t f '1 j . THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2S. 1978. Communications, to Insure insertion In the next ifssuc, should be in hand on Mondays; if lengthy, on Thursdays preceding issue-day." Advertisements, of whatever class, should be in hand by noon, Tuesdays. Advertisements under this head 10 cts. a line first insertion, 0 cts. a line each subsequent insertion. U. I Time Tabic. Eastward Bound. Freight, No. 8, leaves at at . . . 8:00 a. m. 44 . . .11:25 a.m. " 12:05 p.m. at . . . 1:30 p.m. " . . . 4:25 p.m. " . . . 0:30 p.m. " 12:10 a. m. raescng'r, -4, " Emigrant, " C, " Westward Bound. Freight, No. f, leaves at Paiseng'r, " 3, " Freight, ' 0, Emigrant. 7. " Every day except Saturday the three lines leading to Chicago connect with U. P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays there will be but one train a day, "as shown by the following schcauie: & X. AV. 7th and 28th. Sept B.&Q. litli C R. I. & P. ) 21st (C- B. &Q. -JC, R. I. & P. (C. & X. AV. CB.4Q, rth nnd 2Gth. 12th 13th 2d and 23d. 9th and 30th. ICth 7th and 28th. 14th Oct (C, R, I. & r -In. AV. (C, R. & Q. (C, P. & Q. iC, It. I. & P. C. & X. W. Xov Dec ) 21st Grain sacks at M. Smith's. Skirts 50 cents at L. Kramer's. Powder and Bhot at G. Rieder'e. Good BootB at $2.00 at L. Kra mer's. The choicest fine-cut tobacco at Itieder'fl. Handkerchiefs at 5 cents at L. Kramer'6. Flannel at 15 cents a yard at L. Kramer's. Tho Seymour mower at A. "W. Lawrence's. Don't forget, but one prlco at Galley Bio's. K. W. "Weber's family aro visit ing in Wahoo. Cotton Flannel, 1C yds. for $ 1.00, at L. Kramer's. Good cliHiubray 15 cts. per yard at Iloncslccl Bros. Platte County Fair September 11th, 12th and Kith. Go lo Geo. Iticdcr's for strictly pure cider vinegar. A now lot of print 5 cts. per yard at Bonesteel Bros. Machine oil cheap at Marshall Smith'c-, 13th street. Fall fit or. k of men's and bo? s' clothing at Galley Bros. See Dr. Boncfitecl's professional card, iti to-dnv's Jouuxai.. See Galley Bros, new advertise ment. It speaks for itself. Grapes, plums and peaches by tho pound or box at Iludsou'ri. Tho race-track at the Fair grounds h:is been put in shape. Pic-nic at Lvnch's ri-ov Shell creek, next Thursday, Sept. Silt. Chicago dailies evekv evening at E. I). Kitzpatrick's book-store. Best 50 cent. Japan Tea in town at M. Smith's store on 13th street. You can always depend on get ting the lowest prico3 at Galley Bros. Our dealers cay that the ten dency in price of fat cattle is down ward. Just received, a now lot of im proved buggy tops, at Gus. Lock ner's. John Moore of Boone county iias nino hundred apple trees, one year old. The cold wave laht Saturday revived tho drooping, and refreshed tlic weary. It is estimated that the prico of corn hcru this fall will be 12Z cts. n bushel. Full sets of Iron Stone China can be had at Henry Bros, at bot tom prices. AVc are informed that Jos. Apgar Is quito sick with ague, at VoodvilIc. "Wool socks at 10 cents a pair at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Caih Store. A. W. Lawcrencc has moved his pump store to 13th street, west of M. Smith's. I. F. Ellis of the firm of Love laud & Ellis took sick Saturday a billious attack. Children's calico wrappers only 85 cents at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Morrisscy & Klock will sell you the best corsets for the least moucy, of any store in town. Unlaundricd shirts, Xcw York muslin and lincn.bosom aud culls for $1.00 at Galley Bros. Fivo crates of crockery just re ceived at Henry Bros., whicli will be sold at low prices. Harness goods at cost till tho 1st of Sept. at J. C. Parker's shop on Olive street, Columbus, Xeb. Bonestcel Bros, are closing a lot of laces, Fringes and other dress trimmings at very low prices. Frank Gilletto received on Monday from Geo. Hcnggler and Win. Gerhold, a very uico lot of fat cattle. "Wo arc informed that on Wed nesday last Michael Costcllo lost four hundred bushels of wheat in Btack, by fire. It will pay you big to put up your own fruits anil tret the fruit cans of Robert Uhlig. You get them now for half nothing. Call and 6ee those women's leather shoes at 75 cts. per pair at Bonesteel Bros., they are the best bargain in the market. Go to S. T. Hill's to get your watches, clocks and jewelrv repair ed. First door south of C.L. Hill's book Btorc, Olive street. Special bargains at J. C. Par ker's harness shop until the 1st of Sept. Do not fail to call and secure while the opportunity lasts. When you go to Rieder's for SLOG worth of dried apples take a coffee sack with you, because it holds more than "a grain sack. Ten or twelve new buildings are now hi course of erection in the city limits, including the commodi ous ucw school-house in Dist. 13. Dusty roads. Fall weather. Everybody, come to the Fair. The boss 50 cent Tea at Rieder's. Dr. Stull was iu the city Mon day. A good suit for ?5.00 at L. Kra mer's. George Lehman went cast yes tcrda'. J. B.Wells returned from the east yesterday. Writiug paper nnd envelopes at Geo. Rieder's. When you want Boots cheap go to Bonesteel Bros. Platte County Fair September 11th, 12th, aud 13th. Ladice' Slippers, all sizes, at 50 cents at L. Kramer's. Harry Coolidse returned home from Glcuwood Friday. Canned fruits nnd confectionery of all kinds at Hudson's. A nice lot of C. S. C. hams Just received at Geo. Rieder's. If you want all goods at straight prices call on Galley Bros. Buggy Tops for sale cheaper than ever at Gus. Lockucr's. N. Millett, Esq., was in Omaha last week, on legal business. W. n. Winterbotham returned from Boone county Sunday. James McDonald has employed two, new, first-class barbers. If you want a dish of gilt-edge velvet cream call at Hudson's. Just received a nice lot of gen uine cod fish at Geo. Rieder's. Bonesteel Bros, sell good wear ing slipper for 25 cts. per pair. Henry Bros, have for shipment three hundred head of fat cattle. Get yonr school books, paper, pens and ink at Ed. Fitzpatrick's. Bonesteel Bros, sell 36 inch bleached muslin G cts. per yard. It will pa' you to trade at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Ca6h. Bonesteel Bros, sell 36 inch un bleached sheet ingo cents per yard. Byron Millet was on a business trip to Albion, Boouc count, last week. Bleached muslin 5 cents a yard at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Choice apples by the barrel or peck at Hudson's?, opposite tho post ofJicc. Tho best assortment of crockery at Henry Bros., which will bo sold cheap. Mrs. A. R. Page of Republican City is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Smith. Galley Bros', fall stock is now in, and will be soul at tlic lowest possible profit. Gus. Schrocdcr is fitting up a very neat residence on 1-tth street, cast of J. E. North's. Charles Barber and Miss Pur chase of Waterloo are visiting Mr. Bailey's folks in tho city. Pat. Murray's new brick build ing to be erected on Nebraska Avcuuo will bo ouc story. Mrs. J. N. Lnwson's many friends will be glad lo learn that 6he is gaining strength every day. Max Wciseiifluh is the gentle man who will occupy Mr. Kum mer's new building as jeweler. Barney McTaggart is building a blacksmith shop on tho north sido of 11th street, west of Farmers' Home. It seems lo be generally conced ed that the nominations for senator in this district will be due to Colfax county. The varieties of wheat produc ing tho most and best this season arc Polish, Mediterranean, Mammoth aud Grass. The approach to tho Platte bridge is reported to be in a very dangerous condition, and needs im mediate repairs. Morrisscy & Klock have a new sign across tho sidewalk, bearing these words: "Tho Original, Onc pricc, Cash store." Be sure to not your namo on your grain bags ; get the adjustable Stencil Slates at 5 cts. a letter at Robert Uhlig's Hardware store. Mr. M. Bloedorn has rented his farm to some new comers from German v, ho furnishing seeds aud machinery and the crops. getting one-half of Hon. n. T. Spoerry of Stearns Prairie wants us to ask this ques tion : "Is Platte county so poor that she can not pay her last-year's road work?" Buy peaches, plums, pears, ap ples, &c, save the pits for planting, and the fruit you will raise will pay you double compound interest on your investment. We are in receipt of a letter from O. L. Edholm, dated at Pad ucah, Ky., and principally concern ing the yellow fever. Wo shall find space for it next week. It is said that most of those who fed cattle here last winter lost mon ey, aud that none, except farmers who have extra crops of corn, will undertake it this winter. Plows, plows, plows in great numbers arc arriving at Gus. Lock ner's preparatory to fall trade. If you want A. No. 1 article in that Hue, call on him. Satisfaction guaranteed. We learn that V. Kummer.Esq., is about to begin the crction of a business house for rent, one door cast of Dr. Heintz's drug-store on 11th street. A good investment. School begins in district No. 1 on Monday next: L. J. Cramer, Principal ; Miss Annie Bremer, In termediate; Mrs. H. E. Ballon, Pri mary, arc the teachers, who will, doubtless give good satisfaction. G. W. Fulton was in town one day last week. George is a staunch Republican, and his removal to Platte adds one more to the Repub lican hosts who purpose lo strive on and strive ever until their banner shah float proudly victorious o'er the fallen ramparts of tho enemy. Mr. John Sullivan, who has for some time been in the city, left Monday for Syracuse, N. Y., carry ing the good wishes of his many friends with him. Wm. Tillman of this city left Monday morning for David City. We commend him to the citizens of Butler county, as a steady young man and a lirst-class workman. Our readers will not fail to notice the advertisement of Morris sey & Klock in an other column, and after dealing with them once, they will bo very apt to call again. Last week, while digging the race to his mill on Shell Creek, Joe Buchcr came to a big tree, twenty feet below the surface. This was at a distance of a hundred feet from the creek. The Prcsbyteriau8 arc soliciting subscriptions towards the erection of a church building. If Columbus is called a city of6aloons, sho can more justly claim the title "city of churches." Lecture to young people at the Congregational Church next Sun day evening, by E. L. Sherman, Pastor. Subject: "Life's work, or choosing a profession." A general invitation is extended. Saml. J. Davidson writes us from West Hill under date of Aug. 20th, that he has a stray bay marc, twelve years old, with shaved tail. Mr. Dayidsou is hereby authorized to collect for us 70 cents for pub lishing this notice. G. W. Stevens is a born philo sopher and a big-hearted friend. Long may he live to enjoy life and raise good watermelons. Sorry we couldn't accede to his request to come aud eat his patch of the lus cious Nebraska fruit. Mr.McWilIiani8of Boone coun ty was in tho city Monday. He tells us that Ellis, eon of George W. Brown, fell through the roof of a cattle shed the other day and split his upper lip. A few stitches brought the parts together. The Republican Valley R. R. is to be continued from David City, west, and a little south, to the boun dary of tho county. If the business men of David could have had the time extended it would probably have been to their advantage. Mr. G. W. Stevens presented the boys of the Jouhnal office one day last week with three large water melons. Mr. Stevens is " generous to a fault" toward tho printer boys iu fruit and melon season, which they very heartily appreciate. Wo never said that the editor of the Em had consented to become a candidate for the legislature, but wo did state that it was said his friends would uoniiuatc him. Wo are now told that A. W. Crites, Esq.. is also spoken of for tho same office. This is the last week of the Teachers' lnslitulo. The money ex pended by Platte county and by the teacher? themselves will be amply repaid to both in the increased effi ciency of the teachers, and iu the great improvement of the schools. On Saturday the wind was from the northwest, and about half past ten the air changed suddenly from hot to cold. It was reported that a snow storm had 6truck as far cast as Ogallala. The true-hearted American must account for every fact. Mr. Mooro of Boono county called upon us Monday; Ho repre sents Boono as in a very flourishing condition, tho crop of small grain harvested as good, and the prospect for corn as first-rato. About all the government land iu his neigh borhood has boon taken. Mr. Sni der's store on Plum creek is well patronized. Wc don't sco so mnch abuso as usual of gentlemen who aro candi dates for nomination before tho Re publican State Convention. Let every man have a fair chanco upon his merits; then let the convention select competent, able men for offi cial position aud they ought to, as they will, rcceivo the support of the entire party of the State. A note from.E. Pierce of New Tacoma, W. T., under date of Aug. 12th, informs us that he desires the Jouiixal to continue its periodical visits, and wants to know if the thermometer here has been above 1000 yet this summer. We judge from this fact and this query that our former friend and fellow-citizeu is hale aud hearty, fat and saucy. C. II. Young begins to erect a grout or concrete building ou Olive street, one door north of WandclPs saloon. The front, will bo of brick to match the buildings south of it. It is intended to be one-story for tho present, but with walls strong enough for two. Jas. McDonald will superintend the concrete and Geo. T. Spo er the brick work. John Strasscr of Jackson was in the city Monday. Ho has rented his saloon to John Graf of this city, and will hereafter give his attention entirely to the grain business. Mr. S. tells us that he pre-empted one quarter of tho section upon which Jackson stands, only for the purpose of preventing any body else from taking it, and that he does not pur poso making any "fight" with the R. R. Co. at all. Columbus could now support a good high school and tho youth of the city bo educated at home, at much less expense than abroad. All who have children whom they expect to educate, aro immediately interested in this matter, and those who have growing families are prospectively interested. In the present arrangement, in both dis tricts, pupils of the highest grades are simply neglected, by the force of circumstances. An other incident showing the importance of hitching teams took place Saturday last. Wm. Grant had purchased a threshing machine and had loaded it ou his wagon and stepped iuto Lamb's grocery on Ne braska Avenue, being just a few feet from the lines, wheu his team became frightened at something and ran tearing up tho 6treet, upsetting tho machine at tho corner near the residence of L. Gerrard Esq. No one was hurt, or even narrowly escaped iujury, that we know of, but the very next team that ruus away in the city, may perchance kill some one. It is important that those in charge of teams should see that they aro secure. L. Kramer, of tho New. York Cheap Cash Store, has received an immense stock of dry goods, car pets, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, shawls, hosiery, etc., and invites his friends and the public to give him a call. You can buy ev ery article that he keeps at rock bottom prices. Saml. A. Russell, Esq., paid a short visit to friends in this city last week. He left on the Thursday morning train for his home at Washington, Iowa. He is the same amusing, social aud companionable gentleman as iu days of yore. We inquired as to his sight now, if it had improved "never better," was his reply, "can seo ninety-five mill ion miles." Strange, how is that? "Why, I saw the eclipse and they say it was ninety-five million miles away . A week ago yesterday, a son of Geo. Graham, living eighteen miles west o f Columbus, and eight miles north of Silver Creek, a lad about fourteen years old, shot him self in tho stomach while drawing his gun out of a wagon with the muzzle towards him. Drs. Mitchell aud Martyn of this placo were sent for, but before their arrival tho lad was out of misery, living just four hours after the accident. Dr. Mar tyn says that during his practice he has been called upon iu a half dozen similar cases. Ou Saturday last wc witnessed the operation of Juo. Routson's hay press for putting hay, straw, &c, in shape for use as fuel. We suggest ed to John the propriety of rigging his machine for, exhibition at the Couuty Fair, so that the public could see its utility. There is heat enough goes to wate every year by prairie fire to warm every body in tho land during the severest winter, if we can but put hay and straw in convenient shape for burning iu our etoves. John's plan is certainly unique, and experienco alone will tell whether it will be profitable. On last Thursday afternoon Edward Jesse Curtis and a boy by the name of Cory, who livo about twelve miles from Columbus, aud iu Butler county, were out hunting prairie chickens. In shooting at one, Cory accidental! v shot young Curtis, tho load being scattered from the breast bone to the groin. Dr. E. L. Siggins of this city, who was in the neighborhood at the time, was call ed in, arriving fifteen minutes after the accident. He lived about twenty-four hours, resting easily most of the time, until nature called for a motion of the bowels, when he was seized with violent retching and vomiting, aud died iu great pain. How do our Democratic friends who have the matter iu hands pro pose to run the machine this fall ? August 17th, was the day appointed for the meeting of the Democratic Central Committee, and the com mittee met on that day, but what did they do? Where is the report of their proceedings? Why aro they not published? When arc nomina tions to be made and how? Why all this silence? We believe it was Thomas Jefferson, the father of De mocracy who proclaimed open, fair discussion of all public matters, or words to that effect, and is it possi ble that our friend A. W. Crites, an avowed disciple of aposflc Thomas, is afraid of the light shining ou the doings of that central committee of ten days ago ? Let us have the facts, not as political opponents, but as neighbors interested iu public mat tcrs. An interested citizen sends us the following quips: Detroit, Michigan, has long been noted for its quaint nnd funny re ports of the police court. Among all of which there were none where in Bijah was told to release the pris oucr because he was too drunk for trial. When a man is too drunk for trial is he sober enough to run loose in the streets? Is it a fact that a man from tho country when too drunk to under stand that a court has power to try, aud to inflict punishment, he is too drunk to run at large in the streets? What is the differenco between a rural drur.t and a city tight? From our knowledge of our Po lice Judge, wo think the questions imply an injustice to him. Ho has requested the Marshal not to bring drunken men before him for trial, and this the Marshal has not done till recently. It is singular what effect a little paragraph in a newspaper will have. Even a small country paper, which gives scarcely any news or anything else, has its influence. Yea, even a professed newspaper, whose items can not always be taken as strictly in line with perpendicular facts, has its power. As for instance: our eight-paged, marginal cotemporary had the following last week: "A two-story brick hank building will be erected on 11th street, on Vincent Kummer's lot. Work will com mence the latter part of this month." There is nothing on tho face of this little four-line item that looks out of the way, and yet it was the cause of considerable talk on Monday. Wm. Gerhold was in town that morning, and meeting John McMahon, the president of the new bank, secured the position of cashier. We have not heard who the other officers of the bank are or are to be Mr.Kum mcr disclaims any connection with it except as builder of the building. Last Friday being the fifth an niversary of the organization of the Engiue Co., was celebrated in fine style by a parade of the Department in the afternoon, and a ball in the evening. The procession attracted no little attention, the Brass Band discoursing lively music, a mounted guard, dressed in Japan uniform keeping the streets clear, and the companies following in full uniform, the hook and ladder truck, the en gine and the hose cart being splen- aiuiy aecoratcd, and drawn by gray horses. Tho Department were "re ceived" at the Opera Houso by the City Council (his honor, the Mayor, being sick and absent) and short, appropriate speeches were made by Wm. Bnrgcss, J. E. North, E. J. Baker, and E. Pohl, of the Council, and J. W. Early, Foreman of the Engine Co., J. A. Baker, Chief of the Dep't., Geo. Clother, Foremau of the Hook and Ladder Co.. and Mr. P. B. Bonesteel. Notwithstanding the heat and dust and general disa greeableness of the day aud evening, the ball wa3 well attended and cverv thiug passed off pleasantly. One day recently wc spent ten minutes with C. A. Speicc, Esq., Columbus's steady-headed mayor, in his garden iu the eastern portion of the city. He invited us down to sec his bees, thinking that wc were an old bee-raiser which we woren't, aud of course couldn't give him any information. Mr. S. has ten col onies of bees and has had good suc cess with them. He is very fond of them ; takes great delight in study ing their habits, and in caring for them, aud consequently has his re ward in the harvest of honey which he gathers. We admire tho men who strike out in new lines in new lands. With Mr. A. J. Arnold and Fred. Reiuicr, wo believe, Mr. Speicc is one of the pioneers here in this industry, which wc hope to sec extended with the growth of flowers and applo-blossoms, the thicker coming of the fragraut peach, and tho sweet clovor blos som. Little by little the timo will come when we can sit down iu tho morning to strawberries aud cream, sweet honey on bread spread with clover butter, with plenty of rich fruit besides, and all other things in proportion, the great beauty of which will be, not that wo have them, but that we raised them, they are our own. Although Mr. S. wished us to sec nothing but his bees, wo could not fail to notico his apples and grapes, which he has in quantities sufficient to show the ca pabilities of Nebraska soil when presided over by Intelligence and Hope, and cared for by Industry and Perseverance. One other thing we must mention, viz., a cave. Wo had seen but two of these bofore, here, one at S. J. Marmoy'a iu the city, tho other at John ill-owner's. These are not made above the sur face, as is the custom east,, but, nearly altogether, under tlic surface, simply a house iu the ground, the walls, the natural earth, beveled to wards the floor, the roof framed strong, covered with boards, and these, jn their turn, with earth, making a very convenient milk houso and place for storing vegeta bles, which, to our mind is much better, moro convenient, and more wholesome than the cellars under our dwellings. Those Ncbraskaus who aro dilatory about planting trees, would havo their energies aroused somewhat by a sight of the large, broad-brauchiug,cottou woods and box-elders iu Mr. Speice's gar den, and would straightway go and follow his example. Wlicut. Wo learn from Mr. Huuucman, who it is well known is a large dealer in grain in this city, that the wheat of tho new crop already brought to market falls short in quality with the average crop of last year, but due allowance, he thinks, should be made ou account of it's not having passed through the prop er sweat. He still hopes that after proper curing tho present crop will grade up better. He gives tho dif ference in prices in the Chicago market by which the buyers hero will have to be governed. Wheat No. 1,1.02; No. 2. 1.01; No. 3, J jeeted, 05. rc- Atlcntion, Co.! On Next Saturday evening, be ginning at 9 o'clock there will bo a shooting contest at Schroder's Gal lery on 11th street. Tho prize will be a splendid accordeon, worth $24. A ticket entitling the bearer to three shots will be sold for-25 cts. Fresh beer on tap, and everything con ducted in first-class style. ' Police Court. On Tuesday of last .week F. Gil lette was fined $10 and costs for dis charging firo arms within the city limits. On Thursday, Paul Iloppcn was fined $1 and costs for selling liquor on the Sabbath day. . The canvas of the Columbus City Directory is being pushed vig orously. The business portion is now complete, and the general text and advertisements will soon be in the hands of the printer. Steven-son & Newman'. Threshers' notes, iu book form, for sale at thi3 office. A nice lot of herring, by the kit or barrel, at Marshall Smith's. -- DEATHS. McCREA An infant child of Itobert 31cCrea's, on the 2Gth inst. KAMSBURGII Aup. 24th, nt Clarks ville, Miss Mary A.KambburKb, Bister-iu-Iuw of Dr. .Mitchell. SCIIWARTZ-Aug. 23d, Mrs. Louisa Schwartz, aged 07 years, mother of Henry and Louis Schwartz. BIG SALE OF STOCK ! 100 head milch cows, 2 years old, heifers, yearlings and spring calves and 2 Durham bulls, 3 and 4 years old, at Gerrard's Corral, Columbus, Aug. 31, 10 A. M. Tekms: Ninety days time given, if desired, on bankable paper with 12 per cent, interest, or a liberal dis count for cash. 431-x Phil Cai-. T"T everyone would preserve their 1" health during this warm weather they should use concentrat ed essence of Jamaica Ginger. It is cooling and refreshing, tonic and in vigorating and not expensive. Pre pared and for sale only by Dolaud & Smith. Notice. I hereby caution tho pnblic against trusting my wifc,Jauc Tracy, on my account, as she has left with out provocation, my bed and board, and I can not nor should not be responsible for her debts. 433-3 Timothy Thacy. Colin for Sale. A splendid pair of four year old colta for sale, with harness, cheap for cash. Inquire at this office. 420-x. STOCK SAL.K! 122 HEAD of CATTLE ! The undersigued will offer for sale at his rcsideuco on Shell Creek, 3 miles west of Becker's Mill, and 7 miles northeast of Columbus, com menciug at 10 o'clock a. in., on Tues. and Wed., Sept. 10 and II, 52 Steers, one and a half to two years old, 40 good Milch Cows, 27 Heifers, one to three years old, 1 yoke Work Oxen, fivo "years old, 1 Yoarliug Bull, and 1 five-year-old Bull, all iu excellent condition. Terms. $20 or less, cash ; on all sums above that amount a credit of four months will be given, on prom issory note with good security, ten per cent, interest, and these notes may be immediately discounted 10 per cent, for cash. FRANZ IIENGGLER. John IIunKn, Auctioneer. A Itemarlcablo KcNiilt. It makes no differenco how many Physicians, or how much medicino you have tried, it is now an estab lished fact that German Syrup is the only remedy which has giveu com plete satisfaction in severe cases of Lung Diseases. It is true there aro yet thousands of persons who arc predisposed to Throat and Lung A flection s, Consumption, Hemorrh ages, Asthma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, Whoop ing Cough, &c, who have no per sonal knowledge of Boscheo's Ger man Syrup. To such wo would gay that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint. Con sumptives, try just one bottle. Re gular size 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists in America. Notice. I want a good man that under stands farming, a man of family a preferable, to work a farm of 2S0 acres, 90 under cultivation with all farm utensils, one span of horses, a good frame building, granary and corn crib. Eight miles from tho city of Columbus. I will pay a salary or rent on shares by the year. Apply to E. C. Kavanaugii. Mowers uml ICultcs. Now 13 the timo to buy your hay harvesting machines. Messrs. Jacob Ripp & Bros., on 13th street, near Becker's are selling the Bradley mower and self-dumping hay rakes, as good machines as aro on the market. Give them a call. 430-4 Krlck Work. Tlic undersigned nro ready now to take contracts for brick work, to be begun ns booh as the season opens. They guarantee good, honest work nt $12 t thousand in the wall, in the city of Columbus. Those contem plating building the coming season will do well to call soou. 402-x. Tiiob. Flvnn Ss Sox. Pocket Hook I.oxt. In this city Monday evening last, a pocket-book containing a valuable paper to tho owner, and some money. A liberal reward will bo paid to the finder. Gottlieb Bons'. DcKlrublc ICcsidcnuo Property lor Sulo. Sixteen two and one half acre lots for sale in the South East part of the city, nicely located, in a desirable neighborhood, and on easy terms. Call early ou 415-x. SrEiCE & Noktii. TA'lTEttSAIJi. The Tattcrsall Livery Stable is an excellent place to stop at when you arc in town with a learn. Good ac commodations. Reasonable charges. On Olive street, one door south of Coohdgcs hardware store. Try them. 263.x. THRESHERS, ATTENTION! Don't buy your machine oil until you have examined ocu stock and nuens, Dolaxd & Smith. North of Faucette's Harness shop. For Sale. A farm of 159 acres, 125 broken. One milo west of Barnum's. Please call ou A. Haight on the Big Island. Terms easy. 3C1-X ICeftuInr Stock l:ilur. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; alio fat nnd stock hogs. 37S-y I). Andkksox. ik w. itarvsrcy. "Will run his colt and cattle herd this senson between the Looking Glass and Loup river, twelve miles west of Colum bus. Citizens arc requested to make their contracts early. 413-3. BSS-BahgaixsI Baugaixs! "Will sell for cash or on time, one light buggy, and harness, live good milch cows, one lumber wagon, one heavy yoke of oxen, one brood marc she is a good workdr. 400-x D. ANDEKSON. i i saxiiokiv, HAVING EMPLOYED Mr. A. A. PlRCB, of 111., a first -clas black smith, is now prepared to do all kinds of wagon and blacksmith work. Will make new buggies, wagons, etc., or mend old ones, and repair all kinds of ma chinery. Cufctom work a specialty Good work, promptly to promise, and cheap. Call at the sign of the horse shoe, Olive street, opposite Charles Morse's stable 420-3m CENTRAL NORMAL SCHOOL, Genoa, Pawnee Reservation, Neb. Term begins September 1878. Three departments viz: I. Common School. 2. Normal School, 3. Classical. Thorough instruction given in all branches by able and experienced teach ers. Opportunities afforded teachers to acquire experience in the school room. Large building and first-class accommo dation. For prospectus. &c apply to C. D. ItAKKSTIlAW, A. Mn Principal 432-3. Genoa, Nebraska. FARMERS! BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not tho low prices of your products dis courage you, but rather limit your ex penses to your resources. You can do so by stopping at the new home of your fellow farmer, where you can find good accommodations cheap. For hay for team for one night and day, 25 cts. A room furnished with a cook stove and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Those wishing can be accommo dated at the house of the undersigned at the following rates: Meals 25 cents; beds 10 cents. J. B, SENECAL, X mile cast of Gerrard's Corral. BEAD! AND EEMEMBEE! We advertise no pri ces, put up no BAITS, but if you will call around we will soon convince you that weun ders ell them all, quality of goods considered. We have keg Syrup so cheap that no one can af ford to be without it. SUGARS VERY CHEAP. Coffees Away Down! Soaps Lower Than Ever Before ! In fact everything in onr line is down to BED ROCK. We do not advertise very low prices on a few articles, expecting to "catch" you on something else, bat sell EVERYTHING LOW 1 Come and see for yourself and be convinced. HENRY & BRO., CoIumbuH, 'cb. lltU Street. 412-tf CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE AT I'ltlCES Ranging from $7? $12.50 Description. to N Y ytot$VX N E K "d E H r W i N i and E K of S E V. . . . All of SKorSW IT M of S W M 'nd S E i N E K f N E 14 SEX 'd E K of S "V X nnd S VT i of S AV yx .. K E U S E M of N W i, 11 ft 17 23 3 9 13 1 C 2v 2v le i e lo N K nd S E K of S V K and w JiorsKK N lA, N of S E and AV Mors wj All of S Fa& 18 IS 18 13 18 lo lo lc lw lw 31 33 11 15 S i of N E K d N K of MVK E U of n y M. N E K of S AV y. and S AV X of SAVVi E of N AV X, N AV K of 17 18 lw 2iK)i 23 18 lw S Ehi of N AV X, N E X ofl S AV JiandX ofSEM 33 23 in 2v 10 I lw .! A-S fj Improved l-'urm. S. S A v J ... 8 E i and X AV y, of N AV y. .20 AV iaudN E y 20 SV ti T. U. 10 2v HI 2w 10 2w 11 3v j. a. kee: Columbus, .Nebr. SPEICE & NORTH, Genera Agents for the Sale or Real Estate. Union Paclil'-, nnd Midland Pacific It. It. Lands Tor sale at from $3.00 to $'.0.00 per acre for cash, or on livo or ten years time, in annual payments to suit pur chasers. AVo have also a large and choice lot of other lands, Improved and unimproved, for sale at low price- and on reasonable terms. Also business and residence lot in the city. AVo keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate in Platte Couuty. C33 COLUMHUK, NEII. HOMESTEAD NOTICE. U. S. Laud Ollice, Grand Island, Xeb.,1 Augut ICth, 1878. J COMPLAINT having been entered at this ollice by Andrew P. Johnon against Nels M. Johnson for abandoning his Homestead Entry, Xo. 7020, dated September 13, 1877, upon the north J northwest y Section 23, Township iy north, Range 4 west, in Platte county, Nebraskaj with a view to the cancella tion of said entry: the said parties are hcrebv summoned to appear at this office on the 20th day of September, 1S78, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and fur nish testimony concerning said nllogcd abandonment. Depositions in said case will be taken at the office of M. J. Thompson, a Notary Public at St. Ed wards, ISoonc Co., Nebr., on the 13th day of Sept., 1878, at 11 o'clock a. m. E. AV. AUXOLD, Ecgistcr. 432-4 AVji. ANYAN, Kecciver. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby gievn that an In strument in writing purporting to be the last Will and testament of John Harrow, deceased, late of Platte county, Nebraska, has been filed in ihe County Court of Platte county, Nebraska, and proof or the same demanded, and there upon it was ordered that the 23th day of August 1878 at 2 o'clock p. m. be assin- eu lor the probate of said instrument in writing at the County Judge's office In f-aid county when ami where all persons interested mayappear to show cause why the same may not be admitted to pro bate. Joiix G. IIigoixs, County Judge. Dated Auguit 0, 1H78 430-4 DOCTOR BONESTEEL, U. S. KXA.nLM.; SURGECKV, COLUMBUS, : NEBRASKA. OFFICE IIOL'RS, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Office on Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of E. J. Baker's grain office. Residence, comer AVyoming and AValnut streets, north Columbus, Nebr. 433-tf CAUTION!! Threshers, Beware! OF paying high prices for Machine Oils, till you have called at the Red Front Drug Store, opposite the Post Office, and you will get a benefit. Six kinds. 433-3m T)"T7'CrTlbusinc33 you can engage XJJliyj X in. T to ?20 per day made by any worker of either sex. right in their own localities. Paticnlars and samples worth $5 free. Improve your spare time at this business. Address Stinson & Co., Portlaud, Maine. Dont Yom ElcU" For if you do you will lose money by purchasing an expensive AVind Mill, when you can buy one of J. O. Shannon for about onc-haif the money that any other costs. Call on J. O. Shannon, on lth street, opposite Mahlon Clother's tore, Columbus, Neb. 411-13 GROSS BROS. Cash Price List -OF- GEOCEEIES. 10 lbs. A Suynr. , I0'llH. extra C Snpir 10-Jf lb. cKtr.1 U Sugar 11 lbs. ti, shailo yellow U .Sugar 12 lbs. yollow U Sugar 12 lb. 5 . O. Sugar 2tl bar of good Sonp 10 bar German Mottled Fnj, . Id bars Savon Imperial Soap, 1 box of ladies' choice Swj..., ft' lbs. ground Kio Cotnie. . . . ft lbs. choice (Jreoii Kio ColTuc Jl' 111- U..TI liat " " SIPO 100 J W 100 100. 1 00 1 1)0 I 00 1 00 10U 1 00 10U i oo- 1CC ICO i a too 100. uv 70: onion-1 oo. 73 to tt it 4 tt it IU lbs. now Dried Apples VI " " best Teaehos 1G lbs. best Cod Fish r. " Browing Coffee ... li " Kice 2ralloni of Molasses S lbs Smokiug Tobacco 1 lb. of genuine Durham Tobacco 1 lb best Fine-cut Tobacco 1 lb of Flounder's ring Tobacco l.rl lbs. bctt Making Soda $1 25 Ten rediued to 1 1.00 Tea reduced to KIghty-cent T reduced to t Illy -cent Tea reuuecu lo 8 lbs. best now Knisius 1 00- (J lt can l'ie l'eaohes 35 3 lb can l'io i'eaches 20- 2 cans new lilackborrlus, each ' H cans 85- 2 ft can best new Peaches 15 3 lb tan best new Peaches 2.V 2 lb can best new Tomatoes K! 2 of 3 lb cans best new Tomatoes 35 211. can or Egg Plnms for 20 2 lb. can (JrccnGagos 20 2 lb can of Pineapples 20 2 lb can Strawberries 20 1 lb Mince Meat, best In market 15. Kgal.pail Apple Hutter CX gal. pail Peach Hutter ... M 20 lb, tramline Buckwheat flour 1 00 I lb be'xt I.nrilard Plug Tobacco 70- 1 Keg bct Goldm Drip Svrup . 3 7ft 8 lbs. best new Blackberries.. 1 no 20 lbs of Oat Meal 100 1(K) lbs. or Bolted Corn Meal.. . 1 0O- 100 lbs best Madison Flour ... 8 0O Genuine Cider Vinegar per gal. SO Best Tickles per galluti 40 O All other good not heroin mentioned',, accordingly reduced In price. AVo also. deliver goods bought of us to any part, of tho city free of charge. Itcmcmber the place, at GROSS BROS. Corner 13th and Q Sts 10ft COLf.MHlS, Nhu Perfection Attained -TV Til": WliteSMleSBWiiffiacIe The best and cheapest machine ever of fered to the public. The proprietors, having availed themselves of tho expi ration of patents to combine tho good qualities of other sewing machines the public will nee at once tho lulvuntaiio gained. To see is to convince. Please call and examine for yourself. JSTPriee or these machines range from S30 to 7.. Jlita. J. R. AVEST. Agent. Olive St., 3 ;l2ors south orPc-t office, CiX5-12 Columbus, Nebraska. G-eo. T. Spooner, All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Refers to the many for whom he hnn done work. His motto in regard lu prico is, Live and let live. lb Building of Ci&rca a S;schlty. t5T"ircadinarter9 nt the " Nebraska House." Cull anil see me. 4 13-1 m ABB & SADDLES Daniel Faucetlc, Manufacturer and Dealer In Harcs;;, Saddle, hh and Ccl!a?3, keens constantly on hand all kinds of whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry combs, Brushes, Bridlo Bits, Spurs, Cards. Harness made to order. Re pairing done on short notice. NEBRASKA AVENTJB, Columbua. 53.4. Wm. SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES! A complete a'nortmrnt of Ladlm and Chil dren's bboett It pt oa hand. All Work Warranted!! Onr Motto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing. Cor. Olive and IStli Stn, COLUMBUS BEICK YAED, (One mile west of Columbus.) GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK jVlwnyjs on Hand In QUANTITIES to suit PURCHASERS THOMAS FLYNN &. SON, Propr's. 371-tf P0E SALE OR TRADE ! MARES 9 COLTS,- Team3 of Horses or Oxen, SAII3.1i PONIES, wild or broke, at the Corral of L OEKiiAItD&.ZLlGLEiw