The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 28, 1878, Image 1

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Proprietors and Publishers.
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EST Office In the JOURNAL building,
Elevcnth-st., Columbus, Neb.
Teums Per rear, ?2. Six mouths, $1.
Three months, 50c. Single copies, 5i.
ColHmbBN Post onicc.
Open on Sundays trom 11 a.m. to 12 m.
and from :S0 to 6 p. m. Business
hours except Sunday G a. m. to 6 i M.
Eastern niailH close at 11 a. it.
Wei, tern mails close at :0u i.M.
Mail leaves Columbus Tor Madison and
Norfalk. on Mondays, "Wednesdays
aad Fridays, "a.m.
FcrJIonroe, Genoa. Watcrville and Al
bion, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days, G A. M.
For "Summit, Ulysses and Crete, Mon
days and Thursdays, 7 a. m.
For Belleville, Osceola anu York, Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, 8 a.m.
For l'cppen lllc. Savannah and Ashland,
Tuck da vb and Fridays, at 7 o'clock a.
For "Wclf, Farral and Battle CreeK,
Wednesdays, 8 a. k.
For Shell Creek, J-cbo. Crcston and
Stanton, on Mondays at 7 A. M.
For David City, "Wednesdays and Sat
urdays. 1 r. m
Church Ilrcctorj".
every other Sabbath at 3 o'clock p. in.
In the Congregational Church. All are
Invited to attend.
GRACE CHURCH Morning service
' I'vcry second Sunday at 11 oVloefc;
Sunday school every Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock.
Rev. Samuel Goodaj.k.
PRESBYTERIAN Service every Sab
bath at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 8 p. in.
Sabbath School at 9:30 a. in. Prayer
meeting on Thursdays at S p. in.
Ituv. R. OiiuisTtsox, Pastor.
CATHOLIC Inruture, Mass or Divine
Service will be held at St.. John's Cath
olic Church, in Columbus, first and
third Sunday of each mouth.
Rev." Father Ryajj. Pastor.
GONGREGATIONA L. Services every
Sabbath, at 11 A. M., and S P. 31.
Sabbath School at 0:30. Prayer meet
ings Thursday 3 P. M.
Rev. Thomas Bayne, Pastor.
GERMAN CATHOLIC Services at the
Jlouastery, every Sabbath, first mass
at 8 o'clock, hlgh'mass at 10 o'clock; at
2:30 vespers aud benediction. Mou
d ay h, in ass G o'clock a. m. Other week
days, four masses from ft:30 to 7 a. m.
Latter-dav Saints hold Service every
Sabbath "at 2 o'clock r. M. in their
3l'cting House on the corner of Pa
cillc Aycnuc aud N. street.
U.J. IIUDtOX. Pros. Elder.
located on corner of 13th and North
sis., have preaching ecry SHbbath at
II A. M. Sabbath school at 3 r. M.
Prayer meetings Sunday and Thurs
day'evenings at H v. M."
Rev. J.Q. A atky.
services every Sabbath, 10:15 a. in.,
Gciinan. Evening, English Jackson,
every other Sabbath, 1:30 p.m., Ger
man. Grutli. every other Sabbath,
3:30 p. iu., Gorman. Becker's Mill,
uvorv other Sabbath. 1:'50 p.m., Ger
man." Kverv Thursday evening, Eng
lish. Near Ecleberry's, every other
Sabbath, 3:30 p. m., English.
C. G. A. HULLHOKST, Pastor.
ROYAL ARCANUM Mystic Council
No. 130 meets every sccoud and fourth
Wednesdays at K. of P. Hall at 7:30
t.m. sharp.
11. J. Hudson, Regent.
G. W. Clothkk, Sec'y.
No. STO meets at K. of P. hull every
Saturday at S p.m. tharp. Transient
brother eordiallv welcomed.
Jous Wiggins, Em. J. Potts,
Dictator. Reporter.
r F. t A. M. Regular commuuica-
V tions will be held on the second
Wednesday evening of each
month at their Hall in Columbus.
R. H. Henry, W.M.
J. It. Meaghki:, Scc'v.
O. E. S. Regular communications on
the tirbt and third Fridays of ccry
month at the Masonic Hall.
Mrs. Minnik Duakk, W. M.
Maggie Mkagukk, Sec'y.
Itcgular meetings on the lirst and
third Saturdays of each month iu
Masonic Hall.
Marshall Smith, II. P.
C. B. SriLLMAN, Scribe.
I. O. O. F. Wildcy Lodge,
No. 44, meets at their Halt in
Columbus, cery Tuesday
Jno. Stauffkr, N. G.
Jno. Schram, Sec'y.
Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, in Colum
bus, on the first and third Monday
evenings of each month. Visiting
brothren are cordially invited to meet
with us.
n. J. Hudson, II. P,
II. P. COOLIDGE, Scribe.
ters of Rebckah, meet in Odd Fellows'
Hall on the tirst and third Thursdays
in each month.
M. Schri. N. G.
tr Mrs. Mary Becher,V.G.
Alta Baker, Sec'y.
Regular meetings every Thursday
evening, bank building.
E. L. Siggins, K. R. S.
Division No. 29 meets on the 2d aud
4th Monday of each month at the hall
In the bank building.
Mrb. C. FrriELD, W. P.
E. A. Gerhard, R. S.
No. 1, meets second Monday
each month at Engine House
Hall, at "t V. M.
J. Rickly, J. W. Early,
Sec'y. Foreman.
meets third Monday each month at.
Engine House Hall, at 7J r. M.
Geo. W. Clothkr,
Byeon Millett, d. N. Miner,
Pres't. Sec'y.
Formerly Tacific House.
This popular house has been newly
Refitted and Furnished.
Meals 35cts.
Day Board per week, $4.00.
Hoard and Lodging, 6and?d.
Good Livery and Feed Stable in con
VOL. IX.--NO, 17.
CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. Sauxdkrs, U.S. Senator, Omaha.
A. S. Paddock, U. S. Senator, Beatrice.
FitANK Welch, Rcpresentatlvc.Norfolk.
Silas (Jaubkr. Governor, Lincoln.
Bruno Tzchuek, Secretary of State.
I. B. WViton, Auditor, Lincoln.
J. C. McBride,Treisurer, Lincoln.
Geo. II. Roberts, Attorney-General.
3. R. Thompson. Supt. Public Ins rue.
II. C. Dawson. Warden of Penitcntiarv.
Dr. .1, G. Davis, Prison Physician.
II. P. Mathewson, Supt. Insane Asylum.
Daniel Gan. t Chief Justice,
Georgo II l.akc.1 Ass0ciate Judges.
S. Maxwell, J
G. W. Post, .Judge, York.
M. 11. Reese, District Attorney, Wahoo
E. W. Arnold. Roglstcr, Grand Inland.
Win. Anyan, Receiver, Grand Island.
J. G. Higgins, County .fiidsc
John Stauller, County Clerk.
V. Kuinmer, Treasurer.
Henj. Spiclmnn, Shorlfl".
R. L. Rositer, Surveyor.
R. H. Henry, 1
Win. Bloc.lorn V C
John Walker, J
Count vCommissIoucrs.
Dr. A. Hciutz. Coroner.
S. L. Barrett, Sii-U. of Schools.
S. S. McAllister,! Tc,:l.l.sor thePeace
Byron Millett, f Jucuctsoi mei cace.
Charles Wake, Countable.
('. A. Speice. Mavor.
John Schrain, Clerk.
John J. Ricklv, Marshal.
J. W. Earlv, Treasure.
S. S. McAllister, Police Judge.
J. G. lttnit.-oii, Engineer.
councilmn :
1st Hard J. E.Noith,
E. Pohl.
C. Kavanaugh.
E. Morse.
3d Ward-
-E. J. Baker.
E. A. Gerrard.
J. HUDSON his opened an Ice
Cream parlor on 13 h trcct op-
po-ite the pot-o(hc where he will
keen n ttoek of choice Civsrs and Can
dies, Fruits and Oyster, in their -eason.
Ice will be sutplicd in quantities ror
parties and pic-nics.
Wholcsalo and Hotsil,
VfKBRASKA AVE., nppositp City
lt Hall, Columbus, Ncbr. JJTLow
prices and line good. Prescriptions
and f.imiU recipes a specialty. 417
J. .A. 03A.KJER,
Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps
Nebraska Ave., opp. Clolhcr House.
iSTCash Paid for Furs. 3SS
ObcniCj McDaneld & Co.,
dealers in
OMAHA, - - - NEB.
WE take pleasure in calling the at
tention of the readers ot the
Journal to this Hi in for sure pay and
quick return. Those who are thinking
if i-liipping their wool, would do well to
correspond with them, as you may ship
further and do no better, but a" great
deal worse. Ed. Journal. 410-x
Blachuitli and Wagon Mihr.
All kinds of repairing done at short
notice. Wagons, Buggies. Ac, &c;
made to order. All work warranted.
Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter
sal, Columbus, Nebraska. 352
Restaurant and Saloon!
E. D. SI1EEUAX, Proprietor.
"Wholesald and Retail Dealer in
Foreign Wines, Liquors
tST 'Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty.
In their season,
11th Street. South, of Depot,
Grain, Produce, Etc.
Gool Gools anfl Fair Dealing.
Goods delivered Free of Charge,
anywhere in the city.
Corner of 13th and Madison Sts.
North of Foundry. 39T
Irr.I. I,. SIGE:S,
his medical otlice in the rooms
in the east end of bank buildiiur, cor.
Nebraska A v. and 12th "-ts., ouerimr his
services in all departments of medicine
and hurcery, acute and chronic dis
eases. "Will isit any part of the city
or countr iu anwer to all calls, day or
n'ght. Medicines furnished without
extra charge. 379-ly
xttorncy and Counselor at Law,
Formerly a member of the Englih
bar: will give prompt attention to all
liiisiiie-s entrusted to him iu tlii" and
adjoining counties. Collections made.
Ollice one door east of Seliilz' hoe utore,
corner of olive and l'Jth Streets. Spricht
Deut-h. Paile Francais. 418-tf
wm and mm
J. C. PARKER, Propriotor.
I THIRST door north of Hammond House
. and feed stable, jiHt opposite the
pot-plliee. Good work and the best
material t low prices, N the motto.
Satisfaction given or no sale. Repairing
done prouiptlv. t5J"Finc litrncsi and
carriage trimming, a specialty,
ami examine for yoursehes.
Dress and Shirt Maker,
1 door i:ast or schram uros.
Dresses and shirts cut and made to
order and satisfaction guaranteed. Will
also do plain or fancy sewing of any de
Givejne a call and try my work.
All kinds of
Hooks, Stationery. Cnndj and Cisar.
U ready-made and Metallic Coftins,
"Walnut Picture Frames. .Mends Cane
Scat Chairs. Keeps on hand Black Wal
nut Lumber.
VTsiMsEies Atc. c;p::itc CtzA E:z, C:ltfca, V&
Slctricli.s' Keal 32nrk-f.
Washington Ale., nearly opposite Court llouep.
times, meat will be sold at" this
market low. low down for CASH.
Best steak, per lb., 10c.
Rib roast, " 8c.
Boil, " 6e.
Two cents a pound more than the abmp
prices will be charged on time, and thit
to gond jesponsible parties only. 207.
Columbus Meat Market !
EEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh
meats, and smoked liork and beef;
also ircsh lish. Jlaku sausage a spec
ialty. 2fRemember the jilace. Elev
enth St., one door west of I). Rvan's
hotel. 417-lf
STAflE KOt;'E'B2.
JOHN HUBER. the mail-carrier be
tween Columbus and Albion, will
leave Columbus everyday excepting the
at 0 o'clock, sharp, passing through
Monroe, Genoa, WaUrville, and to Al
! ion The hack will call at either of
the Hotels for passengers if orders are
led at the post-ollice. Rates reason
able, $2 to Albion. 222.1y
f-PWO doors cast of D. Ryan's Hotel
X on 11th street, keep a large stock of
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
And everything usually kept at a first-
class bar.
X cast of Tiffany & Routson's leed
stable. Convenient to all business
housco of the city. Good accommoda
tions, at fair, living prices.
410-tf Wm. SPEICE, Prop'r.
Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public.
i. Mii.LK'rT Ac s'orv,
Nebraska. N. B. They w ill give
close attention to all business entrusted
to them. 21S.
W. -A.. CLABK,
ill -Wilt aifl EBieer,
WILL repair watches and clocks In
the best manner, and cheaper than
it can be done in any other town. Work
left with Saml. Gass, Columbia, on 11th
street, one door east of I. Gluck's store,
or with Mr. Weisenlluh at Jackson, will
be promptly attended to. 41.".
Is prepared to do all classes of Laundry
work, neatly and quickly, and asks a
share of rublic patronage- Order may
be left, for the present, at the residence
of L. F Ellis. Terms reasonable. 405-x
TRACTOR. All work promptlv
attended to and satisfaction guaranteed.
Refers to the many for whom he has
done work, as to prices and qualitv.
ti&t. Office on 12th St., three doors
east of Schilz's boct and shoe store,
Columbus, Neb. Photograph Rooms in
connection with Dental Office. 2i5.y
F. V. OTT5
axi --rz-J -
A little child might well confound,
Willi almost perfect case.
The wisest man, thouirh quite profound,
By questions such as these:
Firt. tell across what river lies
That famous work, the Bridge of Sighs?
Then answer, the hardest of things,
From whsnee descends the reigu of
Prav give the weight, and from what
"The straw that broke the camel's
How large a broom ought there to be
To sweep a storm across the sea?
Now namo the tree, and tell how high,
That bore "the apple of the eye?"
Who has ever wNhcd or sought
To ride upon a train of thought?
Upon what sea, and at what rat.
Sails that proud, haughty Ship of State?
Upon whose tender face appears
Wrapped this weary vale oi tears?
To what ocean, through what clime,
Flows that non-ending river, Time.
Cincinnati 'Times.
Mr. Job Dueutiberry stopped on
lio.-ud thft train bound lor Boston
one inorniii'T, fi'cliiigu kind ot (liiecr
sensation at the pit of his stomach.
H( eniiclndeil. ! llto limn lu fi,-t
became awaro ol" it, that it was oc
casioned by cat in ; too licarty a
bicukfnst in too short a time. Liter,
lie came to a dillorent conclusion
about it.
He was jr'" "down to Uostoif
to visit liis brotliet- Joseph, and stav
"til! after the Fourth."
The car was pretty full, but he
succeeded in finding an unoccupied
seal at last, and sat down to look
about him. IJc had hardly betin
to look, however, when another
traveler entered the car in search of
a scat. She was an old maid, Job
knew, the moment he saw her.
There are certain feigns which can
never be mistaken in t lie class of
single damsels to which she belong
ed, that class being the primly
perpendicular one, nearly all angles
aim very little curves, and Job had
sc'Jii too many of them to be mis
taken, lie couldn't say that lie
liked old maids, and yet, being an
old bachelor, he felt a sympathy tor
their single condition which made
his heart tender toward thein.
She looked sharply about her iu
eearrh ol a seal. As it happened,
Job's was the only one in which
there were not two.
"I'd like the privilege scttin' with
you,'' said she, fixing her eagle eye
on Job's, in a way that seemed to
dare him to refuse.
'Shall be delighted to have you."
answereii Jon with alnuiity, jump
ing up Hint she might have the place
next to the window. "A beautiful
day, ma'am."
Lovely," answered his compan
ion, iu a voice that seemed to come
from down cellar, as she proceeded
to arrange her baskets and bundles
about her teet. "Yes, sir, a lovely
day. 1 told Almiry she'.s my broth
er John's wife I told her it was
goi' to be jest n splendid dav for
A light broke in upon Job's mind.
John and Almiry, he felt sure, were
Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins. He had
heard that Mr. Stehbins had a sis
ter from Vermont viMting him.
"I conclude you're Mr. Stebbius'
sister, ma'am," said Job, anxious to
find out if he were right. Me had
been advised ip go over and see the
lady, but somehow he never could
make up his mind to.
"I be," she answered : "my name's
C...I.I Iir. .. " - - -
ousan oieuoins. nat S vourii, if 1
... '
may oe so inquisitive.'"7
"Duseuberry Job Dusenbcrry,"
he replied, with a bow. He was
naturally very genteel in his in
stincts. 'Is that so?'' exclaimed Miss
Stebbius, casting a side-long glance
at Job. and trying her best to
"Aliriiry'fi been heclonV mc about
you ever since Iv'c been there."
"1 want to know I" cried Job. He
couldn't think of anything else to
say, and it seemed as if she must
expect him to say something.
" Yes, an' John, too," went ou
Miss Stcbbins. "But, you know,
folks will joke, an' they'io alius a
talkin'to me about the men, but I
don't mind it ciiny. I'm irlad to rk
acquainted with von, for I ain't
much used to trav'lin', an' I like to
bev some one I can look to ler per
fection, if it's needed."
Job mentally concluded that she
was more capable of protecting her
self than he was of protecting her.
But he said ho should be happy to
do what he could for her.
"Air you any relation to the Du
senbcrry fani'ly liviu' uigh Piitnev ?''
asked Miss Stebbius.
'No, I don't think I be," answered
Job ; "never heard I bad any rela
tion there."
"Mr. Duscnberry's deacon in the
Baptist church, an' a real nice man,
I alius thought," went on Miss Steb
bius "Seems to mc ho favors you
in complexion some. He's a sm'art
lookiu' man, an' I should ha' said
you was a connexion. Air you
goin' to Boston?"
"I be." answered Job; "thought
I'd go down an' stay till after the
"So he I," answered Miss Steb
bins. "I've got some tradin' to do,
an' it pays to do it where you can
look about an' choose. Solomon
Green keeps store up to Putney, an'
he does charge the most onaccount
able prices; now this alpacy how
much should you s'posc I'd ought to
have give a yard for it, Mr. Dusen
berry ?"
Job frankly acknowledged his
ignorance of such matters.
"Wall, sir," said Miss Stebbius, in
a tone which seemed to imply that
she didn't suppose he'd believe her,
but it was true as gospel, neverthe
less; "wall sir, he charged me forty
two cents a' a ha'f a yard, an'' I
couldn't get it a cent less. lie asked
forty-live, but I beat him down two
cents an'a-half, an' Mrs. Pringle
sho's tho minister's wife she got
one jest like it to Albany for thirty
seven cents I If that ain't outra
geous, I'd like to what is!"
"It's scand'lotis, ma'am." said Job,
who began to" admire her evident
business tact; "simply scand'lous,
nm'nni t"
"You're riirht," said Miss Steb
bius, "an' I told Almiry, bein's I'd
never been to Boston, I was goin'
down, an' I'd see if Solomon Gred'd
got rich out o' cheatin' me."
But now Job was iu love with
her that is, he felt that she would
make him a good housekeeper, which
stood for the sutno'thing iu his mind
as wife, and ho wondered if he
couldn't mnnagc to secure her. He'd
been wanting a wife for twenty
years. He had had chances, but,
like the foolish man he was, ho had
let them all slip. Now he consid
ered that the curious feeling he had
experienced that morning was a
presentiment of he didn't exactly
know what, but it evidently hail
something to do with Miss Stebbius.
He got out at a small station and
bought some hied chicken and apple
pie, and brought them in as -a votive
ollerim, sentimentally speaking, to
the lady ol his bosom's allection.
She accepted them with a smile that
made him happy for a week after,
every time ho remembered. Once
he dreamed about that smile, and
thought it sunrise, and got up and
dressed him-elf before be fairiy
waked up. When ho did come to
his senses he found it was half-past
1, and went back to bed wondering
if all men feel as he did when thev're
iu love.
The started, and. just as Miss
Stcbbins was trying to swallow a
small chicken-bone, and making a
very wry lace over it, the cars gave
an awlul leap, and then none of
them knew very much about what
happened for the next few minutes.
When Job came to himself heAvas
sitting in a shallow puddle of water,
and the first thought which came, to
iiiiu "ii-j umi oe nau turned into a
big bull-lrog. But, looking about
him, in a bewildered way, for a so
lution of the mystery, he stw Miss
Stebbius sitting on a floating por
tion ol a wrecked car farther out in
the pond, dripping like Undine, if
not as agreeable to look at.
"Be you hurt, Mr. Duseuberry ?"
she asked, as she discovered him.
"Xo, I don't think I be," answer
ed Job. "Had a smash up, hain't
we ?"
"Seems so," answered Miss Steb
bius. "I guess there hain't nobody
killed, an' that's lucky. I'm glad
you ain't hurt. I was" afeanl you
Hrr solicitude touched Job's heart
is nothing else ever bad.
''You ain't damaged any, be you ?"
he asked, anxiously.
"Not any to speak of," answered
Miss Stebbius, "but my rlo'os is jest
completely spilt. There's mv bumiii
sailiu' about over there, 'i wish
you'd git for me."
Job bccured a pole, and, after
angling unsuccesMuMv for a while,
got a bite and landed this new kind
ol lish on the bank, where it lay in
a very limp aud dejected condition,
having but little resemblance to
the showy bonnet Miss Stebbius
had worn.
"I'm coinin' ashore," announced
Miss Stebbius.
"Let mo come an' git you," pro
posed Job, not without sonio tinni-
dation, it must be confessed.
"So, I can git along 'thont piittin'
you to any trouble," answered Mis.s
"What a self-reliant woman slio
is,' Job thought admiringly. "She'd
take care ofa man, now."
Stic gathered the ruined "alpacy"
about her, stepped oil the extem
porized rait, and waded ashore
without screaming snakes! or any
thing of the kind. Job concluded
that she was one woman in a hun
dred. So she was.
"You're all mud an' scum," said
she, after inspecting Job c!oel
"I II git a stick an' some grass an'
kinder clean you up." And for the
next ten minutes Job experienced
new and novel bliss in being "clean
ed up" by this energetic woman,
who had now obtained complete
possession of his heart. "She's a
manager," concluded Job. "If she
had charge of my place, now, she'd
make things fetch in snilim'. f
wish she had."
The conductor announced that it
would be two or three hours belore
they could proceed.
"Don't you teel as of vou'd like
sutbin' to eat ?" asked Job". "I "ness
you didn't finish tint ehickiii."
"I would like somethin'," answer
ed Miss Stebbius, and Job proposed
mat mey should viit a farmhou
near oy anu procure some.
"I'll set out hereon thif stone iny
tho. Kim mi' let-,- .:n i.U
ready," said Miss Stebbius. and took
a position on a rock by the roadside.
Job at down by her."
"I'm thankful we ain't killed,"
said she. "How lucky I got ac
quainted with you, ain't it? Friends
is always so pleasant iu sich times."
The glance which accompanied this
sentiment finished Job.
"Oh, Miss Stcbbins, le'mc be your
friend for life!" cried he, with an
awful pallor on his face, the effort
he made in saying it was so intense.
"I know it's sudden, but theul"
and there he stuck fast.
"Do you mean marriage?" asked
Miss Stcbbins, with such a warmth
at heart that her clothes dried rap
idly from the diffused heat.
"Yes, I do," answered Job; "I
"I don't know what John an' Al-
miry'd say, but I hain't no objec
tions, to speak on," answered Miss
Stebbius, with downcast eyes, and
beaming face.
"Then it's a bargain I" exclaimed
Job. "Glory! This is better'n the
Fourth ! I'm goin' to kiss you,
Miss Stehbins."
"You may if you want to, an' call
me Susan," she said.
The boy who was looking out of
the window reported to his mother,
busy over the dinner, that the man
was kisgin' the woman, an' ho should
think he'd be 'shamed of himself.
But Job never thought of such a
tiling! Wasn't he engaged to be
married? Aud didn't a man al
ways kiss a woman when she'd
promised to marry him?
I can't say what wonderful bar
gains Miss Stcbbins made in tho
dry-goods line, but sho went home
with a man, and has been happy ever
since. So has Job.
The HisIiCfet Ambition ofa
Female'. illiiid.
A married gentleman of our ac
quaintance takes pleasure in an
nouncing that "the highest ambi
tion ofa female mind should be to
cook a good dinner." Without
agreeing with this gentleman to'the
extent of such a sweeping assertion,
every sensible woman will admit
that a certain knowledge of cookery
is indispensiblc to the maintenance
ot a happy household and a contented
husband. Old wives will tell young
er ones that theway to a man's heart
is through his mouth, and this fact,
however painful to romantic young
ladies, becomes more apparent at
each succeeding jear of married
lite. It is only natural that men
should become somewhat gross by
contact with the vulgarity of the
woi Id; somewhat exacting in their
demands; a littlec ill-humord, per
haps, it the salad does not please
them, and very delightfully conver
sational if the dinner goes oil' well.
These objcctiou-iblc traits must be
taken along with the superior vir
tues of honor, manliness and con-t
slancy, as the quartz accompanies
the streak of gold. It is foolish to
wish otherwise, for a man devoid of
these faults would undoubtedly be
effeminate, and would bo therefore
an unworthy object of heroworsliip.
A young woman during the first
week of her married life entertains
vague suspicions that the above
statements are true, lier Charles,
who is almost, u not quite, exemp
from human failings, has already
mamlested a profound admiration
for veal pics, and has openly ex
pressed his detestation of overdone
mutton. She accordingly builds up
within her a fortress of resolutions,
iu which to guard that sacred treas
ure ofa husband's affection. In her
girlhood this young woman had
spent much time iu cultivating her
musical taste, in reading Emerson
and Carlyle;she had been loud of
pretty landscapes, and could use her
pencil with effect, and she had been
beard to declare with pride that
when she married she would give
up none of these things.
Let us visit her now at the end of
ten years of matrimony, and we will
find that she has broken her vow
aud thrown it to the winds. We
find a tiresome sort of person whose
whole intellect iu absorbed in at
tending to the cares ot housekeeping
and in getting stylish dresses for
her children, conversation rises
seldom iiiiov.o the level o ('infant gos
sip? and servants, and the only ideas
developed by time aud experience
mi lier conviction that men are most
unreasonable and selfish of crea
tures, and women the most abused
and self sacrificing.
Thcro is a great evil somewhere.
but what is it? The husband ac
knowledges to himelf that he is
disappointed in the wifo he has
chosen, and yet he finds difi'eulty in
pointing out her mistake, and can
hardly find cause to blame her, for
is she not a faithful wife, a devoted
mother and a most frugal manager.
The mistake is a national character
istic. So passionate and intense is
the American mind in pursuit of its
temporary interest, that men will
sutler the chains of business to bind
them down, and throttle them while
their wives bend beneath a similar
yoke or duty at home.
What is lacking is the power to
rise above the petty annoyances of
daily life; we need to learn to dis
tinguish tntles from ailairs of mo
ment, to know tint every mole hill
is not a mountain. We need not
forsake the upper strata of senti
ment, thought and ideality the
atmosphere of the soul because we
know that there is a lower one ot
routine and small vexations,in which
our feet arc told to tread. To
breathe in tho one is to receive
strength and refreshment for exer
tion in the other. It is a very good
plan to pick up needles and pins
from the floor, but picking pins
ought not to be made the chief ob
ject of existence, for if we Tnove
along with our heads constantly
downward, we most assuredly will
sec nothing better than niiis and
needles to the end of our davs. -s
yf i
If-culture is the dutv of evcrv
m being: and lies within the
reach of every human will. A wife
does her husband great wrong who
allows her-self to sink into an in
ferior po-ition by his side, for wo
man's influence is wide-spread and
penetrating, beariug, directly upon
the taste and inclinations of her
husband. No amount of stack
ings to darn ought to excuse intel
lectual stagnation. - Philadelphia
Iiullelin. J
It is now announced, on the au
thority of that "eminent physician,"
that it is not healthy to rise before
eight o'clock in the morning. This
applies only to men. Wives can
rise at seven aud start the fires as
It was about this time of year
when the little boy expressed the
wish that he was built like a hen
coop, out of laths, so that the breeze
could blow right through him.
A man never wants to laugh
when a flv alights on his nose, but
he is greatly tickled. Daniclsonvillc
Conviction for Worlf insf on
Last Monday Mr.Satnucl Mitchell,
who is known iu religious parlance
ns a Second Adventist, was tried by
the County Court under an indict
ment of tho grand jury for violating
paragraph -1,570 of the code of
Georgia, which makes it a misde
meanor to labor on?the Sabbath
day, except iu cases of necessity or
charity. Tho proof in Mr. Mitchell's
case was conclusive by his own
admission that he had hauled rails
and plowed on tho S.tbbath dav.
But he contended that his religion
required him to work six days, and
to rest ou tho seventh ; that from his
interpretation of the Sacred Scrip
lures, he felt it his duty to work ou
our Sabbath day, and to rest on our
Saturday. He tried to shelter him
self under the Constitution of the
state, article one, section oue, para
graphs twelve and thirteen, guar
anteeing to all men the right to
worship God according to tho
dictates of their own conscience.
The Judges decided that tho law
under which the defendant was
indicted had nothing to do with his
religious belief; that he could
worship God in anv manner and
anywhere that ho pleased, aud tho
laws ol Georgia made it a crime for
anyone to disturb him in his wor-
ship; that the law under which he
was indicted did not sav what relig
ious tenets he .should entertain, or
what he should reject; but only
decided that he should not labor on
the Sabbath day, except in ca?os of
necessity or charity, and tint this
Constitutional provision upon the
liberty of conscience did not excuse
acts of licentiousness or guilty
practices, inconsistent with the
peace and safety of the State; that a
disregard of the Christian S.ibbilh
iu violation of the laws of the coun
try would tend to demoralize tho
country, and would therefore en
danger the peace and safety of the
same Quitman (6'a.) Ileportcr.
Atlrnutiigcs on-larly INiTcrly.
The worst thing thatcan happen to
a young man in college is to have a
father or mo'her so iiiiudicious as
to keep him amply supplied with
pocket money. It is fatal to all
studious habits, and in the end gen
erally fatal to good morals. This is
equally the case with a young man
iu business who is made to feel that
to him "salary is no object" that a
wealthy father's purse is always
open to his most extravagant de
mands. Nothing develops a young
mau like fighting his own way in
the world. Some spur of iiocessity,
some bracing air of adverse sur
roundings is needful to most men,
if they are to put forth their whole
power. The rich man's heir, nursed
and petted from infancy, and
shielded from battling with the
world never fairly learns to stand
erect and walk alone. If by any
chance he is stripped of his inherit
ed wi-plth, and has to learn to give
and take hard knocks like others, he
nearly always goes under in the
struggle at any rate he seldom re
gains by his own efforts the fortune
he had lost. Nearly all the wealthy
and cfl'ectivc men of this country
are poor men's son's sons. Nearly
all of the scholars, poets, orators
statesmen, are poor men's sons.
Wealth has its advantages it is true ;
but, after all, the son of a rich man
begins life with tho odds against
him. The poor man's sou has all the
odds iu his favor. He must work
or starve. He has nothing to lose
and every thing to gain. The rich
man s son lias al read v
social nosi-
tiou and every tiling that money can
give him. There Is much Ie?s to
sinve ior aim uiiiuitciv
esc iiuliien-
inent to strive.
A lVonznn'f B'laii.
Mrs. Willard, in the Chicago Post,
alluding to the distress in the cities
of the countrv, savs: "The real
source of all wealth is the soil, and
from it must come ultimately all fi
nancial relief. Fortunately for this
country we have millions of rich,
fertile acres, only awaiting breaking
aud planting to laugh with the har
vest; we have inexhaustible mines
of mineral wealth; we have bound
less forests of valuable timber. It
ought to be a very simple problem
to get food and raiment for all iu
our country. And jut here is
where we wish to suggest a plan
that is without precedent. Cities
burdened with the uncmploved
might, instead of spending their;
poor-tax simply to keep the poor
from hand to mouth, purchase large
tracts of western lauds, and send out
colonies to settle upon them. Trans
portation would have to be furnish
ed, also seed, implements and main
tenance for a year at least, or until
the crops should be raised. A lien
on the houses, implements and land
would secure the ultimato reim
bursement ofa large portion of the
money expended. The rise in the
value of the land through cultivation
would be an important factor in the
success of the plan. The conditions
by which laborers should eventually
become owners of the land should
1 be easy yet definite. In a business
I point of view, it would be vastly
better than the constant waste of
money in merely feeding the poor.
In a moral point of view, nothing
could be more desirable than tho
draining away from large cities, to
pure, healthful, free country, and
villago life, the families of laborers.
And were some such plan organized
aud put in operation, thousands and
hundreds of thousands of laborers
would speedily avail themselves of
its benefits, and would not only
make themselves comfortable and
happy, but would eventually make '
the country rich. And to record the
increasing prosperity of the country
tinder a regime so entirely without
precedent would give a new and
delightful element to future history.
Weather strips Changing you
S flatuis for the season
Ilusiuvi and professional rard tra
lines or less spacn. per annum, ten doJ
lars. Legal advertisement nt statute
r.iteg. Loral notice tru cents a Una
first InertIon, five cent a Iln" each
subsequent Insertion. AdertinMitB
classified as special no'Ires live cents
line first Insertion, three cents a Ine
each subsequent In-artinn.
Iflnrrlcd Pol I ten cms.
"Will you?" asked a pleasint
voice. And the husband answered,
"Yes. my dear with pleasure."
It was quietly but hcirtilj' said,
the tone, the manner, the look, were
porfectry natural aud very affection
ate. "I beg your pardon," comes as
readily to his lips, when by any
little awkwardness he has discon
certed her, as it would in the pres
ence of the most fashionable stick
ler for etiquette. This is because ho
is a most thorough gentleman, who
thinks his wife in all things entitled
to precedence. He love her best
why should ho hesitate to show it,
not in sickly, maudlin attentions,
but in preferring her pleasure and
honoring her in public a9 well as
private. He knows her worth, vrhv
fhould ho hesitate to attest it? "And
her husband he praised ber'jaitt
holy writ ; not by fnlsotnondM'at ci ,
not by pushing her charms ir,o
notice, but by speaking as opportu
nity occurs iu a manly way, of her
Though words seem liltlo things,
and slight attentions almost value
less, yet depend upon it they keep
tho llama bright, especially a they
arc natural. Tho children grow no
in a better moral atmosphere, and
learn Io respect their parents as they
' see them respecting each other.
I .unity a noy dikcs advantage or a
mother he loves, because ho srs
olten the rudeness of his father.
Insensibly he gathers to his bosom
the same habits and the thought
aud feelings thev engender, and in
his turn becomes the petty tyrnn
Only his mother why should l:t
thank her? father never doc. Ti .is
the home become the set of 'Ii -order
and unhappjiies-. Only for
strangers are kind words express.!,
and hvpncritei go out from tho
hearth. stone fully prepared to ren
der justice, benevolence and po'ife
nesg to any one and every one but
those who have the justcst claims.
Ah! give us tho kind glance, t'.o
happy homestead the smiling wifo
and courteous children of the friend
who said so pleasantly: "Y"cs, my
dear, with pleasure."
lVonira lu 7ocrrnII; in.
The appcarr.ncp of a ladv. MI s
Liliie Durst, ot the Circleville Ihr
aid, among tlw Ohio editors at their
annual Convention, led to a good
deal of talk nbout woman journal
ists. Miss Dapst is not the only
lady editor in Ohio. A briglt S.i -day
piper in Mansiibld is edited Iv
Miss Sude Baughinaii, and Ihero aro
manyotber women who, if not in
conspicuous positions, do a great
deal of good, steady work on tho
daily and weekly prc?. In Wash
ington women have a recognized
and important poeitiou iu the corps
of correspondents. An Ohio lady,
Mrs. Fanny B. Ward, recently cli
ed a department in the WaL'ton
Itepubliciin.auil isast:eces;.ftil I r .
writer. The names of Mrs. 2!nr
Clcmmer, Mrs. Briggs (Olivia), Mi s
Emma Janes, and "Miss Grunuy"'
are well known to all newspaper
readers-. A lady is the livc-.ifock
reporter on thc'Ncw Y"ork Tt,r.,
and two ladies, Mrs. Lyman ar.d
Miss Nellie Hutchinson, hold im
portant positions on the rrgular
staff of tho Tribune. There aro
many things about a newspaper
women can do as wo!l and oven
better than a man, and women nrs
fast finding this out and making
their wav into the ranks of journal
ism. Cleveland Herald.
Slow I-'ircw anil fjulclc 3)csxrc
fion. romei)ouv ougnt io ptiolisli a
household tract, audnd vise peoj !
to kindle their fires with g'ln'iv.
der, instead f kerosene. It wit'd
be vastly safer indeed, for the a'i..
powder only explodes, and then is
dom; with it, and if it blows out tho
windows and doorp, or takes off a
leg or an arm, or puts out an eye,
that is all there is of if. and people
know what to expect. But the ker
osene not only explode, but takes
fire, and its burning vapor is prcty
sure death to the woman who trie
this sort of kindling. It i.s a very
easy thing to tilt what is left in the
lamp or the oil-can right ov?rti.e
coals to make a blaze when the fire
i3 low, but the hospital ambulauri
and the coroner's inquest are prtty
sure to follow. The most siekenin x
of all horrors, being burned alive,
the natural outcome of this hurry
ing up of slow fires by the citikk
kindling of kerosene, but every wo
mn that tries it ought to know tint
she would be a good deal safer in
the front ofa battle than behind tho
kerosene can in such an experiment.
Philadelphia Ledyer.
A Joke ili'.U. lilvtmd.
Some practical jokes act on the
joker liko a rusty gun. One nighi
a smart young man, who lives iii a
certain city, found a toad liopp'i ,
around iu the garden, and though
it would be a capital joke to pat it
in a table drawer and let it hop out
suddenly and frighten bis wif.
Before be closed the drawer he was
called into an adjoining room, nn.l
forgot all about the toad, which,
during the night, hopped out on t!i2
floor, and, crawling into a vscar.t
boot, pas9f d a pleasant ui''ht of is.
The next morning the honsehold
was horrified by shrieks of mascu
line distress, and an old woman on
the other side of the street, going
homo from markot, was knocked
nearly senseless by a flying boot
that came crashing through the front
window. The smart man said th:s
custom of nlavinir practical iokes on
people was as dangerous as it was
foolish, and it he over caught any
body fooliug around hi3 boots a tin
with toads, or anything etjc, Io
would teach them a salutary lesson .
Lord Eldon's idea of the best way
f study law was "to live like a
hermit and work like a horao."