The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 04, 1878, Image 3

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Communications, to Insure insertion
In the next issue, should be in hand on
ilondavs; if lengthy, on Thundays
preceding issue-day. Advertisements,
of whatever class, should be in hand by
noon, Tuesdays.
Advertisements under this head 10
cts. a line first insertion, 0 cts. a line
each subieauent Insertion.
XJ. P. Time Table.
Eatlwctrd Bound.
Freight, No. 8, leaves at . . . 8:00 a. m.
Passcng'r, " 4, " " . . .11:25 a. in.
Emigrant, " 0, " " .. .12:05 p. in.
Westward Sound.
Freight, No. 5, leaves at . . . 1:30 p.m.
Passeng'r, " 8, " " ...4:25p.m.
Freight, " 9, ' "...5:30 p.m.
Emigrant, " 7, " " ...12:40a.m.
Every day except Saturday the three
lines leading to Chicago connect with
U. P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays
there will be but one train a day, as
ihown bv the following schedule:
C. & X. W.
an anuzsm.
C B. & O
C It. I. & P.
) 21st
(C,B. &Q.
Oct -C., R. I. & P.
5th and SGth.
2d and 23d.
9th and 30th.
7th and 28th.
(C, 11.
. .. 4N.W.
(C, B.
(C, It. I. & P.j
B. &Q.
IL I. & P.
& N. V.
Fair next week.
The grass is dying.
Grain 6acks at M. Smith's.
Skirts 50 cents at L. Kramer's.
Powder and shot atG. Rieder's.
Good Boots at ?1.75 at L. Kra
mer's. The choicest fiue-cut tobacco at
Handkerchiefs at 5 cents at L.
Flannel at 15 cents a yard at L.
The Seymour mower at A. "W.
Don't forget, but one price at
Galley Bio's.
Grain sacks $2.25 per dozen at
Bonestocl Bros.
Cotton Flannel, 10 yds. for $1.00,
at L. Kramer's.
Good chambray 15 cts. per yard
at Bonesteel Bros.
Platte County Fair September
11th, 12th and 13th.
Bleached muslin 4 cents a yard
at Bonestcel Bros.
Go to Geo. Rieder's for strictly
jntre cider viuegar.
Threshers' notes, in book form,
for sale at this office.
A new lot of print 5 cts. per
yard at Bonestcel Bros.
Machine oil cheap at Marshall
SmithV, 13th street.
Fall stock of men's and boys'
clothing at Galley Bros.
The present promise of weather
for tiie Fair is certainly good.
A nice lot of herring, by the kit
or barrel, at Marshall Smith's.
Grapes, plums and peaches bj
the pound or box at Hudson's.
Chi ci co dailies every evening
Best 50 cent. Japan Tea in town
at M. Smith's storo on 13th street.
You can always depend on get
ting the lowest prices at Galley
.Tust received, a now lot of im
proved buggy tops, at Gus. Lock
ncr'6. "Wool 60cks at 10 cents a pair
at L. Kramer's New York Cheap
Cah Store.
"Vm. Becker is stocking up
heavily for the fall trade in gro
ceries, itc
Full sets of Iron Stone China
can lie had at Henry Bros, at bot
tom prices.
Jno. Huber tells ub that the
race track at the Fair grounds is in
excellent order.
Children's calico wrappers only
S5 ccuts at L. Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
--MorrisBcy & Klock will sell you
the best corsets for tho least money,
of any store in town.
Unlaundried shirts, New York
muslin and liuen,bosom aud cutis for
$1.00 at Galley Bros.
Five crates of crockery just rc
coived at Henry Bros., which will
bo sold at low prices.
Harness goods at cost till the
1st of Sept. at J. C. Parker's shop on
Olive street, Columbus, Neb.
Bonestecl Bros, are closing a lot
of laces, Fringes and other dress
trimmings at very low prices.
From correspondence now go
ing on our people may expect to see
pome fast trotting at the Fair next
Mr. Xeedham will accept the
thanks of boys of the Journal, of
fice for a splendid water-melon last
A great deal of hay has been
wade during the past week, aud tho
weather for that purpose could not
have been better.
Morrissey & Klock have a new
sign across the sidewalk, bearing
these words : "The Original, One
price, Cash store."
It will pay you big to put up
your own fruits and get the fruit
cans of Robert Uhlig. You get them
now for half nothing.
Call and see those women's
leather shoes at 75 cts. per pair at
Bonestecl Bros., they are the best
bargain in the market.
Go to S. T. Hill's to get your
watches, clocks andiewelrv repair
ed. First door south of C.L. Hill's
book store, Olive street.
Chas. Ziegler rides a cream
colored pony that is about as fine a
looking specimen of little horse
flesh, as is generally seen.
Special bargains at J. C. Par
ker's harness 6bop until the 1st of
Sept. Do not fail to call and secure
while the opportunity lasts.
When you go to Rieder's for
$1.00 worth of dried apples lake a
coffee sack with you, because it
holds more than a grain Back.
Be 6ure to put your nams on
vour grain bags; get the adjustable
oieucu ajaies at o cts. a letter at
Robert Uhlig's Hardware store.
Come to the Fair.
"Delays have dangereuB ends."
"Ignorance is not always bliss."
The boss 50 cent. Tea at Rieder's.
The best fair in Nebraska next
A good suit for $5.00 at L. Kra
mer's. Go to M. H. O'Brien's for gro
ceries. Boys boots $1.00 per pair at Bone
steel Bros.
Mens' boots $1.75 per pair at
Bonestcel Bros.
Early's ''Broncho" colt died
Thuusday night.
Writing paper and envelopes
at Geo. Rieder's.
"When you waut Boots cheap go
to Bonesteel Bros.
Platte County Fair September
Utb, 12th, and 13th.
Ladles' Slippers, all sizes, at 50
cents at L. Kramer's.
Chas. McCoy is constructing two
tanks for the city wells.
Canned fruits and confectionery
of all kinds at Hudson's.
A nice lot of C. S. C. hams just
received at Geo. Rieder's.
If you want all goods at straight
prices call on Galley Bros.
Buggy Tops for sale cheaper
than ever at Gus. Lockner's.
If you want a dish of gilt-edge
velvet cream call at Hudson's.
Just received a nice lot of gen
uine cod fish at Geo. Rieder's.
M. II. O'Brien sells good gro
ceries at very moderate prices.
Saturday was the last day of
Summer, left "dusting" alone.
Bonesteel Bros, sell good wear
ing slipper for 25 cts. per pair.
Several business changes will
probably take place this week.
W. A. Davis will move to the
Reservation some time this fall.
Get your school books, paper,
pens and ink at Ed. Fitzpatrick's.
Bonesteel Bros, sell 36 inch
bleached muslin G cts. per yard.
It will pay you to trade at L.
Jvrainer's New York Cheap Cash.
Nearly forty new buildings are
now iu courso of erection in this
Julius Rasmusson and wife
moved into their new houso Friday
MorrisBcy & Klock will sell you
a good, all-wool suit of clothes for
Bleached muslin 5 cents a yard at
L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
Choice apples by the barrel or
peck at Hudson's, opposite the post
ofllcc. The best assortment of crockcrv
at Henry Bros., which will be sold
And still "the chief business of
an editor is to keep lies out of his
Five dollars reward for n lost
pocket-book containing $35. Call
at this office.
Gus. Bccher has already insured
R. H. Henry's uncompleted dwell
ing for $2,000.
Galley Bros', fall stock is now
in, and will be sold at the lowest
possible profit.
Henry Seidcl is about finishing
a neat dwelling ou 13th St., east of
Becker'6 grocery.
Teachers should not say " Try
and secure," " try and do," try and
go," for " Try to secure,"&c.
Mr6. W. S. Cossey, dressmaker,
has removed to 11th st., three doors
west of Stillman's drug store.
Vincent Kummer has some'
nice samples of winter apples,
grown in his orchard in this city.
The sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be administered at the
Presbyterian Church next Sabbath.
The grass around the court
house looks like the hair on the
head of the modem young mau for
One lightning trotting race last
day of fair. Those who want to seo
2:30 trotting will bo sure to be
A call has been made for the
Republican Convention of the fourth
judicial district, which we will find
space for next week.
Moth proof carpet lining the
very best and cheapest thing out for
using under the.carpets as lining, for
sale only at Robert Uhlig's.
J. O. Shannon and Lonis Schro
der started Monday to Jackson to
put up a large granary on J. E.
North's farm, in that neighborhood.
The services at tho German
Catholic church on last Sabbath
in the administration of High Mass
were iuteresting, imposing and sol
emn. Bullard fc Smith's grocery
store is on John McMahon's lot, be
tween Schupbach & Schroeder's
hardware store and tho McAllister
Notwithstanding the general
supply of ice has failed, delicious
Ice Cream and Lemonade are
served at Hudson's, opposite the
The new brick school-house at
the Monastery makes a fine appear
ance. Several of the Sisters, who
are to take charge of the school, ar
rived last week.
David Anderson, of this city,
was busy on Saturday filling out
a contract with W. P. Phillips, of
Lincoln, for the delivery of three
hundred steers.
Mr. M. E. Allis, who resides
6oath of the Loupe river, has been
quite unwell for some days past.
Glad to gee him out again on Satur
day, although looking badly.
R. T. Bullard and David Smith
have formed a co-partnership and
are erecting a building on Eleventh
st, which they intend to fill up with
first-class 6tock of groceries.
Ed. Sheehan has charge of the
Floral Hall during tho Fair, and
those who know him rely on his
making it the neatest hall ever pre
sented at the Platte County Fairs.
Paddy O'Brien, while getting
off a load of lumber, slipped and
fell off, one of the hind wheels pass
ing over him breaking an arm.
The foundation is being pre
pared for a new dwelling-bouse for
Joe. Tiffany, west of Major North's.
It will be 24x30, aud two stories.
Robert Uhlig has put an addi
tiou to the rear of his hardware
6tore, 22x40, aud has gone east to
buy an immense stock of goods
to fill up.
Chas. Brindley has done some
very excellent street work this year,
and for his faithfulness in "mending
the people's ways" deserves the
hearty thanks of good citizens.
Children shouldn't go barefoot
ed into the high grass. Two littlo
fellows made a very narrow escape
from the bite of a rattlesnake last
Saturday, in the eastern part of the
Dr. McAllister takes great
pleasure in having nice flowers and
the finest breeds of chickens. Oue
geranium in front of his residence
has thirty-two clusters of beautiful
Plows, plows, plows in great
numbers are arriving at Gus. Lock
ner's preparatory to fall trade. If
you want A. No. 1 article in that
line, call on him. Satisfaction
Father Ryan has grapes, plums,
peaches and apples growing on his
own trees in the cHy, this year. The
fact has been fully demonstrated
that fruits can be be growu in abun
dance in Platte county.
If we should happen to have
rain shortly to fit the ground for
easy plowing, there will be consid
erable Grass wheat sown hereabouts.
There is now no doubt about its
producing well as a winter wheat. .
District Court for Platte county,
Sept. 17th. The County Clerk says
that his honor, Judge Post, has been
more prompt to lime than any of
his predecessors, who were nearly
always a day or more behind baud.
A. N. Burgess had the pleasure
of supplying Julius Rasmussen with
furniture for his new house, aud
herby tenders his services in like
manner to everybody in need of
them. A fresh supply just receiv
ed. Don't coil or plaster your houso
get tho varnished building paper
which keeps the cold out, is more
durable, more ornamental and good
deal cheaper than ceiling or plaster
ing. For sale only at Robert
Bring your grain sacks to Schup
bach & Schrceder, who for 05 cts. a
dozen, will put on string fasteners
which will enable you to tie and
initio your sacks without taking
your gloves off, and which will
always bo 6a fe.
We have heard something of
the trouble between II. F. Snider,
a merchant of Plum creek, Boone
county., and Paul Jones and a Mr.
Mead, but we prefer to wait for
fuller information before publishing
any particulars.
Lost. In tho vicinity of the
Opera House, Monday, p. in., an
afghan for child's carriage, butter
fly marked on brown Turkish towel
ing, red border. The finder will be
suitably rewarded by leaviug it at
Doland & Smith's drug-store.
Several tramps in the city during
the last weok. One of them stolo a
pair of shoes, a fork, &c, and sold
them to obtain money to buy
whiskey. Of courso he fell into
Marshal Rickly'6 hands, and was
cared for, "according to law."
I. Gluck of the Revolution Dry
Goods Store is now east purchasing
an immense Btock of fall and winter
good?, to fill his commodious busi
ness house on Eleventh street. His
customers may expect a splendid
variety of first-class goods, at fub
ulously low prices.
"Billy" Keller, a jockey from
Milwaukee, has taken charge of
Gross Bros. "Boston Davis." "Billy"
is an "old timer" and if wo don't
miss our guess, will show the boys
something new. "Dave" is only
four years old, and we predict for
him a brilliant future in tho bauds
of "Billy."
V. Kummer, Co. Treas., and A.
Ucintz have broken ground for two
new business buildings, between
Hcintz's drug-store aud Bucher's
saloon, on 11th st. They will be
brick-veneered, similar to the Pink
ney building on Neb. Avenue, Dr.
Hcintz's store and the Becker build
ings on 13th street.
Tho walls of M. Smith's new
building arc completed, and those
of Win Eimcrs nearly 60. Geo.
Spooner who has had the contract
for the brick work of both these
buildiugs, has done his work very
well and neatly. Besides being an
excellent workman, Geo. is a wor
thy young man, and a clever gentle
man to transact business with.
Remember that Fraz Henggler's
sale takes place on Tuesday and
Wednesday next at his residence on
Shell creek. Somo persons, it seems
are laboring under a misapprehen
sion that he has sold his stock, which
is not the case. George Henggler
sold some cattle last week, but Geo,
is not Franz, George's cattle are not
Franz's cattle, aDd we are requested
to ask you not to forget it.
We learn from the Butler Coun
ty Republican that work has
commenced on the railroad exten
sion from David City west. Four
gangs of men are grading on the
line of the road, and it is believed
they will finish to the west boundary
line of the county by the 1st of
October. It is stated in the same
connection that the iron will be
laid as fast as the grading ia com
pleted. On Saturday afternoon Maj.
Frank North's new building very
narrowly escaped destruction by
fire. Mr. Young, Jno. Routson
and Platte Baker were the ones
first on hand and put the fire out
before it had done any serious
damage. Near the head of the 6tairs
there was found a basket of clothes,
which by some means (supposed to
"be the tobacco pipe of Mr. Antony),
bad been set on fire, the flames com
municating with the walls and ceil
ing. Five or ten minutes would
probably have consumed the entire
building. The house is new,
having just been finished, but. as wo
are informed, has not yet beeu
occupied by the family.
Robt. Uhlig started, Sunday, for
J. E. North went to Omaha
Louis Schroder returned from
the east last week.
Wm. Draper of Colfax Co., was
in tho City Monday.
Mrs. V. Kummer has been sick
for Beveral days past.
C. E. Morse left yesterday for
the East for more horses.
Chas. Stitzer goes to Central
City to open a barber shop.
Judge Riley of Albion was iu
the city several day last week.
Rob. Compton was down from
his ranche the first of last week.
Frank Smith went to Fremont
Saturday to remain over Sabbath.
A. Henry was very sick Satur
day, but was around again Monday.
C. P. Bollman of Albion visited
Columbus on business oue day last
O. H. Archer spent a couple of
days last week with relatives at
Jas. G. Krcider of the Clarks
ville Messenger was In tho city last
Hons. M. B. Hoxie and M. B.
Reese passed west ou the Express
Morris Gross and wife of Mil
waukee have permanently located
in the city.
Miss Serena Oleson started
Monday morning for tho Normal
School at Peru.
S. C. Smith, Esq., and Miss Lil
lic, his daughter, returned from the
west on Friday.
Geo. N. Derry and family start
ed yesterday for a two-week's visit
to friends in Iowa.
Israel Gluck is expected home
from Chicago tho last of this week
or tho first of next.
Mr. Tolman who recently locat
ed at Silver Creek, was buried at
that city Friday last.
Miss Freddie Speico and Rosa
North left yesterday morning for
Brownell Hall, Omaha.
R. L. Payno of Richland was in
the city Monday. He speaks very
favorably of Columbus.
Wm. Routson was called home
suddenly last Friday by tho severe
illness of his little child.
George Spooner left yesterday
morning for Des Moines, called by
telegraph to tho death-bed of his
Mrs. C. G. Reed, Miss Annie
Gilbert and Mrs. C. G. Hickok left
yesterday to attend tho Stale Wom
an's Temperance Union at Fremont.
Gus. Walker, who has for somo
time been engaged witli Schrara
Bos., went Sunday to Plum Creek,
where M. Schram is now located.
Tom. Kcnnard of Lincoln pass
ed through the city to Denver on
tho samo train which carried Post
master general Key and his party.
Hugh Fulton of tho U. S.
Revenue service was in the city
Monday, looking after Uncle Sam
uel's interests. He found no
Sarah J. Rose, who has been
visiting her brother, John Wise,
started yesterday for her home in
Fulton county, 111., summoned home
by illness in her family.
J. A. Turner started Friday last
for Donver, whore ho expects to
spend two weeks with friends, and
return home, accompanied by his
sister Mary, who has been in Denver
for some time past.
A meeting was held hero last
Friday evening to raise money for
the benefit of tho Yellow Fever suf
ferers in tho south. The meeting,
which was called by the Mayor, C.
A. Speicc, was presided over by
him, T. C. Ryan acting as Scc'y.
Remarks were made by C. A. Speicc,
T. C. Ryan, L. Gerrard, Jno. Ham
mond, R. H. Henry, N. Millet, J.
P. Becker, M. Whitmoyer and oth
ers. Two hundred and twenty-seven
dollars and twenty-five cents was
subscribed for at tho meeting, and
the following committees appointed
to solicit additional contributions:
1st ward Mrs. H. P. Coolidge,
Mrs. Mary Weaver, Mrs. Fred.
Reimer; 2d ward Ada Millet,
Maggie A. McAllister, Mrs. I.
Gluck ; 3d ward Mrs. A. M. Post,
Mrs. A. W. Crites, Mrs. Phil. B.
Bonesteel, at large, Mrs. Jane A.
North. If it shall be deemed adyis
ablo we will publish the names of
contributors after the canvassing
shall have been concluded.
We publish elsewhere the resolu
tions adopted at the close of the
Teachers' Institute. We take liberty
to add that Mr. Barrett, the Co. Supt.
deserves the hearty thanks of the
county for his work during the last
month, which will be fonnd to bo
worth more than money can measure
to the school children of the county.
To have good schools we must have
efficient teachers, and these are de
veloped only by study and confer
ence. Police CoHrt.
G. W. Clother, for druukenness
and boisterous conduct was fined $4
and costs.
Platte Baker, for drunkness, $1
and costs.
Frank Vandersneck, same, $3 and
Chris. Nelson, same $1 and costs.
Fred. Foster, same, $1 and costs.
Jas. Foley, fightiug, $1 and costs.
Eor the Journal.
Rowed Up Salt River.
Madison county convention came
off to-day at Madison,and settled the
Hon. Frank Welch's hash, at least
so far as Madison county is concern
ed. Frank came over from Norfolk
with the Norfolk delegation, backed
by two or three double-headers,
which ho had succeeded in packing,
the U. S. land-office and tho heft of
tho democratic politicians in the
county. They swelled and puffed,
and threatened the terrors of etornal
misery to any that had the temerity
to oppose his Honor. Ho lost tho
temporary organization, wheu they
left the convention in rage.
The convention proceeded to elect
delegates to the State convention
and tho transaction of other busi
ness. Hon. W. M. Robertson has
tho solid delegation for Attorney
General and Mr. Welch "nary."
Robinson stock has advanced. Hur
rah for Madison county !
Sept. 2d, 78. Vim.
Samples of Crops.
II. P. Coolidge raised 227 bu., of
Polish on wheat nineacres of ground,
or twenty-five bushels and very
nearly one-fourth to the acre. More
than that, uncleaned, it weighed 60
lbs. to the bushel. II. P. also re
ports 87 bushels of rye from 2
John Staab reports 130 bu., of bar
ley from three acres.
Mr. Slazoner, south of Columbus,
raised 17 bushels and 39 lbs. to the
arce of Grass and Mediterranean
W. A Davis threshed fifteen
bushels to the of the Mammoth and
Grass wheat, of each of which ho
had forty acres.
Henry Carrig says he has 130 acres
of the best corn he ever raised, all
heavy-eared, and fit now to feed.
Rob. Piuson threshes twenty and
a half bushels to the acre, twenty
acres, of Mediterranean wheat, also
three hundred and four bushels of
oats ofi seven acres.
Why is This, Thus?
Sometime ago I saw a citizen of
this city hunting up the Marshal to
have him remove some cars which
stood on the sidewalk and obstruct
ing travel ou said walk. This, per
haps, was all well enough and likely
the railroad company should not ob
struct the sidewalks and street-crossings,
but why should wo try to have
the railroad company obey tho law
to the better and permit our citi
zens, or some of them, to disregard
tho law? On O Street ono of our
busiuess men built a sidewalk twice
the width required by ordinance to
serve bis own purpose and wheu he
filled one half with his articles of
trade he was instructed to clear his
walk of obstruction, which he did
by cutting his sidewalk in two and
leaving it the required width.
The following shows the celerity
with which moderns do their work.
On Friday night the citizens of Co
lumbus mot and subscribed aid to
the Yellow fever sufferers; Satur
day morning Mayor Speico tele
graphed to the Howard Association
to draw on him for $200, and at
three o'clock the Omaha liepublican
was received hero containing the
particulars of the meeting of the
evening previous, with the action of
the Mayor in tho morning. Fifty
years ago but we can't describe it.
Lost Sheep.
From my place, seven miles west
of Columbus, on the north side of
the Loupe, Aug. 19th, seventeen
sheep of mixed breed, among them
two black wethers; some of them
have the tip of the left ear cropped ;
tails aro all short. Leave any infor
mation Speice & North's.
434x. R. L. Rossiter.
For Sale.
A business House and Lot, good
sizo and pleasantly located, in the
business part of tho city of Colum
bus, north of railroad track, is offer
ed for salo, on reasonable terms. It
is well adapted to various kinds of
merchandising or other branches of
business. For particulars, inquiro
at this office. 434-x.
Eiray lYotlce.
Taken up, by tho undersigned, at
Woodville, Platto county, Neb.,
Aug. 2l8t, one bay mare, 12 years
old. Tho owner is requested to
prove property, pay charges and
take the animal away.
434-x. W. J. Ibwik.
Ip everyone would preserve their
i-x health during this warm
weather they should use concentrat
ed essence of Jamaica Ginger. It is
cooling and refreshing', tonic and in
vigorating and not expensive. Pre
pared and for sale only by Doland
& Smith.
For Sale
The east half of Willow Ridge
summer garden containing two lot
132 feet square filled with fruit, nuts
and shade trees will be sold at a
bargain if sold soon. Inquire of H.
J. Hudson, Columbus Neb. 434-4
Attention, Squad!
The Booth, swing, stands, and
other privileges, will be sold on
Thursday, Sept. 4 th, 1878, at one
o'clock, p. m., at the Town Hall.
H. J. Hudson,
Sec'y Platte Co. Agr'l Society.
Money Lost.
Monday evening, in Columbus, a
pocket-book containing $35. A lib
eral reward will be given for its re
turn to David Smith.
122 HEAD of CATTIJ3 !
The undersigned will offer for
sale at his residonce on Shell Creek,
3 miles west of Becker's Mill, and 7
miles northeast of Columbus, com
mencing at 10 o'clock a. m., on
Tues. and Wed., Sept. 10 and II,
52 Steers, one and a half to two
years old, 40 good Milch Cows, 27
Heifers, one to three years old, 1
yoke Work Oxen, five years old, 1
Yoarliug Bull, and 1 five-year-old
Bull, all in excellent condition.
Terms. $20 or less, cash ; on all
sums above that amount a credit of
four month3 will bo given, on prom
issory note with good security, ten
per cent, interest, and these notes
may be immediately discounted 10
per cent, for cash.
John Huber, Auctioneer.
An Astonishing Fact.
A large proportion of American
people are to-day dying from tbe
effects of Dyspepsia or disorderd
liver. The re3ult of these diseases
upon tho masses of intelligent and
valuable people is most alarming
making life actually a burden instead
of a pleasant existence of enjoyment
and usefulness as it ought to be.
There is no good reason for this, if
you will ouly throw aside prejudice
and skepticism., take tbe advice of
Druggists and your friends, try one
bottle of Green's August Flower.
Your speedy relief ia certain. Mil
lions of bottles of this medicine have
been giveu away to try its virtues,
with satisfactory results in every
case. You can buy a sample bottle
for 10 cents to try. Three dosos will
relieve the worst cr.i.c. Positively
sold by all Druggis'.s on the West
ter Continent.
Ilrlck Wort.
The undersigned are ready now
to take contracts for brick work, to
be begun as soon m the season opens.
They guarantee good, honest work
at $12 a thousand iu tho wall, in the
city of Columbus. Thoso contem
plating building the coming season
will do well to call soon.
402-x. Tuos. Flynn & Son.
I hereby caution the public
against trusting my wife,Jane Tracy,
ou my account, as she has left with
out provocation, my bed and board,
and I can not nor should not be
responsible for her debts.
433-3 Timothy Tracy.
L. Kramer, of the New York
Cheap Cash Store, has received an
immense stock of dry goods, car
pets, clothing, boots and shoes, hats
and caps, shawls, hosiery, etc., and
invites his friends and the public to
give him a call, you can buy ev
ery article that he keeps at rock
bottom prices.
Desirable Residence Property
for Sulc.
Sixteen two and one half acre lots
for sale iu the South East part of the
city, nicely located, in a desirable
neighborhood, and on easy terms.
Call early on
415-x. SrEiCE & North.
The Tattcrsall Livery Stable is an
excellent place to stop at when you
are in town with a team. Good ac
commodations. Reasonable charges.
On Olive street, one door south of
Coolidge's hardware store. Try
Don't buy your machine oil until
you have examined our stock and
prices, Doland & Smith.
North of Faucetto's Harness shop.
For Sale.
A farm of 159 acres, 125 broken.
One mile west of Barnum's. Please
call on A. Haight on the Big Island.
Terms easy. 361-x
Regular Stoek Dealer.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and Hold; also fat and stock hogs.
379-y D. Anderson.
. W. KUV8BY.
Will run his colt and cattle herd this
season between the Looking Glass and
Loup river, twelve miles west of Colum
bus. Citizens are requested to make
their contracts early. 413-3.
-Bargains ! Bargains ! Will
sell for cash or on time, one light buggy,
and harness, five good milch cows, one
lumber wagon, one heavy yoke of oxen,
one brood marc she is a good workdr.
430-x D. ANDERSON.
Farm for Sale.
80 acres, 40 acres under cultivation, on
Lost creek eleven miles from Columbus.
For particulars, call on tbe undersigned
near ine premiess, or aaciress,
Columbus, Ncbr.
" Doat Yoh Bet,"
For if you do you will lose money by
purchasing an expensive Wind Mill,
when you can buy one of J. O. Shannon
for about one-half the money tbat any
other costs. Call on J. O. Shannon, ou
11th street, opposite Mahlon Clother's
store, Columbus, Neb. 411-13
PlRCK, of 111., a first -class black
smith, is now prepared to do all kinds
of wagon and blacksmith work. Will
make new buggies, wagons, etc., or mend
old ones, and repair all kinds of ma
chinery. Custom work a specialty
Good work, promptly to promise, and
cheap. Call at the sign of the horse
shoe, Olive street, opposite Charles
Morso's stable. 42D-3m
Attention Carpenters and
Sealed proposals for the erection
of a School house, out house and coal
shed, in tbe northern part of District
Number One, Platte county, near tbe
residence of J. H. Eeed, will be re
ceived by the undersigned until Sep
tember 5th, 1878, at 4 o'clock. p. m., at
the office of Higgins&Crites, in Colum
bus, where plan and specifications of
said buildings may be seen.
Buildings to be completed October
15 th, 1378.
Terms One-half cash on completion
of work, balance in District warrants
to be'naid on or hefnri? .Tnltr laf 1S70
iThe" Board reserve the right to reject
uuj auu .III U1U9(
By order of School Board of said
John G. Higgins, Director.
We advertise no pri
ces, put up no BAITS,
but if you will call
around we will soon
convince you that
weun ders ell them
all, quality of goods
considered. We have
keg Syrup so cheap
that no one can af
ford to be without it.
Coffees Away Down!
Soaps Lower Tk Ever Before !
In fact everything in oar line is
down to BED E0CS. We do not
advertise very low prices on a few
articles, expecting to "catch" you
on something' else, bnt sell
Come and see for yourself and be
Colnrabat, Xeb.
lltlx Street.
Ranging from $7? $12.50
o c o
Description. S o
w -"
N "W X, E K of S VT X and
MVKofSWK ... .n n i o
NEK nd K K or N V i 5 17 2w
N Kand E of SE .... 17 17 2w
Allof 23 17 3w
S E Kof S W X 3 18 le
WUofSW jandSE Ji 0 18 1 e
NEK of NEJ ... 13 18 le
S E K "nd E $ of S "W K
andS WKof SWK- 25 18 1 e
N E K, S E K of N W K,
and AV" K of S E K 2? 18 1 e
N K, N K of S E K and W
HofSWJi 31 18 le
All of 33 18 le
S EK H 18 lw
S K of N E K and N K of
Nff 15 18 lw
E X of N W . N E K of
S AV K and S W Ji of
SW14 17 18 lw
E K of N W Ki N W K of
NEK 2 ia lw
SWKantlNXofSEK 83 18 2w
NEK 23 10 lw
IxHfroTeU FariHN.
SWK -- 8-
E X and N "V K of N TV K- 20
VT tfandNEK 20
SEK 12
Columbus, Nebr.
Genera Agents for the Sale of
Real Estate.
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
R. It. Lands forsale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or on five or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. Wc have also a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terras. Also business and
residence lots in the city. We keep a
complete abstract of title to all real es
tate In Platte County.
U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.,
AUgUSl 1UM, I81H.
COMPLAINT baring been entered at
this ottl-.-e by Andrew P. Johjson
against Nels 31. Johnson for abandoning
bis Homestead Entry, No. 7020, dated
September IS, 1877, upon the north U
northwest K Section 28, Township lu
north, Range 4 west, In Platte county,
Nebraska: with a view to the cancella
tion of said entry: tho said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this
office on the 20th day of September, 1878,
at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and fur-
nisn testimony concerning said alleged
abandonment. Depositions in said case
will be taken at the office or 3L. J.
Thompson, a Notary Public at St. Ed
wards, Boone Co., Nebr., on the 13th day
of Sept., 1878, at 11 o'clock a. m.
E. W. ARNOLD. Register.
432-4 "WM. ANYAN, Receiver.
Genoa, Pawnee Reservation, Neb.
Term begins September 1878. Three
departments viz:
I. Common School.
2. Norma! School,
3. Classical.
Thorough instruction given in all
branches by able and experienced teach
ers. Opportunities afforded teachers to
acquire experience in the school room.
Large building and first-class accommo
dation. For prospectus. fcc, apply to
C. D. Raxestraw, A. 34.,
432-3. Genoa, Nebraska.
BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the
low prices of your products dis
courage you. bat ratber limit your ex
penses to your resources. You can do
so by stopping at the now home of your
fellow farmer, where you can find good
accommodations cheap. For hay for
team for one night and day, 25 cts. A
room furnished with a cook stove and
bunks, in connection with the stable
free. Those wishing can be accommo
dated at the house of the undersigned
at the following rates: Meals 25 cents:
K mile east of Gerrard's Corral.
Threshers, Beware!
OF paying high prices for iiachine
.Oils, till you have called at the
Red f ront Drug Store, opposite the Post
Office, and you will get a benefit. Six
k'd. 433-3m
TI "17 CJrp business you can engage
JDJDjO X In. $5 to $20 per day made
by any worker of either sex, right in
their own localities. Paticulars and
samples worth $5 free. Improve your
spare time at this bniness. Address
Stinson A Co., Tortlana, Maine.
Cash Price List
10 lbs. A Sugar J1W
lOKlbs. extra C Sugar 100
10K lbs. extra C Sugar 100
U lbs. a, shade yellow C Sugar . 100
12 lbs. yellow C Sugar 100
12 IbsN. O. Sugar CO
26 bars of good Soap 109
16 bars German Mottled Soap, . r
16 bars Savon Imperial Soap, .. 1 00.
1 box of Iadieswholce Sonp 1 0i
5K lbs. ground Rio CotTce 1 00
5 lbs. choice Green Rio CoZee 10
4K lbs. next best " " .. 1
4K u " " " ..100
4 " ..100
10 lbs. new Dried Apples 100
12 " " best Pcachos . 1 CC
16 lbs. best Cod Fish . 1C
3K Rrowing Coffea...." t0
UK " Rie !
2 gallons of 3lolasse 104
3 lbs Smoking Tobacco 100.
1 lb. of genuine Durham Tobacco- &
1 0 best Fine-cut Tobacco 70
1 D of Flounder's. Plug Tobacco 60
15K lbs. best Baking Soda 1 00
$1.25 Tea reduced to . . 1 0O
$1.00 Tea reduced to 7&
Eighty-cent Tea reduced to 85
FIfty-centTca reduced to 35-
8 lbs. bent new Raisins 100
6 lb can Pie Peaches 35
3 lb can Pie Peaches 2Q
2 cans new Blackberries, each 2
lb cans 85
2 lb can best new Peaches 15
3 lb can best new Peaches 25
2 lb can best new Tomatoes 12
2of3tbcaus best now Tomatoes 35
2 lb can of Egg Plums for 20
2 lb. can Green Gages 2
2 lb can of Pineapples 20
2 lb can Strawberries SO
1 lb Mince Meat, best in market 15
Kgal. pail Apple Butter .... 65
K pi. pall leach Butter . . K5
20 lbs. genuine Buckwheat floito- I 00
1 lb best Lorilardi Plux Tobacco TO
1 Keg best Golden Drip. Syrup . 3 75
8K lbs. best new Blackberries . 1 00
20 lbs of Oat Meal . . 1 Ott
100 lbs. of Bolted Corn Meal 1 CK
100 lbs best Madison Flour 3 00
Genuine Cider Vinegar per gal. 30
Best Pickles per galluBi 40
o .
All other goods not herein mentSoaed,
accordingly reduced In price. We also,
deliver goods bought of us to any part
of the city free of charge. Remember
the place, at
Conner 13th. and Q Sts.
404 Columbus, Nxb
Perfection Attained
f iIotC-
The best and cheapest machine ever of
fered to tbe yu ne proprietors,
having availed themselves of tbe expi
ration of patents to combine tho good:
qualities of other sewing machines, tho
public will sec at once the advantage
gained. To see is to convince. Please
call and examine for yourself.
GTl'rk-e of these machines range from
S3 to $75.
Mas. J. R. WEST. Agent.
Olive StM 3 doors south of Post office,
395-12 Columbus, Nebraska.
Geo. T. Spooner,
mm amd ram
All work promptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed
Refers to the many for whom he has
done work. Ills motto In regard to
price is, Live and lot live.
lb Mhi & Ci&pj Sp-ecioltj.
E2TIIeadquarters at the "Nebraska
House." Call and seo me.
Daniel Fauceite,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Barnesa, Uh, Bridle;, and Efe,
keeps constantly on band all kinds of
whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry
combs, Brushes, Bridle Bits, Spurs,
Cards. Harness made to order. Re
pairing done on short notice.
Sfcnefactuxar and Dealer In
k complete xmnrtmtnt or KaiMn and CWI
rfrca's Shoes kept oa hand.
All Work Warranted!!
Oar Blotto-Good stock, excellent
work and fair prices.
Eapecial Attention paid to Eepairing.
Cor. Ollrc ana 12th Sto.
(One mile west of Columbus.)
Always on Hand In
Teams of
Horses or Oxen,
SAIIX,E PONIES, wild orbrokp,
at the Corral of