as she has left with out provocation, my bed and board, and I can not nor should not bo responsible for her debt?. 133-3 Timotiiv Tkacv. L. Kramer, of the New York Cheap Cash Store, has received an immense stock of dry goods, car pets, clothing, hoots and shoes, hats and caps, shawls, hosiery, etc., and invites his friends and the public to give him a call. You can buy ev ery article that he keeps at rock bottom prices. Desirable Residence I'ropcrty for Snle. Sixteen two and one half acre lots for sale in the South East part of the city, nicely located, in a desirable neighborhood, and ou easy terms. Call early on 415-x. Speice & Noutii. TIIKESHEKS, ATTENTION! Don't buy your machine on. until you have examined oun stock and I'Ijices, Dor,AND & Smith. North of Faucctte's Harness shop. CAUTION!! Threshers, Bevare! Op. paying hij'h prices for Machine Oils, till you have called at the Ued Front Drmr Store, opposite the Post Oilice, and you Will get a benclit. Six kinds. 433-3in For S:ile The cast half of Willow Ridge summer garden containing two lot 132 feet square filled with fruit, nuts and shade trees will bo sold at a bargain if sold soon. Inquire of II. J. Hudson, Columbus Neb. 4:51-1 Child reus', Misses', Ladies', Gents', Boys', Undcrware, of every description, grade and quality at low prices, at L. Kramer's Now York Cheap Cash Store. I. Gluck of the Revolution Dry Goods Slorc is now east purchasing an immense stock of fall aud winter goods, to fill his commodious busi ness house on Kleventh street. His customers may expect a splendid variety of first-class goods, at fab ulously low prices. School books at F. W. Ott's. 'sl0 . !l T! slooq lol:,S Sec F. W. Ott for your school books. siooq iootps sjps no AY VI For Sale. A farm of 151) acres, lil broken. One mile west of Barnum's. Please call on A. Ilaight ou the Big Island. Terms easy. 3(l-x ISoiiIar Stoclc I::ilcr. All kinds of horned slock bought and sold; also fat aud stock hogs. S7'.-y D. Andkus:. AVill run his c'.t and cattle herd this season between the Looking (Slass and Loup river, twelve miles west (.rt'olimi biiri. Citizens are requested to make their contracts earl v. -IKS-.". 5Sr Bahrain's ! Bargains I "Will sell for cash or on time, one light buggv, and harness, live good milch cows, one lumber wagon, one heavy yoke of oxen, one brood mare she is a good workdr. JSO-x D. ANDKKSON. Farm for Male. ; acres, in acre under cultivation, on Lost creek eleven miles from Columbus. For particular-, call on the undersigned mar the premies, or address, KOIIKUT I'lN.sON. 431.1. Columbus, Nebr. CHOICE LANDS FOP. SALE AT IMC1CKS Ranging from $7 2 $12.50 Description. N A" V,. K 14 of S W i and N W !4i " 'K ... 11 IT IT 1 I IT IX IS 18 m 1 e 2w 2w .-!w 1 e 1 e le ie N i: y. and Ii U of X W V. N . and Ii j of H V.'A... IT All of .. -l a e ; or s w yx a w jof.s w ;, andSK y. x k y, of x i:y. . vi S K i and E c or S W and S W , ors W , . X E ;, S E ' of X W i, N ".and S E y, or S W ,'4 and W y.oT6 E J,' X y. X a of S E y. and W is is is is is 1 e le I e lw lv uors w yt :tt ah or S KM 11 S y. or X E y. and X U of X W'A 1." e y2 or x w y. x e k or S W y and S W y of SWtf IT IS lw IS lw IS 2w IB lw t. n. li; 2w It! 2w 10 2w 11 ;:v e y2 of x tx y, x w y. or x v.y. 23 S E y of X W yt, X E K of s w y anu x or s k y XEtf Improved !-':irin.'. S V.' V E y and X w y of x w y. 20 W JandX E y. 20 SEJi 12 J. A. KEK D, Columbus, Xebr, FOE SALE OR TRADE ! MARES I COLTS, Teams of Horses or Oxen, SABII.E: lO.MKS, wild or broke, at the Corral of J2y OEUItAKD.t ZEKJLEU. JIOHESTEAD NOTICE. V. S. Land Oilice, Crand Island, Xeb.,) August l'Jth, l;s. f pOMI'LAIXT bavin? b.-cn entrnd at J this oilice by Andrew I .Inhn-nu against Xols .M..Iihu-on for ab.tmloriiu his Homestead Entry, Xo. T03, dated September 1!), l.STT, upon the north , northwest So.-tinti 2. To.v 11-Iijp i.i north, Kangc I west, in IMattc count. Xebraska. with a view to the cancella tion of said entry : the said parlies an ncri-ity "timmoiK'd to appear at this oilier on the 20th day of September. 1"T ' at II) o'clock a. 111., to respond and fur- nish testimony concerning said :ille.-d r abandonment, liepnsitlon.o 111 .-aid rac will be taken at the oilice or JI. .1. Thompson, a .Votary I'ublie at St. IM wards, UooneCo.. Xebr.. n the l.'ltli dav of Sept., 1STS, at 11 o'clock-a. m. E. W. A i:XO.I. Kegi-ter. 4.12-1 AVm. AXYAX, Receiver. HOMESTEAD NOTICE. U, S. Land Oilice. Grand Island. Xeb., I September Cth, 1STS. f COJIPLAIXT having been entered at this oilice by Elias Stone against Daniel Coonfer for abandoning bis Homestead Entry, Xo. 7011, dated ?ept. llth, 1ST7. upon the Xorth "Wet --, of Section t, Township 20 Xorth, Kan-re 4 West in l'lattc- County, Xeb., with a view to the eaneellation or .-aid entrv: the fcaid parties, are hereby summoned to appear at this oilice on the 'Jlh day of October, l.sT, at 10 o'clock a. 31., to re spond and furnish testimony concerning f-aid alleged abandonment. Ihpo.sitioii-. in the above case will be taken at the oilice or Speice .t Xorth in Columbus, l'lattc county, on Saturday, October oth, 1ST8, at 10 o'cloek. a. si. 31. II. IIOXIE, Register. 4.T5-I Wm. AX Y A X, Kecei er. STOCK SAE. Will be sold at private sale on mv ranchc, 21IJ head or cattle, consisting oY Tl head or heifers, 1 to .1 vears old; 1H &teer, 1 to 2 years old; j steers, 3 to 4 year? old; 2 thor;ijrhbrcd Durham heif er. with pedigree; 2 thoroughbred Dur ham bulls, with pedurree, which have been running with the stork vun 1 yoke oxen, 2 wagons, 1 spanhor.-e.s and a Xorman colt., 2 to 3 vtar old, and my ranchc, located at the junction of the Cedar and Loupe on the Pawnee Inner vation, and containing 1 auction and three-quarters, well timbered. KAXDALL Fl'LLEi:, Genoa 1. O., 1'awnec Kcservation. TO THE PUBLIC. I am now ajrent for Ilarp'-r's school book publication, and am prepared to furnish school-books to individuals or .school districts for introduction at !e3 than one-hair the retail price of other school-books. tSTThese books in the main are on the Stete List. 435 P. L. liAumcrr. J. S. CHUISTISOX, 31. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Kleventh street, one door east or the JOUKN'AL oilice up stairs. Office Uouks: Until U A. M. I to 3 i. M., and G to 8 i. m. GROSS BROS. Cash Price List -OF- GEOCEEIES. 1 lbs. A Sinsar I0i It., extra C Sujtnr ti lbs. extra C itugar 11 lbs. a, shade vi-Whw C Sugar 12 lbs. ellow C Sugar 12 lbs. N. o. Sugar 2t bars of good S.ip ll bars (iermau Mottled Soap, $1 no 10.) too I no 1 oo I W I (HI I If) 1 o UH). 1 CO: 1 100' lOtH iro ico 1 CI ICO 100 I 00 i;v (U) l oo i oo C'i Xi 1 00 .' 20 RR. r ..I 2." 2; 20 20 20 r C"i ir I oo 70 ." ", I 00 1 00 1 IK) a in) no id 1( bars Savon Imperial Soao, 1 box tf ladies. chwift Soap . , . lbs. ground Kio Chi4V... ." lit, choice Green liio Coffee A lbs. mxt best " 4I( t t 4 (4 I U t II il It! lbs. new Dried Apples 12 ' ' best l'eaehes tr. lbs. bet Cod Fish . ."'j ISrewing Coffee . . US " Khre 2 gallons of Molasses .: .Im Smoking Tolwceo I lb. of genuine Ihtrhnm Tobacco I U best Fine-cut Tobacco 1 ll or Flounder'. 1'ltnc Tobacco ."ij lbs. best (taking Soda ?l.2." Tea reduced to ... . $!. Tea reduced to Kislity-ccnt Tea reduced to Fiftj -centTca reduced to . . s INs.itest new Hatsins C lb can Tie Teaches 0 lb can Tie Teaches 2 cans new IJIackberries, each 2 lb cans 2 tb can best new Teaches .'J Hi can best new Teaches 2 Si can best new Tomatoes. 2 of lb cans best new Tomatoes 2 Hi can of Kvg T'.niis for 2 1b. can Green Ga-cs . 2 lb e-r, of Tineapples. - lb can Strawberries 1 lb Mince Meat, bst in market gal. rail Apf'.c Huttcr ' pil. pail Teach T.utter 20 lbs. g.".,iifn,. T.uekwheat tlour I lb li-.st Lorilard Ting Tobacco I b.jg best Golden Drip Syrup j4 lbs. best new Blackberries 20 lbs or Oat Meal K0 Ibs.ori'.olted Corn Meal MO lbs best Madison Flour Genuine Cider Vinegar per gal. IScst Tickles per gallon . . . All other goods not herein mentioned,, accordingly reduced In prive. We also, deliver good boitifht of us to any J art of the eity free of charge. Iteineinbcr the place, at GKOSS BIU)S. Comer 1.1th and Q Sts. t"" COI.lMlltb, XKn- R1TIA.T)! AND REMEMBEEI We advertise no pri ces, put up no BAITS, but if you will call around we will soon convince you that weundersell them all, quality of goods considered. We have keg Syrup so cheap that no one can af ford to be without it. SUGARS VERY CHEAP. CoiFcos Away Down! Soaps Lower Than Bw Before ! In fact everything in oar lino is down to BED H0CS. We do not advertise very low prices on a few articles, expecting to "catch" you. on something else, but sell EVERYTHING LOW I Come and see for yourself and ba convinced. HENRY & BRO., Cotumlint, Nrli. lltli J-Jtreot- 412-tr Perfection Attained IN' T1IK The best ami cheapest inarliine ev r of fered to l.ie puMic. The proprietors having availed tlif!ii-Ivf - f tho Kii ration of patents to combine the ;: ;d 'iMlities of other sewing ni.ttiiiltis. the pi.blic will see at ohcc the :I..iii!i-; gained. To see i.s to convince. Please call ami examine for yourself. 53Prie f these mar hint s ratc iron s:H to fS7.1. 31 us. J. IU WEST. Aent. Olive St 3 doors south or Post f.nicc, 305-li (;linn4us, Xtbrak;. SPEICE & NORTH, Genera Agent for the Sale of Real Estate. Fnion Pacific, and 3IIdIand Pacific It. H. Land for .sale at from $3.00 to $10.00 per acre fr cash, r on live or ten yi jr time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. We have aNt a l.irjre and choice lot of other lauds, improved ai.d unimproved. Tor sale at low price and on reii-omthle terms. Also bu-.ines and re.idtnce loti- in the city. We kc p a complete abstract or title to all real es tate in l'Iatt County. coi.w.isih;s, xmz -OTT CI rp business yoi J-JL1jDJL in. $Jito$50 ou can en 'xrr per d.v i:h..- by any worker ef either sex. rizltl in their own lliti. PaHi-tilar- c: I samples werth $6 fr. Improve vc :r StiiMten & C., l'ortluttu, Maine. ill I J-SL. -- T WBM if frail WMMUMWMlCiii ,1